#Marriage Proposal Dubai
eventstan · 8 months
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Make your marriage proposal unforgettable with EventStan, the premier event planner in Dubai. Our team specializes in creating romantic and breathtaking experiences that will leave your partner speechless. From stunning venues to personalized touches, we handle every detail to ensure your proposal is nothing short of magical. Visit our website for inspiration and tips on planning the perfect proposal in Dubai.
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loustat-0 · 3 months
Rewatching 2x5 for the third time I came upon something that it would be interesting if some of the devil's minion happened more than we know .
The fact that Louis is lying to himself in the 70s that he doesn't want to see Lestat and he's not in love with him and he's just his maker and nothing more . And also in Dubai he tried to interpret his love for Lestat as the bond and the blood connection rather than accepting it on a true love and what he still aches for . He introduced Armand as " the love of my life " because somehow he doesn't have his great love with him anymore and he won't admit to it . He's performing as if he doesn't care much about Lestat both in the 70s and Dubai .
And now let's look at 70s Armand and Daniel looks and the way they talked to Dubai Armand and Daniel looks and conversations . Assuming Armand and Daniel did fall in love with each other and were together for some time / years then Armand is pretending too . Armand is also lying and fooling himself into believing he doesn't care about this guy . All he cares about is Louis now . As long as Louis believes I love him more than this guy or anyone else he would be fine and Daniel would be fine too . But what if he loses his act when something triggering happens to him that he remembers how much he was in love with Daniel ? What if remembering that will hurt him ? And that is why he pretended to be someone else and then he's now pretending to be all in Louis's service and in love with him . But sometimes he cracks open , his feelings become vivid about Daniel . 70s Armand didn't really care about him or if his feelings get hurt or if he was physically in danger . Hell he was the one who made him suffer and wanted to kill him . But now he pities him when he gets heartbroken over his wife rejecting his marriage proposal , he tries to calm Louis ( who is the current love of his life ) under control and asks him to stop , he gets so soft when he's alone with Daniel without Louis's presence , he gets interested and hunter mode when Daniel points to something about the fire in the theater but he doesn't do anything although he can definitely read his mind and know what's Daniel up to .
Armand just like Louis is lying to himself about his true love he's pretending . He's acting as if it's not important but with both Louis and Armand we can when they care when they get irritated and their facade disappears . I'm waiting until old Daniel becomes close to dying so that it finally hits Armand that this time he's definitely losing Daniel and then we see how much he really cares or not about Daniel .
Or is Daniel's parkinson even real ? Or is it what Armand made him believe he has ?
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
I didn't expect to see young Danny so slutty, I screamed when he proposed to Armand the option that he could "get on his knees" in exchange of his life... This just gives me idk, something about him trading sex for drugs and the whole history of Armand (Parallels? That's why Armand got interested in him?). And did I hear it correctly? Did Armand call him a hole while torturing him? Crazy
I also wonder what happened that he went so closed off now...
Yeah... I mean, it was a play on the "black hole" he called him before, but it surely was no coincidence there 😬
I think... I mean, Daniel was doing drugs, and he was probably open for a lot of things to get both the drugs and the stories.
But yeah, Armand very likely recognized an aspect of that, though for him it was not voluntary of course. It's more a mirror there, for them, but definitely does count into the fascination aspect.
And you mean the Daniel in Dubai?
The Daniel in Dubai was influenced via mind gift to more or less only care about his career, his writing. That is what him reading from the book is about.
That became his fix point. It was the basis for the spell.
That is why Daniel says he ruined two marriages, and his daughters.
I don't think we can really judge the Dubai Daniel wrt this aspect.
Because... ultimately? It's not the really, fully realized Daniel.
It's the Daniel Louis and Armand created after that night.
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showmey0urfangs · 4 months
Do you think Louis in Dubai already knows about Armand's role in what happens to Claudia? It would explain why he doesn't correct Armand when he says he never harmed him. I've seen so many contradictory theories about that but I believe their relationship is real, it's just not fully honest.
Hi Anon! That's the million dollar question, isn't it? We don't really have a definitive answer but for my part, I think Louis already knows. I'd much prefer if the show stuck to that bit of book canon.
IMO it makes for more interesting storytelling than to have some cheap dramatic reveal at the end where *gasp, [cue young & the restless music ♫] Louis ✨uncovers a treacherous betrayal✨ after living with the ♥︎love of his life™ for nearly 80 years. Shock and horror!!! What will Louis do next? Tune in on Sunday to find out...
I know Armand is one of, if not the, most powerful mind gift wielder but even he couldn't possibly maintain such a massive lie for that long. Especially not when he and Louis regularly exchange blood.
And as I've said so many times before, Interview With The Vampire is Louis' story and it's about him trying to come to terms with his own mistakes and how they contribute to the tragedies he suffers. Like almost all the books in the chronicles, It's more about internal conflict than about some external evil that the 'hero' must defeat to save the day and get the girl. Jacob sums it up perfectly in his recent Newsweek interview where he says;
❝ I think this season is quite a confronting at what happens when you really dig into your own culpability to things that that you felt you were the victim in or ways that you felt were wronged. And how much did you play a part in both fronts and responsibility you're really willing to take for your own actions and the way that you manifested your thoughts and feelings?Louis is way more powerful than he would ever admit, he is way more responsible for the tragedy of his own life than he would ever admit. ❞ 
I've seen some hints here and there about the angle the show might approach it from. For example, Armand and Santiago's official character bios which I find very interesting;
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This suggests they will initially paint Santiago as the sole villain and Armand as a helpless spectator (I could not prevent it and all that)
But ultimately, I think it's crucial to the story that Louis knows the truth AND chooses to stay with Armand anyway. In the same way he says yes to Lestat's marriage proposal in the church, after witnessing him go on a murder rampage. In the same way he invites Lestat back into their home after Lestat beats him to a pulp and nearly kills him in episode 5, and then tells Claudia to "do better" when she's less than thrilled about it. In the same way, he can't bring himself to burn Lestat in episode 7, even while knowing it puts Claudia in potential future danger if Lestat were to come after them—which btw, he does and his testimony is ultimately what seals her fate.
