#Mccree x Hanzo
trixeclipse · 2 years
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Was it something I said?? ❤️✨
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cabanaren · 2 years
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(Bonus panels: not impressed)
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mado008 · 7 months
The first part, I don’t know if the second is needed🤷‍♀
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sketchy-doge1 · 1 year
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A lil work in progress while I rethink my life decisions <3
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targetoverboard · 4 months
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hi im gonna actually use tumblr cuz twitter is hashtag insufferable
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daisukes-diary · 1 year
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dreamy-melody · 1 year
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inspired by @zinobi 's post ! ♡
// I don't like how it came out but I'll post it anyway (〃>_<〃)
his ribbon (?) is tied from underneath so it kinda looks like a headband lololol I can't draw ~
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blukrown · 2 years
Purge It From Your Mind (NSFW)
Cole Cassidy/Hanzo Shimada (Yeehan)
Cole Cassidy had a problem. A problem that was about the size and weight of a Japanese archer that had him distracted on missions and his mind always wandering. After all, how could he not?
Read it on AO3 here
WARNING! This fic features - Sexual acts
Cole Cassidy had a problem. A problem that was about the size and weight of a Japanese archer that had him distracted on missions and his mind always wandering. After all, how could he not?
Hanzo Shimada was a man of steel and trained-wit, poise and elegance. Cole always found himself looking to Hanzo in the shooting range. Hoping to catch a glance of well-earned muscles pulling taught as it pulled back the bow’s string. Watching his fingers graze the tail end of the arrow, tracing over the artificial feathers before he let them fly. Trying not to ogle at Hanzo’s state of dress, which often had one side of his torso revealed to show off one of the man’s well-toned pecs and nipple, which was almost like a target for Cole’s eyes to shoot straight to.
Cole had had thoughts of the less savory sort about the archer too. Wanting to see if his skin coloured when he was embarrassed or lustful. Wondering how big he was beneath his traditional robes. Dreaming of laying waste to those soft lips by kisses or something even more unsavoury.
After a month of Hanzo’s presence haunting him. Cole knew this had to stop. He would be a liability on missions and just more of a bumbling fool if he did not get this archer out of his head.
But he did not have to worry, as he already had a well-concocted plan that had already proved successful several times.
When Cole’s eyes began to wander and daydream of things not appropriate for the current arrangement, Cole Cassidy made an illicit arrangement.
It worked with Ashe when he was in the Deadlock Gang and with Gabriel when he was in Blackwatch.
The strategy was for Cole to fuck these thoughts out of his system. One night, to indulge in these desires and then it was like he had never had the urge in the first place. Once the deed was done, he would preface the arrangement as a one-off sort of thing and then Cole and the person who had been occupying his mind would become amicable once again.
So it came to be that one night, after a successful mission, the team had drinks back at base. Winston’s usual strict no alcohol or drugs policy had been wavered thin by things like Cole’s cigars and Lucio’s blunts. So Winston had thrown the policy out the door after a lot of pleading from a few of the newer recruits.
The perfect opportunity.
With liquid courage in both him and Hanzo, he would have a perfect in for conversation of the less professional variety.
Cole had a few beers and some of Tjorbjorn’s well-bragged whisky, while he could see Hanzo sipping at wine and shots of soju with Hana and Genji.
As some of the older members like Ana, Soldier: 76 and Reinhardt started retreating and some of the younger members were now all too distracted by the holo-screen and some racing game to notice, Cole made his approach.
Hanzo, at this point, was sitting at one of the tables in the rec room by the windows. There was no moonlight but the dulled artificial lights of the kitchen to light up the archer’s face to see he was looking outside. He looked contemplative, with a slight furrow of his brow nonetheless, he at least looked peaceful. Cole had the thought to not bother him, there would be other opportunities but Hanzo looked away from the window just as Cole had paused his approach.
“Cassidy,” Hanzo said with a polite nod of the head, acknowledging his presence.
Cole pulled from his collection a smaller but still cocky smirk as he took a few steps further forward to hover at Hanzo’s table. “Evenin’ Shimada.” He said, giving an out-of-habit tip of the hat.
“Is there something you need from me this evening?” Hanzo asked, one of his hands reaching out to the empty soju glass and rolling it by the base of the glass.
