#Loqi: ''Hi I'm blond--''
ffocarchive · 6 months
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The Goblin and her love interests.
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Arancine di Riso. These fried rice balls manage to balance as much of the food pyramid as you really need to consume in a day. Cheese, carrots, wine, I'm pretty sure that's everything important. My recommended serving size is 30 balls, or however many it takes in a single sitting to realize you've made a mistake.
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Apple Salad with Candied Walnuts and Cranberries. You can load this sucker with as many cheese varieties as you have hidden in the bottom of the fridge from that sale on close-dated dairy, and the apples will still give you that fresh, healthy feeling, like you're not at risk of developing high cholesterol.
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Caramel Pumpkin Mousse with Cocoa Nib Streusel. Water is a myth and this the the only real beverage outside coffee and alcohol. Yes, beverage. Just grab a 32 ounce cup from the gas station and believe in yourself.
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kitkatscabinet · 2 years
Oh perfect! Also, all of those are great and this was maybe half of a way for me to get you into ffxv, I'm so sorry 🥲 but if you like any final fantasy games, you might like this one!
But I'd love to introduce to my baby boy, my pretty man, the love of my life, Promtpo! He's my favorite, my bbg if you will 😌 he's the gun weilder of the group and he's got so many freckles to, gah I love him. I honestly feel like his voice lines when roaming around are the funniest, he also takes photos during fights, so you get some epic shots during fights. His dlc episode is also my favorite and tbh the only one I really care for.
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Now if youre not for blondes but prefer maybe the beefier of guys, there's always gladio! Basically the tank of the group, he weilds the big swords, claymores basically. the grade A beef cake, he's also got a younger sister, so he can be a softy
Also yes, thats a yassified version I edited of him
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Noctis, crowded prince, the protagonist for the game, sometimes grumpy, mostly a dork, there was a scene during the old assassin's creed event, he went on a rant to gladio about the game, he's just a Lil dork. I actually named my cat after him. Now for him, he can weild any weapon, so he's a great versatile use
Also the only photo I have of him on my phone because most of what I have are of prompto
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Iggy, the mom of the group. He cooks and he's british, a very suave man. He's the one who does most of the driving unless you decide to take over, noctis is apparently bad at driving. Honestly, even for a game, his food always looks so good
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There's also some great villains as well, one who isn't exactly a villain per say, loqi my personal favorite out of the three, he's just so pretty 👉🏻👈🏻
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Anyways, so sorry about this long thing, I just get giddy at the chance to talk about this game. I love this game and if I can, I try to buy more and more of stuff for this game. If I can convert more people into liking prompto, I will 🥹
I have actually played ffxv! It was a few years ago but it still holds a soft spot in my heart, to this day stand by me still makes me cry like a baby. That ending was so not swag for my soul.
I’ve always been an Ignis girlie myself, but I do admit to not knowing anything about the villains as I have not played any of the dlc.
I have actually been considering writing for it but I’m not as into it as I used to be 🤷‍♀️
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exiled-turk · 9 months
"and what’s your story?”
the tone was direct, respectful bordering on arrogant. it rang with an air of someone far older than the little blond boy who was staring up at him, piercing blue eyes boring a hole through him as the boy awaited an answer to his question.
the choice of words let him down though - it was the vernacular of a little kid. or an arrogant teenager. probably both of those played a factor? a little kid easily led by his older brother?
doing his best to suppress an amused smile, veld held the little boy's glare,
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' my story isn't for telling - i'm here to speak with your papa. '
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luciancityguard · 2 years
❝  if you try, i’ll try.  ❞
God of War 2018:
The general was genuinely skilled; he knew how to play the mind-games inside out and Petra could see why he was promoted so young - he had tact and talent.
'I'm trying to help you, don't you understand?' Loqi Tummelt crouched down to his level, where he was kneeling and shackled to the concrete floor of the holding cell. The blond stayed strategically right outside of his circumference of contact. Clever.
But his tone was so believable when he rested his hands on his knees and his shoulders sagged. 'if you try, I'll try.'
Just a pity Fortis didn't believe him; the empire wanted to help the Lucians. Yeah. Sure. That's what an invasive war boiled down to in his propaganda-filled head; it was how a war machine functioned.
"Oh I'll try, General Tummelt.”
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"- try to keep a straight face listening to this bullshit."
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nyx-ulric-of-galahd · 7 years
"During the next dance I'm just going to slip out. No one will notice." {commandernochill; glaive!loqi or general!loqi, you decide}
“Generally, when a party is thrown in your honor, people notice if you leave early,” Nyx muttered to the blond.
And damn it, if Nyx had to suffer through this party, then damned if Loqi was going to slip away without him.  And people would definitely notice if Nyx tried to slip out.  Regardless of whether he was ‘with’ Loqi or not, no one was going to allow the Galahdian to move about without eyes watching his every move.
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