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sebeztappen · 7 days ago
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"marco bezzecchi could be about to break a record that's been standing since marc marquez came here in 2014" - Argentina GP 2025
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myrquez · 10 months ago
so you’re telling me bezz told sky sport that he made a little mistake during the sprint bc he saw that “marc was coming to catch him”. he said that he was trying to focus on martin, but he knew marc was getting closer and closer and then he fucked it up
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( “ehi bezz your crush is here act normal” bezz: fall off his bike )
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yaoigovroom · 5 months ago
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random loose marc bez doodles..
shared hallucinations w oomf of marc bez in a hotel room somewhere in asia
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givemebackmypills · 2 months ago
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freaks only!!!!! ↓
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azulonso · 3 months ago
today I bring you guys marcmarc intro from last year BUT pay extra attention to the reflections
as you can see, bez has vale as his reflection at the back, indicating that it is the past and he's continuing the legacy
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meanwhile marc is staring at his past self, winning. which is harder to achieve now (obviously after the injury where he have to adapt more.) regardless, he is still trying.
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gaslightgirlsummer · 10 months ago
extremely funny to me personally that bezz went from saying marc’s riding style is dirty to calling him maestro and saying he’s learning from him. what goes on in that curly head of yours boy
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isacksteban · 3 months ago
idk what trope this is but its my favourite.
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ray935sworld · 17 days ago
5 and ½ years
(Alex & Marc, marcmarc)
"Is 5 and a half years a lot?" Marc asked. He had spend the last 5 minutes sitting opposite it his brother, gathering courage for what he was about to tell him.
It wasn't bad. Or horrible. Or life changing. Maybe life changing. He really wanted that. But it was probably still too early to say that. And it wouldn't be in a bad way but in the best way possible.
Alex eyed his brother for a moment then shrugged. "Depends on the context. For a uni major? Used car? No. I don't think so. Years in prison? Time without a shower? Yes. Absolutly." He gave him a smug smile, showing the older one clearly that he enjoyed playing with him like that.
"Idiot." he shot back. "I was talking about age gap and you know that" "Again. Context? If you're 18 and she's 13? Yes. That's bad. I'm calling the police. 32 and 37? No." he admitted, his voice neutral, at ease. He didn't gave any judgment away.
His face then twisted. If showed surprise and slight confusion. He clearly just had an idea about who the question was he really lacked a poker face. Marc twitched on his seat, hoping the expression that could only be discrimbed as - gentle displeasure mixed with confusion wasn't direct at the righf person. "Wait did you and Dovi started talking again?" But he had the wrong idea.
"Not really." Their relationship had been easy and good. But there was a reason why they kept their dating in the past and looking at his current love, he was more than happy to do so.
"Then? Who is it?" Alex urged. "So he'd be 37? 38?" "Ehm, no... No, not excatly" "What?"
The two Spaniards just stared at each other for a few seconds. Alex because he honestly hadn't expected that. Every relationship the other every had - that he knew off - was with older men. He just didn't expect anything other. Going for older seemed as set in stone in his dating expectations as that his partner would be male.
Marc stared at him to gather some more courage. He wasn't even sure why he was so scared to tell him. He knew he wouldn't mind. He knew he didn't care. And his boyfriend wasn't so bad. Even if he belonged to the academy mafia, he was perfect. And he was worth it. So much. He would go through so much worst than facing Rossi.
And he was making him happy. Really happy. Happier than any win or championship, happier than racing ever could. He was the man he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He wanted to have him on his side and stay there for as long as he was allowed to. Because he surely wouldn't be the one leaving.
He titled his head slight and took a deep breath. He smiled softly, suddenly realizing why he was nervous. It wasn't that he was unsure about his relationship or that he was scared about his brothers reaction. Not even his parents.
But saying it, would make it real. If he told his family he had to stand by it. No more hiding. This was real. This was their new reality. They would officially be dating in private. Not secret. No more denying to a small circle of people that respected their privacy. They would be made real, not just a secret get away. They were real.
He smiled at that realization. "He's younger" he announced. "YOUNGER? Marc - Marc if he is 5 years younger - DUDE he is younger than me?!" Alex replied. "I know" he replied more sheepish.
Right, they had been talking about the age difference, one of the few things Marc was actually worried about in their relationship. Sure 5 years were so much but whenever he thought about it, it gave him a slight ick.