I could go on and on but the point is that Louis is a complex and flawed character, whose desires and self-imposed morality are completely at odds. I think this season will be all about revealing just how flawed Louis is and I for one cannot wait to see all of it.
And no, unlike 'some people', it's not because I need Louis to be revealed as an evil liar because then it 'puts him on an equal level with Lestat and so Lestat's not so bad. 🤡 It's because just like Jacob says, I believe we need to allow space for black and brown characters to also be complex, flawed and even problematic at times. Let's be monsters and enjoy it! That's what makes for good representation and that's what makes for interesting storytelling. And don't worry Jacob, I'll still love Louis at the end no matter what he does! ♥︎
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bandedbulbussnarfblat · 2 months
Hi again.😊 I've run into something... odd? when trying to figure out how to fit all twelve years of Devil's Minion into the show timeline. I'd really like your input.
So I'm trying to make sense of Daniel's "kids-and-marriage" timeline. Alice being his first wife and the car seat thing muddies it up for me.
According to gaypiratedivorce's Chronological timeline on Ao3, (found it through your bookmarks, so thank you❤), car seats became mandatory in America in 1986. The excerpt that Louis reads aloud from Daniel's memoir states: "I am in my Buick, staring in the rearview mirror at my daughter in the car seat, (...). My editor reminds me, it's seven years before car seats are mandatory. My ex-wife reminds me, I never owned a Buick." This means his first daughter was born before 1979. Based on Daniel's comment in 01x06, he was 20 years old in 1973, so he must have been a father by the age of 26.
We don't know whether the ex-wife referenced here is Alice or his unnamed second wife, but we do know that one of them must have been around already to remember what cars he owned (and didn't) at this time.
We also aren't given any indication if he was in any relationship with the mother of his eldest child at this time, or ever.
In 02x02 we learn that Alice told Daniel she was pregnant in 1985. From my understanding this was immediately after she had turned down his marriage proposal, so he and Alice are not married at this point. We are told that Alice was his first wife, so the second marriage happens sometime after this.
This makes the minimum age difference between Daniel's two daughters 6 years. His daughters don't appear to have the same mother, since when talking about Alice telling him she was pregnant in 1985, there was no indication that this would be their second child.
By June 2022, when the second interview takes place, he's twice divorced, with two daughters. His oldest daughter would have to be at least 43 years old when he goes to Dubai, and his youngest would be 37-38.
From 1979 to 1985 the only information we have about Daniel is: 1) he was working, (02x05: "I was never so messed up I couldn't hold down a job"); 2) he is not married; 3) timing of irl. law that might not be the one used in the show indicates that he already has a child, but we know nothing about them or their upbringing. Seems unlikely that he was a single father, but we know nothing about the mother.
Ok, so I have thoughts on this.
Like, first off, I think Armand was full of shit when he said Louis asked him to make him forget what happened in San Francisco. He said Louis asked three days later, after getting out of the shower. And there is no way he was healed up enough to take a shower in three days, even if he was slurping up Armand's blood often. he was only a vampire for 62 years. less than a century. the sun would burn the shit out of him. I think Louis had to do that thing vampires do in the book, and take a power nap for a few years.
Cue Armand being all alone. And he hates that. Plus, he still has to find out what makes Daniel fascinating. He literally said to Daniel in 2x05 'teach me how to be fascinating'. like that may not be the exact wording, but you know what i mean. so he starts to stalk daniel.
daniel, of course, does not remember him bc Armand literally mind-wiped him. all Daniel has is vague memories about being bitten. so maybe Armand goes on his whole 'i won't kill you as long as i find you interesting' bit. or maybe he says something else entirely different or nothing at all. until eventually they start to talk, and debate, and fight, and fall in love.
i think the chase timeline from the books was shortened, and Daniel and Armand were probably in a relationship by like, somewhere in the back half of 74 or the first half of 75. And I think it probably went from zero to sixty pretty fast.
based on what we know so far, we have no info on Daniel publishing anything from 1974-1978. So I think Daniel and Armand could have had a relationship those four years.
then something happens, and they break-up for awhile. (daniel had this thing about leaving then coming back in the books) so maybe during that time he meets Alice. Maybe even gets genuine feelings for her. And then he gets her pregnant sometime in 78, bc the kid is born by 79.
Daniel remembers a car seat. And while car seats weren't required, General Motors did make one in 1969. Here is a picture of what one looked like in 1977:
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And most people didn't really start using them to around the late 70s, when different states started making laws. So Daniel could have a car seat in his car in 79. Likely Alice's idea, not his, since he is literally buying drugs from some guy with his daughter in the car with him. Not dad of the year material.
Here's what I think, at some point Daniel's relationships with Alice and Armand overlapped. He remembers being in a Buick with his daughter in the back seat bc he was with Armand in a Buick at some point. Probably not with his daughter, but it could be possible. (There could be some scenario where he's taking care of the baby alone and Armand shows up and they go on a wacky adventure together. But that scenario probably only exists in my imagination.)
