#Like it's not headcanon. Tuvok reciprocating in any way is headcanon. Neelix's crush is canon.
bumblingbabooshka · 9 months
Have you given your thoughts on 'Riddles' before? If not, would you care to share? It's an interesting Tuvok episode 🖖🏿 (sorry if you've already been asked this!)
Hmm...I don't think so? I'm sure I've posted here and there about it. I wrote a fic about it No need to apologize~!! I don't love the episode but I like it fine (Tuvok-centric but he's not himself which is like, EVERY Tuvok-centric episode) I do like Neelix in it though~! I wish episodes like 'Riddles' and 'Rise' actually impacted Tuvok and Neelix's relationship in future episodes but the writers never let it stick v_v Neelix was very sweet and I love the little tidbits of lore and it has some funny moments...Tuvok's disney princess wake up scene, 'Species, Starship or Anomaly' game made up by the crew, "Miss me already, Commander~?", Tuvok's favorite song being monks chanting (reminds me of my grandmother playing choir music whenever you got in the car with her), the fact that Tuvok can bake really well? <- Interesting to me. Could he ALWAYS bake and just didn't feel it was necessary or did getting hit in the head somehow make him better at baking or did he just focus on learning how to bake with his free time and got really good at it? Once again I do wish we could have seen more of Tuvok & Janeway's relationship. That moment where he doesn't want to hang out with her would have hit harder if we literally EVER. SAW THEM HANGING OUT. Or if she and Neelix had a scene where she like, talked about their friendship and we could at least imagine what they used to do together. The ending where Neelix is like "I know you won't express it the same way anymore but we'll still be friends" - AGH. Got me right in the heart! Tuvok, be nicer to him!!!! Tuvok's weird love-hate relationship with Neelix is so interesting. He like, is so consistently dismissive of him and looks down on him a lot. I love Tuvok, he is so .... -waves my hands around- Anti social??? He has VERY little interest in communicating with others in a non-professional manner and is always trying to wriggle out of parties and doesn't understand (non-Vulcan) people and doesn't care about not understanding (non-Vulcan) people. I can absolutely envision him like a cat to Neelix's friendly little mouse v_v batting him around. He does seem to feel bad (for lack of a better word) when Neelix confronts him about this in "Rise" but he's just not a very sensitive person and Neelix is a bit too exuberant for him normally. Again, with his personality it makes me wonder about his and Janeway's friendship. How do they mesh casually? It also makes me wish the writers just made them slowly start to get along better (Him & Neelix) - I really do think they'd be a hilarious team together. Like in that episode where Neelix was doing investigative journaling? He's smart and persistent and he'd do well on like, an undercover mission! They can still bicker and banter though. It's so important they still do that. The ending where Tuvok's like "I thought of another answer to your riddle" - PERFECT ending. Means that Tuvok knows what Sundaes are. Means that Tuvok was really thinking about that damn riddle - sore loser <3
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