bleedingcoffee42 · 11 days
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*watches the hobbit*
*Kíli runs out of the bushes with a sword to save bilbo*
Kíli: drop him.
troll: *confused*
Kíli: I said drop him.
me: *butterflies* OHMAHGORSH *fangirl screaming heard everywhere*
0 notes
hpalways · 3 months
the star you were | Ken Sato
The man, the myth, the legend, Ken Sato. He was seemingly arrogant in his interviews, as well as relatively cold and distant from his teammates, as if he was untouchable.
You always assumed he had some sort of superior complex.
So... how did you stumble upon him at some measly convenience store, sitting there in a plastic chair like some loner?
It was as if he had no friends.
You tossed a cold fresh can of beer towards him, to which he caught it easily, blinking at you in surprise for a moment. His usual neat slicked back hair fell across his forehead as messy black bangs and the glow of his eyes were dull, despite the beautiful specks that adorned them. Truly, his irises were breathtaking, like stars, now that you could see them so close in real life.
"What are you doing?" he asked, with an almost offensive tone in his voice.
You shrugged. "You looked like you needed one." Without asking for permission, you slipped into the chair across from him and cracked open your own beer, listening in to the delicious foam created at the top.
"If you're a fan, you could just ask me for an autograph instead of being rude and bothering me like nobodies' business."
"Not a fan. Just thought you could use the company."
He scoffed. "I'm the one and only Ken Sato! I don't need company from some rando on the street."
"If you say so... you do look more sad sipping on beer alone though," you relented, getting up from your seat.
He hesitated, running his fingers through his hair in slight frustration. "Fine... sit down."
You plopped back down with a grin. "I must say, you look quite different in real life compared to the big screen. A little worse for wear."
Instead of rebuking like you imagined, he sighed and drooped his head. He took a large gulp out of the can, slamming it down the small table. "Just dealing with some personal things right now."
"Ah, that explains the recent plays you've done."
He shot you a glare and shook his head. "I... just need to get warmed up. I'll be back in no time."
"Right..." you said, sniffing.
"What's your name anyway?" he asked, raising a brow at you. In his typical black tee and jeans, he draped himself against the chair, the muscles rippling shamelessly. Indeed, the years spent training on baseball paid off, shaping his physique majestically. Perhaps that was why he had so many fangirls, not for his plays but for his attractive looks.
"And who are you to be sending insults my way every so often?"
"I'm not." You lifted your arms up defensively. "I'm just stating facts. But funny enough, I get you. It's not like my life's going perfect either."
"Are you another reporter? Trying to dig up my deepest darkest secrets?"
"I'm not. But what is your deepest darkest secret?"
"Sorry. But yeah, no reporter here. Just your average day in the mill office worker."
"Is that supposed to comfort me?" he groaned, rubbing his face in exhaustion. "That an average office worker relates to me?"
"Y'know, with that attitude, no wonder you don't have friends."
He grew silent, sipping more of his beer as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. His silence was your answer. But it also made you wonder. There had been a lot of rumors and gossip circulating around the Ken Sato. Was any of it real? And did some of it hit too close to home? Why was this man such an anomaly? Why had he not won any championships yet despite how impressive he was? Nothing added up.
"Struck a nerve?"
"I have friends," he said, averting his gaze. "They're just busy all the time."
"I see..." you responded, fighting off the smile from your lips. It was clear as day that he was lying, but you supposed you had been hard on him enough. "I'll be your friend."
"You?!" He eyed you up and down in dismay, before a lightbulb struck him. "Actually... yes! Are you good with babysitting?"
You choked midsip, confusion warping your features. "Babysitting?"
a/n: just a little bit of a ken sato drabble/dialogue play bc I'm obsessed with him right now hahahaha. lowk would write nsfw for this man oops, lmk if y'all want it LMAO.
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deepfivetraveller · 4 months
King Baldwin x Time!Traveler!reader
chapter 1
Chapter 2 here
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Okay I’m a little new to writing romance so please take it easy on me. Btw I’ll try to keep y/n as neutral as possible but since this is set in the ancient era and religion is very important, y/n shall be hinted as being Hindu since that’s the only one that seems neutral in this situation.
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“Alright that's all for the lesson. And since its complete I expect all of you to be thorough with ‘Life of King Baldwin iv’ during this weekend since there will be a test on this very topic next wednesday. Have a great weekend by the way.” The professor stands up and closes his laptop and all the other students start packing up.
“He had a pretty hard life didn’t he?” One of your friends chimes in. You look at her unsurprised. “You mean king Baldwins?”
“Duh! Poor man suffered an incurable disease almost his entire life! Imagine having skin infested in bacteria, euggh!” She recoils in disgust. “Imagine the cure to that disease being bacteria itself! Pretty sure Leprosy can be cured using multi antibiotic therapy.” Another friend joins in the conversation. You finished packing up your bag so you get up. “But no matter what, you gotta respect him. He never used his illness as an excuse to be a bad king.”
“That’s true….” Your first friend agrees. “He’s tough. When I catch a normal cold I give up all of my responsibilities since I’m sick. Wonder how hard it must have been for him.” All of you exit the classroom. A few minutes go by and topics have changed. A fun conversation lasted for a while before it was time to go, so you three parted ways.
As you entered your home your first thought was to take a cold shower after a long, hot and sweaty day. While eagerly hopping into the shower you get reminded of the conversation you had with your friends a while ago. What did king Baldwin even look like? There were no images in your textbook. Curiosity got the best of you, making you draw back the shower curtains to leave. You wrapped a towel and went towards the table where you kept your mobile, typed a quick ‘King Baldwin the 4th images’ and hit enter. Two images popped up. One being an actual painting from the 12th century while the other being an image reconstructed by scientists which looked…realistic to say the least.
His face in the second photo was majestic. His mouth and nose were almost non-existent, having only two triangular shaped holes instead of a nose. His skin was dry, withered and stretched while having the hue of a dry leaf during autumn. Even though he was severely disfigured his eyes were pure and bright, having a child like innocence towards them. King Baldwin was…Quite handsome.
Okay that’s enough now snap out of it! It’s probably just some AI prompt message image anyway. If anyone found out you found him handsome they’d call you crazy. Plus now is not the time to fangirl over a dead king, now's the time to study. In an attempt to distract yourself you pick up your books to do work. Hours painfully go by as you study but finally, finally it was bedtime. You could care less about eating dinner or even taking a shower, you plop yourself onto your bed and wrap the soft blanket around your body. Thoughts about King Baldwin strike your mind again. Seriously, what's wrong with you?! Why is this man plaguing your thoughts all day?
A sigh escaped your mouth from irritation. If only it was possible to console him for his losses or better yet, cure him entirely. The world would have been a better place if he had the lifespan of a normal man.
But there is no point thinking about this, time to go to bed now. As you try to go to sleep your body keeps doing the fake fall thing, annoying you to the core. And finally when your bodys heartbeat was steady and your breathing was quiet, your body did that fake fall thing again but this time it was actually a real fall.
Eyes widen as you try to grab onto the air to prevent your fall but of course, you fail. Adrenaline rushes through your veins for that split second before you finally make an impact on the cobblestone path?
Owch! That fall really hurt, especially at the back of your shoulders! You hope it’s not bruised there. But after that reality check, you look around only to find yourself in some village?
You can see a few small huts and buildings beyond the grassy field. Where are you? How are you here? Why are you here? Too confused and dazed from the fall, you try to look around for people for help. That is until a holographic screen with text pops up.
Congratulations Ms. Y/n. Your wish to cure King Baldwin has been approved by the ₦ł₥฿Ʉ₴฿₳Ʉ₦Ʉ₴. You are now at Jerusalem, Year: 1181.
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Yes it’s true Ms.Y/n, you really are in the 12th century.
Your blood is now boiling in anger. “Just because….Someone wishes pity over a dead king DOES NOT ACTUALLY MEAN THEY WANT TO CURE HIM!” You try to grab onto the screen to shake it vigorously but your hands go right thru.
Now now, let’s calm down and try to get over with this together I’m sure we’ll find a solution.
“Calm down…CALM DOWN?!?!?!? I’m in the middle of nowhere in Jerusalem during the 12th century and you want me to CALM DOWN???? I don’t even know French and not to mention I’M NOT CHRISTIAN!” You were screaming with your hand in the air. Pretty sure you woke someone up.
Y-Yes but that’s why I’m here. Don’t worry about communication, the language module for french had been uploaded into your brain while you fell here.
The screen flickers a little, maybe due to fear.
Uploaded knowledge? “But I’m a woman from the 21st century! I can’t live here! I’m wayy to accustomed to the privileges of my time!”
That’s one of my perks miss! By using currency of this time you may purchase products of your time thru me! The screen changes to an online store. For now you have access to basic necessities like food and clothes. As you complete missions you shall unlock other parts of the online market! The screens display brightness increases due to enthusiasm, convinced it has impressed you.
You however look at it in exasperated shock. “How is this even possible?” You say with dread in your voice. “Who sent me here?” You ask, no, demand.
