#Man with a Van Moving
celeritymoves · 4 months
Man with a Van Removals London
For reliable and efficient Man with a Van removal services in London, choose Celerity Moves. Our team is dedicated to ensuring a smooth and stress-free moving experience. For more information, please visit https://celeritymoves.co.uk/
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ducktracy · 7 months
a short placing heavy emphasis on Hungarian Rhapsody No. II is a rite of passage for golden age cartoons. Bugs Bunny did it! Tom and Jerry did it! Daffy and Donald! but one thing Woody Woodpecker has above the competition is that he is held hostage by a group of gangsters and is forced to entertain, lest he get executed. amazing
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lemon-wedges · 1 year
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[Barok Van Zieks Voice]: Two tickets to the Barbie Movie.........Please.....
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wildbluesorbit · 10 months
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The iconic dance has made a comeback💀
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maudiemoods · 5 months
Is it okay to ask why you gotta pack stuff? Are u moving?
Yes and yes! I'm moving into a van! This is a personal choice and I'm not doing it because I have to! I've been wanting to do it for a very long time but I've been too scared! But I'm finally doing it yay!! I'm gonna travel around and figure out where I want to set up my life! I've saved up a TON of money so I'll be able to find a place wherever I am if I need!
For the past few months I've been working on my van. I got wood flooring down yay! Then I gave up building everything! So I'm getting a cot and some basic storage stuff! If anyone's interested, I'll make a post with pictures of the final set up!
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thedreadvampy · 7 months
My housemate is moving out in January
She told us this a week or two ago, when she sat down and, after sitting with us watching TV for over an hour, said "hey so I bought a house and I'm moving out. We agreed on 2 months notice so I won't move until the end of January."
The last time she talked in the immediate terms about buying a house was in 2021, when the sale she was working on fell though and she was unemployed so it was a "when I'm back in a position to look I'll start looking again." Since then I've occasionally asked her how she's doing on the house buying front and she's been like "oh I'm getting there financially" but hasn't mentioned anything concrete.
She didn't tell us she was looking at places. She didn't tell us she had put in an offer. She told us when the offer was finalised. A week AFTER she emailed the letting agent about getting out of her part of the lease. And, it increasingly feels like, only because the letting agent's response was that we had to agree to change the lease.
The letting agent's response (which our housemate obviously didn't copy us into; we had to follow up separately and they copied us into the email chain) also includes that when we change the lease, they're empowered to change the rent, quote, "no cap". Rent was already going up in January - there's no possibility of Sam and I paying her share of the rent.
The really fucking upsetting thing is we're not strangers. This isn't a casual "housemate we found on flatshare" thing. She and Sam have lived together literally their entire adult lives. Me and her have known each other well over a decade. I lived in her and Sam's flat when I was homeless. We were the first people she came out to as trans. We're not super close but I thought we were fucking friends. And she's literally gone out of her way to not talk to us about this for what must have been months while the sale completed - which means she's lied to my face at least once cause I've asked her about her finances in that time (cause she's in a job she hates that she only took to get the house money, so it's like. when we've been commiserating about work stuff I'm often asking 'are you almost free?'). she literally went out of her way to talk to the letting agents before talking to us about putting us in a situation where we could lose our fucking home.
And she keeps. trying. to pretend nothing's happened. Every time I've seen her since then she's not mentioned anything or apologised or anything, she just keeps chatting away and offering hugs and fistbumps like nothing's happened. Like we're still fucking friends.
All it would take for us to still be friends and to be happy for her would have been one fucking sentence in the groupchat like "hey, just put an offer in on a house" or "I'm looking at properties, just so you know, that might happen in the next few months". Like nobody begrudges her for buying a house! It's very cool for her! She's 31 she's worked really hard to get the money I would love to be happy for her! Unfortunately she decided avoiding conflict is more important than giving the people she fucking LIVES WITH (who btw fronted her a month on the rent here while she was unemployed and agreed to take on a larger proportion of the move-in cost back in 2021, if we're still holding ourselves to shit we said 2.5 years ago), so no, you are not entitled to our friendship or to going back to normal.
like if she'd been honest with us it would have been something to process but we'd have had time to figure out our next steps. instead she's left us in a position where we have to find a new roommate before she gives her one month notice, which means finding someone by the end of December, which oh look that's the middle of the fucking Christmas holidays. and she didn't tell us anything until the START of December, or copy us into her conversation with the letting agent, meaning we still don't know what the rent on that space will be so we aren't yet in a position to advertise it. Has she offered to help find a roommate? Has she fuck. Has she offered to help out by moving her move-out date? Nah, she's moving as soon as she gets the keys because, quote, "that means her finances won't have to change". SOUNDS LOVELY. NOT HAVING YOUR FINANCES SUDDENLY CHANGE. I THINK THAT SOUNDS LIKE A REALLY REASONABLE FUCKING GOAL.
