#Mara Jacobs
pistachiozombie · 11 months
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[Fallout 4 - Mara x Hancock] Small strong wife likes to pick on her crispy husband and latch onto him like a mutation
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
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chobit92 · 13 days
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John: Um what’s this doing here?
Me: What?
John: There is a dog collar on your bedpost.
Me: What? You’re calling to ask me about a dog collar?
John: Yes. There is a dog collar on your bedpost. The same dog collar that I last saw in Jacob’s bunker.
Me: …
John: What is going on? Confess.
Me: John what are you doing in my bedroom?
John: …
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The Multiverse’s Most Prominent Orb-Keepers
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voguefashion · 2 years
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Elizabeth Debicki wearing Dior, Marc Jacobs, Max Mara, photographed by Scott Trindle for British Vogue, December 2022. This editorial also features in the November issues of Vogue Germany and Vogue Spain.
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When you have to leave the room at the sight of someone because the enormity of emotion their work inspires in you is too great (x)
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vampiriccoma · 2 years
Jacob Anderson can not be praised enough for his immense talent. I find it so difficult to empathize with book Louis, he’s painfully dull and trapped in conversations of morality that he could easily free himself from, but Jacob Anderson’s performance humanized Louis so much and made it impossible to NOT feel for him, and to not feel the anguish he is in. Just the confessional scene in the first episode was enough to show that. It really was the performance of a lifetime and he deserves all the awards.
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nerdhappenings · 10 months
youre a dsmp fan too! any dating headcanons? you can choose who you want. 🤭
I'd love to! I'll just do a few- I know there's so many. 😅 And I am doing this because it is so very very long.
-Definitely prefers a casual date at home to going out -Gets the full snack spread -Lounging on the couch -Probably watching football, Youtube videos, streams or binging shows -Playing video games -He's way better at Minecraft than you -He teases you about it -"Did you just try to mine diamond with a stone pickaxe?" "I forGoT, okAY??" "*wheeze*" -He'll give you tips -Very patient -"That's okay, it took me a while to get the portal trick, too. Try again" -Don't even get me started on the manhunts -Will pick you up at any given moment -Bridal style, arms around your waist, whatever -He loves your size difference -Often gets you what you want when you're out shopping -He doesn't always, though -He has some self control and common sense -Will bring you back things that make him think of you while he's out by himself -It could be something he buys, or if he sees a rock or something he thinks you'd like -Very attentive -If you ask him to do something for you he usually will without question -"Sure; where is it?" "What do you need?" "You sure you only want one?" -He notices things, too -If you're having a bad day, he can tell -Takes you everywhere if he can -He feels more at home with you around -His love language is probably touch or quality time -Gives your head lots of kisses -Head kisses all day -I feel like he gives off a decent bit of body heat, too -Casual cuddler -He'll just have his arm on the back of the couch and you slide in -Bounces his music or video ideas off of you -He will sing a song he just wrote to you so you can give feedback -Private concerts -You stop and listen if you're walking by his room and happen to hear him singing quietly -He's written multiple songs about you -He's in the process of secretly writing a song that he wants you to duet with him -It's taking longer than normal because he wants it to be perfect -Definitely texts you "good morning" and "goodnight" every day -He doesn't really strike me as a pet name person -Maybe "baby" or "hun/hon" or something -He's fine with public displays of affection -Usually holding your hand or has his arm around you -You sometimes wear his clothes, but you're swimming in them -They're miles too long -Drista loves you -She shares very embarrassing stories about Dream -Dream is very happy the two of you get along -But he's slightly worried because you're partners in crime -I feel like he also has a good sense of work/life balance -He shares everything with you -You're either his best friend or right behind Sapnap
-Speaking of the devil... -I feel like Sapnap also prefers "stay at home" dates -Watching basketball -You definitely argue about your favorite teams -"The Rockets are so bad this year, babe" "Oh yeah? The (favorite team) aren't doing so great, either" "Better than the Rockets" -Playing video games -Takeout -He'll sometimes cook for you, though -Sapnap takes you to shoot hoops -Gives you tips whether you need them or not -You play H.O.R.S.E. and he definitely gloats if he wins -If you win though, he always has some sort of excuse -"You were distracting me" "The sun was in my eyes" "You're lucky" -You know he's just teasing though -You tease each other a lot- that's just your dynamic -He also plays chess with you every Thursday night -He greatly looks forward to it -Sometimes you'll play earlier in the week too if Sapnap simply cannot wait -If you mention you like something while you're out shopping he'll make a mental note and get it for you for Christmas or your birthday or something -Very thoughtful, but also practical with his gifts -"You already have one of those" -Generally thinks you look good in everything but is always honest -"I think I liked the other color better" -He also likes flustering you -"I like the shorter one," he'd say with a wink and crooked grin -You'd turn a little red in the ears and smack him with whatever happened to be near you -This man is also always buying food -He'll take you for gym dates, too -He'll spot you if you need/want -Will give guys dirty looks if he thinks they're staring too long -He knows you can take care of yourself, but you know he enjoys his masculinity so you let him unless it's personal -He loves when you get along