#Like date wise they don't need to go to some fancy restaurant or go on a special all day trip or anything
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zaacoy · 2 years ago
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Very rushed value practice before I sleep!! They are vibin'
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twoidiotwriters1 · 2 years ago
Copycat: Genesis —(Marvel Fem!Oc)
Words: 1,931
Phase Six Masterlist
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Listen to: ‘CVS’ -by Winnetka Bowling League
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xxxi: Something Else
Parker was so delighted about eating in a fancy restaurant for the first time in years that eventually she got infected by it. He was being transparent with his fun, sharing his free time with her was all he wanted and he was clearly taking advantage of every little moment.
Most of the night was wasted just talking, which was weird, cause Cat wasn't that kind of talker and Parker was afraid of scaring her off by making an out-of-line joke again, but they still couldn't shut up.
Cat felt guilty for freaking out, she was always blurting out hurtful things whenever her friends opened doors she made a point to keep closed. It got her thinking, wasn't the whole point of her latest mission to open new paths?
"You know..." she began. "If you really plan on coming every month or so... at least do it during the weekends or holidays. Getting a doctorate ain't easy."
Parker stared at her in surprise, he blinked a couple of times before replying. "Oh, yeah. Yeah, right. I'll do that."
Cat waited, but when she realized he was too busy staring she pressed. "I don't have to worry, right? You won't cause trouble."
"Yeah, no," Parker chuckled. "Don't worry, Jane Doe. Just like when you were in my universe, I'll take care of it, you don't have to worry about it."
"I hope so," she sighed, pushing the food around on her plate. "If you're going to be risking the stability of time and space, at least do so in a wise way."
He laughed quietly. "You got it."
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As they left the restaurant, Parker stepped closer to her out of instinct. He glanced down and noticed she was snuggling closer to him as well, locking her arm with his. "Aren't spring nights supposed to be less cold?" She complained though it was actually her anxiety making her shiver.
"Sometimes," he smiled down at her trembling figure. "If we walk fast we may get warmer."
"Let's get going, then!" she huffed. "I should've brought a sweater..."
Parker's eyes glanced down at her sundress, and he looked like he was very glad she had forgotten to. "Sorry for upsetting you before," he said. "I thought you'd laugh... but now that I think about it, I guess it triggered you."
Cat stared at him not getting what he was saying, he'd left unsaid essential parts of his message. He groaned in frustration, took a breath, and tried it one more time. "I don't dream about you dressed in white. That's just— that's absurd."
"I never talked about marriage with anyone, not seriously," she replied, finally understanding. "I used to joke about it with Pete, but I mean... we also said we'd live with MJ and Ned, and we'd have lots of dogs, so it wasn't like... real plans. Even if some part of me liked the idea."
"Oh?" He tilted his head. "Oh. I'm... so then..."
"I'll save you the trouble of rambling nonsense," Cat snorted. "People used to joke about our wedding when we were kids. I freaked out cause I thought you were telling your aunt some story like they used to—"
"Oh, crap, no," he put a bit of distance between them. "I'm not insane—"
"Meh," she shrugged. "I don't think you're reasonable, either..."
"Let's go back to your story," he replied with a frown, but also smirking.
"I don't really do those kinds of plans... sharing a life with someone and committing to some type of forever... I'm way too independent and impulsive for that. I can't make those promises anymore."
He nodded, thinking it through. "Yeah, even when I was dating Gwen it was hard to be sure of our future."
Cat frowned. "You were going to move out of the country with her."
"Your Peter was about to leave New York for college at some point, but that didn't happen, did it?" he raised a brow. "My point is, sometimes Gwen needed me and I wasn't there for her, sometimes I couldn't choose her."
"But she understood."
"Doesn't mean she liked it," his face fell a little, rubbing the back of his neck. "We made allowances because we were in love, but not everyone does that, and when you do, you don't want to do it all the time. It's hard to plan out a future when you don't know if you'll even survive til next week. It's scary."
Cat thought of Matthew, and how hard he'd tried to help her even when he was angry. She remembered cleaning his wounds and asking him to be careful, to not get in fights he couldn't handle alone. She remembered Kate and Peter being reckless, and how she'd valued their happiness over her own safety. None of them was obligated to take care of the other, but they did, and most times it hurt.
"I get it," she meditated. "I'm lucky to have landed with the right people, they're all so willing to stay even when I make things hard..."
Parker smiled. "From what I've heard, this world is full of people willing to risk their lives for you, that counts for something. I'm happy you're starting to understand what that means."
"Huh," she frowned, remembering Shuri's words, that people followed her to battle just because they liked her. "I remember telling Pietro and Wanda that I wasn't fond of humankind when we first met, but look at me now, MJ was right, I'm a bit of a Miss Congeniality."
Cat felt his knuckles brushing against hers and she almost reached out, but she quickened her pace instead. Parker caught up with her effortlessly. "Do you have cookies at home?"
She glanced at him in confusion. "I don't. Why?"
"Let's buy a couple on the way," he grabbed her hand and tugged her forward confidently. "Coffee and cookies are the best way to end a date."
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It'd been a long time since Cat had wasted an entire day like that, she was so used to having something to do, so little time to spare, that she wasn't sure it was okay to be doing nothing at all. There were people to call, and plans to make... yet she genuinely enjoyed the little moments of the day. Parker's grip on her heart was firm and determined, and she didn't even know it.
Cat took their coffee and cookies to the fire escape and sat there with Parker on opposite sides of the little structure. She was telling him about Russo, and how easy it'd been when she decided not to kill him. It felt big, even if not much had changed afterward.
"You had a lot going during the two weeks we didn't see each other," Parker's thumb was circling the rim of his cup of coffee, thin vapor rose from it, warming his skin.
She had a blanket wrapped around her shoulders, and Felix was sleeping beside her. He'd hissed at Parker, arching his back as he ran up to Cat to make sure the young man couldn't approach her, Parker didn't even bother to appease the creature, he just sat further away to not stress him out.
"My world moves fast, and I don't take breaks between things..." Cat sighed, absently scratching the cat's head. "I do, sometimes, but the longer it takes for things to happen, the bigger the problem, so I prefer it when there's no pause."
Parker frowned at her explanation, Cat spotted the change in his expression and chuckled, nudging his thigh with her foot. "It has its compensations, don't be sad..."
"Really?" He asked in a dubious voice.
"Well," she took in her surroundings. "Moments like today feel more special. Big problems make the little things in life better."
Parker's gaze softened, it was so easy to read his face, she liked talking to him. "You think so?"
"Let's take a picture before you go," she suggested abruptly. "Harley says he would hate not to have one of me as I was the last time he saw me, in case I die or..." Cat paused, realizing she was ruining the moment.
Parker picked up on her uncertainty and he replied. "Harley's right. What if next time I come you're not here? I don't have a single picture to remember you!"
A shy smile formed on her face. That was the old Parker she'd met two years ago, not the stranger constantly trying to catch her, but the boy who talked her ear off, made her laugh and didn't care if she agreed with him or not. He was much more attractive when he didn't try to fit into her narrative.
"We should call it a day..." Parker grabbed the plate of cookies that was between them, he also took his almost empty cup of coffee and tried to get up.
At the same time, Cat tried to reach for the plate, almost bumping heads. They froze at the sense of proximity, and Cat locked eyes with him. His big eyes reflected the moonlight, and she briefly glanced at his lips. She held tighter onto the cookie plate. "You can take the cups."
"It's fine, I'm sticky."
"You're sticky?" She asked bemusedly.
"I can hold numerous things and they don't slip," he wasn't meeting her eyes, his gaze glued to her hand. "Because of my spider abilities... that's something I do..."
"I prefer my plates with no cobwebs in them," she teased him.
He chuckled nervously, shaking his head a little. Parker shifted his weight from one foot to the other and as he did he ended up even closer to her. "They're not cobwebs, it's like— like a synthetic wire, but I don't need to web anything my fingers have these—"
"Yes?" He asked weakly.
She opened her mouth to speak, their faces were getting closer... and then...
"Mrreow!" Felix jumped onto her leg, bumping his little head against it. Parker gave a start, dropping a couple of cookies in the process.
"Felix!" To her surprise, her voice came out in a tone of annoyance. The cat stared at her with wide, innocent eyes as he continued to purr. Parker mumbled something about doing the dishes and slipped back into the apartment. Cat glared at her pet.
"You cockblocking traitor!" she whispered angrily. "I can't believe he is the one guy you decided to hate."
Felix huffed indignantly and jumped off her. Cat picked up her stuff and went inside, she closed the window behind her after Felix jumped in and curled on the couch. The dirty white feline went back to sleep right away. Parker was washing the dishes.
"Leave it, Bug, I'll do that tomorrow."
"No, it's fine, it's the least I can do after you paid for everything," he said, not even looking over his shoulder to respond. That frustrated her.
"It's okay," she said, walking closer to where he was.
"I'm almost done— No biggie."
She stood right behind him. "Look at me."
