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tampire · 2 years ago
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Lemon cosplays as The Corinthian in Canada’s Drag Race Season 1
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sweetlikesunflowersandhoney · 2 months ago
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Lemon looking at Priyanka like the sun rises from her smile part 6373747
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missjanjie · 2 months ago
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happy 2025 we are so back
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la-grande-dames · 2 months ago
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thecollectionsof · 19 days ago
Ohhh can I request 4 please? And your choice of ship 😊😊
some of us (not naming names) has had an ao3 authors note of a day today so i only got one done. but i think this is cute so :)
lemyanka being dumbasses (affectionate)
“Pri, stop!”
Priyanka jumps, her hands flying away from the blender. The lemon-yellow blur as Lemon pushes into the room dims everything around her by comparison, though whether that’s from the bright yellow of her clothing or just her in general, Pri can’t say. 
“What? What?” She asks hurriedly, Lemon coming closer as she panics. That was Lemon’s Pri-is-a-dumbass voice, and yeah, maybe she should’ve found the lid to the blender, but she was only going to turn it on for a second. Maybe even less than that!
“You were not about to turn on the blender without the lid.” Lemon says it like a statement. Pri doesn't know how to answer that. 
“Umm… yeah. Right.” 
Lemon, ever the bullshit detector (especially when it comes to her), gives her a look. “Gimme the lid, then.”
She laughs, knowing that Lemon sees through this, too. “Come onnnnn, Lem. How stupid do you think I am?” She taps the counter behind her quietly, trying to find the lid to the blender without Lemon noticing. 
“You just tried to use the blender without—”
“Don’t answer that. I was just going to test it! I don’t know if it will work, it’s been ages since I’ve used it.”
Lemon’s gaze is set on the blender, so she chances a glance behind her.
She sees nothing. No lid, nothing. Really, where could it be? She had it a second ago…
Lemon huffs, turning to look at her with her hands on her hips. “It would go everywhere!”
“Not if I was fast!” Lemon just looks at her. She winces, hearing how hollow her argument is. “I can’t find it. The lid.”
“How do you manage to survive without me,” Lemon sighs, though her fond smile shatters the illusion of exasperation. Not that Pri thought she was ever actually upset with her over it—through days of dealing with a moody Lemon after a bad audition and her frustration when a gig fell through, they knew each other too well to think of this bickering as anything more than a conversation.
“Not well. I’m falling apart every day without you, Princess Lemondrop,” she swoons, just to fuck with her. Lemon scowls lovingly, somehow, but it’s so perfectly Lemon that it makes sense. 
It’s kind of true, though—there’s something different about the days where Lemon’s sprawled across the couch, her dry quips keeping her company as she finds something new to throw herself into. 
Why isn’t Lemon here every day? 
“Move in with me.”
She’s staring at Lemon, and Lemon’s staring back. “What?”
“Move in. With me?” It comes out as a question the second time, even though she’s confident that this is what she wants. “You can save me from the blender, I can make dinner after you audition. Win-win.”
The quiet between them as Lemon thinks about it is both deafening and comforting. This is the silence she could get used to if Lemon lived with her, and god does she want that to happen now that she’s realized the possibility. 
“Okay, sure. But you can’t cover our kitchen in smoothie, and you have to load the dishwasher.”
Lemon. Living with her! She’s nodding before she fully hears Lemon’s stipulations, not that they would change anything. “Yes! Yes. Sold.”
The excitement is threatening to bubble over, so she lets it. It’s not like Lemon will judge her, not in a way that matters, so she can’t help the way she dances around, pulling Lemon to clumsily (on her end, not on Lemon’s) circle around the kitchen, bouncing all the while. “We’re going to live together!”
“I’m going to live with you!”
Her smile is breaking her in half, and Lemon’s grows to match. “Togetherrrrrr,” She sings, delightedly. “Lemon and Priyanka, sitting in a tree. M-O-V-I-N-G… G.”
Lemon rolls her eyes, fondness dripping from every syllable she speaks. “Priyanka, you dumbass.”
Pri pulls them both to a stop, roughly back where they started. They’re closer to each other than they were before, but she never seems to notice it when the other person is Lemon, for some reason. “Your roommate dumbass. That’s special.” 
It’s easy to predict the eye roll this time, but it’s no less endearing. “Sure, babe. You’re special.”
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orionsstory · 8 months ago
for the drabbles, “Sorry, bad habit.”
im so sorry this is like a million years late 😭, I've been super busy with work and real life so I haven't been able to write or even check tumblr 💔 but here we are !! some lemyanka for the soul :3 -
Wails rang out through Priyanka's apartment, the girl anxiously paced back and forth as she bounced a toddler in her arms.
