#Lithium Derivatives Market
dorianbrightmusic · 9 months
Saw the tag so wanted to send an ask! Do you want to talk/infodump about the history of antipsychotics and how that relates to ASD because that sounds fascinating.
oh my god i got asked to infodump about my most special of interests. thank you so much, most-definitively-a-human, you have made my day.
Disclaimer: I am not a psychiatrist or mental health professional, and I have no experience of either psychosis or taking psychiatric medication, so I can't promise that the facts are 100% perfect, nor that I have an understanding of what these facts mean in day-to-day life. But the least I can do is try to understand, and hope that someone else finds this interesting, or, better yet, useful.
I cannot be bothered tracking down all my sources again, so if anything in this post is interesting to you, please fact-check it, because I can't promise it's going to be right. This is medical information, so, as this is a rambling tumblr post, please take it with a grain of salt.
Skip to the end for the discussion of how autism, schizophrenia, and the antipsychotics are linked. Most of this is just me infodumping about antipsychotics, since I find them so fascinating for some reason.
Trigger warning: This post discusses medical abuse of people with severe mental illness and neurodevelopmental disorders, as well as the side-effects of psychiatric medication. There is also some discussion of self-harm in autism. As such, tread carefully.
A short(-ish) history of antipsychotics
In 1953, a new medication hit the market. Its name was chlorpromazine, and it belonged to a family of chemicals called the phenothiazines. The phenothiazines contained a lot of very, very revolutionary/historically significant meds – some highlights include methylene blue, an antimalarial that happened to be the first ever fully synthetic medication (which, due to its original purpose being 'fabric dye', had the convenient side effect of making your urine go blue); and phenbenzamine, which was not the first antihistamine ever (that honour goes to piperoxan, which is too toxic to use in humans), but was the first that was safe for use in humans. Phenbenzamine was very, very sedating, and from it, we got another compound, fenethazine. From fenethazine, we then got two derivatives: promethazine, and chlorpromazine.
Promethazine is an antihistamine, and like most old antihistamines, it's very sedating. As such, scientists tested whether promethazine worked for sedating people—and, indeed, it worked as a pretty good sedative. Its younger cousin, chlorpromazine, synthesised in 1950, also was very, very sedating. So, someone gave it to a psychiatric patient who was having a manic episode, and then, something cool happened. That is, the manic patient wasn't manic anymore.
Okay—so, chlorpromazine was sedating in a way that meant it could have some potential for previously difficult-to-treat psychiatric syndromes. (From memory, I'm fairly sure that lithium was around at the time, but frustratingly, not all mania responds to lithium. I don't know whether this patient had been trialled on lithium—all I know is that chlorpromazine worked for him.) So, it was trialled on quite a few psychiatric patients with schizophrenia, and they, too, seemed better.
Now, chlorpromazine, being related to promethazine, had a similar side-effect profile to most old antihistamines. That is, it made you eepy beyond belieepy (i'm sorry). This sedation was also accompanied, rather horrifyingly, by apathy, psychomotor retardation (thinking and moving much slower—I once saw someone online liken it to moving 'through molasses'), and emotional quieting. This triad—not moving, not wanting, and not expressing—was known as neurolepsis, and was originally thought to indicate that the drugs were working well. However, this wasn't necessarily true—in part, that's because schizophrenia spectrum disorders have negative, as well as positive, symptoms, and neurolepsis is basically a combination of actively worsened negative symptoms and physical/mental slowing. So, chlorpromazine made the psychosis better, but also induced neurolepsis, as well as several other side-effects (including but not limited to: reversible Parkinson's-like motor symptoms; orthostatic hypotension, which is when your blood pressure plummets when you stand; and anticholinergic effects, which I'm going to get back to later). Chlorpromazine was wonderful because it meant that finally, patients could deal with psychosis in a way that meant they didn't have to be institutionalised, and because it meant that much, much worse treatments (looking at you, insulin shock therapy) could finally be discarded. Chlorpromazine was awful, because, in addition to its awful side-effects, it wasn't always given consensually, and could be used to abuse and harm patients. Such is still an ongoing problem with antipsychotics—while they have revolutionised psychiatry and allowed many people to live much, much better lives, they've also indubitably been used to harm so many people. This is why it's crucial to have informed consent in psychiatry—and while I don't know how to handle this when a person is going through florid psychosis and is probably very, very scared, we ought to do much better than we are at the moment.
Due to the neurolepsis-inducing side-effect profile, chlorpromazine was deemed a neuroleptic. Most people will use the terms 'neuroleptic' (neurolepsis-inducer) and 'antipsychotic' interchangeably—however, the categories are a venn diagram, not a circle. There are some antipsychotics with only very mild neuroleptic effects (we'll get back to this), and some neuroleptics that aren't antipsychotic—for example, if you've ever the taken over-the-counter antinauseal/migraine relief drug called metoclopramide (Anagraine, Paramax, MigraMax, Metozolv, Reglan, etc), you've taken a neuroleptic. Neuroleptics are dopamine antagonists—that is, they bind to the receptor for dopamine in the brain, which means dopamine can't bind to that receptor, so you can't get the effects of dopamine at that bit. This basically explains neurolepsis as a syndrome, since dopamine is associated with reward pathways and movement; less dopamine in the reward pathways -> emotion blunting, lost motivation; less dopamine in the movement pathway -> i can't fricken' move, can't fricken' move emotionally, Parkinson's-like symptoms (Parkinson's is in part due to a dopamine deficiency in certain movement-related bits of the brain).
The antipsychotics allowed for de-institutionalisation to occur, and also gave rise to the tricyclic antidepressants, as imipramine (the first tricyclic antidepressant) is a chlorpromazine derivative. Fun! Problem was, these older psychiatric drugs tended to have fairly intolerable side-effects. So, the first-generation antipsychotics were by and large very neuroleptic—as such, we needed less neuroleptic antipsychotics for them to be tolerable. This started to happen around the 1990s and onwards, when the second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs)—olanzapine, risperidone, amisulpride, aripiprazole, quetiapine, etc.—started coming out. These SGAs bound to serotonin as well as dopamine receptors, and tended to have fewer motor side-effects than their older counterparts. They came with their own set of extra side-effects, however—some that come to mind are prolactin elevation (sexual side-effects), and appetite increases or decreases (this is not necessarily a bad thing)—but they're generally considered more tolerable, and while they're sedating, they're considered not to induce neurolepsis to the same degree. As such, they're called atypical (where typical means 'cue the neurolepsis and motor symptoms).
The problem with the typical/atypical split, however, is that most atypicals aren't quite as atypical as they're said to be. Every single atypical antipsychotic except for quetiapine and clozapine can still be linked to motor symptoms, and all of 'em can be linked to sedation of some degree. Moreover, one nasty motor side-effect of neuroleptics AND antipsychotics is this thing called tardive dyskinesia—tardive meaning late-onset, dyskinesia meaning unwanted/uncontrolled movements. So, over time, we go from Parkinson's-like symptoms (less movement) to tardive dyskinesia (more, unwanted movements), which is irreversible and sometimes progressive—the only way to deal with it is to switch to another antipsychotic and hope that it doesn't have the same effect, which is great, except if you've otherwise got a nice balance of symptom management and side-effects, that's a horrible curveball. The atypicals are said to cause tardive dyskinesia at much lower rates... except people still get TD on the atypicals. Moreover, most folks who are still taking typical antipsychotics have probably been on them longer than those on the atypicals, since people don't tend to try chlorpromazine first when quetiapine or olanzapine is more likely to do a better job of attenuating psychosis while inducing fewer adverse effects. As such, part of the difference in TD rates may be due to time, since TD develops in the long term. So, most atypicals aren't as atypical as is said.
Moreover, to split more hairs, just as antipsychotics and neuroleptics are a Venn diagram, SGAs and atypicals are also a Venn diagram, rather than a perfect overlap, due to the existence of one pesky compound called clozapine. Clozapine is pesky on several levels. Clozapine is reserved for those who've tried at least two other antipsychotics and found that they didn't fit, and this is because of its side-effects. Clozapine has a small chance of a potentially life-threatening side-effect called agranulocytosis—technically, almost all antipsychotics can cause agranulocytosis, but clozapine is the most likely to do it. If you get regular blood testing, which you will, if you take clozapine, you'll probably be fine. Otherwise, clozapine is the most atypical antipsychotic we have side-effects wise (of course, YMMV for individuals, since the human body doesn't behave according to textbooks), though it still has MANY side-effects, and it's also more likely than the others to be very effective for attenuating psychosis. (I say 'likely' because everyone's brain chemistry is different, so saying 'this drug is better than this drug' just isn't true, because different compounds work differently for different people. Some people will benefit nicely from haloperidol or perphenazine, others from ariprazole, and others will benefit most from taking mood stabilisers, instead of antipsychotics.) Clozapine is also a somewhat old antipsychotic, having been first put onto the market in 1972. But it tends to get lumped in with the SGAs simply because it's so atypical, which leads me back to the point: most atypicals aren't 100% atypical, and drug categorisation in psychiatry is confusing.