He had been a motogp champion when his boyfriend was in - what? 9th grade? He didn't thought too long about it. And that didn't really calm him.
"Oh holy shit. Who?" Alex pressed. His voice didn't hold any disgust and he hadn't slapped him across the face yet, so he took that as a sign that it wasn't THAT bad. "Just - is it too much?" he repeated his original question.
"So he is... 26?" "Yeah." "Okay. I mean - 26 is - it's okay. Sure he is in his 20s, you're in your 30s but he isnt like early 20 or something. Mid 20s is... It's hard to judge without knowing his character. He could still be completely naive and childish. But I guess everyone could always be naive and childish, regardless of age" Alex said, his thoughts trailing off. Just like Marc, he had a habit if babbling when he wasn't sure what to say.
"He... He.... Fuck that sounds even worst" "What?" "He is - He isnt childish per se . he just likes to make jokes" "Marc, please who the hell-" "It's Marco Bezzeccchi" he quickly said, unable to really hold it in anymore. A smile he couldn't stop creeped over his face, just like always when he was thinking about him.
"Bezzecci?!" Alex asked, his eyes wide. "Yes." he nodded. The younger one blinked. Once. Twice. He was quiet then asked in a very high voice. "Bez?!" "Yes." he repeated. "The Italian?" "Do you know a Spanish one?" "No but.... The devils student? The defender of the pizza popes honor? The-" "Yes Rossi's student" he interrupted the mass of nicknames they had come up for the former motogp rider.
"Didn't he came to yell at you like - last year? Didn't he hate in like whole 2023? HOLD UP" he yelled, raising his hand. "Did he stop insulting you cause he developed a crush on you?!" "It's eh...." he said to give himself a moment to think.
He remembered the conversation he had with Marco after Thailand. He had still been high on his race win and the 1-2 with his brother. He had been so happy, still was. That moment, lifting his little brother up in Parc ferme, after watching him lead a grand prix and seeing how he collected two Nr 2 plates in 2 days, was perfect.
And laying in his boyfriends arms that evening, exhausted but happy, smiling about the little kisses he got from the Aprilia rider, he had made a decision. He would tell Alex about them. He had just burst it out "I wanna tell Alex!" and the Italian had blinked at him, then nodded.
"Of course, if you want to." "Really?" "Yeah. He's your brother. You love him. It'd be an honor if you think of me as important enough to introduce me - well as your boyfriend" "OF COURSE YOU ARE!" he had almost yelled. A shiver ran down his spine, afraid that by not telling Alex he had made the younger think he didn't treasure their relationship as much as he did.
Bez had just laughed and kissed him again, reassuring him that he hadn't meant it like that. He had agreed that Marc could and should tell Alex but he hadn't agreed to tell Alex about all the struggles Marco went through when he had to admit that the small crush was more of a strong love thing. Not to mention the whole Rossi issue.
So he wanted to keep it vague. "More or less" he told his brother. And yes he confronted me in Valencia 2023. I mean I crashed him. And like you said... Well he came" He answered with a smirk.
He enjoyed thinking back to their little not so hate fuck. Bez had confronted him, accused him of a few things and after some twisting of his words Marc managed to have him excatly where he had wanted him. Right against the wall.
"IIIIIIGGHHHH TOO MUCH INFORMATION!" Alex yelled. Marc chuckled. He decided to explain some more. "We had an on off thing for - most of the 2024 season but now we're like - actually dating. For a few months. And I wanted to see how the winter break would go. You know? Check if it's only race dating or also... Domestic"
Alex nodded understanding. "AAAAH, you're secret meetings?" he asked, referring to all the times Marc had made a few trips, stayed longer in the Ducati factory or asked Alex to spent a few days away too.
"Yep. My secret meeting." "So... You and.... Marco?" he asked and grinned. There was no heat. He approved. Or at least not disapproved. It felt like an immense pressure got lifted of Alex as he nodded. "Me and Marco"
"I don't know him that well. Franky told me a little bit about him in moto2 I think. He seems like a good guy" "He is. Alex, he really is. He's perfect." Marc highlighted. "He's everything and more I always thought I wanted. He's perfect. I love him. I really, really love him. I can't screw this up"
Both knew that soon Marc would be comfortable to talk regularly about Bez. And then Alex would definitely get annoyed. But that's how they worked. For now they were just happy. Marc was happy in his relationship and Alex was happy for Marc.