"Nadiya, please...I'm trying my best here." She sighed as the toddler ignored her request, continuing to cry out. Priyanka was currently babysitting her niece, and it had not been going well. She thought taking care of a one year old would be a lot easier- but she was dead wrong.
Suddenly, she heard the doorbell ring. Nadiya cried louder as she rushed to open the door. Standing there was Lemon, and it suddenly dawned on Priyanka that she had invited her girlfriend over for a movie day, mentally cursing her poor memory.
"Lem, I'm sorry, I-"
Lemon interrupted her as she entered the apartment, scooping Nadiya out of Priyanka's arms. She began to rock the child, shushing her. Miraculously, it worked and Nadiya quieted down. Priyanka quietly closed her front door, confused by what was happening before her.
"Sorry, bad habit. I used to be a babysitter. She's hungry, do you have something for her to eat?"
"I, uh, yeah- hold on." Priyanka stuttered, digging around in the bag her sister had sent. 
The two sat quietly for a moment, watching as Nadiya ate before Priyanka spoke up.
"How did you do that? Are you some sort of baby whisperer?"
Lemon scoffed, "No, of course not. I told you, I used to babysit."
"You? Lemon, you used to babysit?"
"Yes, and I was a damn good one at that. It's not that hard to believe!"
"You hate getting dirty, and kids are like..." she gestured wildly with her hands, "the dirtiest things on the planet!"
Lemon shrugged, "I needed money and people paid well. I'll have you know, I was the most popular sitter in my town. Now, more importantly, why do you have a toddler?"
"She's my niece, I forgot about our movie day so I agreed to babysit. I'm sorry Lem."
Lemon waved her off, "It's fine, we can still have a movie day. Besides, you obviously need help."
"I was handling it!"
Lemon raised her eyebrow at the other girl.
"Okay, maybe I wasn't."
Lemon laughed and Priyanka cracked a smile, Nadiya giggling and waving her hands at the two.
The first movie of the day was a Barbie movie Lemon insisted on watching, saying it was her favorite as a child so Nadiya would like it too. When the toddler began to fall asleep halfway through, Priyanka attempted to pick her up again and take her to the bedroom to lie down. Unfortunately, she began to wail as soon as Priyanka picked her up.
"Oh come on! What did I do now?"
Lemon appeared behind her, stifling a laugh as she held her arms out for the girl. Priyanka handed her over, and Nadiya's sobs immediately ceased.
"You've got to be kidding me. I can't believe my own niece, my own flesh and blood, likes you more than me!"
"Cry about it." Lemon blew her a kiss.
Priyanka playfully scoffed as they returned to the living room, Lemon insisting they continue the Barbie movie. The time flew by fast after that, Nadiya woke up shortly after, and Priyanka and Lemon tried to keep her entertained until her sister arrived. Priyanka had to admit that seeing Lemon interacting with her niece made her heart flutter. Soon, Nadiya had left and it was just the two of them.
"So, do you wanna continue movie night?"
"You owe me dinner first. Babysitting is hard work, and you were no help." Lemon teased.
"Yeah, yeah, thanks for your help," Priyanka kissed her cheek, "what do you want?"
They spent the rest of their movie night eating Thai food and watching old movies from their childhood. Lemon showed Priyanka some of her old ballet photos and she showed Lemon her favorite movie as a kid. While the day may not have originally gone as intended, Priyanka still thinks this may be her favorite date yet.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 11 months ago
Our Song (Lemyanka)
The first part of my Swiftie Writing Project is here!! I've only written this ship once before in a drabble, but I've been wanting to write more of them. Enjoy some cute fluff!
Read on ao3
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of her car
She's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart
Lemon could feel every slight bump in the road as she sat in the passenger seat. Priyanka’s hand-me-down used car was older than both of them combined. The air conditioning was broken and the battery was on the fritz, but it didn’t stop them from impromptu weekend road trips. 
The teenagers were just returning from the movie theater, two towns over. The little Ontario town they lived in was more of a glorified village, so they had to travel to do anything fun. 
Lemon listened to the radio as they passed the other cars. The windows were down and she felt the summer sun on her hair, making it appear blonder. 
She let go of Priyanka’s hand to reach over to the radio dial, slowly turning it to the left. The music went quieter, causing her girlfriend to notice. Priyanka glanced at her for a moment, her head slightly turned. 
“Baby, is something wrong?” she asked. 
When Priyanka asked her, Lemon realized how stupid she was about to sound. But she was already too deep, so she might as well go for it. 
“It’s nothing, I just kinda realized that we don’t have a song,” she said sheepishly. 
Priyanka tilted her head in confusion as she changed lanes, “What do you mean? Do we have to have a song?” she pointed out. Her girlfriend had a point, it wasn’t something they needed to have to be in a relationship. 