He tensed, taking a moment before obliging. Parker turned around and gave her that cute tight-lipped smile. Her heart pounded with anticipation. "I should go," he sentenced.
"Oh," she blinked. "Really?"
Parker seemed amused by her reaction. "I said I would leave, and I promised May I'd be back soon."
"Well, soon is not necessarily right away," she stepped closer, though she did not touch him yet. "You can stay... if you're tired."
Parker hesitated, a smile playing on his lips. "Cat, if I stay, we both know it won't be because I'm tired."
She tilted her face up, but only a little. "It's up to you... you wanted me to trust you, right?"
He bit his lower lip and frowned, staring at her as if pondering his options. "See the problem here is I don't want it to be about me, I need to know what you're thinking too."
"I'll give you a hint," she replied quietly, pulling him down for a kiss.
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Next Chapter—>
@mikaelsonwhxrebae @ieatpanicattacksforlunch​​​​ @jesuswasnotawhiteman​​​​ @siriuslysirius1107​​​​ @greengarsstuff​​​​ @itsyagirl01 @23victoria​​​​ @espressopatronum454​​​​ @jkthinkstoomuch @slytherinnqueen​
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monpalace · 2 years ago
Seamstress catches Warriors attention for a multitude of reasons, most of which are stories from other soldiers!
As the captain sits around the cluttered shop, he cant help but wonder how many of these stories are true. Was it true that their magic was so sought after they had assassins after them? Was it true the clothes they enhanced could move on their own to protect their wearer? Was it true their smile and kind heart could brighten the darkest of moments—
Okay…that last one wasn’t a something he was told but damn it, it wouldn’t shock him if it was true.
He shifted in the cushioned seat, crossing his legs as he allows his mind to wander back ti the strange arcane user. The muffled sound of their machines work in the background, patching up his signature scarf again.
Even if impa thought other wise, Warriors hadn’t been meaning to be so reckless with his clothing! In the heat of a battle a lot can happen! And it wasn’t his fault that the ends if his scarf got…caught in some branches….
NOT his fault at all!
But even as he brought the tattered scarf to you once more, you didn’t even seem bothered! (Even thought his visits were becoming a lot more frequent, even if it was subconsciously) You simply shook your head with an amused smile before inviting him in once more.
He needs to repay for your kindness…he wonders if you’d be free this weekend.
at some point, other soldiers had begun joking about him purposely ripping his scarf just so he see them and he's quick to respond with "maybe," and everyone can tell that he has rose-colored glasses magically sewn to his face.
(they, however, don't see the knife running across his scarf when he's alone in his room when he deems it's been a little to long since his last visit. he's careful enough to make his cuts look as though they came from the weapons enemies made or from nature; almost like he studied it.)
in great contrast to his first visit, he's bloomed like a flower in may when it comes to conversation.
other than that, he's a lot more confident and bold when it comes to dropping hints in his affection for you.
spanning from sitting closer and closer to you (until his front is pressed to your back while he's more focused on your face rather than your hands), to his words going from complimenting your work to (in good nature) teasing your nervous ticks from his affection, to how his hands keep changing from wrapping themselves around your waist to caging you between them when he plants them on either side of your table.
between of the other soldiers gassing him up, his own delusions, and the fact you have yet to voice anything against his actions; warriors is more than confident when he finally asked you out.
he's a lot calmer than he expected himself to be when you do accept his offer to the date— "or hangout, whichever one you'd like more,"— but that doesn't excuse his little jump and three heel clicks when he was out of eyeshot.
he was vague about where he would take you, but he did give you a time and a day.
there's a chalkboard and corkboard in his room with dozens of soldiers (in successful relationships) coming and going with their own advice and tips on where to take you. some have said fancy restaurants way out of his pay grade (zelda was bound to notice the few hundred thousand rupees missing from her account one of these days) while others had suggested archery ranges and ranches— though most of them were crossed out and ripped out by warriors because he just knows you won't like them.
between trying to figure out where to go and what would be best to wear, he's halfway tempted to just ask you where you want to go.
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vergina-spva · 2 years ago
It just feels easier to ask when putting on anon xD
4-6-10 ShachiPen :DDD
That's totally okay! That's why the anon option is on!
OTP asks
4: Which one is more protective? Who needs to be ‘protected’?
Both of them need to be protected by Law 😂 No, they can fend for themselves (a little)... I don't see one as much more protective or in need of protection than the other tbh... I think maybe mentally, Shachi is a bit more protective. As in, Penguin gets intimidated maybe a little bit easier, and Shachi feels the need to stand up to people for him. Although, if you ask Penguin, he would tell you he is not easily intimidated and will stand up for himself. He might even tell you it's the other way around (and at rare times it can be). They stand up for each other when they need to, but I don't think either of them really needs to be protected by the other much.
6: Who would beg the other not to leave? Who has to leave to protect the other?
Oh geez, get angsty, will you? Okay, honestly, in this case, I'd say Penguin is the one who will leave to protect Shachi. But these two are a set. Do not seperate under any circumstances. They will not survive without the other. So, if Penguin would leave, he'd either be back soon because they cannot stay way from each other, or they will both die soon after, because of a broken heart. Not kidding. They will either die of a broken heart or die because they are so much weaker without the other.
10: Describe their first date.
Canon wise? I dunno if there ever was a first date. They'd be a classical friends-to-lovers case, where it just happens that they become more than just friends. If there is a date, it will be long after they've gotten together. At a certain point one of them (probably Peng) would be like 'We never really went on a date...' and they'd be like 'why don't we change that'. So, they go to some fancy restaurant, dinner by candle light, romantic music, and... it'd be suuuper awkward, because they don't have much special to tell, and this is not the environment they are comfortable in. They are always together already anyway, so they can always talk about whatever they want. They often have a moment where they can go somewhere with more privacy as well, so they can do lovey-dovey stuff without bothering the rest of the crew. A date really wasn't necessary, and they don't feel at ease in that restaurant. They make the best of it, but agree that it's not something they should repeat, probably.
I will answer the other asks you sent too (yes, I'll try to do them all), but it'll take some time. I don't want to spend half my day just answering these, so I'll do it in between stuff.
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doverstar · 2 years ago
I'd love to know what kind of boyfriend you think Eddie would be.
Hi! *noise in the back of my throat for I-don't-know* It's all speculation, obviously, but like I said in this ask/answer, I personally doubt Eddie has any experience being someone's steady boyfriend. I won't go into why; the link I just sent says plenty about why. I'll say here, though, that if/when Eddie did get a girlfriend (ChrissyChrissyChrissyChrissy), had he survived S4, I think he'd be a very well-meaning, sometimes bumbling novice. I think he'd hit the nail on the head in some circumstances, and be totally clueless in others. I could just go off of the way my husband was when we were dating (I was his first deep, real girlfriend) because I've said my husband is a lot like Eddie and that's why I liked Eddie in the first place as a character, but I'll refrain and just go off of the vibe I got from the show's canon!
[I'm gonna use Chrissy as the girlfriend in all these scenarios, because I'm not part of the crowd that willingly feeds others' thirst with Imagines, etc. The amount of Eddie thirst is so strong in this fandom right now that I made a post about a doodle I saw he'd made on his hand in S4ep1 and they somehow turned that sexual. A HAND DOODLE. This fandom does not need the help.] I don't think he's the buy-her-flowers type, but I do think he's the open-the-door-for-her type. I don't think he's the fancy-restaurant type, but I do think he's the always-pays-for-the-meal type. I think his Wayne raised him right. In my head, just my opinion, Eddie would be a casserole of sweet/respectful/dumb/protective. He wouldn't know Chrissy really wanted to dance to that one song with him at a wedding/party unless she said something. He would be protective, but not confrontational. More the type to actively take her out of a crunchy situation than to step to some cat-caller with a cool one-liner. Flip the guy off and lead his girl away from the scene. He's a good listener, but he doesn't always have the right comfort words. His heart is always in the right place, but he's not used to this kind of important commitment, so while he's eager to be amazing at it, he really doesn't know what he's doing. As for the physical aspect, in my opinion he'd probably give great hugs, but he'd have to get used to holding her hand because like I said in the aforementioned post, that's intimacy and intentionality he's not accustomed to. And that's all I'm gonna talk about physicality-wise- Bottom line is, I think he would be super pleased he has a girlfriend, super attentive, but not know the basics or the cliches that girls might come to expect. Especially in the 80's. I also think he'd be super outwardly, unashamedly affectionate and proud of whatever girl he managed to snag (Chrissy). Chrissy smiles at him in the school hallway and he pretends to collapse against his locker like someone shot him. Shouts "ladies and gentlemen, Chrissy Cunningham!" as she's coming to sit down at the Hellfire table for lunch (the boys all obediently start applauding for her, she's mortified). Whistles at her from his van if he sees her walking down the street. Generally makes a great big fool of himself confidently to show her he likes her and he likes that she's his. Embarrassing but endearing. That kind of thing. I think he'd need to learn the more serious stuff. As in, over-communicating instead of hiding what you're really thinking, not slamming doors if you're mad, being where you say you're gonna be when you say you're gonna be there, making plans instead of showing up to take her out at the last minute, etc. I could elaborate in another post if someone says they'd like that, but this is getting kinda long! But yeah, as far as being affectionate, polite, good company, intentional - I think Eddie's naturally gonna be good at those things. He's got a lot of love to give, poor lanky man, people just don't let him give it-
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Tomura and Dabi share an apartment because they don't make enough money to live on their own.