Thirteen fucking years she's lived with Sam. Four fucking weeks over Christmas she's left us to figure out a way to not turbofuck our living situation. And she's got the fucking nerve to try and pretend we should be interacting like nothing's changed. Jesus Christ. What a fucking unhinged way to treat...anybody, honestly. never mind the friends-your-entire-adult-life part. literally cannot imagine a scenario in which I would buy a house without telling the people I lived with.
(haha actually this is what my parents divorced over so apparently it's not unusual. although at least my dad had the decency to tell the woman he shared finances with at the point he put in an offer not the point the fucking sale went through.)
Like we'll be fine. It's a huge city centre flat with decent rent and queer housemates, hopefully even when the rent goes up it'll be an easy sell in a city with a huge housing shortage and big queer community. We've got a couple of people interested already, sight unseen - worst case scenario we have to live with someone we don't get on with. And it's given Sam and me a push to look at our own finances and as of today, we've got a mortgage decision in principle and can start looking at flats in the area - mind, we'll be transparent upfront and tell any prospective housemates that yeah, we're looking to buy and move out in the next 6-12 months, and we'll tell them if we put an offer in, because we're decent fucking people who aren't going to spring that on someone out of the blue.
But it's been I think 2 weeks and I'm so fucking angry I could spit. It's such a fucking betrayal. And frankly you know selfishly like. I just had a breakup a couple of months ago, I'm in the middle of moving jobs, both me and Sam have a history of housing instability and this has been the first decent, stable, safe, not-mouldy not-freezing home I think any of us have had, and this is so fucking triggering and upscuttling I could just start biting. like I was talking to my friend about it last week and it's just like. Can I have One Fucking Thing of the three main tentpoles of survival - home, work, relationships - that are fucking stable right now? because shit has been In Flux lately. and at least the work and relationship stuff has changed because of my decisions. going through all that work to make myself short-term unstable to gain long-term stability has been really hard and draining and then just as I was reaching the crisis point with work stuff BOOM, IT'S HOUSING INSTABILITY WITH A STEEL CHAIR. fuck. seriously fuck this and fuck her. we're going to make something good come of it but what a deeply, unbelievably shitty thing to do.
#red said#the other thing that bugs me about it is. ok and again this is old shit dredged back to 2021 when we moved in together#but i had my housemate. and Sam had her. and each of us were really close pairs who'd lived together a long time#and we tried looking for flats as a four but a) a flat with 4 good sized bedrooms in Edinburgh is hens teeth#and b) my housemate was pretty happy to live with me and Sam but increasingly felt like a 4 man flat was going to be a lot for him#and so in the end we talked about it. and through a combination of that and same housemate being in a pretty#unfavorable position housing wise. cause she was unemployed and had shit credit at that moment.#we agreed she'd move with us and Joe went and found a one bed#and in the end that's been really great for him tbh he's a lot happier and more confident and we were pretty sick of each other by then#and so we get on much better now#but at the time it was a real heartache i felt like I'd let Joe down i felt like our friendship was over#and honestly I have never been a huge fan of living with our current housemate. even before we lived here#like when i was staying with her and Sam too. she's incredibly messy and takes up a lot of space in conversations#I've always liked her as a person but she's exhausting and often unpleasant to share space with#and there's a bit of me that's like. we bent over backwards to accommodate you when you were precarious.#like it would have been WAY easier for us to look for a 2-bed during 2021. and if it was a 3-bed I'd have rather stayed with Joe.#but we moved with her for her sake. and she left Sam to clean up their old place (and there were Literal Rats)#and she got really pissy about driving the moving van even though a) that was her idea and b) she's the only person with a license#and c) i walked all MY shit over by hand anyway and the only reason she hired the van was to move her tv#me and Sam found all the core furniture. me and Sam sorted out all the viewings. me and Sam did all the planning. Sam set up all the bills.#we spotted her for rent!we took a bigger share of the costs! because we fucking cared about her and wanted her to have a fucking home!#and she can't even do us the courtesy you'd offer a fucking lodger you found on fucking gumtree
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whartonists · 6 months
One of the several things that are very frustrating about how the Maud storyline played out this season is that, from Maud's perspective, the con she plays makes little sense; Oscar isn't an important enough or wealthy enough target for this to be her last great con before she disappears off into the ether, but without that motivation she fact that she burns the bridge behind her by disappearing means that she won't be able to play New York society again.
