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wreckingtickles · 8 months ago
Ruffling Their Feathers
Bakugo and Todoroki are captured by the double-crossing Hawks, and they happen to have the second half of a code he and Dabi want. Hawks has a very... unconventional idea on how to get them to talk.
Characters: Lees Baku + Todo, ler Hawks (minor ler Dabi)
Words: 7,312
Couldn't find a similar picture for Todoroki (I need an archive of MHA characters looking might ticklish), so Bakugo's footer will have to do.
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That frown's going away real soon.
Very intense and barely SFW foot tickles below the cut!
“It’s your fault!”
“It’s no one’s fault. We couldn’t have known that there was a traitor in the squad.”
Bakugo and Todoroki’s latest one-sided argument, a staple of their relationship since the provisional license course, was caused by their capture at the hands of the League of Villains.
It had all begun with a typo. They were supposed to be at the agency by 15:15, but the message they received instructed them to be there at 14:15. So they’d arrived just in time to see Hawks download the codes to the heroes’ secret communications channel, only half of which was given to each team.
They didn’t remember much else prior to waking up in that square, empty room, seated side by side facing the door that would usher in who knew what horrors.
The irritation at being taken out so easily was compounded by their inability to access their Quirks, which had them more than a little worried, as did their restraints: their wrists were fitted through two holes in the middle of a set of stocks that also held their ankles, one at either side of their hands, so they were hunched forward with their knees bent. The most concerning part, however, was the fact that on top of every part of their costumes that could be used as a weapon or contain hidden gadgets, their boots had also been removed and each of their toes pulled back and restrained individually, just barely out of reach of their fingers. It didn’t need a genius to surmise that if they couldn’t break out soon, they would be tortured.
Bakugo badly needed someone to blame, and Todoroki was the perfect anvil to his hammer. But the half-and-half hero wouldn’t need to wait for his crabby companion to run out of steam as Dabi and Hawks walked into the room.
“Hello, boys!” said Hawks cheerfully, greeting them as if they’d just come across each other in a shopping center.
“Fuck you, you disgusting two-faced piece of shit!”
“Traitor,” greeted Todoroki.
“I appreciate you’re angry and disappointed, but understand that, from my perspective, your good intentions are getting in the way of true justice,” explained Hawks, mostly to Todoroki, as Bakugo’s barrage of epithets made conversation with him impossible.
Dabi leaned against the wall next to the door, both glaring at Todoroki.
“Now, let me reassure you that your Quirks aren’t gone forever. We only take drastic measures if they’re strictly necessary,” explained the feathered villain.
“Your father will still have a use for you,” uttered Dabi with a venomous grin. “That is, unless we choose to ruin you for good.”
“Come on, Dabi, you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar!”
“And you kill more moths with fire.” A blue flame appeared in his palm, the sight of which finally silenced Bakugo. “So?”
“If my methods don’t work, you’re free to have your way with them,” conceded Hawks. “But I know it will. I tested them. Leave this to me.”
“Forget it. You’re an idiot and you’re wasting everybody’s time. The only reason we’re doing it your way for now is that Shigaraki put you in charge of their interrogation, and that’s only because he doesn’t know about your ridiculous plan.”
“Shouldn’t you have had this discussion before coming in here?” interjected Todoroki.
Dabi glared, taking a step towards Todoroki, who gave a start.
Bakugo gave him the side eye. He shouldn’t be showing fear. But Dabi had stopped his advance, a nonplussed look on his face, while Todoroki kept fidgeting next to Bakugo.
Before Bakugo could wonder what was happening, his head whipped forward with alarm as he felt something on his right foot. A light, insistent pressure moving up his sole, heel to toes, then back down. He hafted in place, but no matter how much he stretched his fingers, he couldn’t even reach his toes.
What was that?!
“As I was saying,” resumed Hawks, stepping closer to the captives, wings beginning to unfurl, “I need the second half of the code for the agency’s comms, and you guys will give it to us.”
“Or?” spat Bakugo, Todoroki growing more restless next to him. He saw a red feather detach itself from the top of Hawks’s left wing and fly through the air towards him, specifically towards his left foot, where it began to move erratically, dragging its plumes across his arch. But even though Bakugo now understood what the pressure on both of his soles was, it didn’t click for him until Hawks said, “I’ll tickle it out of you.”
Bakugo should have been relieved. They weren’t going to hurt them, at least for the time being. But all he could feel was outraged, outraged that Hawks seriously thought that they’d sell out the pros over something so childish, so insignificant. “Are you fucking kidding me?! Just because it’s so easy for you to sell out, do you really think--"
And then he heard it. A chuckle. Not from Hawks, not even from Dabi. From Todoroki. To his left, Todoroki was jerking his legs, his face scrunched in an attempt to stifle an obvious smile and the sounds of mirth that were trying to spill out of his mouth.
Bakugo felt betrayed for the second time that day. “You gotta be shitting me.” 
Todoroki could feel every plume, every tiny barb on the tip of each of those two feathers as it bent to fit the curve of his sole, dozens, hundreds of them being dragged up and down the bottom of his straight, slim feet.
Hawks smirked while Dabi looked transfixed, almost as speechless as Bakugo. “Well, well, look at Endeavor’s prized spawn now,” he commented as he allowed the corner of his lip to curl up ever so slightly.
“Dude, for real?!” whined Bakugo, but Todoroki couldn’t answer, as he kept squirming and whipping his head side to side, his eyes scrunched shut.
“I, I cahan’t h-hehelp it!” whine the half-and-half hero, instantly regretting trying to speak as he had to double his efforts to prevent any even more embarrassing sounds from coming out. Having grown up with a criminally abusive father and having been separated from his siblings, the only person who had tickled him for most of his life was his mother, and a long time had gone by since the last time. Then, when he began attending UA, first Deku and then Kirishima allowed Todoroki to discover that he was, in fact, still ticklish, and very much so, as if he had never been inured to it, which also led to another crucial difference between him and Bakugo: while the latter wouldn’t allow himself to laugh unless his very worst spots were targeted (though his poker face was terrible), Todoroki was completely unable to cope with the sensation and stifle his reactions.