Like I said You’ve been sent here by ₦ł₥฿Ʉ₴฿₳Ʉ₦Ʉ₴. I’m pretty sure you can’t read that since mortals don’t have the capacity to….
Mortals? Is this the play of some higher being? God even? Too many questions float through your head, making you visibly tired. You can feel the bottom of the skin beneath your eyes folding, an indicator you’re developing dark circles.
Ah. It looks like you’re tired. It’s night anyway. You should sleep.
“But where do I-”
“Excuse me madam.” You turn around to see a man standing behind you. “I’ve noticed you’ve been talking to yourself.”
So he can’t see the screen. From his ragged outfit he seems to be a commoner. He also genuinely seems worried so you guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask for help.
“Yes, sorry for that.” You say embarrassingly while you get up. “You see I’m from the family of wandering traders, here to sell spices from my land. I was talking to myself since I was quite irritated at how I didn’t have an inn for the night.” The explanation seems responsible enough I guess.
“But I don’t see any goods with you… And how did a young lady such as yourself travel alone? Where is your husband?”
Crap. He’s doubting you. You need to give him a reasonable explanation fast or he’ll call you a witch or something.
“Oh no sir you’re mistaken! My father is the one who has the spices, it’s his business after all. We had to split ways during travel due to inconveniences, I’m merely here to help him!” You put on your best smile to convince him.
“O-Oh I’m sorry madame! H-Here let me lead you, I know an Inn nearby.” Good. Looks like he believes you. But now it’s your turn.
“I’m sorry sir but how can I trust you?” You step back a little. “What if you take advantage of me? How shall I testify my innocence? The locals would definitely believe you over me.”
“No no please don’t! I’m a married man. My wife’s right there.” he points at the lady standing just outside the house, looking worried. You look at her and she nods her head in reassurance. “You seem like a noble from your land madame judging from your colorful dress, why don’t the both of us show you where the inn is?”
Hmm….Guess colorful clothing is rare here. And he really does seem like he wants to help.
“Very well then. Both of you show me they way.” The man eagerly tells his wife the incident and both of them show you around. The screen follows you, showing you a winking emoticon.
Congrats Ms. Y/n! You have officially begun your first mission!
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This Dance - T. R. x male!Reader
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This is just a self-indulgent little fic for week four of @thatdammchickennugget’s hogmarch challenge, using the prompt ‘May I have this dance’. This is my first time writing for a male reader so please be nice 💛 Fic is unedited with no use of Y/N
CW: reader is a Hufflepuff with some insecurities and doubts, slight hurt/comfort, and mentions of Bellatrix Black
957 words
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“Excuse me. May I have this dance?”
You look up, eyes wet with tears. Your suit is stained with melted snow from how long you’ve been out here. Your face is blotchy from crying. You’re sure whomever’s asking is doing it as a prank.
But your breath catches. There, in front of you, majestic in his suit, is Tom Riddle
You stare up at him blankly. “What?”
Tom blinks down at you, as if not expecting your question. “May I have this dance?”
You look around, as if expecting to be laughed at. But there’s no one. You can barely hear the music from inside.
“You… want to dance… with me?”
Your incredulity is not hard to understand. Tom is the most popular guy in school, and the most handsome and charming guy you know. So why is he asking you to dance?
As far as anybody’s concerned, you’re a nobody. The too-quiet Hufflepuff boy on the outskirts of several friend groups, but never actually in the middle of one.
You’re the boy people pick on, the butt of jokes when no one else is around. You’re not popular or special, though your friends certainly are. Maybe one of them sent him out here as a favor.
“Yes.” Tom’s answer interrupts your depressing thoughts. You blink, having forgotten you’d asked him a question at all.
“I want to dance with you,” he continues, arching a perfect eyebrow. “That’s why I asked.”
“But… why?” You slowly pick yourself up and wipe at your eyes. Even when you’re standing up, he still towers over you. Just another reason his fangirls love him.
“Dance with me,” he says, “and I’ll tell you.”
Slowly, you nod. You weren’t really going to say no anyway. He is the most popular boy is school, after all. A dance with him is a rarity some people would kill for.
You think of Bellatrix Black specifically.
“So,” Tom’s smooth voice again interrupts your thoughts. You don’t really mind it. “What are you doing out here alone?”
“My date dumped me,” you mutter. Thinking about it makes your heart hurt. You’d been so over the moon that your crush had said yes to going to the Yule Ball with you, only for them to ditch you once the dance started.
“Hmm.” Tom’s eyes narrow. “How unfortunate for them. You’re quite a good dance partner.”
“Thanks.” You can’t deny the spark his compliment ignites in you. You try to temper it with the knowledge that he’s probably just being nice.
You dance in silence for a while after that. Tom’s gaze keeps lingering on you and it makes you nervous. So you keep quiet while frantically trying to think of something to say.
Finally, with an air of uncomfortable awkwardness, you ask, “So… why’d you want to dance with me?”
Tom’s gaze flickers with amusement. “Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well,” you hesitate. “I mean, I’m a guy, first off… and I’m not very popular or anything… and we’ve barely ever spoken to each other.”
“I’m aware you’re a guy,” Tom says, tilting his head a little. “That’s why I asked you to dance.”
You pause. You’d never really considered the possibility before that Tom was into guys. It makes your stomach flutter a little.
Thankfully sparing you from having to respond, Tom steps back and bows gracefully, ending the dance. You bow back, relieved and disappointed. You want to hang out with him more.
“Would you like to come inside with me?” Tom asks.
You blink in surprise and nod. “Uh, sure.”
Tom holds out his hand. You take it, trying so hard not to smile. It’s dumb; the way your stomach flutters at such a simple gesture.
Tom leads you back inside. You’re expecting him to drop your hand as soon as you get inside the castle, but he doesn’t let go. He just continues holding your hand all the way to the Great Hall.
A few people stare when you enter. Tom’s fangirls, no doubt; with venomous looks on their faces. You’re not really surprised but it still makes you nervous. You start to let go, but Tom grips your hand tighter.
“Ignore them,” he says firmly. Your cheeks warm.
You look up at him. “You’re sure you wanna be seen with me?”
“Of course.” Tom looks down at you. “Why wouldn’t I wish to be seen with you?”
“I—“ You don’t know what to say to that. Your insecurities seem laughable in the face of his smooth confidence.
“I just wanted to make sure,” you mumble, gripping his hand a little tighter. You feel like he can see right through you, and you don’t want him to let go.
Tom smirks a bit. He leans down, close enough that his breath ghosts over your ear. It makes your body shiver and your stomach flutter.
“I’d rather be seen with you than with any of the girls here,” he whispers, voice soft and silky. Practically dripping with charm. “My reasons are my own, but do not think that’s cause for you to doubt me. I chose you.”
Your heart feels like it’s about to burst. Your face is hot, your stomach filled with butterflies.
“Oh,” you say softly. “Okay.”
Tom smiles, a thin smile but a genuine one. He holds out his free hand to you. “Shall we dance?”
You take his hand with a shy nod. Perhaps it’s his effortless charm, or the way his words soothe your anxieties, or even just his good looks themselves; but something about him is irresistible.
You’d say yes to anything he asked. The smirk on his face shows he knows it. You’re done for, and you don’t think you've ever been more excited for anything in your life.
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fujoshirat · 2 months
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+Strawberry Magic! ♡ 30 Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!♡+
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Chapter 5: Winter Gala Cinderella
Summary: When virgin Pro Hero Shouto turns 30, he gains the magical ability to read the minds of people that he touches. After finding out that his personal assistant has a crush on him, everything changes and Shouto finds himself lost in the stressful game called love.
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Reader
Warnings: Aged up characters, slight cursing (not a lot), both Shouto and reader POV (3rd person POV too), slight anxiety attack
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"Oh! Please come in, Todoroki-san!"
Taking his shoes off at the entrance, Shouto looks around. Y/N's apartment has a homey feeling to it; cozy colored lights, warm wallpaper, and the gentle smell of vanilla fill his senses. Turning back to his assistant, he notices that she has already somewhat put on her dress.
"You came just in time, sir! I managed to zip it up a little bit, but I still need help."
"Of course, I'll help you."
Finding the zipper, Shouto quickly zips it up. 'No more zipper incidents.'
"All done."
"Thank you!"
The dual-toned man watches his assistant twirl around in front of the mirror, admiring the expensive outfit.
After wrapping her boa around herself, Y/N takes Shouto's hand. He leads her out of the apartment and into his car.
If you had to describe the gala in one word, it would be majestic. Upon entering, you notice that the entire ballroom is elegantly decorated with crystal chandeliers, gold accents, and floral arrangements. The guests are pro heroes and employees, no doubt top-tier and elite, all dressed to the nines. In the corner, there is a live orchestra performing softly. Shifting your boa around yourself nervously, you look up at your boss.
"Todoroki-san, this gala is incredible! Thank you so much again for inviting me!"
"It's no problem at all, L/N-san. You look stunning, and I'm glad that you accepted the invite."