Cole let out a huff of a chuckle, “What, I can’t come over and join you in your silent contemplation?”
“No, but I have a sense that is not the reason,” Hanzo says, his handsome eyes looking unflinchingly into his.
Cole let out another chuckle and he found himself lifting his flesh hand to stroke his beard in an awkward fidget. “Ye got me there.” For a moment he paused his usual routine at this point stunted by Hanzo’s dept perceptive eyes.
His grin grew as he placed his mechanical hand down on the table and leaned, allowing his hip to touch the table in a self-assured way to enter Hanzo’s personal space. “I was curious to see if you wanted some company tonight, someone to warm your bed perhaps?” Cole’s grin only widened as he found his edge again.
He had expected Hanzo to blush, to avert his eyes, to bluster out surprise, or some combination of all three. But instead, one of Hanzo’s eyebrows arched.
“And you are offering yourself, cowboy?” Hanzo asked, steeled face loosening into the smallest of smirks.
Cole felt his skin warm, surprised by the sudden flirtation in Hanzo’s voice. He gave a small but distinct nod. “O-Of course. How could I not? You were lookin’ mighty fine in the field today. Must admit I couldn’t keep my eyes offa you.”
Hanzo seemed, shockingly, unperturbed. As if Cole was talking about the weather rather than offering him sex.
“Well,” Hanzo began as he stood from his chair. “Shall we meet at your quarters in an hour, then?”
Cole’s veneer almost broke at how casual Hanzo took up his invite but he did not lose face. “Sounds like a plan, partner.”
Hanzo gave him another graceful nod, taking his glass to the sink on his way.
Cole heard Genji from the couch, where he had been pleading with Hana to let him choose the map, when he must have seen his older brother leave. “Nii-san, going to bed so soon?” Genji called with his partially mechanized voice.
“Indeed, I wish to rest for I may be doing some physical endeavours.” His eyes glancing to Cole where he still stood at the table by the window.
“Training?” Genji replied, and then let out a small chuckle. “You never rest, do you, brother?”
Hanzo did not oblige the question with an answer, only giving another bow-like nod to the room at large before making his exit.
One tenuous, painful, snail’s paced hour went by.
Cole had retreated to his quarters and quickly ensured his bed and room were neat, thereby leaving him about 50 minutes left. He then went to the balcony just from his quarters for a cigar, which had him at 20 minutes. A quick toilet break took it to 15 minutes. Cole could have sworn his clock was broken or just mocking him as it slowly climbed up the numbers. Just as the clock clicked to an hour since Cole’s offer, and he was considering going to get a bottle of water from the kitchen fridge, when there was a knock at the door.
Cole shot up from where he had been laying on his back on the bed. Quickly checked one last time that his quarters were in acceptable condition, then got to the door. Unsurprisingly and right on time, Hanzo stood on the other side. Instead of his field gear, which he had still worn at the spontaneous party earlier, he had dressed down.
He now wore a skivvy-like turtleneck that held tight to his body and his distinct frame, along with cargo pants that were belted up higher on his waste. He looked . . . nice. Was the most controlled thing Cole could think of as his eyes tried not to stare at how his nipples pointed hard through the fabric.
Cole must have paused at the door as Hanzo raised an eyebrow, “May I come in?”
“Wha- Oh, hah, yeah by all means.” Cole blustered, feeling his face tingling with warmth as he stepped aside to allow Hanzo entrance.
Hanzo took a few steps in and allowed his eyes to look over the quarters before turning back to Cole.
Before he could pull out one of his several lines of lewd suggestions or cocky quips, Hanzo was stepping towards him. Cole was surprised to feel himself step back until his back was to the adjacent wall. Hanzo’s hands took to either side of Cole, impeding any possible exit.
Cole must have appeared surprised as Hanzo’s eyebrows furrowed. “Are you sure this is what you want, Cassidy?”
Cole let out a small laugh, trying to pull his swagger from where he must have dropped it. “Of course, darlin’. What about you?”
“Of course. The only other question I must ask is, how far would you prefer this interaction to go?” Hanzo’s voice was strong and certain, serious but not concerned.
“As far as you’ll let me have.” Cole quickly replied, trying to find some way to put Hanzo on the back foot.
