#Maybe I'm looking with rose tinited glasses
atypical-artisan · 8 months
hi there
so you've mentioned the video series about su you like. mind sharing a link? 👀
- erporo
EEE!!!! Hope you like long vids @erporo because these sure as hell are
So do you remember back a few years ago (About 2018 or so) a handful of people made a couple of bad-faith 'critiques' of Steven universe?
Well this guy, hiding in private, not only has done a rebuttal of the biggest 3 videos but has also decided to make a series going episode by episode to analyze the themes, characters, and story of Steven universe.
His opinions are AWESOME and such a breath of fresh air, esp if you're like me and like watching media analysis vids. SOme of the stuff he talked about I din't even realize about the series so it's just so cool to me!!
Anyways here are the rebuttal videos:
This one is almost fully about the 'steven universe is garbage' video:
And here's the start of the analysis series
Season 1:
He's only done season one so far and the next one won't be out for a while but DAMN is it a fun watch!!
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