One other side-effect that antipsychotics tend to have is that they're usually very anticholinergic. Anticholinergic drugs reduce levels of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine, which is very important for memory, movement, and so, so much more. However, the reason I mention memory is that most antipsychotics are contraindicated (recommended against) in those with dementia-related psychosis, primarily since depleting memory chemicals is the last thing you wanna do in someone with a major neurocognitive disorder. This is also why we need to be careful prescribing anticholinergics in those over 65. For the record: most severe mental illnesses tend to have some degree of neurodegenerative effect, which is why medication is so, so important, as it prevents that illness-related neurodegeneration: as such, taking an antipsychotic will prevent schizophrenia/bipolar/major depression-related cognitive decline and worsened illness, but may also have some subtle cognitive effects that probably balance out with those of the illness. It's something to monitor over time, but not something to be scared of.
I've harped on a lot about SIDE EFFECTS SIDE EFFECTS SIDE EFFECTS, so this is a reminder—if the name of a certain medication has been brought up here as associated with a side-effect, that doesn't mean the medication is necessarily bad. Antipsychotics have done a lot of good for many people, and so long as they are prescribed consensually, they will continue to be invaluable.
Also: not everyone who takes an antipsychotic has psychosis, and not every with psychosis takes antipsychotics. Medications don't necessarily indicate what illness someone has—they just help with symptoms, and antipsychotics can help with a heckuva lotta symptoms when used well.
Okay, great. How does this relate to autism, aside from that being proof that you, the author, meet criterion B3 for ASD?
We're almost there.
Several early theories of autism conceptualised it as a pervasive, childhood-onset form of schizophrenia ('childhood schizophrenia' and 'autism' have historically been used synonymously at times). Notably, several of the negative symptoms of schizophrenia spectrum disorders can be considered similar to the executive and social symptoms of autism—autism has its own positive set of symptoms, and schizophrenia its own positive symptoms, but there's an overlap between negative symptoms of the two. Autism was originally the name Eugene Bleuler gave to the way schizophrenic patients tended to withdraw into a fantasy world of their own—that is, withdrawing into an inaccessible inner world, rather than reality. While schizophrenic autism isn't nearly as relevant a clinical concept anymore, it's kinda funny how the two diagnoses diverged from that point.
It's also worth noting that schizophrenia spectrum disorders are probably neurodevelopmental, and both schizophrenia-spec disorders and autism feature enlarged ventricles in the brain. But correlation is not causation—this commonality may not mean anything. In schizospec disorders, ventricle enlargement tends to link to greater untreated duration of illness (as a visible sign of neurodegeneration), while in autism, I think it's just there. Not sure on that one, though. Not all people with ASD or schizospec disorders necessarily have enlarged ventricles, either—it's just a thing that seems worth noting.
Further, the predominant theory of how schizophrenia spectrum disorders work is that there is dopamine dysregulation—that is, some bits of the brain are getting too much, causing positive symptoms, and others are not getting enough, causing negative symptoms. Either that, or dopamine metabolism isn't working properly. We largely figured out that dopamine is probably involved in schizospec disorders by working backwards from the mechanism of action of the antipsychotics: that is, neuroleptics suppress dopamine, and dopamine suppression makes psychosis less bad—therefore, dopamine is involved in psychosis. But it's likely more complex than that, in part because not all people with schizospec disorders will respond to antidopaminergic drugs, and in part because SGAs are generally more likely to be effective than first-gen antipsychotics, and SGAs target more than just dopamine. One other theory posits that NMDA, which is a subtype of the neurotransmitter called glutamate, may also be involved. I'm not going to try to explain it here, since I don't know enough about the NMDA theory to be able to coherently string together a sentence about it. But, keep reading.
We don't entirely understand the mechanism behind autism. It probably involves synaptic pruning to some extent. It may also involve having an overactive brain, in part due to lack of pruning meaning that there is no brain highway so much as a network of ratruns that get clogged up very easily, and in part because GABA, the main inhibitory neurotransmitter we have, isn't doing something right. I think it's interesting that NMDA, a form of glutamate, might have links to psychosis, and that autism also probably involves something weird with glutamate, but I also don't know enough to say whether this is just a weird coincidence or if it's actually relevant. Nevertheless, even if it is a coincidence, I do find it funny to note these commonalities considering the historical links between the diagnoses.
It's also notable that autistic people experience psychosis at higher rates than allistic folks—I'm pretty sure schizospec disorder rates are also elevated among autistic folks—and I'm semi-sure autism is also more common in those with schizospec disorders than in those without.
Okay, now to where the meds come in.
Autism can cause varying levels of disability, ranging from those who need relatively little support to those who need full-time care. Often, higher support needs (HSN) autistics tend to have more dramatic self-injurious behaviours, and may struggle more with controlling aggression, with eloping, and other behaviours that are harmful to both themselves and others.
And I'm less-than-comfortable with how modern psychiatry has chosen to deal with this.
The only drug that's approved for treating these behaviours in ASD is risperidone, a second-gen antipsychotic. Some people will find that risperidone works really well for their psychosis—it's an effective drug! —but when it's used in ASD, it's not there to treat psychosis, usually, but to treat aggression, self-injury, and such.
Thing is, the use of risperidone for this purpose is basically an attempt to sedate the autistic child into not doing these things. I'm a low support needs (LSN) autistic who's never taken psychiatric medication, so it's not really my place to judge this as a tactic. I understand that things that some of us initially flinch at, such as putting HSN autistic children on leashes, is the right thing to do if the child is likely to elope, and I understand that if a child is going to hurt themself badly, they need help. But on the other hand, I have reservations since antipsychotics have been used unethically through history, and continue to be used unethically in certain situations. In some cases, antipsychotics may be helpful for autistic children, and I don't know enough to comment, but it's also profoundly uncomfortable to contemplate the fact that certain medications that are infamous for having horrible side-effects are being used on people who may not be able to provide informed consent. It's an ethical conundrum, since if it is the best way to prevent harm, then it's important that we don't flinch on instinct, but I also really, really hope that the HSN autistic people's needs and comfort are being taken into consideration in these circumstances, since both historically and today, HSN autistic people have been treated as subhuman in so, so many circumstances.
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mediagraph · 1 month
Budget 2024 through the Lens of Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi: Sensitivity and Economic Aspirations
In a recent post-budget dialogue, we gained insights from Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi, managing partner and founder of Ravi Rajan and Company, and former chairman of the Bombay Stock Exchange. The discussion centered around the new budget announced by the Finance Minister, highlighting its potential impact on India’s economy. Here’s a summary of Mr. Ravi’s expert analysis on key aspects of the budget.
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Key Takeaways from the Budget
Abolition of Angel Tax: The removal of angel tax is a significant boost for startups. This move is expected to encourage investment in early-stage companies, fostering innovation and growth in the startup ecosystem.
Focus on Employment: The budget places unprecedented emphasis on job creation, particularly targeting labor and employee-related areas. This focus aims to address high employment concerns and provide relief through various initiatives and incentives.
Taxation Adjustments: Changes in long-term and short-term capital gains tax reflect a broader strategy to manage investments more effectively. The introduction of higher taxes on certain transactions signals a shift towards encouraging long-term investments over speculative trading.
Reduction in Custom Duties: A notable reduction in custom duties for minerals like lithium underscores the government’s commitment to supporting sectors reliant on these critical materials. This move is expected to enhance the domestic mineral ecosystem.
Investment in Clean Energy and Infrastructure: With capital expenditure set at 3.9% of GDP, the budget highlights a strong commitment to clean energy and infrastructure development, aiming to drive sustainable growth.
Detailed Observations
Employment and Skill Development: Mr. S.Ravi BSE praised the focus on job creation and skill development but stressed that the success of these initiatives will depend on effective implementation. The budget’s promise to improve skilling, especially in rural areas, and enhance small-scale manufacturing is seen as crucial for long-term economic stability.
Agricultural Sector: The budget’s emphasis on agriculture reflects its importance in job creation and economic growth. Significant allocations are intended to boost productivity and support farmers, with a particular focus on improving rural infrastructure and reducing custom duties on agricultural equipment.
Stock Market Reaction: Despite the balanced nature of the budget, the stock market’s reaction was tepid. Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi attributed this to the market’s sensitivity to increased taxation on short-term gains and derivatives, which impacted traders and speculative investors.
Private Sector Participation: The budget’s static approach to capital expenditure reflects a reliance on government spending due to insufficient private sector participation. Encouraging private investment through schemes like the Production Linked Incentive (PLI) is critical for expanding manufacturing and job creation.