“Then I will have you in many ways,” Hanzo said before he leaned forward, raising himself on his toes partially to take Cole’s mouth into a kiss.
Cole was surprised by the certainty of Hanzo’s lips. Unflinching and confident as they grazed his own. He could feel Hanzo’s beard tickle his cheek but that only reeled him in more. Lips gilded and Cole was - although very much enjoying it - trying to find how to get the reigns back on this. He took both hands to both sides of Hanzo’s waist, enjoying the feeling of strength in the muscles but also the small sizzle of lust as he realized how small his waist was.
Hanzo gave Cole’s bottom lip a playful nibble as his own smooth but finger-tip calloused hands came to his face. One cupped the side of Cole’s face to keep him close, urging him to stay and deepen the embrace. The other went to the back of his head, carding through the back of Cole’s mussed hair.
Cole restrained a shiver, very much enjoying those thoughtful hands, finally, on him. Trying to get back on top, Cole let his tongue dash out and was very quickly greeted by Hanzo’s own. Appearing like he was losing the fight by the kiss, he may still win the war by touch. The hands at either of Hanzo’s hips pulled the archer closer until they were chest to chest.
He could hear a huff of air come from Hanzo’s nose, clearly not bothered by the gesture. Cole made a grunting noise of his own when one of Hanzo’s knees went between either of Cole’s legs in a round-a-bout but very intentional way. Cole’s crotch, although awakened already by now, started heating as it felt the friction of Hanzo’s knee. This only being exacerbated when Hanzo, carefully, tugged at the hair between his fingers.
Cole let out another moan, surprising even himself that he enjoyed it. Let himself reel in the sensations of a deepening and growingly messy kiss and Hanzo’s well-calculated touch. But he could not allow Hanzo to keep leading, this was not how it was supposed to go. He was supposed to lead, which would allow him to get this lustful-crotch demon to release the grip Hanzo had on his mind.
He used the hands-on Hanzo’s hips to usher them away from the wall, in the direction of the bed. His hands tugged at Hanzo’s turtleneck until his hands pulled away from him to lift to allow it to vanish from his person.
As they reached the bed, Cole was ready to have Hanzo fall on his back and to go on top of him. Thereby by the de facto leader and for this all to get back on track. But, once again, Hanzo had other plans. Just at the last moment, Hanzo swivelled them both around until it was Cole’s back to the mattress, not the archers. And without even breaking their lips apart, Hanzo gracefully climbed on top to sit in Cole’s lap.
Heart beating fast in his chest in both lust-related excitement but also adrenaline, Cole could not help but chuckle. “I’m impressed.” He uttered through tongues and lips, objectively giving Hanzo a compliment for the maneuver.
Hanzo actually pulled away from the kiss, allowing both men to take large breaths. “Do not think that I am so easily swayed to subservience, cowboy,” Hanzo said, voice far more gravelly than Cole was expecting and the use of the nickname all going straight to his cock, which was already beginning to tent in his slack jeans.
Cole let out another singular huff of a laugh, “Duly noted, darlin’.” Was all he could muster before Hanzo recaptured his lips.
This time, the kiss was rougher, even more messy and Cole did not resist. Although this was not as he planned, he was beginning to like this assertive, taking what he wants, Hanzo. It was something that Cole would not have expected from the archer.
Both of Hanzo’s hands retreated back to Cole’s hair, combing through and taking a very fine grip. Not to tug but to pull till it was felt and Cole did not restrain a grunt in silent pleased acknowledgement. Cole’s own hands retreated to Hanzo’s hips, jostling the archer only slightly in his open lap to align Hanzo’s firm ass with Cole’s burgeoning erection. It was then Cole had considered something. Maybe Hanzo wanted to top? Afterall, he had pretty much unofficially taken the reigns to the rodeo. Perhaps this meant Cole would be receiving more ways than one? Cole had been the bottom a few times before but he had not prepared for that likelihood tonight.
But his thoughts were dashed as he felt Hanzo hips roll above him, rubbing his rear against Cole’s crotch to great effect, as it appears to both of them. They both pulled their lips away to let out simultaneous moans of pleasure.