Tomura has white hair already and he jokes that all the stress the pro-heroes make him go through daily is what make him that way.
Dabi wisely argues that it's not a joke, probably. Tomura jokes that, on the other hand, Dabi is going bald from the stress.
Tomura is the one who cleans while Dabi cooks.
Tomura is always worried about Dabi's lungs because he inhalates a lot of smoke. He fuses over him and makes him exercise his lungs regularly and other stuff. He's a health maniac.
Really, Dabi shouldn't complain when in fact he fuses all the time over Tomura's scars. For him is annoying to see Tomura not being careful with them, even more when they both know Tomura could get infected any minute.
Dabi visits his family regularly and they all keep asking about his mysterious roommate because none of them knows it's Shigaraki. Endeavor has seen them working together a couple of times but they were arguing in the middle of the chaos and he's dumb, he doesn't connect the dots.
Dabi doesn't talk that much to Rei either. Being honest, the one who's always calling him is Natsuo.
Well, maybe Natsuo knows about Tomura but he let's his brother get away with the "mystery". Shoto always entertaines them with his crazy theories about his brother's roommate and Fuyumi gets to regularly make crazier invitations to try and make Dabi bring his roommate to their house.
Tomura always says he doesn't have a lot of friends and Dabi believed him, until one day when Tomura got injured and this misty man appeared at the door followed by a bunch of weirdos, saying they were taking over the apartment.
Toga lived in a foster home for years until she ran away. She got adopted by Giran, who illegally used his quirk to confuse people and they both forced enough documents for Toga to officially get accepted in school.
Now that she's graduated, she's becoming a chef because she loves to eat things she love and she also loves using knives.
Giran sells like— anything man. His shops has anything you need at any hour. No one make questions.
Mustard practices shooting (as the sport). That family is sure terrifying but amazing.
Kurogiri has a fancy restaurant and he has enough money so Dabi learns Tomura is also a rebellious son, not because Tomura hates his dad, on the contrary. Tomura's pride is just to big. What a brat.
He recognizes Twice because he is the rescuer that sometimes help him when there's a fire. They work pretty well together, so it's nice to have his number and finally be his friend.
Mr. Compress is a lawyer. His speciality is going against rich bastards and making them pay for their crimes. He defends people for low prices which means he's pretty broke lol. How does he dress so fancy then?
Ah, so he's dating Kurogiri. That's explains a lot. Yeah, they are a good pair.
Magne is a doll collector. Apparently her collections are worth hundreds and she's an specialist on her field. Dabi knows zero about it. He can only stare in awe at her while she explains and explains the differences.
Spinner is an activist, one that apparently has a bunch of followers and is doing big things around the city. Dabi likes him immediately because they both talk for hours about new laws to protect the ecosystem better.
The funniest part comes when Shigaraki arrives home and everyone starts acting like he's some big star or something? He's bossing them around and they let him do it?
Well, shit. For what he remembers of their interactions (he's getting a headache) he also lets Shigaraki boss him around all the time. Shit.
Dabi has some big burns but most of the things on his body are tattoos. He can do most things, his health is not in risk of him dying before 30 years old, but he really needs to control himself. The doctor say the more he uses his quirk, the more permanent his burns are going to be, with internal damage included.
Shigaraki's scars and scratching are always bad because he's always stressed over new patients and victims. He is a workaholic, seriously. Dabi suspects it has something to do with Shigaraki's past but he doesn't ask. He gets him tho.
When tattoos and piercings are involved, Tomura only trust Dabi. The paramedic has a couple of nice tattoos on his body and a few piercings on his ears, but he doesn't use them when on duty because they tend to get lost somehow.
You can choose to read the Shigaraki and Dabi interactions as either planotic or romantic because really, not even themselves know what they are.
They don't sleep together not even for comfort because Dabi has nightmares and he ends up burning stuff while he sleeps and Shigaraki doesn't like to sleep with the gloves on.
When it comes to showing affection, they normally stay together in the same place but respecting the other's space. They feel better when they are together because they feel like they have someone to help them at anything.
Dabi helps Tomura calm down during an anxiety attack by speaking to him until he's okay and then taking his wrists and kissing them. The contact helps him stay grounded and they don't talk about it after is over.
Tomura bosses Dabi around when Dabi feels like he can't think or talk and he's grateful for that. Tomura helps him distract him from his bad thoughts and then gives the control back to Dabi once he's better. Being honest, Dabi is really fond of the guy.
And we all know Tomura adores him too.
They have a dog and a cat. The dog is trained to help them on their job when they need to rescue people and the cat somehow knows how to call the neighbors if someone breaks in their apartment.
They have twin posters that say FUCK ALL MIGHT and FUCK ENDEAVOR and that's their religion.
Deku met Shigaraki when he helped him save Bakugo. They act like siblings on the streets and Deku now has books dedicated to amazing civilians who are also heroes.
The Dekusquad want to be rescuers most than anything. Fighting is cool, but they focus on saving people and then the rest.
Shoto knows Shigaraki but he doesn't know he's Dabi's roommate and Dabi doesn't know Shoto knows Shigaraki.
Deku bringing Shigaraki to the Todoroki monthly dinner and Dabi acting like they are just meeting.
Natsuo chokes on his cold soba for a whole minute.
The best part is Natsuo explaining he also knows Shigaraki because they've worked together.
And Fuyumi is like "at least Dabi didn't know, so I don't feel so alone". And Natsuo is losing his mind.
Anyway yes, I'm obsessed with this au.
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ithebookhoarder · 4 years ago
Could I get something for valentines day to do with the Shelby gang? I really don't mind what or who. I just feel like I need a little love for the day...
Valentines Day Head-Canons for the Shelby Family
A/N: Of course you can, anon! Hope you have a great day, whether you’re celebrating or not. It’s just a day, really, so I hope this cheers you up ;) Sending so much love x 
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This man would be nervous as hell that he’d mess up valentines day with you. He’s not exactly known for being the romantic of the family, nor does he have the sophistication of his younger siblings. In fact, he’s sometimes surprised you’re even with him at all. 
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t try, though. Oh no, this man is going all out for the day and nothing is too much for you. He’ll have asked everyone, and I mean everyone, for advice about what to do to make the day special. 
He’s not a many of many words so he lets his actions do the talking for him, giving you a massive bouquet of flowers as he comes to collect you for the evening. 
“Arthur, they’re beautiful. You really shouldn’t have gone to so much trouble for me. I mean, you even got orchids - my favourites. How did you know?”
“I remember you told me before, eh? When we were at that place down in London. The one with the fancy window displays.”
“I can’t believe you remembered.”
But that’s Arthur. He’s utterly head over heels for you, which is probably why he turns bright red as you kiss him on the doorstep before hurrying back inside to put them in some water. 
He’d also make sure to open every door for you the entire night, refusing to let you even lift so much as a finger. 
In fact, he even pulls your chair out for you in the restaurant he’s taking you to, glaring at the waiter who was going to do it, in a clear sign to back away if he wants to escape with his life. 
“Arthur. I saw that. Behave.”
“I’m on my best behaviour, love. Promise.” 
“Oh really? What a shame, as I had kind of hoped you wouldn’t be, considering that I’m wearing your present underneath this dress.”
Arthur almost combusts there and then. 
Screw dinner - he wants to devour you and only you. Maybe that’s why he practically drags you out of the door at the end of the night, making you laugh as you hurry after him, the two of you fumbling with each other like horny teenagers.  
Needless to say, you spend the rest of the night wrapped in a tangle of limbs, lost in an haze of pleasure as you gift one another with your bodies. 
Now, considering his kids and the fact they are more than a handful, he knows just how important time spent with just the two of you is. That would be his first and biggest gift, getting one of the family to agree to watch the hell spawn long enough for you two to spend some time alone together. 
It’s just you and him for 24 hours of uninterrupted bliss, with no crying children or screaming babies to think about. 
True, it would be weird at first to have the house so quiet, but that’s exactly what you need for you and John to just talk to one another about anything and everything you’ve missed over the past few weeks. After all, he’d probably have been so busy with work he feels like he’s hardly seen you recently. 
He’s also remarkably in-tune with you and knows exactly how to spoil you rotten. 
“You do so much for me and the kids, it’s the least I can do, right? You deserve the world, but I guess I’ll have to do, eh?”
Who knew John Shelby was such a softie?
He’d have the day mapped out down to the finest detail: Breakfast in bed? check. A hot bath with wine and candles? Check. That new dress you had your eye on when you last went into town? Check. Making love for hours on every surface of the house? Triple check. 
