#Leo doesn't have a clue how long he's been infected before returning to NY
sugarpasteltmnt · 4 months
I'm a bit confused about the timeline of TNV. When exactly did Leo get infected? Like at the start of the five years that he spent in the prison dimension, middle or end? And did Leo learn to teleport before or after he got infected? Or is it meant to be kept vague?
Unless you are gonna touch on that in future chapters
teehee i like to keep it a bit vague! though i'd say it was more towards the tail end of Leo's 'stay', after Krang One had plenty of time to blow off some steam with his new punching bag and began to realize the potential pawn in front of him.
Leo had the parasite just briefly enough that he still managed to keep it from consuming him, but long enough for him to have had a chance to figure out his new fun powers to fight Krang with. However long that was is free for interpretation 🩵
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