Being complimented by THE Shouto Todoroki felt like a dream. Even if he was your boss and you saw him five out of seven days of the week, it still made you feel elated to be noticed.
Shouto makes his way through the crowd, his assistant's arm looped with his. He could feel the stares and curiosity from the onlookers, but that didn't matter. All he could focus on were Y/N's thoughts.
'So many pro! Oh my gosh!! Is that Froppy? Uravity? I wonder if Dynamight is here too?? I should get an autograph or something! It's not every day that I have this chance to meet them- oh? Is that shrimp cocktail and steak over there?'
Shouto chuckles quietly to himself. 'So L/N-san is a secret hero fangirl, huh? That's cute.'
-Huh? Snap out of it!-
Shaking his head, he makes his way to his closest friends. Izuku notices him and waves.
Katsuki simply nods, but his gaze hardens when he notices the woman behind Shouto.
"Hey, it's good to see you both again." Shouto looks at his assistant and puts a hand behind her back. "This is L/N-san, my assistant. L/N-san, these are my friends, Midoriya and Bakugou."
'OH MY GOSH!! IT'S DEKU AND PRO HERO DYNAMIGHT!! I knew they would come, but I didn't realize that Todoroki-san would introduce me to them!! Omg!!' In contrast to her exhuberant thoughts, Y/N smiles and bows politely.
"It is an honor to meet you two, Midoriya-san and Bakugou-san."
Izuku smiles. "Oh, you were the lady who I Shouto's birthday gifts to!"
Shouto notices the sparkle that grows in Y/N's eyes.
"You remember me?"
"No way!!!"
While his assistant and best friend converse, he looks at Katsuki, who quirks a brow at him. The blondie gestures for him to come closer, and Shouto follows. Lowering his voice, he speaks up.
"This is her?"
"Why's she yer plus one?"
"...I don't know."
Shouto genuinely didn't have an answer. All this time, he thought that he did not reciprocate the feelings that Y/N fostered for him, yet... these past few weeks, ever since finding out about her crush on him, he's been... conflicted.
After a period of momentary silence between the two guys, Katsuki scoffs.
"It looks to me like you're stuck. Don't be leading her on."
Letting out a sigh, Shouto replies.
"I know."
After having a friendly conversation with his friends and greeting the higher-ups who organized the gala, Shouto leads his assistant to a quiet table to dine at. The food was opened after some remarks by the president of the Japan Heroes Association Board, and everything was fine.
However, once they had finished their food, Shouto heard a camera behind him.
Whipping his head around, he notices a man holding up a reporter's camera at the other side of the room. The flash from the shutter also seemed to have alerted other guests. Security bolted towards the mab, but it was too late, he began running around like a chicken with its head cut off, snapping pictures of the other guests. A woman screamed when another flash went off. Suddenly, there was a group of cameramen at the entrance.
"Why are there reporters?"
"Wasn't this supposed to be a private event?"
Shouto looks at Y/N with concern. Her face is filled with worry. "Sir, what's going on?" "Some reporters must have snuck in. This was supposed to be a private gala."
A reporter snaps a picture of him and his assistant. Flinching, Y/N shielfs her face with the expensive fur.
"Pro hero Shouto! Are you dating this woman?"
Before he can respond, a security guard drags the reporter out. Shouto hears a sigh escape Y/N's face, though he notices her quaking legs and shaky breathing.
"Would you like to go somewhere quieter?"
Once the elevator door opens, Y/N gasps. The rooftop garden was beautiful; fragrant flowers, orchestral music playing softly on the speakers, the vibrant city lights.
Everything seemed magical.
"It's... so beautiful and peaceful here. Thank you, Todoroki-san."
Shouto smiles, relieved that she is no longer displaying signs of anxiety.
"Considering what happened in the ballroom, I thought you might appreciate the peace here. Sorry, this is the first time that the paparazzi has been so desperate that they've had to sneak in.
Taking a seat on a bench, Y/N speaks up.
"So, Todoroki-san-"
"Call me Shouto."
"Are you sure?"
Was Shouto sure? Y/N wasn't his lover or family, she was his assistant. But, in the moment, Shouto was absolutely sure.
"Well then, call me Y/N."
The corners of his mouth threaten to curve up when he hears his assistant call him by his first name. Her sweet voice, the way his name rolled naturally from her tongue, it all felt so... tender.
"So, I can imagine that you attend fancy events like this often."
Shouto nods, "Yes. Even since high school, I've had to attend events."
"You seemed so natural in there! I was so nervous, there are so many people that I look up to!"
"Really? Pro heroes?"
Y/N's smile widens as she nods.
"Mhm! I saw so many! Froppy, Uravity, Earphone Jack, Chargebolt... you even introduced me to the famous Midoriya-san and Bakugou-san!"
"All those people you mentioned, I actually attended high school with them." Shouto laughs when his assistant gasps.
"Really?!? Oh my gosh, that is so crazy but makes so much sense!"
As she rambles on, Shouto notices the stray strand of hair covering a small part of his assistant's face. Gently, he tucks it behind her ear.
'She's... gorgeous.'
And then, he hears her voice.
'I have to say it.'
"Todor-Shouto, I like you."
'Did she jus-' 'Oh shit.'
Y/N stands up abruptly, the boa falling off her shoulders and onto the bench.
"I'm sorry sir, I have to go!"
She runs off as fast as she can in her heels and enters the elevator. Shouto realizes what is going on and snaps out of his stunned trance. He grabs the boa and runs to her.
"Y/N, wait!"
The door shuts before he is able to stop it. Looking at the boa in his hands, he curses.
"Damn it!"
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A/N: Sorry for the late update, but here's chapter 5!! It's a little different from how I usually write (in my opinion), but I hope you still enjoyed it >w< I apologize if the anxiety attack scene was not very good, I personally have not experienced such an attack nor have a written one into a story.
As usual, thank you for reading Strawberry Magic!! Chapter 6 may also take a week to be posted, but I won't abandon the series. School has started once again and I have extracurriculars, so I apologize in advance for the inconsistency! If you want to be added to the taglist, just lmk <3
~entire fic and notes written by me: fujoshirat!
Taglist (tysm <333): @boogiemansbitch, @bleedingwhiteroses222
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tpq-heritage-posts · 10 months
Our Fandom
@hazellevessque - Alice | Me, The Aiden Mutual, fandom therapist
@queenofapeacefuldawn - Dawn | The Mindy Mutual, Rosh’s SECRETary
@ssj2hindudude - The Blog for TPQ stuff no one they needed, our token boy (?)
@livie1507 - Liv | SHE’S BACK BITCHES
@parrotxx - CJ | The Suyodhana Guy
@sleep-can-wait - Archivist | TPQ Fanfic Dealer
@writergracethepanda - Grace | Our Token White Person, The Rudy Mutual, The Mom Friend
@silverstarssart - Silver | Animatic maker
@thx-sunsxts-addrxss Loife | sunset girl
@burntchickennugget2468 - Hirynne Mutual, fanartist
@fish-ofishial45 - Fishy/Angel | Family Tree Creator
@pinkroses23 - Krithana Prequel Truther
@swans-chirping-in-the-distance - Bee/Bug | KOTLC fangirl
@moondust-on-the-hijabi - Aylin | Obsessed with the moon
@mxnkeydo - Rithi - The Youngest
@maitaiwiththecorpses - Mat | Randomly online, drops the best oneshot ever and leaves, has majestic rizz
@izzy246girl - Isabella | She read it because of me
@autumn-equinox-04 - Equinox | Aladdin AU
@dream-of-potter | Not always online but we love her
@k3bookwormalert - K3G | Yes, like the movie
@lxstletter - Persephone | Chronic slayage
@owocontroversy - Pineapple | Took a lap in the park when she read CoG
@honeyphobia - Loves Spider-Man
@anonymouscuzwhynot001 - Dolphin | Mostly on Wattpad
@windybitzh - The Lurkers
@the-ultimate-bookworm - V | I’m so sorry idk what to put here
@rosaadiazs - April | I always forget to change her url here
@kotlcswiftie - LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO
@blujaishah - LAST NAME IS SHAH
@book-girl4eva - Bea | Formerly pandava4eva
@my-life-tis-broken - Coming for ssj2’s crown as token boy
@sxturn-to-mxrs - Mini | Why did I not put you here earlier oops embarrassing for me
@strawblob - welcome to chaos
@bharatiya-naari-sab-pe-bhaari - new!!
Let me know if I forgot got you!
Silver has a YouTube channel called I See Silvered Stars
Grace has a TikTok called sheepishreader
This is the link to the joint Foul Lady Fortune AU concept our fandom has (and the blog @tpq-flf-au)
Official TPQ magazine @theofficialtpqmagazine
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runihura-kek · 10 months
majestic... if you listen closely, you can hear Horus fangirling in the background.