In summary, Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi described the budget as “sensitive,” acknowledging its responsiveness to public and market feedback. The budget has set a foundation for future financial planning, balancing immediate needs with long-term goals. The Finance Minister’s focus on job creation, skill development, and strategic tax adjustments reflects a nuanced approach to managing India’s economic aspirations amidst global uncertainties.
Final Thoughts
The budget’s emphasis on various sectors indicates a comprehensive strategy aimed at fostering growth and stability. As Mr. Sethurathnam Ravi noted, while the budget sets a positive direction, its success will hinge on effective execution and continued private sector engagement.
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chemanalystdata · 2 months
Propylene Carbonate Prices | Pricing | Price | News | Database | Chart | Forecast
Propylene carbonate prices have experienced notable fluctuations in recent years, reflecting the dynamics of global supply and demand, production costs, and market trends. As a solvent with applications across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, electronics, and battery manufacturing, propylene carbonate's market behavior is closely tied to economic factors and technological advancements. The compound, recognized for its high purity and low toxicity, has become increasingly significant in the production of lithium-ion batteries, driving substantial interest in its pricing trends.
The pricing of propylene carbonate is heavily influenced by raw material costs, particularly those of propylene oxide, from which it is derived. Changes in the production capacities of petrochemical plants and shifts in propylene oxide availability can lead to fluctuations in propylene carbonate prices. Additionally, the costs associated with transportation and logistics also play a crucial role in determining the final price of propylene carbonate. The global supply chain disruptions experienced in recent years have highlighted the sensitivity of propylene carbonate prices to external factors, including geopolitical tensions and trade policies.
Get Real Time Prices for Propylene carbonate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/propylene-carbonate-1272
Demand dynamics also significantly impact propylene carbonate prices. As industries like electronics and automotive manufacturing continue to grow, the need for high-performance solvents like propylene carbonate increases. The expansion of electric vehicle production, in particular, has fueled the demand for high-quality electrolytes, which in turn boosts the need for propylene carbonate. This growing demand can exert upward pressure on prices, especially when supply does not keep pace with consumption.
Moreover, regulatory changes and environmental considerations are shaping the propylene carbonate market. With increasing scrutiny on chemical manufacturing processes and the push for greener alternatives, companies are investing in more sustainable production methods. These shifts can lead to changes in production costs, influencing propylene carbonate prices. For instance, the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and the implementation of stricter emission regulations can impact the cost structure of propylene carbonate manufacturing, affecting its market price.
Market trends also play a significant role in shaping propylene carbonate prices. The entry of new players into the market, technological advancements in production methods, and shifts in consumer preferences can all contribute to price volatility. Companies are continually exploring ways to optimize production efficiency and reduce costs, which can lead to price adjustments. Additionally, the development of new applications and technologies that utilize propylene carbonate can influence its market demand and pricing structure.
The interplay of supply and demand, production costs, and regulatory factors makes propylene carbonate pricing a complex and dynamic aspect of the chemical industry. Industry stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, and consumers, must stay informed about market trends and potential disruptions to navigate the evolving landscape of propylene carbonate prices. By understanding the underlying factors that influence pricing, businesses can better anticipate changes and make strategic decisions to manage costs effectively.
In conclusion, propylene carbonate prices are subject to a range of influences, including raw material costs, supply and demand dynamics, regulatory changes, and market trends. As industries continue to evolve and new applications emerge, the pricing of propylene carbonate will likely remain a focal point for market participants. Staying abreast of these factors and understanding their impact on pricing can help businesses navigate the complexities of the propylene carbonate market and make informed decisions in an ever-changing environment.
Get Real Time Prices for Propylene carbonate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/propylene-carbonate-1272
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The Propylene Carbonate Market is expected to expand from USD 225.3 million in 2024 to USD 348.4 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.60%.Propylene carbonate, a versatile and essential chemical compound, has garnered significant attention in various industries due to its wide range of applications and properties. As a cyclic carbonate ester derived from propylene glycol and carbon dioxide, propylene carbonate exhibits unique characteristics that make it a valuable component in numerous sectors, including pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, electronics, and energy. This article delves into the propylene carbonate market, examining its growth drivers, applications, and future prospects.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/propylene-carbonate-market
Market Growth Drivers
1. Rising Demand in Electronics: One of the primary factors propelling the propylene carbonate market is its increasing use in the electronics industry. Propylene carbonate serves as a solvent in lithium-ion batteries, which are crucial for powering modern electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles. With the burgeoning demand for portable electronics and the rapid adoption of electric vehicles, the need for efficient and reliable battery components is on the rise, subsequently driving the demand for propylene carbonate.
2. Expanding Pharmaceutical Applications: The pharmaceutical industry is another significant driver of the propylene carbonate market. This compound is utilized as a solvent and excipient in the formulation of various drugs, including injectable medications and topical solutions. Its biocompatibility and low toxicity make it a preferred choice in pharmaceutical applications, contributing to the market's growth.
3. Growth in Personal Care and Cosmetics: In the cosmetics and personal care sector, propylene carbonate is used as a solvent and viscosity regulator in products such as creams, lotions, and makeup. The increasing consumer demand for high-quality and innovative personal care products is fueling the demand for propylene carbonate, as manufacturers seek to enhance the performance and stability of their formulations.
4. Eco-Friendly Nature: The environmental advantages of propylene carbonate also play a crucial role in its market growth. As a biodegradable and non-toxic compound, it aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability and green chemistry. Industries are increasingly adopting propylene carbonate as a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional solvents.
Key Applications
1. Energy Storage: The role of propylene carbonate in the energy storage sector, particularly in lithium-ion batteries, cannot be overstated. It acts as an electrolyte solvent, facilitating the movement of ions between the battery's electrodes. This application is critical for the development of high-performance batteries with improved energy density, stability, and safety.
2. Pharmaceuticals: In the pharmaceutical industry, propylene carbonate is used as a solvent in drug formulations, ensuring the solubility and stability of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). Its use in injectable drugs and transdermal patches highlights its importance in drug delivery systems.
3. Personal Care Products: Propylene carbonate's role in cosmetics and personal care products extends to enhancing the texture, consistency, and overall performance of formulations. It is commonly found in skincare products, hair care solutions, and makeup, where it helps achieve the desired sensory attributes and stability.
4. Industrial Applications: Beyond the aforementioned sectors, propylene carbonate finds applications in various industrial processes. It is used as a solvent for polymers, resins, and coatings, where it aids in dissolving and dispersing materials. Additionally, it is employed in the production of adhesives, sealants, and cleaning agents.
Future Prospects
The future of the propylene carbonate market appears promising, driven by several emerging trends and opportunities:
1. Advancements in Battery Technology: With the ongoing research and development efforts focused on improving battery performance and efficiency, the demand for high-quality electrolyte solvents like propylene carbonate is expected to surge. Innovations in energy storage, including solid-state batteries and next-generation lithium-ion batteries, will further boost market growth.
2. Sustainable Manufacturing Practices: The shift towards sustainable and eco-friendly manufacturing practices is likely to enhance the adoption of propylene carbonate across industries. Its biodegradable and non-toxic nature aligns with the increasing regulatory emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of chemical processes.
3. Expanding Pharmaceutical Sector: The continuous expansion of the pharmaceutical industry, driven by the development of new drugs and therapies, will contribute to the steady demand for propylene carbonate. Its role in drug formulation and delivery systems ensures its relevance in the evolving pharmaceutical landscape.
Key Player Analysis
LyondellBasell Industries
Shandong Depu Chemical
Empower Materials
Shida Shenghua Chemical
Daze Group
Huntsman Corporation
AVX Corporation
MegaChem Ltd
Hi-Tech Spring Chemical
Based on Form:
Aqueous Solutions
Based on Application:
Paints and Coatings
Cleaning and Detergents
Personal Care and Cosmetics
Textile Dyeing
Lithium-Ion Batteries and Electronics
Based on the Geography:
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/propylene-carbonate-market
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marketsndata · 3 months
1,4 Butanediol Market Size, Share and Growth Report, 2031
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Global 1,4 butanediol market size was valued at USD 8.1 billion in 2023, which is expected to grow to USD 16.15 billion in 2031 with a CAGR of 9% during the forecast period between 2024 and 2031. The paints and coatings segment held a prominent share in the global 1,4 butanediol market in 2022. For instance, according to the recent statistics published by the World Paint & Coatings Industry Association (WPCIA), in 2022, the global paints and coatings industry was valued at USD 179.7 billion, representing a year-on-year growth rate of 3.1%.
Asia-Pacific held the dominant market position in the global 1,4 butanediol industry in 2022. According to Akzo Nobel India, a leading paints and coatings market in India, the paints and coatings market in India will reach USD 12.1 billion by 2027.
