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antoniniurology · 7 months ago
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jsbmarketresearch01 · 2 years ago
Lionel Messi Regrets the Heated Exchanges Against Netherlands at the Qatar World Cup
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In an interview with radio Urbana Play of Buenos Aires on Monday, Lionel Messi the captain of Argentina who won the World Cup regretted the heated exchange between him, the Netherlands coach, and the players in the much-talked-about quarterfinal match in Qatar in December 2022. Messi was guilty about the clash with his Dutch counterparts wherein the South Americans had bagged a penalty shootout. In the event, Messi earned a yellow card for dissent among the record 17 yellow cards.
As Lionel scored in regular time, he cupped both hands to ears while standing in front of Netherlands coach Louis van Gaal. Also, once the game ended, he insulted Wout Weghorst, the striker who scored two goals in regulation, by gesticulating toward the Netherlands bench. The soccer arena, like any sport, is full of ups and downs, where players sometimes lose their cool and do things they are later not so content with. The same happened with Lionel Messi.
In the interview, Messi said that he did not like what he did and he was not happy about what occurred later. There was a lot of tension and nerves at the moment. The incident was spontaneous and he had not planned any of it. People react in certain ways and it is something that just happens. With so many yellow cards issued, the quarterfinal match became nothing less than a controversy.
Before the exchange took place, the Dutch coach and his players were all prepared for a penalty shootout, better than the rivals. Van Gaal also said that Lionel did not touch the ball in the 2014 World cup semifinal between both teams. Argentina however had won the game in the tie over the penalty shootout. Messi said that his moment was natural about Weghorst for the current match in reference, but with Van Gaal, his teammates had asked to stimulate him.
Lionel consented that he reacted in a way he did not like, certainly when he does not mean to leave an image like that, but things happen in moments of tension like these where the player does many things due to being in a mixed zone. At the same time, Messi believed they were better than the rivals, and market Mexico as the toughest of the opponents. He also felt it was the worst match they played though it did not matter if they won it or not.
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drakre52 · 2 years ago
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Louis van Gaal©Drakre52 photoshop
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tmblrbedek · 2 years ago
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Cumanın 3.maçı galiplerin maçıydı. Hollanda Ekvador karşısında 6.dakika da ilk maçta da açılışı yapan Gakpo'nun sert şutuyla öne geçmeyi başardı. Maçın geneli iki takımın birbirine üstünlük kurma mücadelesiyle geçerken. 49'da Fenerbahçe'li Enner Valencia beraberliği sağladı.Plata'nın direkten dönen şutu ve ofsayt gerekçesiyle iptal edilen pozisyonu düşündüğümüzde Ekvador'un atak organizasyonlarının daha ağır bastığını söyleyebiliriz ki; bu durum rakamsal olarak da karşımıza çıkmakta maçta Hollanda'nın sadece 1'i isabetli 2şutu varken, Ekvador'da bu sayı 4'ü isabetli 15şut olarak karşımıza çıkmakta. Maçla alakalı diğer detaylar; Ekvador'un Dünya Kupası'nda attığı son 6golü kaydeden Enner Valencia, turnuva tarihinde ülkesi adına 6gollük seri yakalayan 4.isim oldu. Ekvador karşısında ilk yarıda çektiği tek şutu gole çeviren Hollanda, Dünya Kupası'nda 2010'dan bu yana bir maçın ilk yarısındaki tek şutuyla ağları havalandıran ilk takım olurken, karşılaşmayı 2şutla tamamlayan Portakallar Opta'nın detaylı veriye sahip olduğu 1966'dan bu yana en düşük sayısında kaldı. Dünya Kupası'nda mağlubiyet yaşamayan teknik direktörler arasında en fazla maça çıkan isim Hollanda'yı çalıştıran Louis van Gaal. Cuma gününün turnuvadaki son karşılaşması, ilk maçında rakibini farklı geçen İngiltere ile ilk maçta rakibine ikinci devrede yakalanan ABD arasındaydı. 