And the two feathers were barely trying at all.
“Your ‘method’ doesn’t seem to be working on the other one,” observed Dabi. Sure, watching Endeavor’s son squirm from something so silly was entertaining, but they were supposed to move out as soon as Shigaraki called them, and to have the information by then.
“Of course it doesn’t fucking work, who do you think you’re dealing with?!”
Hawks shrugged. “I can also do this.”
“Like this stupid fucking thing is going to work oHOn--!” 
Bakugo bit his tongue when the plume ends of the feathers were replaced by their sharp quills.
“That silenced him? Good,” remarked Dabi.
“D-Don’t be an idiot, t-this is nothing!!” protested Bakugo, wincing when the feathers scratched at the ball of his foot.
Next to him, Todoroki went on eeping with his eyes scrunched shut. He didn’t have so strong an opinion as Bakugo on which method was worse yet, but both were proving quite effective, especially when the feathers trailed up and down his arches.
“I think you heard him,” Dabi told Hawks, suddenly appearing a lot more into it than before.
“I sure did,” claimed Hawks as he grinned at Bakugo a moment before a flock of feathers flew off his wings and swarmed the captives’ soles.
“TCH!!” escaped Bakugo’s lips, his cheeks puffed up and becoming a deeper shade of red every second.
Todoroki skipped the giggling phase entirely. “Noahahahahahahahahahahahahhaaha!!!! Iihihihhihit tihihihicklehehehehehsss!!!!” he protested, a surprisingly innocent expression of mirthful suffering on his face that would have melted anyone’s heart. Anyone’s, but his current tickler’s.
“You really should have kept your mouth shut,” commented Dabi as he shot the beet-red, thrashing Bakugo an amused grin, voicing Todoroki’s thoughts while the trainee was too busy failing to cope with the onslaught of sensation.
Hawks was thorough. There was a feather sawing between the heroes’ toes and swiping at the stems, while the tip of another ran left and right across their base. There was a quill scratching at the center of the ball and spiraling outward and another outlining the underside. Plumes teased the inner part of the instep while another feather ran up and down the arch, and two more focused on the heel and its conjunction with the arch.
The feathers on Bakugo’s feet all used their quill end, save for the ones sawing between his toes, while the ones working Todoroki over mixed and matched approaches. It was the weirdest and most humiliating display of masterful control over one’s Quirk that either trainee had ever experienced.
Unbridled laughter spilled forth from Todoroki, the variety of methods and the multiplicity of spots under fire subjecting him to a sensation that he’d only started to reacquaint himself with a few months prior thanks to his classmates, who’d been delighted to discover that the serious golden child was super ticklish and didn’t know how to handle it in the slightest. 
His left foot was proving to be once again more sensitive than the right, though even just the latter would have been enough to turn him into a hysterical mess. The colder sole was not as vulnerable to the plumes as the left, upon which plumes and quills wreaked twinned havoc.
Seeing the trainee writhe like he was experiencing actual torture sparked a miasma of disgust in the pit of Dabi’s stomach. “Endeavor’s son just gave up, uh,” he mocked. “I’m kind of disappointed.” Yet the amused twinkle in his eye gave the lie to his bored tone.
“He really laughs like he’s never been tickled before,” chuckled Hawks, effortlessly multitasking while putting the two aspiring heroes through their paces. “Guess his home life wasn’t the best. Well, we’re going to make him real happy unless he fesses up.”
The miasma began to lift as Dabi contemplated Todoroki’s helplessness in the face of the ridiculous torment. But if his laughter sparked conflicting feelings of contempt and morbid fascination in the villain, Bakugo was far less ambivalent about how he felt about it.
He loathed it. He truly did. He wanted to punch the hero for letting those degenerates think that… that preposterous, humiliating method would work. Todoroki’s hilarity was peer-pressuring him into giving in as well, surrendering to the overpowering invitation of the over a dozen quills searing his nerves, loosening the locks on his lungs and lips from which a cacophony of grunts, snorts, and even embarrassing yelps slipped out, but no laughter, no, no laughter, it if was the last thing he did!!
What Dabi and Hawks saw was an extremely ticklish guy bellowing and writhing like he was being electrocuted.
“He really hates it,” deadpanned Dabi.
Having an already solid grasp on what made the short-fused trainee tic despite having known him for a few days only, Hawks took that chance to say, “I don’t know if I should be impressed that he’s not laughing his head off despite being so ticklish, or pity him for thinking that he’s fooling anyone.”
Hawks’s smirk grew a little wider. It’d be so easy to crack him. But… “It would be healthier if you let it out, you look like you’re about to pop a vein,” he recommended as he had his feathers move slightly faster. Dabi didn’t notice the shift except through the rise in pitch in Todoroki’s laughter and Bakugo’s pointless struggling growing even more desperate.
If only they could reach their feet, shield them from the pesky feathers, they were right there, just out of reach!!
Suddenly, the tickling slowed down. None of the feathers left their post, but they eased up enough that the terribly ticklish captives would be able to understand Hawks’s next words.
“M-Motherf--" Bakugo tried to say while catching his breath, allowing some of his contracted muscles to relax, but he couldn’t risk getting the entire word out.
Todoroki’s laughter decreased to a steady stream of breathless giggles. The tears at the corners of his half-closed eyes, the blush on his cheeks, the forced yet carefree-looking smile… Hawks had to admit that he looked precious.
“Now, let’s practice loosening your tongues a little,” Hawks started, pacing around them like a drill sergeant. “I assume neither of you wants to spill the beans yet?”
Bakugo lunged at him with a bite, but Hawks was out of reach.
“Baby steps. So I’ll make you an offer. If you tell me where it tickles the most I promise I will be nice…r.”
Dabi quirked an eyebrow. Really?
Hawks nodded back confidently, stopping in front of the two trainees. “You don’t want me to find out on my own.”
Bakugo and Todoroki glared as well as they could under their present circumstances.
“Any takers?” Hawks asked nonchalantly.
Even Todoroki made a show of clenching his jaw, although sputtering giggles soon leaked out.
“Too bad,” sighed Hawks. “For you, I mean.”
