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onlylonelylatino · 3 days ago
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Origin of Plastic Man villain Granite Janet by Adriana Melo
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zuzu-draws · 1 year ago
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"Absolute Strength.. and the Loneliness that accompanies it...
...The one who tried teaching you about love is..."
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comic-covers · 11 months ago
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thecomicsnexus · 1 month ago
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JUNE-AUGUST 1988 By Doug Moench , Dave Hoover, Robert Campanella, Helen Vesik, Todd Klein, and Ken Steacy.
The Wanderers are dead. A controller clones them, genetically enhancing them, so that they can destroy the menace that killed them.
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Not gonna lie, the first issue was a horrible experience. It felt like Kirby on speed. But this arc at least, really hooked me by the end of the second issue. That is a very slow burn of exposition after exposition.
Now, I am not going to pretend I know who the original Wanderers were. I heard their name before, but I don't remember reading anything with them. Not that it really matters, these guys are clones (with memories, but different enough to not even be properly recognized).
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Their new powers also feel a little bit X-Men (it doesn't help that Clonus looks like Xavier). But with the controllers being so important to this story, I wonder if any of this will be connected to the creation of the Darkstars...
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In any case, the comic takes place in the 30th Century, so it works as a second book in the Legion of Super-Heroes corner of the DCU. It was meant to be an ongoing series (I believe), but it ended with issue #13. That kind of coincides with the 5 year time jump, but I doubt it was because of that.
In any case... I'm glad I pushed through the first two issues, because it improved with the third episode (and not just because it has some Legionnaires). We'll see if the next arc makes me abandon or continue.
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astarion-can-spawn-me · 1 year ago
Work Ethic
Park Ranger! Halsin x Park Ranger!Reader
Modern!Au because why the hell not?
Summary: may or may not have been heavily inspired by the park rangers I grew up around at my local culture center. That little old place holds such a special place in my heart. I am a junior park ranger after all 😎
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Sweat beaded at your brow, but your hand was quick to delicately pat it away. The summers were unforgiving, even under the gray skies of the early morning. Though you could see off to the distance, just peeking over the green tree tops and old buildings of the past, just the faintest hues of orange and reds just ready to burst from beyond their little horizon. With the rays came the few farmers that lived within the small town, bidding their wives and children goodbye, the faint yelping of a dog from behind their glass windows are their happy panting as they hopped up along side their masters in their pick up. They would only have to drive a few miles further up a ways to hit their farms where they have been settled for the past 100 years or so.
It was an odd place to have a little culture center in such a small town, but a small town emblazoned with their own culture and tradition. Old murals adorned the sides of old buildings, depicting musicians and food. Though many of the locals didn’t visit the culture center, maybe occasionally for their child’s school field trip, it definitely didn’t see the action of it’s sister centers in the bigger cities nearby, but around certain holidays it would see it’s fair share of tourist, but now it was just another simple day.
This was far away from what you thought a park ranger would ever be doing. You always pictured a Steve Irwin type herding people through muddy river basins or through rough and rocky terrain along forest trails. You’ve come to appreciate the cultural and historical aspect of it all, it was probably for the best.
“Oh this stupid damned thing!” Huffed out a voice as you pushed past the glass doors. A thud came after it as a woman scrunched her face to the old thermostat. “You would think they would allow us to control our own AC instead of having to call the head office!”
“Now Ms.Jaheira, patience is a virtue!” You teased, your hat now being placed upon your head, fingers pinning the badge to your freshly ironed shirt.
Jaheira was a veteran in the field, hopping from one national park to the next. Her knowledge was admirable, but sometimes you would always catch the look of longing in those wise eyes, but the laid back nature suited her, at least now it did. It was less of a burden on her weathered shoulders, less pressure upon herself. If you did have to categorize her, she would have been the Steve Irwin type you always imagined as a child. She was the one to hobble through muddy basins and conquer rough woodland trails.
“Well good thing the all maker has bestowed such a prized gift onto you!” She chimed up, finally the ancient AC humming to life. Already the cool air began cutting through the stiff air like a knife. “It’s field trip day, remember”
She was already following you to the break room, her steps always precise, always made with confidence. Though she still gave you a stern look as your head tilted back with a little groan as you tossed your purse onto the table.
“Yes I know, which is why I have double checked with everyone today. Musicians are gonna be the first for their music demonstration. Then our local butcher has kindly volunteered for a cooking demonstration and you would be pleased that he is exonerated in one of our local dishes” your hand went to grab the phone out of your pants pocket, now scrolling through emails to double check your memory of the day’s itinerary. “Then dear old Elminster will calm things down with his history of the area and whatnot, then lunch time which has been donated. I also contacted wildlife and fisheries to have someone teach the kids the laws and safe handling of the wild life of the area, but they said they are sending over a ranger from one of the wildlife parks….oh! And then the old woman who runs the quilting club in the spare room will give a weaving lesson”
“Wow, I’m impressed” Jaheira said with a raise of her brows, a hand sassily placed upon her hip. “And you will be pleased to know I have set up the rooms for the different demonstrations, the band is here, Elminster is currently critiquing our displays, and the food preparations are all in order” she confirmed with you. Always orderly, you can always trust her to keep everything in line as well. A nice pair the two of your made. “It’s just our fellow park ranger we are waiting on…” she huffed out as she looked to the watch upon her wrist.