2takım içinde İran'ın aldığı Katar galibiyeti sonrasında bir rehavet çökmüş gibiydi, saman alevi bireysel performanslarla öne çıkan pozisyonlarla geçen bir 90 dakika oldu.(90 dakikada İngiltere'nin 3isabetli 8şutu varken, ABD'nin 1isabetli 10şutu oldu.) Maçla alakalı diğer detaylar; Dünya Kupası'nda en fazla maçı golsüz beraberlikle sonuçlanan takım 12 kez ile İngiltere. ABD ise turnuva tarihinde ilk kez bir karşılaşmadan 0-0 eşitlikle ayrıldı. İngiltere'nin Dünya Kupası'nda ABD'den daha fazla karşılaştığı tek ülke Brezilya. Dünya Kupası'nda bir Avrupa temsilcisine karşı 1950'den bu yana ilk kez bir maçta kalesini gole kapatan ABD, turnuvadaki 18maçlık gol yeme serisini sonlandırdı. #WorldCup2022 #FifaWorldCup2022 #Hollanda #Ekvador #Gakpo #EnnerValencia #LouisVanGaal #Plata #Netherlands #Ecuador #İngiltere #ABD #England #USA (Istanbul, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cla1mHUDbyu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the-thao-so247 · 3 years ago
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Louis van Gaal dùng 1 từ miêu tả mục tiêu số 1 của M.U Louis van Gaal ca ngợi Frenkie de Jong Frenkie De Jong đã thể hiện một màn trình diễn xuất sắc ở hàng tiền vệ khi Hà Lan dễ dàng giành chiến thắng 4-1 trước những người hàng xóm của họ. Steven Bergwi... Xem bài viết đầy đủ tại: https://thethaoso.com/louis-van-gaal-ca-ngoi-frenkie-de-jong.html?feed_id=72701&_unique_id=62b440cf37159&utm_source=Tumblr&utm_medium=Th%E1%BB%83%20Thao%20S%E1%BB%91&utm_campaign=FS%20Poster
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mercadosafricanos · 3 years ago
Van Gaal: “Conheço o Senegal de férias”
Van Gaal: “Conheço o Senegal de férias”
Van Gaal: “Conheço o Senegal de férias” Van Gaal , o técnico da seleção da Holanda, esteve particularmente atento ao sorteio do Mundial de 2022. Não esperava era a surpresa que aí vinha… Horas após o sorteio, a FIFA divulgou o calendário e os horários das partidas. A grande surpresa, não é o Catar, país anfitrião, que terá as honras da partida de abertura, no dia 21 de Novembro, mas os campeões…
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hipeople021 · 3 years ago
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Louis van Gaal claims Arsenal star Martin Odegaard made transfer error in honest verdict - Mirror.co.uk http://news.hipeople.biz/SCf9rW
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theinfostride · 4 years ago
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LVG Is The Best Coach I Played For - Babangida Ex Nigeria international, Tijani Babangi... Read more: https://bitly.com/3xgx5wc #LouisvanGaal #LVG #TijaniBabangida #Sports
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beritaliga · 5 years ago
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Kejatuhan Klub Setan Merah Terjadi Sejak Ferguson Mengundurkan Diri
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sporta360gradi · 6 years ago
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#pic #picoftheday #instagram #instalike #instagood #instareal #louisvangaal Tanti auguri al mister Olandese che compie 68 anni. Da onesto difensore somma 333 presenze fra Olanda e Belgio. Appesi gli scarpini al chiodo fa il vice all'AZ e all'Ajax e diventa capoallenatore nella stagione 1991-1992. Con l'Ajax colleziona 281 presenze (187 vittorie) vincendo tre scudetti, una coppa nazionale, 3 supercoppe, una Coppa Uefa, una Coppa dei Campioni, una Supercoppa Europea e una Coppa Intercontinentale. Dopo sei stagioni sbarca in Catalogna (201 presenze-111 vittorie) dove vince due Scudetti e una Coppa del Re. Torna in Olanda e fa grande l'AZ Alkmaar (182 presenze-105 vittorie) che conduce allo scudetto nel 2009. Vinta anche questa sfida, accetta la corte del Bayern Monaco (96 presenze-59 vittorie) dove centra il double nel 2009-2010. Conclude il ciclo con la Supercoppa del 2010. Ultima esperienza nello United dove porta a casa l'FA.Cup. Conta 841 presenze e 503 vittorie. Somma 42 panchine con la nazionale Olandese centrando 25 vittorie. https://blog.libero.it/wp/fabiob/2019/08/08/louis-van-gaal/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B05cbrQgtod/?igshid=1sjg1150wr5d4
