#Maybe I should wait to continue - I don't feel awake enough to write very intelligently.
thewatercolours · 5 months
PART ONE - Replaying King's Quest, Chapter Four (2016)
OK - no promises I'll persevere, but I'll test the waters and see if the timing is good to play this one through.
Graham's pajama top has a little crown embroidered on it like a company logo.
He's also still got the freckle on his left ear.
The mobile over the crib has Triumph (of course), something brown and blobbish (possibly a goblin in armour? Weird,) Princess Peach, maybe(?), and Hornswaggle (seriously? Even had this been a compassion run, that would be a strange, strange choice.)
I detect a bunch of parents of small children among the devs.
The lullaby is a sweet moment.
I love the guard banter here. All the jokes about how the guards look exactly alike are good fun, even if there are a couple of moments in this conversation that make me have to come to terms with the fact that yes, not every guard with those voices are Nos 1 & 2.
The way Larry always hangs onto Kyle's helmet feather - like, how much support does that actually give you, good sir? Or is it more like holding the reins?
I don't quite know how to comment on Manannan's arrival. They do a good job building tension, and I think it makes the confrontation in the bedroom that much more tense to see this wizard just unleashing power to kill first, so we know the stakes. But they also went for shock value in ways that didn't entirely work for me (see Larry.) But I'm too tired to talk intelligently about it and it's mainly been discussed by those more eloquent anyhow.
Good callback to "bucketheads" for any players who are still piecing together that it's Manny (on top of his leitmotif, the green colour, the voice, the hints at the end of the last chapter... yeah, if you need "bucketheads" to help you figure it out, you might need to wait for Graham to say, "Manny?" in the next scene.)
Neese has got her eyes closed as Graham reaches over to touch her hair, but she smiles slightly in her maybe sleep by now, maybe not.
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