The benefits of 1,4 butanediol (BDO) in tetrahydrofuran (THF) production include its role as a key intermediate in the synthesis of various high-value polymers and fibers, as well as its use as a universal solvent and raw material for organic synthesis. Therefore, due to the various benefits offered by 1,4 butanediol, its adoption is increasing in THF production, which is a prime aspect augmenting the growth of the market. Additionally, the growth of the paints and coatings industry is accredited to factors such as an increase in the renovation rate, the recent expansion of paints and coatings manufacturing facilities, and a rise in residential construction activities. As a result, the advancing paints and coatings sector is boosting the demand for 1,4 butanediol (BDO) as it is a key ingredient in the paints and coatings product manufacturing. Henceforth, the surge in the demand for 1,4 butanediol (BDO) is supplementing the market growth.
The ongoing product development associated with bio-based 1,4 butanediol will create a favorable outlook for market growth in the long run. For instance, BASF SE has obtained long-term access to bio-based 1,4-butanediol (BDO) from Qore LLC, a joint venture of Cargill and HELM AG. Qore will produce the biobased BDO at Cargill’s biotechnology campus and corn refining operation in Iowa. This collaboration will allow BASF to expand its existing offer of BDO derivatives with bio-based variants, such as polytetramethylene ether glycol (polytetrahydrofuran, PolyTHF) and THF. The first commercial quantities will be available in Q1 2025. Nevertheless, health concerns associated with 1,4 butanediol are restraining the growth of the market.
Sample Report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/1-4-butanediol-market/sample-request
Rising Adoption of 1,4 Butanediol in THF is Accelerating the Market Growth
The production of THF from 1,4 butanediol offers a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach, particularly when bio-based methods are employed for the synthesis of 1,4 butanediol and THF. These bio-based processes contribute to the development of low-carbon and energy-efficient production methods, aligning with the principles of green chemistry. The rising adoption of 1,4 butanediol in the production of THF is attributed to the growing demand for THF in various applications such as the manufacturing of plastics, pharmaceuticals, and textiles. The increased use of THF in the above-mentioned industries has led to a higher demand for 1,4 butanediol as a key raw material for its production. This trend is expected to continue as these industries expand, driving the adoption of 1,4 butanediol for THF production.
For instance, according to the recent statistics published by Plastics Europe, a global association for plastics production, in 2021, the total global level of plastics production was 394 million tons, and in 2022, it was 400.3 million tons, an increase of 1.6%.     
Ongoing Development of New Lithium-ion Manufacturing Facilities Spurring the Market Growth
1,4 butanediol (BDO) is used in electrodes for lithium-ion battery manufacturing. The increasing adoption of electric vehicles and the development of new electronics manufacturing facilities will propel the deployment of lithium-ion batteries. As a result, lithium-ion battery manufacturers are leveraging their investments for the new manufacturing facility development, which will create a lucrative opportunity for market growth in the coming years as the demand for 1,4 butanediol (BDO) will increase in electrodes.
For instance, in January 2024, Arizona KOREPlex, a battery manufacturer in the United States, announced its plans to open a new lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility in Arizona, United States. In November 2023, Forge Nano, Inc., a prominent materials science company in the United States announced its plans to launch a new lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility in North Carolina, United States. The overall investment cost of the lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility is more than USD 165 million. In addition, in September 2023, Gotion High-tech Co Ltd announced the development of a USD 2 billion lithium-ion battery manufacturing facility in Illinois, the United States by 2024.
Booming Paints and Coatings Sector is Fostering the Market Growth
The key technical properties associated with 1,4 butanediol include a molar mass of 90.122 g·mol−1, density at 1.0171 g/cm3 (20 °C), melting point of 20.1 °C (68.2 °F; 293.2 K), boiling point at 235 °C (455 °F; 508 K), and miscible solubility in water. Thus, 1,4 butanediol (BDO) is an important component in the production of paints and coatings. The 1,4 butanediol is ideal for paints and coatings products such as industrial, surface, and special purpose paints and coatings. The increasing demand for architectural paints and coatings, rising construction activities, and the surging spending power of people are the key determinants spurring the paints and coatings market growth.
For instance, according to the recent statistics published by the World Paint & Coatings Industry Association (WPCIA), the Asia-Pacific paints and coatings market was the leading region, valued at USD 63 billion in 2022. China dominated the Asia-Pacific regional market, which grew at a CAGR of 5.8%. The European region was the second largest market for the paints and coatings industry, valued at USD 42.37 billion in 2022. In addition, the North American paints and coatings sector was the third largest market in the global ranking, valued at USD 33.92 billion in 2022. Hence, the booming paints and coatings industry is driving the demand for 1,4 butanediol worldwide as a cross-linking agent, thereby accelerating the market growth. 
The Dominance of the Asia-Pacific Region in the Overall Market
Asia-Pacific is experiencing rapid growth in various industries, such as textiles, electronics, and automotive, which are major consumers of 1,4 butanediol, thereby driving the revenue growth of the market. Also, the Asia-Pacific region offers low-cost labor and resources, making it an attractive destination for 1,4 butanediol. Therefore, Asia-Pacific countries, such as India, China, and Japan, are the major hubs for manufacturing 1,4 butanediol.
Factors, such as the development of new manufacturing facilities for the production of lithium-ion batteries, increasing production of plastics, and surging output for adhesives and sealants, among others, are mainly accelerating the growth of the 1,4 butanediol market across the Asia-Pacific region. For instance, according to the recent 2023 data published by Plastics Europe, the global production of plastics in 2022 was 400.3 million tons and the Asia-Pacific region was the dominant market, holding a share of 54% of the global plastics production. Furthermore, China held about 33% share in the global plastics production. Therefore, the booming end-use industries in the Asia-Pacific region are amplifying the growth of the 1,4 butanediol market.
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Future Market Scenario (2024 – 2031F)
·         EVs are expected to experience a rise in their adoption in upcoming years. Due to this, the demand for lithium-ion batteries will also grow, in turn, influencing the market of 1,4 butanediol.
·         As environmental concerns push for more sustainable technological solutions, green building initiatives will take place and further accelerate the market.
·         Pharmaceutical industry growth will scatter the market demand for innovative and more use cases for 1,4 butanediol.
·         Due to research and innovation in industrial grids, there will be more use cases of 1,4 butanediol in factories.
Report Scope
“1,4 Butanediol Market Assessment, Opportunities and Forecast, 2017-2031F”, is a comprehensive report by Markets and Data, providing in-depth analysis and qualitative and quantitative assessment of the current state of the global 1,4 butanediol market, industry dynamics and challenges. The report includes market size, segmental shares, growth trends, opportunities and forecast between 2024 and 2031. Additionally, the report profiles the leading players in the industry mentioning their respective market share, business model, competitive intelligence, etc.