He knows how lucky he is to have you and would spend all day making sure you knew. 
“At this rate, we’ll be having another little one to be bribe Polly to watch next year.”
“John Shelby! I swear to god I am not having another baby-“
“So you want me to put my clothes back on and not fuck you again?”
You wisely say nothing and kiss him instead. 
“As I thought.”
Considering how busy he normally is, the only gift you could ever want from him was that of time. Time away from the stresses of the company or his family and their never ending messes. 
It’s why you’re eager to subtly remind him about the date every chance you get in the weeks preceding it. 
Little do you know, he’s perfectly aware of the day. In fact, he has plans of his own cooked up for the both of you… you just didn’t need to know that yet. 
It makes the surprise all the more satisfying as he wakes you early the morning of, peppering you with kisses and encouraging you to get dressed. 
“I thought people usually tried to get people undressed on Valentines day?”
“Patience, love. It’s worth it, I promise.”
You laugh and trust him, unable to deny him anything when he looks genuinely happy for once. That in itself is a gift, as is the chance to spend the day riding with him around the estate you called home. 
Tommy is happiest on horse back, and you grin as you eye him clambering on his horse out front. 
You’re quick to follow, not surprised to see he’d had your horse readied too. He really had thought this out, down to the route you take. 
“This way, there are no phone calls or fucking distractions,” he explains, relieved at the utter delight in your eyes. “Not unless one of the staff want to grab a horse and come find us. Good luck to them.”
“They’d need it, especially if they’re stupid enough to risk me shooting them for disturbing us. They’d be idiots.”
Tommy laughs. 
Eventually, he’d stop you both, just on the edge of the woods, revealing the next surprise as he pulls out a blanket and basket (prepared with Frances’s help, of course). 
“A picnic, Tommy?” 
“I told you it was a surprise.” 
It’s the best surprise as you both sit there, drinking and laughing as the sky turns dark. 
That’s when he lights a fire for you both, letting you huddle close by the flames, eyes gazing at the stars above you. 
You listen to him telling you all about the constellations and the stories he learned as a child. The sound of his voice is heavenly and you could easily listen to him all night. 
So much so, you’re quick to wish the night would never end, letting you two stay like this, wrapped peacefully in each other’s arms forever. 
This literal angel is sweet as hell. Like, you better be prepared for the hand made card he’ll have made you… with Polly’s help, of course. He isn’t a hundred percent sure his spelling would have been right otherwise, but for you he’s willing to make the effort to try and write it for you. After all, you’ve more than likely been trying to help him learn to read and write since you started seeing one another. 
“Aunt Pol… is heart spelt with two t’s or one?”
“One, Finn.” 
“And does angel have a j in it?”
“No, Finn.”
Everyone else thought it was adorable and proof that he truly does love you. They’ve never seen him work so hard on anything in his life. 
Your own card is much simpler, because you wanted to make sure he could read it without too much difficulty. You also may or may not have got a bit carried away with drawing hearts and other sketches to fill it instead of trying to use long and complicated words about how much you loved him. 
However, neither one of you seem to care. You’re too happy with the cards you receive to care about your own possible mistakes. 
You’re also too busy admiring how much of an effort each of you made with your outfits for your date. Sure, it was just drinks and dancing with some of the other teenagers in Small Heath (basically Isiah and his girl) but you’d both gone full out for the occasion. 
“Is that suit new?”
“Maybe… John helped me pick it out. Why? Does it look stupid?”
“No, Finn Shelby. You look incredibly handsome,” you beam, toying with his lapels before linking his hand with yours. “I’ll be the luckiest girl there tonight.”
“And I’ll be the luckiest man.”
Oh yeah, you two are reals saps, just as most young lovers are. You’re all nervous glances, laughs and touches as you two dance the night away. 
It would also be the night Finn kisses you for the first night, summoning the courage to do it as he drops you off back at your house, just a little after curfew. 
It’s worth the risk and as you kiss him back he swears he’s flying the rest of the way home. 
Micheal has had his plans in place for weeks, making sure every little detail would be perfect for the two of you. He’s honestly looking forward to it, enough to welcome his mother’s advice as she throws suggestions and tips at him the week before. 
“Women like to feel special, Micheal. What about getting her a necklace? Or some chocolates? Fancy ones from France or something.” 
“Mum, thanks, but I’ve got it covered. Promise.”
“Are you sure?”
Micheal laughs and tries not to be offended at her obvious doubt. Then again, he’s not always had a track record of being the most romantic or thoughtful with women. Still, he really cares about you and he’s determined not to mess this up. 
It’s why he’s chosen the perfect place for you two to spend the evening together: your place. 
He’s determined to spend the time just the two of you, and what better way to impress you than cooking dinner for you? 
With the bottle of champagne he brought and your favourite records playing in the background, you’re quickly at ease, grinning as you watch him effortlessly chop, dice and season the dish he’s chosen. 
How is peeling a potato so sexy when he does it? 
It’s honestly impressive, but also because he’s putting so much effort into it which is a nice surprise. As is the way he dances around the kitchen with you whenever there’s a pause in the recipe or a particularly good song comes on. 
You’re surprised at his soft singing voice as he holds you, humming along. It’s rare he allows himself to be seen in such a way, relaxed with no one to judge him for being soft or a little off key.   In front of the other Shelbys he’s normally desperate to impress them, trying to be tough and nonchalant.
However, you know deep down he’s still the country boy you fell in love with when he first arrived in the city.  
By the time you’ve finished dinner, the candles have almost burned out and you know where the evening is headed as you both start to scurry off to your bedroom. 
Ada is probably the most relaxed of all the Shelby bunch when it comes to special occasions. This is Ada we’re talking about. She’s also probably the most sane of the bunch, so she knows how to act like a normal person. 
She doesn’t need anything big or fancy as a gift or some elaborate plan to make her fall head over heels. 
A day in the park, with Karl holding both your hands as you walk to the duck pond, is enough to make her look at you with utter adoration in her eyes. She loves how well you both get on, becoming a little family of you own. 
It’s why it’s no surprise you all have dinner together, with Karl helping to serve you as your two favourite people spoil you rotten. You normally eat together most days, even if Karl doesn’t normally wear a suit or call you ‘madame’ every time he passes you something like a mini waiter. 
Ada smirks at the sight, informing you it’s all Karl’s idea - as is the card he thrusts upon you.
“I made the card myself!”
“You did? Wow, Karl. Look how amazing it is. I love the glitter on the heart.” 
“I knew you would. Mum didn’t think so but I won.”
The look Ada gives you makes you want to laugh until you cry as you clearly sense the frustration she must have suffered in the pursuit of Karl’s artistry. It also explains why you’ve been finding glitter everywhere all week. 
“Well, I love it. Thank you - both.”
You press kisses to both of their cheeks, grinning as Ada purred something about giving you her card later once Karl’s in bed. You’re eager to return the favour, impatient to give her your own card and gift. 
It’s a framed photo of you all, taken one day when you’d all been at the local fair. 
The sight of it is enough to make Ada watery eyed as she gives you yours, watching as you unwrap it and gasp in delight. 
The book is the next in a series you’d recently started and fallen in love with. However, you were pretty sure it wasn’t supposed to be released yet. 
“What can I say? Perks of having a librarian girlfriend with exclusive access to advanced copies we’re supposed to be holding on to until next month. I borrowed one and I’m sure they won’t notice.” 
“Ada Shelby. You stole a book for me?”
“Borrowed. Not stole.” 
You don’t care, too overwhelmed to do anything other than kiss her passionately. 
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allegra-writes · 5 years ago
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Peter Parker x SHIELD Agent! Reader
Warnings: Smut. Dom!Peter, jealous, Possesive!Peter, rough sex.
Weeks after the island, Peter finally sees you again. But you aren't alone...
Part of the "Fine Line" series but you don't need to have read that first.
Series Masterlist
Peter couldn't breath. His clothes felt stiff and restrictive, the bowtie, suffocating. This was a bad, bad idea. He wasn't cut for this. He was just a Parker, not a Stark, he had spent most his life trying to be invisible, not even getting superpowers had changed that. He had never wanted to stand out. He didn't want to be seen, to be recognized. 
Even Quentin Beck had realized that. That's why he had done what he had, because he knew it would be the best way to ruin Peter's life. It had been almost a month since his return from Eroda, since Pepper and Fury had managed to clear his name and expose Quentin Beck as the fraud he was, trying to frame Peter for his murder with an adulterated video out of jealousy and envy. The greedy, insane employee gone mad after being overlooked in favor of the young intern, chosen by Tony Stark himself to be his successor. Spider-Man had just been doing his job as Peter's bodyguard when the incident at the bridge happened.
That was the official story, and the press had bought it with gusto, plastering the wide eyed boy's face on every cover, every paper, every magazine, every news site. A few weeks later, he was pretty much America's new sweetheart. Everybody knew his name. Everybody knew his face. His anonymity was gone.