There was no time to worry about that, as the quiet humming of engines were already heard within the small break room. The wholesome sounds of buses, the chirping of kids and their teachers already urging them to quiet down. That was Jaheira’s cue to walk back to the front, opening the doors, that prideful smile upon her face as she greeted the children, their small bodies already pouring into the room, her voice already rising above all others to give off the usual spiel.
“Alright children! Are you ready to learn about your culture and history!’ She shouted excitedly to the children, already leading the group to the displays that lined the halls and little rooms, skillfully giving her explanations to the group of kids.
It left you to round up the musicians into their places, checking in on the cooking demonstrator, but of course…that left Elminster.
“Stop a bit and speak to an old man” he huffed out behind that wise, old beard of his as he clutched a shaky hand onto your outstretch arm.
“Maybe later Mr.Elminster, there’s a lot to do as you know” you said with a smile as you began urging him to the room that the band was setting up. “The kids are going to listen to the music, then head to the cooking demonstration and then head back to you, so it will give you much to ponder of how you are gonna educate them” you spoke up as you lead him to the room, helping him sit upon one of the upholstered chair.
“You are certainly right my dear, even though getting older is suppose to make one wise, it is still hard to find that right words, especially on an empty stomach” he said with a wink, but you already knew what he was eluding to.
“Don’t worry, I’ll have Jaheira bring you a plate when they are done with the cooking demonstration for lunch” which he gave you a kind pat on your bent down shoulder, all the response you needed to straighten up from your hunched down position. Though you were met by a towering figure the moment you turned around.
“My apologies for being late, I kind of got lost out here…” the man was huge, strong stature. Scars on his face, tattoos peeking out from his collared shirt, trailing up upon his face. You were pretty certain even if you were standing further away from him, you could still pick up the scent of fresh dirt and leaves that permeated from him. Even the faintest scent of sweat, but not in a bad way, in an endearing way if that makes sense. Like the smell of a hard working father coming home to engulf his children in a hug.
“I’m sorry, you are….?” You trailed off as you bent your neck to look at him, eyes slightly squinting to the badge on his shirt.
“Park Ranger Halsin, wildlife and fisheries sent me out here for a demonstration, I use to work for them, but I ended up taking a position at the wildlife refuge at the coast” he explained, already following your steps as you began to lead him back to the entrance. He may have not known, but you were skillfully avoiding a tangent from the old Elminster. He may have been a wise man, but a wise man with many words that lead simply nowhere at times.
“Yes of course, let’s get you set up in our other demonstration room” you spoke out, now quickly following his lead to the glass doors. “And I don’t blame you, it may be a small city, but this place is tucked away, definitely not as grand as the other culture centers” you bashfully said as you followed him up to his truck, tailgate already being lifted down with those strong, calloused hands of his. You could even see the faintest traces of dirt on his hands.
“But still important none the less” he said with a soft smile as he reached into the back, already pulling forward boxes and strangely a pet carrier. You tried to slyly lean a bit to peak at what he could possibly have stored in there.
“Oh this is Philippe” he said, almost with a childlike excitement as he opened the pet carrier. Of all things you would have never expected a raccoon to lazy start reaching up for him. But he excepted the creature with open arms. “I uh…rescued him and he’s been with me ever since. Also a good way of showing off our native species.” those strong arms held the creature tenderly, like a father to his offspring.
“I can’t say I encounter raccoons that are companions.” You were astonished, fingers tenderly giving the animal’s head a little scratch. Though those hands of yours grabbed on of the boxes he pulled forward, Philippe already knowingly hopping upon the other one as Halsin grabbed it.
“They definitely shouldn’t be pets, I know that may sound hypocritical coming from me, but you know how raccoons like to wash their food before they eat it? Well I let him do it back home…and he got ahold of my cellphone too, so not a good mix. I also learned rice doesn’t really help with water logged phone either.” You knew the scornful look he gave the raccoon was all in playfulness, which made a little laugh bubble to your lips. You could already picture it in your head.
“Your dear Philippe sounds like a menace.” You giggled out as you pushed past the doors once more, he following after you through the gush of cold air that blew up to greet you from the comfort of the culture center. Your ears also perked up to the sounds of the lively music coming from one of the demonstration rooms, intertwined with laughter of the children.
“Well, he is still a wild animal at heart I suppose” he chimed, his heavy footsteps following you to the empty demonstration room, his box being set upon the table set up front, already laying out his items.