Without warning, the eight feathers tormenting each foot converged on the heel, scribbling madly at and all around the mound.
“Nohohoht agahahahahaahhaahinnn!!!” giggled Todoroki, his shoulders rising and falling as he tried and failed to pull his feet back through the stocks, scrunch up his soles, cover them with his hands, anything.
“TCH! F-Fuhuck t-thihis!!!” snarled Bakugo, his restlessness mirroring Todoroki’s but with a more irate tinge.
“Hey Dabi, wanna compare and contrast?” asked Hawks.
“Leave me out of it.”
“I thought Todoroki was the most ticklish of the two, but I’m not so sure anymore,” said Hawks, knowing how to push Bakugo’s buttons.
“I can’t really tell. Let’s try the arch.”
The avian congregation climbed a little higher, up the slope of the arch. About half of the feathers harassing Todoroki switched to sawing their plumes up and down his arch, left and right, while Bakugo, whom Hawks knew to be less responsive to this method, got the full sixteen quills.
Todoroki’s giggling once again morphed into full-blown laughter, the loudest as of yet. Though the strength behind his attempts to break free seemed to have waned before, he redoubled his futile efforts, pulling at his wrists and ankles as if it would save him, or somehow make the sensation more bearable.
“Looks like I’ve found a sweet spot,” gloated Hawks, but he wasn’t content with that apparent victory. He carefully observed Todoroki’s body language, noticing that every few seconds, he would lean to the right, until his energy ebbed and he slumped forward again, only to repeat the maneuver moments later as the feathers completed another pass. He didn’t seem to be trying to lean closer to Bakugo, no, there was something else… afoot. And Hawks thought he knew exactly what that was.
But that wasn’t all that he noticed. Bakugo had lowered his head, no doubt to prevent the villains from seeing his expression - as if his body wasn't eloquent enough. That position would only hinder his breathing, depleting his stamina faster and making it even harder to endure a prolonged attack. Hawks wondered if he was even aware of the high-pitched whine, like the wind-up to a scream, that he was emitting as he desperately tried to keep his mouth closed. But the most interesting part was how Bakugo would occasionally freeze up for a moment when the quills hit the very top of the arch, only for him to kick with both legs an instant later.
Hawks tested his theory by having the feathers linger on that spot a couple of seconds longer than they did during previous passes. Sure enough, Bakugo’s purple face shot up for a moment, the curses he wanted to utter dying into a defeated growl.
Hawks knew he could have broken him simply by staying there, but he had a flair for the dramatic. So he moved the feathers to the center of the arch, renewing Todoroki’s hysterical fit, before abruptly moving all the feathers to the balls of the heroes’ feet.
Bakugo’s head shot up again, this time to hurl a fiery glare at Hawks, equal parts incredulity and betrayal, but really, a recognition that breaking had always been inevitable.
“Three…” chanted Hawks, smiling at Bakugo, whose face looked like it was about to burst open.
“Oh wow. When he breaks, he breaks hard,” remarked Hawks, pretending to cover one of his ears. Dabi ignored him, though he caught him sneaking glances at Todoroki, whose hysteria was eclipsed by the violence with which Bakugo’s damn had burst, but ever-present nonetheless.
There was no overselling the all-encompassing loathing that Bakugo felt at that moment, having fallen short of his own self-serving standards. It simply did not compute that a traitor who had everything Bakugo wanted would torture them in such a childish way, and that Bakugo would be unable to shrug it off.
The quills pricked and scratched at the sensitive pads, with a special regards for the very center as Hawks had immediately figured out it was one of the most sensitive parts, lavishing plenty of attention on the underside too, the perfect recipe to keep the resentful laughter flowing.
“This is great,” chuckled Hawks.
“You’re weird.”
Hawks shrugged. “Eh, it’s just fun to take them down a peg. Especially that one. Hey, are you laughing too hard to hear me? ‘Cause later, we’re spending plenty of time on that spot that you seem to like so much.”
Sadly, Bakugo could hear him, but any retort he tried to cook up got swallowed by the involuntary gales that those tiny, harmless feathers kept pumping out of him.
Though the journey from the ball of his foot to the toes was a very short one, Bakugo could tell Hawks was trying to drag it out as much as possible, slowly dragging the quills as well. There was an understanding that he wasn’t done.
The feathers then began sawing between and across the trainees’ toes. This method proved especially effective on Todoroki, the obvious jolt running through him confirming that that was a more sensitive spot than the ball, so Hawk kept five feathers per foot swishing between and along his toes while three more scratched at the base, occasionally poking the tips too.
But Hawks knew that he could do better with Bakugo, so he kept one quill poking and scribbling under the base of each toe, with the plume end of just one feather swishing across the stems, one quill planted firmly in the center of his big toe, and one more poking each of the other tips in turn.
The trainees didn’t have the chance to marvel at Hawks’s unmatched coordination, the combination of precision and effectiveness he was unleashing on them, but they certainly did feel its effects.
“Hahahaha HAHAHAAHAH!!! Nohohohohhoho moHOHOHohohahahahahaharrEHEHEHEHE!!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaahahahahahahhaahahahahahahahaha!!!” pleaded Todoroki, ticklish tears pouring down his cheeks and collecting on his seat between his legs. He felt as if he’d been abducted by aliens, unable to comprehend what was happening to him or why. Part of him probably felt embarrassed, but the shock, the absurdity of it all, removed his ego from the equation, leaving him alone before a sensation he’d only experienced a handful of times through his classmates, and through his mother so many years prior.
Bakugo wasn’t faring that much better. He was naturally louder than Todoroki, but for the first time in his life, he was trying to keep it down, and failing. Hawks couldn’t have devised a better method to tickle that area.
“HAHAHahahaahahahahaha!!! FIHIHIHIHght mehehEHEHEHE liiiihihihiKEEEHEHEH AAHAHAHA maaaahahahahahahahAAAAAHAHAHAHANNN!! OHOHOHO hahahahahahaha!!!”
“You want to fight me?” Hawks snickered. “I don’t fight widdle tickly babies.”
Oh, the sheer frustration Bakugo felt at his own ticklishness preventing him from discharging his anger was immense, but the imposed hilarity sapped even that.
