#Mamehara Issei
sanosyudai · 23 days
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entertainment is on the house - jo1
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08-31 · 6 months
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KCON HONG KONGありがとうございました✨ 楽しかったです🫶✌️👍 またお会いしましょう😆
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kimakento · 26 days
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umani-ko · 3 months
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𝐉𝐎𝟏 𝐗 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 𝐌𝐕 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐭 ☀️
Stay 変わらずにいて このままずっとずっと
the summer weather makes me nostalgic~ i loved JO1's stay mv and summer camp series. i decided to try my hand at drawing the members in my style!! i think they would be cute as stickers ^^
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yeoli · 1 year
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230330 JO1 - Tiger
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kimuramasaya · 10 months
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JO1 ✧ Itty Bitty
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eloraphics · 3 months
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mamehara issei ✦ jo1
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ayanetakami · 1 year
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mame / boy with love
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restlesswritings · 1 year
Restlesswritings JPOP Masterlist
A/N: This is a list of the groups I have or want to write for! REQUESTS are always welcome! If you have groups/artists you'd like to request for, go ahead! Check out my KPOP masterlist!
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UPCOMING GROUPS: (Requests open)
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hyunsuksswife · 1 year
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[15.09.2024.] CDTV Live! Live!
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08-31 · 6 months
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sooniessoulmate · 14 days
𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚝 ~ 𝚌𝚑.𝟺 ~ 𝚒𝚗𝚒 & 𝚓𝚘𝟷 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜
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𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚛: 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚎𝚌𝚝 𝚋𝚘𝚡
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𝚌𝚑.𝟹 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚌𝚑.𝟻
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Dinner is served to Ruki and you at his cousin’s restaurant. The food looks and smells absolutely heavenly. If only your appetite was fully intact, you are certain the food would taste just as good as it looks and smells. “Come on, you need to eat,” he insists, looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“I’m sorry Ruki,” you sigh. “I’m just not hungry and I’m afraid if I force myself to eat, it’s going to make me sick.”
“I know I don’t know the extent of everything you’ve been through today but maybe it would help if you talked about it,” he suggests.
You look away as tears begin to form in your eyes, “my father was murdered,” you say in a tone that is so low that it's barely audible.
He gasps expressing pure shock. “What do you mean murdered?”
“To be honest, I don’t really know the details,” you sigh. “I only know what my brother told me and he always leaves out the details when it comes to anything that involves him and father.”
“I’m sorry baby,” Ruki says, sympathetically with a slight frown on his face.
The waiter returns to the table with a bottle of red wine, “Mr. Shosei sent this over, sir,” he explains, pouring the burgundy colored liquid into two glasses and placing one in front of each of you. 
“Thank you,” Ruki sighs, analyzing your facial expressions for any sign of acceptance of the wine. He turns to look at the waiter who is still staring at him, “is that all?”
“Oh yes,” the waiter stumbles, “I’ll be taking my leave now,” he scurries away just as quickly as he originally appeared. 
Without thinking you reach for your glass of wine and drink the entire glass. “Mmmm, that’s really good wine.”
“I’m glad you like it, my dear,” Shosei purrs, walking over to the table. “It's our finest bottle of perfectly aged Chateau Lafite Rothschild Bordeaux Pauillac.”
“I have no idea what you just said but it still tastes good,” you smile.
“I'll tell you a little secret,” Shosei starts. “I have a lot of things that taste…”
“Alright Shosei,” Ruki quickly interrupts. “That’s enough of that.”
“I think the princess might actually enjoy the attention,” he smirks, staring at you, waiting for a response.
“Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?” Ruki growls. “Y/N is clearly uncomfortable.”
“I think she looks rather intrigued,” Shosei states.
“Why are you out here bothering us again?” Ruki quickly changes the subject, clearly annoyed.
“I need to borrow you, you’re needed in my office,” Shosei explains, his eyes never leaving you.
“Can’t you see I’m a little busy at the moment?” Ruki snaps.
“I’m not asking you to come to my office,” Shosei snarls, glaring at the younger one. “I’m telling you to come to my office.”
Your eyes widen when you hear and feel the change of atmosphere when the orders are barked out. The tension becomes so thick, it can be cut with a knife, which makes you want to crawl under the table and hide.
“I am busy right now,” Ruki retorts without hesitation. “I told you that I will stop in once we are finished with our dinner.”
“That is unacceptable,” Shosei growls.