I don't believe Louis was aware of their relationship, bc he showed no real signs of remembering something like that. That means that Armand either hid it from him, or made him forget it. Maybe Louis was asleep through the whole thing, and Armand never told him about it.
Or maybe Louis did wake up. And his waking up put pressure on Armand and Daniel's relationship. Bc Armand would have to divide his time between them. Daniel isn't stupid, he probably figures out there's someone else. And maybe he demands that Armand make a choice. And Armand chooses Louis. But he wants to choose Daniel, only Daniel hasn't given him reason to trust him. Like, Daniel having a kid with someone else may have been enough to end the relationship.
I think the relationship with Alice comes after they break-up some time in 78. In the books, when Daniel becomes a vampire, he's 32 and has left Armand for six months. (It's also 1985 there, but roll with it) The longest he ever had. Some maybe he leaves Armand for an extended amount of time. It doesn't have to be six months, but it's probably at least two or three. And during that time he could have met Alice, been having his rebound fling with her. Then she gets knocked up. So you know, he sticks around for the kid. Kinda sorta. Bc he's still seeing Armand. I think that he would have to know about Louis, to bother starting a relationship with someone else. Bc the book says that him leaving is a thing that happens more than once. So maybe the first time he leaves is bc he finds out about Louis, and he meets Alice and knocks her up. Who knows? I think it's been left vague on purpose so they can tweak things as they need to. Or maybe he just takes up with Alice after leaving Armand 'for good'
I'm not entirely clear on the timeline. But I do believe something happened between Armand and Daniel sometime 1974-1978/79. At that point they either break up and Armand erases his memories.
Or their relationship shifts into an affair on both their ends. Like that line about them being secret lovers from the book is taken literally. Daniel has Alice and Armand has Louis. But they can't quit each other, and keep seeing each other secretly. Daniel proposes to Alice in 85 and she says no. Probably bc Daniel was a shitty boyfriend. As one tends to be when they are in love with someone else.
But he likely does propose bc she's pregnant. After he's 'gotten his shit together' I can imagine his not marrying Alice after getting her pregnant the first time is something that could have caused resentment from Alice. Maybe she implied she wanted Daniel to propose before this. Maybe she didn't trust him bc she suspected he was cheating. But I do think that Daniel didn't propose until after he lost his memories of Armand.
So like, somewhere between 78-85 Daniel and Armand break up for the final time. But exactly when I'm not sure.
But I am 100% sure that Armand is going to fuck that old man. They are going to get together. And I will feel that comes from seeing something I've shipped over two decades kiss on screen. Or like, bite each other.
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hawkeyejrhuntress · 8 months
Bishova Valentine's Day Smutty Prompts
Prompts, Challenges and Ideas for the Bishova fanfiction community to use for Vday 2024. Ideas can be used in other shipper communities all I ask for is credit.
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:Taboo Love - Kate and Yelena are stepsisters and fall in love (Not blood related)
:Taboo Love 2: Kate falls in love with her mom new girlfriend Yelena
:100 places to have a quickie and not get caught
:Kate and Yelena attend a nudist colony for their honeymoon - Yelena gets possessive
:Smut on a Quinjet - do not let Maria Hill find out. - Kate steals the Quinjet with the help of the YA to tell Yelena she loves her. The OG Avengers think the YA's are in trouble and hilarity ensues when they find out everyone is the ultimate wingman. Kate and Yelena celebrate in a fun way.
:CAMEL - 5x fic Kate ask Yelena on a date and each time Yelena turns her down and tells her "I'll go out with you when ...." till the last time she says I'll go out with you when a camel name Yelena wins a race. Enter Kate Bishop buying a caravan of camels to win the camel race in Abu Dubai. Kate and Yelena make love in their hotel with the Abu Dubai background.
:Fake Lyric Prompt: I don't cook, i don't clean but I love to make you scream or I don't cook, I don't clean, but I love to make you cream -
:Yelena uses the reformed Tracksuit mafia to set up an elaborate proposal. Off course it goes up in flame, but the night ends on a sensual and pleasurable night.
:Kid Loki comes to play mischief and play cupid on the YA. Who will be hit with a sex pollen arrow.
:Kate goes undercover in a maximum security prison. Yelena does not know and thinks she missed her chance to ask for Kate hand in marriage. So Yelena and Sonya break in and chaos ensues or Yelena and Kate have a conjugal visit.
:The Hulk son comes to visit Earth. - Kate and the young avengers make him feel welcome but of course he gets a crush on Kate. Yelena develops a list of 100 ways she could take down the hulk son. Finally settles on leaving behind visible evidence so he knows who Kate belong to.
:Kate says she has 8 piercings but Yelena only seen 5. Where are the other 3. (Eleanor has spent $$$) to erase all evidence of the other 3.
: How I met your mother Bishova style
:Kama Sutra - Kate and Yelena try out different possesses.
:Senses - Sound Play Sex - Depriving the partner of their sense of sound while making love.
:Unsanitary - Sexy time while getting a Christina piercing or Nipple Piercing
:G!P , ABO, and Omega verse: Yelena or Kate with a G!P, breeding, knotting, wolf characteristics - find their mate at the valentine's day mating ceremony
:Paint Sex - draw me like one of your French girls
:Rock the boat - Yelena and Kate go Kayaking
:Chef's Kiss - Yelena or Kate make dinner for their partner, after wards while cleaning the kitchen they get dirty and one gives the other a Chief's kiss where the sun don't shine.
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Dubai Bling : Season two
It was as unintellectual as season one.