Hawks walked around to his side. “It tickles less than before, right? I’m sure you can stop laughing if you really try. Come on!”
Bakugo was trying, he was trying so hard, and Hawks’s mockery messed even more with his concentration. But the genie was out of the bottle.
Hawks began to circle around them, removing his black leather gloves as he did so. “Remember that this all will stop if you give me the code.”
He stopped in front of the stocks, throwing his gloves to Dabi, who reflexively caught them in mid-air and then dropped them.
He wiggled his fingers mere inches away from their feet. He waited long enough for them to see it, his left hand approaching Bakugo’s left sole, his right nearing Todoroki’s right, only to drift further to the side, to the left sole he’d determined to be more sensitive.
 “Don’t forget, this hawk has talons too.” And he struck.
Dabi nearly gave a start as the room got a lot louder than he’d expected.
True to his word, Hawks had chosen violence. His short, dull nails scratched expertly at the ball of Bakugo’s foot and at the arch of Todoroki’s, having identified them as their weakest spots.
The volume and desperation of their laughter was all the confirmation he needed.
The feathers didn’t remain idle either. He left five on Todoroki’s right foot to complement the motions of his fingers, so they’d target his toes when he was busy with the arch, and the arch when he was busy with his toes, while the eleven on the left flitted back and forth between those two spots, skidding up and down the ball as well as they changed posts.
Hawks was no kinder to Bakugo, his wiggling fingers focusing on the ball and the base of his toes together with three feathers. The remaining fifteen ravaged the same two spots on his right foot, especially the center and underside of the pad. Naturally, all used their quill end.
It was pinpoint torment neither trainee knew how to deal with, Hawks’s dexterous touches appearing to raise the temperature and depleting their stamina and sanity alike while they felt their dignity slowly but sonorously leak out in the form of laughter they couldn’t control, the traitor having completely hijacked their ability to express themselves.
“As you can see, I’m a man of my word,” began Hawks. “Am I not?”
“You gotta say it if you want me to stop. I’m a man of my word, am I not?”
Todoroki wasn’t completely opposed to indulging villains in case it made them complacent, while Bakugo’s ego was bound to get in the way of any concession. However, Todoroki’s reply was not the result of a calculation, but mere reflex.
“He needs to say it too,” hummed Hawks, nodding his head toward Bakugo while his fingers picked up the pace.
Bakugo too was operating on reflex alone, and his instincts were inimical to their predicament.
“You hear that, Todoroki? My hands are tied. Well, yours are. And your feet too. Which makes it so easy for me to do this,” he explained as the feathers also began to move faster and the motions of his hands grew more unpredictable.
“Listen to your friend. Help him help you.” His nails moved to the ball of Bakugo’s right foot, the feathers instantly moving to compensate. 
“I don’t gotta do anything. Say it. I’m a man of my word.”
“Suit yourself. I’ll try again in 10 more minutes.”
The horror in their teary eyes and strained laughter was instantly apparent.
And Hawks did. He stepped away from them while the feathers floated to a safer distance.
The trainees heaved and panted, their lungs burning and their throats parched, Bakugo slumped backwards, Todoroki forward as if he was collapsing in on himself.
“This is pathetic. The whole thing,” remarked Dabi.
Hawks shrugged. “I don’t enjoy needless violence. And pathetic or not, it seems to be working wonders.”
“If - no, when you fail and Shigaraki hears this is how you’ve been wasting our time…”
“I won't fail. Just look at them,” claimed Hawks, though one corner of his smile was frozen. He clapped his hands, addressing the flushed heroes again. “Now, listen close. I’m going to start tickling you again soon.”
Bakugo winced and shot a feeble glare at hawks, a pitiful attempt to disguise fear as intimidation, while Todoroki’s shoulders slumped as he prepared himself for the inevitable.
“That’s the stick. Now, here’s the carrot. I’ll stop tickling whichever of you gives me the code. The other gets these,” he announced as he began to rummage in his costume, a ruse to give both trainees time to focus on him once again and grew more apprehensive.
He then pulled out two mundane items: a fork, and Bakugo’s orange hairbrush.
“I got these while I was waiting for Dabi,” he said, moving the two items slightly, the trainees’ eyes following them with wariness. Too easy.
“The one who spills the beans doesn’t have to find out how much they tickle. The other…”
He put the two tools back inside his utility belt.
“Anyone got anything to say?”
Bakugo and Todoroki looked at each other. Todoroki looked like he’d been running for an hour, endurance having never been his strong suit, but Bakugo begin to wonder whether he would actually cave. There was something in the half-and-half hero’s stare, some kind of request maybe. He couldn’t be about to come clean, could he? Or… was he trying to encourage him to resist?
The thought made Bakugo’s blood boil even though a rivulet of sweat already drenched the back of his costume. Did Todoroki really think that he might call it quits? That he was that weak?
But Bakugo didn’t have the energy to fight, so he just averted his gaze, fixing it on the stocks on the other side of which were his all too tender feet and useless hands.
Hawks tutted. “Too bad. Hawks, would you set a 10-minute timer? We’re getting serious now.”
He didn’t give the trainees time to brace themselves before striking.
His fingers got to work on the same spots as before, though he targeted Todoroki’s right foot rather than his left, and the sixteen feathers he’d been using on each trainee struck at every vulnerable part of that same foot as two horrifying new implements joined the interrogation: Hawks’s wings.
Todoroki shrieked. The amalgamation of feathers which Hawks could animate at will was an ebullient blanket of ticklishness, the plumes coming alive to tease the entirety of Todoroki’s sole in an all-encompassing attack that effortlessly reached between his toes and the sides and even the top of his foot as well. Hundreds or thousands of feathers, exponentially more barbs, and Todoroki could feel them all.
Hawks had threatened the trainees with the hairbrush and fork, but he knew his wing would be just as if not more devastating to the criminal No. 1’s son. He also stiffened the feathers of his left wing since Bakugo was not as sensitive to light touches, and he lacked the bandwidth to remotely control any more feathers without sacrificing accuracy…
Which is why, not even a minute in, the hawk turned 90° and swished at Todoroki’s soles with both wings, while both of his talons pounced on the balls of Bakugo’s feet.