Quentin Beck had won. 
And now, there he was, being blinded by flashing lights, walking the red carpet of his first gala as the official heir of Stark Industries… two seconds away from throwing up.
"Breathe, Peter" Pepper whispered to him, voice calm and reassuring, "Just focus on a point above their heads, and keep your head high" 
She took a step forward and Peter couldn't help but stare: she looked like a queen in her white gown, complete with cape and everything. She was an elegant woman but it wasn't just about her beauty, it was about the power, the authority she commanded, every eye in that red carpet had no choice but to focus on her. 
Tony had been like that too, albeit in a different way: charismatic and bigger than life. Peter wondered how anybody could look at him, awkward and pasty, and think he was related to the man. Because he knew what people were saying...
"Parker, how are you holding up, mate?" A tall, blond boy patted his back, pulling him out of his thoughts. Harry Osborn, the only person there to introduce himself to Peter and actually take the time to try and make him feel comfortable. At first Peter had thought it had something to do with his family being the one hosting the gala but the youngest Osborn wasn't exactly famous for his good manners or decorum. 
"I think I'm about to have a panic attack" more like sensory overload, but Peter wasn't sure how could he explain something like that to his new friend.
"Well, you are not hungover and puking on the photographers" The blond flashed him a brilliant smile, "so you're already doing better than me on my first red carpet"
Peter couldn't help the burst of laughter, but far from offended, Harry's grin turned even brighter. The flashes went wild.
"There you go, that should make for better photographs than the deer-in-the-headlights look you were sporting"
Peter offered him a grateful smile,
"Thanks dude, really"
"Don't mention it" Harry shook his head, "You're actually doing me a favor, letting me hang out with you. You're saving me from looking all lonely and pathetic in front of these vultures, since apparently I have been stood up..."
Peter stared at the blond in surprise. With those sharp cheekbones and icy blue eyes, it was hard to believe any girl could resist him. He suddenly felt a lot less bad about showing up dateless. 
"Alright, we've spent about fifteen minutes out here, we can go in now" Harry instructed, already a pro at this kind of event, gesturing for Peter to follow. 
He noticed the whispers as they walked into the massive lobby together, Oscorp and Stark Industries were rivals, just as Norman Osborn and Tony Stark used to be. His mentor used to find the other billionaire shady and his experiments, unethical. Even now, Pepper's and Norman's relationship was strained, at best, so seeing both heirs so friendly with each other was a little shocking. But if Harry didn't care about that, neither would Peter. Whatever sins the father had committed, he wasn't going to hold them against the son. That wasn't Peter's style. 
"So, what do you think of your first gala, so far?" Harry sauntered in front of him, stealing two champagne flutes from a passing waiter and handling one to Peter.
"Oh, I- I don't drink, thank you"
"Good, that's a wise choice, don't change it" Harry praised, taking the glass back and downing that one too. Peter shook his head.
"I like it," He replied, looking around at the huge salon decked in lavished green and silver banners, the tables gilded with intricate floral arrangements, the huge shiny dance floor in the middle. "Stark Industries' is having one for Christmas, but it's going to be held at a hotel…"
Harry made a face,
"Yeah, that would be the norm, actually. But my father wanted to have it here this year, to prove the facilities are safe, you know?"
Peter thought back to that fatidical field trip all those years ago, to this very same building, when he was bitten by a stray radioactive spider that had escaped one of the labs. He hummed noncommittally. He seriously hoped mister Osborn was right, for the good of everyone attending the party, Harry included. Because truth was he really liked his new friend, he made everything easier just by offering Peter his company, by giving him someone his age to talk too, amongst all those old, stuck up gazillionaires that stared at him with curiosity at best, and open contempt at worst. 
But of course all good things had to come to an end, such was the Parker luck. Harry took his vibrating cell phone out of his pocket.
"Would you look at that! It seems my date has finally arrived" He announced, eyes glued to the screen, smitten smile on his face, "One would think an influencer would jump at the chance of being photographed by the press at a red carpet… But not her, of course. No, she arrives an hour late… I'll go find her, be right back, Parker"
That was when he saw you. Entering the ballroom, a siren in your long golden dress, scanning the crowd. You looked stunning, hair longer, lighter, done in elegant waves cascading down your back.   Your smile was dazzling as you found what you were looking for, and Peter didn't see his new friend make his way to you, entranced as he was by your mere presence.
Until he reached your side, and kissed your lips. 
Harry Osborn offered you his arm, and you took it graciously, and he walked you through the room, proud swag on his steps as he introduced you to practically everyone in the party, Peter's heart breaking a little more with every step you took towards him.
He hadn't heard from you since the island, and now he knew why: You had already found someone new. Someone better, more handsome, and classier than Peter. Than the awkward boy you had been sent to protect. 
Because underneath the Stark's money and his spider powers, that was all Peter was: some orphan kid from Queens who didn't belong. Harry could take you on dates to fancy restaurants without mispronouncing the names of the dishes, he could take you walking around his mother's art gallery in the upper east. He, with his aristocratic features, his british boarding school accent, his old family money, was a much better fit for a princess like you. You wanting Peter had never made much sense anyway. 
And you looked good on Harry's arm, better than ever, actually. You looked happy. Peter hated it, and he hated himself for it. 
"Parker! I want you to meet my date, Sixtine Boucher, influencer, it girl, philanthropist..." Harry was saying, suddenly in front of him, but Peter wasn't listening. You were there, close enough to touch, in the flesh. He could hear your heartbeat, smell you, sunshine and sweetness under the chemical tang of your expensive perfume for the first time after so long and it was almost overwhelming.
"Sixtine" You corrected him, sighing as if it was something you did all the time and you were tired of it, "Bonsoir, Peter."
You sounded… funny. 
"You know each other?" Harry's voice asked, politely curious.
"We met during vacation, at the…" You trailed off, eyes meeting Peter in a silent request to play along, disguised as a struggle to find the right words, “... Comment dis-tu ‘plage’ en anglais?”
"Beach" Provided Peter, his brain catching up at last "Yeah, at the beach… when I was on vacation… a-at the french riviera"
"What a small world!" Harry chuckled but it sounded nervous, uncertain. No doubt he could feel the tension between the two of you, growing with every passing second. Along with Peter's understanding. The hair, the dress, the french accent? It was a costume, you were a spy after all. You weren't there for leisure, you were there for work. This was a mission. Harry was your target, or maybe your cover. Whatever it was, it wasn't you. It wasn't real. 
But then again, had Peter really met the real you? After all, not that long ago he had been your mission too…
When the next waiter passed in front of him, Peter stopped him. It probably would no nothing to his spider metabolism, but alcohol was looking more and more like a good idea. He had a feeling he was going to need all the help possible to get through the night. Harry arched a brow but luckily didn't comment, as he was beginning to get a clearer idea about how you and the brown eyed boy knew each other.
A glint on your cleavage caught Peter's eyes and he frowned. There, hanging from a long gold chain, nested between your breasts and almost completely hidden by the, admittedly low cut, neckline of your dress, rested a familiar crystal sunflower. The cheap jewel didn't match your cover, or your outfit, the only reason why you could be wearing it, was him. 
He nodded, almost imperceptibly, letting you know he understood, and you let out the breath you were holding. 
But awareness didn't make watching you, plastered to Harry's side all night any easier. It didn't stop him from seeing red every time you called Harry "baby", the endearment close enough to the "baby boy" you used for Peter to feel like a betrayal. It definitely didn't save the glass of wine he was holding from shattering under his grip as he saw you sneak outside of the room with him in the middle of dinner.
"Peter! Are you alright?" Pepper fussed over his hand, looking for cuts, and motioning to a waiter to help clean the shards of glass from the table.
"Yeah" He murmured, distractedly, eyes never leaving the doorway you had disappeared through, "I-I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse me"
He didn't even wait for Mrs. Stark's reply as he got up from the table, giving chase to you and your date through corridors and elevators, following your giggles and the faint trace of your perfume. His persecution led him to the upmost floor of the building, where a single mahogany awaited him, but the fingertip scanner on the lock told him he wasn't going to be able to open it. 
He cursed, barely catching himself from making a dent on the wall with a punch. You were doing your job, that was all, he repeated, like a mantra. Whatever was happening behind that door meant nothing. You were wearing his sunflower, that had to mean something, it had to.
After a few minutes, that felt like hours to him, the door opened.
"Peter! Shit, I was hoping you would be smarter than to follow me!" You hissed, as he pushed you back, stepping inside the room and closing the door behind him.
"Where is Harry?" 
"Knocked out in the bathroom" You pointed at a door by the side. Peter took a look around the room, by far the biggest, most luxurious office he had ever seen in his entire life. And he had been inside Pepper's so that was saying something. The view of the Manhattan skyline through the floor to ceiling window was nothing short of breath taking. "I just needed him to get in here"
"Right. Of course. I knew that" 
You squinted in suspicion at his flat tone,
"Pete, are you… jealous?" You smirked, amused. But Peter wasn't in the mood for your teasing, his patience finally reaching its limit.