with his friends -He knows you're faithful, but the poor sweetheart has some insecurities -Will send you silly selfies of what he's doing throughout the day -"I died to a creeper in hardcore mode 😭😒" is the caption of a Minecraft death screen picture -Will also send you pictures of things that remind him of you, no matter how small or silly they are -Sometimes they're totally random -"This rug reminded me of you" (with picture attached) -Probably because he's always thinking of you -Like Dream, he's pretty attentive, but he's more likely to laugh a little, look back at his phone and ask "why can't you get it?" -He's not being mean though- he just can't see a reason you can't -"You have legs", he'd tell you -Love language is physical touch -Change my mind -Always has a hand on you -I feel like he also gives off a ton of body heat -Also is constantly draping himself on you or hugging you -Front or back- it doesn't matter -He will also nestle his face into your hair and/or neck at any given moment -Cuddles. Cuddles forever -Spooning -He just loves holding you -Not really one for public kisses, but he's also always holding your hand -If you're sitting next to each other at the house he'll have his hand on your thigh, holding your hand or his arm across your shoulders -Will sometimes put his legs/feet across/on your lap -If you have your feet or legs on his lap, you better believe he's just resting his hand on them -You also love to stroke his hair -You definitely wear his clothes, too -They are also miles too big, but more in width than length -(We stan short kings) -He knows you love his beard -He makes sure to stroke it a lot in front of you -He will rub his beard against your face a little during hugs or something -Even randomly just for fun and to tease you -Will also speak to you in Greek sometimes cause he knows you love that, too -If he gets riled up his Texan accent will come out -Sometimes you secretly rile him up on purpose just to hear it -I feel like he's one for pet names -Babe, baby, doll, darl', etc. -I gotta stop here before I talk about Sapnap forever
-George is the most likely of the Dream Team to prefer dining out -Your taste in food is so different than his, (he's British), so you guys avoid specialty places -You go on walks after dinner -"Gotta burn all the calories we just ate" -Really it's just to spend more time together -You also get to show George around so he can try to get more familiar with the town -You excitedly point out your favorite places -George only glances at it briefly before looking back at you -He loves when your eyes light up as you talk about something you care about -Doesn't stop him from teasing you about it, though -George will often point at things going "what on earth is thAt?" -You have to explain the American (or your preference) culture -Loves shopping for knick knacks but hates shopping for clothes -"EUuugh. How long are we going to be here?" -Will sometimes get you things when you comment on them -Will also sometimes remark "why would you want that?" -Dude simply doesn't understand -He's also sometimes teasing, though -Will buy you lots of random stuff, even if you only mentioned liking something once -You mentioned one time that elephants are cute? Well good, cause George is buying you every single thing he sees with elephants on them, now -If George knows gossip, you'd better believe he's going to you first -Most likely to tell you "go get it yourself" if you want something -I'm honestly not sure what his love language would be -Maybe receiving gifts or words of affirmation -You get him something once a week because of this -Also because he's always giving you things and you feel bad -George's clothes are also a little big on you, but it's not too bad -He probably only has a couple pet names for you -Darling, love, babe, baby...classic British stuff, ya know-
-Karl will flip flop between going out or eating at home -He always wants it to be a surprise what's for dinner -Probably buys you candy or flowers or something -It's cheesy and he knows it -He plays video games with you -He loves trolling you both in the games, making your task harder, and in real life -Definitely pulls a prank on you at least once every few months -He'd do that giggle of his and go "you still love me, right?" with a smile on his face -He knows you do, though -Karl points at random stuff in the store more than you do -He'll pick stuff up and play with it, doing silly voices for whatever it is -If you ask him to do something he'll do it -Will also use it against you in the future -"I got your phone from off the counter for you, you can bring me my shoes" -I'm not sure about love language for him, either -Whatever it is, you make sure to give it to him -You listen to him as he rambles about whatever he's excited about -He tells you things about Banter before he tells Sapnap and George -"We just hit ___ million subscribers on Banter" "We're getting ____ as the guest for Banter next week" -Karl will also hold your hand in public -He'll swing your arms wildly when you walk from place to place -I feel like Karl doesn't use many pet names, either -Maybe stuff like "honey", "love" or "babe" -Karl's clothes are also too long for you
-Will also dine in or do takeout -Loves movie nights -Curling up together with a blanket on the couch -Matching pajamas -Dancing in the living room -Both sweet/slow and silly -Loudly singing off key as the radio plays -He will sometimes quietly sing to you, though -It's very sweet -Loves board/card games -You're way better at them than him, though -You sometimes let him win -Will also take you on gym dates -Has full confidence in your abilities and will sometimes give you more than you can manage -Nobody bothers you because Foolish is kinda tall and a large lad and while he's the sweetest guy ever, people don't know that -Also buys you candy and flowers -He doesn't think it's cheesy, he's just very genuine -He's genuine about everything, let's be honest -You have to rein in Foolish when you go shopping -He wants everything -"Foolish, that's not at all practical." "But it's so cute!" -Also very attentive -He doesn't notice much though, so you have to ask/tell him -Usually will comply without complaint -His love language I would guess is quality time -He always wants to spend time with you -It doesn't even have to be dates -Dude will take you with him to do banking -He uses all the pet names -Babe, baby, angel, love, sweetheart, honey, darling, dear.... -I can hear all of those coming out of his mouth -You love wearing his clothes -They are also large on you but you love it -I feel like if something's bothering him you have to drag it out of him -He doesn't want to ruin your mood just because he's having a bad day -Cuddles -He doesn't mind PDA -He'll hold your hand while you're out -Forehead kisses -He'll kiss you on the mouth if you're out sometimes, too -Very considerate and sweet man