Different pressed leaves now displayed out, the branches of different native plants. All the works of what’s was very befitting of a park ranger who dealt with the more wild side of the job description. He even had animal traps out as well.
“Alright, I’ll give you a rundown. I’m gonna inform the kids of different plants in the area, which ones are safe and not safe, native and common animals, insects, birds. I will also go over safety, why I have the animal traps.” He explained as he motioned to all the stuff he had set out. “Even though they should always be supervised while out in forested areas, it is still better to be able to recognize traps that farmers could set up for coyotes and bobcats and know not to touch them.” He listed off as he squatted down to once again cradle the raccoon in his arms, the raccoon lazily accepting his fate in the comfortable embrace. Now that the fast paced introduction was over, you could finally admire the man before you.
Yes he was tall and strong, but attractive. His hair whisped about his shoulders. A braid or two peaking out and adorned with thin pieces of colorful thread and an occasional decorative bead. Even having such an intimidating stature, those eyes were kind and gentle. Almost as if you were starring into the eyes of a farmers most trusted companion, his loyal dog. Those scars upon his face couldn’t diminish that softness.
But his shirt….you could see those well earned muscles bulge beneath that gray uniform shirt. Who knew those frumpy uniforms could look so flattering. You didn’t let your fleeting eyes linger for too long as you connected your gaze with his again.
“Well I’ll leave you to finish setting up, but I’m sure the kids will enjoy dear old Philippe, I’ll send the group over after the cooking demonstration, I can try and push back Elminster after everyone has eaten, maybe it will help him be better with his words.” You couldn’t help but give a little huff of a small laugh at your own little joke, even if he did not understand quite yet himself, but he only nodded, that kind smile still upon those lips.
“Me and Philippe will be waiting happily” he said, motioning to the raccoon whose head simply lulled lazily about. Such a pampered and spoiled creature, you could tell he was lovingly cared and doted on.
Elminster was delighted by the news once you quietly reported back to him when the kids had all migrated to the cooking demonstration room. So your little hunch about him wanting to eat first was correct.
“So…I see our fellow park ranger is quite the sight…” Jaheira spoke out quietly to you from the back of the food demonstration room, arms crossed over her chest. “The scars may be a dead giveaway from at least having something to do with the great wild, but tattoos? That would have thrown me off…”
“Oh I know, I honestly didn’t have much time to ponder over that when he first got here…” which was true, wasn’t something you saw everyday, not even from the culture centers in the bigger cities. “But it gives that rough edge, should excite the kids more. They might be slightly disappointed when he actually begins to speak, he is quite soft spoken.”
“Interesting…” was all she managed to say before she stepped forward to chime into the demonstration. You and Jaheira switched off though, she fixed herself and wise Elminster a plate for their little lunch, tucking away back in the break room to enjoy their meal as you beckoned the kids to where Halsin waited.
Their excited eyes upon seeing the raccoon brought a dumb smile to your face as your looked to their excited faces as they all sat down, all sitting at their edge of their seat.
Honestly it was all quite interesting, watching Ranger Halsin expertly explain everything, to simple ways to tell the difference between leaves, to why a plant was named whatever it was named. Even to the animal traps, you couldn’t help but almost have the same wide eyed expression as he would set them off and warn them of their dangerous nature and explaining that it was important to always stay away from them an such.
And of course, can’t forget about Philippe who got all the loving he needed for at least a month. By the end of the day he would probably want his own space even from his master’s arms.
Sadly the kids were beckoned off for lunch, giving the last goodbye to Philippe, but their sadness was quickly forgotten by the food that was now being provided to fill those stomachs. That left you carrying a plate to the break room, where Halsin now sat, Philippe away eating his own meal at his feet. The Ranger gladly took the plate, you now sitting across from him.
“I forget how it is, you know, dealing with children, I miss their excitement and hunger for knowledge…” he spoke up, voice almost rumbling in the small break room.
“Must be a different pace from what you are use to” you chimed up, handing him a napkin, which he also accepted.
“Indeed, but I prefer this, adults can be cruel. Their egos get in the way of everything…” a soft frown pulled at his lips, but it was quickly washed away with a bite of food. “They always venture off, get lost, put themselves in danger, never eager to learn. Children on the other hand, they devour everything that is told to them.”
“Plus this place is also charming, believe it or not, I come from an even more rural place than this” he spoke, a sense of nostalgia dripping off his words “nothing but swamps and forest for miles…”
“Then it makes sense why you are in this profession” you said as you began eating.
“Well I started off in wildlife and fisheries, but it became too much. Hunting season is the worst to deal with. Neighbors get mad about who is hunting where. Poachers…god the poachers. But park ranger life is more befitting, I find it better to teach rather than deal with petty wildlife disputes.“ you knew about those disputes all too well, sometimes you would hear about those petty disputes in the local grocery store between old farmers or just the locals gossiping about someone they knew.