He was on you in a heartbeat, pushing you back against the wall, caging you with his body. There was a dangerous, possessive spark in his eyes that you had never seen before. One that promised trouble for you. 
"So what if I am?" He challenged, bracing himself on one hand on the wall next to your head, the other one slipping through the high slit on the skirt of your dress, fingertips digging on the sensitive skin at the inside of your thighs, "So what if every time I saw him put his hands on you tonight, I wanted to break his fingers? What if every time he kissed you, I felt like dying?" 
The pain was evident in his voice, breaking your heart a little. But this was you, you were a special agent, this was what you did. Peter had said he wanted you, wanted to get to know the real you. Well, this was it. 
"I'm not going to apologise for doing my job…" 
"I'm not asking you to" He interrupted
"Then what are you asking of me?" 
Peter pinned you with a long, considering look and you did your best not to squirm under its intensity.
"I'm not asking anymore, mon chérie " he finally spoke, "I'm taking"
He crushed his mouth, and his body, to yours, trapping you under his familiar weight and, for the first time since returning from the island, you felt home. He tasted like wine, and the cherries from dessert and heat. You had almost forgotten how his warmth felt like sunlight against your skin, until every starved pore opened to soak him up. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, making you moan. God, how you had missed him on your lips! 
You must have said it out loud, because you felt his smile against your jaw as he broke the kiss to let you breathe. 
"Did you, now?" He inquired, nuzzling down your neck, "Where else did you miss me, cherry?" 
You felt his long, talented fingers find their goal, tugging your underwear to the side, slipping into you with no warning once he realized how ready you already were for him.
"Did you miss me here? Did you miss me inside you?" 
There was a buzzing in your coms and the reality of what was about to happen, andwhere it was about to happen hit you like a bucket of cold water. 
"Peter, wait, not here!" Peter ignored you, lips latching onto the spot just under your ear that Peter knew made you see stars. He couldn't wait, couldn't tear himself away from you, from your body. You were already breathing hard and he knew your halfhearted resistance wasn't going to last much longer. He speeded up the movement of his fingers inside you, tearing an involuntary cry out of your mouth. He was working you expertely, wave after wave of wetness bathing his hand, undeniable proof of your pleasure. 
"Gonna leave so many pretty marks on you..." He promised, puncturing his words by biting down, hard, on the column of your neck, "Everybody's going to know who you really belong to..."
"Peter, please!" You sobbed, implored.
"Want me to stop baby girl? Really?"
You shook your head no. You didn't, you couldn't. Fuck the mission, fuck Oscorp, you only wanted to feel him. It had been too long, way too long. You took your coms out of your ear and smashed it under your hill. You'd deal with Hill later. 
Peter slid the straps of your dress down your shoulders, lowering his face to your exposed chest, all wet lips and hot tongue as you hurriedly undid his button and zipper, finally freeing his angry, hard member. You pumped him once, and he bit on your nipple with enough strength to draw a single, sweet drop of blood. 
"Oh god… feels so good" Peter's words were muffled against your collar bone, as he stretched you, burying himself deep inside you, as far as he would go, "being one with you again…"
"I missed you" You confessed, "so much, baby boy!"
Peter leaned back, stormy eyes capturing yours, holding you hostage,
"Oh no, my cherry, after your little stunt calling Harry baby all night?" He tsked, "No, you don't get to call me that anymore… now, you're gonna call me 'daddy'"
With that, he started thrusting up into you roughly, hips almost cruel in their onslaught as they slammed into you, truly railing you against the wall, unyielding, unrelenting. You wrapped your arms and legs around him, holding on for dear life, taking what he gave you like a good girl cause that was what Peter needed from you. 
But god, did it feel good! His large thick cock, hard as vibranium, stretching you to your limits, a fit so tight you could feel every bump, every vein, as he hit all the secret spots inside you, tearing the pleasure out of you. Your orgasm was building fast, so fast it made you dizzy with the way all your blood rushed to your center. As your walls began to quiver around him, and you met Peter's fierce, furious face, you knew he wasn't going to be satisfied with just the one. Oh, no, he was going to rip out at least one more orgasm from your ravished body before releasing you. Undoubtedly not before marking you from the inside with his own release, you had long ago learned Peter was animalistic like that, all higher reasoning disappearing when it came to making you his. 
"Tell me you're mine" he breathed, demanding, against your cheek, hand sneaking between your bodies to tease your pearl, making you explode in sensation, and prolonging your climax, keeping you there where he wanted you, right on your peak until you were at the edge of sanity, your brain unable to process that much pleasure so suddenly and for so long.
You tried, but you couldn't remember how to form words, the only sound leaving your lips a delirious,
"Say it, my cherry" he insisted, feeling his own release approach much quicker than he would like, but it just had been so long, and he had missed you so much and you just felt so fucking good  "let me hear you say you're mine as I make you come again…"
"Yes!" You cried, finally finding your voice, "I'm yours, Peter… only yours!"
"Damn right… all mine… only mine…"
He was almost there, and judging from the way your muscles were tensing and locking around him again, Peter knew you were too. But something was going on outside, his super hearing catching the sound of the elevator doors, and footsteps on the hallway. Still, he couldn't stop. He was so close, so fucking close… He had to come, had to make you come, before they did. There were voices outside, one of them he even recognized, telling the others to stop, to listen. Peter sneaked an arm around your waist, getting you away from the wall, moving you up and down his cock at inhuman speed, and he finally felt you fall apart. He came with a final cry of triumph… right as the doorknob started to turn. 
Faster than any human could, he ran behind the door, with you still in his arms, to buy himself a couple of seconds as he slipped out of you, fixing your dress so you were completely covered before even thinking about tucking himself back inside his pants. 
"Oh, for fucks sake!" Norman Osborn's exasperated voice was the first thing your pleasure addled brain was able to process as you stood on shaky legs, Peter's frame still hiding you from view. He took of his suit jacket, helping you put your hands through the sleeves and fastening it close.
"Put down your weapons, you goons! High security breach?.. Horny teenagers are not a menace, I should know!" Norman was still yelling at his guards. Peter turned around to face the old man, and you muffled your histerical laugh against his sweaty back, breathing him in. 
"S-sir… sorry, we-we we-were just" Peter babbled, trying to catch his breath.
"Oh, save it, boy! I know exactly what you were doing, this whole place stinks of sex!" 
You snorted and Norman finally seemed to notice who you were,
"I'm sorry, weren't you my son's date?"
You could only laugh harder.
"He passed out" provided Peter, as innocently as he managed, "in the bathroom"
"He's in the…" the billionaire's eyes widened, "Wait, you… you three were…"
"He really liked Peter" You announced, unhelpfully, fake accent restored. 
"Ignore her, please" Peter sounded apologetic, not wanting the blonde boy that had so kindly offered his friendship to him to face unjust consequences for his own fuck up "Harry has nothing to do with this. My girlfriend was just trying to make me jealous. It worked. Harry's only mistake was to get drunk"
Norman rolled his blue eyes, so alike his son's,
"A common mistake for him. Trust me, boy, you don't need to make excuses for him… God knows I got tired of making them myself a long time ago." He sighed, gesturing to his guards to check on Harry inside the bathroom.
"Now, get out of here, both of you, so I can call the cleaning crew… not Tony's son my ass, this is the exact same shit your father used to pull at all my parties!"
Peter opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, but you tugged on his arm, it was pointless to try and deny it, Osborn senior was never going to believe him. 
Peter took your hand,
"Right. Of course… we'll be… going, then"
You chuckles at his cute, nervous babbling became a full on belly splitting laugh as you ran out of the office and locked yourselves inside the elevator. 
"Oh my god, his face!" You clutched at your stomach, doubled over, "that was… the best alibi in history! They didn't even search me!!" You showed Peter the tiny pendrive with S.H.I.E.L.D's logo where you had copied all the information inside Norman Osborn's computer. Peter tilted his head in confusion,
"Six, where were you even keeping that?!" Osborn's security might ot have searched you, but his own had been… pretty thorough. 
You merely winked, 
"Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy?"
This time, it was Peter's turn of barking a laugh. He pulled you to him, kissing your forehead.
"Come on, let's find Happy and tell him to get the car. I want to get out of here…"
And he was taking you home with him. 
To be continued...
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lovely-scents · 5 years ago
Shownu: Serendipity
She looks so immersed in her task that she never see the time. It's almost 10pm yet she is still working up on the report and the piling up papers on her desk.
"You still here?"
She turns in surprise to see his manager, Mr. Son who is already stands behind her, peeking at all the loads on her desk.
"Oh? Y-Yes, I still have some works to do. I'll go back home when I'm finish." she nervously says and he just nods.
"What about you? Aren't you going home yet?"
"I was about to, but I think I need to check up on you first before leaving." he responds.
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Manager Son is such a very kind and well-mannered gentleman. He always taking care of the staffs carefully. And that's why everybody likes him and respect him for his manners and kindness.
