#Me riding on Rhino's back: can we get fast food? || Rhino smashing into a hotdog stand and still going: Fast and food. || Me: Thanks mom
hollowsart · 2 years
Hey quick question! So does your Spider-Sona do quips? Quips in the sense of , "How much are you guys getting paid? Asking for a friend"
Since Spider-Man does them I wanted to know if yours did too, xxx thank you!
I'm not great at jokes lol but I would probably try if an opportunity showed itself. As well.. where Peter would insult, I would be more forgiving.
He tends to talk/act now and think later, and while I may do the same on occasion, I'm more of the think now and talk/act later type. (Side effect of anxiety? Most likely, yeah)
But also, yeah, that example you gave sounds about right lol
Here's some comparison examples of my own vs Peter:
Peter @ Kingpin: -making crude offensive jokes about his weight and size-
Me @ Kingpin: -sincerely impressed by his sheer height, compliments, but also asks questions that may or may not be taken as "flattery" by the man-
Peter @ Mysterio: -Aggitating Beck by mocking his work and him and always calling him names, literally pushing the man further into wanting to commit an actual murder and NOT feel remorse-
Me @ Mysterio: -goes with the flow, laughs at any funny comments Beck throws out or his over dramatic quips of his own, noting recognitions of references or at least similarities to movies and is genuinely in awe-
Peter @ Vulture: -Making jokes at the expense of his age and health (sometimes concerned for his age and health, depends on story)-
Me @ Vulture: -genuine concern for his well-being, very understanding, trying to avoid an air battle, trying to talk to him in a civilized way instead-
Peter @ Electro: -knows what happened, but STILL cracks insensitive jokes and mockery-
Me @ Electra: -sincere empathy and many attempts to verbally deescalate the situation, maybe a subject change to distract her mind-
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