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axomat927 · 1 year ago
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Hot soldier invading country of inch-tall people
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sizeadjust · 6 months ago
I can't believe you let that woman shrink you. And she decides when you get to grow back? Has she told you when? So it's just entirely up to her? She could keep you tiny forever?
Sorry with all the questions, it's just ... So she shrunk you, like, proportionally, right? You're walking around with a little dick the size of a peanut?
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sizeadjust · 2 years ago
She lit the candles to begin the ritual.
“How small am I going to get?”
“That’s up to me, lover,” was her only reply.
A magical aura surrounded her. It was like a glow that wasn’t a glow. As though she just looked a little more there than anything else in the room. You looked at your hands to see that this glow-not-glow extended to you as well. You felt a mild, pleasurable tingle pass across your whole body, and saw that she was subtly inching upward. Looking at your own feet, you confirmed that the opposite was, in fact, true. You could see the floorboards slowly widening beneath your socks.
As you dwindled down to half your size and continued to shrink, she turned around and posed with her back arched and her bottom lifted upward, her cheeks at eye level and rising. She pulled aside her panties, “Soon you’ll be small enough for the fun I have planned.” She giggled, “Panty rides, five dollars. Heh heh.” She turned to face her little knee-high lover, holding her thumb and forefinger about four or five inches apart, “You must be this tall to ride.”
Then you both just smiled, overcome with awe and lust.
levi coralynn
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sizeadjust · 2 years ago
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territorial-utopia · 1 year ago
I can't believe macrophil is fucking dead 💀💀💀
Shoutout to when I changed my blog's name in 2018 ajksdhajshdjkasdh.
I have very old asks sitting in my inbox.
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sadmanyeyes · 1 month ago
Chapter 298:
Yakumo wants to blast Mother but Kiiru stops him, saying they can't upset the goddess. All he can do is protect while the five minutes run out. She tells him to ditch them, the drug having been rendered useless anyway since it was swallowed. Well, it's going to work...but since it was swallowed while it was in the leather bag, it will take a while for her to go to sleep. Yakumo refuses to leave her before Mother attacks, Kiiru begging him not to hurt her. Yakumo is fucked...before the bug from before comes in and...say hello to Giant Pai!
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They chat for a bit but he tells her to hold Mother still and not hurt her, jumping in her mouth to get the bag.
End of chapter.
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salad-juice-enjoyer · 1 year ago
One Piece ch. 112-118 read.
I am very very normal about giant men. ESPECIALLY those who have been locked combat with one another for a century.
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microposting · 5 months ago
You're under no obligation to share, of course, but I'm curious as to what pronouns you prefer? I refer to your blog sometimes (in conversation with macrophile gf, she likes your blog as do I) and I've been defaulting to masculine pronouns. IE "his blog" but I have no way of knowing if that's accurate to your preferences. Do you use neutral, masculine, feminine pronouns for yourself? Or even maybe a set of neopronouns? Anyway not asking on anon so that you may answer privately if you like but also you don't have to tell me anything I'm a stranger lol, I just want to be able to refer to you correctly but it doesn't matter that much.
I’m fine w whatever but I think it/its are based
they’re not in my bio bc they’re a secret or anything, I just don’t want people making quick assumptions about me based on my pronouns
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cerastes · 2 years ago
There is definitely a conversation to be had about dudes whose lives revolve entirely about their fetishes who have piping hot opinions such as “I don’t like it when women have bodies that scream ‘I’m a whore’” or “Sex workers are inherently second class citizens, disgusting, and deserve no protection”.
This isn’t anything new, it’s just, I’m thinking back in dA, I knew this macrophile whose entire life revolved around imagining giant women but also thought that just having a big chest in real life was sign that a woman was a whore, and Good Lord I wish I was just making up a guy right now but the guy is real and the guy is not the only guy.
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odybee · 2 years ago
Rant about why I'm not open about enjoying g/t. Not terribly substantial; guess it's just something I wish I could tell people without them judging.
Contains mentions of fetish content, but only because it's part of what people tend to associate the community with, when that stuff makes me really uncomfortable.