"Is there anything else that you need before I go?" asks him for the last time before he leaves.
"U-Umm.. Actually I do. B-But, is it okay if it's a little bit personal?" asks her in uncertainties.
He nods. "Yes, sure. What is it?"
"Firstly, I would like to apologize for asking you this. I don't know who else should I ask or refer this matter to. I don't really have friends, or even family. You're the only one who I can think of right now. I need your wise and professional opinion in this matter."
"As you already know, I'm living on my own since I was in college. And my aunt has been helping me in many ways. But lately she has been forcing me to go on some blind dates because she want to arrange a marriage for me later."
"I know that she only want the best for me, but I don't know if it's really a good thing for me. It may be good since there would be someone who can take care of me and look after me, but on the other hand.. I'm not really sure if I can be happy."
"I'm confused and feel so lost right now. I really don't know what to do. I don't want to let her down, but I'm too afraid to take the risk. It's about my life, and I don't want to make a false decision and regret it later."
She let out a quiet sigh, turning down her face in disappointment. There is a silent moment between them before she realised that it was only her who is talking all the time.
"Umm.. I-I'm sorry, Manager Son. I've been talking too much." she stutters, feeling embarrassed on her own.
He just smiles. "You have been so quiet and being such a very hard working person all the time. This is the first time I saw you've been talking this much, especially about your personal matters. I'm really glad that you did, and I'm glad that you chose me."
"So, since you're being this brave to open up about yourself like this, I think I need to help you out."
"First, I need to confirm a thing. Will she stop bothering you if you already have someone?"
"Y-Yes, I think."
"Okay then. Do you trust me?"
And she quickly nod. "Yes! I do trust you."
He smiles again. "Good. So, do you have any plan this Saturday? There's someone that I want you to meet."
"Someone that I should meet..? Who is it?"
"Just come. And make sure to dress up a bit. Make yourself pretty."
The restaurant looks quite fancy and elegant. Manager Son is sure have a great taste in picking up a nice restaurant like this for dinner.
She has been dressing up prettily, just like what he asked her to. And he is dressing up formally for today too. He looks really good in that complete black suits and his black tie.
She is still waiting nervously, looking around aimlessly to ease out her feelings. He let out a small laugh at her reactions.
"Are you really that nervous?"
"Hmm? I-Is it too obvious? I'm sorry, I couldn't help it." she stutters. She lean up forward to the table to speak out her concerns to him secretly.
"Do you think I will do well today? And, how about my look? Do I look okay? I tried to dress up just like what you want me to."
Her words tickles his heart and he laughs again. "Don't worry. You look perfect. Just exactly the way he likes it."
Just then, a man suddenly come and take a seat next to Manager Son.
"I'm sorry for being late. I need to take this one call first." he claims. They exchange a few small conversations before he is introducing him to her.
"This is my brother, Wonho. He just returned from his business trip few days ago. And soon he will be joining our company too." tells him while introducing the man besides him.
Wonho raise up his hand a little to say hello. And she is just waving her hand to him back in a small gesture.
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This wonderful man is Manager Son's brother? He looks so handsome that it makes her flusters. Especially when he smiles sweetly and brightly like that. It's really beautiful that she can't help but to fall for it already.
"Alright then. Now that you two have met, I think I can make a move right now. I'll leave the rest on you two." says Manager Son while standing up, ready to leave.
As he is about to walk away, she quickly grab on his sleeve, stopping him from leaving.
"Y-You're not staying?" asks her, more like pleading, wanting him to stay instead of leaving her alone in here.
He gives her an assuring smile and gently pats on her head. "You asked for my help, so I did my best to help you. I promise this is the last blind date that you need to attend so that your aunt will stop bothering you again."
"And trust me, everything will be alright after this." promise him again. "Don't worry, you're in a good hand."
He takes her clenching hand from his sleeve before he takes Wonho's hand to place them together.
"You better take a really good care of her, understand?" says him half-jokingly, but stern.
Wonho just laugh softly and nods. "Alright, I will."
"Good. Then, I'll get going now. Have fun." he grins before leaving them with a happy heart because he thinks that he did well this time.
Her hand in his, he just realised it and they quickly pull back their hands awkwardly. He clear out his throat and turns away to hides his embarrassed feeling, while she is just drop down her face shyly.
It's getting really awkward between them. None of them are letting out a single words for a moment, until he decides to break out the silence between them.
"I'm sorry. I don't really know what to say, although Hyunwoo has been telling me about you quite a lot. This is the first time I meet you in person, and I already run out of words to say."
"Especially when you look this.. good." he shyly admits. "You look beautiful today."
"I don't know what did Hyunwoo tells you, but I promise that I will take care of you carefully. I will do my best to make you to accepts me as I am."
"And I think I need to work hard to make you mine too."
Read Serendipity (Secret Behind)
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myheroimaginations · 8 years ago
Kyouka having a girlfriend head canons? (Like ideal dates, what the first kiss is like, and who asked who out first?) sorry if it's not too specific, I'm just mad gay for Jirou Kyouka lmfao. If you don't mind doing more how about Tsuyu, Izuku, and my man Shouji? If not, just Kyouka would be great!! Thank you :)
Dude I’m mad gay for Jirou too… I’m mad gay for all the girls in Class 1-A if I’m honest. But let’s go!
•  Who asked who out first? - She asked you out first. She’s known she’s into girls for a long time and isn’t really ashamed of it or anything, but she will wait until you’re close friends to ask you out. She likes to feel out a person before pursuing a possible relationship. Once she’s comfortable she’ll approach the subject really casually, she doesn’t want to make things tense with her confession. That way if you agree everything’s great, but if you don’t you can continue being friends without issue.
•  What was the first kiss like? - REALLY adorable. Jirou’s actually not that experienced in kissing, maybe one or two short flings that physically jumped the gun on her when she wasn’t ready to kiss them yet. She doesn’t kiss you or let you kiss her until you’re both feeling ready. And when you do, it’s tender and soft and loving. You first kiss is when you learn she wears cherry flavored lip balm, which you can’t help but laugh at since it seems to juxtapose her punk vibe. She’ll groan at you for ruining the moment, but give her another kiss and maybe you can save it.
•  Ideal Dates - She’s a fan of more casual dates. Yknow, like locking up in one of your rooms and eating 3 whole pizzas as you marathon 80s films. Those are the dates you’ll typically have. If she’s wanting to do something a little more special though, she’d prefer to do something fun and active. Her favorites are dates at amusement parks and bowling rinks, since you can still laugh and talk but you’re also up and having fun. She hates dates that are too formal though. Fancy restaurants make her uncomfortable, and while she likes movies, she hates that she can’t talk to you during one at a theater. Dates with her are closer to hanging out together than actual structured dates.
•  Who asked who out first? - You asked Tsuyu out first.  Not that she didn’t like you already or anything like that, she’s just a busy girl with a lot on her plate to handle, so she never even considered asking you on a date. In fact, she’d probably already stated she liked you by the time you asked her out. She’d instantly agree though, commenting on how she’s never been on a date before and asking you if it’s really like all the movies and stuff depict. She appears calm while responding to you, but that’s just her natural behavior, on the inside she’s very excited to experience her first real date.
•  What was the first kiss like? - STICKY. Frog saliva has a very different feel to it than human saliva. But seriously, it’s a little awkward for you because she clearly has no idea what she’s doing, but she’s doing it confidently and she seems so happy afterwards that you don’t have the heart to comment on it at that moment. It’s also a very early first kiss, like first date early. She just really wanted to experience what it was like and trusted you, so she simply told you what she wanted and went for it when you agreed. It’s not bad though. The kiss is very innocent and sweet, and it’s a good memory the two of you giggle at remembering later in the relationship.
•  Ideal Dates - Cafe dates are really popular with her. She doesn’t particularly love incredibly noisy or crowded places, so many common date places aren’t really her scene. She’d much prefer to curl up on a couch with you in a little ma and pop run cafe with some hot chocolate and just chat. Shopping dates can be fun for her depending on how crowded the center is. Her favorite kind of dates are swimming dates in the summer though! Once the warm weather rolls around she’s always asking you to go to the beach or pool with her. The water is a very comfortable place for her, and she does have a SMALL fantasy about watching the sunset on the beach with you.
•  Who asked who out first? - You ask Izuku out first. Good LORD have you met this boy? He’s much too much of a nervous nellie to ask a girl her likes on a date. You could probably tell him to his face that you want to date him and he’d still have fears of you saying no if he asked you out. Make it easier on the both of you and just do it for him. He’ll be much more relieved, your relationship can begin much sooner than it would if you waited, everyone is significantly happier this way.
•  What was the first kiss like? - You and Izuku have very different opinions on what your first kiss was. Izuku claims it to have happened on your third date when he was escorting you back to your home. The reality is Izuku shakily leaned in close enough to brush his bottom lip against your chin (which he didn’t notice was your chin because his eyes were closed so tight) and then bolted away faster than you could tell him your lips were up here. Your real first kiss happened on the date after that, when he moved to do the same thing and you just caught him by the tie and planted a good, soft kiss on him. He nearly fainted.