“Well it all is a bit different than what we deal with here. Our other ranger Jaheira has more experience with wildlife. I didn’t get much of a chance to, but I learned to find this outlet satisfying.” You admitted as you pushed your plate aside, hands now removing your hat. Halsin followed your move. It was like you could now finally see his face fully, but it was not a disappointment, not at all.
“We do forget that history is also very important, remember, you are the back bone in the preservation of history and that needs just the same amount of importance as wildlife, even if history may have not been so kind to it.” Halsin had such a way with words, voice speaking them so smoothly, he was seeming to hold a much greater wisdom than Elminster, who you could faintly hear drowning on and on about traditions and all stories. You can already picture those school children comforted by food just fighting the sleep that wanted to take over their senses.
“You are definitely right about that..” your head could only picture the old photos of the town you reside in, how those old photos showed a spread out community with so many fields in between. Now it was only pothole filled roads with shady patch jobs, small town lawyers offices, and an occasional fast food joint.
Humanity at its finest.
Something about the way he looked at you, it made you almost bashful. An intense stare, endearing, and comforting all at once. You could feel a wave of multiple sensations travel up your spine in a shiver. All you could do was fiddle with the napkin that sat in front of you, struggling to find the right words to piece together in your mind.
“Are you free? This weekend?” He finally spoke up “I mean tomorrow, I’m sorry if I come off as strong” he finally managed out, honeyed words now seeming to be nervous. “But, I would like to take you to the refuge I work at, I finally got my boat fixed up.” His fingers were now the ones fiddling. Though you can only smile as you nodded your head.
“Yes I would love to” and with that, a number exchange was made and a timid goodbye was bid as he loaded up the last of his things, tailgate making its way down that old town road.
“A date at a refuge huh?” Jaheira’s voice almost startled you from your trance of staring out the door, the culture center now quiet and still, now almsot seeming empty and lonely from the once lively state it was in.
“Oh hush….” You dumbly muttered out as you began to straighten everything up. There was no mistaking that soft hint of pink upon your cheeks.
The nervousness only set in until that morning when you could only stare at yourself in the standing mirror in your room, poking and prodding at the old clothes you decided on. There was no use in wearing something nice if you were going to spend time on a boat. You were cut short from your worrisome glances in the mirror as you heard an engine rumble again from outside your quaint little home, already rushing to the front door to close and lock it.
Halsin was gorgeous, those early morning rays of sun doing him justice as he stepped down from that old pickup truck that was covered in a layer of first, boat already hooked up to the hitch. Handsome in his own clothes, wrinkle, stain, and all. Hell you didn’t even mind the thin layer of mud that caked the heels of his boots. Though quick good mornings were said as he helped you into the passenger seat, soon leaving a trail of dust behind.
It was peaceful, the morning sun shining down through the windows and soft music playing through the radio, the wind from the rolled down windows whipping your hair about and his. The smell of dirt and forestry strong within the interior of the truck, but that was probably due to the fur leaves and crumbs of dirt that peskily made their stay on the floor, embedded into the mats of his truck. It was nice, even when the dirt scented air turned into the consolidating smell of muggy marsh as the refuge finally rolled into view you appreciated it.
Soon your hair was whipping with the winds that blew by once upon the boat, the hum of the motor steadily humming, the soft solaces of the waters rolling by refreshing on your face and exposed arms. You couldn’t help but reach out and run your fingers upon the wild rice that made their homestead on the steep banks that rolled by. The boat came to steady stop , Halsin leant back next to the motor, glancing down to the murky waters below.
“It’s been awhile since I’ve been here…” you spoke out softly as you also looked to the waters below, watching the adolescent fish ripple the surface in their young curiosity, but would quickly dive down deep into those waters if a shadow would move too quickly. “I use to come all the time when I was younger.” You finally looked up and over to Halsin, who was now looking to you with that soft smile.
“Same here, it’s what pushed me in this direction in life.” His own words were also soft, as if not to disturbed the surroundings around you. “Growing up I would wake at the crack of dawn to walk along the waters, to drag my little row boat out. The rangers would always call my parents to let them know where I was, they always took me in to respite myself in their little station, showing me the things they found. Their passion ignited a life changing revelation for me.”
“Agreed, but once again, it lead me down a completely different route, but now that I think about it, I may have been life telling me I was needed else where. A gentle nudge showing me that I’m probably not cut out with dealing with lost folks along riverbeds and trails.” You joked, Halsin’s laughter joining your own.
“Like I said, it’s definitely not fun.” He added with a grin, now moving from his spot next to the motor to be closer to you, hefty body shaking the boat gently, disturbing the waters that had finally calmed down from your arrival. His hand was rummaging in the beat up ice chest that now was situated next to him, handing you a chilled canteen of water “But, it was a better fit, being a wildlife officer made me forget about the simplicity of nature, the calmness of it.”
