#Lee Donghyuck fluff
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sunshyni · 23 hours ago
Álbum de fotografias | HC
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III – First time
。𖦹°‧Sinopse – Você nunca foi uma romântica incurável. Até alguns meses atrás, mantinha um relacionamento agradável com Jeno, descomplicado e tranquilo, exatamente como você acreditava que alguns casais deveriam ser. No entanto, com o casamento iminente da sua irmã, ambientado no cenário do seu filme favorito, “Mamma Mia!”, e a presença de um padrinho provocador, suas expectativas sobre o amor e o destino estão prestes a mudar completamente.
Palavras – 1.6k
。𖦹°‧Notinha da Sun – Continuação dessa aqui!! Acho que vai ter mais uns 3 capítulos, mas eu não sei KKKKKK Tô só escrevendo sem muito planejamento, só por diversãooo, beijinhos e espero que vocês gostem!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!! 🌀
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Você definitivamente não era uma romântica incurável, mas desde o dia anterior não parava de pensar na foto. Foi só um acaso? Ou podia chamar aquilo de destino? Por que vocês tinham uma foto juntos e se reencontraram depois de mais de uma década? Você não fazia ideia, mas aquilo estava te incomodando, assim como a presença de Donghyuck.
Na noite anterior, depois de um jantar sob as estrelas com os padrinhos e madrinhas, vocês riram à beça. Você bebeu além da conta, tentando acompanhá-lo, já que ele era um consumidor nato de álcool. Donghyuck te acompanhou até a porta do quarto. Ficaram uns bons segundos se encarando, talvez por estarem meio alterados ou quem sabe por outro motivo qualquer. Ele te beijou na bochecha, um beijo gentil que demorou mais do que a etiqueta permitia, mas que fez você se sentir quentinha por dentro. Depois, ele se despediu e fechou a porta para você.
Obviamente, você não dormiu muito. Não sabia que era possível pensar tanto em alguém que mal conhecia, mas era exatamente isso que estava acontecendo. Você estava meio encantada, mesmo ele sendo completamente o oposto dos caras por quem normalmente se interessava. Até se esquecia de que seu ex estava ali, no mesmo casamento que você, observando em silêncio sua interação com o amigo do noivo. Você sabia que ele analisava tudo, mas, inesperadamente, não dava muita bola.
Achava que seria um inferno ter que dividir o mesmo espaço que ele, mas Donghyuck tornava tudo tão fácil, tão leve, que você nem tinha tempo de perceber.
— Tá pensativa, aconteceu alguma coisa? — Sua irmã ajeitava seu cabelo com a chapinha. Só ela sabia como alisá-lo, pelo menos minimamente. Você sabia que ele ficaria ondulado em menos de uma hora. Arrancou um fiapinho da calça jeans boca de sino que estava vestindo. Todo mundo estava à la ABBA dos anos 70, e você não era exceção. Era a despedida de solteira da sua irmã. As mulheres ficariam em uma área da ilha, enquanto os homens em outra. — Percebi sua interação com o Haechan. O que tá rolando, hein?
Ela te olhou pelo espelho da penteadeira antiga e branca, e você sorriu, desviando o olhar. Não queria admitir nada ainda, mas achava, talvez tivesse certeza, de que estava atraída por ele. Talvez fosse o fato de vocês serem tão diferentes. Afinal, uma carga positiva sempre se atrai por uma negativa, não é?
— Para, não tá rolando nada — Você disse, mexendo nas pulseiras, meio inquieta. Sua irmã era como sua alma gêmea e sabia que você estava mentindo. Por isso, parou de arrumar o cabelo e te olhou, arqueando as sobrancelhas em descrença.
— Tá, a gente meio que se beijou quando eu cheguei aqui.
— Vocês o quê?! — Ela exclamou, e você se virou no banquinho para olhar para ela diretamente, sem o reflexo do espelho.
— É, pra valer. A gente tava na escada. O Jeno apareceu, achou que era você e o Jaemin… Então, eu tive que encenar.
— Ele retribuiu? — Ela perguntou, sentando-se na beira da cama, curiosa com o desenrolar da história. Você deixou ela curiosa de propósito, parando a explicação para deslizar o aplicador do gloss preferido nos lábios. Sua irmã imediatamente te atacou com um travesseiro.
— Ai, calma! — Você disse, rindo. — Sim, ele retribuiu… Na segunda vez.
— Vocês se beijaram duas vezes e só agora você me conta?
— Não foram exatamente duas vezes… — Você explicou, dando de ombros. — A questão é que foi bom, só que eu quase nem conheço ele. Teve esse negócio da foto, e a gente se deu tão bem ontem…
— Tá pensando demais. Por que você simplesmente não beija ele pela terceira vez? — Sua irmã sugeriu, e você revirou os olhos enquanto olhava para o espelho novamente. Gostava de apostas seguras, de ter as coisas sob controle, mas com Haechan… Com ele, tudo parecia imediato, incalculável, e você detestava isso. Não era à toa que vivia criando planilhas de planners diários e anuais. Talvez fosse por isso que seu relacionamento com Jeno chegou ao fim. Era tudo tão previsível, comum, e rotineiro.
— Acha que eu deveria? — Você perguntou, olhando para sua irmã pelo reflexo do espelho. Ela assentiu enquanto brincava com um chapéu de cowgirl rosa, que não fazia o menor sentido no conceito ABBA.
— Acho. E acho que você devia ser rápida. Umas duas madrinhas estão de olho nele desde que chegou.
— Onde os amigos do noivo estão?
Sua irmã riu com a sua pergunta imediata e te orientou sobre onde eles estariam, próximos à praia. Você desceu metade da escadaria com os saltos enormes que sua extravagante irmã te emprestara. Depois, desamarrou as tiras para descer descalça, nas pontas dos pés. A calça jeans provavelmente ficaria cheia de areia, mas quem ligava? Aquela era sua primeira escolha emocional em muito tempo.
Haechan sorriu quando te viu. Você também sorriu, observando o visual all jeans que ele escolhera. Correu pela areia até ele, ofegante, tocando os joelhos enquanto esperava a euforia passar.
— Desceu tudo aquilo correndo assim, burguesinha? — Você o olhou nos olhos, aproximando-se um pouco mais depois de recuperar o fôlego. Haechan te encarou enquanto os demais garotos riam em conjunto com suas cervejas ao redor da fogueira no lual masculino. Vocês estavam um pouco afastados, mas o fogo da fogueira refletia no olhar tenro de Haechan. Você tocou suavemente o rosto dele, acariciando a bochecha. Ele quase suspirou, mas você percebeu que ele prendia o fôlego, meio desacreditado.
— Você não me provoca quando me chama de burguesinha, sabia? Pelo contrário, é fofo.
— Ah, é? — Ele questionou, tirando sua mão de seu rosto apenas para acariciá-la. Levou o dorso aos lábios, sentindo o perfume único que você exalava. Ele estava viciado em você, nas suas respostas afiadas, no olhar que sempre direcionava a ele quando estavam sozinhos.
— Aham. Você tenta manter a pose de que é pura provocação, mas eu sei que é por carinho.
Haechan beijou sua bochecha, puxando-a para mais perto com o braço que envolveu sua cintura. Os olhos dele alternavam entre o seu olhar e sua boca.
— Quem colocou isso nessa sua cabecinha linda, burguesinha? — Ele perguntou, com o rosto tão próximo do seu que você deixou um beijo casto em seus lábios, pegando-o de surpresa.
— Essa é a hora que você me diz para te beijar direito? — Haechan sorriu com a sua pergunta, segurou seu rosto com as mãos e te envolveu em um beijo cadenciado, calmo, que te fez ficar nas pontas dos pés. Você sorriu entre os lábios dele. Era doce demais. Ele era doce demais.
— Essa é a hora que você me deixa entrar no seu quarto? — Ele sussurrou rente aos seus lábios, e seu coração disparou. Com certeza, Haechan já tinha tido momentos assim com outras garotas, mas com você era diferente. Você nunca tinha feito isso antes e não sabia se aquele era o momento certo. Pensava demais, como sempre, então apenas assentiu com a cabeça, e ele beijou sua testa com carinho.
Diferente do dia em que você chegou, Haechan não só te beijou, como te fez sentar na escada. Todo mundo estava lá fora: as madrinhas, os padrinhos, o noivo e a noiva. Nenhum de vocês dois parecia se importar. Vocês se beijavam como se o mundo dependesse disso. Na escada mesmo, os beijos de Lee se alastravam preguiçosos pelo seu pescoço.