Bakugo’s unprecedented cackling was met with Todoroki falling into a choked silence. Sensory overload.
Not even that was able to shut Bakugo up, but the dedicated fingers, accompanied by the sixteen that had been hounding him for a while plus the extra sixteen that migrated over from Todoroki, melted his protests into desperate incoherence, about half the quills matching the movements of Hawks’s fingers to crowd his weakest spots as much as possible.
Despite what he’d told Dabi, Hawks couldn’t believe how well the two trainees were responding. He was relieved that this harmless method might actually buy him enough time. He just hoped--
Todoroki’s own laughter returned as a whine, which only served to remind Hawks to divide his attention more equally between the two of them. Though by virtue of being the only one he could see from his position, Bakugo was bound to get the shorter end of the stick. He could stand to be taken down a peg, Hawks told himself as he looked into the young hero’s bulging, tear-filled eyes, fractured babble interspersing the hysterical peals.
Those eternal ten minutes weren’t simply meant to break them, no. Hawks’s Quirk wasn’t merely about moving his feathers: he could feel through them. He noticed that Todoroki’s left foot was warmer than usual, and his right colder, which gave him an idea; and he also noticed that Bakugo’s feet were getting damper and slicker the more he tickled him, which gave him another. He’d keep them safe from Dabi even if he had to tickle them into unconsciousness to do it.
“Time’s up,” muttered Dabi, more invested than he’d ever admit.
“Is it? Eh, I’ll just keep going,” yelled Hawks to give the trainees a chance to hear him. Todoroki let out something that vaguely sounded like a sob, while Bakugo was too preoccupied with the fingers and feathers to respond.
But when he noticed Dabi getting more impatient, Hawks did finally take a step back and allowed the trainees to breathe. Their chests heaving, their hair weighed down by perspiration, the fight had been tickled out of Bakugo, while Todoroki looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion.
“You know, I’ve gone about this all wrong,” he announced. “Dabi, I’m going to need your help.”
“Forget it.”
“I need your Quirk.” He pointed his thumb at Bakugo, who made an effort to listen and was rewarded with a shiver. “I need you to keep his feet close to the fire.”
“Finally,” huffed Dabi as he began to stride toward Bakugo, who recoiled in horror.
“You aren’t hurting him. There’s one last thing I want to try,” explained Hawks. “See, I remember that his Quirk is based around sweat, and he seems to keep getting more ticklish over time. So I just need a little bit of heat.”
“You’re joking.”
“They’re about to cave, and I’ll give you all the credit. By the way, I suspect your Quirk would also do wonders on his right side,” he added, pointing at Todoroki this time.
“Unbelievable,” scoffed Dabi. Yet, sure enough, two small blue flames appeared in his palms. Bakugo winced.
“Farther,” commanded Hawks. Dabi rolled his eyes, but complied again. 
It was warm, very warm, but not painful. Bakugo had followed a word in three, but he knew he shouldn’t be too happy about the heat displacing the phantom tickles that still tormented his soles.
“Now, where was I? Right. I’ve gone about this all wrong, because there’s two of you, and one code. I’ve been splitting my attention, but I only need to break one of you. So…”
He rested a hand on the top of Todoroki’s shoulder, the exhausted hero regarding him with… Bakugo hadn’t expected it, but there were embers of defiance left in Todoroki’s alarmed scowl.
“I’m going to focus on you, and only you, until one of you fesses up or, frankly, you pass out. Would be a first, but I kind of want to see that. And if that happens, luckily we have a spare.”
“You’re not… going to get… away with this,” panted Todoroki. Bakugo had definitely underestimated him.
Hawks gave him an empty smile. “You’d better hope I do, ‘cause if I don’t, Dabi gets to have fun with you, and he likes his meat well done.”
He clapped a hand on Todoroki’s back, who recoiled under his touch. “If you’re worried about saving face, maybe your friend will speak up for you. He looks like the empathetic kind,” jested Hawks.
Todoroki glanced at Bakugo, currently in the process of glaring at Dabi. He took a deep breath to brace himself.
Hawks walked around him, a solid half of each wing detaching itself and floating to the other side of the stocks. “Last chance,” he whispered in Todoroki’s ear.
“Drop dead,” spat Todoroki.
So Hawks struck. Not with the feathers, however. No, while Todoroki was distracted by the wings positioning themselves right in front of his feet, the tips of the feathers already grazing his soles, Hawks’s hands slipped under Todoroki’s jacket and find purchase in the skin of his sides underneath.
Bakugo saw a look of utter bewilderment cross Todoroki’s face before hysteria overwrote his features completely.
“I thought I remembered this!” said a self-satisfied Hawks. “Two for two, uh? Man, did the doctors just take the two most ticklish halves of you and glued them together?” he teased as his fingers kept kneading into Todoroki’s swimmer-like flanks, the thumb pressing deep into the soft tissue and discovering the muscle underneath that stretched all the way to his toned stomach.
He squirmed in his seat with newfound vigor, though he wasn’t getting away from Hawks’s prying fingers, sometimes digging hard into his sides, sometimes gently brushing his nails up and down. He leaned so hard to the left that for a moment Bakugo worried he might dislodge his shoulder.
“Look at you trying to squirm away,” cooed Hawks. “Is it because your right side is more sensitive? I think it is. Let’s see if I can find another jackpot up here on the left side,” he continued as he began clawing at the left side of Todoroki’s stomach ,who sucked it in and remained breathless for a moment, but just a moment before laughter poured out again.
“Umh, maybe a bit better, but not a homerun… How about here?”
He spidered his fingers up and down the trainee’s ribcage, a view that despite being partially concealed by Todoroki’s jacket, which rode up to show the lower part of his stomach, caused Bakugo to instinctively lean forward to shield his own ribs with his elbows.
Todoroki’s laughter was still positively frantic as Hawks’s other hand never left his right side, but he didn’t seem satisfied. “Maybe here?” he ventured as he pushed his fingers further up, squeezing his way into Todoroki’s damp underarm.
The trainee recoiled.
“And here it is!” gloated Hawks, Todoroki trying to clamp down his arms and only succeeding in trapping the offending fingers where he really didn’t want them.