Just to affirm his suspicions, Cole squeezed Hanzo’s hips, not to stop his grinding motions back and forth but to grab his attention. “You want me to take top?”
Hanzo had lowered his head to rest his forehead on the mattress below, his lips and facial hair tickling the nape of Cole’s neck.
“If you wish it,” Hanzo murmured, his voice low and only for Cole’s keened ears as his hips continued their gyrations. “I had prepared for such a possibility.”
The thought of Hanzo having spent the past hour preparing in such a way. Perhaps fingering himself to widen his hole out but not cumming just for the possibility of being fucked by Cole was something that - Cole Cassidy would not admit - nearly tipped him over the edge.
Biting on the inside of his cheek to keep from ending far too soon, Cole still let out a grunt at the thought. “W-Well, we better start movin’ along.”
“Indeed.” Hanzo almost whispered. His dept fingers lowering from Cole’s head to reach for the hem of Cole’s shirt.
Obliging, Cole arched his back, allowing Hanzo to push his shirt up his body and over his head to vanish to the floor somewhere. The archer’s hands then from neck to shoulders, dragged his calloused fingers over his chest, running over his pecs and down his stomach. Eliciting a visible shiver as Cole felt Hanzo’s lips kiss his neck.
Hanzo’s hands did not pause, intent on a mission Cole was very keen to continue. Without even looking, and impressing Cole, Hanzo undid the belt, button and fly of Cole’s pants in one swift motion. Waiting only for Cole to lift his hips up to ruck the jeans down to his ankles and to kick them off his feet to the floor.
Cole, no longer fighting for dominance only to continue things right along, took to Hanzo’s pant waistband but found he had far more difficulty undoing the almost mocking top button.
“Lil’ help, darlin’?” Cole said gruffly, knowing he would only make a fool of himself if he continued.
“Not to worry,” Hanzo murmured, lifting his head to take Cole’s lips on his own as the archer’s fingers replaced his own. Easily, the pants loosened and, with quick succession, also disappeared.
Now both only in their underwear, the friction that Hanzo continued by his rolling hips against Cole’s cock, now through his briefs, was far more noticeable.
Hanzo, still kissing Cole managed to muster, “Would you like me to keep going? I could also use my hand.”
The thought made Cole’s cock twitch against Hanzo’s ass. Cole could only manage a nod and a, “Yeah.”
Hanzo readjusted himself a bit further back on Cole’s lap and Cole could very easily see Hanzo’s own tented excitement through his rather immodest jock strap.
Hanzo’s teasing hands, did a similar dragging to the fingertips down Cole’s chest only this time on the sides. Apart from ticklish, it was almost mocking as the archer took his sweet time before his hands grazed the waists and of Cole’s briefs. Almost as if Hanzo wanted him to feel his fingers and familiarise himself with his touch before going below.
Cole’s hips could but help but buck, urging Hanzo to go over his clothes, just for another scant touch.
Hanzo must have noticed this as he let out a chuckle. “You’re quite impatient.” He said in an observant whisper as he came lower to kiss where his jaw and neck met.
“Y-You’d be surprised what you’ve been doin’ to be so far -.” Cole mumbled before a grunt interrupted as he felt Hanzo playfully bite down on the skin of his neck. His lips then enfolded the abused skin in an open kiss and sucked it, urging the skin to colour into a bruise.
Hanzo lifted his head back to Cole’s face to take back his lips again as his hand, finally, slipped below the cloth of the briefs to touch him.
His hand trailed from base to tip, not holding him in a handful but rather cupping the length. Hanzo’s fingers reached the tip where his thumb rubbed over the slit, spreading the droplet of precum that was beginning to tear.
Cole bit down on his bottom lip to hold back a groan as Hanzo took his length into a solid grip. At a steady pace, he dragged the excess skin up and down to great satisfaction on Cole’s end. So much so his end was coming too close for comfort that he took to grab at Hanzo’s wrist.
“S-Sorry.” Cole grumbled into the kiss. “I ain’t gonna last much longer if you were to continue, darlin’.”
Hanzo realised his touch on Cole’s cock and sat up in the cowboys lap.
It was then that Cole got a full view of Hanzo and, boy, he had to wonder how he was going to forget and move on from this night.
