forcebookish · 1 year
not only have i been stanning for only four months, i didn't even know forcebook existed before then and i've already written two fics about their characters and two fics about them
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samanddeaninpanties · 7 years
Was sent asks by @kisahawklin and @majesticduxk and tagged by @rosemoonweaver so I thought it would be best to post the questions this way.
(Side note: it seriously baffles my mind that anyone could consider me a favorite writer, whaaaaaaat???)
What is your total word count on AO3?
A pitiful 123,010 words. I've written so much more original fiction than SPN fanfic but this still feels laughable.
How often do you write?
I try to write every day but... Yeah. Doesn't always happen. When I'm in the zone I can write 5 or 6k, which is nice, but I usually gotta be thankful for 1-2k. Especially since I need silence depending on what I'm writing and almost never get it.
Do you have a routine for writing?
1) procrastination
2) crying and drinking copious amounts of coffee (ok, I lied, I don't really cry but I definitely drink allllll the coffee)
3) sitting down and trying to do that words thing
4) getting cranky when it doesn't happen so I do boring chores
5) bam! Muse is finally working and wants to write at the absolutely worst possible time
6) rinse and repeat as needed
What is your favorite kinks/tropes/pairing?
It'd be easier to list what I *don't* like when it comes to kinks. I'm pretty fucking kinky. Not really into vanilla sex. Tropes? Basically the same, although @rosemoonweaver has pulled me into creature fics and I'm very upset about this (no, I'm not). Joking aside, fuck-or-die, amnesia, and serial killer aus will always be at the top of my list. Pairing? You're kidding, right? Please don't ask the multishipper to pick and choose favorites. It's impossible! Wincestiel is my OT3 always and forever but I'm also greedy for: Winjimstiel, Dreamhunter (Claire/Kaia) and most femslash ships in general, Dean/Benny, Sam/Jack, Megstiel, Dean/Abaddon, Claire x any member of team free will 2.0, Sam/Max, Cas/Gadreel... I could go on forever, so I should probably quit while I'm ahead.
Do you have a favorite fic of yours?
I can't name a single fic because it's always changing. Kinda wanna say Compliance but this seems like a bad idea since it's a WIP. He Wants My Heart, He Wants My Soul is my most recently posted bang (I think) and while the turnout wasn't good I'm damn proud of the end result. It's shorter, but Psycho Holiday amused me to no end. Sam was chaotic and fun. Plus!!!! Jack!!!! I love this smol precious bean and I scared him so bad in that fic, ugh. Time Is Quite A Killer When You're Left Behind is a fic I wrote for coldest hits and turned out way more angsty than I'd originally intended. Oops? This fic proved to me that I *can* write in Cas's POV, dammit.
Your fic with the most kudos?
Knot Me and I'm kinda baffled by this? I wrote this damn thing in like 30 minutes and it was my first attempt at a/b/o but for some reason people think this deserves more kudos than my WIPs? I think the writing really sucks and yet somehow it's snuck into the top 250 fics in the Wincest tag by kudos. Why, guys? Why this one? I'm not mad - just honestly confused.
Anything you don't like about your writing?
How quickly I fall apart when things don't go according to plan. I can start and end strong but the murky middle kills me every time. Also, I suffer from talking heads syndrome. Description (especially of setting) isn't something that interests me and I do wonder if this impacts my writing in a negative way.
Now something you do like!
I like that I write angst, dark fic, horror, smut, and sometimes even fluff. Always looking to expand my horizons. Writing one ship or one type of fic isn't my idea of a fun time, so there's definitely variety in the things I do. Which hopefully means my writing won't get stale quickly.
Was supposed to send asks but I'm on mobile so instead I'll just tag a few favorite people that might not have done this yet:
@mayalaen @cardiaccadillac @bendoverandbiteyourgag @hazeldomain @dreamsfromthebunker @oddsocksandstuff @cravingsubjugation @deadmockingbirds1
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