Haechan te olhou quando você começou a desfazer os botões da jaqueta jeans. Vocês se olharam como no primeiro dia, mas, dessa vez, você não desviou. Encarou-o de volta e o beijou devagar. Levantou-se aos poucos, receosa por ter que soltá-lo para continuar. Ele riu contra sua boca, segurando sua cintura. Você procurou a mão dele, tateando pelo corpo masculino até alcançar a palma. Entrelaçou seus dedos aos dele e o conduziu ao seu quarto.
Donghyuck parecia tão ansioso quanto você. Ele te observava com os olhos atentos, e suas mãos não conseguiam ficar longe de você. Ele se sentou na cama, encostando as costas na cabeceira de madeira, enquanto te acompanhava com o olhar ao se posicionar acima dele. As mãos dele delinearam sua cintura antes de te beijar de novo, de um jeito doce e meigo.
“Dancing Queen” tocava ao longe. Provavelmente sua irmã estava reproduzindo a dancinha icônica que vocês inventaram quando mais jovens. Você sorriu, o que fez Haechan sorrir também.
— Acho que nunca fiquei de amasso com alguém ao som de Dancing Queen. — Você sussurrou, um tanto desconcertada, enquanto ele terminava de desfazer os botões da sua jaqueta jeans e a tirava, revelando sua pele dourada, que brilhava de um jeito que você nunca tinha visto antes. Ele percebeu seu acanhamento e te beijou mais uma vez, te fazendo esquecer até do seu sobrenome. O único sobrenome que piscava como um letreiro de neon era o dele: Lee, brilhante e ofuscante.
Com aquele sorrisinho insolente pintando os lábios rosados, ele sibilou para você, enquanto a mão apertava sua cintura um pouco mais forte:
— Para tudo tem uma primeira vez, burguesinha.
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@sunshyni. Todos os direitos reservados.
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jirsungs · 4 months ago
NO IDEA ☆ l.dh
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pairing: loser!donghyuck x fem!reader
no idea synopsis: a story where both you and lee donghyuck seem to get what you want. he's the perfect pawn in making your ex-boyfriend jealous and the smarty pants tutor helping you pass your math class. donghyuck has it easy too, he's finally able to seek out and experience the world of dating through you, his long-devoted crush and surprisingly enthusiastic tutoring student. but then again, when meaningless tutoring sessions soon evolve into reciprocated feelings, is it really that easy?
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genre: college au, nonidol au, fake dating au, social media au (includes written chapters), classmates to friends to lovers, he's a nerd & she's a popular cheerleader (you see where this is going), he fell first but she fell harder trope, kinda based off to all the boys i've loved before, fluff, crack/humor, angst, one-sided pining that turns into mutual pining
warnings: explicit language, unrealistic college partying, talks about family issues (this does NOT reflect any of the idol's families!), yuqi has an ex gf, some alcohol consumption, kys and sexual humor, bullying, hyuck and his buds are mistreated ☹️, hyunjin is a bad bf!!!, cheesy af, unrequited love, bad insults that sound like they're from the 2000s, HELLA miscommunication
no idea playlist: btr's no idea, taylor swift's you belong with me, the vamps + demi lovato's somebody to you, james arthur's can i be him, ariana grande's daydreamin, fitz & the tantrums' out of my league, shawn mendes' treat you better, bruno mars' just the way you are, lonely god's marlboro nights, the 1975's i'm in love with you, sam smith's like i can, arctic monkeys' wanna be yours
author's note: FIRST HYUCK SMAUU! how we feeling 😏 i needed to get this idea out of my system! plus, i love this type of trope, and haechan just fits the nerdy role 😭 I HAD TO! but happy reading :D <3
comment if you wish to be tagged for the story's updates!
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profiles: "ncu freaks" + jeno 🤔 | gal pals & two men
intro. #manifestationiskey 🩷
ep 1. but a FAILING?
ep 2. i guess i'm her tutor
ep 4. COUGH y/n bag him COUGH
ep 5. i know i can treat youuu bettterr
ep 7. bro texts with his 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 𝓪𝓵𝓹𝓱𝓪 mode on 🐺👅
ep 8. bro fumbled HARD 🤦‍♂️
ep 11. lemme guess, fake boyfriend responsibilities? (written)
ep 12. jeno got me up... plotting
ep 13. AMAZING fake boyfriend
ep 14.
ep 15.
ep 16.
ep 17.
ep 18.
more to come. . .!
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started: 09/06/24 finished:
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from-izzy · 6 months ago
[08:52] | nct lee donghyuck | haechan
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“I love how you cared for me after, especially last night.”
pairing » nct lee donghyuck (haechan) x fem!reader​
trope/au » ​established relationship au!, marriage!au, non-idol au!
genre » mildly (?; as compared to my latest one before) suggestive but mainly fluff, dad haechan and mum reader, fluffy aftercare morning, just a cute little scenario in the morning, husband haechan who loves you very much, gentle haechan who treats you well, haechan and you both get to be the little/big spoon
word count; estimated reading time » 1626; ~6 mins
warnings (lmk if i missed anything!) » aftercare in the morning (continued from previous night), suggestive talk, reader wears haechan's clothes, reader has hair long enough to be tucked behind the ear, mentions of s*x; from previous night (no smut), haechan touches your lower body momentarily, abdominal cramps after s*x, (a ton of) kissing, pet names (baby girl, bubs), nicknames (hyuck), mildly (?) suggestive sentence at the end, haechan implied to be physically bigger, not proofread 😭
navi/masterlist!! 🤍
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just a small little something because exam season got me going 🤸🤸🤸🤸
i have a feeling that the next story i release is going to be a long one and is going to be quite emotional (for me at least) so this is a little 180 before that happens!
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The sun seeps through the small gaps between your curtain and the birds sing their songs too early for your liking; especially after what happened last night. Blinking your eyes open wasn’t effortful and so was satisfyingly yawning your sleep away. What your overused muscles did not like too much however was when you tried to sit up on the bed, your abdomen forcing your head to lay back on your pillow.
“Okay…” You chuckle to yourself, heat creeping onto your cheek when you remember the events of last night. A hand goes on top of your stomach, stroking your skin and remembering how someone else did the same thing to lull you back to sleep last night.
You turn your head towards that someone, an adoring smile on your face when you’re greeted with his messy morning hair and slightly gaped lips. You couldn’t help but lay on your side to admire Haechan’s features, his relaxed and light snoring making your heart beat faster. His eyelashes took your attention and you couldn’t help but brush the posterior side of your index finger along it, unfortunately stirring him into consciousness.
“Sorry,” You quickly apologised, scooting over closer to him to share some body warmth. You gently pulled his head to your chest, cradling and blocking the sun behind you from reaching him and playing with his black strands, humming a quiet song while your other hand patted his back.
Haechan satisfactorily groans at his wife’s loving touch, snuggling over to bury his nose between the pillow and the crook of your neck, “Morning, bubs.”
“Good morning, Hyuck,” pressing a kiss to the top of his hairline.
“How was your sleep?” His morning voice was still evident, deep and husky; almost like last night but in a more tame and most definitely more innocent way.
“Too good.”
You feel the smirk on your skin as Haechan leans into you to pamper kisses all over the curve of your shoulder, “Yeah?” Up towards your jawline to your chin. His tongue runs free a little bit when he reaches your bottom lip before lightly biting it. “You like that?” Asking after hearing you gasping and closing your eyes. “Baby girl, didn’t get enough action last night?”
A hand sneaks up past your waist, pulling his oversized shirt up and immediately finds its way on your lower body down to your ass. You couldn’t help but whine slightly when Haechan spread his fingers around one of your cheeks, his palm warmer than your body. He lightly grips your body, so differently from last night, and you can’t help but tilt your head down to kiss him as he reminds you of last night. 
You got lost in his lips treating yours so gently, making sure that he pours all his love into you. But as the intensity increased, you forgot about the lower body pain and your husband was alarmed by the way you pulled away suddenly, flopping over on your back with the crease between your eyebrows evident.
Haechan gives you space, backing away just enough to get a proper look at you. He props up to one elbow against the bed, a hand tucking your hair behind your ears, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You shake your head, a reassuring smile forming on your lips as soon as you see the worry in his eyes. A hand cups Haechan’s jawline, pulling him closer for a kiss. Just like before, Haechan didn’t stop giving you light reminders of his love around your face this time: the tip of your nose, forehead, eyelids and anywhere he could reach without hurting you. The hand that held your lower body moments before is now over the weighted blanket over you both, and he strokes the cotton to where your stomach is below.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, bubs.”