"You're happy?" Alex asked, softly. But he knew the answer already. "Very much." "I know. You haven't looked that happy since you won the championship." "What?" "What? It's true. You look happy. You're actually grinning and it lasts. Not just - short term"
He smiled in relief before his mind circled back. He felt his face heat up. "You don't think the age gap is weird?" he asked just for some reassurance. "He's only 26. That seems so young. Like when I was 26-" "When you were 26 there were still dinosaurs around"
He made a faked gasp, clutching his chest. "Autch. I wanted to say I was teammates with Lorenzo." "See? Same thing! Dinosaurs around." Marc chuckled about the jokes.
His little brother nudged him in the side. He was smiling. It was a good sign. There was no heat in his expression. They were good. He really didn't mind.
"You know I'm gonna give you a hard time for banging the one that was always the hardest against you, right? It's almost funny" "Yeah I know... And just so you know, he's still the hardest against me"
Alex shrieked, covering his ears. "I hate you. I hate you. I hate you. Fuck you. It would have cost you nothing - NOTHING! - not to say that!" Marc was too buys to break a cracking laugh.
"Yes it would have! It would have cost me so much. Especially that horrified look in your face!" "OH fuck off! I actually wanted to play nice and make a few good comments about him to mama and papa but not now! No! Have fun telling them you're having sex with an Italian!"
"Ey! Fucker! Don't you dare!" He argued back. He took one of the cushions and play hit Alex with it who immediately started laughing. He tried to wrestle a little bit, dodge a few punches and hold against it.
"EY EY EY EY EY! OKAY! OKAY, PEACE!" he yelled. "Okay, okay, I'm gonna be nice! He probably doesn't even deserve an asshole like you as his boyfriend" "Asshole?!" "Yes. Or do you want me to tell your little lover that his sweet kind boyfriend is beating up his little brother over a joke"
"OH he's gonna join me if he hears the whole story!" Two laugh, rich Marquez laughter was echoing through the room. "And don't you dare ever call me a baby again. You're boyfriend is younger than me." "That's not the same!" he argued back. "You're always gonna be my baby!" Even if Alex denied that.
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leoisstillalive · 11 days ago
loving the bezquez special that we got for the argentina gp this weekend haha
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boxboxluckybird · 1 month ago
Bez's Gift
a marcmarc fic- Day one for my week of Valentine's Day fics
Prompt 28 Giving their s/o a valentine’s calendar
this is slight nsfw!! so be warned :3
Giving gifts was something that Bez was good at- It was how he started this entire relationship. Marco was also not the most confident in how much his partner liked him, physically that is. So he came up with a plan, one where it was fool-proof to prove that Marc did love Bez's body and was happy with him. Albeit this plan was created much like the one to get Marc into a relationship with him, it all started with him being drunk with the academy boys. But still it was going to be set into motion whether he liked it or not. 
    It was in honesty the simplest plan that they have come up with to date: Step one, figure out what to make; Step two, buy lingerie; Step three, take the "sexy" photos; Step four, make them into a calendar; Step five, give it as a gift to Marc; and the most crucial part, see if it leads to more sex. Each of the boys would get to choose a color and style that Bez was going to wear for this "sexy" calendar, or what Mig and Cele wanted to call it, "Bez's dick magnet 1000". 
Pecco and Luca were the only two that Bez whole-heartedly trusted in picking out some decent lingerie for him, they both went for simple colors- Pecco said a pale pink, and Luca chose white. Cele was the one where everyone knew what color was going to be picked out- it was light blue, conveniently the only color of lace panties Bez had. They were a gag gift from Cele when it was announced that Bez and Marc got into a relationship. 
Migno on the other hand, was the one who said to just take pictures in his full leathers, and one just in the helmet and "like boxers or something dude". However, after like six more shots, he suggested red. 
Franky said a simple black pair would look nice, after clarifying he had no interest in Bez, since Migno shot him a terrible look. 
It honestly was weird that his friends were telling him what panties to buy, Cele even suggested getting a bra, which made everyone still for a second. Were they wondering what Bez would look like in one? 
But Bez decided that he would make sure that each of them would get a copy of their respective color pick. 