Click here for full report- https://www.marketsandata.com/industry-reports/1-4-butanediol-market
Mr. Vivek Gupta 5741 Cleveland street, Suite 120, VA beach, VA, USA 23462 Tel: +1 (757) 343–3258 Email: [email protected] Website: https://www.marketsandata.com
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downincmi · 4 months
Lithium Hydroxide Market Growth: Exploring Industry Dynamics
Lithium hydroxide (LiOH) is an inorganic compound, specifically a salt, that is a white crystalline solid when anhydrous but often encountered as a monohydrate (LiOH⋅H2O). It consists of lithium cations (Li+) and hydroxide anions (OH-). LiOH is highly soluble in water and is commonly encountered as a solution. Chemical Properties
As an ionic compound composed of lithium and hydroxide ions, LiOH shares many typical properties of salts. It dissolves readily in water to form an alkaline solution. When dissolved in water, LiOH ionizes into lithium cations and hydroxide anions according to the dissociation reaction: LiOH (s) → Li+ (aq) + OH- (aq) The resulting solutions are strongly alkaline, or basic, with a pH ranging from 11-12.5 depending on concentration. This solubility and basicity is indicative of the ionic character of the lithium-oxygen and hydrogen bonds in the solid. LiOH also has a high melting point of approximately 550°C, which reflects the strong electrostatic interactions between ions. Uses and Applications
As an alkali metal hydroxide, LiOH has various industrial uses that exploit its strong basic nature. One major application is in lithium batteries, where it is used as an electrolyte. The high solubility of LiOH allows it to readily dissolve lithium salts and conduct lithium ions between the battery electrodes. LiOH is also used in the manufacture of lithium greases and as a desiccant to absorb water and carbon dioxide from air or gases. In the glass industry, LiOH is added in small amounts to glass compositions. The lithium ions strengthen the glass by becoming part of the silicate network structure. Lithium-containing glasses have increased durability and improved chemical resistance. Pharmaceutical applications also exist, as LiOH is sometimes used as an ingredient in antacids and other medicines due to its alkalinizing properties. Physical Properties
Beyond its chemical makeup and strong basicity in aqueous solution, LiOH has notable physical properties as well. As mentioned previously, its melting point is approximately 550°C, reflecting the strength of ionic bonding. Like other ionic compounds, it is generally hard and brittle in solid form. Anhydrous LiOH appears as white crystals or a powder, while the monohydrate exists as colorless crystals. The density of LiOH is approximately 2.00 g/cm3. In terms of solubility, it exhibits high solubility in water, with a maximum solubility of 57g/100mL at 0°C. This enables it to act as a strong base when dissolved and essentially complete dissociation into its constituent ions. The highly soluble nature derives from the ability of waters’ polarity to strongly solvate both the lithium and hydroxide ions. Environmental and Safety Considerations
Being a strong base, lithium hydroxide presents certain hazards if not properly handled or contained. Direct contact with concentrated solutions or solid LiOH can cause severe irritation and chemical burns to skin and eyes on contact. When heated, it may emit toxic fumes of lithium oxides. For these reasons, it is recommended to use protective equipment like gloves, eye protection, and respiratory masks when working with this compound. Spills or releases of lithium hydroxide into the environment should also be avoided, as its high pH can raise the alkalinity of surrounding waters and soils. Solutions must be neutralized before disposal. However, as lithium is a relatively rare element, LiOH itself does not present significant environmental contamination concerns from a toxicity standpoint if carefully managed. Overall, through prudent handling and containment practices according to safety guidelines, LiOH can be utilized safely in industrial applications. Conclusion
In summary, lithium hydroxide is an important industrial compound with applications spanning batteries, glass, pharmaceuticals and other areas. Its wide use stems from versatile chemical properties including high solubility, strong basicity in solution, and ability to conduct lithium ions effectively. Though presenting hazards from its caustic nature, LiOH can be employed safely in manufacturing when appropriate precautions and personal protective equipment are followed. A thorough understanding of its chemical makeup, physical attributes and environmental/safety considerations provides necessary background for its utilization.
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robjackson616-blog · 4 months
Polybutadiene Market Is Expected Significant Growth in the Near Future
According to HTF Market Intelligence, theGlobal Polybutadiene market to witness a CAGR of 3.78% during forecast period of 2024-2030. Asia Pacific Polybutadiene Market Breakdown by Application (Tires, Hoses, Conveyor belts, Industrial Rubber Manufacturing, Chemicals) by Type (High Cis Polybutadiene, Lithium-based Polybutadiene, High Trans Polybutadiene) by Form (Solid, Liquide) and by Geography (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia, Southeast Asia, Rest of Asia-Pacific). The Polybutadiene market size is estimated to increase by USD      Billion at a CAGR of 3.78% from 2024 to 2030.. Currently, market value is pegged at USD 5.4 Billion.
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Polybutadiene is a synthetic rubber polymer derived from the polymerization of butadiene. It is characterized by high elasticity, resilience, and resistance to abrasion. Polybutadiene finds extensive use in the production of tires, conveyor belts, hoses, seals, and various rubber products.
Some of the key players profiled in the study are ARLANXEO (Netherlands), China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation. (China), Cray Valley (United States), Evonik Industries (Germany), FIRESTONE POLYMERS LLC (United States), JSR Corporation (Japan), KUMHO PETROCHEMICAL. (South Korea), Mitsubishi Corporation (Japan), NIPPON SODA CO., LTD. (Japan), PetroChina Company Limited (China), Reliance Industries Limited (India), SABIC (Saudi Arabia), Sibur (Russia), Synthos (Poland), The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (United States), TSRC (India), UBE INDUSTRIES, LTD. (Japan), Versalis (Italy), ZEON CORPORATION (Japan).    
Book Latest Edition of Global Polybutadiene Market Study @ https://www.htfmarketintelligence.com/buy-now?format=1&report=6916
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HTF Market Intelligence is a leading market research company providing end-to-end syndicated and custom market reports, consulting services, and insightful information across the globe. HTF MI integrates History, Trends, and Forecasts to identify the highest value opportunities, cope with the most critical business challenges and transform the businesses. Analysts at HTF MI focuses on comprehending the unique needs of each client to deliver insights that are most suited to his particular requirements.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) HTF Market Intelligence Consulting Private Limited Phone: +15075562445 [email protected]
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e-carlease · 4 months
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But how will the new EQS perform - is it a good EV for company car drivers? The brand have confirmed two battery derivatives will be available for the UK market including:
EQS 450+  -  the 118 kWh lithium-ion battery will offer 0 – 62 times of 6.2 seconds, 130 mph top speeds and 265 kW (or 355hp). This model is a RWD option. Expect a combined winter range of 355 miles with warmer weather allowing for 490 miles - 425 miles combined. On charging, the 11 kW AC max will allow 12 hour and 45 mins 0 – 100% charging times with the 200 kW DC maximum allowing 33 minute 10 – 80% times. This has a cargo volume of 620L and vehicle fuel equivalent of 146 mpg. This model can tow 750 kg braked and 750 kg unbraked. A heat pump is standard.  This saloon will not yet feature bidirectional charging; and 
EQE 350+ -  the 118 kWh lithium-ion battery will offer 0 – 62 times of 3.4 seconds, 155 mph top speeds and 560 kW (or 751hp). This model is a AWD option. Expect a combined winter range of 305 miles with warmer weather allowing for 415 miles - 365 miles combined. On charging, the 22 kW AC max will allow 6 hour and 30 mins 0 – 100% charging times with the 200 kW DC maximum allowing 33 minute 10 – 80% times. This has a cargo volume of 620L and vehicle fuel equivalent of 125 mpg. This model can tow 1500 kg braked and 750 kg unbraked. A heat pump is standard.  This saloon will not yet feature bidirectional charging.
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Exploring the Global Flake Graphite Market: Trends, Challenges, and Opportunities
Flake Graphite Market is driven by Growing Consumption in Batteries and Expanding Electronics Sector Flake graphite is a naturally occurring crystalline allotrope of carbon that has a layered or flaky structure. It finds key applications in industrial lubricants, batteries, brake linings, and refractories due to its heat resistance and conductivity properties. Flake graphite consists of carbonaceous particles that possess a layered structure and flaky texture. It offers various advantages over other materials such as durability, self-lubrication, thermal conductivity, chemical stability, resilience and cost-effectiveness. The Global Flake Graphite Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 16.05 Bn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 8.2% over the forecast period from 2023 to 2030. Flake graphite has emerged as a critical raw material for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and electronics owing to its conductivity, stability and lightweight nature. Its use in the manufacturing of batteries, electrodes and other components is expected to witness high growth in view of expanding electric mobility and consumer electronics industries globally. Key Takeaways Key players operating in the Flake Graphite market are AMG, Asbury Carbons, Eagle Graphite, EPM Group, Grafitbergbau Kaisersberg GmbH, Graphite India Limited (GIL), Imerys, and Nacional de Grafite. The growing demand for energy-efficient and sustainable batteries from various end-use industries such as automotive and consumer electronics is driving significant growth of the flake graphite market. Flake graphite finds key application in the manufacture of anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Leading flake graphite producers are investing heavily in capacity expansion plans and global supply chain development to cater to the rising needs of battery and electronics sectors internationally. China, Brazil and Madagascar have emerged as the leading producers and exporters of flake graphite globally. Market Key Trends One of the key trends gaining traction in the flake graphite market is the increasing adoption of graphene derivatives. Graphene is a two-dimensional material derived from graphite that possesses extraordinary properties. It is 100 times stronger than steel yet highly flexible. Producers are extensively researching and developing value-added products utilizing graphene properties for diverse applications ranging from composites and coatings to biomedicine. This is expected to drive innovative product development and support the overall flake graphite market growth over the forecast period.
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Porter’s Analysis Threat of new entrants: High capital investment requirements act as a entry barrier. Bargaining power of buyers: Large buyers have high bargaining power due to the availability of substitutes. Bargaining power of suppliers: Few graphite miners exist with China dominating supply, increasing supplier bargaining power. Threat of new substitutes: Alternatives like synthetic graphite and unprocessed natural graphite pose substitution threat. Competitive rivalry: Market players compete based on production technology, processing capabilities and products portfolio. Geographically, China accounted for over 50% of the global flake graphite market share in 2022, driven by large reserves and being the dominant supplier.
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jedyfwf · 5 months
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Market Report: Trends, Analysis, and Projections
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) is a high-performance thermoplastic known for its exceptional chemical resistance, mechanical strength, and thermal stability, finding diverse applications across industries. This blog delves into the dynamics of the global PVDF market, analyzing key drivers, applications, emerging trends, and future growth prospects.