“You didn’t. Don’t apologise for that, Hyuck.” You immediately attempt to reassure his worries, “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
“You didn’t, bubs.”
But Haechan still couldn’t help but pout again and you mirror his expression more exaggeratedly in hopes of making the situation lighter; to make sure he knows that he took care of you well straight after as well and that last night shouldn’t be something he should apologise about.
“I love how you cared for me after, especially last night.” A light blush spread across his face and you giggled at the way he face dived into his cushion, red and shy. “Pulling me onto your lap, letting me rest on your shoulder while you dressed me and messaging my body.” 
“Were you okay?” You heard him over the pillow, “I tried to be as gentle as possible.”
“You were super gentle with me,” You nod, acknowledging him, “Non-stop kissing me and telling me that I’m beautiful.”
Haechan turns his head to you, a slight look of confusion on his face, “I’m just stating facts though?”
A push against his shoulder and a light melodic laugh is what you give him. Haechan joins in the laughter, and his hand over your stomach begins to move, his fingers rising and falling delicately. You both just stare at each other, commuting through your eyes the upturned corners of your lips. It wouldn’t be for too long though because this time, it’s your turn to be the little spoon, imitating exactly what you did before plus the addition of his whispers of sweet nothings against your ears. You indulge yourself in his warmth and his natural scent that reminds you of safety and home. The blanket is adjusted, Haechan pulling it up just underneath your eyes and you could swear you could slumber back to sleep at this moment. 
The door clicks open then and there, Haechan’s eyes lighting up at the sight of the little one. The younger girl runs to her parent’s bed like usual but stops in her tracks when Haechan puts a palm out towards her hurriedly, “Don’t jump on the bed, little bean.”
“Why…?” Sadness laced her voice.
“Mumma is in a little bit of pain at the moment,” you peek up behind your blanket, saying a quick greeting to what Haechan would say is a mini version of you. “Come over on this side,” tapping an empty spot on his side of the bed.
Soon, your child slumps over your husband’s figure, chin resting on his biceps as she looks over to you sadly, “Mumma, are you alright?”
“I am, baby, don’t worry.” You outstretched an arm towards your child, patting her head and successfully putting a smile on your face.
“Whoever hurts my mumma will have to go through me!”
Oh, if only she knew.
“You can’t beat, dadda, bean.” 
…oh my. 
You mentally face-palmed at the conversation unfolding before you. As your child lightly slaps your husband’s arm and asks for a reason why you’re bedridden, you can’t help but hide your face behind your blanket. You hear your husband panicking and stuttering, trying his best to go around the topic whilst also giving her a proper explanation that no, Haechan would never hurt you in that way.
“Dadda! You said you would always take care of mumma!”
“I-I do!”
“Then what is this?” She points at you, “Get away from mumma!”
You could no longer contain your laughter and it was the reason why your child stopped reprimanding her dad. Seeing you smile and laugh was the only reassurance that your child needed because she no longer gave her dad slaps and Haechan mentally thanked you for getting him out of that situation.
But seeing your child awake also reminded you of the time and the empty belly that she must have. Your mother instincts kicked in and your stomach cramp didn’t matter with her in your sight, “Alright, mumma will get up now.” 
“Hey, hey, no you’re not.” Haechan takes hold of your shoulder, grabs the corner of the blanket from the other side of the bed and pulls it to your chest. He hovers above you, heart-shaped eyes decorating his gaze on you. His arm stays there to lock you in, “I’ll take care of her. Just rest, bubs.”
“Hyuck, it’s fine.”
“No," he curtly responded. “Stay here. I’ll take care of the little gremlin.” 
“Dadda!” So maybe it wasn’t as quiet and subtle as he thought it was. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” Haechan pinches your daughter’s cheek, “Go to the kitchen. Dadda will meet you there with your favourite breakfast.” It didn’t take a second for her to jump out the bed, excited screaming and variations of ‘yay’s echoing your room, the hallway and soon, basically your whole house.
“Are you sure she’s not your mini me?” 
Haechan playfully scoffs, rolling his eyes at your question. “And what about my lovely wife? What breakfast do you want?”
“I’m not too hungry yet.” Feeling your eyelids becoming heavy once more as you exhale lightly from your lips, “I’ll make brunch later.”
Haechan hums at your thoughts and slips out from the shared blanket. The disappearance of the secure warmth and the weight of his hand on your stomach wasn’t the best but you’re aware of the parental duties that must be addressed first. As Haechan finally stands and stretches his limbs in the air, he doesn’t forget to give you a final kiss on the lips, staying there for a while, separating to look at you before planting another one.
“You shouldn’t want anything, baby girl,” Your slight eyebrow raise only made him smirk. And as you thought you would be able to go back to being sound asleep for another hour, Haechan just had to make your brain and heart go haywire, “Not with how I filled you up last night.”
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navi/masterlist!! 🤍
tags (send a dm/ask if you would like to be here or removed!): @k-labels 💙🤍 @k-films 🤎🎞️ @kflixnet 📺🍿
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106alibi · 2 months ago
lab rats! ; lee donghyuck
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pairing: biology-student!donghyuck x biology-student!reader
synopsis: graded internship season has finally rolled around for biology student y/n, and with a current gpa of 4.0 under her belt and an extremely high possibility of graduating valedictorian, she's fairly confident that acing her research internship will be just what she needs to secure that spot. of course, that was until a certain someone came into the equation.
or, y/n finds herself partnered with the last person she'd ever want to work with for her research internship, lee donghyuck.
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featuring: lee jeno, na jaemin, mark lee, and huang renjun of nct dream, kim minjeong of aespa
genre: social media au + written parts, university au, fluff, humour, angst, (one-sided) enemies to lovers
disclaimers: profanities, inappropriate jokes (incl. death jokes and suggestive jokes)
notes: y/n may be unlikable at first but she'll have her character development arc!!, I apologise if there are any discrepancies in the technicalities of the plot because I am NOT a biology major...
a/n: my first smau!! I didn't want to drop this now because I'll have to dip soon for national exams :( but I just COULDN'T WAIT!! I'll hopefully get the profiles up + the first chapter before dipping!!
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status: started (081024)
updates: slow for now, will pick back up in december!
taglist: open! drop a reply or ask to be added <3
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profiles: double date | girlgenius
chapter 00. pumpkin spiced latte
chapter 01. commence project PSLWCSAAMAHAPOV
chapter 02. raw dogging the pencil
chapter 03. dishwasher
chapter 04. am I your fav girl? (smau + written)
chapter 05. spineless fish
chapter 07. get back to work squidward
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cupofwyn · 5 months ago
beach shenanigans w/ bf!dream⠀( a series )
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▬⠀content יִ،⠀mark. renjun. jeno. haechan. jaemin. chenle. jisung.
pairing/s יִ،⠀bf!haechan lee × gn!reader
genre/s יִ،⠀fluff.⠀established relationship.
warning/s יִ،⠀pure fluff.⠀bulletpoints.⠀lowercaps. ⠀mention of the word war.⠀profanity.⠀
wc יִ،⠀0.9k
a/n יִ،⠀listen to loved you first by one direction when reading this! (this was the replaying song as i wrote this hc) i hope you'll enjoy reading ^^⠀
prompt יִ،⠀"having a bf is like having a misbehaved child." and it is certainly true, but you just couldn't resist watching when bf!haechan is having a petty fight over you with your nephew.