The calmness of nature, but you couldn’t decide if it was nature itself that was the calm one, or Halsin’s gentle touch to the land doing the calming for it.
The day was spent laughing and sharing stories of nostalgia, of work, of life. You found the muscles in your cheeks hurting from the permanent smile upon your face as the two of you listened to each other intently with care. It was almost a shame when he rolled you back up to your house, that morning glow now replaced with the setting sun, everyone basked in a dark orange hue, but you didn’t mind, that color gave you a since of fulfillment as you took his calloused hand in yours as he helped you down back to solid land.
“Thank you for joining me, I really enjoyed your company” he softly spoke out, that intense stare now locked onto your own, but this time it was bashful, but that shiver of emotions traveled up your spine nonetheless.
The same could be said for him as that calloused hand still gingerly held onto yours.
“I did as well…” you felt dumb as that’s all you could say, that stare almost halting your thoughts, sending your mind into blankness, that hand of his sending a burning sensation through your fingers.
“If you don’t mind maybe we could….do this again?” He spoke out hopefully, those eyebrows furrowed together to match that hopefulness that dropped from his words.
“I would love to, maybe you can even visit here…?”
“Yes, I would love that….”
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ghostriderslade · 8 days ago
Iconic Artists and Incredible Heroes #129.
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A celebration of the amazing comic book artists who brought us indelible images that best capture the spirit and essence of the superhero or superheroine.
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Issue #129 - "Here kitty kitty".
The superheroes voted most likely to cough up a hairball.
Jom Mooney, et al. / Cat-Man - Catman.
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mythologyfolklore · 8 months ago
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Èrláng Shén mid-process of turning into a blushing mess, as his ex-nemesis/(not-actually-)onesided-crush, the Buddha Victorious in Strife, extends an olive branch via *gasps* holding hands!
Meanwhile Xiàotiān Quǎn is looking like any normal sky dog, while secretly plotting how to make this ship progress: by pushing his master into the Monkey King's arms and trapping them in his dog leash 101-Dalmatians-style. >:3
Xiàotiān Quǎn's huge form is loosely based off a Tibetan Mastiff, btw. :)
(Still annoyed by how the scanner ruined some of the colours, they look better than this irl, I swear!)
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haveyouplayedthisttrpg · 7 months ago
Have you played Modern AGE ?
By Matthew Dawkins, Meghan Fitzgerald, Howard Ingham, Steve Kenson, Alejandro Melchor, Chris Pramas, and Malcolm Sheppard
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Leap into exciting adventure in any era from the Industrial Revolution to the modern day and beyond. The Modern AGE roleplaying game allows you to shape the setting to suit your style—whether it’s gritty action or high adventure, urban fantasy or a dystopian future. With a new, classless character-building system, twenty levels of advancement, and optional rules for psychic and magic powers, you can create the heroes your world needs.
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fastestfanalive · 2 years ago
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The Flash #800: A Celebration of Wally West Cover Variants
Due out on Stands and Digital June 6th, 2023
Jeremy Adams’ groundbreaking run comes to a close and these are just a few of the beautiful variants commissioned for the occasion. 
The next team has some mighty big boots to fill. 
The Flash hasn’t been this good in YEARS!
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bruneburg · 1 year ago
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new @riesenlied character Isan, one of the ill-fated successors of the golden age prophet lore:
This is a giant raised by the church of Golden Age Prophet Dayas Welikanate and prepared all his life to be one of her successors. Her plan was to be succeeded by a council of scholars so that the burden of spiritual leadership in the Welikanate would not rest on only one heir alone and be more distributed. But that did not go as expected. After her passing all of these scholars broke down, one by one, each in their own way. And each of them went down another rabbit hole to get through that. Isan, the "best" and most religious of that entire group, was the last one to break. To cope with the prophet's death he had delved deep into old scripture and chronicles. And discovered something that destroyed everything he had believed in. When he confided in his closest friend (another scholar heir) about it, that friend reacted by stabbing him with a bayonet. Isan barely survived and escaped the country (along with a part of the prophetic guard), asking for asylum in the human-led part of the world. There he wrote "Divine Lessons. A study in reconnecting Gods gifts with history". A book that tricks a religious reader by appearing "normal" at the start, only to subtly lead someone to the same realisations the author had towards the end. Citing many sources for every claim. Copies of that book were then smuggled into his home country, wreaking havoc. Destroying the faith of many. And starting a modern anti-theist movement. He started going by "Vito" ("torch"). As many later demonised him claiming that wherever he holds a speech, churches soon burn. He made a habit of getting a new tattoo for each new assassination attempt he survived. (Most of which were ordered and paid by that former best friend.) By that time of that last picture (where he is recording some podcast while vaping) he is no longer the main leader figure of the movement he had started, and is seen as a washed up celebrity by some. A bit of an edgelord who has run out of fucks to give a long time ago. Some find it nonsensical that part of the Prophetic Guard (a church organisation responsible for protecting the prophet and her heirs and making sure their voices are heard) had followed Isan into exile despite him turning against the faith (and are the reason how he has survived all those assassination attempts so far). The Guard claims that each of the scholar heirs embodies part of Dayas thinking. And that she, too, had held an amount of doubt and resentment to the faith. Making Vito still part of her legacy that the guard is sworn to protect.