-Wilbur also will do dine in or takeout, but I feel like he prefers dine in -Loves taking you places -Parks, theaters, some pretty lake that he saw, anything -He probably writes songs about you -"You're my muse, darling" -If you can play an instrument, he'll play with you all the time -If you can't play, he'll perform for you -He definitely takes you on tour with him -"You're my good luck charm" -You wear his glasses sometimes -He talks about you all the time -"She's just amazing, chat" -He sometimes will just randomly quiz you on some fancy words that he knows -Or speak to you in a different language and ask you what you think he said -Sometimes what he said was really sweet -Sometimes it was the most asinine thing you'd ever heard -I can see him just lounging on the couch with you in silence -In one hand he has a book -The other is stroking your hand or something -You're either reading, too, or just enjoying his company -You probably fall asleep cause you're laying on him -He's always wearing sweaters and it's very cozy -You wear his sweaters and the sleeves always go passed your hands -Wilbur makes fun of you for it -"Love, if it's impeding your tasks, why are you wearing it?" -He secretly thinks it's adorable, though -You point out things you like in a store -Wilbur points out things that amuse him (or that he thinks will amuse you) -He'll buy you something you like 80% of the time -He's fairly attentive, too -It depends on his mood, though -And if he's busy -He'll usually get you what you want, asking why you need it as he's already on his way -Love language is probably either words of affirmation or quality time -He lives for you telling him how much you love him -He also loves hearing what you love about him -His public affection is pretty minor, probably -He might hold your hand, depending -Or walk with an arm around your shoulders -But I think he's the most likely to not be huge on it -I feel like he uses a handful of pet names -Darling, (my) love, sweetheart.....probably a few more -I feel like "love" or "my love" and "darling" are his favorites, though -He loves taking you places with his friends
-Also probably prefers comfy home-dates -Often orders takeout -You'll sometimes make something, though -Definitely jokes about you doing "your assigned work as a woman" for several minutes before helping you -He's not very good at it -Plays video games with you all the time -Shopping is a chore if Tommy's with you -He is constantly running off to look at things -Will bring you stuff he found to make jokes with -"Put it back, Tommy" -Shopping takes twice as long as it used to -Or needs to -"I'm going to get you a child-leash if you keep this up" -It started out as a joke, but now you're seriously considering it -He's pretty attentive -He'll get you what you want -Will definitely complain about it the whole time, though -He's just messing with you and you know it -He usually notices something is bothering you, even if he doesn't know what -He'll come up to you and yell "self care day!" before dragging you out of your chair to do all of your favorite things -He's really very sweet -Will randomly yell "this is my girlfriend!!" -Love language is probably quality time -He wants to do everything with you -Has made multiple jokes that he's going to handcuff you to him so you can't leave him -I feel like he uses a few pet names -Baby, love, stuff like that -He also tries to come up with his own -"My sweet pickle" "Absolutely not" "My lovely linguine?" "No" "Beautiful bonzai?" "Um...no" -They aren't great -"My precious peach?" ".....That one's not bad" -Some work, though -His clothes fit you pretty well -So you often steal them -He has no idea where they go -Even if he sees you in them, he doesn't put two and two together -"You have a shirt like that, too!?? I can't find mine"
Sorry this took so long! I definitely got carried away....😅😅
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locustandwildhoney · 2 years
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Im having too much fun with actors looking like their characters
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pistachiozombie · 27 days
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[Fallout OC pt. 1] Some sheets for my Fallout OCs and their lovers, including some character development stuff. Kaite and Lennie are next~
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showmey0urfangs · 2 years
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE, exterior set design by Mara Lepere-Schloop
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chobit92 · 4 months
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Every time I see this at my local garden center all I can think about is Jacob Seed. I just know he’d get John to buy him one of these for the garden…
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mara-ma · 5 months
Thank to the friend I remember that I didn't post my
❗TW: mention of SH and DEPRESSION, and also nudity ❗
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- i already have headcanons for hands ;) (https://www.tumblr.com/mara-ma/739768012372099072/my-headcanons-for-jacobs-hands?source=share)
- small (sh) scars on hands and legs
- coarse hair and always unkept. Also grey hair starting to appear
- always circles under the eyes bc of lack of sleep or sitting infront of screen all day
- eye vision are -3
- scars on the chest bc he had breakdown bc his object of adoration got a partner
- pubic louse (bc of lack of hygiene)
- cut him off to 5 inches HE GET ENOUGH❗
- a lot of hair on all of the body. Bc of depression doesn't care about hygiene much
Ps: again sorry for f-up translation
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lgbtvideogames · 9 months
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Happy Celebrate Bisexuality Day!