(me too ngl)
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dolliestfairy · 1 year
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑨𝒏𝒅 𝑰𝒕𝒔 𝑷𝒐𝒊𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒖𝒔 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒏. ݁٬ ࣪ ، ָ࣪ .🌹 ، ₊ ˖  ་ ݁
yandere Majestic boy Israfel obsessed with chubby!fem!reader <3
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Author Note ཐིiཋྀ : This is My Original character Israfel Astaroth. i've been thinking about making my own yandere oc from a long time ago but i always found myself being nervous, and now i decided to. the dark theme will be using for my yandere masterlist also btw hehe ;).
🦇 Original Character Short Introduction :
Full Name : Israfel Rose Astaroth. Age : 26. He loves Vampire Gothic Style. If you want to know what he looks like, he looks like the thumbnail in the middle man. thats how i potrait him to look like. Love Interest : You.
🦇 Warning : Doxxing, his crazy fans hired a hitman to kill you, Massacre, obsessiveness, Unhealthy behavior, blood, this called yandere for a reason, i've warned you. this is a Yandere Fiction. Reader skin color is not announced. just him being crazy that he slaughtered his fans for you. and maybe some misspelled word. lmk if i miss anything.
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• Israfel is a Majestic boy who is a Sucker for his chubby!fem!reader. everyone is a sucker for him, but him? he's a sucker for you. like real real, motherfucking sucker.
• would die for you. and killed for you too. dont mess with his girlfriend or they'll be dead in just a few days.
• i mean come on.. this guy has reputation and power, not to mention Israfel is a Clever guy too, but when he's with you? he's like a little boy with his favorite pillow he doesnt want to share with.
• he has TONS of fangirls and fanboys, he always come in a model poster, he always get the image of a perfection, but when people find out who is the person that have been there for him behind the stages, and how they look like, they're feeling really execrate.
• some people start doxxing you, and share your internal information, makes you feel scared and ashamed, some of them even send a hitman to kill you.
• when israfel find out how people treat his darling, he's on full rage. this is the time where the beautiful and blessed rose show its poisonous thorns.
• when i said 'thorns' he really become a character development. from a Big Star Model to a motherfucking Serial Killer. he'd kill his fans, and mostly, those bastard that doxx your information and those cheap hitman.
• after he slaughter them all, he's going to you, you were all scared and begging for mercy. but israfel just laugh, his bloody hand grab your cheeks gently, and his lips kisses your forehead. "its okay. no one will hurt you again."
• he hugged you with his body that is covered in blood, while you see a piled of dead bodies behind him, rotting.
• just like half of him now. for sure the rose petals now are already withered. but his poisonous thorns will always be strong, for you. to protect you. his walking snuggle ball <3
🌹 ּ ᮫ ˵ ִ ۪۫ ☾ "just dont leave me okay? you know you meant a lot to me. say to me who dared to look down on you and i'll slit their throat open, just for you <3."
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About Death Mark Let's Plays
In the Spirit Hunter Series fandom I saw that most of (if not all) have watched the Let's Plays of the YouTuber "ManlyBadassHero" (if they have not played the games themselves, of course).
I, however, have found this series/fandom through the YouTuber "Gab Smolders" when the third game (Death Mark 2) came out and discovered her other Let's Plays of the other games. And I find that so interesting! How so many people can get into the same fandoms through different medias/youtubers/general influences.
But I will, through that, not get some jokes that Manly has made in his videos that the fandom will reference (while I will laugh at jokes Gab has made (Gabu Gabu.. hehe)). And I don't know why that makes me feel so... I don't know... sad? Almost lonely? (It is also something easily fixable but oh well.)
I don't know why I made this post. It doesn't even have a point. I guess, this observation is just something I wanted to share. It is just a wild feeling to see everyone have such a vast different experience then your own in the same fandom/media. (warning: fangirling under cut)
Also! Can only highly recommened Gab Smolders in general! She is just such a chill youtuber and streamer.
She has second channel where she just relaxes and plays escape games or puzzles and talks with her viewers. And on her main she mainly plays horror games but also lots of other things - like Stardew Valley or A Little To The Left! (She also has a very cute cat named BB (short for Big Boss I recently learned lol))
Edit: the said majestic little man in question!
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Isn't he the cutest! (I'm getting off track lol)
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tobitofunction · 2 years
🐉 Part 1
Set after the events of the Last Airbender, Zuko is Firelord and over 18. The reader is a Targaryen, so silver hair and purple eyes but the character otherwise have any description of hair texture or skin tone
Long and has mentions of incest as game of thrones inspired characters
y/d- your dad (or any male name)
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 part5 part6 part 7 part 8 part 9
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“So where we going, Uncle?” Zuko asked,” An Island which is nearly double the size of the amber island which is located near Crescent Island, where a family of silver-haired people lives, "he said  lifting his cup to his lips,” Is this all we are getting?” Sokka asked,” You shouldn’t even be here, only Aang, me and uncle-“,” But where is the fun in that. You owe me a life-changing field trip flame boy” Toph said,” Well, it’s been said that they are closer to the gods than us. The fire nation families have been trying to marry into them for generations but they always decline” Iroh continued,” Can’t blame them, wouldn’t want to marry into that either” Katara said gaining a soft nudge from Aang,” The Targaryen family has some queer costumes anyway so I doubt we are getting anywhere anyway” Iroh shrugged,” Wait is this a trip to get Zuko a wife” Sokka said with a big smile,” Oooh this is going to gooood” Toph smirked while rubbing her fist. Zuko was about to open his mouth when a large gust of wind knocked him onto the floor of the ship,” What was-“ Zuko stopped mid-sentence when he saw the reason he was knocked on the floor, a large white dragon was flying across the sky towards the direction they were heading,” I thought dragons were mostly extinct beside the two with the sun warriors” Aang said with wonder in his voice,” The Targaryen are from the Valyrian race, dragon blood is run through them is what people say” Iroh said looking with awe at the dragon flying majestically through the orangy sky,” How come I never heard from the until now?”,” Because not many are left, my nephew. Only two families are left. That’s why they are often marrying…. Well within the family” Iroh sighed making everyone's eyes widen,” INCEST” Sokka gasped,” So Zuko, be less you. Having a Targaryen in our family would be very beneficial” Iroh said.
They soon arrived at the island, large and small dragons made of stone decorated the island, it looked similar enough to his own palace but unlike his, it carried a dark aura. “Fire Lord Zuko here, we are here to see your King” Iroh smiled at the guards who walked up to them,” Their armour looks so cool” Sokka fangirled at the dark armour, it was made up of multiple metal panels which were held together by dark red leather, from far away the armour gave the illusion of scales which fitted with the design of their helms, a dragons head.
“Fire Lord, it’s an honour to have you here,” an older man said, his hair like Iroh said was silver and went towards his shoulders, he carried a friendly smile which seemed genuine, and his voice was similar to his Uncle and carried a similar aura as well. His throne room was similar to his own, with open flames everywhere making the room nice and warm, the symbol of the house, a red three-headed dragon on black fabric was hanging behind the King’s seat. “An honour my Lord,” another man said, he also had white hair which went past his shoulder, and he seemed friendly enough but also more worn out, he, however, wore a different symbol, a silver seahorse on a sea green field. “ Iroh, or should I call The Dragon of the West?”,” Iroh is alright your majesty” Iroh smiled,” I am embarrassed to say my daughter isn't here yet. Riding that dragon of hers if I should guess. I forgot call me y/d” he smiled,” This Lord Coryls, he’s married to my cousin. He is part of the other Valyrian family which has survived the doom”,” The doom?” Aang asked curiously,” Avatar Aang, what a privilege to have you under our roof” y/d said bowing his head,” Thank you for having us,” Aang said politely,” If you want to hear more about the history of our people ask my daughter if she ever decided to show up”,” The Princess, is quite something I hope the Fire Lord can handle her, my son and she are good friends-”,” Lord Coryls is trying to forge a marriage between them”,” Well my majesty, not many of us are left, and blood purity-”,” Shh, he is the Fire Lord, he is the most important person in the fire nation. I might hold the title of King but that’s all it is, a title which only exists here. A marriage to Zuko would benefit both of us, isn't that right?” Zuko cheeks began to darken, he knew that he would be forced into a marriage to have heirs but it still is embarrassing to happen in front of all his friends, Zuko was about to open his mouth when Toph cut him off,” Someone is coming” she said turning towards the door where you soon stepped out, like your dad and Lord Coryls you had silver hair, which bounced with every step you took, the light of the open fires illuminated your hair making you seem even more out the world “I’m sorry” you said with a tide lipped smile and quickly passing Zuko, you gave him a quick glance revelling your lavender coloured eyes,” What’s that smell?” Toph said,” Dragon,” Lord Coryls said,” It was beautiful weather so I wouldn’t hold it against the Princess,” Zuko said scratching the back of his head,” This is my oldest y/n, my heir,” he said squeezing your hand,” Well, your wife is pregnant and if it’s a boy-”,” She still is heir to the throne” your dad cut Corlys off,” Y/N, show the fire Lord and his friends the dragon pit and the rest of the island. I want to talk to Iroh alone” you nodded.