Understanding the PVDF Market:
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) Is a fluoropolymer derived from vinylidene fluoride monomers. Its outstanding properties include resistance to chemicals, UV radiation, high temperatures, and flame retardancy, making it suitable for demanding applications in aerospace, construction, electronics, chemical processing, and renewable energy sectors.
Market Dynamics:
Aerospace and Defense: PVDF is utilized in aerospace applications such as aircraft components, fuel lines, membranes, and coatings due to its lightweight nature, corrosion resistance, and ability to withstand harsh environments.
Building and Construction: In the construction industry, PVDF coatings are applied to architectural surfaces, roofing materials, and façade panels for weather resistance, color retention, and durability against UV radiation and pollutants.
Electronics and Semiconductor: PVDF films and components are used in electronics for capacitors, sensors, piezoelectric devices, lithium-ion batteries, and photovoltaic films, leveraging its dielectric properties and thermal stability.
Chemical Processing: PVDF pipes, fittings, and linings are employed in chemical processing plants for their resistance to acids, alkalis, solvents, and high temperatures, ensuring reliability and longevity in corrosive environments.
Applications Across Industries:
Aerospace: Aircraft components, fuel lines, coatings.
Construction: Coatings, roofing materials, façade panels.
Electronics: Films, capacitors, sensors, lithium-ion batteries.
Chemical Processing: Pipes, fittings, linings for corrosive environments.
Market Trends:
Growing Demand for Specialty PVDF Grades: Increasing demand for PVDF grades with enhanced properties such as high purity, low extractables, conductivity, or specific color options to meet diverse industry requirements in electronics, healthcare, and specialty applications.
Focus on Sustainable Coatings: Adoption of PVDF coatings in architectural, automotive, and industrial applications due to their durability, weather resistance, and low maintenance requirements, aligning with sustainability goals and regulatory standards.
Advancements in PVDF Processing: Innovations in PVDF compounding, extrusion, and molding techniques to improve processing efficiency, reduce costs, and expand application possibilities in emerging sectors such as renewable energy and medical devices.
Future Prospects:
The global PVDF market is poised for substantial growth driven by technological advancements, increasing adoption across industries, and sustainability considerations. Investments in R&D, material innovations, and application diversification will play a key role in shaping the market's evolution and competitiveness.
Polyvinylidene Fluoride (PVDF) stands as a versatile and high-performance material with critical applications across aerospace, construction, electronics, and chemical industries. Understanding market trends, technological innovations, and sustainability imperatives is vital for stakeholders in the PVDF market to harness growth opportunities effectively. With a focus on specialty grades, sustainable coatings, and process enhancements, the PVDF market presents promising avenues for continued innovation and market expansion in the global polymer industry landscape.
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trendtrackershq · 5 months
Carbon Black Market: Trends and Forecasts for Sustainable Growth
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Carbon black, a versatile material derived from the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products, plays a crucial role in numerous industrial applications, including rubber manufacturing, plastics, coatings, and printing inks. Its unique properties, such as high abrasion resistance, conductivity, and reinforcement, make it indispensable in various sectors. However, the carbon black industry faces challenges related to environmental sustainability, emissions, and regulatory compliance.
According to the study by Next Move Strategy Consulting, the global Carbon Black Market size is predicted to reach USD 22.13 billion with a CAGR of 3.8% by 2030. This projection underlines the significant potential for growth in the carbon black industry, driven by various trends and factors shaping its trajectory towards sustainability.
Request for a sample, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/carbon-black-market/request-sample
Trends Driving Growth
Rising Demand in Tire Manufacturing:
The tire industry remains the largest consumer of carbon black, accounting for a substantial portion of its overall demand. With the automotive sector experiencing steady growth and increasing emphasis on fuel efficiency and durability, the demand for high-quality carbon black in tire manufacturing is expected to soar. Tire manufacturers are continually seeking innovative materials to improve tire performance, longevity, and safety.
The automotive industry's shift towards electric vehicles (EVs) and the growing popularity of fuel-efficient vehicles have heightened the demand for carbon black. EV tires require advanced materials to ensure optimal performance and range. Additionally, the trend towards larger and more durable tires in commercial vehicles further drives the need for high-quality carbon black formulations. Tire manufacturers are investing in research and development to optimize carbon black usage and enhance tire properties such as rolling resistance, traction, and wear resistance.
Shift towards Sustainable Practices:
Environmental concerns and stringent regulations have prompted carbon black manufacturers to adopt sustainable production practices. This includes the adoption of cleaner production technologies, energy-efficient processes, and recycling initiatives to minimize environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions. Companies are increasingly investing in renewable energy sources, waste heat recovery systems, and carbon capture technologies to mitigate their environmental footprint.
Sustainable manufacturing practices are becoming integral to the carbon black industry's growth strategy. Companies are investing in technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis to convert waste materials into carbon black feedstock, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and minimizing waste generation. Moreover, the implementation of stringent environmental regulations, such as emissions limits and carbon pricing mechanisms, incentivizes companies to adopt cleaner production methods and invest in pollution control technologies.
Emergence of Specialty Carbon Blacks:
The market is witnessing a growing demand for specialty carbon blacks tailored for specific applications such as plastics, coatings, and electronics. These specialty grades offer enhanced properties such as UV protection, conductivity, and reinforcement, driving their adoption across diverse industries. With increasing emphasis on product differentiation and performance optimization, manufacturers are expanding their product portfolios to cater to evolving customer requirements.
Specialty carbon blacks are experiencing strong demand across various end-use industries, including automotive, construction, and electronics. For instance, conductive carbon blacks are essential components in lithium-ion batteries, electronic devices, and conductive polymers. Likewise, high-performance carbon blacks are used in premium automotive coatings to enhance durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic appeal. As industries seek to innovate and differentiate their products, the demand for specialty carbon blacks is expected to rise, driving market growth and diversification.
Increasing Penetration in Emerging Markets:
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in emerging economies are fueling the demand for carbon black. Countries in Asia-Pacific, particularly China and India, are witnessing significant growth in automotive production and infrastructure development, thereby driving the demand for carbon black in various applications. Moreover, rising disposable incomes, urbanization trends, and favorable government policies are driving demand for consumer goods, automotive components, and industrial products, further boosting the carbon black market.
Emerging markets represent lucrative growth opportunities for carbon black manufacturers due to their expanding industrial base, rising consumer demand, and infrastructure development. The Asia-Pacific region, in particular, is witnessing robust growth in automotive production, construction activities, and manufacturing sectors, driving demand for carbon black across multiple applications. Moreover, government initiatives aimed at promoting domestic manufacturing, attracting foreign investment, and enhancing industrial competitiveness further bolster the carbon black market's expansion in emerging economies.
Inquire before buying, here: https://www.nextmsc.com/carbon-black-market/inquire-before-buying
Forecasts for Sustainable Growth
The outlook for the carbon black market remains optimistic, with sustained demand from key end-use industries and ongoing efforts towards sustainability driving growth. Key forecasts include:
Steady Market Expansion:
The projected CAGR of 3.8% indicates steady growth in the global carbon black market, with increasing demand across multiple sectors driving market expansion. As industries such as automotive, construction, electronics, and consumer goods continue to grow, the demand for carbon black is expected to remain robust, supported by favorable economic conditions, infrastructure development, and technological advancements.
Despite challenges such as volatile raw material prices, regulatory uncertainties, and geopolitical risks, the carbon black market is poised for sustained growth in the coming years. The adoption of advanced manufacturing technologies, automation, and digitalization is expected to drive efficiency gains, cost optimization, and product innovation, further enhancing the industry's competitiveness and resilience. Moreover, strategic partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions are reshaping the competitive landscape, enabling companies to expand their market presence, diversify product offerings, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
Focus on Renewable Feedstocks:
Manufacturers are increasingly exploring renewable feedstocks such as bio-based oils and waste materials to produce carbon black, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and mitigating environmental impact. This shift towards sustainable feedstocks aligns with industry trends towards circular economy principles, resource efficiency, and carbon neutrality, driving innovation and investment in bio-based technologies.
The transition towards renewable feedstocks is driven by a combination of environmental, economic, and regulatory factors. Companies are investing in research and development to optimize biomass conversion processes, develop novel bio-based precursors, and improve carbon black production efficiency. Moreover, partnerships with bioenergy producers, waste management companies, and agricultural stakeholders facilitate access to sustainable feedstock sources, enabling companies to reduce their carbon footprint, enhance supply chain resilience, and improve product sustainability credentials.
Technological Advancements:
Ongoing research and development efforts are focused on developing advanced carbon black production technologies, improving product quality, and reducing energy consumption and emissions. Innovations in process optimization, reactor design, and catalyst development enable companies to enhance production efficiency, reduce environmental footprint, and meet stringent quality standards.