Cole had kept on the inbuilt bedside lamp to provide some tempered lighting and he could only thank himself for doing so. Hanzo's face was a stoic mask apart from his cheeks that were dusted pink and his darkening lips from unbridled kissing, the archer may have looked just as he was any other day. At close examination, Hanzo’s hair was gradually falling from its bun, some locks falling down his face. Going down, Cole had seen Hanzo’s bare chest before but up close it was something else. Strong pectoral muscles and the dash of visible abs only emphasised the difference between the archer’s broad shoulders and his tapered waist. And then there was Hanzo’s underwear. Cole had felt a strap when they had been disrobbing but he was still surprised to see Hanzo in a rather bold navy blue jock strap. Hanzo’s cock stood firm and erect, straining against the fabric. As well as, to Cole’s delight, dampening at the spot where the tip of Hanzo’s member pressed painfully to the cloth. He did not hide the direction of his eyes as he looked over the delectable sight.
“Shall we continue on? Or should I just sit here and you can continue ogling me?” Hanzo said with only a twinge of impatience in his voice.
“Sorry,” Cole said, sitting up. “You can’t blame me though.”
Hanzo only let out a soft huff, moving off of Cole as he moved up the bed. Now with his back supported by the wall and a few pillows, Cole gestured for Hanzo to rejoin him, which the archer did without pause.
“Now,” Cole said, welcoming the feeling of Hanzo’s ass against his cock. “Where were we?”
“I believe you were about to fuck me, I was not mistaken,” Hanzo said bluntly.
Cole could not help but snort at the honesty and he felt Hanzo softly hit the side of his arm, clearly not impressed.
“Sorry, sorry,” Cole said, pressing his lips together to quell a full laugh. “I-I am just surprised that you're so . . . so brazen.”
“Oh?” Hanzo asked, crossing his arms over his chest as a single eyebrows rose.
“N-Not that it's a bad thing.” Cole hastily explained. “I was just not expecting it from you . . .”
“What, did you think I was going to be a blushing maiden?” Hanzo said, his tone almost joking but when he saw Cole’s face he frowned. “Well, you’re not the first.”
“Again, I don’t mind.” Cole consoled the archer. “Sorry about ruining the mood.”
Hanzo let out a small huff of a laugh, “Oh please, you would have probably ruined the mood in some other way, anyway.”
Cole let out a mocking gasp of hurt, “Presumptuous and domineering, really surprising me here Shimada.”
“And you’re annoying me, Cassidy,” Shimada said tursly.
Cole let out a chuckle, “Alright, alright. I’ll stop.” He let his flesh hand reach to touch Hanzo’s cheeks and he was silently pleased to feel the archer lean into the touch. “C’mere.” He urged, his voice lower as his hand urged Hanzo’s face down to him.
Hanzo’s look of bitterness softened to something Cole could not describe as they kissed again.
Cole surprised even himself to find their kiss this time was beginning tenderly. Soft and patient. Both mouths caressing and pressing to the other in a way that was not necessarily lustful but still made goosebumps rise on Cole’s forearms.
Within a few minutes, however, the kiss grew more heated and the hands of both men started to wander again.
Cole was pleased to feel a hand creep up to card in his hair again, holding Cole close to the archer as Hanzo took the lead. Guiding him in a kiss that soon included tongue and the occasional nip of teeth.
Cole’s hands adventured from hips to Hanzo’s behind, giving the two sets of muscles an experimental squeeze. He heard Hanzo grunt against him, arching his back and rotating his hips to grind against Cole’s front again.
After a few moments, Cole reluctantly pulled his lips away to grunt out. “Bedside table, there’s- uh lube and condoms in the top drawer.” Knowing he could not reach it, he offered the directions to Hanzo to do with them as he will.
The archer did not say a word, pulling away for only a few moments to stretch out to find the needed items. In those moments, Cole got an enjoyable little sight of Hanzo’s back. He got to see the muscles ripple and tighten as they stretched and turned not dissimilar over the pulling of the string of a bow.
Cole reached out to take the bottle and wrapped condom but Hanzo held them. “May I?” The archer asked, husky-voiced but polite as ever.
“By all means,” Cole responded, leaning back to watch and help if need be.