“Ahhh shit the prince himself is here,” Ren snarls walking into the restaurant, followed closely behind by Takumi.
You watch as Ruki tenses up upon the entrance of the two men, surprised by the reaction. This is really the first time you’ve ever seen his body language change so drastically. Ruki always remains calm in every situation so the fact that he appears to be on edge, makes you aware that you should follow suit.
“Why are you guys here?” Ruki asks, standing up and moving to where he is in front of you, almost as if he was trying to shield you.
“Well well well,” Ren hums, walking over to the table after spotting you. “Who do we have here?”
You could feel his eyes burning a hole through you, practically undressing you with his eyes making both your skin crawl and hair stand up on the back of your neck. 
Ruki moves again, blocking the strange man from your line of vision. “Leave her alone, Ren,” he orders.
“I just want to properly introduce myself to this vision of pure beauty,” Ren announces, with a hint of confidence in his tone.
“Alright, that’s enough fucking around guys,” Shosei interrupts, with a more dominating demeanor than you’ve seen him have prior. 
Ren turns to face Shosei, laughing with a shit eating grin on his face, “I must say this is not a very intimidating look on you.”
You feel something in your hair, assuming a fly landed, after moving your hand up to swat the insect away, you jump after making contact with a hand. You look and the smaller man who was following Ren is now only inches from your face. The corner of his lips curl upwards into a spine chilling grin before he lets out a guttural, low growl, “woof woof woof.” You jump, staring with wide eyes, almost paralyzed by fear.  
“I like your eyes,” he continues. “I have the perfect box I could store them in.”
“Takumi,” Ruki snaps, “leave her the fuck alone.”
Takumi, grabs your throat with one hand while making eye contact, “till next time prince jacker.” and with that he runs over to stand between Ren and Ruki.
“Run along prince, dad needs you,” Ren smiles, “and don’t worry about this little ray of sunshine, daddy will take care of her.”
He sits down in the seat where Ruki was sitting across from you at your table. He places an elbow onto the table resting his face in the palm of his hand, “So tell me sunshine, what’s your name?”
“God damn it Ren,” Ruki growls. “Leave her the fuck alone.”
With a look of pure rage, Ren slides his hand into his sports coat, a man appears from the office and commands, “Shiroiwa, Kawanishi, Ohira…get in here NOW!”
“Awww look at that,” Ren smiles, a look of smugness on his face. “Looks like dad thinks I should be the babysitter.”
Ruki looks at you with apologetic eyes, “I’ll be right back, will you be ok?”
You want to tell him no, you want to beg him to stay and not to leave you with the crazed maniac who has been undressing you with his eyes the entire time he has walked into the building, but you know you can’t. Instead, you force a smile and nod. “I’ll be fine.”
You watch as the other men scurry away from the table and into the office. Ren is still focusing on you as though you are the only person in the entire room.
“I’m going to ask you again,” he growls in a low deep voice, sending shivers down to your core. “What’s your name, sunshine?”
“My name is Tajima Y/N.”
To look at Ren you wouldn’t be able to tell what he has hidden beneath the shiny exterior. He’s a gorgeous man, practically perfection but as they say, ‘you can’t judge a book by its cover’.
“Tajima Y/N,” he repeats. You can see the wheels spinning in his mind but you can’t bring yourself to ask him what he is thinking. “So tell me Miss Tajima Y/N, what are you doing with Prince charming?”
“What do you mean?” you wonder.
He laughs at your innocence, “it’s quite simple sunshine, are you just a good time girl or more?”
“Oh my god,” you gasp. “It’s nothing like that. Ruki and I are friends from university and he’s just helping me out right now.”
“Is that so?” Ren smirks, eyes moving down onto your figure, lingering there for a little longer than necessary.
The doors to the office open, Ruki and Takumi reenter the dining room. Ren moves over to sit next to you before anyone has the chance to steal his spot. He smells like a combination of expensive cologne and cigarettes, a smell that seems to tickle your senses without your consent.
Ruki sits on the opposite side of you. “Are you ok?” he whispers.
“Don’t worry prince charming,” Ren interjects, “I didn’t ruin your little trophy…yet that is.”
Ren pulls his phone out of his pocket, opening the camera and snaps a picture of himself sitting next to you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Ruki growls, slamming his hand down onto the table.
Takumi’s eyes get wide with excitement as he jumps onto the table “Shit’s gonna go the fuck down!!!!” he yells.