“Sorry for knocking you on the floor earlier on,” you said with a grimace,” It’s fine but I thought only two dragons are left and they live on the crescent island?” Zuko and Aang asked simunatsly,” It’s complicated, before the doom of my race their were many more dragons but with the doom, the dragons died alongside my people. My family and Lord Coryls the Velyrion are the only ones left” you smiled,” We came not far from fire nation itself, well what the fire nation would become, our ancestors brought as many dragon eggs as possible but not many of them hatched. An adult dragon a pure white one, the oldest at the time, left, this was around the time-bending was bestowed to the people by”,” The Lion Turtles” Aang interrupted,” Yes, the dragon who left helped teach the people about their bending mostly the first Avatar Wan” you said,” What about the dragons with the sun warriors?”,”They are the dragons which came from the time of old. The sun warriors are the first people my ancestors met, the first people who learned from the dragons besides Wan of course. As the Valyrian never got the powers to bend we gifted them with our oldest dragons, so they teach people the true meaning of fire bending, with one condition. We get any eggs laid from them” you said stopping in front of a large cave where two men emerged, “Maghagon nyke ñuha zaldrīzes (Bring me my dragon)” you said making them nod,” How do you know all these facts?” Sokka asked making his friends sigh,” I read books and the story are being told for centuries within my family” you smiled as Sokka's cheeks redden in slight embarrassment at the question,” What did you say?” he said trying to change the topic,” I want to show you the dragon who knocked you out earlier, in the tongue of my ancestors” you smiled, soon the floor began to shake slightly, from the far distance Zuko could see something glitter in the dark,” Haku” you smiled at the dragon who emerged from the darkness. The gaang stepped back a bit, the dragon was slightly smaller than the dragons with the sun Warriors but  larger than Appa,” This is Fire Lord Zuko and his friends so please don’t eat them” you whispered making them gulp,” They eat human flesh?” Katara asked as Sokka was trying to hide behind her,” So long it’s cooked” you shrugged,” Don’t worry, he won't hurt you.... so long you don’t try to hurt me. He’s quite protective of me” you said patting his white snout, his golden eyes didn't leave the group of friends,” Is he related to-”,” Ran and Shaw?” you cut off Aang who nodded,” Distantly, they didn't lay eggs for a century now but we have other dragons who do, not many have hatched even some of Ran and Shaw’s once are still unhatched” you shrugged, you walked towards Zuko and grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him towards the white beast who was now focusing on the young fire lord,” Stop being scared, he can sense that” you said as you felt him tremble slightly as the hot breath of the dragon hit his face,”sagon gentle (be gentle)” you commanded Haku would seem to relax at the statement, you placed Zuko’s hand on her snout. Zuko like Haku relaxed, the scaly skin underneath his palm was an unusual feeling but he got used to it quickly, he could feel the heat from underneath his skin as well,” It’s Valeryian, tradition to put a dragon egg inside a baby cradle if it hatches they are true blooded Valeryian” you explained as Zuko continued to gently stroke Haku’s nose,” You can touch him too, he seems to have noticed you aren't a threat” you said, Toph was the first to walk up and touch his side,” I can feel that he is huge” she smiled impressed,” He can grow bigger, it all depends on their life styles” you smiled as the other slowly made their way to Haku,” Also my dear fire lord, we have a gift for you” you said, just than the two men who brought the dragon out came towards the silver haired princess with a metal bowl carried on a metal pole, the bowl was rather large and had a dragon carved on it’s outside,” We have a good feeling with this one” you said lifting up the lid making steam erupt from it.
Zuko stepped closer, his eyes widening when making eye contact with the items covered in steam, a red scaley egg was sitting in the middle. You gently grabbed the egg from the container and handed it to Zuko,” Why? I can’t accept-“,” Yes you can, both Avatar Roku and Sozin had dragons, it’s in your blood” you shrugged taking the egg from him again and placing it back inside the heated bowl.” How do you know about Roku? My Uncle told me this only a while ago” Zuko said narrowing his eyes,” Why do you think my father finally accepted the fire nation's request for a marriage proposal?” you said with a lifted brow,” One more question?” Katara said moving away from Haku,” How did the fire nation not eliminate you and your dragons? Iroh lied about the once’s on Crescent Island but if the fire nation wanted a marriage they knew about this place-“,” I show you but be warned it’s not a pretty sight” you patted Haku’s neck,” I will be back soon” you smiled making him grunt.
You walked the Gaang to the other side of the island before stopping close to the cliff side,” Don’t fall” you warned as the group stepped closer to the side,” Wow” Sokka said softly seeing half-melted wrecks of Fire Nation ships at the bottom of the cliffs. Even with it being quite low you still see some shard remains of fire nation soldiers whose armour was melted to their remains,” Dragons once bound will defend their rider until death and some of the dragons' fires were so strong they could melt metal” you shrugged,” The dragon who did that is no longer with us”,” What happened to it?”,” Before the last fleet got destroyed they had a surprise attack on him, but they didn’t live to tell the tale so fire nation gave up on trying to conquer us, there were a couple survivors but after seeing what we have they changed sides and joined us” you said,” The dragon was the child of Ran and Shaw, one of their first and also their biggest at the time of his death he was bigger than them” you said,” My grandfather was his last rider” you said remembering the stories your parents told you about the large dragon. Zuko licked his lips,” Return to the palace, I want to speak to her alone”,” Marry her Zuko, she’s awesome” Sokka whispered-yelled as he walked past his friend.
“Thank you for the egg, my mom used to tell stories about dragons, positive stories on how majestic they are but my father ruined it by telling us about their murderous tendency, their love for human flesh,” Zuko said as the two of you began walking alongside the cliff,” They can be murderous but only if they feel in danger or if they are bounded if their rider is in danger. Also, dragons prefer sheep over humans” you smiled making Zuko chuckle,” Can I ask you a question Fire Lord?” you asked,” Do you want to get married or is it only duty you are seeking?” you asked,” Duty if I am being honest, not to offend you but I only recently got out of a relationship and I wasn’t eager to get back into one but my Uncle and the Council are pushing me into one. Uncle mostly because he’s afraid I will die alone as my personality isn’t something women crave” he said rubbing his neck,” I like your personality... the side I meet so far” you said making Zuko blush,” What about you?”,”As you heard my mother is pregnant and if it’s a boy people expect that my father will name him heir to whatever is left of the Valyrian race. My mother said woman’s battlefield is the birthing bed, something which I guess I have to get used to,” you shrugged,” I’m just doing what is expected of me, I can fight as hard as I want but they just marry me off anyway. If not to you then my cousin, my Uncle is already set to marry my other cousin” you played with your fingers licking your lips before looking to your left and seeing a small blue dragon dunk into the water and back out with a fish in its mouth, he threw the fish in the air and burned it with his fire before consuming it whole,” Dragon’s are so amazing, I can’t believe we nearly eradicated them all” Zuko said staring at the small dragon who was flying away,” Dragon’s are part of us, we came here together and I know we leave this planet together as well. Fire and Blood” you said continuing to walk,” I have more questions” Zuko said catching up with you,” Ask away, I am your tour guide, after all, I hope your friends find their way back to the palace in one piece” you mused,” They can protect themselves” Zuko said waving his hand dissmisvelly,” So you would be marrying your cousin if this doesn’t work out?” Zuko lifted a brow,” Yes, our blood and connection with the dragons have to do with magic, we tamed them through our magic and we believe the more we marry outside the family the more diluted our blood will come. That’s why my uncle and cousin are getting married, he actually.. never mind but we stopped using magic centuries ago, however so I guess we are clinging to the last bits of our culture” you said changing the topic of your Uncle quickly,” So being related to avatar and the fire nation family was enough to make your father think I am good enough to marry his only daughter. I’m honoured” Zuko chuckled ignoring your short quip about your Uncle,” And probably weirded out, incest isn't normal in other cultures,” you said knowing what Zuko wanted to say,” It be an honour to be your wife Zuko and to carry your children,” you said stopping and looking into Zuko’s golden eyes,” I will be honoured to have you as my wife and mother of my children,” he said looking into your purple eyes with a soft but unsure smile which mirrored yours.