Hanzo put the bottle aside and put the wrapper between his teeth but did not open it just yet. His hands reached to Cole’s underwear and with a look to him, that warranted no objection, made quick moves to remove the last article of clothing as well as his own.
Hanzo was quick to rip the wrapping and with dept hands placed the condom right side up on the tip of Cole’s cock and down the length. The touch was a welcome one and Hanzo, kindly, let him savour it. The archer allowed his wrists to do a few jerks of his member before he occupied himself with the lube.
Cole hid his small feeling of discomfort as the cool lube touched the outer casing of his condom-covered length and welcomed Hanzo’s hand on his cock as he spread the drizzle along it.
Cole’s heartbeat was loud in his ears but he could still hear Hanzo as, after a dashing kiss, asked, “Ready?”
“Whenever you are, darlin’,” Cole replied, managing a grin as he watched on.
Hanzo, all while facing Cole, rose high on his knees, his hand reaching behind him to direct Cole’s length as he lowered. He kept the hands he held at Hanzo’s hips tense but not tight, conveying the thrill that sent blood down to Cole’s member to make it twitch. He felt Hanzo’s puckered entrance greet the tip and Cole bit the inside of his mouth, his mind going ahead of himself as it conjured just what to expect beyond. Hanzo, either truly very prepared or very eager or both, lowered with quick ease and - in one clean motion - descended until bottoming out.
Cole let his head roll on his shoulders as he felt a groan rumble in his throat and through his mouth. The hands on Hanzo’s hips squeezed as he gave himself a moment to take in the sensation of being inside the archer. Hanzo was tight but not discomforting, warm yet solid. And when Hanzo gave an experimental squeeze, the archer did not hide the smallest of smirks as he saw Cole moan.
“F-Fuck,” Cole moaned, raising his head to try for a cocky smile. “You really have surprised me tonight.”
“And I will continue if you will let me,” Hanzo replied, not looking too worse for wear apart from his chest rising and falling in quick succession.
“Please do,” Cole said, trying his best not to sound too pleading.
Hanzo reached and put both hands on either of Cole’s shoulders as a brace point and Cole could not deny the enjoyment of feeling Hanzo’s hard-pressing hands against him.
The archer was careful as he lifted his hips, although the muscles obliging, the entrance was tight and reluctant causing it to be very gratifying in Cole’s most lustful of opinions. Just as Cole’s tip was about to feel to cool air of the bedroom, Hanzo dropped taking him all back in with one fell swoop. Both men gasped and groaned at the sensation and paused just for a second. Cole had the urge to say another quip but kept it to himself, finding he did not want to distract Hanzo.
Hanzo let out a heavy breath, the fingers at Cole’s shoulders squeezing experimentally as he began a pace. Although not as dramatic a thrusting as the first, Hanzo created a good and gratifying rhythm. Lifting his hips slowly, dragging Cole’s cock against an inner wall that made Hanzo almost whimper. Then dropping with gravity quickly, pressing Cole’s member as deep and as hard as comfortably possible to, in Cole’s suspicions, press on the most desirable of spots.
Cole let himself be used by Hanzo, which he found he actually quite enjoyed. Almost being a viewer as he spectated Hanzo lay waste to his ass by riding Cole’s cock. Hanzo was soon out of breath but determined, brunting the bulk of the work but to his own detriment. Cole soon felt the hands at his shoulders begin to shake as overexertion and pleasure seemed to be threatening him to lose his inner beat.
Cole took a firmer grip on Hanzo’s hips, not pulling him or tugging him but to steady what he was about to do. As, to help both of them reach their cusp, Cole started to thrust upwards just as Hanzo came down. Each time Cole wanted all the more to press to that pleasurable place.
Cole could feel his end nearing, feel it in the tightening in his balls and the soft pleasing ache at the tip of his cock. He was looking forward to his end, feeling his climax crash over him and seeing it take hold of Hanzo.
His hands gripped tightly on Hanzo’s thighs, urging to keep going but uttering a warning. “H-Han, I’m gettin’ close.” His voice was gruff and faltering as the wave of his end kept building
Cole watched with great satisfaction as Hanzo bit his bottom lip screwing his eyes shut in focus. His forehead was shimmering with sweat at the exercise. Clearly wishing to quicken his own end, he took a hand from Cole’s shoulder and reached down. Taking his own cock in hand, he started pumping himself hastily. Unlike his hips which were still rolling in that same mirthful rhythm, the archer’s hand was feverish, uncaring of patience.
