#Libreoffice is good but I was trained extensively in Microsoft's products
patchwork-crow-writes · 3 months
Hey guys remember when you could... OWN Microsoft Office?
Like, you'd pay for it one time, and you just... had it. And you could just use it whenever, for whatever purpose.
I'm not gonna pretend that charging £60+ for these programs was good, but at least you only had to pay for it ONCE.
And now it's all "oooh, pay us £5.99 a month for the privilege of using our fine product offline on a continual basis and all this additional crap you didn't want" and it just makes me want to bite something very hard because NO, we USED to be able to just have the thing, and pay for it, and then we had the thing forever, and that was FINE. But noooo, unless we're always paying these corporations all the disposable money we have at regular intervals until the heat-death of the universe, how will these multi-billion dollar conglomerates EVER be able to fund their subpar products and services to sell and resell back to us at exorbitant prices forever and ever a-goddamn-men?!
...I need Word for my proofreading course because of the Track Changes feature, in case anyone was wondering.
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