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onlylonelylatino · 2 months ago
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Wonder Woman by Stuart Immonen
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livsoulsecrets · 4 months ago
(Pulled those divisions from here)
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silpol · 6 months ago
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"Abschied der Auswanderer" - Christian Ludwig, Bokelmann - Google Arts & Culture
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thecomicsnexus · 1 year ago
Tall Disorder
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August 1989
By John Byrne, Bob Wiacek, Glynis Oliver, and Jim Novak.
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It's issue four, so a Golden Age character has to return to stay young. Also, Jennifer finds her romantic interest, but turns out to be married.
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Fourth-Wall breaking may be common these days, but for 1989, this was wild!
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You know to me, while I remember Byrne doing some comedy stories, I do not normally connect him with this type of comedy. If I had to classify it in a category, I would have to say that it is somewhere between satire (comic code authority) and parody (Lex Luthor).
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There is also another plot that apparently went nowhere, a certain Mr. Powers who moved in under Jennifer... but Byrne was fired from the book (in just a few issues from this one), and the plot was never resolved.
I think there were two amazing moments in this book...
Characters interacting with the comic-book format
The CCA punchline.
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astarion-can-spawn-me · 1 year ago
Club Owner!Astarion x Journalist!Reader
Modern Au
Warning: Heavy partying, drugs and alcohol mentioned
Just a little continuation of the modern one shots I'm making of the Baldur's Gate 3 characters and what their modern jobs would be. At first I pictured him as being some flamboyant designer, but it started to seem way too obvious and surface level for him. Though something about him meticulously rising in the party scene with his own club seemed to be way more fitting in my head the more I thought about. I'm also heavily inspired by my big city club scene, I spent many weekends getting sucked away in their extravagance. Also a little bit of my mom's stories of the 90's and early 2000's club scene.
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The lights were heavy and blinding, the smell of sweat and body order in the air. The smell of lust was all too familiar between all the mingled bodies under those strobing lights, moving and swaying. All either high off the meaning of the life of night, drugs, alcohol. Hair and clothing swishing back in such a mesmerizing way, almost as if it was under the influence of witch craft, if you would count the party scene as such.
Which it could, the party scene was extravagant in the big cities, it was a time to let loose and let the big city take you in with it's embrace, whether it be done with safety or with the smirk of the devil disguised as a smile. You couldn't tell as you glanced around you, almost feeling yourself getting hypnotized by the graceful and sometimes sloppy movements of the people around you. Hell, it could have been the second high of the weed that hung heavy off their panting breathes. Though you were here with a purpose, with a job to do.
You sent here to hopefully snag an interview with the owner. He popped out of nowhere in the big cities downtown party scene. It was catching the attention of everyone. Anyone who had a name and a credit to follow, frat boys and sorority girls, even the minorities such as the LGBTQ community. That one garnered much attention from the conservatives the minute they introduced their drag shows to their mainstage, even now old women and men stood outside those tinted windows of the front doors clutching their pearls and purses as they yelled their obscenities to ward whatever evil they felt lurking behind those doors. Also other groups were starting to raise the worries of drug fueled nights happening within the building, worried of a spike in drugs within the city.
Now that was a worry that your local newsletter was raising within their own cubicles. They wanted the hot and heavy scoop on this place that almost everyone seemed to be in harmony in. Drunk off the simple charisma of the atmosphere.
Definitely a form of witchcraft in the air you thought as you continued your journey past the outstretched hands beckoning you to join them in their blissful stupor, tacky hands of sweat a reminder of all those people passed by upon your exposed arms and clouds of smoke from vapes swirling your senses. Your eyes kept scanning the crowds, looking for what, you had no idea, the building was packed to the brim as you continued your journey. A perilous one at that, you thought you felt the crunch of a broken glass cup beneath your shoe here and there. thankfully what you guessed were employees were quick to push everyone backed to sweep up the mess, that ocean soon engulfed that once empty space.
"Sweetheart, you look lost! Have a seat and get your bearings! It's $3 shots tonight!" Called out a voice almost crystal clear from over the heavy techno music. A man beckoned you forward, silver hair taking on the shade of whatever strobing light sweep across those strands. The sleeves of his button down rolled upon upon his arms. You could see that it was slightly wrinkled from his constant and skillful movement behind that bar. Faint droplets of whatever alcohol he poured tonight resided upon those wrinkles as well.