The sight of this, seeing Hanzo at his most vulnerable, cock in hand and inside him all the while becoming a sweaty and blissful mess, had Cole climaxing. He could not help but squeeze Hanzo’s hips to the point of bruising, his toes curling and his back arching. His hips bucked rather unceremoniously as he pumped as much of his own ejaculant as deep as possible into Hanzo.
As Cole was slowly coming down from his own high, he could, through bleary eyes, see Hanzo reach his own.
Hips ceasing when Cole finished, Hanzo's hand desperately jerked his own length until he crashed. The hand that was still on Cole’s shoulder squeezed so hard he felt Hanzo’s nails dig into the skin. Cum then spilled into Hanzo’s and on Cole’s stomach. His insides tightening so firmly that, if Cole had not cum before, he would have most certainly then. The archer then let out one long moan, fading off into a heavy sigh as his body soon loosened.
The archer, still with Cole inside him, lowered till he was laying on top of the other man. Both of their chests heaving and  sticking to each other thanks to the post-coital sweat. For a moment there was silence as breathing evened and their body temperature soon cooled.
Cole was only partly disappointed as Hanzo sat up and soon unseated himself around Cole’s cock.
“There’s a towel that you can use by the door,” Cole offered, pointing. He would get it himself but his legs had started to fall asleep and were tingling with pins and needles.
Hanzo was quick to get up and return with the rag, wiping himself clean as he stood. Cole let out a grunt as he sat up, pulling the condom carefully off his now limpening cock. He then tied the end and threw it in the bin by the bed. Hanzo had rejoined him on the bed by now and, in silent offering, used the rag to wipe the archer’s cum off Cole’s stomach.
“Did you . . .” Cole began awkwardly, “Did you enjoy yerself?”
There was a glimmer in Hanzo eye of surprise as a small but meaningful smile took to his lips. “I did, yes. And you?”
“Y-Yeah of course,” Cole replied quickly, pulling his own hair aside to wipe at his sweaty brow with a hand.
There was then silence. And Cole realized that this was when everything was to go back to normal. He had had his fun, although not in the way he had first imagined. Cole could go back to not having the archer occupy his thoughts every second of every day and all would be right again. . . But would it? His own mind asked him.
Cole could not help but look to Hanzo. The archer was still naked and was seated neatly beside him, skin not quite touching but COle could feel the heat from Hanzo's skin.
Cole was wondering just what to say to Hanzo, whether to ask him to leave or to stay, when Hanzo spoke first.
“May I inquire whether this is intended to be a solutary occasion or . . . something ongoing?” Cole was surprised to hear hesitancy in Hanzo’s voice. The archer did not look up from where his gaze lay on his own hands.
“Uhm . . .” Cole said dumbly, “What do you think?”
Hanzo looked up to give him a look of annoyance, clearly a bit off-put being asked to offer his thoughts up first even thoguht he was the one to ask. The archer's eyes looked between Cole’s own as if trying to read him before he made his reply. “I would think this could be the first of an ongoing arrangement.”
Cole licked his lips, averting from Hanzo’s gaze to let his mind think. This was supposed to end here. They were supposed to go back to normal, never to talk about it nor pursue something similar again. But he felt a faint twinge somewhere in his chest. Hanzo had surprised him in many ways, simple curiosity had him faltering as well as something more . . . Something Cole did not wish to acknowledge just yet.
Fuck it.
“I was thinkin’ something along the same lines as that actually.” Cole finally answered, looking to Hanzo and giving him a smaller but bright grin.
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amaihoneybug · 2 years
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cassidyscalm · 1 year
Hello! Not sure how open these types of things are on tumblr but I’m lookin for a long term ish roleplay partner if anyone’s interested!
I’m generally looking for a yeehan / mchanzo one! I can play either character, and I’m open to most anything and or plot. If anyone’s interested feel free to dm me, I’m also good to take it to a different app!
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Overwatch RP anyone?
Since playing overwatch 2 it has really sparked back up that flame in me from OW 1.