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boxofficeevents · 6 years ago
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One of the greatest managers has retired today. Thank you Louis van Gaal your Ajax side of 1994/95 will never be forgotten. #vangaal #louisvangaal #manager #winner #champion #europeanwinner #dutchmaster #tacticalgenius #footballmanager #dutch #holland #netherlands #knvb #ajax #barcelona #azalkmaar #bayernmunich #manutd #happyretirement #football #boxofficeevents https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu4auhdFghb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5t02v1wozotp
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penggiabola338-blog · 6 years ago
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gilagoalofficial-blog · 5 years ago
Van Gaal menyuruh Van Persie pergi dengan kejam
Van Gaal menyuruh Van Persie pergi dengan kejam
Gilagoal – Pelatih baru setelah Sir Alex Ferguson meninggalkan klub, Van Gaal menyuruh Van Persie pergi dianggap sebagai pelatih kejam atas pemaksaannya. Kepala pelatih Belanda membukakan pintu keluarnya di Manchester united secara ekstriksik pada tahun 2015. Mantan bintang Belanda berencana untuk melihat tahun terakhir kontraknya sebelum duduk untuk pertemuan dengan Louis Van Gaal yang "kejam". Setan Merah membeli Van Persie dengan nilai awal £ 22,5 juta ($ 28 juta) dari rival berat Arsenal pada musim panas 2012. Mengikat pemain depan yang maju ke kontrak empat tahun dengan Old Trafford langsung memberikan pengembalian investasi klub. Dia mencetak 26 gol dalam 36 penampilan pertamanya di Liga Premier untuk membantu United meraih gelar. Perilaku sang pelatih kepada pemain Sayangnya, adanya gejolak di Manchester berubah menjadi yang terburuk ketika Sir Alex Ferguson meninggalkan klub. Perannya berkurang banyak dibawah kepemimpinan penerus manajer legendaris David Moyes. Nasib Robin tidak meningkat banyak ketika Van Gaal direkrut untuk menggantikan Moyes menjelang musim 2014-15. Serangkaian cedera yang secara signifikan membatasi kontribusinya bagi tim. Pelatih pengganti akhirnya menganggap Frontman Arsenal itu kelebihan persyaratan satu tahun sebelum kesepakatannya berakhir. Dia pun dijual ke Fenerbahce dengan biaya potongan harga £ 4 juta. "Saya mengobrol dengan Louis van Gaal dan dia mengatakan, 'OK Robin, jalan kita akan berpisah. Saya pelatih, kamu pemainnya jadi kamu harus pergi, waktumu sudah habis'," kata Van Persie Podcast Kinerja Tinggi dari kepergiannya yang sengit. "Aku seperti, 'Ya, tapi aku masih punya kontrak?' Dia berkata, 'Saya tidak peduli'". "Kejam. Menjelang akhir, aku melihat sesuatu datang tetapi tidak kejam ini dan cara dia mengatakannya juga. Kemudian banyak hal terlintas di pikiranmu ketika kamu mendapatkan pesan seperti itu. hal-hal seperti keluarga, karir, serta anak-anaknya yang sudah beradaptasi menjadi hal yang muncul dibenaknya dalam sepersekian detik. Memilih supaya tetap bertahan Robin berkata, "Kami akan melihat apa yang terjadi. Itu pendapat Anda. Tetapi saya memiliki kontrak dan senang di Inggris di Manchester United. Jadi kita akan melihat apa yang terjadi'. Dan dia pun berdiri, menjabat tangannya dan meninggalkannya. Mantan Frontman Arsenal melanjutkan untuk menyatakan penyesalannya atas bagaimana dia berurusan dengan dikeluarkan dari pertandingan pelatihan oleh pelatih kejam. Ketika ia memilih untuk memainkan "kartu macho" daripada tetap "keren" atas situasinya. "Dalam perjalanan pulang saya berpikir: 'Oke, ini sulit. Bagaimana Anda bereaksi terhadap pesan seperti itu?'," Tambahnya. "Itu kejam, sulit, langsung. Dan kemudian banyak hal muncul di benak saya dan kami memulai pra-musim. Saya tidak diizinkan bermain di 11 vs 11 dan saya diberi bola dan disuruh melakukan sendiri barang. Read the full article