It's so sad to know that Ebraheem cannot make his is coming out, and he is unhappy to be in the closet because of the close-minded of his country.
However, the outfits of the cast are always amazing.
Safa is always the pioneer in fashion.
And of course, LJ will say no to the marriage proposal, she is fucking beyond rich, she doesn't need a husband.
Some quotes:
"- We can't call them all buddies or friends. This is a group of people that sometimes have to tolerate each other, because there are people in common, that think it's a good idea to put everyone together in the same room." (Zeina - Episode 1)
"- You don't feel or you don't see any emotion? 'Cause, like, sometimes, you don't want to see any emotion." (Episode 2)
"- Zeina and I, we are friends. But who is Zeina, or anyone else for the matter to tell me who I can and can't be with?" (Episode 2)
"- I'm sick and tired of people wearing masks all the time, pretending to be different to who they really are." (Episode 2)
"- Don't underestimate me. I'm quiet of my own volition." (Episode 2)
"- They're related? They're not relatable." (Episode 2)
"- Who runs away from a crime scene? A guilty person." (Episode 2)
"- Actions speak louder than words." (Episode 3)
"- The best way sometimes to settle a confrontation that may be coming is just to get up and leave. And the bigger man has to do that." (Episode 3)
"- Don't expect your husband's magic lamp to make your dreams come true." (Episode 3)
"- Fahad, I'm gonna do it. Life in plastic, it's fantastic." (Safa - Episode 4)
"- They take it to a level where they rent their lifestyle. Their cars, their outfits, their personalities," (Safa - Episode 5)
"- You like surprises, no?" (DJ Bliss) - I do like surprises, but I also like to know what they are." (his wife - Episode 6)
"- Why would you do that?" (Ebraheem - Episode 6)
"- Farhana if she wants to meet someone, she should come to me. I know a lot of guys." (Ebraheem - Episode 6) -> Of course you do!! ;)
"- Well, too bad, so sad." (Zeina - Episode 7)
"- Rude is an understatement. Disrespectful." (Episode 7)
"- Shall I just say this? - Yes. -What they don't know doesn't hurt them." (Episode 8)
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bluebabie906 · 3 months
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Hello guys I'm not little right now because I want to talk about more grown up things so my boyfriend is proposing in 2 days, my parents have no clue and I'm 18 he's 18 and I need advice on teen marriage if anyone has been in teen marriage y'know?
I really love him he is just wow so beautifully made, kind, sweet, loving! And I need advice.
Also I'm thinking of finishing 11th and 12th grade soon only 2 years left then college. My boyfriend does a business he works I love it!
I'm also thinking of making a beaded jewelry shop in Dubai cause that's where I want to move in with him!
So yeah lots of future goals I'll keep y'all posted I'll try lol. Goodnight 😘.
DMS are open if you need to vent or simply say hi :3
Baiiii ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔ
Love y'all ❤️😘
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common-man · 1 month
Small story 8.Mummy Proposes God disposes.
Small story 8. Mummy Proposes God disposes..
Small Story 8 Woman Proposes God Disposes.. Chander, an experienced architect engineer, decided to take up a three-year contract in Dubai due to the attractive package offered. For over a decade, he had been working as a freelancer, primarily focusing on projects from home. He lived with his mother and retired bank officer father. Initially, his mother was hesitant about the move abroad, but she eventually came around, especially since the new house construction required significant funding. Chander agreed to marry a girl whom his family had chosen for him, although he hadn't met her yet. With his parents' blessings, he embarked on his journey to Dubai. A few months into his work, the company recognized his excellent performance and promoted him, offering an even better package.His mother has sent the photo of the girl she has seen for him by a different address by oversight. Meanwhile Chander fall in love with his Colleague who was also an architect assisting him in his team.He called Mummy and told his decision mummy was shocked.She asked why he has refused the girl picture she has sent to him by courier.Chander asked her mummy told different mummy's friends addressalso forgotten letter.Chander told mummy he has promised to marry nivedha.Mummy was feeling but meantime she received a call from his friend's son from Dubai.He thanked her for sending the picture and he agreed to marry her with their parents concern was made her happy.Chander's Mummy is a strong devotee of Srinivasa and probably with his blessings both marriages are decided like this.She called Chander and told she and dad agreed for his marriage and send her picture in WhatsApp and not in Courier. K.Ragavan.
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jovialevents12 · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide ToAmerican Wedding Traditions
Jovial Events
Website: https://www.jovialevents.com/
Phone: +971 50 108 8607
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American weddings are rich in traditions that reflect the diverse cultural heritage of the nation. From the engagement to the reception, every step of the wedding journey is imbued with customs that have been passed down through generations. This guide explores the key traditions and their significance, providing insights into how they can be incorporated into modern weddings.
The Engagement
• Proposal: Typically involves a surprise element, often with the groom-to-be getting down on one knee to propose with a ring.
• Engagement Ring: Usually a diamond ring, symbolizing eternal love. The tradition of diamond jewels was popularized by De Beers’ marketing campaign in the 20th century.
• Engagement party: Celebrations hosted by the pair or their families to announce the engagement to friends and relatives.
Pre-Wedding Traditions
• Bridal Shower: A party thrown for the bride-to-be by her friends and family, often involving games, gifts, and advice for the upcoming marriage.
• Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties: Celebrations for the groom and bride, respectively, often involving a night out or a weekend getaway with close friends.
• Rehearsal Dinner: A meal held after the wedding rehearsal, usually attended by the wedding party and close family members. It’s a time to relax and finalize details before the big day.