Technological advancements play a critical role in driving innovation and competitiveness in the carbon black industry. Companies are investing in advanced analytical techniques, computational modeling, and materials science to develop next-generation carbon black formulations with tailored properties and performance characteristics. Moreover, the integration of digital technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and IoT enables real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and optimization of manufacturing processes, enhancing productivity, reliability, and sustainability.
Regulatory Compliance:
Stricter environmental regulations and sustainability targets are expected to drive investments in cleaner production technologies and encourage the adoption of sustainable practices across the carbon black industry. Regulatory initiatives aimed at reducing air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and industrial waste disposal are driving industry-wide efforts to improve environmental performance and ensure regulatory compliance.
Regulatory compliance is a key priority for carbon black manufacturers, given the industry's significant environmental footprint and potential impact on public health and the environment. Companies are proactively investing in pollution control technologies, emission monitoring systems, and environmental management systems to meet regulatory requirements and mitigate operational risks. Moreover, stakeholders are engaging with regulators, industry associations, and other stakeholders to shape regulatory frameworks, advocate for science-based policies, and promote sustainable practices across the value chain.
In conclusion, the carbon black market is poised for sustainable growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences, regulatory pressures, and technological advancements. As stakeholders across the value chain collaborate to address environmental challenges and embrace sustainable solutions, the carbon black industry is poised to play a vital role in the transition towards a greener, more sustainable future. By leveraging innovation, collaboration, and responsible stewardship, the carbon black industry can unlock new opportunities, mitigate risks, and create long-term value for society, the economy, and the environment.
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cmfesblog · 5 months
Needle Coke Market Insights, 2031will See Strong Expansion through 2031
Needle coke, derived from heavy aromatic feedstock, is a high-quality carbon material primarily used in the manufacturing of graphite electrodes for electric arc furnace steelmaking. It possesses excellent thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion, and high mechanical strength, making it indispensable in critical applications such as lithium-ion batteries, aerospace, and semiconductor manufacturing.
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Market Size and Growth: The needle coke market has been experiencing robust growth, fueled by increasing demand from end-use industries and technological advancements in manufacturing processes. The market size is anticipated to witness substantial expansion from 2021 to 2031, driven by rising investments in infrastructure development, growing steel production, and the burgeoning electric vehicle market.
Market Segmentation:By Service Type: Raw Needle Coke, Intermediate Needle Coke, and Finished Needle Coke.By Sourcing Type: Coal-Based Needle Coke and Petroleum-Based Needle Coke.By Application: Graphite Electrodes, Lithium-Ion Batteries, Special Carbon Material, and Others.By Industry Vertical: Steel, Automotive, Electronics, Aerospace, and Others.By Region: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa.
Market Trends:Shift towards petroleum-based needle coke due to superior quality and cost-effectiveness.Increasing focus on recycling and sustainable production practices.Adoption of advanced technologies such as hydrogenation and delayed coking for needle coke production.
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Future Outlook: The needle coke market is poised for continued growth over the forecast period, driven by the expansion of key end-use industries and ongoing research and development activities aimed at enhancing product performance and sustainability.
Competitive Landscape: The needle coke market is characterized by intense competition, with key players focusing on product innovation, strategic partnerships, and geographical expansion to gain a competitive edge. Major companies operating in the market include Phillips 66, Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, C-Chem Co., Ltd., JXTG Holdings, Inc., and PetroChina Company Limited.
About Us :
Transparency Market Research, a global market research company registered at Wilmington, Delaware, United States, provides custom research and consulting services. The firm scrutinizes factors shaping the dynamics of demand in various markets. The insights and perspectives on the markets evaluate opportunities in various segments. The opportunities in the segments based on source, application, demographics, sales channel, and end-use are analysed, which will determine growth in the markets over the next decade.
Our exclusive blend of quantitative forecasting and trends analysis provides forward-looking insights for thousands of decision-makers, made possible by experienced teams of Analysts, Researchers, and Consultants. The proprietary data sources and various tools & techniques we use always reflect the latest trends and information. With a broad research and analysis capability, Transparency Market Research employs rigorous primary and secondary research techniques in all of its business reports.
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melodramasec · 7 months
Crypto Trends 2024 - What to Expect in the Next Wave
As we enter 2024, the crypto industry is brimming with renewed optimism and an increased presence of new market participants. This influx is a positive sign for the ecosystem, as it brings diverse perspectives and expertise to the table. But it also highlights the need for the entire industry to remain abreast of regulatory trends and measures, which can have a significant impact on their operations.
Despite the crypto market’s volatility, the overall sentiment remains positive. This is due to a number of factors, including increasing mainstream acceptance and the maturation of digital assets. This is set to continue this year, with more traditional institutions and investors entering the space. With the increased interest, the cryptocurrency industry will look to grow its infrastructure, allowing for more efficient and secure transactions.
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One of the most notable developments in recent months is the emergence of stablecoins. Stablecoins offer a variety of benefits that can boost the stability and adoption of digital currencies, such as offering greater liquidity and reducing market volatility. In addition, they can act as a bridge to more mainstream financial systems, making them an essential tool for many users.
Another trend to watch for is the rise of atomic swaps. Atomic swaps are a type of techogle.co blockchain-based transaction that allows for the exchange of assets with the promise of no counterparty risk. This feature can be particularly useful in the trading of derivatives, which are often subject to strict regulation. As more players adopt this technology, the industry can expect to see a greater level of transparency and security in future trades.
While there are thousands of digital currencies in existence, it is Bitcoin and Ethereum that dominate the crypto market. These two juggernauts account for 58% of the total market capitalization, making them the dominant forces in the industry. With this in mind, it is important to keep an eye on the performance of these two cryptocurrencies in order to anticipate what the rest of the market might look like.
The next big cryptocurrency trend to watch for is the tokenization of real-world assets. This could include everything from commodities such as lithium and renewables to real estate. As this sector grows, it may push the boundaries technology website of what is considered a security and allow investors to diversify their portfolios beyond stocks and bonds.
Another trend to keep an eye on is the fusion of crypto and AI. This exciting combination can help to improve the efficiency and security of AI by enabling it to utilize unused computing power and provide access to storage. As such, it has the potential to significantly enhance the future of the industry.
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chemanalystdata · 5 months
Ethylene Carbonate Price Trend, Database, Chart, Index, Forecast
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Ethylene Carbonate Prices: For the Quarter Ending March 2024
Ethylene carbonate prices have experienced significant fluctuations in recent years, driven by a myriad of factors ranging from supply chain disruptions to shifts in demand dynamics. As a key component in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, electronics, and automotive, ethylene carbonate plays a crucial role in the production of lithium-ion batteries, lubricants, and solvents. Understanding the nuances of ethylene carbonate pricing requires insight into the complex interplay of market forces.
One of the primary drivers influencing ethylene carbonate prices is the supply-demand dynamics within the chemical industry. Ethylene carbonate is derived from ethylene oxide and carbon dioxide, both of which are subject to supply constraints and fluctuations in availability. Any disruptions in the supply of raw materials can ripple through the ethylene carbonate market, affecting prices. Moreover, fluctuations in demand, particularly from end-user industries such as electronics and automotive, can exert significant pressure on prices. For instance, the increasing demand for lithium-ion batteries, driven by the growing electric vehicle market, has led to heightened demand for ethylene carbonate, consequently impacting its pricing.
Global economic factors also play a pivotal role in shaping ethylene carbonate prices. Economic downturns or periods of uncertainty can dampen industrial activity, leading to reduced demand for ethylene carbonate and other chemical products. Conversely, periods of economic growth can fuel demand, exerting upward pressure on prices. Additionally, currency fluctuations and trade policies can impact the cost of ethylene carbonate, especially for manufacturers involved in international trade.
Get Real Time Prices of Ethylene Carbonate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/ethylene-carbonate-ec-1193
Environmental regulations and sustainability initiatives are increasingly influencing ethylene carbonate prices. As governments worldwide prioritize environmental protection and carbon emissions reduction, industries are under pressure to adopt cleaner and more sustainable practices. Ethylene carbonate, being a chemical derived from carbon dioxide, is subject to scrutiny regarding its environmental footprint. Manufacturers may face additional costs associated with compliance with environmental regulations or investments in green technologies, which can impact pricing.
Technological advancements and innovation also play a crucial role in ethylene carbonate pricing. Ongoing research and development efforts aimed at improving production processes or discovering alternative sources of raw materials can influence the cost structure of ethylene carbonate. For instance, innovations in carbon capture and utilization technologies could potentially reduce the reliance on traditional feedstocks for ethylene carbonate production, thereby affecting its pricing dynamics.