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“nuh uh. y/n loved me first, and we fell in love before you were even born!” haechan fought back, sticking out his tongue in front of your nephew's face
“well, i'm going to marry y/n first.” your nephew ended, crossing his arms and looking away from him
two high-pitched voices rang into your ears. ear screeching, and, unbelievably, from two different ages
the one standing on your left is your bf!haechan, and the other on your right is the nephew you’re babysitting
now, you're questioning yourself about how this feud between them fighting for your love started
now you remember
when your sibling and their significant other offered you to join them on a beach vacation, even inviting your boyfriend to join them, you greatly accepted the offer with open arms, and so did haechan
he was thrilled, even prompting that he was going to spend the few days of summer vacation before going back to the usual routine of daily life
until he saw your nephew
inviting the both of you was your sibling's bait to babysit their child
you didn't mind at all since you loved to take care of kids especially your nephew
but haechan
oh haechan despised it
the little devil
the one who could possibly steal you from him
with those two chubby cheeks, arms, and legs, sparkling round eyes, and petite figure which was the most adorable aspect of a toddler
(not in that way)
haechan could only scoff and agree that your nephew was indeed cute
but what he couldn't forgive
was him also competing for your love
when you and haechan (and nephew) were playing around with sandcastles, swimming by the shore, and shell-finding quests
all of those activities involved you to tickle and tease with your baby voice to your nephew only
saying to him that he was too cute to be true, that you wish you could bite their cheeks off from cuteness aggression, and laugh at every oblivious and nonsense talking a toddler usually does
haechan was offended
those things
those were the things you also did to him
and him only
he tried his very best, okay
to get along with your nephew but
when haechan would get closer to you and be whiny about also wanting your attention too
your nephew would cry all of a sudden, and you'd carry them
pacifying them to stop crying and doing your baby talks again, asking them who made their cute little baby cry
and he cunningly pointed his chubby little fingers to haechan, rubbing his other hand to wipe his crocodile tears
“bad haechan.” the two words that you uttered
words that made him shrink on the white sand and stare into the blinding sky
was he replaced to bad haechan and not anymore to baby? nor babe?
even pookie?
and you couldn't believe what was happening right now
it didn't really occur to you that haechan was genuinely jealous and was just simply teasing a toddler
but for them, it was more than that
this was war
“you can't marry y/n with that age.”
your nephew looks at him with his adorable pouty lips and cheeks
you wanted to pinch it at that moment, but it could only get between them
you wouldn’t want to risk your current amusement to end. you wanted this to continue
“why not?” your nephew obliviously asked
“because you're too young.”
“then when i grow older, i will marry her!”
haechan snickered and looked down at him with a smug grin
“when you get older, you say?” your boyfriend also crossed his arms, mimicking the toddler he was facing
“your so-called promise will no longer exist because we—!” haechan grabs you by the waist, and you're speechless, not one word to even spout just to let this petty fight flow
“will get married even before you're an adult!”
you choked on your own saliva at this proclamation
“what?” you managed to ask
“what—no!” your nephew's eyes welled with tears. “i lost,” he mumbled and soon ran to where his parents were, wailing in defeat
“mommy, i lost!”
“tsk. he deserved that.” he clicked his tongue, smirking to himself as he was finally pronounced winner
“what the fuck, haechan?”
haechan’s smug expression softened, turning to face you, now both his arms wrapped around your waist
the teasing and arrogant haechan was long gone, now softened and intently showing affection
“i was a bit dramatic, but… wouldn’t it be nice too?” he grinned sheepishly
your heart fluttered at his words
it was tempting
spending and committing to the man in front of you has passed your mind more than once,
but you wouldn't let him off the hook so easily
“proposing to me during a fight with a toddler, my nephew, to be exact. don’t you think i deserve more than that?”
haechan eyes lit up, and he placed his hand behind your head
pulling you closer to him as he kissed your forehead chastely
“when the time comes, baby. i’ll do much better than this.”
“i’ll expect it.” you kissed him back on his cheeks, pinching it after as your lips left his skin
and he laughed, closing his eyes from the pain
he kind of deserved that, he admitted
“am i back to being your baby?” haechan rubbed your waist, a ticklish yet careful feeling
anticipation of your consent evident in his eyes
you chuckled at this and cupped his left cheek, prodding him to be buried in your touch
and hopefully, your source of affection too
“you've always been my baby.”
this gave him a signal
a signal for him to pull you in and place his lips on yours
you placed your hand on his chest, the other on his shoulders, kissing him back with fervent
and he pulled away for a moment just to say—
“good. because i loved you first.” and you chuckled, both returning back to each other’s touch
smiling in between the kisses at this peculiar situation, bringing you both closer
and much closer to each other
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mastertag (still open)⠀:⠀@hoshipills
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© written by CUPOFWYN. 2024.
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nonranghaes · 6 months ago
your bedroom door creaks open just after midnight, and the weight of donghyuck crashing onto the bed next to you a few minutes later startles you awake. you stare at him in the low light, not fully-aware of what's going on. but he's just looking at you, patiently waiting.
you blink. "... hi?" you stifle a yawn as you sit up, turning on your lamp. the red numbers read out that it's literally two--now three--minutes after midnight. you just turn back to your boyfriend. "is something wrong?" you rub at your eyes. donghyuck doesn't just come over without warning.
he pouts at you. "really?" he reaches over, pinching your side a little--just to get you to jolt. "you're so mean. i came here so you'd be the first one, and you don't even remember."
remember...? you just sit there, brain still chugging along until it all finally clicks. "oh!" it earns a eye roll from donghyuck, but you ignore that as you lean in to kiss him. "happy birthday, my sunshine--"
"you'll have to make it up to me," he says. he's grinning, though, as he wraps his arms around you. "or i'm gonna tell everyone that you forgot."
you just roll your eyes, pulling him closer to you as you snuggle in. "mmhm. whatever you want later," you paw through the air before finding your lamp again, clicking it back off. "or your friends are gonna come beat me up."
"right." he grins as he buries his face into your neck, pressing a tiny kiss there before he shifts into a comfortable position. "whatever i want. no matter how expensive."
he's teasing you again, but you just let out a blissful sigh. "goodnight, my beautiful sunshine."
he just wraps his arms around you a little tighter, snuggling in to spend the beginning of his birthday with you. exactly the way he wanted to.
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injangcore · 5 months ago
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𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮
tags: jaeminxreaderxhaechan, poly relationship, established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, suggestive content, non explicit smut(?), food.
do not plagiarise, translate or repost.
Jaemin and Donghyuck, are two vastly different people, yet they exist in harmony - with each other, with you, and with the way they love you. And there's so so much love.
So much love, in the way Hyuck wakes up early to wash the dishes from last night as he lets you and Jaemin sleep in - soft snores till the morning sun bleeds into your shared bedroom - knowing Jaemin doesn't like coming to a cluttered kitchen.
Love in the way, Jaemin wakes up next and slowly leaves your embrace - as much as his mind screams at him to stay, stay and admire the way you look heavenly under the soft light, the way your hair frames your face so delicately, the way you smell like him and Hyuck- the way you smell like home that makes him want to bury himself in your neck and stay till his heart’s content - but alas, he has duties. Duties that revolve around you, and by extension Hyuck as well.
(rest under the cut)
Love in the way, Hyuck wears his mask as Luna crawls out after Jaemin, meowing in hunger at him as he reaches down to pet her soft fur, his heartaches that he can’t kiss her in the way you and Jaemin can as his allergies deprive him of the luxury - but he takes what he gets as he fills up her bowl and pets her as she eats.
Love in the way, Jaemin pours two cups of freshly brewed coffee, no words exchanged in the morning cold between your two boyfriends as they prepare for the surprise they have planned for their sweet special girl. Jaemin slowly potters around the kitchen, hoping not to wake his precious girl up, grabbing ingredients for your favorite breakfast meal, as Hyuck zips himself up in the jacket that you got him as he leaves the house to bring you a little extra something to start your special day off. 
Love in the way, you wake up to your cat on you as she meows for attention, Hyuck coming in frantic - “Don’t wake her up Luna-” and stops as he sees you slowly blinking off sleep, “Oh no, go back to bed, love” Hyuck whispers as he picks of Luna- her whining at him as he cuddles her close to his chest. “I’m up, I can’t go back to sleep now.” You mumble, rubbing your eyes as you sit up against the headboard, still drowsy. “Are you sure? You still have time love, you can still get a couple of minutes in.” Hyuck asks concerned, and lets out an achoo as Luna takes the chance to pounce from his arms onto your lap.
“Hyuck what- oh hi there sweetheart.” Jaemin greets you with a smile as he walks in an apron with the words ‘KISS THE CHEF’ on it, he leans down to kiss the top of your head and moves down to plant an affectionate kiss on your lips- making you beam with love- as his tender eyes gently take your form in, “Happy birthday, my favorite girl.”
“Kinda unfair that I was here first and yet I wasn’t the first person to wish you,” Hyuck whines and then playfully glares at Luna, “All because of that furball.” “Hey be nice, she's your daughter too!” You scold him gently, kissing the sweet kitty on her head, before turning to Jaemin, “Thank you, Nana.” 