“Oh, they have arrived. How was it?” Iroh asked, a long table with food had been set up. The gaang was there already sitting on the floor,” I have received a dragon egg Uncle” Zuko said happily and proudly while finding a seat beside his Uncle. You meanwhile sat beside your father who patted your head affectionally,” Where is mother?” you asked,” Tired, no need to worry though, she is a dragon” your father reassured,” Have two of you made peace with the idea of marriage?” Coryls asked, as you bit into your food,” We know our duties” you mused,” Where is your son anyway?” you hummed seeing the empty space between him and Katara, Coryls was about to say something when the door swung open revealing your cousin,” Sorry I’m late” he bowed his head, his blond locks falling off his shoulder slightly behind him entered his older sister,” Found him, he was near the Cannibals cave, saved him from being eaten” his sister said slapping the back of his head making him pout, both siblings found their seats,” My dear you know the rules” your aunt said to her youngest,” Who is the cannibal?” Toph asked,” A wild dragon, he like his name says likes to eat other dragons and humans who came near his cave. That’s why you won’t find any dragons near his cave” your father explained,” Cannibal just needs to have the right rider and we can use him if fire nation ever thinks of attacking again” the young Lord snarled making Zuko shift,” The Cannibal, dear cousin would eat you for breakfast and you have a dragon already,” you said with narrowed eyes,” Why can we only have one?”,” Y/N is right it was stupid of you to even try to claim him” Coryls snapped at his son,” Well this got awkward real quickly” Sokka said to his sister who nudged him in response. Your cousin didn’t respond to his father but just ate,” So about the marriage” your aunt smiled,” We talked and we are ready to perform our duty”,” That’s good to hear” she smiled in response,” My dear, as you know Lord Coryls wasn't happy with the decision but we came to a form of agreement which the fire lord needs to approve” Zuko lifted a brow and looked at Iroh who looked everywhere but his nephew’s direction,” Which is, as you know your Uncle is set to marry Leena?” you nodded slowly and looked at your cousin who looked confused at why her marriage is being brought up,” We thought your firstborn will be married to her firstborn” you licked your lips at the mention of your Uncles wedding, you took a deep breath and held your head up high before answering,” Did Uncle approve?”,”We have sent him a message but you know your Uncle, he is fine with that” Corlys said, you gave him a fake smile,” Are we sure? Uncle isn’t really fond of -”,” If it means we can continue to have a sense of blood purity he will agree” your father said with narrowed eyes,” Isn’t that still incest?” Sokka mumbled to Katara with a weirded-out face but again only received a nudge from her but her facial expression he could tell she felt the same.”  It’s fine... I guess, y/n told me it’s part of your tradition how can I say something about that” Zuko said simply, he wasn’t really happy about the idea, not because of the incest even though it was a part of it, it was more the part of taking his future’s son ability to fall in love away from him. Yes, he is in an arranged marriage, but unlike his son, Zuko was able to see other people before that and hoped you did too. Zuko gave you a look and he noticed your demeanour shifting, you looked slightly upset,” Father, I'm not hungry can I go to my room?” you asked,” Y/n, the servants put a lot of work into the food and we have guest” your dad slightly scolded,” I’m sorry” you mumbled bowing your head before walking out the room.
 “y/n, what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at dinner?” your mom asked trying to sit up in her bed but her giant belly made it difficult for her,” Wasn’t hungry” you mumbled crawling onto her bed,” Is something wrong?” she asked you concerned,” Father just married off my non-existing child to Uncle’s non-existing child” you pouted,” Do you at least like the fire Lord?” she asked,” Zuko is sweet, he be a good husband but he agreed to marry off our child” your mother sighed,” He probably thought it is the right thing to do, it’s still to soon to think about that my child. Just be happy that Zuko isn’t a horrible person, but I have a feeling there is more to it than your unborn child being married off. You don’t like the idea of your Uncle getting married” she said nudging your knee,” I have my duty mother and so does he” she gave you a firm look,” He might be family but he’s nothing but trouble, get him out of your head my dear” you nodded and looked your mother up and down, her skin was clammy and duller” Will I look this bad once I'm pregnant?”, your mother rolled her eyes at you,” Charming, and yes at least I hope so” she joked making you smile,” Stay strong mom” you smiled,” I will don’t worry”.
You left your mother's bedroom and walked outside to ride Haku when you heard Zuko call your name,” Did I upset you?” he asked directly,” You only agreed to a marriage pact for our unborn child, I thought with us it can be different, our children can choose who they marry” you shrugged making Zuko sigh,” I wanted that too but it was the only option, I don’t want to make a rift between your family y/n” he said honestly as the two of you walked towards the dragon pit.” I understand, I hope we don’t have a son then” you said making Zuko look at you,” I hope we do, and I hope he will fall in love with his wife like I hope I will fall in love with you, even though I think I’m already falling” he said making your cheeks heat up,” We only know each other for a few hours” you chuckled rubbing your arms,” I know, it’s crazy, I love hearing the tales of your ancestors, how excited you look when explaining it to us” he said licking his lips,” Also you didn’t speak of my scar yet which is a bonus in my book” you chuckled,” I assumed it was something traumatic and I we don’t know each other well enough to trauma dump on each other yet” you shrugged,” I appreciate it”. You stayed silent for a while once you arrived at the Dragonpit,” Want to ride Haku with me? He’s big enough for two” Zuko's eyes widen,” Are you serious? I will be honoured” you giggled at his excitement.
“Just hold on tight, it can be quite bumpy,” you said settling into Haku’s saddle,” Also it’s Haku’s first time carrying two people, so don’t move around much,” you said feeling Zuko’s arms wrap around your waist tightly,” Issi ao sȳz Haku? sōvegon  (Are you good Haku? Fly)” you said patting his neck, Haku began to trot before taking off into the air. Your hair was flying into Zuko’s face tickling him slightly,” How are you doing?” you asked, your voice slightly raised due to the altitude,” This is amazing, it’s so different to Appa” he said looking around, he couldn’t explain but flying on a dragon back is such a different feeling than flying on a sky bison or a hot air balloon. He felt like he belonged, free of any responsibility,” How resistant are you to heat?” you asked looking back slightly,” Tolerable” he said into your hair,” Then get closer to me” you said, Zuko didn't question it and pulled himself closer to you as much as he can,” Dracarys” you shouted, Zuko peaked from behind his shoulder as Haku blasted fire and flew through it, Zuko gasped slightly and hid his face from the flames but he could barely feel them on his body.” It was scary cool” he said into your ear,” Let’s land on Crescent Island, don’t want to make Haku to tired” you said,”tegun (land)” you said.
“So how was it” you smiled as Zuko slipped down on the floor,” Undesrcibel, I hope the dragon hatches and I can do the same,” he said,” They grow faster than one can imagine. Mostly if they live outside,” you said rubbing Haiku’s neck,” Was the fire too much?” you asked,” I could just feel you hide away a bit when it happens,” you said,” No it wasn’t too much but... the scar on my face happened due to an Agni Kai against my father,” he said touching it gently,” You fought against your own father? And he scared you like this?” you asked with wide eyes,” He never loved me, I want to be different to him, I want to be more like my mother who always showed me kindness and was full of love,” he said with a soft smile,” She sounds amazing”,” She is, she vanished when I was young, many believed she is dead but I know she’s out there and my father is the reason she went missing” he scoffed and laughed, you furrowed your brows at that ” I’m trauma dumping... sorry too soon maybe?” he said awkwardly,” It’s fine, we be married sooner or later, it’s nice to know my husband a bit better” he smiled softly,” And you stink of dragon” you added making him laugh,”Can say the same thing about you” he said pushing you gently. Haku  meanwhile had his head lying on the ground, slightly exhausted from carrying people.”Princess y/n?” a male voice said, it was the Chief of the Sun Warriors,” Sorry for the intrusion Chief, I just wanted Haku to rest, he carried to people for the first time” you said with a bow of your head,” It’s fine, it’s always good to see the dragons. Someone fetch Haku some food” he said making one of the warrior's nod and walk off,” I remember you boy, the crown Prince of the fire nation has returned” he said looking Zuko up and down with a smirk,” Actually he’s the fire lord now and we are set to marry” you said making the Chief eyes widen slightly,” I hope you be wedded by the tradition of your house” he said,” I hope so too” you smiled,” Than it’s settled we marry in the tradition of your house, whatever it is” he smiled,” It involves the masters and a little bit of blood” you said,” Blood, that’s lovely”,” Squeamish?” he shook his head while you try suppress a smile,”The wedding tradition of the Valyrian race is a wonderful ceremony we will be happy to host Princess like we did her family for thousand of years” he said.
