#Lowkey would love for Sergey to namedrop Rag and it's fucking. Anatoliy
kjzx · 4 months
I've been made aware that in one of the recent promo materials/interviews/whatever Sergey Goroshko refers to Bird with feminine pronouns for like three whole minutes which isn't anything new (the gender of the word Bird is feminine so a lot of people use that without really thinking about gender) but it's still pretty fun cause I've been HCing Bird as a woman for a bit now
Not spoilers but slightly related to the movie
Someone joked about Sergey shipping Seroptitsa/GrayBird/whatever but not wanting to ship slash so he approached Bird like that, and that's funny but if I'm being super serious I do think it's one of the cases where the person just goes with the grammatical gender of the word, though obviously I should watch the interview before confidently claiming anything
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