“Always pretty girl, stay here while I get you your breakfast sweetheart.” He speaks softly, voice dripping in honey as he leaves the room, Luna following hot on his tail. “I swear she likes him more than me.” You huff as Hyuck slides in next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you against him, “You’re still my favorite though, darling.” He whispers in your ear, his lips getting to work as he leaves feathery kisses along your shoulder, making you whine at him for getting you worked up so early in the morning, he chuckles at your whine before his index and thumb finger slowly hooks at your chin and turns your face to him, “Happy Birthday, baby.” He says as he leans down to catch your lips in a tender kiss, you whine into his lips as his other hand starts going under your t-shirt (his t-shirt) and you knew this was going to get R-rated really quick if it wasn’t for Jaemin coughing as he enters the bedroom with the tray and the bouquet that Hyuck had run out to get early in the morning - making you separate from Hyuck’s lips- which made him whine. “Such a party pooper, Jaem.” The tan male huffs as Jaemin carefully places the tray in your lap, the smell and visual of the appetizing food making your stomach growl and your mouth wet.
“Dare I remind you that our girl hasn’t eaten yet, Hyuck, we have that saved for the night.” Jaemin chuckles, his heart full as you thank him for the meal and dig in, moaning at the amazing taste. “That good huh?” And his smile grows wider as you nod.
“Wow if that got you moaning like that, imagine what we can do-”
Jaemin and Hyuck had plans, and plans were they. A nice museum date followed by a fancy lunch in the restaurant that you've been raving about to the boys for weeks. Next they took you out to the carnival, got you cotton candy, and won you a bunch of plushies that joined your growing collection and kissed you on top of the Ferris wheel with the fireworks going off in the beautiful dark night sky.
And Hyuck kept true to his words, and so did Jaemin as they had you spread between them, keeping you drunk and high on their kisses, hot tongues mapping your body like a canvas, moans, and groans fill the room as they make your thighs shake and your eyes roll to the back of your head with a roll of their hips and their pillowy lips on your body. And when you succumb to sleep, your beloveds caging you between them as their breathing evens out, you fall asleep with your heart full and your thoughts void of any concerns as their words of love echo in your head, lulling you to sleep.
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p0ckykiss · 9 months ago
lovesick - lee haechan
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summary -> haechan is sick, and you are more than happy to take care of him.
warnings -> friends but they have a crush on each other😱
haechan laid in bed, sniffling. he had pulled the comforter back onto his body and curled up.
on the TV was his favorite show, he was currently rewatching it whilst he fought off his cold with rest.
lord knows where he had caught it, but it was unfortunate. days after he had decided to start his trek to college by moving out, he was sniffling and sneezing.
thankfully, he was able to postpone the college signup and tour, and get help moving into his apartment.
“i thought I told you to cover up with the sheet, not the comforter, hyuck,” you slowly opened the door, holding a plastic bag. “i only left for fifteen minutes.” you pulled the thick blanket off of him and folded it at the end of the bed.
the mask covering your face made it hard to see your expression, so haechan returned eye contact with his big, beautiful, brown doe eyes. “i’m cold.”
“i know you get cold, but we have to bring your temperature down. and you refuse to eat ice cream”
“speaking of temperature, I have to take yours again.”
he sat up and pulled his knees to his chest. “because you want me to eat the kind that doesn’t taste as good.” haechan really wanted you to take off your mask, because.. he just wanted you to.
you were gorgeous, and admiring your face could probably cure his sickness.
you shook your head. “i bought an alternative,” a few treats were pulled out of the bag. “ice pops. they’re cheap, and they are basically shaved ice. you can eat as many as you want, anything for the sake of you getting better.”
the thermometer that you had also pulled out of the bag was placed in haechan’s mouth.
haechan pouted while it took his temperature, because of how babied he was right now. it was to get him better faster, but he was supposed to be an adult, moving out into his old place. yet here you were, taking care of him.
“did you get any rest?” you held his face in your hands. partly to just coddle him further.
the thermometer beeped, and you took it out.
102 degrees.
still lower than the previous day.
“no.. I feel like my insides are on fire,” his voice was nasally and cute, the entirety of his nose red and irritated.
“and that’s what the ice pops are for, hyuck,” you peeled off the seal and handed it to him.
he took it from you, and stuck it in his mouth. immediately, his body felt a little more at peace, and his muscles relaxed.
earlier, he tried eating ice.
all that did was hurt his teeth. this was a happy solution to that madness. “how many did you buy?” he mumbled around the pop.
“i bought six, because I knew you would like them. they’re pretty big, so it should last you today and tomorrow. and just so you know these aren’t meals.”
“yeah, yeah,” haechan rolled his eyes and looked back at the TV.
“while you’re occupied, let’s take the sheet off of you, too,” you climbed onto the bed and laid next to him, close enough for comfort, but far enough to keep him from heating up. “you need to rest, once you’re done, got it?”
again, he rolled his eyes, but laid his head against your shoulders. his legs were tucked close to his body.
the show was getting good.
even if he was with you, he wouldn’t want to miss any of it - despite the fact that he was watching it again.
the couple in the show were getting closer, and he could actually see their chemistry. “look, look, they-” haechan pouted.
the ending music of the episode was playing, just as it seemed they would kiss. “how long have you been sleeping..” he set the empty ice pop inside the bag and grabbed another one.
best take advantage of this moment. haechan let you rest back on the pillows, curling you into his side as much as he wanted while covering you up with the sheet.
for extra measure, he slipped the mask off, down and under your chin.
“much better.” haechan grinned proudly.
nearly two episodes down the line, he felt his eyelids starting to get heavy, and he began to miss a few seconds of the show at a time. as a boring and ineffective part played out, his eyes began to shut. just then, you decided to wake up.
“hyuck..” you groaned, sitting up. “you didn’t even take your medicine..” it took you several moments to realize that your mask was off, but when you did, you playfully slapped his arm.
“stop, stop! I just wanted to see your face,” haechan pouted for the nth time this visit. “i’ll take my medicine if you give me a kiss.”
you pulled the medicine out of the bag and measured it out. “if you get me sick, I will be so mad at you, lee haechan, because some of us have to function in the real world, as fully functioning adults.” you held his chin and gave him a prolonged peck before handing him his medicine.
“hey!” it was hard to tell what part of his face was blushing, and what was red from his cold.
the way that you nonchalantly acknowledged the feelings you had for one another is what really sealed the deal for him. “thank you,” haechan mumbled as he took the medicine.
“i’m going now, before I catch more germs than I can afford.”
he stood up and grabbed your hand. “goodbye.” haechan’s eyes were wide, and he was feeling much bolder now that he was satisfied and not feeling like his insides were an inferno. he wrapped his arms around your torso and laid his head on your shoulder.
“goodbye, hyuck, take care of yourself while i’m gone, okay?” you rubbed his back and kissed his head. “my phone is always on if you need me.”
haechan retreated back to his bed, where he listened to you leave, before pulling out his phone to text you an unnecessarily long series of heart themed emojis.
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twilghtkoo · 2 years ago
xoxo - lee donghyuck
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synopsis. in which, your little niece has a crush on your boyfriend.
pairings. donghyuck x reader (f)
genre. fluff, established relationship, non!idol au
warnings. none!
notes. this idea is inspired by this tiktok i saw T_T i was like holy shit this is cute now let’s make it about hyuck :D also something is wrong w my taglist, it says it got deleted but i didn’t delete it so i might have to make a new one😭 so if the link isn’t working that’s why!! just letting y’all know :)
masterlist | series masterlist
“and she hates the crust on her bread–“ your older sister tries to inform.
you push her out your door, mindlessly nodding your head. “i know, i know, don’t worry she’s gonna be fine. now go, before you’re late.” you wave to her one last time before you close the door behind her with a huff.
your six year old niece is still standing behind you with her bluey backpack on her shoulders that has all the things that would entertain her for tonight.
“hi, sweetie. i missed you,” you crouch down to her level, helping her out of her shoes and taking off her backpack.
“i missed you too, auntie!” she smiles and takes off to your living room, giggling.
you had already put on her favorite cartoon on your tv, as you follow her with her bag in your hands before placing it beside the couch.
she’s totally immersed herself in the animated slice-of-life adventures of the dog family. you stand inches away from her, amused at how she has blocked out all of her surroundings.
you turn to walk into your kitchen, thinking of preparing something easy for dinner.
“auntie!” your niece calls out from the living room.
you hum in response, putting away the dried dishes from last night.
