#Maybe it's Mr Senda who's the real Disney fan then! Hahahaha...
don-dake · 5 years
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「先日、俺様familyとDisney landへ行きました♬ Disneyに興味ない私たち😆 特に私は映画もほとんど見ないので、キャラクターも詳しくわからない。 でも、やはり夢の国✨」 [參照]
“The other day, went to Disneyland with the ‘Oresama Family’♬ (one of Asako's nickname is ‘oresama’). Although we don't really have an interest in Disney😆, especially when I don't watch their movies much and don't know the characters that well. But, it's still the ‘Dream Kingdom’ ✨”.
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