Despite all that, he still managed to look put together, mesmerizing, unlike the sweaty fools all around you.
But you were no fool, definitely not. You marched up to the bar that was littered with the remnants of condensation from the last glass that once rested their, slightly damp napkins also littering the surface.
"Actually, as shocking as this might sound, I'm not here to drink, is there anyway I can speak to the owner?" You called back over the obnoxiously loud music. You could have sworn it was vibrating ever organ, every cell, every single fiber of your being.
"Oh?" He spoke with a raise of his brows as he slid a drink over to another patron, them swaying off with their liquid luck to help them pushing for their night of fun and carefree. "He's not in at the moment, but I'll tell you what! He usually comes back when the lights come back on for clean up at 2:00, come back then." you didn't know if that smile was genuine, you couldn't help but sense a hint of mischievousness upon those pale lips.
"Good! I'll be back then, let him know that the Baldur's Post wants to ask him a few questions!" You shouted back. Though you weren't too hopeful that it would even happen as you made past all those sweaty hands once more and back into the fresh air of night where people lulled about, making out, fighting with the few protestors, or even wiping away tears as their friends coddled them from whatever happened that night.
Your cue to reenter the coven like place was when the hoards of people began to file out, all dazed, stupid drunk smiles slapped upon their lips, beads of sweat glistening upon their foreheads thanks to the streetlight that shined upon above along with the flashy neon light of the club. The unsuspecting prophets bidding their children of the night home and farewell until their next outing of extravagance.
Only few people were left within the building, only the few sweaty stragglers and the clean up crew sweeping and mopping the tiled floors. Now you good see the walls were a deep burgundy color, the floors and ceiling matching in the color of the dark void of sleep. It was almost as the void threatened the partiers, almost like they were dancing with death itself. You thoughts and observations might have been dramatic, but if you were in that scene as you were in your younger years, you would have found the so called dance with the void invigorating and thrilling.
"So, what do you think of the place, I hope it is to the Baldur's Post's standards" soon piped up a voice, that same man now walking up to you, hands lazily shoved within the depths of his pockets. Now a definite mischievous smirk upon those pale lips. "Welcome to the Archon, I'm Astarion who just so happens to be the owner of this fine establish."
The feeling of annoyance that bubble up within you came with a racing heart. You had to hold back the eye roll that your stare wanted to dearly display to the man before you.
"I know, it wasn't very um...hostly of me to do what I did, but I didn't think it would have been a very appropriate time to introduce myself, plus I wanted you to soak in the liveliness of the night" He said, words holding a playfulness to it as he slide onto one of the bar stools, a hand sweeping back his hair that was just ever so slightly damp. Probably from his work behind the bar or maybe it just because of all those sweaty dancing bodies that had surrounded him only moments before. "But nevertheless, what questions does your fine establish have for me?" he asked, his eyes only looking to you innocently, but at this rate, you didn't think it was very real.
"Well...do you mind if i record our conversation?" You asked, but he only gave a lazily wave of his hand, which you took as acceptance as you place your phone, now recording, on the bar between you him as you sat down. "Alright, how do you feel of all the eyes being on you? It's not all the time a club is so accepting of all groups, if you know what I'm saying.." you soon asked, notepad now out on the bar, those droplets from earlier smudging the note of whatever piece of paper was the unlucky one to be the one resting there.
"Well I like to say were are collectors of misfits, it doesn't matter if you are a football star or just a person who sells their soul to a bone crushing 9 to 5, those people can feel like an outcast and we are just the ones to give them a little pick me up, a moment to be seen" He said with a shrug of his shoulders, but he was soon calling out to one of the bartenders who was left on cleaning duty. "A drink would suit you, you are so up tight. Leon, maybe a vodka cran, they strike me as someone simple" You quickly objected, but the drink was already placed before you and also one to the now newly introduced Astarion in front of you who was already taking a nursing sip from the glass.
"Please do go on"
You couldn't even wrap your head around the character around you. Was this person real? How can someone be so...this? You didn't know if it was cockiness, but some how he was also so charismatic in the process. You were starting to slowly see why maybe this place was drawing so many people in. He was the on placing the spell upon every single warm body that walked past those doors. You were even so sure that if he were to ever speak to those bible thumping protestors outside, he would bid them farewell with only ever speaking just a few words to them.
"The community is also worried about this place fueling more drug habits" You finally spoke up, your fingers tucking a strand behind your ear. You were nervous under that piercing and analyzing gaze of his. it was like he was calculating every little thing about you. He gave a simple huff at your questions.
"Drugs were already a problem anyway and its not like it is my responsibility to say 'hey! stop doing that!'" he gave a small shake of his head as he leant his cheek upon his hand as he looked to you through those silver eyelashes of his. "But if your little post would be happy to learn that we have a zero substance policy, we can't control who does anything before they come in here, but we don't allow the activity to take place in here. I have employees undercover in every part of this bar, even in the bathrooms, to kick out anyone who is, is that satisfying enough?" His eyebrows now raised to you, waiting for your response.