Ren forwards the picture he just captured, with the message, “oh my oh my look at the ray of sunshine I came across. I wonder how sweet she’s gonna taste.” He hits send, placing the phone back into his pocket, leaning back and waiting for the fun to begin.
Your phone instantly starts vibrating in your pocket…
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Shogo drives his car to ‘Fengfan’s’, parking his car on the street in front. He gets out and walks inside, Masaya closely behind. Masaya walks over, slamming his beloved bat down on an empty table close to where the other men are sitting. He looks up with tears in his eyes, “I’m sorry Shogo,” he whimpers. “Even though Eleanor was on board, I just can’t do it. I can’t hurt Fengie…I love him too much.”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Shogo growls, looking around at all the patrons watching on in shock. “Everyone out of here now, your meals are on the house. Now Go.”
All the guests get up and quickly scurry out of the restaurant, leaving Shogo and his boys alone.
“Please don’t hate Eleanor, Shogo,” Masaya begs. “She wanted to make you happy but I couldn’t. This is my fault, not hers.”
“I told you we’re not here to fucking hurt anyone,” Shogo growls.
Takeru stands up, walking over to Masaya. He grabs Eleanor, licking her while making eye contact with the crying lunatic, then throws his beloved bat across the room. “I just fucked your bitch ass licker,” he growls. 
The crying stops immediately and a look of rage overtakes Masaya’s face. He reaches down, grabbing Christine from her case secured on his belt loop, holding it against Takeru’s throat. Her blade is so sharp, that blood starts dripping down his neck.
“Now your precious Christine is fucking me too,” Takeru smirks. He reaches around his back pulling his black and yellow 9mm from his waistband jamming it into the side of Masaya’s head. “What do you say ole friend, you wanna leave this world together?”
“I can’t fucking deal with this bullshit today,” Shogo snaps, kicking a table causing it to flip making all the dishes break upon hitting the floor.
Fengfan stands up from the bar, without saying a word, he walks over and grabs Masaya and Takeru with both hands. He leans in close and whispers, “I will kill both of you right here and now if you don’t knock this shit off. And then I will butcher your bodies and serve you as tomorrow dinner specials. Understood?”
Masaya slowly lowers Christine, securing her back into her case on his belt loop as Takeru slowly shoves his 9mm into the front of his waistband. He grabs his neck seeing the blood on his hand. He smirks at Masaya not being able to control his urges, “since that was christine fucking me, is this her cum or mine?” he licks the blood of his hand, smiling evilly, “either way its fucking delicious.”
“I swear to fucking god, Takeru, get the fuck over here now and sit,” Jin growls, causing him to quickly do as he’s told. 
Masaya puts his head down and follows Fengfan back over to the bar, sitting down next to him. “I’m really sorry Fengie,” he whimpers, laying his head on his shoulder. “I didn’t want to hurt you, I really didn’t.”
“Get the hell off of me,” Fengfan snarls.
“But I love you,” Masaya announces.
“At least you know you can get ass from someone,” Jin laughs, winking at Fengfan. 
“I can’t fucking believe this shit,” Shogo states still pacing around the restaurant. 
“Yo, Shogo,” Jin starts. “Why don’t you fill us in on what’s going on.”
Shogo continues to pace without saying anything. He picks up a chair, throwing it through the glass window in the front of the restaurant. “God damn it!” he yells.
“Should I go give him a hug?” Masaya asks. 
“No, you stay,” Fengfan orders.
“Yea don’t risk losing your plan b,” Jin teases again.
Shogo walks over to the bar, grabbing a bottle of liquor and starts chugging. He slams it down onto the wood before looking at the others, “he’s gone boys, he’s gone.”
“Oh my god,” Fengfan gasped. “I’m sorry man.”
Before Shogo has time to respond his phone starts to vibrate, grabbing his attention. He pulls his phone out of his pocket to see a picture of you with Ren. “I’m gonna fucking kill him,” he growls then immediately dials your phone.
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𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚟 | 𝚖𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚝 | 𝚗𝚎𝚡𝚝
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umani-ko · 2 months
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JO1 STAY Stickers are now available in my etsy shop! 🍉 I just adore how they turned out ♡
📦 Offering US & International Shipping
🔖 Use code HELLOFRIENDS20 for 20% off between 7/23-7/31
🫶🏻 Shares & likes are greatly appreciated, ty!
SHOP JO1 Stickers
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yeoli · 8 months
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[240127] JO1 twitter update with RIIZE
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mtmtognn · 2 years
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