It was a long wait for all the items to arrive and for the photographer to reserve him a date for the photo shoot. He also made sure to try on the items when they arrived at his apartment in Italy- also having to find a date that Marc was back in Spain and one of the boys could come over and tell him if the panties looked good on him. In the end he chose the two most honest of the group Domi and Marta, also just because they know how to put on the items they helped him order- 
The calendar itself was simple, so was the photo shoot, all he had to do was show up, get dressed and take the photos. The only difficult part of the process was which photo to go with the months. January got the leathers photo, since he didn't want to make it obvious what the calendar was of. The picking of the photos took around two hours or so, he had to call for backup from Domi and Marta again. They helped, but he of course was the deciding factor. 
It took so much confidence to give Marc this calendar, it was supposed to be an anniversary gift, then got pushed as a christmas gift, and now finally it was what he thought was the perfect time, Valentine's Day.
The wait for Marc to get back to the apartment was probably the most nauseating thing, it was sending him into a spiral about the reaction he would get. He also made sure to dress up nicely for Marc, the red (93) panties with a set of comfy MM93 hoodie and sweats on. 
The calendar that did inevitably end up with the name "Bez's dick magnet 1000: Marc's 12 month wank bank" was wrapped neatly on the counter. 
A knock and a set of keys jingling was what made Bez spring into action, it was time. He kissed Marc on his way into the door. 
"Happy Valentine's Day, Amore. I have something for you," Bez said, while removing himself from where he was wrapped around Marc.
"Oh?! Happy Valentine's Day to you too, mi Corazon." Marc responded, while being pulled to the couch. 
Bez was bouncing with nerves while he grabbed the calendar and handed it to Marc. "I hope you like it Amore."
Marc was handed the calendar and he unwrapped it slowly, to reveal a photo from last season of Bez on his bike, with the title "Bez's dick magnet 1000: Marc's 12 month wank bank". This title honestly made Marc burst out laughing; he was shocked by it. 
The laughter from the both of them died down when Marc opened to the first month, a picture of Bez on his bike with the leathers half way opened, his bare chest on display with his helmet still on. 
Flipping to February, this is when Marc started to realize the nature of this calendar. There in all of its glory, was Bez's ass, barely being covered with the smallest and tightest shorts they could find with *Marc* written on them. Blood was starting to rush south.
March was something even more. It was Bez all blushed up with the prettiest light pink panties on. Hiding practically nothing. 
April, he had a light blue matching set, of a bra and panties. 
May had him in the white set, he was on a bed, his hair splayed out around his face. He looked angelic which was perfect for him. 
There was more arousal pooling in Marc's stomach as he flipped through the months. 
November was no exception to the rest of the months that were just building the arousing nature of the calendar. This month was the special one- Bez's birthday month. It had the camera angled up where Bez was seen on his knees. A black lace bodysuit that left nothing to the imagination was hugging his body perfectly.
Rounding the calendar off had Bez in a red lace thong, with the numbers 93 on them. The photo was taken from the side, so Bez's ass and bulge were on display. So was a tiny detail that Marc seemed to have missed in all of the other pictures. A small 93 was added to his collection of tattoos
The calendar was thrown to the side as Bez was finally going to be proven that Marc thought he was the most beautiful man on the planet. 
Marc would get his last gift of the night, while unwrapping Bez. 
It was truly an amazing Valentine's Day after all. Everything worked out in the end.
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sebeztappen · 6 months ago
is this the first time marc called him "bez" (that we know of) or?????
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myrquez · 7 months ago
x: “How ugly it is when you got Marquez behind you for three or four laps?”
Bez: “It’s not easy, because he’s a very fast rider, a strong rider, especially when it comes to bagarre he’s very, very strong. But at least when you got him behind you it means you’re doing good! Yeah, it was ugly, but it was even uglier when he overtook me. He was going very strong, especially towards the end, and… well, nice! I was able to learn from him, looking at him a bit closely, and… it will be useful in the future!”
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yaoigovroom · 6 months ago
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A couple of scenes from my fic...
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givemebackmypills · 1 month ago
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azulonso · 4 months ago
since it's marcmarc monday, heres some 7293 memes that I've made (twt ppl saw it first)
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lukesskywalkerr · 7 days ago
my friend is getting me the argentina gp poster TODAY SO SHOUT OUT TO TYLAR MY GOAT
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