From left to right: Mara Sov, Dina, Jacob Frye, Loba Andrade, Tyler Ronan, Mileena, Meredith Weiss, Zagreus, Max Caulfield, Billie Lurk, Mikhaila Ilyushin, Ryan Erzahler, Parvati Holcomb, Clementine, Alex Chen, Javier García, Jala, Sean Diaz, Mindy Blanchard, Rachel Amber and Mae Borowski.
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We all had a tough end of the week, so I thought I would put together something about my IWTV set lurking experience in Prague, hopefully to cheer someone up and show you that the people working on our little show are incredible, everything is well thought out, and we have a lot to look forward to.
I am confident that Prague will be a good substitute for Paris. I love this post comparing Prague's Théâtre des Vampires location with a real Le Grand Guignol in Paris. But similar care is given to other locations as well.
I like to joke that I enjoyed a month-long tour of Prague's most famous landmarks, only to have the actual filming take place in nondescript alleyways right next to them. But it makes perfect sense. They want to capture the nicer and older parts of the city that suit them, but not anything that would tell you it's Prague.
Production design, costumes
I saw them build everything from scratch on several sets. And I'm in awe. From putting up posters that will probably only appear in the background of a single shot, to street names that fit the exact topography of Paris and make sense in the context of the scenes that take place on them, to storefronts that they really didn't have to pay that much attention to, or a menu at Le Dakar Café that you could only read up close, but someone took the trouble to make it anyway?
And maybe this attention to detail is normal, I don't know, but I still think Mara and her team deserve all the praise they get.
S1 showed us how much attention is paid to the costumes. I can assure you that has not changed. All the hats, coats, capes and dresses. I can't tell you how many times I've been pleasantly surprised. By the choice of colors for Lestat. By how beautifully all of Armand's black clothes come to life with little details.
There are so many people (and I mean SO many) working on the show and they all know exactly what is expected of them, everything runs like a well-oiled machine. I haven't seen any problems, any conflicts, any excesses.
I'm not under any illusion that everything was trouble-free, but really the only complaints I heard were about the horrendously hellish schedule (I guess that's normal) and then the occasional person wishing they had finished earlier (they never finished earlier).
They are all heroes to me.
Levan is the only one I saw. He seems so focused and professional. His "rolling...and action" is unforgettable.
After six locations and about fifteen scenes (and countless rehearsals and takes), I think I managed to get at least some idea of them, and yes, they really seem to be such nice people.
- Jacob, I don't envy him at all the emotional strain of playing Louis, but at the same time I love his portrait of Louis so much.
- Sam's transformation into Lestat is something to behold.
- Assad was the only one present on every set. I don't think we've fully realized how big a role he's going to have (at least in S2).
- Delainey, Ben, Roxane and everyone else 💜
They were far from finished when the strike started, but at least (in my opinion) they got to the last block of episodes. 
I'm not going to pretend to have a concrete idea of what to expect from S2 based on what little I saw. But I do have a few guesses, and I'm insanely excited and thrilled. And, in the case of the 1700s flashbacks, totally confused. I can't believe they're going to do so many unexpected things, or other things so soon.
I truly believe that S2 will not disappoint any of us. We just have to wait a little longer. But if this strike means that everyone gets a better deal and the studios are forced to change their ways, it will be worth the wait.
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