Perhaps her plan is to play multiple cities, far enough apart (in distance as well as the timing of the cons) that word hopefully won't spread; perhaps there was a reason she wanted to cash out as it were as soon as possible and latched on to Oscar because he happened to be nearby and wealthy enough. But we get no indication of her motivations, and that is what is so irritating and unfulfilling about this plotline; there is no attention paid to her as a character, rather than a hollow mover of plot, at all.
And this, in turn, makes that whole plot feel rudderless and absurd. The necessity of it is indisputable; it has to happen to precipitate the Ada-Agnes role-reversal at the end of the season, and so I'm not saying Oscar shouldn't have lost the money or even that Maud shouldn't have taken it (though there were plenty of more interesting and historically informed ways that plot could've played out). But the fact of creating a character, especially a female character, who is so transparently a plot device rather than a person the writers spent any time thinking about, is deeply frustrating--especially on this show, which otherwise so reliably treats its female characters like human beings.
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southstand · 3 months
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hugs all around 🫂
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I’m sorry but the fact that Kerch and Ketterdam are based off 18th/17th century Nederland and they are all just dress… blegh? Unforgivable. I know you all have the notion of Dutch traditional dress being boring and bland and black but that is SO FAR from the truth especially in the 18th century like…
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(A lot of this is modern but like it was even prettier and more elaborate back when it was widely worn.)
“But it doesn’t go with the ✨vibe✨ of Ketterdam
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Klederdracht is so diverse and so beautiful… idk just seeing what everyone is wearing in Ketterdam makes me sad because it was such a missed opportunity
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ventiswampwater · 1 year
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Brian Van Holt as Sean Cavennaugh in Threshold (2005)
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myfriendtheghost · 2 years
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another entry in my rhinestoned diary
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celeritymoves · 4 months
Hire Professional Movers for Your Next Move: Save Yourself from Heavy Lifting
Hiring professional movers for your next relocation has numerous advantages, but the main one might be the ability to relocate without stress. Professional movers are very skilled and knowledgeable on how to move properly. Movers London UK will assist you in moving, packing, and settling into your new house as quickly as they can.
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batcavescolony · 1 year
Funny Ant-man comic moment
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Scott just living in an ant colony
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lupismaris · 9 months
It's BFs last day at the contractor job he's had since 2019 and we're about to drop his work van off for the last time
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fidjiefidjie · 1 year
Belle soirée 🆕️ 🎸💙
Van Morrison 🎶 Worried Man Blues
(Moving On Skiffle)
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general-marzipan · 1 year
I'm gonna explode if I don't talk about Sniper obsessing over turtles/tortoises
Gonna put my interest in turtles/tortoises onto Sniper tf2 because the thought alone just makes me really happy.
Like many people would think that he would be more into crocodiles or kangaroos or other animals like that, but I like to think that he would be way more deeply involved in facts about animals that people don't really talk about.
Like if Scout or Demo were to ask him about how strong a crocodile is, he would just nonchalantly state the strong bite force of the crocodile, not really paying much mind to the fact and then just continuing what he was doing.
But if you were to mention a tortoise for whatever reason, he will drop whatever he is doing, and RUN towards whoever was speaking just to infodump about the Galapagos tortoise and how cool he thinks they are (hi its me I'm the Galapagos tortoise lover).
I also think he would be into documentaries about turtles but also be a huge connoisseur in the TMNT series. I can see him convincing Scout and Pyro to watch many versions of TMNT like 1987 & 2012 and figuring out which aspects of the turtles are actually accurate to real life turtles. I wanna see him get to the point where he can make a whole slideshow on which version is the most accurate based on the appearance of the turtles & how they adapt using features related to actual irl turtles (who knows, he could get Medic to fact-check his data based on the medical anomalies & mutations he's seen in his own lab).
I just want Sniper to be a huge tmnt nerd and turtle lover like me (even tho I know absolutely nothing about real turtles/tortoises and have never finished a tmnt show in its entirety).
[Please please please give me some of your turtle/tortoise facts if you have any cause ever since I started writing this I can feel my brain itching for new ways to combine my other interests with TF2. And if you have any other animals that you think Sniper would like to talk about please tell me I wanna learn about all these cool little animals!!]
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