The Wedding Ceremony
• Venue: Can vary widely from churches and synagogues to outdoor locations and unique venues like museums or beaches.
• Processional: The wedding party, including bridesmaids, groomsmen, flower girls, and the bride, walk down the aisle. The bride is classically escort by her father.
• Exchanging Vows: The couple exchanges vows, which can be traditional or personally written.
• Rings Exchange: The exchange of wedding rings, symbolizing their commitment.
• Unity Ceremony: Many couples incorporate a unity ceremony, such as lighting a unity candle or blending two types of sand, to symbolize their union.
Post-Ceremony Traditions
• Kiss the Bride: Following the pronouncement of marriage, the couple shares their first kiss as a married couple.
• Recessional: The newlyweds exit the ceremony, often to lively music, followed by the wedding party. The Reception
• Reception Venue: Can be anything from a ballroom to a backyard, reflecting the couple’s style.
• First Dance: The newlyweds allocate their first dance as a married pair.
• Parent Dances: Dances with the bride and her father, and the groom and his mother.
• Toasts: Speeches by the best man, maid of honor, and sometimes other guests, celebrating the couple.
• Cake Cutting: The couple cuts the wedding cake together and often feed each other a piece.
• Bouquet and Garter Toss: The bride tosses her bouquet to the single women, and the groom tosses the garter to the single men.
Modern Variations and Trends
• Personalized Ceremonies: More couples are opting for ceremonies that reflect their personalities and beliefs, sometimes incorporating traditions from other cultures.
• Eco-Friendly Weddings: Sustainable practices, like using recycled materials and minimizing waste, are becoming more popular.
• Tech-Savvy Weddings: Live-streaming ceremonies and using social media to share the day with a broader audience.
American wedding traditions are a beautiful blend of historical customs and modern innovations. Understanding these traditions allows couples to create a wedding that honors the past while celebrating their unique love story.
#Destination wedding planner in UAE
#Best Wedding planner in Dubai UAE
#Destination wedding planners in Dubai
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eventstan · 8 months
Make your dream proposal a reality in Dubai with EventStan. Our expert event planners will create a romantic and unforgettable marriage proposal experience tailored to your preferences. From stunning locations to personalized touches, trust us to make this moment truly special.
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wesetupbusiness · 2 months
How to Setup Business in Dubai from Home Country?
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Start a business in Dubai is a highly profitable option, as the country provides some of the best business-friendly regulations. Many investors regard Dubai as the best destination for investment due to its geographic location, modern infrastructure, and advanced ports. In this article, we will dive into the complete process of starting a business in Dubai, UAE from the comfort of your home.
Yes, you heard it right! You can start your business in the UAE from the comfort of your home. Setup Business in Dubai involves several steps that must be carefully followed. You can learn about the process in our comprehensive guide. However, if we put it simple, here is the process of starting your business in Dubai, UAE while being in your home country.
WeSetupBusiness provides the complete consultancy and support in the whole process and make the complete process hassle-free for you.
Defining the Nature of Business
Before starting your business, you need to define the nature of your business. You need to have a proper business plan that defines your business activities that must adhere to the rules and regulation of the UAE. This involves carefully selecting business activities, products and services that not only meet legal requirements but also have a good scope in the UAE market.
Though it seems simple, but it must be carefully selected otherwise your business may face legal complications and requires extra fees to make adjustments.
Proposed Company Names
Once you have a clear business plan and a good understanding of the type of business you want to start, the next step is to choose three proposed names for your business. These names will represent your brand and business identity. You should list them in order of preference. This is important because your business will be officially registered under one of these names, depending on availability and approval.
Official documents of shareholders
Now you have to submit the official documents of the shareholders of the company. This includes Scanned color Photocopies of all the shareholders of the company.
Mobile Number, Email, and Home Address
The last things required to start the process of your business setup in UAE are your mobile number, email address, and the home address of your residence.
How to get UAE Visa after Business Setup?
Once you provide us all the above-mentioned required details and documents, we will start the business setup process. And within just 2–3 working days, we will issue your trade license from the UAE government. After your business is set up, we will start your visa process, which is also known as investor visa. For that, we will get your entry permit, that you will use to travel to the UAE. On your arrival, we will arrange your medical test and the fingerprints needed for your Emirates ID.
After your fitness test is complete, we will start the visa process with the immigration authorities. Once you get approval, which usually takes 3 to 5 working days, you will receive your Emirates ID in just 3 working days. At this stage, you have become a UAE resident for 2 years.
That’s not all, once you receive your Emirates ID, you can sponsor your family, including your spouse and children. For this, we will need attested copies of your marriage certificate and your children’s birth certificates.
WeSetupBusiness is your trusted partner for all your business-related needs. We will take care of the entire process for you, so you can invest your time growing your business, leaving everything else to us. Enjoy the luxury lifestyle in Dubai with your family and run a successful business in a tax-friendly environment.
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myeventstore · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Renting Sound Systems for Dubai Event Buses
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Dubai, the dazzling emirate known for pushing boundaries, embraces innovative event experiences. From electrifying product launches cruising through the bustling streets to intimate marriage proposals with the cityscape as a backdrop, event buses offer a dynamic and unforgettable platform. However, the success of any mobile event hinges on a crucial element: a powerful and versatile sound system.
Why Choose a Sound System for Your Dubai Event Bus?
Imagine a captivating product launch where potential clients struggle to decipher your presentation over the hum of the engine. Or picture a heartfelt vow exchange where the wind carries away your cherished words. A dependable sound system ensures your message is heard loud and clear, regardless of your event bus's location or movement.