Haku feasted on his food while you and Zuko were having a casual conversation,” Did you have any relationship?” Zuko asked, you licked your lips and leaned back into Haku,” In a way yes” you said,” In a way?” Zuko said,” It wasn’t anything serious my Father made sure of it. You don’t need to worry,” you said making Zuko confused,” Worried about what?” you laughed at his confused face,” My virtue is still intact,” you said seeing Zuko’s face get redder,” Your family is very traditional in a way,” he said rubbing his face, you smiled. Suddenly you felt Haku move behind you, his head lifted up in the sky looking into the direction of your home,” What is it, boy?” you asked standing up, you squinted your eyes and looked in the direction Haku was looking,” Is that another dragon?” Zuko asked with excitement in his voice,” It’s Carax, my Uncle’s dragon” you whispered making Zuko nod, you mentioned him a couple of times making Zuko curious enough about him. Soon a large red and black dragon landed, which was slightly bigger than Haku and more threatening to look than all the dragons he saw so far. A tall and bulky male with shoulder-length silver hair climbed down off the dragon, he patted the neck of the dragon before walking towards the two young adults. Zuko noticed that he was slightly younger than your father but was less friendly looking, his scar which dragged from his forehead through his left eye and down his chin didn’t help either.” Uncle” you greeted folding your hands behind your back, Zuko stepping closer to you,” Princess, I was surprised to see you here” he smiled not sparing a look to Zuko yet,” I wanted to show my future husband the area” you said looking at Zuko who waved awkwardly,” Fire Lord Zuko, my brother has sent me a message about your arranged marriage between our children” he said pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket,” Yes, I hope it’s okay with you” he said carefully,” I just don’t understand if the marriage between our future children is happening to keep our blood strong why marry my niece of to someone outside the family” he said looking down at Zuko with a lifted brow,” He’s related to the Avatar, Roku was the grandfather of his mother” you answered for Zuko,” Ahh, the Avatar who disappeared and let the fire nation hunt dragons like they are deer” your Uncle snarked,” I will try my best to revive the dragon population and make sure that no harm will come to the remaining ones” Zuko said, your Uncle didn’t say anything but just turned to you,” I have something for you, see it as an early wedding gift” he said making you lift a brow, he reached inside his pocket and pulled out a necklace,” Valyrian steel ” he said holding it in front of your face,” I heard about it” Zuko mumbled,” Really?” you smiled making your Uncle sigh,” Sokka said it’s one of the rarest metal on this planet, no one knows how to forge it or know’s it’s origins” he said,” It came from old Valyria, it was forge with the help of dragon fire but with the doom most of the steel got destroyed” your Uncle explained with neutral tone,”How did you get your hands on these?” you asked curious touching the necklace slightly,”Anything for my beautiful niece, turn around” he said, you gave Zuko a brief look before turning around and moving your hair so your Uncle came place the necklace around your neck. His fingers grazed your collarbone making you shiver slightly,” How does it look?” you asked Zuko,” It suits you well, I wish I brought something for you, mostly because you gifted me an egg” he said,” You gifted him an egg?” your Uncle asked annoyed,” He be part of the family soon, it would only make sense for him to have one and his ancestors had dragons as well” you defended making your Uncle roll his eyes,” His ancestor also destroyed most of the dragons”,” Zuko is different Uncle. Come on Zuko let’s go” you said climbing onto Haku.
“I’m sorry because of my Uncle,” you said with a grimace as you landed in front of the Dragon Pit,” It’s alright, I understand his hostility,” he said as the dragon keepers led Haku back into the pit. “I really enjoyed your stay” you smiled,” I enjoyed it to and I do not hate the idea of having an arranged marriage anymore,” he said,” I can say the same thing”,” You're leaving tomorrow right?” Zuko nodded,” Then I will recommend getting some sleep, it be a long way” back.
You and Zuko parted ways,Zuko watched you disappear into your room before beginning to walk towards his. He walked past the throne room when he heard a loud discussion happening which made him curious, he looked around to see if anyone can catch his ears dropping but when he saw no one close by he leaned his ear against the door,” What do you want brother?”,” I want Y/N, you promised me anything I want when you made Coryls your advisor instead of. Give me your daughter, I don’t trust that boy, his descendants to the throne split the realm in half, marriage to him will put y/n life in danger and he can’t protect her the way I do” Zuko frowned, he knew that half of his nation didn’t like the idea of him being Fire Lord but putting you in danger isn’t something he thought off and thanks to Mai, he was able to put a group of Ozai supporters in jail.” She can protect herself and he’s Fire Lord, he can afford the best guards the four-nation has and he’s a fire bender who the master trusted enough to tell the true meaning behind fire bending” your father defended Zuko but his brother just scoffed,” Zuko is the right match for my daughter, they’re the same age and seemed to get along quite well. That’s the end of the discussion brother, y/ will marry the fire lord and you marry Leena. Your children will be married once they are of age” he said with a tone which didn't leave room for any more discussion. Zuko heard heavy footsteps coming towards the door which made the young lord panic and run off towards his room.
“So where did the two of you go after dinner?” Sokka said wiggling his brows with a cheeky smile,” She took me on a flight on dragon back, it was truly amazing, nothing can beat that feeling” Zuko said with a fond smile,” Also I met her Uncle, he doesn’t seem to like me. I overheard a discussion between him and her father” Zuko said leaning against the railing of the boat,” He thinks I will bring her in danger as my reign split the realm in half” Zuko said,” But we have the Kyoshi warriors and they won’t let anything happen to you or your family and you have us as well” Aang said trying to lighten the mood,” Aang is right, y/n father would have thought that risk through, don’t worry too much Zuko” Katara said patting Zuko’s shoulder. Zuko nodded and looked at his friends with a thankful smile,” I hope I’m not disturbing?” you asked making Zuko turn,” No, we are just discussing some things. What are you doing here?” Zuko asked,” My father and Iroh thought it would be nice for me to look at the Palace, to get used to it already. I hope that’s okay with you” Zuko nodded,”Of course, what about Haku?”,” He be staying, my Uncle advised against it, he doesn’t want people who still support your father to know about their existence yet” you said with a tight-lipped smile,” That’s understandable, I just wanted to say I will protect you, my father’s support’s will not lay a hand on you. I promise you that” he said firmly,” I know”.
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sohnric · 7 months
spread some love !
talk about your favourite mutuals and why you like them
sweet anon this is such a cute ask let me reply right away or else i'll forget
@satoruly - miri is my longest friend on here. she knows me, she gets me and i honestly have never had a healthier friendship than with her. she is very well spoken, she taught me a lot about lots of different things, she offers me honest advice and is always so supportive of me. she is the best writer around, she is so so fun to talk to, she is very understanding and openminded. miri is my soulmate and i feel the safest with her. i enjoy listening to her long voice memos like it's a podcast, i enjoy hearing her talk about literally anything she is interested in. she has good tv show recommendations and i am so proud of her for everything and i will support her forever and always. it's hard for me to put emotions to words, but miri is my best friend and i am beyond thankful to know her in this lifetime.
@csenke - my favorite long distance friend our bond will forever be special to me because you're the first online person i've ever met irl. i love her energy, i love her sense of humor, i love how we can talk about fun things but also more serious ones. i love her aesthetic and i forever think she is the coolest person i know. i like how vocal she is with the love she has for her interests and her idols and her favorite musicians. i enjoy how our music tastes match and how similar we are with different phases of our lives, which makes me believe we are platonic neighbors for sure. she's very fun to be around and talk to and i admire her courage and also her energy. she's very easy-going and down to earth. she's so cool yet so adorable. also, an icon.
@from-izzy - izzy is the asian version of me and i am the white version of her. i like her humor and the way we tease each other and poke fun. i enjoy having someone with the same major as my online friend because it lets me talk about this nerdy interest of mine with someone else and compare our knowledge and teach each other more. i admire izzy's emotionality and her mature way of handling things. i like her supportiveness and even though its unfortunate, it's good to have someone who shares the same struggles with you. i love izzy's energy and view of life. she's very cute and kind <3 oh and also she makes me feel special lol
@sanaxo-o - i'd like to say me and sana have chaotic sibling energy. i like our chats because we can talk about lighthearted things but also more deep stuff. i like her stickers and random meme pictures she sends in chat. she works hard and puts in a lot of effort. her energy is unmatched and although we used to bully each other for fun, she is very compassionate and caring.
@sungbeam - i adore beam as both a creator and as a person. i always sound like a fangirl whenever i talk about her but i really can't help it. her mind is so big and her creativity is unmatched. she is very good at her craft and i hope she never stops doing it. our talks were always very deep and productive, for some reason. beam has this energy of being older than me but she's actually younger so that makes me a lil :DD. i look up to her in many aspects and she's so cool omg.
@cloverdaisies - another one that feels like she's supposed to be older than me. i adore clo's maturity and the way she handles things, her humor and her over-all energy. we don't talk much but there's something that lights up in me whenever we do. also i find clo so cool. OH and her writing is unmatched >>>
@decembermoonskz - another friend that's known me for ages. izzy you are such an anchor and a safe space for me. i've always adored your mind and the way it works. you are so creative and artistic and i support you in everything your majestic mind comes up with. your persona is so warm and welcoming and i feel very positive whenever we talk. i miss you lots <3
@okkotsu-simp - kyuzu is forever my younger sister. she is very strong and very mature for her age. i adore how she speaks up and uses her voice on things and i also very much enjoy her energy. i miss talking to her but we're both so busy now :( i am always rooting for her.
@injangism - i admire her maturity and the way she is so well-spoken. she handles everything so well and i love her lots. she always makes sure to subtly tell me she cares and i wish i can to the same to her as well. her mind is very big and i know she can do big things. <3
and lastly my sweet aimee, although we can't talk anymore, i think of you daily. you were the sweetest, nicest person around. you were so selfless and i hope to one day be as kind as you were. your smile was always the brightest and i trusted you with everything. i miss you dearly and let's hope one day we meet again, angel <3
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fangirlblogger · 4 months
Fangirl Analysis Five: Bill Skarsgard's Long Legs.