Lemon shrugged and turned the radio volume back up. Some music could maybe give her some inspiration.
Our song is the slamming screen door
Sneakin' out late, tapping on your window
When we're on the phone, and you talk real slow
'Cause it's late, and your mama don't know
Later that night, Lemon couldn’t sleep. She tossed and turned in her bed, but sleep wouldn’t come. The blonde gave up on trying to fight for sleep and peeked out her bedroom blinds to the neighbor’s house. 
The only window that had a light on was the one at the end of the hallway. She grinned as she soon found her hoodie and Converse shoes in the dark.
Several minutes later, Lemon crossed the quiet street while looking out for any stray cars. Most of everyone in town was back home at this late hour. 
She snuck through the rose bushes in front of Priyanka’s window, being careful of the thorns. Priyanka’s house was one of the nicest yards in the neighborhood, and Lemon did not want to ruin that. 
Lemon got to the window and reached to carefully tap on the glass. She couldn’t be too loud and wake up the entire house. Piryanka’s parents were serious about getting enough sleep at night.
A pair of eyes peeked through the blinds before they were pulled up. Priyanka recognized Lemon in the light from her bedroom and opened the window. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked in a low voice. 
“I couldn’t sleep, can you let me in?” the blonde asked.
Priyanka looked towards her bedroom door, and then back to her girlfriend, “Fine, just keep your voice down.” 
Lemon would cringe as she would accidentally cause the back screen door to slam early the next morning, but sneaking back into her house was always worth more time with Priyanka.
I've heard every album, listened to the radio
Waited for something to come along
That was as good as our song
Lemon spent all day after getting home from school the next week listening to every playlist she had. All through the driving playlist, the homework playlist, and everything that Spotify recommended to her. 
No song that felt like it was meant to be their song. 
Priyanka wasn’t the one who was into finding what their song was, but that just made Lemon more determined. All their friends had found songs that fit their relationships, but Lemon felt that their song was still out there.
By the end of the week, Lemon was feeling like she was nearly giving up on finding a song. She reached the point of listening to her parent’s old CDs, but that wasn’t helping her search either. 
She and Priyanka were going on another small road trip to the only mall in the area, that was over an hour away. She needed her sleep, even if that meant her search was over for the night. 
Lemon shut her old laptop without bothering to shut it off. Putting it on the ottoman at the foot of her bed, she drifted off to a dreamless, uninspiring sleep. 
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of his car
I grabbed a pen and an old napkin
And I wrote down our song
“When is this road work going to be over?” Priyanka sighed as they pulled up to the long line of cars in front of them. The traffic reached a standstill as they were nearing the exit to get off the freeway. 
Lemon glanced at the radio that was playing her usual driving playlist. She already listened to these songs all week as she was on a listless search for her and Priyanka’s songs. The blonde was growing bored of these songs that she’d listened to so many times.
With a swoop of her hand, Lemon took her phone off the aux cord. The car turned to sudden silence, with only the sound of the engine keeping them company. 
Priyanka looked at her in surprise, “What was that for?” she asked with a raised eyebrow. She glanced between Lemon and the phone that was still in her hand.
Lemon looked at the radio again, “Why don’t we find a radio station to listen to? I’ve been listening to these songs literally all week, it's not even funny.”
“Are you still trying to find our song?” Priyanka asked as she pressed the power button on the radio dial. All they heard was an angry white noise until Priyanka found the search button to find a station. 
As the traffic pulled up, Lemon searched through the different stations. She found the top 40, gospel, folk songs, and classic rock. At the higher end of the FM stations, she found a station playing popular songs from the 90’s and 2000’s. 
During the rest of the car ride, Lemon sang her heart out with Priyanka by her side. Backstreet Boys, Destiny’s Child, and then to Spice Girls filled the car as they made their way to the mall. As Priyanka found a good parking spot during the middle of a Britney Spears classic, an idea suddenly hit Lemon. 
She pulled open the glovebox, searching through the insurance cards and owner’s manual. At the bottom of the papers, she found an old napkin with a Taco Bell logo on it. She found a pen that originally came from a nearby bank off the floor, and clicked it. 
“Are you writing a list?” Priyanka asked as she shut off the car. 
“No, I’m gonna write our song,” Lemon said as she tested the pen on her hand.
Priyanka rolled her eyes playfully, “Can you write it after we go to the sale at Zara?” 
Lemon laughed as she put the napkin and pen on the dusty dashboard. “C’mon, you dork,” she said before they both left the car, holding hands as they walked inside.
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utica-lux · 2 years ago
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Lemyanka day :)))
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petitmonde · 2 years ago
here for company gimme ummmmmmm 7 11 13 14 18 for lemyanka pls and thank you (i'm stuck at work and would lvoe some lemyanka)
I mean... how can I deny a good friend some dumb lesbians. I can't. So here's my good samaritan act.