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sportsleague365 · 6 years ago
It seems an age since the short-lived David Moyes era at Manchester United, but it is in fact just five years since he was replaced by Louis van Gaal in the Old Trafford dug-out. Van Gaal’s arrival signalled an intention from United to hire an experienced manager who knew how to take control of a big club. However, the Dutchman’s reign hardly got off to the best start, with Swansea emerging with a 2-1 victory in Van Gaal’s first game in charge on August 16 2014. United would not taste victory until their fourth game of the season – a 4-0 victory over QPR – in a run that included a humiliating 4-0 reverse at MK Dons in the League Cup. However, Van Gaal would go on to return United to the Champions League positions before winning the FA Cup a year later. But five years on since Van Gaal’s debut match, where are his first starting XI now? Amazingly, six of the eleven remain at the club, with another – Ander Herrera – only departing this summer. A look on the bench shows seven players with more interesting career paths, ranging from the World Cup to the Chinese Super League. David de Gea – GK De Gea was entering his fourth season at United in 2014, and remains United’s first choice goalkeeper. He has made 363 appearances in total, winning the FA Cup, League Cup and Europa League since the defeat against Swansea. Phil Jones – CB Jones joined the same year as De Gea, and also remains at the club. His performances split the fanbase, but the England man has been an ever-present in the squad under Van Gaal, Jose Mourinho and now Ole Gunnar Solskjaer. Chris Smalling – CB Smalling joined a year before Jones, and is another player still at Old Trafford. The arrival of Harry Maguire has put the pair down the pecking order and both now face a fight for their places. Tyler Blackett – CB Big things were predicted for Blackett, but the defender never managed to kick on at United, playing just 12 times. Instead, he spent a season long loan at Celtic in 2015/16, before joining Reading on a permanent deal that summer. Blackett remains at the Madjeski Stadium, and has made 100 appearances for the Royals. Jesse Lingard – RWB Back in 2014, Lingard could still be referred to as a youngster, but now he is a more senior member of the squad. Lingard had spent time on loan at Birmingham and Brighton the season before Van Gaal’s arrival, and was sent to Derby later that campaign. He is now a regular for club and country. Darren Fletcher – CM Fletcher might not have known it at the time, but the Swansea game will have been the last time he started a season as a United player. He ended his 15-year association with the club in February 2015, joining West Brom on a free transfer. The popular midfielder joined Stoke two years later, before being released this summer. READ MORE Ander Herrera – CM Herrera was making his debut against Swansea, going on to play 189 times before joining PSG this summer. Ashley Young – LWB Around 2014, Young was making his transition from winger to defender, so it makes sense he was deployed at wing-back vs Swansea. Now entering his eighth year at United, Young will help Solskjaer’s young full-backs this season. Juan Mata – CAM Mata joined in the January before Van Gaal arrived, and has gone on to make 219 appearances at United. The Spaniard could be set for a more involved role this season following the departures of Romelu Lukaku and Ander Herrera. Javier Hernandez – ST Hernandez started United’s first game of the season Hernandez would only make two more appearances for United before a season long loan at Real Madrid was followed by a permanent move to Bayer Leverkusen. ‘Chicharito’ now plays at West Ham, having joined the Hammers in 2017. Wayne Rooney – ST United record goalscorer left Old Trafford under Jose Mourinho in 2017 to spend a season at boyhood club Everton. A move to DC united in the MLS followed, where Rooney has 25 goals and 13 assists in just 46 appearances. The 33-year-old will join Derby County in January. SUBSTITUTES : Adnan Januzaj – left in 2017 after loans at Dortmund and Sunderland, and he now plays for Real Sociedad. He scored against England in the 2018 World Cup. Nani – now plays for Orlando City in the MLS after leaving United shortly after the Swansea game. Inbetween, he had spells at Fenerbahce, Valencia, Lazio, and Sporting. Nani came on in United’s 2014-15 Premier League opener against Swansea Shinji Kagawa – at Real Zaragoza after he returned to Dortmund, via a loan spell at Besiktas. Maroane Fellaini – plays for Shandong Lueng after departing United earlier this year. Michael Keane – on the fringes of the England squad having joined Burnley before a big money move to Everton. Ben Amos – re-joined Charlton this summer after playing for seven other football league clubs throughout his career. Reece James – new signing for Doncaster after permanent spells at Wigan and Sunderland since leaving United. Source link The post Where are Louis van Gaal’s first Manchester United starting XI now? appeared first on 10z Soccer. #LouisVanGaal #JesseLingard #AshleyYoung
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jpcariata · 6 years ago
M A T C H O F T H E D A Y ⚽️ #manutd 🥅 #mancity ⚽️ BINARY CHOICES CANNOT EMBRACE ANOTHER DEFEAT WITH PINCH OF SALT 💞 WISHES MAN UTD TO WIN BUT CONSCIENTIOUSLY KNOW ONLY MAN CITY CAN GUARANTEE WINNING SIDE. #Trophy_Hunters_Is_On All Inclusive: No Blues or Reds states In Football MATCH FACTS HEAD-TO-HEAD #manchestercity have won five of their past seven #premierleague fixtures at #oldtrafford (D1, L1), having triumphed in only one of the first 14 visits. A seventh away win for #City would set a new Premier League record for overall wins at Old Trafford by a visiting club. They are currently tied with #Chelsea on six victories. #ManchesterUnited #United have lost six games out of eight in all competitions for the first time since 1989. They have conceded 48 league goals this season, their most since letting in 63 in 1978-79. Their current run of 11 consecutive matches without a clean sheet in all competitions is the club's worst for 21 years. The #RedDevils have covered less distance than their opponents in 15 of 17 Premier League games under Ole Gunnar #Solskjaer. #ManchesterUtd could fail to score in three consecutive matches in all competitions for the first time since October 2015 under #LouisvanGaal. They have lost only one of their 13 Premier League home fixtures versus the reigning champions (W9, D3), a 2-1 defeat against #ManCity on 8 April 2013. #PaulPogba was directly involved in 16 goals in his first 14 appearances in all competitions under Solskjaer, scoring nine goals and assisting seven, but he has since scored just two penalties and registered no assists in nine matches. Manchester City Manchester City have won 10 successive Premier League fixtures, their longest streak since a top-flight record run of 18 between August and December 2017. They are guaranteed to be Premier League #champions if they win their final four matches, which would make them the first team to finish a top-flight campaign with 14 successive victories. #city need just one more goal to match their own record of goals scored in all competitions in a top-flight season: 156 in 2013-14. #theblues have won at #old #trafford in all three seasons (at Old Trafford) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwpY8zXHsyV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ijpqclh9ondo
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jaysonbaird · 6 years ago
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Man Utd was supposed to be Mourinho's Dynasty. Now, it's his Legacy. https://glitchd.space/home/2018/12/18/man-utd-was-supposed-to-be-mourinhos-dynasty-now-its-his-legacy #football #footballfans #premierleague #epl #soccer #news #manutd #mancity #pepguardiola #mourinho #josemourinho #lvg #louisvangaal #davidmoyes https://www.instagram.com/p/BsDu7SxHL8k/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xyqaigwk3ujc
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