Here are some compelling reasons to prioritize renting a sound system for your Dubai event bus:
Crystal-Clear Audio: My Event Store boasts a diverse range of high-quality sound systems specifically designed for event buses. Our rentals deliver pristine audio that cuts through ambient noise, guaranteeing your message reaches every passenger.
Adaptability is Key: We provide sound systems suitable for any event format, from lively presentations and product demos to sentimental speeches and electrifying musical performances. Our equipment adapts to your needs, ensuring optimal audio for any occasion.
Weatherproof Performance: Dubai's vibrant nightlife often thrives under the starlit sky. Our sound systems are weatherproof and built to withstand the elements, allowing you to host your event with confidence, rain or shine.
Effortless Installation and Operation: Simplicity is at the core of our sound systems. They are designed for user-friendliness, facilitating both installation and operation, even for those without extensive technical expertise. We also offer optional installation and support services for added peace of mind.
My Event Store: Your Trusted Partner for Dubai Event Bus Sound Systems
At My Event Store, we understand the unique challenges and nuances of hosting events on Dubai's mobile stages. We offer a comprehensive selection of sound system rentals to cater to all types of events and budgets:
Compact Powerhouses: Our inventory includes compact yet powerful sound systems ideal for smaller event buses. These systems provide exceptional audio quality without compromising space on your mobile venue.
Long-Range Sound Systems: Planning a large-scale event bus parade or city tour? Our long-range sound systems project your message clearly across vast distances, ensuring the entire audience, whether close or far, can hear your presentation or music effectively.
Wireless Microphones: Eliminate cable clutter and enhance speaker mobility with our wireless microphone rentals. They provide flawless audio transmission for presentations, speeches, and live performances on your event bus.
Subwoofers for Unforgettable Bass: Add depth and power to your event bus sound experience with our subwoofer rentals. Subwoofers create a richer and more immersive audio environment, making your music and presentations truly resonate with your audience.
Optimizing Your Event for Success: Beyond Equipment Rentals
My Event Store goes beyond just sound system rentals. We offer a suite of valuable services to ensure your event bus experience is seamless and unforgettable:
Expert Consultation: Our team of seasoned event professionals can help you select the perfect sound system to suit your specific event bus size, budget, and desired audio experience.
Delivery and Setup: We take care of the logistics, delivering your sound system rentals directly to your event bus location and setting them up efficiently, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your event.
Technical Support: Our dedicated team is on hand throughout your event to provide technical support and ensure your sound system functions flawlessly, resolving any potential issues promptly.
Optimizing Your Mobile Stage: Additional Tips for Success
Consider Power Source: Before finalizing your sound system rental, determine your event bus's power supply capabilities and choose a system with compatible power requirements. This ensures smooth operation without any technical hiccups.
Test and Adjust: Prior to your event, conduct a thorough sound check on your event bus to ensure optimal audio levels and adjust the system accordingly. Fine-tuning ensures your message resonates effectively with everyone on board.
Factor in Noise Cancelling: If your event bus lacks soundproofing, consider renting noise-cancelling equipment to further enhance the audio experience for your guests. This minimizes external noise pollution, allowing them to fully immerse themselves in the event's soundscape.
Maximize Your Equipment: Utilize the versatility of your sound system by playing background music during breaks or transitions to keep your event dynamic and maintain audience engagement. Background music also sets the mood and creates a cohesive atmosphere for your event.
Plan for Different Scenarios: Have a backup plan in case of unforeseen circumstances. Consider renting additional microphones or a secondary sound system for added peace of mind. This ensures you can adapt to any unexpected situations without derailing your event's flow.
Communicate Clearly with Passengers: Prior to setting off on your event bus journey, inform your guests about the event's agenda. This includes mentioning any presentations, speeches, or live performances that will utilize the sound system. This transparency sets expectations and ensures everyone onboard can prepare for the audio experience.
Beyond Sound Systems: Additional Rentals to Elevate Your Event Bus Experience
While a high-quality sound system is paramount, My Event Store offers a wider range of equipment rentals to elevate your Dubai event bus experience:
Lighting Systems: Set the mood and create a captivating atmosphere with our diverse lighting options. Choose from up-lighting to accentuate the bus's interior, disco balls for a touch of festivity, or stage lighting to highlight presenters or performers.
Decor Rentals: Transform your event bus into a themed wonderland with our extensive decor rentals. From elegant tablecloths and centerpieces to festive balloons and thematic backdrops, we have everything you need to create a visually engaging space for your guests.
Staging and Furniture Rentals: Optimize your event bus layout with our staging and furniture rentals. We offer portable stages for presentations and speeches, comfortable seating arrangements for guests, and podiums for speakers.
Interactive Technology Rentals: Incorporate interactive elements into your event bus experience with our technology rentals. Consider renting tablets for presentations, photo booths for capturing memorable moments, or VR headsets for an immersive experience.
Measuring the Success of Your Event Bus Experience
While creating a memorable experience is the primary goal, consider these factors to gauge the success of your Dubai event bus event:
Guest Feedback: Gather feedback from your guests through surveys or questionnaires. Their input helps you understand what aspects of the event resonated with them and identify areas for improvement for future events.
Social Media Engagement: Encourage guests to share their experience on social media using a designated event hashtag. Track mentions and engagement metrics to gauge the event's reach and social media buzz.
Lead Generation or Brand Awareness (if applicable): If your event aims to generate leads or raise brand awareness, track the number of leads captured or the increase in website traffic and social media followers after the event.
