emeraldxsplash · 4 days
"Ah... Mr. Kakyoin, is it? I'm so sorry for all the trouble my brother caused you."
It's strange.
He'd heard things about this man in the past, here and there; mostly, he'd heard about his unfortunate end. Passed along, the sentiments of those who knew him lived warm, burrowing lives in those who didn't, carried with a certain reverence. But Noriaki doesn't buy it, not at face value. It's easy to call someone good and just posthumously; this is an unspoken rule of society. There will always be more to the story, however.
And the redhead already has something of an opinion, he supposes. It makes itself apparent in the way the hair on the back of his neck stands on end, in the slight tension that seeps into his muscles, in the way his heart drops into his gut. There's a memory that rises, unwelcome, in the silhouette of his own body, and try as he might to force it down, it lurks behind the courteous smile he greets the much larger man with, filling his gaze with a coldness he just can't quite conquer.
And it's just so unfortunate, and just so sad.
❝"Trouble" is an interesting way to phrase it. That said, you shouldn't apologize for the actions of others.❞ This is as much a reminder to himself: the man before him is responsible for nothing, and apologies would be gross underpayment, anyhow.
❝It's an honour to be able to meet you, whatever the circumstances may be. Kakyoin Noriaki is my name, yes-- I won't be offended if you don't refer to me as "Mr." How would you prefer to be addressed?❞
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