Hiii, girlies, I hope you're week has been going well so far. As for me, I have decided to put work on hold and bring this very special and important announcement or should I say, analysis of Bill Skarsgard's long and luscious legs. Because, it's more important than the minimum wage job that pays me to do what a seventh grader can do (I'm joking, I love my job and it's very challenging).
This analysis has been a request and I am about to bring that request to life. I believe science should study Bill Skarsgard's long legs because they encompass so much more than skin and bones. His legs are the epitome of the phrase "heaven is in the sky". When you follow those long legs from the toes up to the pelvic, you will surely find heaven. With that being said, let's go on this spectacular adventure of analyzing his ever-long legs.
Image 1 Analysis
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Let me be honest girlies, if Bill Skarsgard stands in front of me like this in a suit, with that look on his face, I will drop to my knees and start worshiping him like he is Jesus. I will give that man the gluck gluck three thousand, correction - the gluck gluck infinity - until this man comes over and over again like a sinner that returns to God every night.
The way this man's legs goes on and on and never stops is the reason I wake up every morning. His long legs inspires me to live a long life.
This image is from 2019 when he attended the IT Chapter 1 premier in LA. Don't get me started on this film girl, I love love love it. I was so wet when Bill appeared on the screen without the full Pennywise make-up. Girl, I wanted this man to eat my insides with all that make-up on (and that's how my mask kink developed lol).
Case Study Question: Why do I want Bill Skarsgard to step on my throat with those long legs?
Not to sound insane and manic but duh it's Bill Skarsgard, I would rather have his long legs hurt my throat then have my throat being hurt from crying about my life.
Let's take a look at this image. The way he stands displays confidence and his confidence not only exudes from his body language but from his chic outfit as well. The shoes, goddam, they glisten like my pussy when Bill makes me wet. His suit girl, I have never wanted to be a suit so badly in my life. The dream to just wrap yourself around his perfect existence is so cosmical. I love how his entire outfit screams simple, yet elegant. The suit looks very expensive and it sure does make this man look like a Billion Bucks (starts playing Million Dollar Man by Lana Del Rey). Also, the suit goes well with the theme of the premier or the movie, which goes to show that this man is very careful about his craft. Hence, one can conclude that the man has great attention to detail and sense of style.
Moving on, let's take a look at his hands. They are slightly curled, making it appear as though all the weight from his upper body is resting on them. In other words, his hands are carrying all the sexiness from his shoulders. His hands look effortlessly relaxed, hanging down alongside his thigh. Also, have you guys noticed how long his hands are too? Goddamn, I have so many wicked thoughts about what those hands can do to me all day, all night (I might do an analysis on that later).
His face. This man has one of the most unique faces I have ever seen. Those eyes can make you come just by starring at them. The nose and the lips are gateway to heaven. I could sit on them for two seconds and I'm already in heaven moaning Bill's name over and over again. His hair in this image is very majestic. It's giving "I drink whiskey and live a BDSM lifestyle in country side mansion" and I am here for it.
And finally, to the moment we've all been waiting for: Bill Skarsgard's long and sexy legs. My oh my, his long legs can walk all over me any day and I'll ask him to do it again every damn time. Hunny, the way he has positioned his long legs on that red carpet is making me wish I was the red carpet. How I wish I could have been in that room when he was putting on those pants, just to see how perfectly his legs slid into the openings and how well they fit him. The two "Ls" in his name are his legs, and the "i" is what I am trying to gluck gluck on and get that "B" wet with my mouth, all day, all night.
Image 2 Analysis
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Apart from loving forehead wrinkles, eye lines, smile lines, and the way a man rolls up the sleeves of his shirt to his forearm. I adore men who sit cross-legged. A man can sit however he wants but the moment he switches it up but putting one leg over the other, I am gone. Deceased. Simply trembling from inside out with so much pleasure. My pussy starts throbbing and I feel the juices slowly seeping out of my entrance. Girl, like a werewolf during full moon, I go feral. Truth be told, I would literally get in my knees and start sucking Bill's dick on the spot. I don't care if he's sitting like that in an interview, I will suck the life out of him, bring him to heaven and back.
Case Study Question: Why does this image motivate me to exist?
I love this man and his whole existence so much. I just want to appreciate him for existing. Therefore, this image is proof that Bill doing the bare minimum is more than enough for the Bill Skarsgard fangirlies to live to see another day.
Let's take a look at the way he is sitting. The grey pants go so well with his skin tone and the t-shirt that he is wearing. Also look at how his pants tightens firmly around his thigh when he has his right leg on his left leg. That tightness is a masterpiece; it's cosmological; it's a treasure. That tightness is how I want his legs to choke me when he places them on me. That tightness is the same way my pussy tightens when I stare at that image for more than 30 seconds. Forget about learning about art history, this is all the art history you need to have your lungs gasping for air when you're staring at this image.
Now look at the way his legs are dropping down, like my jaw is doing right now as I sit in awe and admire this image. The legs look so effortless laid on each other. He makes sitting cross-legged aesthetic and artsy. I read in an article that men who sit cross-legged during conversations illustrate that they are not interested in the conversation. Well in my view, I think that men who are able to do that in a conversation shows that they are comfortable and more interested because why else would they cross their legs if they are not comfortable and interested in the conversation? Welp, I'm not a behavioral therapist or physiologist so I wouldn't know anything but I do know about Bill Skarsgard. And I will conclude that he does look comfortable in this image and also so delicious.
Finally, let's take a look at that bicep. Girl, this man has the most effortless biceps I have ever seen in my life. There is a specific type of bicep that I go for and Bill's is definitely the epitome of that archetype (maybe I'll do an analysis of his biceps in the near future). The sleeve of his shirt is firmly gripping on that thick bicep. Lord how I wish I was that shirt. I could build a museum and dedicate it to his biceps because the world needs to see how divine his biceps are. Monalisa who? Throw that whole woman away, and provide Bill Skarsgard's biceps with a 24/7 surveillance and security. We need to protect them.
To conclude, Bill Skarsgard's existence is my ultimate motivation to keep living. To exist in the same lifetime as this men is a blessing. I am grateful to breath every day because I know that in a land far away from where I am, this daddy is breathing the same air as me. Heck, I might be breathing his recycled air, which is the air that went into his lungs and came back out, and girl now I'm breathing it too. I can't breathe, I'm swooning on the floor.
This post was requested by: @evren-sadwrn
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liljafish · 11 months
florence pugh is actually the most beautiful woman i have ever seen in my life. oh my goodness she is so majestic in everything she's in. she is so beautiful, pretty, sexy, cute, all that good corny shit to describe a very very beautiful woman. and don"t even get me started on her signature frown; the REAL cinema. she's so cute omgomgomg. she always slays every second of the day. i am actually her #1 fangirl and nobody comes close
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cosmolog · 2 months
Just watched Deadpool and Wolverine
Spoilers under the cut.
Oh my god
Sexy sexy sexy
I'm fangirling for the first time in years! How majestic, how beautiful these two men are!
And Nice Deadpool, aw he was too nice
Cowboy Deadpool...why he kinda...
Dogpool! Too cute!
Ladypool looked fucking badass aswell
They brought back Elektra who was like the first superhero I ever watched!
Motherfucking loved Blind Al
I'm so happy. The movie was great, CGI a little shit in that one scene, looked like a videogame but we can overlook it.
I fucking loved it. Best Marvel movie in years!
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scarlet-moonlight · 3 months
You know what as the (Self proclaimed) #1 Aphelios fangirl I have more hcs for him that I am going to brainrot over right now (Except these aren't even really hcs they're just ideas I had because I don't even see them being in character/being logical but I still had them cause I thought they were neat) Also some of them are specific to a certain skin he has
-SB Aphelios has magical hair where anytime he gets sad his hair grows to Rapunzel length. So imagine you walking in on him sad or sulking and seeing him sitting in a pool of his own hair. it goes back its normal length after a period of time however.
-Also I imagine the above headcanon for Runeterra Phel too but I imagine it for all Lunari, so Alune and even Diana can have it. And they go back to their normal length after some time
-Like how Ahri can turn into a fox, some of the Spirit Blossom charas have a specific animal they like to shape-shift into. For example Sett into a wolf, Soraka into a unicorn/horse/kirin, etc
-So Aphelios in the SB AU can turn into a dragon. It's usually a very long and majestic dragon (Pushing my SB Aphelios is Haku from Spirited Away agenda)
-But also while practicing it he accidentally screws up and turns into a smol noodle version of his dragon form, and his normally really fiercing sounding roars and growls sound like little squeaks, and he can only sneeze out the fire he's supposed to breathe out (And of course, imagine you doting over him and cuddling him while he's fussing over it but can't say anything, you know danger noodle energy) I like this hc because the whole shape-shifting idea reminds me of like Kamisama Kiss or Fruits Basket
-You and Heartsteel Aphelios having matching Miffy's (I'm saying this cause I recently bought a Miffy plush, it's a special edition Jeju Miffy, she's my daughter I love her, I want another before I leave Korea)
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