Partner with My Event Store and Elevate Your Dubai Event Bus Experience
By partnering with My Event Store and implementing the tips in this guide, you can transform your Dubai event bus into a captivating mobile stage. With our high-quality sound system rentals, expert support, and extensive selection of complementary equipment, you can create a truly unforgettable event that leaves a lasting impression on your guests.
Contact My Event Store Today!
Let our team of event professionals help you craft a seamless and impactful event bus experience in Dubai. We'll guide you through the sound system selection process, ensure flawless technical execution, and provide additional equipment rentals to bring your vision to life. Contact My Event Store today and turn your next Dubai event bus adventure into a resounding success!
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Hot Air Balloon Adventures - Desert Safari Dubai Adventures - Safari Adventures
Hot Air Balloon. There's something undeniably magical about the notion of floating effortlessly through the sky, carried by the whims of the wind, with nothing but vast expanses of land and sky stretching out beneath you. For adventurers seeking a truly unforgettable experience, hot air balloon rides offer just that – a unique blend of tranquility, exhilaration, and breathtaking views that will stay with you long after you've touched back down on solid ground.
What is done in Desert Safari Dubai? Dubai Desert Safari Adventures 
The desert safari in Dubai is a quintessential activity when visiting the Emirati megacity. It has all the sights and stops that will better acquaint you with the city: camel riding, dune bashing, belly dancing shows, and more! If you're going for the first time, we've got your back
A Journey of Serenity and Thrill - Desert Safari Dubai Adventures
Hot air balloon adventures are not just about the destination; they're about the journey itself. From the moment you arrive at the launch site, excitement fills the air as the balloon crew prepares for takeoff. The rhythmic hiss of the burners fills the silence as the balloon slowly inflates, towering above you like a colorful behemoth ready to take flight.
As you step into the basket and the ground crew releases the tethers, a sense of weightlessness washes over you as the balloon gently lifts off the ground. With each passing moment, the world below grows smaller, and the horizon expands, offering a panoramic vista that seems to stretch on forever.
A Bird's Eye View of the World - Dubai Adventures Safari
One of the most enchanting aspects of hot air balloon adventures is the unparalleled perspective they offer. From high above, you'll gain a newfound appreciation for the beauty and intricacy of the world below. Patchwork fields, winding rivers, and rolling hills come alive in vivid detail, while distant mountains loom majestically on the horizon.
For wildlife enthusiasts, hot air balloon rides provide a unique opportunity to observe animals in their natural habitat from a safe and unobtrusive distance. Keep your eyes peeled, and you might spot a herd of deer grazing in a meadow or a family of hawks soaring on the thermals alongside your balloon.
Sunrise and Sunset Serenades -  Hot Air Balloon Dubai Adventures
While hot air balloon rides are a breathtaking experience at any time of day, there's something particularly magical about taking to the skies at sunrise or sunset. As the first light of dawn paints the sky in hues of pink and gold, you'll witness the world waking up from its slumber, bathed in the soft glow of morning light.
Alternatively, an evening balloon ride offers a front-row seat to nature's nightly spectacle as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. The tranquility of the evening sky combined with the gentle sway of the balloon creates an atmosphere of unparalleled serenity, making for a truly unforgettable experience.
A Celebration of Special Occasions -  Hot Air Balloon Dubai With Desert Safari Dubai Adventures 
Hot air balloon rides aren't just for thrill-seekers; they also make for a memorable and romantic way to celebrate special occasions. Whether you're marking a milestone birthday, anniversary, or marriage proposal, few experiences can match the romance and grandeur of a private hot air balloon ride for two.
Imagine soaring through the sky hand in hand with your loved one, champagne in hand, as you toast to your shared journey together. With the world spread out beneath you and nothing but endless possibilities on the horizon, it's a moment you'll cherish for a lifetime.
Hot Air Balloon Dubai Adventures - Desert Safari Dubai Adventures 
In a world filled with fast-paced thrills and digital distractions, hot air balloon adventures offer a welcome respite – a chance to slow down, unplug, and reconnect with the beauty of the natural world. Whether you're seeking an adrenaline rush, a romantic escape, or simply a new perspective on life, a hot air balloon ride promises an experience like no other. So why wait? Take to the skies and let your spirit soar on the wings of adventure.
Desert Safari Dubai Adventures is a “6 Hour” outdoor adventure trip. The tour includes activities like Dune Bashing, Camel Riding, Traditional Dance Shows, Quad Biking
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fiori-jewels-dubai · 5 months
The history of engagement rings
Have you ever stopped for a moment to reflect on life's magical moments? Those instances of pure emotion, where the heart races and the world seems to slow down around you. Moments like marriage proposals, where a simple gesture transforms into an eternal marker of love and commitment. And what could better represent this commitment than the iconic engagement ring?
The tradition of sealing a romantic commitment with a ring dates back to time immemorial. Even before they were a romantic tradition, rings were symbols of power and status in ancient civilizations. However, it was in Ancient Rome that the practice of using a ring as a symbol of romantic commitment gained popularity. The Romans believed that the ring finger of the left hand contained the "vein of love," directly connecting to the heart, making it the ideal location for wearing an engagement ring.
But it was during the 15th century that the tradition of the engagement ring as we know it today began to solidify in Western culture. In medieval Europe, engagement rings were often used as symbols of commitment between noble families, sealing political and economic alliances. However, it was with the rise of the diamond as the world's most coveted gemstone that the engagement ring gained its characteristic sparkle.
The year 1477 marks a crucial moment in the history of the engagement ring when Archduke Maximilian of Austria presented Mary of Burgundy with a diamond ring, initiating the tradition of the engagement ring as we know it today. Since then, diamonds have become synonymous with eternal love and lasting commitment, and engagement rings have become an essential part of the journey to the altar.