“That’s close enough, I’d say!”
“You’ll pay for this,” hissed Bakugo, undeterred by the heat that lapped at his soles, making them more sensitive by the minute.
Without looking away from his handiwork, Hawks retorted, “You should worry about you, because I think he’s about to get smart.”
“What use is begging? You know what I want. Or maybe you’re asking for more?”
“I have been neglecting your feet, that’s true. I think they’re feeling lonely.”
“Well, they shall cry no longer! Here I gooo!” exclaimed Hawks as his severed wings fully enveloped Todoroki’s feet.
Bakugo saw Todoroki whip his head to the sky, a lunatic grin frozen on his face, eyes bulging and dripping with tears, and gently swaying back and forth in that position without even being able to make a single sound.
Insane. He looked insane. Driven to insanity by fingers and a bunch of feathers. Bakugo couldn’t believe it. He even considered giving them the code for a fleeting moment out of concern for his… classmate. But he couldn’t, Todoroki wouldn’t have wanted him to either.
But even deeper at the back of his mind, there was a reminder, a reminder that if Todoroki passed out, or that if he confessed, then Bakugo would be next.
Dabi was also staring unabashedly. He couldn’t wrap his head around it. Something that childish, tearing down Endeavor’s heir like that. His fingers itched.
Todoroki wasn’t even aware of the fingers tormenting his upper body or the feathers that had taken total hold of his feet. It was as if the sensation had seeped deep into his core, and from there had radiated outward, breaking down his sense of self and severing his mind from his body to keep it afloat in an ocean of overwhelming giddiness. Later, he wouldn’t even recall whether he’d laughed in the end or not.
He just remembered his consciousness resurfacing at one point, and uttering the six fabled digits as if in a dream.
“NO!!” screeched a costernated Bakugo.
“Thank you kindly,” said Hawks as he stepped away from Todoroki and called back his feathers. “Way to confirm the code, by the way,” he told Bakugo.
But as he was making his way toward the exit…
Dabi was holding up his burner phone. “It’s not time for our meet-up yet. And I seem to recall you’re a man of his word,” he said, eyeing Bakugo.
Hawks stopped. “I am,” he conceded as he walked towards Bakugo, whose heart was sinking into his stomach for an additional reason now.
“Don’t you fucking get any closer!” warned Bakugo without anything to back up his threat, his implicit plea.
“Won’t you get bored?” Hawks asked Dabi, ignoring his cursing target.
“I’ll manage. His right side is the ice one, right?” he asked as Dabi stopped between Todoroki and Bakugo, reaching one hand on the other side of the stocks. “I want to see fire and ice mix,” he stated before making his fingers slightly warmer and jolting Todoroki out of his stupor.
But Bakugo was unable to pay him any mind, transfixed by Hawks’s single finger inching closer and closer to his left sole. It curled gently.
“FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFU--” exploded out of Bakugo, any hope of rebuilding his façade thanks to the break flying out of the window as that one finger made him acutely aware of how much more impossibly sensitive the heat had made him.
Hawks went on scratching delicately, bringing the finger to the center of the ball as Bakugo flailed left and right. He only stopped long enough to retrieve the brush and the fork. “I love being right.”
No, it couldn’t tickle that much, it just couldn’t. The fork traveled from the bottom of his arch all the way to the base of his toes, then down, then up again. The hairbrush was large enough to perfectly scrub the upper half of Bakugo’s foot, the part that Hawks was naturally focusing on, the two tools gliding harmlessly on the impossibly tender surface thanks to the offshoot of Bakugo’s Quirk.
“Nah, you had your chance,” said Hawks as he switched the two torture instruments.
Bakugo whipped his head back and forth, if he could he might have banged it on the stocks just to feel something else. And Hawks was unrelenting. Skilled, and unrelenting.
“Weren’t you going to kill me? How are you going to do that? By giggling yourself to death?”
The hard bristles and tines would have scrubbed Bakugo raw if not for his Quirk, but his nerves weren’t any less on fire for it, every ounce of pain having been traded for a different sensation that Bakugo despised even more. But he had no ego left to be bruised, as his entire self was concentrated in his superhumanly sensitive feet, tenderized by the Quirk he was so proud of.
“Now this is an explosion! Oh, you think I’m moving away from the ball? Right where it tickles the most? Oh no no no! I’ll just tickle everywhere else to!”
The part of Bakugo that realized what was about to happen clawed its way to the surface. “NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAH! NONONONONOHHHHHH!!!! PLEASESTOPPLEAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHSEE!!!”
But the myriad quills that descended on every part of his soles not ravaged by the hellish tools didn’t heed his final plea.
With one last boom of maddened laughter, Bakugo was thrust into the same pit that he’d watched Todoroki sink into, utterly, thoroughly destroyed, drooling, crying, but unable to string enough sounds together to grovel.
Humiliation, embarrassment, disappointment were fictions that had been shattered, as the tickling cut to something primal, genuine within him. Who knew that tickling his feet really hard was the key.
At some point, Bakugo felt himself float up toward the harsh neon light overhead, gurgling nonsense as the room faded back into focus.
“...ease… nno… moohore…”
But Hawks was already on the threshold, with Dabi having already left the room. Bakugo’s head lolled to the side, allowing him to encounter Todoroki’s dim, concerned gaze.
“Thank you boys!” said Hawks cheerfully. “Someone will come pick you up soon. Pleasure doing business with you!”
He slammed the door behind him, leaving the two tickle-drunk trainees in the room alone. 
As his circumstances flooded back to the forefront, Todoroki’s concern pissed him off. “How–” his voice cracked. Water. “How could you?!” He wasn’t quite sure if he was referring to the code, or to what Hawks had put him through after.
Todoroki didn’t respond, but looked at the door. “Ssh.”
He’d… shushed him? That guy had shushed him–
Bakugo’s eyes bulged out of his sockets when he saw Todoroki lift the upper portion of the stocks and slide his sore wrists and ankles out. To safety, to freedom.
Bakugo forgot everything he wanted to yell. “How… When…?!”
