#Lining Cobb will have to wait now until later tonight I suppose
omaano · 2 years
hi hun!! for the ask game - I’d love to see 2, 6, 12 and 26!! any or every one of those!! have a nice day ❤️
Hi, love! Thanks for asking all these! <3
2. What's your feel-good movie?
I'm surprised to say that it's Pacific Rim. There is something to this quote ("There are things you can't fight - acts of God. You see a hurricane coming, you get out of the way. But when you're in a Jaeger, suddenly you can finally fight the hurricane. You can win.") and the swell of music in the beginning that just adds up for a really good feeling for me. It's just hopeful, okay? That, or Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse. I don't think that needs much explanation. Fantastic movie. 100/10. Absolute feel-good.
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Oh boy.... 1) I look real neat after a fresh haircut 2) I have broad shoulders, which is nice (not like someone who's been swimming their whole life, but they are broader than my ex's which is a very satisfying feeling) 3) My arms look real nice with the sleeves of my shirt rolled up.
Non-physical hmm... 1) I'm nice and kind to people. Most of the time, anyway. Especially if I like them. 2) I'm very easy to win over into liking someone and difficult to deter from that. Again, most of the time. 3) I'm always here to cheer for you if you're making something creative! I'm not good with words of support, but I can make supportive noises and spam heart emojies and exclamation points if you need it ;)
12. how are you?
I'm doing better, I think? thanks for asking :) I had a really rough couple of days in the beginning of the month, but I no longer feel like whatever I create is doomed to end up bad, you know? Like, not objectively bad, just something that doesn't have any hope to become something better even though it is supposed to have potential? Now I can look forward and work on my stuff, mostly commissions, I'm still dreading my personal work a little, but I'm kinda positive that it's about to change. So, I'm better now :)
26. what movie would you want to live in?
I honestly have no strong feelings on this matter.... So let me be a hobbit in the Lord of the Rings (the non-Baggins kind), and I'll be happy to just be, enjoy the sunshine and finally learn how to keep some plants in my little garden alive XD
Soft asks :)
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