I feel like there's a discrepancy between what people that aren't "in" consider to be g/t and what it is to people that actually consume/produce the content. Like, yes, there is a section of the community that consumes related content because they're into the fetishistic side of it, but by no means does that mean the entire community enjoys stuff like that. Externally, you can like movies like Epic or Monsters Vs Aliens, but openly associating yourself with the g/t community because you think the dynamic between one character and another with an extreme size difference creates interesting points of contention that would fundamentally change how those two characters can interact with one another automatically makes you a fetishist in some people's eyes. Especially if both characters are *human*.
Personally, I love seeing the angsty, scary side of what size-related dynamics present. An exceptionally tiny human in a world built for regular humans, for example, would react differently to their environment than an equally small creature would since their size directly effects their means of interacting with a world that is no longer meant for them. By taking the inherent risk of talking to other members of their own species, a tiny human would be completely at the mercy of someone else's flaws and desires. Even if intent suggests that the tiny human is in no danger, they would always know that the larger humans they are interacting with are just as inherently flawed, if not more so, than they themselves are. This would be just another part of a normal relationship between people, but due to the intrinsic power imbalance, each of the larger person's mistakes become potential threats to the smaller's wellbeing.
To me, that's fucking *horrifying* and I love it for that. The kind of mental distress that a constant state of 'what if' creates is just one of many issues that could arise of extreme size difference. Which, to many, occasionally including myself, makes it all the more rewarding when the relationship overcomes the odds and becomes something comfortable for both parties instead.
These relationships don't necessarily have to be romantic or even friendly, and one can even say that such a romantic relationship could easily be seen as predatory depending on the context. The appeal of fluff in the g/t community as I see it, though, mostly comes from the potential for the larger character to protect the smaller as wholly and completely as the larger could in destroying the smaller. It's having absolute trust in a being that is simply, absolutely powerful, and being rewarded in a way that would be impossible for creatures of equal stature.
This all goes to say that assuming the existence of an inherent connection between all g/t content and macrophilic/microphilic fetish content is silly and frankly a bit insulting. Hell, I think that even certain parts of g/t that I get a bit woozy with (ie. vore) can be effectively used as plot devices rather than fetish content alone. It just sucks that I can't talk as fervently about all these things everywhere else as I can here without everyone thinking I'm a weirdo.
As always, I'm open to questions and comments. I'd love to see other people's takes on this.
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sizeadjust · 1 year ago
Happy Saturday to everyone who for some inexplicable reason gets aroused imagining being far smaller than a sexy sexy person and interacting with them. It's a funny, old world, and no mistake.
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kaiju-carnival · 2 years ago
Urgent: I need help from all macrophiles!
The popular giantess manga Cieri’s Love is 8 Meters is in the running for a possible anime adaptation! Until July 10th, a form will be open, and it should be possible to vote for the manga under the Web Manga section. I definitely recommend voting for it with a Facebook account and/or a Twitter account if you have one!
Here's the link. https://tsugimanga.jp/nominate2023-web/
Here is a picture with instructions from LatexGiantess on Deviantart:
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lesser-mook · 10 months ago
Lara Croft's Adventure in Dominion! | Hero Wars: Alliance
YES thank you!!! More of this kind of marketing and less of that Giant Woman cringe-fest bullshit.
I don't know if ya'll fired the macrophile on your marketing team and that's why this trailer is not dogshit but keep it up, I keep seeing your crap on YT, facebook, Twitter -- NO IDEA why but if i gotta see it, at least make it good FINALLY HERO wars drops a half decent trailer that'd actually make a solid show, holy moley, years of cringe.
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phaerlax · 9 months ago
if there was a gigantic garu or karu marching in your town kaiju style, how would you react
I wouldn't react—I would be acting. The one standing 'tween his ears and ratatouilleing the Dog of War into wreaking due havoc upon this tropical hell, that would be I.
But then I think I might regret it and direct us into the ocean for some macrophilic degeneracy until the world's militaries mount a full response.
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remisummerglow · 1 year ago
Psychopathology of the Tiny Man
Faust, a macrophile with an addiction, finally decides to confront his problem by consulting a specialist. Ironically, the psychiatrist he's assigned to is a stunning woman dozens of times his size. Her theories are quite innovative: she believes that, to be relieved of his addiction, Faust must confront the object of his obsession very closely, and she's willing to do anything to help her little patient.
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