•  Ideal Dates - He looooves movie dates! Watching movies are one of Izuku’s favorite pastimes, and he has fun planning which films coming out the two of you are going to go see together. He also really likes cuddling with you in the theater, he was so IMMENSELY proud of himself when he finally gained the courage to do the “yawn and wrap the arm around the shoulder” trick. Picnics in the park are always nice as well. He always thinks you look absolutely radiant in the mid-afternoon sun! Other than that, Izuku is happy to do with at home dates of watching shows together on Netflix and such, it’s not hard to please this boy date-wise.
Shouji (NGL Anon, I found the phrase “My Man Shouji” really funny for some reason):
•  Who asked who out first? - You asked him out first. Shouji is a guy who never really focuses on material needs or wants, and he sort of places romantic relationships in this category (though he certainly does not view people as materials). More he just finds it unnecessary, so he doesn’t focus on it or seek it out. That doesn’t mean he’s averse to dating if you ask, though! He’s a very sweet boy, so even if he’s never considered whether or not his feelings for you were romantic, he’ll agree if just to make you happy since he definitely considers you a friend. You’ll have to ask him on multiple dates though for the gears to really turn in his head that you want a full on relationship, and it’ll take some time for him to warm up to the idea.
•  What was the first kiss like? - Girl, get ready to wait a LONG ASS TIME to have your first kiss with this boy. Step one, the dating period where he doesn’t even get you want to pursue a relationship. Step two, allow him to get used to the idea of a relationship. Step three, be in a relationship with him for a SOLID amount of time (like 6 months) and then MAYBE he’ll kiss you. With a mouth on his tentacle, only on his face mouth if everything so far has gone EXTREMELY well. And even then it is very short and to the point. Shouji is a boy that likes to move at his own pace…
•  Ideal Dates -  Shouji doesn’t fully “get” dating. He likes hanging out with you, but he doesn’t get what separates a date from simply chilling with you. What’s the difference? Because of this he doesn’t exactly have an “ideal date,” but like Tsuyu, he prefers to avoid largely crowded and loud places. He enjoys going on late night walks with you or just hanging out together and doing your own things as you chat. Very casual to the point where you sometimes ask if this is really a date. He always asks what makes this any less a date than going to a out somewhere. You’re together, enjoying each other’s company, and possibly learning more about each other. You never really have an answer to give, so you just shrug it off and enjoy being with him.
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conspiracieys-archive · 7 years ago
I know you haven't done a Dusan Nemec thing in awhile (and you don't have to answer if you don't want too) but how do you think he would act in a realationship or to a regular, I know you've briefly mentioned it but how would he treat them? What kind of dates would he take them on? How would they sleep together? Anything else you can think of I'm curious ☺ also what kind of music and movies do you think he likes??? (I asked this a while ago just didn't know if you got it sorry)
YES HELLO i honestly don’t know if i got it i am so sorry. idk if tumblr ate it or if i just forgot (both are super possible) but i am still so sorry. i am Ready To Do This. im always down to talk abt Dusan cause Lordt knows this man needs more love. he’s a fucking disaster and he’s kind of a shitty person. i love it. let’s Do This.
Read More cause long
with a regular, there’s not... Too much emotional depth. like they are both aware that it’s mostly about the sex, but Dusan respects or is interested in them just enough to keep them around instead of tossing them aside like a one night stand. that said, he doesn’t kick out his regulars right away. sometimes they leave of their own accord, and sometimes he has shit to do so they gotta go, but sometimes they stay the night in Dusan’s big ass bed. and they can actually talk in the morning. it’s not ... as awkward as it would be with a o/n/s cause Dusan and his regulars do this a lot.
but at the end of the day, with a Regular, Dusan’s just not in it that deep. they have something he’s interested in (dick, vag, information, something) and he keeps them around. i did write about Dusan and comfort here, and i think that kinda applies to them, too. like it’s important to note that a regular sex partner is not an emotional connection. Dusan just wants to bang someone who knows him and knows his body and who he knows relatively well.
he doesn’t take regulars on any sort of dates cause it’s purely physical. he will invite them over, or have them meet him at Blume HQ for that Locked Personal Office sex, but since there’s no emotion behind it, theres no wine and dine going on.
AS FOR how they sleep together, like at night, Dusan takes up most of the bed. he doesn’t exactly starfish but he lays on his back with an arm out so his Regular can snuggle if they WANT to, but it’s fairly obvious that he doesnt care. he just wants to sleep after a night of Good Sex.
VS a relationship, i mean. when Dusan commits, he commits. the line between Regular and Relationship isn’t exactly thin but it’s also not the thickest line either. and in this context, a Regular has the huge potential of bleeding into a relationship.
if he’s in a relationship, depending on the type, that’s the only person he sees. (i mean, open relationships or poly relationships exist and Dusan is down for any of them ig. just depends on the Partner in question) he does like the... consistency of being in a romantic relationship. like no new partner every night, no switching around to not get attached (unless the s/o in question was a Regular sdfjkhlkjdsf then that Failed Hard). just... Dusan, and this person he cares about a lot.
(if the relationship hits the 8 months mark, Dusan sits them down and they have that Deep Talk about what they want from a relationship. the one that lasts a couple days and they both have to walk away and think about the questions they each asked type of talk)
and while he’s not.... big on dates, he likes to go all out for dates. whether it’s at a Super Fancy Uptown Restaurant™ or a Roof Top Bistro™ or a deeply intimate picnic at a park, Dusan puts his all into it. Man he cares about his S/O!!!! he wants to spoil them. and this dude is rich as FUCK he makes fuckin BANK!!!!!! he can and will senselessly spoil his partner with grand dates. fancy food. he reserved the whole park, hired a bunch of body guards to keep people out so him and his S/O could enjoy the evening without anyone else around. (buying out the park helps if things get heated so it’s less awkward when they try and get it together to go home.)
he has also been known to take a S/O to the movies, or literally fly them across the country for an impromptu night watching the Latest Broadway show. he might even go above and beyond and plan a romantic weekend in Venice (and if it coincides with some Dirty Dealings he has to do... its ok........ no one rly needs to know............................. HEY! what did you expect? he’s Dusan Nemec. he’s still pretty dirty when it comes to Blume and ctOS stuff! love doesn’t mean that stops! it just becomes less obvious to the public and to DedSec because he cares so deeply for someone other than himself)
with a romantic partner, Dusan is more inclined to cuddle and share his space. he doesn’t starfish, doesn’t stretch out to make a point. he lays on his side, 100% ready to Spoon (he does Not jetpack. he likes to be on the outside of snuggling. he’s so paranoid, trying to spoon him will not go well)
the sleepier he gets, the more affectionate he is and he often falls asleep murmuring incoherent sweet nothings against his partner’s neck, tracing nonsensical shapes into their skin as he cuddles them. god i wish that were me. also Dusan will initiate cuddles with a romantic partner. he’s like... get over here........ right up against me... awful.... i love him......
aaaand to wrap it up: music and MOVIES!!!
music wise, he’s pretty open minded, although he is NOT a huge fan of pop music. boybands? gross. he loves Zayn Malik's music now that Zayn’s gone solo but. i think he prefers classical music. soft, dramatic, no lyrics, nothing rly too overwhelming. something to work to or cook to or read to.
catch this man getting rly emotional over classical music. one day he’s just laying on his back on the kitchen floor, staring unseeingly at the ceiling because its So Beautiful. (this happens like once a month)
MOVIES.... he likes classic films i guess??? classic, oldies, cheesy. he loves super old westerns im sorry but I Do Make The Rules and Dusan Loves Cowboys. he’s also big on foreign films. catch him watching French films and his eyes get all glassy cause he just... loves. also Chinese films, too.
he hates Fight Club i just wanna put that out there. he wont watch horror because he doesnt have time to be jump scared every 5 seconds. if theres like a non-jump scare-y horror movie, he’ll probably watch it but he thinks jump scares r Weak. he’s way more powerful than me, i cant watch horror movies of ANY kind.
he hated Inception btw. (i loved Inception) he just... hated it. the only Batman movie he liked was the 1st Batman with Michael Keaton. he’s not a big fan of the rest of them.
he loves Indiana Jones tho jot that the fuck down.
he’s neutral on Star Wars. he just hasnt watched the franchise with someone incredibly passionate about it. if he watches it with me, he’ll Love it. he HAS seen it though he saw the original trilogy and the prequels. “Cassian whom? who is Finn. what is happening. where is Luke?” - Dusan when someone asks him what he thought of TFA and Rogue One.
the only Star Trek he likes is the original series. by that i mean, it’s the only one he’s ever watched all the way thru. someone make this man watch the other series !!!
the first dude Dusan ever popped a boner for was The Rock jussayin.
i hOPE this is what you wanted??? if not pls send another ask and i will add on/clarify whatever??? i love Dusan and i love rambling about this jackass.
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