“Hawks did it,” whispered Todoroki as he stretched his sore limbs. Bakugo tried to lift his own stocks, and lo and behold, they opened. There was a feather in the lock, which Todoroki grabbed.
Bakugo’s shock was plain on his expression, his smile muscles stiff.
“Didn’t you notice… what Hawks was writing… with his feathers?” asked Todoroki. He took a deep breath as he shuffled towards the door. “He’s on our side. He wants… us to escape and… tell the agency… to change the code.”
Bakugo was still incredulous as the hallway opened up before him.
“Come on,” said Todoroki as he started out of the room.
Bakugo followed him, to be sure. But he was thinking. He hadn’t noticed anything. And if Todoroki knew all along, how much of it had been an act? And if he had put up a show for their captors, so he could convincingly give up the code later… did he think that Bakugo was weak?
Bakugo grunted. Todoroki shot him a puzzled look, but didn’t stop.
He couldn’t allow the half and half bastard to think of him that way. To feel superior. He had to show him who was really the most ticklish.
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giggly-agenda · 7 months ago
I'm still here. I have not moved on from here.
he deserves to laugh so much more
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todoroklee · 6 months ago
Tickletober time !!!
Day 1 - Anticipation!
Fandom - mha
Lee!bakugo ler!kirishima
"come on shitty hair- you don't have to do this a-asshole!" Bakugo whined, hands over his blushing face, refusing to look at Kirishima above him.
"Oh but bakugo, you ran from me! I think I've got to give you a little punishment, don't you?" He teased back, gently lifting his arms up and revealing the scowl on the blondes face, "'cmon baks, no need to frown, it's not that bad!"
Bakugos blush darkened, turning his head away, "yeah well- I don't care"
Kirishima smiled warmly, using his free hand to flutter his fingers against his open neck, eliciting a quiet squeal.
"Oh? Has katsuki got a tickly neck?" His hand drifted along the skin, under his jaw and up to his ears.
Bakugo bit back a smile, scrunching his shoulders and trying anything to get away. Kirishima stopped, leaving his fingers still in the crook of his neck.
Bakugo was slightly confused but more disappointed, "i-if your gonna stop get off me!"
"So you want me to tickle you?" He said bluntly, looking down at the blushing mess below him.
"I- what no!" He stuttered out, the blush deepening.
"Just say the words," kirishima said softly, lifting the hand from his neck and holding it above the explosive boys stomach. He instinctively sucked in, anticipation eating him alive.
He closed his eyes, letting his head drop back onto the pillow.
"Your an asshole," he said quietly, "just- do it."
Kirishima smirked, "do what exactly?"
The blonde scowled, "you know what!"
His clawed hand lowered slightly, "just say it~"
He whined slightly, "fine. T- tickle me." He mumbled
"What was that?"
"I said tickle me are you deaf!?"
As soon as he said that, kirishimas hand plunged down into his middle, clawing at his soft belly. Laughter bounced around the room for the next 30 minutes, they both needed that.
(sorry this is so shit 😭)
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mah-t-wordblog · 22 days ago
Inspired on this post
Hehehehehe one more mha fic that no one asked! yes yes YES! Get that one friends 💛💛
7 minutes
Tumblr media
Art by me hehe👆
Switch: Mina Ashido, Hanta Sero, Denki Kaminari, Eijiro Kirishima, Katsuki Bakugo
Ships: NONE (if you want bakugo x Kirishima)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Bakusquad game night! Today they had chosen an intriguing game, it seemed fun
7 minutes, a more friendly variation of the famous game “seven minutes in heaven” - the rules were simple
All the participants stood in a circle, and spun the bottle among themselves, the first person chosen went to another room (which in this case was the closet in Mina's apartment, where they were gathered this time). Then the other participants spun the bottle again and the chosen person would enter the room too, the second person had the job of trying to tickle the first person until they said the safe word, which was “red” - if the lee didn't say the safe word in 7 minutes the ler lost
“That's stupid” Bakugo rolled his eyes
Mina picked up a bottle and positioned it in the middle of the circle of friends “ah, blasty! Don't say you're scared of losing~”
“Shut the fuck up”
“Ohhhhh sounds fun!” Kirishima exclaimed, the boy was already known for loving to be tickled
“It makes me a little nervous” Denki said, being the most sensitive in the room
“Oh don't worry about it” Sero laughed, giving his friend a little push “we're not going to kill you”
“Let's get on with it!”
Mina shouted the bottle, the moment was pure tension, the bottle spun, spun and spun, stopping in front of…………….. Denki!
“Oh, Shit” The boy laughed, getting up and entering the room.
The fact that he was in a separate room made everything more intriguing. Denki didn't know who his ler would be and that left him with butterflies in his stomach.
Then the closet door opened, and Sero entered with a mischievous smile on his face.
"Hehe, hi~"
"Shit." Denki started laughing nervously.
Sero attacked him, holding his arms close to his body with his tape while running his fingers all over the blonde's body. Denki screamed and laughed. From outside the room, everyone could hear the boy's exaggerated screams, and they knew he wouldn't be able to hold on for another minute...
"REHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHED" he screamed when Sero squeezed his knees.
"Hehe, I won."
The two left the room, one with a look of victory and the other with an exhausted look.
"One more time!"
The bottle spun again, this time Kirishima was chosen, he entered the closet and felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter with the thoughts of who would be his ler
The door opened, and a smiling Bakugo entered, his hands in the shape of claws ready for the attack
“Gotcha, Kiri~”
Kirishima didn't even have time to blush before his friend threw him to the ground to tickle him, scribbling on his ribs
“Give up! Give up already! You know you can't win~”
It didn't take long for Kirishima to say the safe word, something only Bakugo could make him say
The bottle was spun a few more times
In the next round, the chosen lee was Sero and his ler was Mina, the girl tickled him to scream but couldn't make him say "red" before time ran out, even scribbling on his armpits while saying teasing things like "how cute~", since Sero wasn't that sensitive - the boy left the room with an air of victory for the second time while the girl left completely defeated
Another bottle was spun, Denki was the lee again, nervous, he entered the room, his ler was none other than Bakugo, who jumped straight to the bottom of his knees and made him laugh, giving up in less than one minute
Another round, Mina was the lee and Kirishima the ler, the boy teased her saying she was so cute like that while blowing raspberries on her belly, Mina almost managed to win, giving up with 10 left seconds
Once again! Kirishima was the lee, he entered the room and waited, this time the ler was Denki, who grabbed his body and gave a mega electric shock of tickling! His special attack! Kiri couldn't even hold out half the time, Denki's quirk was simply too good to tickle
“I’m exhausted!” The electric boy said, sitting on the floor next to his friends.