"I didn't know that.." you could only respond with a simple lift of your shoulders, almost as in a surrender to the man before you.
"Hmm.." he only looked to you, you could practically see the thoughts swirling behind those eyes of his. "Com again tomorrow night" he simply stated, now standing up. "Give this place an actual chance, let that guard down. Clean slate, leave those poisoned words whispered in those pretty little ears of yours at home"
You were trapped in that little spell of his as you actually showed up the next night, clean slate. Old party clothes busted from their forgotten spot within that small apartment closet of yours. All smashed back into the void by the work clothes that took their priority over the years. You let yourself get sucked into the Archon, accepting the maze of hands this time as people happily pulled you in.
But there he was in the crowd, beckoning you with a delicate hand.
He was intoxicating as he took you by the hands, lovingly and caringly. A temptress. He so easily got you to sway with him to the music, letting the rhythm take him and yourself on a journey under those colorful lights. Each and every beat taking away an ounce of care from your shoulders as you became entangled with him. The smell of sweat all around the two of you, but it was invigorating. Feet never tired, body never tired. Laughter came so easy, smiles and grins.
It finally occurred to you that this was it. The freeness. It was the ability to just do, to let go, to breathe. No crushing feeling of impressing the editors at work or get the dirt on the next target. It was just you and nothing holding you back. Not a drink or substance to coax that feeling out of the soul within your swaying body.
Well the taste of his lips upon yours was possibly the equivalent to any drink that could have been brought to your own lips. The feeling of his fingers within your hair a shivering sensation. Such a superficially thing it could have been viewed as from someone glancing, but how it all seeped and swirled into your sense and his own. In a blink of an eye the lights were on and your were sitting on a bar stool, glass of water rolling with condensation sat in front of you, the same for Astarion besides you, his chest almost moving in the same rhythm as your as he also to catch his own breath.
"I forgotten what that felt like" you finally was able to say in your breathlessness.
"I know it may sound a bit cliche of me, but same" Astarion said with a laugh. "The moment I opened this place I was always behind the bar or making sure everything was running smoothly, you know, being such a mindful business owner. Though I let it make me into what I'm trying to make my patrons forget. Selling my soul to that pesky 9 to 5."
You understood what he meant. It gave a new insight into him. A business owner.
"But that still means we have jobs, dear. Go home before you fellow writers and editors send hounds after me" He said nonchalantly as he handed you the small hand bag you brought with you, leaving you to make your departure from the establish, the night finally catching up as you could feel those pesky blisters forming on the parts of your feet and toes that didn't agree with the shoes you were wearing, but it wasn't much of a concern to you as you bid those neon signs and street lights a goodbye.
Though it took you until the next morning to find that crumbled up napkin within your purse that had a number scrawled on it with the name 'Astarion' following after it, slightly smudged by a droplet of something wet it must have encountered at some moment during that night. Your fingers automatically typed the number into your phone, but you were at a loss at what to actually message him as you stared to the messenger bar on your phone. You could have face palmed at the fact of your simply sending a 'Astarion?' to him was actually a good way to approach it. It wasn't much of a shock when he sent your name back, he knew exactly what he was doing, whatever it was, it was unknown to you.
Nevertheless, that little insignificant text sent a flourish of something. Novels of words spilled between the two of you during the week. Jokes, slight flirting, slight windows of emotions of opening up about certain things. People would notice that stupid smile that would come to your face the moment his name would appear onto your cell phone. It was the same for him, but he was too prideful when someone would call him out on it, simply waving them off.
That's how you found yourself wrapped within his arms on the worn down couch of your apartment. A simple sunday night, the worries of work long forgotten, even if only in merely hours the two of you would have to bid bitter goodbyes to worry about work all over again.
What a pesky little thing.
But none of that matter, not even the heavy pattering of rain upon your window mattered as you snuggled up to him, basking in his cologne as a corny vampire movie played on the tv before you. His arms were good about melting the worries of the real world beyond this mortal realm along with those fingers that absentmindedly twirled your hair around his fingers, snagging on a little knot every now and then, but he was always quick to give a soft sorry that you could feel whisp by your ear.
the shivers that he subjected you to should have been criminal.
"And just to think, you sent to take down my little empire" He joked as his arms pulled you in close, the feeling of his rumbling chest up against you own.
"Good thing you have such a good way with words to stop me.." you quipped back, lifting your head to look up to him, his hand soon cupping your flushed cheek.
"Yes, good thing..."
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gothamcityhistory · 7 months ago
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I love how he has a symbol speed dial for his family members.
Nightwing .... I'm unsure for the last two
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I love this little argument they have
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