But beyond its aesthetic and symbolic value, the engagement ring carries with it a deep emotional meaning. It represents the mutual commitment between two people, the desire to build a future together, and the promise of unconditional support through life's ups and downs. It is a tangible symbol of a partner's love and dedication to each other, a constant reminder of the bond that unites them.
Therefore, when you look at your engagement ring, remember that it carries not only the beauty of its form and design but also the richness of its history and meaning. It is a silent witness to a commitment made with an open heart and a promise of eternal love. May every time you look at it, you be reminded of the power of love to transcend time and unite souls in an indelible way.
When it comes to choosing the perfect engagement ring, quality and design are essential considerations. This is where Fiori comes into play, offering a collection of engagement rings with diamonds carefully designed to capture the essence of love and immortalize this special moment. Each Fiori ring is created with a unique blend of craftsmanship and passion, resulting in pieces that exude sophistication and elegance.
The diamonds used in Fiori rings are meticulously selected, laboratory-grown diamonds, ensuring a conflict-free and traceable source, from its origin to the hands of those who appreciate it, guaranteeing not only their stunning beauty but also their exceptional quality. Each stone is precision-cut to maximize its brilliance and sparkle, transforming it into a dazzling symbol of love and commitment. Additionally, Fiori ring designs are carefully crafted to captivate the hearts of the lovers, combining classic style with contemporary touches to create truly unique pieces.
When choosing an engagement ring in Dubai from Fiori, couples can be assured that they are investing in more than just a piece of jewelry; they are investing in a precious memory that will last forever. Every detail is thoughtfully considered, from the selection of materials to the execution of the final design, ensuring that the moment of the proposal is cherished in the couple's memory as one of the most beautiful and exciting of their lives. With an engagement ring in Dubai from Fiori, true love is celebrated in every diamond sparkle and every design trait, making it an eternal symbol of enduring love.
To know more information visit us on:
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qnewsau · 6 months
Rebel Wilson gives spicy details of first date with Ramona
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/rebel-wilson-gives-spicy-details-of-first-date-with-ramona/
Rebel Wilson gives spicy details of first date with Ramona
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Rebel Wilson recounts her first date with her now-fiance Ramona Agruma in her new memoir Rebel Rising.
The Aussie star’s book is out next Tuesday. In it, Rebel she writes about Ramona inviting her for lunch at the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles back in 2021.
“I’m so nervous,” Rebel writes in an excerpt via People.
“I’m also worried that if Ramona and I do hit it off, I don’t have much sexual experience with a woman.
“And I’ve only had time to read half of the Girl Sex 101 book.”
Rebel went on, “We both order food and we try to eat, but we can’t really eat anything.
“And so … well … I don’t want to embarrass Ramona, but … we instead opt to go to the bathroom and make out.
“‘I think you need to come back to my house,’ I say. I’ve never just invited someone straight back home, but I’m only in L.A. for the week.
“I take her to my bedroom. We just … connect. It feels beautiful.”
‘Why don’t you just date a woman?’
Rebel has spoken before about the meetup happened “via text by our mutual friend, Hugh Sheridan.”
“We talked about how it never quite seemed to work out with me and these ‘dudes,'” Rebel writes.
“‘Why don’t you just date a woman?’ Hugh quipped. ‘Let me connect you with my friend Ramona.'”
“Ramona and I started FaceTiming and talking on the phone — getting to know each other the old-fashioned way.”
“In true Hollywood rom-com style, I jumped on a plane to fly halfway around the world to LA to meet Ramona.”
  View this post on Instagram
  A post shared by Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)
The couple are mums to daughter Royce Lillian, and on Valentine’s Day 2023 Rebel proposed to Ramona at Disneyland.
Rebel kept the moment secret until Ramona “sees the pastel rose petals all over the ground and the roses in vases.”
“I tell her how special she is to me. And then I get down on one knee and open the ring box,” Rebel writes.
“I end with ‘So in this cliché way, on this cliché day, Ramona Agruma, will you marry me?’ ‘Yes,’ she says through the tears streaming down her face.”
Rebel lost her virginity at age 35
Rebel also gets candid about her sexuality in her new book, including revealing she lost her virginity at age 35.
She told People she hopes that sharing her personal story will send a “positive message” to others and reassure young people that “not everybody has to lose their virginity as a teenager.”
“Normally I would just leave the room when the conversation was happening,” she recalled.
“And then the people that said, ‘Oh, at 24, it’s so late.’ And then I’m sitting here thinking, ‘Oh my God, my number’s 35. What the hell? I’m going to look like the biggest loser.’
“There was one vague time, I think I told my best friend, ‘Oh, yeah, I just did it to just get it over with when I was like 23.’ Just to really avoid the questions.”
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  A post shared by Rebel Wilson (@rebelwilson)
Rebel said if she had been born 20 years later, she probably would’ve explored her sexuality more.
“I just knew I was attracted to men, and that was the normal thing,” recalls Wilson.
“After my father’s death I started opening myself up probably more. Even though I’d seen marriage as a terrible thing and waste of time, I started opening myself up to that.
“And then only years later, meeting women and having feelings for a woman, and that, I just think it’s a sign of where society kind of was.”
More about Rebel Wilson:
Rebel Wilson names ‘a**hole’ Sacha Baron Cohen in new book
Rebel comes out and reveals new girlfriend
Reporter whines Rebel outed herself before he could
‘Beautiful miracle’: Rebel Wilson celebrates birth of first child
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