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
Lemon is a clothes stealer and you can't change my mind about that. When she saw Priyanka's reaction to her just wearing her t-shirt with nothing else underneath, Lemon knew she had a killer combo on her hands to get whatever she wanted.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
I mean... if Taste Test is anything to go by, Lemon bails Priyanka out big time. She'll bust a move to get through the lasers and eat crisps afterwards.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
Priyanka for sure. Especially little snacks she's made (and insists that she just made too many)
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
I don't think it's a mistake that Lemon does it. It's very deliberate, and it always flusters Priyanka.
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
Through a set of misunderstandings, Priyanka thinks Lemon confessed her feelings for her – so she ought to give her a reply, making her the first one to actually confess.
OTP asks
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alittlebitgoofy · 1 year ago
ok but while i'm being semi active again, has anyone got any smut fic recs bc t did a looooot and now I need some good shit
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scarletenvy · 9 months ago
had an out of body experience upon opening instagram and seeing priyanka prancing around in just a hockey jersey…. those were the two interests i never thought would collide
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sweetlikesunflowersandhoney · 2 months ago
I'll always be grateful that while other shippers had to be grateful for breadcrumbs, Lemyanka was always a full buffet
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missjanjie · 1 year ago
for the prompts, i've always wanted to see lemyanka + accidental baby acquisition
Lemon had just entered the apartment and nearly turned right back out. But her curiosity got the best of her, at least enough to keep that inside. “Put that thing back where it came from or so help me.”
“What do you want me to do? Run a DNA test and see whose vagina I can shove it back up?” Priyanka asked, bouncing a surprisingly calm infant in her arms.
“Or something!” The blonde huffed. “Okay, let’s go back to the beginning and tell me what happened.”
“Well, when a man and a woman love each other very much–”
Lemon pinched the bridge of her nose. “Skip to the part where the baby ended up in your possession.”
Priyanka didn’t miss a beat. “Someone asked me to hold her at the grocery store and after like, ten minutes, I started looking around for the mom and when I made eye contact, she ran out the door and drove away. Which would explain why she gave me a diaper bag too.”
She looked at her girlfriend in utter disbelief. “It’s a miracle you didn’t get abducted as a child,” she remarked, then added, “we’re taking the baby to the hospital.”
“I don’t think she’s sick.”
Lemon blinked, wondering if she had to officially embrace being morosexual. “Do you know how bad it is when I’m the smart one here? Hospital. Now.”
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slutnali · 2 years ago
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@sweetlikesunflowersandhoney if your ship didn’t have a video with that audio it was basically a notp in that fandom, like you were losing the battle of ships back then.. it was serious 😩
do you guys remember the chokehold the “what’s a soulmate” audio from Dawsons Creek used on those YouTube fan made videos of ships had on us? We used to be a proper nation.
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thecollectionsof · 1 year ago
a lemyanka fic for beloved @sweetlikesunflowersandhoney
It's Lemon's birthday party and Priyanka said she'd be here. They even planned it together! What a horrible birthday present: her best-friend-slash-crush not even caring enough to come celebrate her birthday with her. God, why did she even plan a birthday party in the first place? At least she has the cake, though. Cake makes everything better.
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eyeslikewatercoolers · 11 months ago
WIP Wednesday- Lemyanka (Our Song songfic)
Here's a bit of the first installment for my upcoming swiftie writing project! Based off of Our Song from the debut album
I was ridin' shotgun with my hair undone
In the front seat of her car
She's got a one-hand feel on the steering wheel
The other on my heart
Lemon could feel every slight bump in the road as she sat in the passenger seat. Priyanka’s hand-me-down used car was older than both of them combined. The air conditioning was broken and the battery was finicky, but it didn’t stop them from impromptu weekend road trips. 
The teenagers were just returning from the movie theater, two towns over. The little Ontario town they lived in was more of a glorified village, so they had to travel to do anything fun. 
Lemon listened to the radio as they passed the other cars. The windows were down and she felt the summer sun on her hair, making it appear blonder. 
She let go of Priyanka’s hand for a moment to reach over to the radio dial, slowly turning it to the left. Priyanka glanced at her for a moment, her head slightly turned. 
“What’s wrong?” she asked. 
When Priyanka asked her, Lemon realized how stupid she was about to sound. But she was already too deep, so she might as well go for it. 
“It’s nothing, I just kinda realized that we don’t have a song,” she said sheepishly. 
Priyanka tilted her head in confusion as she changed lanes, “What do you mean? Do we have to have a song?” she pointed out. Her girlfriend had a point, it wasn’t something they needed to have to be in a relationship. 
Lemon shrugged and turned the radio back up. Maybe some music would give her some inspiration.
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