Don’t know what I’m really looking for tbh but I would like to do an AU instead of overwatch verse or something. I have a basic understanding of characters but not exactly the story line anymore!
I’d like to do a ship rp <3 that could be fun.
19+ plz.
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trixeclipse · 2 years
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Everything's going to be ok
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cabanaren · 2 years
They rot my mind 24/7 and I am absolutely not complaining about it-
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mado008 · 3 months
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dramaticngay · 4 months
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silly yeehan doodle
( im not good at shading dont come at me )
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cherryrainn · 1 year
cuddle headcanons with our beloved cole cassidy, hanzo shimada, and junkrat!
☽ ༚  ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰  ༵ ༚ ༵ ۰ ✧ ۰ 
— cuddle chronicles
cuddle headcanons with cassidy, hanzo and junkrat.
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when cuddling with cassidy, you'd find yourself enveloped in his strong arms, feeling his warmth and the sense of security he exudes.
he might pull you closer, as if shielding you from the world, his calm presence making you feel safe.
cassidy can be quite playful with those he's close to. while cuddling, he might crack a joke or make a lighthearted remark, his signature cowboy charm shining through.
his calloused fingers would trace patterns on your back, their roughness contrasting with his gentle touch. it's as if he's silently reassuring you that he's there.
cassidy's occasional cocky attitude might manifest even during cuddle time. he might smirk and playfully boast about how he's 'the best cuddler in the west', all while squeezing you closer to him.
he might rest his chin on top of your head, his beard tickling your forehead.
just like he treats his weapons with care, cassidy treats you with gentleness and respect during cuddles.
cassidy might tilt your chin up to meet his gaze. his scarred eye holds a softness that's reserved only for you, and in that moment, you feel truly cherished.
tough cowboy on the outside, softie on the inside.
"you know you're stuck with me now, right?"
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hanzo's serious and introspective nature might extend to cuddling as well.
he's not one to initiate cuddles readily, but when he does, it's a significant gesture.
his cuddles are filled with warmth and security, a quiet way of showing how much he cares for you.
due to his reserved personality, hanzo prefers cuddling in more private settings. whether it's a quiet evening at home or a serene spot outdoors, he feels most at ease when it's just the two of you.
hanzo's strong arms provide a sense of protection as he holds you close. you can feel his muscles tense and relax as he adjusts his hold, making sure you're as comfortable as possible.
his touch is gentle yet firm, reflecting his disciplined nature.
hanzo's company is soothing, even if he doesn't say much. often, his cuddles are accompanied by a comfortable silence. the two of you might watch the sunset or simply listen to the sounds of nature, the silence speaking volumes about your connection.
hanzo's preference might be to lay down together, side by side. he'll often pull you close, your head resting on his chest, and he'll wrap his arm around you. feeling the steady beat of his heart and his rhythmic breathing can be incredibly calming.
hanzo might unconsciously run his fingers through your hair as you cuddle, a soothing and comforting gesture.
"thank you for being the unexpected light in my life."
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junkrat's not the typical cuddler, but he has his moments. cuddling with him might involve a tangle of limbs and explosions-themed plushies strewn about. he might grumble about it being too sappy, but his mischievous glint betrays his enjoyment.
despite his wild exterior, junkrat gives surprisingly warm hugs. he might not admit it, but his tight grip and genuine smile show he values physical closeness.
he'd create a cozy corner in his hideout for cuddling. piled high with pillows and blankets, it's an explosion-free zone where you both can unwind.
for all his bluster, junkrat can be surprisingly cautious with his touches. he'd hover his hand over your shoulder before committing to the cuddle, almost as if he's not sure how you'll react.
he'd absentmindedly play with your hair, fascinated by its texture and colors. his fingers are deft, his touch gentle despite his typically explosive nature.
junkrat's cuddles are accompanied by his distinctive laughter, which often manages to light up the room even more than his explosive devices.
while cuddling, he might tell you silly stories.
if he's awake during the night, he'd keep watch over you while you sleep. his protective side shows as he softly brushes his fingers across your cheek.
every now and then, you catch him in quieter moments of introspection, and he pulls you in for a cuddle that's surprisingly tender.
"don't think i've gone all mushy on ya now."
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