“is donghyuck-ie coming over today?” she asks, curiously. and you know just by her tone and the mention of her second favorite person (first is obviously me) she’s twiddling her fingers.
you chuckle to yourself. “yes, he’s coming over later though.”
you hear her gasp before it goes back to being silent, the faint sound of the tv echoing through your apartment.
you’ve noticed your little niece’s infatuation with your boyfriend and you and donghyuck think it’s the cutest thing. she loves playing with him when he comes over while you’re babysitting her, making him sit in the living room with her and color and play with her toys. she gets all shy and geeky when donghyuck walks with her holding hands.
your older sister finds it funny and amusing.
“tell your boyfriend to stop being so handsome yeah? my daughter is bragging to everybody that donghyuck-ie bought her a toy.” your sister groans into your ear, on the phone with you.
you’ve been busy preparing dinner in the kitchen, appreciating the comforting sound of bluey and bingo playing along. every so and so minutes you check on your niece by calling her name.
“just checking on you, you good?”
she hums cutely. “yes auntie.” you peek your head out, seeing her sprawled out on the floor with her backpack next to her and all its contents spread out. she’s drawing something in front of the tv, concentrating with her tongue poking out as she scribbled with her crayons and gazing up at the tv.
she crawls up to her feet, bending down to grab the piece of paper she was doodling on before stomping over to you.
“auntie! auntie!”
you raise your eyebrows, giving her your undivided attention.
she shoves the piece of paper in your face. “look!”
you lean your head back, blinking, trying to adjust to what she’s showing you.
she’s holding up a stationary bluey themed piece of paper that has blue textured crayon words written neatly across the printed lines.
‘dear sunflower ♡’
you gasp, bringing your hands to cover your mouth. “is this a letter for donghyuck?” you whisper to her, from her view, your eyes shaped into crescent moons and your hands are covering your smile.
your niece giggles, using the letter in her tiny hands to hide her face as the pig tails from her head bounce from her nodding.
“he’s gonna love it! i mean, who doesn’t love bluey?” you ask rhetorically, hands on your hips.
the doorbell chimes throughout your small home, both you and your niece look at each other with big eyes. already knowing who’s behind the door. your niece runs out the kitchen and into the living room squealing as you make your way to let your boyfriend in.
“hi pretty.” haechan grins at you, his eyelids looking a bit heavy and you already know work was tough on him. he still smiles and extends his arms out for you.
you wrap your arms around his neck, playfully groaning when he squeezes you tight in his grasp.
he lets out a breathy laugh, grabbing your waist to pull you away to connect his lips with yours in a slow, gentle kiss. his hands roaming over your lower back and creeping down to your ass.
“sunflower!” you both break the kiss, you walk back to the kitchen while he bends down to greet the little girl.
“aigoo, hi cutie. how are you?” you hear him coo at her.
“thank u yn for the food.”
“thank you auntie for the food!” they both say at the same time.
you reach over the table to grab their plates and placing them inside the sink, your niece jumps up from her seat and runs out the kitchen. donghyuck takes this moment to snake his hands from behind to lace his fingers together so you can’t run.
his body towering over you, he leans down to nuzzle his face in the crook of your neck, peppering small kisses on your exposed skin. “thank you for dinner baby,” he mumbles against your skin.
you smile, “of course.”
he pats your ass, pecking the top of your head before walking away. “yes bum bum,” he replies. the nickname that seemed fitting and grew on her over time, it being short for bumble bee.
“i made something for you.” the little girl shyly utters, the piece of paper in her hands as she shoves it in his hands.
he laughs lightly, sitting on the balls of his feet. “did you draw something for me?”
she shakes her head, her toothy smile on display, her hands behind her back as she sways back and forth on her feet.
you appear behind donghyuck, relaxing your hand on his shoulder.
it’s a comforting silence in your apartment, he’s taking the time to carefully read each word and reading a certain word over again because of the misspelling but he finds it endearing, his smile growing wider as he gets closer to the end.
‘xoxo, bum bum :)’
“hugs and kisses, where did you learn that from?”
“school!” she exclaims.
“school shouldn’t be teaching you how to win hearts,” he states with a playful pout.
she clasps her hands together, stepping closer towards him to point at the tiny prints. “i used my bluey stationary kit, do you like the paper?”
“i do, i’m very honored and i’m going to hang it up in my home. this is my first letter i got from a girl!” he whisper-shouts in your niece’s ear.
obviously you heard him and that made you nudge him with your knee, making him lose his balance.
“auntie you have to write sunflower love letters.”
he smirks, “yeah, auntie.”
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4ranghaes · 1 month ago
haechan x reader [fluff, slight angst, fem!reader, talks of workplace sexism]
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12:28 - “hey do you know where– oh! nevermind, i found her!” your boyfriend’s voice rang through the office.
your head snapped up in the middle of his question. “donghyuck?”
“princess,” he cooed, knowing how much it wound you up to be called that in public, “i brought you lunch.”
your cheeks burned red, apologising quietly to people around the office as your boyfriend made his way over to your desk.
“i was just gonna go get some lunch from the cafeteria, hyuck,” you said, trying to subtly give him angry looks, tugging at his sleeve as you did so.
“what to just sit by yourself?” he murmured so that only you could hear it, in a way that made you bite your lip and look up to the ceiling in anger.
“y/n,” your boss called, striding towards you.
donghyuck suddenly became serious, knowing you didn’t have the best relationship with this particular manager. a sexist pig, he often dismissed the work you did in your role, instead asking you to get food and drinks from the break room. in a very male-dominated office, no one had stood up for you either.
“what is this–” your boss cut himself off, turning to look at donghyuck, “oh, so this is your boyfriend! mr. haechan himself, how do you do?”
donghyuck smiled, nudging you slightly as he bowed and shook hands with your boss, ever so politely, “how do you do, sir? it’s lovely to meet you, i’ve heard so much about you.”
“like me that much, eh?” your boss joked with you, his loud, booming voice clawing at your skin as you chuckled politely. “you should’ve told me you were coming in. my daughters would love to meet you. they’re big fans of l-g-h whatever it is.”
“nct,” you corrected.
“yes, of course, nct!” your boss laughed, “well what brings you here?”
“well i thought i���d bring lunch for my wonderful girlfriend,” donghyuck said, showing off the bag in his hand, “i know how hard she works around here.”
“yes, yes, an amazing cup of coffee again this morning!”
donghyuck tensed, “wow, that too, on top of her work? she must be one of your best employees!”
you nudged your boyfriend, motioning to him angrily as your boss looked around.
“i suppose she is, you know. putting up with all my demands,” your boss chortled, “well, enjoy your lunch both of you, feel free to use the meeting room for some privacy.”
you looked at donghyuck confused, as he smiled in response to your bosses’ words.
“thank you sir,” you both bowed, watching as he left. suddenly, you turned to donghyuck and started whacking him. “stop using your fame privileges to get people to treat me nicely.”
donghyuck shrugged, cockily walking to the breakroom. “and what the fuck else would i use them for, hmm? next mission is getting people in this office to be friends with you.”
“oh my god, i’m quitting. i’m actually quitting.”
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jirsungs · 2 months ago
NO IDEA | 13. AMAZING fake boyfriend
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previous ☆ masterlist ☆ next
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note: just a short lil time skip chapter :] BUT THEYRE SO CUTE 😭😭😭😭😭 y/n's finally meeting the buds next chap! :3 HURRAY!
🖇 (open!): @skeetyeetyote @junviadinho @n0hyuck @yewshi @marvelahsobx @hqech @sunflowerhae @loveholicness @sfswithfs @222brainrot @dudekiss3r @aek1ra @nosungluv @miyawwn @haechology @chenlesfavorite @alethea-moon @polarisjisung @lionzyon @mystverse @insaneanddrained @starfilledgaze @onlyhyunjin @swee7dream @haechsworld @markspossibilities @schatjze @minniesbae @multifandomania @neozon3nha @zzurao @hoshipills @nessaassen02 @lavender-roses-06 @ohwowzersthatscool @sunghoonsgfreal @ldh0000 @taeeflwrr @do-you-remember-summer-127 @hyuck-me @injunnie-lemon @txthyuck @jeongintwt @starwonb1n @413ktz @haechansbbg @galacticnct @keeryverse @kosmicbomb @thegracerammy
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florawrites-blog · 4 months ago
Sore loser
You and Haechan were sitting on the living room floor, surrounded by snacks and game controllers. The friendly competition had been fierce, but this time, something unexpected happened: you won. Haechan, usually the champion, had lost.