Geopolitical events and regional market dynamics can introduce additional volatility into ethylene carbonate prices. Factors such as trade tensions, geopolitical conflicts, or regulatory changes in key producing regions can disrupt supply chains and affect pricing. Moreover, regional variations in demand patterns and consumption preferences can create disparities in ethylene carbonate prices across different markets.
Price transparency and market dynamics also play a crucial role in ethylene carbonate pricing. The availability of reliable market data, pricing indices, and trading platforms facilitates price discovery and enhances market efficiency. Moreover, the presence of competitive suppliers and buyers can exert downward pressure on prices through negotiation and arbitrage.
In conclusion, ethylene carbonate prices are subject to a complex interplay of factors, including supply-demand dynamics, global economic conditions, environmental regulations, technological advancements, geopolitical events, and market dynamics. Understanding these factors and their implications is essential for stakeholders in the chemical industry to navigate the ethylene carbonate market effectively. As the industry continues to evolve and adapt to changing circumstances, staying informed about the latest developments and trends will be crucial for making informed decisions regarding ethylene carbonate pricing and procurement strategies.
Get Real Time Prices of Ethylene Carbonate: https://www.chemanalyst.com/Pricing-data/ethylene-carbonate-ec-1193
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digitrenndsamr · 7 months
Navigating the Transition: Energy Storage Systems Market Positioned for Significant Expansion by 2030
The energy storage systems market is anticipated to witness considerable growth during the forecast period. This is attributed to factors such as a rise in demand for energy storage systems, owing to a surge in the need for continuous power supply. In addition, rapid investment in the renewable energy sector in Europe and Asia-Pacific fuels the growth of the energy storage systems market. However, the high cost associated with the installation of battery energy storage systems is restraining the growth of the market globally. Conversely, an increase in investment in power infrastructure networks and rapid growth of the electric vehicle sector are anticipated to provide potential opportunities in the upcoming years. The energy storage systems market size was valued at $188.5 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $435.4 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 8.3% from 2021 to 2030.
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Energy storage systems include major technologies employed to store various forms of energy. Increased focus on the production of renewable energy globally fuels the market for energy storage systems. Major regions such as Asia-Pacific and North America develop strategies to install energy storage systems that can efficiently store various forms of energy. Furthermore, massive investments are being made by local governing bodies to encourage energy storage worldwide, thus contributing toward the growth of the overall market. Moreover, the adoption of storage systems in the residential sector is expected to propel market growth.
A focused analysis of the use of these technologies for applications such as grid storage and transportation explains the current and future scenario of the energy storage systems market. The report for the energy storage systems market exclusively focuses on current energy storage systems market trends and future growth opportunities for commercially available technologies for energy storage systems such as pumped hydro storage, compressed air, sodium-sulfur, lithium-ion, lead acid, and others.
The report further focuses on various end users of the energy storage systems, which include residential, non-residential, and utilities. Moreover, the report analyzes the current market trends of energy storage systems in different regions and suggests future growth opportunities by analyzing government regulations & policies, thereby further increasing consumer acceptance in that region. The figures provided in this report are based on the demand or consumption quantity across types of technology, applications, and end-users at the country level. The market value and volumes are further derived by performing the bottom-up approach and considering the price trends.
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Depending on the technology, the pumped hydro storage segment garnered the highest energy storage systems market share of about 95.8% in 2020 and is expected to maintain its dominance during the energy storage systems market forecast period. This is attributed to the rise in demand for pumped hydro storage power generation across the globe. In addition, government initiatives toward renewable energy generation are expected to drive the growth of the market during the analyzed time frame. Moreover, the surge in power consumption across the globe is projected to fuel energy storage systems market growth in the coming years.
Competitive Analysis:
The Energy Storage Systems industry's key market players adopt various strategies such as product launches, product development, collaboration, partnership, and agreements to influence the market. It includes details about the key players in the market's strengths, product portfolio, market size and share analysis, operational results, and market positioning.
Some of the major key players in the global Energy Storage Systems market include,
Scheider Electric SMA Solar Technology AG Exide Industries Ltd. SK Holdings. Autobat SACI Enerbrax Acumuladores Ltda Eguana Technologies Imergy Power Systems. Ionotec Ltd Tata Power
On the basis of end users, the utility segment acquired the largest share in 2020 and is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. This is attributed to an increase in investment towards building utility-scale power plants. In addition, an increase in construction projects such as decentralized renewable power plants, rural electrification projects, and commercial buildings drive the growth of the market for the utility segment across the globe.
On the basis of application, the stationary segment held the largest share in 2020 and is expected to maintain its dominance during the forecast period. This growth is attributed to the rapid expansion of heavy industries & projects such as dams, power plants, power grids, refineries, and mills. In addition, the rise in the number of hydropower projects across the globe acts as the key driving force of the stationary energy storage systems market.
Region-wise, the market is analyzed across North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and LAMEA. Asia-Pacific garnered the dominant share in 2020 and is anticipated to maintain this trend during the forecast period. This is attributed to numerous factors such as the presence of a huge consumer base, rapid expansion of the renewable energy sector, rise in investment towards energy storage systems, and the existence of key players in the region. Moreover, presence of the countries such as China, Japan, India, Australia, and South Korea is anticipated to contribute toward the growth of the market in Asia-Pacific.
Enquiry Before Buying: https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/134
Key Findings Of The Study:
- In 2020, the pumped hydro storage segment accounted for about 95.8% of the share in the global market and is expected to maintain its dominance till the end of the forecast period. - In 2020, the battery energy storage systems segment garnered a 3.2% market share and is anticipated to grow at a rate of 20.1% in terms of revenue. - In 2020, the utility segment exhibited a market share of 89.7% and is anticipated to grow at a rate of 8.3% in terms of revenue. - Transport is the rapidly growing application segment in the global energy storage systems market, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% during 2021–2030. - In 2020, Asia-Pacific dominated the global energy storage systems market with more than 44.7% of the share, in terms of revenue, and is expected to grow at the fastest rate, registering a CAGR of 8.5% throughout the forecast period.
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2. Battery Storage Inverter Market - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/battery-storage-inverter-market-to-reach-6-5-billion-globally-by-2032-at-8-8-cagr-allied-market-research-301955178.html
3. Grid Scale Battery Market - https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/grid-scale-battery-market-to-reach-31-0-billion-globally-by-2032-at-18-2-cagr-allied-market-research-301934998.html
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Allied Market Research is a top provider of market intelligence that offers reports from leading technology publishers. Our in-depth market assessments in our research reports take into account significant technological advancements in the sector. In addition to other areas of expertise, AMR focuses on the analysis of high-tech systems and advanced production systems. We have a team of experts who compile thorough research reports and actively advise leading businesses to enhance their current procedures. Our experts have a wealth of knowledge on the topics they cover. Also, they use a variety of tools and techniques when gathering and analyzing data, including patented data sources.
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branded-perceptions · 8 months
Global alarm,
in all sorts of causally via Hegelian systems dialectic logic solvable unsolved topics,
is ringing regarding devalued causal issues as we
as social conditioning of remnants of colonial culture & via both genetic nature & nurture inherited generational traumata condition and incentivise each other to repress aspects of our full spectrum of emotions' self-regulation
(nerves in neck bridging (integrity) logic & emotions = shape of holy grail = vibrant lively shiver across spine = kundalini = self-love)
thereby (as statistically only inauthentic fa(r)ces🤡 accumulate attention, support, money & votes of inauthentic numb masses & "market demands" they then neurotically "positively" cling onto via psychosis)
surfacing logically solvable but mythically unsolved social disputes,
"positively" by social incentives' communicative vain err media driven in-group sadomasochism💸💉☠️💉💸👏👏
and (geopolitical, trend, ideological, explanatory, political or social class) inter-group conflicts:
Each identity perceives🌜🛐 itself as "positive" while perceiving others as "negative". Usually all have some aspects of their argumentations grounded in objective causal reality🌞 which they due lack of authenticity reinforce each other to devalue as if they would be in cringe scapegoating divorce-dynamics annoying Judge Judy ...news update!
Don't you feel alignment of globally shared emotional stimuli derived out of most simple causal life needs' LIFE FORCE🌞 teased by life aversive causality which we all can relate to (sympathy) as
...feeling of 🎶"SAND IN MY SHOES - Dido"
which unites all cultural bubbles that to gain objective data have tried many diverse ways of life (🎵I KNOW WE SAID GOODBYE: 🔍Putin not invited to funeral of Queen Elizabeth)
they due different priorities, boundary setting & conflicting demands like regarding the Lithium around Mariupol seperated (🎵ANYTHING ELSE WOULD'VE BEEN CONFUSED)
while thereby having so much to learn from each other about each subjective by rationalised in-group mythos of mimetic desires' emotional repressions' ironic processesed unseen blind spots
🔍Tucker Carlson interview with Putin
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