#Malatiae's an elderly disabled trans woman alchemist who is also an asshole
marlowethelibrarian · 4 months
4.5 k words and Chapter 1 of project Cannibalism is written \o/
really pleased with it so far! It's been a blast to write. here's a snippet!
Old age did not suit her. Rakani remembered Pahani ne’ Rana Malatiae as a woman brimming with a certain amount of rage, her wrists and fingers and elbows braced with enchanted copper, as she sought ways of alleviating her pain. She had been the first tifae, a gender changer, Rakani had met who wasn’t part of the Laeyat clan. Her bearing defied anyone to make comment on the single braid behind her left ear that signaled womanhood. A Muloyan native, she had been an object of fascination to a young Rakani when she bought ingredients from the Okemae market stall. “I’ve got no interest in joining those insular nitwits,” she snorted, taking a deep drag on a rolled joint of dried hanari buds, when Rakani had asked her about the Laeyat. “I’m no seer or scribe or whatever else it is they do. I’m Pahani and I’ll be Pahani till I die, even if there are no others here in these godforsaken highlands.” Rakani had seen her face down angry mobs with the aplomb of an irritated matriarch and she only got more and more irritated as the years went by. She refused to accept the limits of her own body. Mala reacted to old age like an ant might have reacted to being trapped in a spider’s web, the way she was tearing up her own limbs.
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