"Wow, I can't believe it! Did you just lose, Haechan?" you teased, a wide grin spreading across your face.
"Shut up," Haechan muttered, looking adorably flustered.
"Someone's a sore loser!" you continued, laughing.
"Alright, that's enough," Haechan said, placing his hand over your mouth to silence you.
Without thinking, you kissed his hand softly. The room fell silent as he stared at you, eyes wide with surprise. The playful atmosphere shifted in an instant, replaced by something deeper and more intense. Haechan's hand lingered on your lips, his gaze fixed on your face.
He slowly moved his hand away, cupping your cheek instead. "Did you really just do that?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.
You nodded, your heart racing. Haechan's eyes softened, filled with a mix of affection and something else you couldn't quite place. Leaning in, he pressed his lips to yours, gently at first, then more deeply, pouring all his emotions into the kiss. The world seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in that perfect moment.
When you finally pulled apart, both of you were breathless, faces flushed. Haechan smiled, brushing a strand of hair from your face. "I guess losing isn't so bad after all," he said, his voice filled with warmth and love.
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sourrpatched · 6 months ago
A Haechan birthday post :)
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lee donghyuck x gf!reader
(500 words)
genre; fluff fluff and more fluff, my first writing pls be nice <\3
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“psst hyuckie.” You tried your hardest to wake your boyfriend from his very deep sleep. He laid with his face turned away from you. It was always so sweet to see how peaceful he looked while he was deep in sleep, especially when you knew he had a hard time getting rest at night.
“Hyuck.” You rose your voice ever so slightly to see if that would get him to budge. It did not.
At yet another failed attempt you sighed. You placed his birthday cake down on the counter before resorting to shaking him to get him to wake up. “DONGHYUCK” He groaned at your loud voice and grabbed his pillow to try and block out the sound of your voice.
“Donghyuck please,” You said while continuing to shake him. “I’m trying to be really romantic right now.” Now it was his turn to sigh. He took the pillow off and looked directly at you noticing how your eyes glanced over at the cake.
A smile broke out onto his face once he realized exactly what the cake was for. He grabbed your arms and pulled you onto the bed with him.
“What are you doing?” You managed to squeak out as he wrapped both arms and legs around you. “My baby is so cute she got a whole cake for me just to show me how much she loves me.” He said into your neck.
“Yes, I did actually. So I would appreciate if you could get up so you could blow out the candles and we can celebrate your birthday together.” You said though he was so obviously not really listening.
“How about we just stay like this in bed right now,” He lifts his head from your neck and looks at you. “I think the best way I can spend my birthday right now is with us two lying like this.” He said while sneaking his arm around to interlock your fingers.
You tried to turn your head away, slightly embarrassed by his shameless comment but he had only grabbed your face to meet his with his other hand.
“Why all of a sudden?” You pouted. He laughed at your expression. “Cause really I think you’re the best gift I could ever have.”
“Well now you’re just being corny,” You teased.
“Ah really?” He said before glancing at your lips.
“Yes,” You said trying to hold back your smile.
“but you love me for it anyway.” He looked into your eyes once more. There was nothing in the world you could ever love more than him. He was your person.
“I do,” You say finally breaking into a full smile.
He leaned into you meeting his lips with yours. It was always so perfect kissing Donghyuck. If there was anything that could snap you out of your many thoughts it would be him. After all he was both your biggest strength and weakness.
You broke apart from the kiss taking a breath before saying, “I love you hyuck.”
“I love you more.”
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Author’s Note; Quite honestly I wanted to write a quick little wip for his bday and also to help with the hyuck brain rot i’ve had for the past week 😭🙏 this is my first EVER writing so if it sounds that bad it probably is but i’m trying here 💔 also this is kinda late into his b-day but i hope u can enjoy nonetheless :) also if u like this pls support my future SMAU i could post any day now 🤓
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strcwberi · 5 days ago
⋆ when the rain ends, the sun will shine again — ﹙ L.DH ﹚
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being at the heart of all attention and chaos can get draining. but, how long will the world wait for him to catch his breath before the dust settles and the stage lights move onto the next burning star?
♡ notes .. just me projecting some thoughts i had after seeing how haechan decided to do that one skit thing for studioK with a voice narrator because he couldn't even speak. sometimes these idols truly throw everything away for the career they love. & uh, this isn't edited at all so, enjoy this lackluster piece i guess :')
♧ word count .. 1.4k
The door unlocks with a click as you type in the passcode to the condo without even glancing at the keypad. It's become ingrained in your muscle memory with how often you find yourself in this apartment, a little away from the heart of Seoul but not exactly in the suburbs either.
"Haechan?" Your call gets unanswered so you shrug off your shoes, still balancing two bags packed full with pre-cooked meals and groceries.
The silence hangs tense around the dark apartment, the hallway light blinking to lead the way inside. You roll your shoulders, choosing to ignore the unease settling in your stomach.
As you wander through the apartment, the mess all around catches your eye. The trash has piled up in the dustbin. The kitchen island is filled with used dishes overflowing from the sink, sitting amongst opened takeout boxes.
Finally you spot him laying on the baby blue couch. A smile creeps up to your face as you recall how adamant he'd been against buying that specific color, listing reasons from 'it will get dirty in seconds' to 'it doesn't even match the vibe I'm going for'. For all his whining, you know what Donghyuck cherished most was the smile on your face when you had come into the newly furnished apartment for the first time, immediately jumping over the backrest of the springy couch after giving your boyfriend the biggest kiss and bear hug.
With a sigh, you maneuver through multiple empty cans of energy drinks and tissue boxes, sitting down by Donghyuck's head. He had placed a throw pillow on his face. It could've been to block out the lights, but the entire room was pitch black to begin with, the only exception being some drama playing on the television.
You move to remove the pillow but Donghyuck latches onto it, muffling his groans. "Headache?"
"Mmh," Donghyuck simply grunts, scooting forward to lay his head on your lap as your fingers thread through his hair.
"Did you leave early today? I thought the shoot was supposed to go till midnight?"
At that, he finally removes the pillow, looking up at you. Red plagues the white of his eyes, makeup smudged and in patches around them, some covering up his pretty moles. Concern bubbles over at the same time as panic in your chest but before you can voice it, he croaks, "Jus' wasn't feelin' it."
Eyes softening, you trace a hand over his cheeks while Donghyuck leans into your touch. You check his temperature and while he's running a little hot, he doesn't have a fever. "Does your throat still hurt, baby?"
"M' fine." Although it was an innocent question, you don't miss the way his eyes waver as if you'd treaded on a nerve before he pulls himself up to sit and then eventually standing. "Gonna get some water."
You follow close behind as Donghyuck steps into the kitchen, leaning with both hands on the counter, his back facing you as he rummages for a glass. The faucet turning on is the last thing you hear before racing towards him just as his shoulders start shaking.
Without hesitation you wrap your arms around his waist, playing with the hairs on his neck to ground him. You don't push him to talk or turn around, only letting him know you're there for him whenever he feels comfortable to share. Until then, you'll provide him with all the physical comfort he needs.
Minutes pass, or maybe hours do, you're not very sure as you stand hugging Donghyuck while he tries to bite down his sobs, barely swaying to the faint sound of traffic outside.
The water stops and Donghyuck slowly turns around, clinging to you like a lifeline with one hand and the other rubbing furiously at his eyes. You take both his hands in your own, planting kisses to his cheeks and finally tilting his head to kiss his forehead. "What's wrong, sunshine? What made my pretty boy cry, hm?"
This time Donghyuck waits till he has you in his embrace, lifting you up to sit on the counter before nuzzling his face into your neck. You giggle at the ticklish feeling, knowing he's smiling against your skin.
"It's just—," he pipes up, voice shaky and broken before pursing his lips. You squeeze his hands, letting him know to go at his own pace. "I— I ruined the shoot. I thought I could make it through it even though my throat was screaming at me. Got choked up halfway through it and started coughing so bad, Manager hyung had to take me to the hospital."
You run a soothing hand up and down his back as Donghyuck's face scrunches up. "Baby, it's okay. You guys have all been so busy lately, with the tour and the album promotions being back to back. You'll get better in no time."
But Donghyuck shakes his head, almost hysterical. "You don't get it. The others, they were there just as long as I was yet nobody was an inconvenience like me. Now they have to go back again to redo the whole thing all because of me!" The moment he raises his voice, Donghyuck hunches over, coughing into his hands.
You quickly grab the nearest cup you spot, filling it with water and handing it to him, patting his back as he downs it. Frowning, you pull at the sleeves of Donghyuck's hoodie, "Look at me, Lee Donghyuck."
He does so wearily, following without a word as you shove away a few bowls to make space for him on the counter, patting the spot for him to sit. You hold onto him again, one of his arms draped across your shoulders while you speak, "Hyuck, you didn't mean to ruin anything, did you?"
"'Course not," he replies hoarsely, twirling a lock of your hair in his fingers.
"Then I'm sure the guys will understand. I've seen you taking on so much by yourself ever since we met. You never fail to take other people's feelings and wellbeing into consideration," you smile faintly when Donghyuck makes a sound, flustered you're sure. "So much that sometimes you forget to think about yourself."
It's silent for a while. But it's different from the terse atmosphere you'd walked into. There's a sense of levity now, comfort woven into the soft thumps of each other's heartbeat.
Donghyuck leans his head against yours, his warm breath fanning your forehead. "The Sun doesn't take a break jus' because it's tired."
"No?" You counter playfully, eyebrows rising in amusement. "What about when it rains?"
You're aware of Donghyuck trying hard to think up a witty response, but whether it's the medicine working or the day's exhaustion creeping up to him, he yields. "Don't know."
Smiling at the small sense of victory, you tug on the front of Donghyuck's hoodie, placing a short peck on his lips. "Every time it rains, the Sun goes to sleep for a little while, leaving our planet in the care of the clouds. You know why? So, the Sun can come back brighter than ever and make all the pretty flowers in spring."
Donghyuck's smile is full of adoration at your childlike imagery, his chest impossibly light. He resorts to squeezing your cheek until you yelp and swat his hand away. "What are you gettin' at, baby?"
You shrug, "All I'm saying is that the Sun isn't here all day or for every season. But every time it goes away, people know it will come back with the promise of something beautiful."
You nearly jolt as Donghyuck's grabs your chin, pulling you closer to kiss you. You read the sincerity on his lips and the contentment in the way his hands find purchase on your hips. "How did I manage to make such a cheeseball my girlfriend," he mumbles when you inevitably part for air.
"Deal with it, mister," you say with a chuckle.
The moment doesn't last long though, as Donghyuck pulls away to cough again, sending you both into a fit of laughter. But in that dimly lit kitchen, sitting together with your legs swinging in the air, you're so happy.
You wish Donghyuck realized just how much he's adored — by his fans, his teammates and you. And it's not just because of his eye for perfection, the very reason why he's so hard on himself. Everybody is allowed to make mistakes, take a moment to breathe. And Donghyuck damn well deserves it and so much more. But until he comes to accept it, you'll be there to remind him everyday.
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sunshyni · 18 days ago
Você reagindo aos dreamies (Triple Lee) fantasiados de super-heróis
Sinopse: Você está no período das provas finais, e seu namorado decide te distrair de uma forma toda especial.
w.c: 0.5k
Notinha da Sun: Eu tava estudando e de repente eu pensei nisso, aí eu escrevi KKKKKK Não é nada elaborado, é só pra alimentar meu espírito de fangirl KKKKKK Espero que vocês gostem!!
Boa leitura, docinhos!! 🍪
Haechan as Deadpool
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— Cê quer me matar de susto, Hyuck! — Você disse, virando-se na cadeira giratória para contemplá-lo no batente da porta. A postura sedutora dele quase te fez rir, mas ele estava lindo vestido de Deadpool. — Eu não vou de Wolverine, amor.
— Vai sim! A gente tem que ir de casal! — Ele se aproximou, ajoelhando-se diante de voc�� e segurando suas coxas com as luvas de couro falso. — E se eu te implorar?
— De que jeito? — você perguntou, desviando o olhar por um momento para pausar o vídeo do YouTube sobre tecido conjuntivo. A prova era no dia seguinte, mas ele estava ali para te distrair.
— Daquele jeito em que eu preciso tirar esse seu moletonzinho — ele murmurou, aproximando-se para te beijar, e você sorriu, fascinada por ele. — Viu? A fantasia ficou perfeita em mim. Sou safado que nem o Deadpool.
Mark as Spiderman
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— Prefere Gwen ou MJ? — Você irrompeu em uma gargalhada sincera quando Mark apareceu de repente no seu quarto vestido de Homem-Aranha. Você estava em pé, em frente ao guarda-roupa, explicando para si mesma um assunto da prova daquela semana. — Que “criminalidade acadêmica” você tá cometendo hoje pra eu poder te impedir?
— Seria legal poder te explicar, amigão da vizinhança — Mark se sentou na sua cama e te puxou, um pouco afobado demais, para o colo dele. Você sorriu, colocando um braço ao redor do pescoço dele, fechando os olhos. A situação te deixou um pouco corada.
— Que foi? Tá com dúvida no quê, amor? Cê sabe que tive essa matéria semestre passado...
— Consigo te sentir... — Mark inclinou a cabeça para o lado, igual a um cachorrinho confuso, e logo percebeu do que se tratava. — Não consigo pensar em estudar agora.
— Tá estudando o quê?
— Tecido muscular.
Mark te deitou aos poucos na cama, e você sorriu, escondendo parte do rosto com a mão de vergonha.
— Contração. Vou te explicar na prática.
Jeno as Nightwing
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— Entra. — Você pediu, imaginando que fosse alguém da casa, mas, ao abrir a porta, tomou um susto ao ver Jeno fantasiado como o vigilante mais charmoso da história dos quadrinhos. E não, não era o Batman, era o Asa Noturna. Você fingiu um desmaio, mas abriu um olho para vê-lo engatinhando até você na cama, cobrindo seu corpo, pequeno em comparação ao dele.
— Eu ia entrar pela sua janela, mas fiquei com medo de você usar aquele spray de pimenta que te dei — ele disse, e você segurou o rosto dele gentilmente. A máscara preta que cobria os olhos dele era pura tentação, e o cabelo ligeiramente bagunçado fez seu coração acelerar.
— Do jeito que eu sou desastrada, você sabe que eu faria exatamente isso — você respondeu, e ele assentiu, beijando seu pescoço. Ele se acomodou ainda em cima de você, imobilizando seu corpo com as pernas, e pegou o livro de anatomia que você estava lendo. — A gente tem prova essa semana? Tá brincando?
— Eu te avisei, Neno. Te avisei semana passada. — Ele suspirou, fingindo choramingar e escondendo o rosto na curvatura do seu pescoço. As próximas palavras vieram abafadas contra sua pele.
— Será que ainda dá tempo de estudar? Posso virar a noite aqui com você pra gente fazer isso.
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swee7dream · 4 months ago
3:30 p.m.
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“i thought i blocked you.”
“me?” ex!haechan looks around the room with a faux-innocent index pressing into his chest. “no, i think you’re confused, my dear. my name is chanhae. this is our first time meeting. one of my girlfriends was singing praises about how you did her nails for her bachelorette party and i just had to get your number.” his hands remind you of a ragdoll’s, flapping around as he speaks.
“get out of my house, donghyuck.”
your bluntness makes him slump in his chair, your desk lamp’s lighting painting him impossibly more pathetic as he pouts like a kicked dog.
“no. i’m a paying customer.”
“you haven’t paid me sh-”
“ah ah ah!” he holds a finger inches away from your lips. “language! is this how you talk to all of your clientele?”
you’ve never won an argument with lee donghyuck. it’s one of the reasons you decided to call it quits over text a week ago, pride being a major factor of your personality.
“he’s been crying. a lot,”  jeno told you with some reservation, his nail digging into the plastic straw of his sonic shake. “you don’t have to take him back. i’m not saying that at all. just… one conversation. for closure.”
you remember explicitly saying no but you can’t let yourself be free of blame when you accepted an appointment for instagram user ‘chanhae_imycbpiomkb’ with ‘her’ zero followers and following that consisted of only you.
god, he’s such a freak.
your gloved hand snatches his finger, pushing it into a position that almost feels like it’ll pull it out of place but not quite.
“what do you want done on your nubs, chanhae?”
donghyuck lets out a yelp of pain, dropping his free arm on the table as a cushion for when he drops his head also. fixing his hand into a more comfortable position yet not pulling it away, he smiles.
“whatever your pretty little heart desires, my dear. let me be your muse.”
“i’m giving you twelve inch nails. neon leopard print.”
“how will i wipe?”
“your problem.”
“okay...” he sighs, accepting his punishment with arms wide open.
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