“Are you exhausted?” Kirishima said, taking a deep breath.
“Do you guys want to stop?” Mina asked.
“Hmmm, nope, there’s still someone left to get their much-desired dose of tickling.” Sero smiled at her, pointing shamelessly at Bakugo.
“SHUT UP! It’s not my fault that the bottle didn’t choose me, you stupid extras.” The explosive boy crossed his arms, turning his face away.
However, internally he felt a gigantic desire for that bottle to stop facing him, for him to be someone’s lee, and for him to be able to find an excuse to receive some tickling, which he - even though he hated to admit it - loved.
Mina spun her bottle for the last time, with more force than she should have, which made the bottle spin for much longer, not helping Bakugo at all.
And……………………………. As cliché and obvious as it may seem, yes, the bottle stopped right in front of the explosive boy.
He crossed his arms and made an angry face. “That’s stupid.”
“That’s the rules of the game, blasty~” Denki laughed.
“Fuck, okay.” Bakugo got up and went into the room.
He tried to put an ear to the door to hear what the others were saying, and even if he could hear, no one said his brother’s name, they just laughed. Bakugo heard footsteps approaching the door.
“Hello~” Kirishima- was that Kirishima?
That idiot made the biggest IDIOT face he could make. Bakugo couldn’t tell if his anxiety had lessened because it was Kirishima, or if it had doubled because it was simply Kirishima.
“Come here, Katsuki!”
The redhead dug his fingers right into Bakugo's weak spot, swinging them into his ribs and upper armpits, not staying in the same place for ten seconds.
The blond couldn't take it anymore and lay down on the floor, which only made him more vulnerable, his legs shaking and kicking the air.
"Only if you say the magic word~ a hint: it's not please." Kirishima smiled, oh that smile.
He slowly lifted his friend's shirt, gathering air to overcome the biggest raspberry possible, without stopping to scribble on his ribs.
"Give up?"
"NEHEHEHEVEHEHER!" Another raspberry, even bigger
Kirishima let him go, letting him breathe and then helping him get up
“You’re cute, Kats”
“Shut up, phew”
The two left the room while the others tried to suppress the giggles they let out after hearing the desperate screams of the - evil, serious and super strong - Bakugo
“So who lost?” Kirishima asked, sitting next to his best friend on the floor
“Was there any way you could lose?” Denki exclaimed
“Yes, and let’s all agree that it was obviously you who lost, Pikachu~” Mina smiled
“What? PROOF!”
Sero held out his cell phone, which was counting the time, to him
“50 seconds in the first match, 30 in the second”
“Damn” the electric laughed, making everyone laugh too
Bakugo turned his face to hide the affectionate and involuntary smile he gave
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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featherstreams · 1 year ago
Tricks, T-Poses, and Tickles
Summary: Kirishima and Kaminari see a fun ticklish trick online and decide to try it out on Bakugou. He could use a smile after all! (Based on this video, can't find the original)
Lers: Kirishima, Kaminari
Lee: Bakugou
Word Count: 1,104
Warnings!: Cursing (it's Bakugou sooo)
Notes: Presentingggg... My first published tickle fic! I had a lot of fun writing this!! This scenario has been stuck in my head for months😅 I hope you enjoy!!💚
~ Part Two ~
"This is stupid."
"Come on, Bakubro! I know you'll love it!" Kirishima replied enthusiastically to Bakugou's disgruntled words.
"The fuck do you mean I'll love it? I'm not letting you stick some dumb piece of wood... Where do you even want to put it?"
Kirishima had to wack Kaminari, who was standing dutifully beside him, to stop him from saying whatever dumb comeback he knew the electric hero was planning. If they wanted this to work, they needed Bakugou not to explode Kaminari first.
The two friends had seen the idea on TikTok the other day and both immediately wanted to try it out. It wasn't difficult to come to the conclusion that they wanted Bakugou to be their victim. All they needed to do was convince the angry blonde to let them get through the first step of this.
"It goes through the arms of your shirt," Kaminari said with a grin, holding up the broomstick pole they'd found around back near the trash, since it was missing the actual broom part on one end. It was perfect for their plan. "It's this strength test we found online. The way the pole holds your arms makes it really hard to break it!"
"Only a few skilled people have managed to do it!" Kirishima cut in with a shark toothed grin. "We thought you could do it too! Unless you aren't up for the challenge?"
And just like Kirishima expected, that hooked the interest of their hotheaded friend, and he knew Bakugou was on board.
"Hah?!" Bakugou boomed, palms flickering. "Of course I'm up for your shitty challenge! Do it!"
Kirishima and Kaminari shared knowing grins. Kaminari passed the pole to Kirishima, who stepped forward to his other blond friend.
“Awesome man! You just gotta raise your arms so I can put this through. Straight up, there you go, like that!" He grinned and stepped around to push the pole through the sleeve of Bakugou's raised right arm. With a bit of maneuvering, it slid all the way through to the other side, slightly visible through the opposite sleeve. Bakugou stood there now, t-posed, looking his new position over with a calculated, slightly disgruntled expression.
"Perfect!" Kaminari exclaimed as Kirishima stepped back. "Can you move?"
Bakugou shifted on his feet, flexing his hands. He pulled, his arms visibly bulging against the sleeves, but they didn't move. Nothing. He tried again. Still nothing.
"Damn it!" He growled, jerking his shoulders and twisting his arms.
"What's wrong?" Kirishima asked innocently with a mischievous grin. "Are you stuck?"
"I'm not fucking stuck!" Bakugou yelled, glaring at his arms. "I just gotta - Get the right angle, and-" he grunted, but still nothing.
"Hmm... I think he might be stuck. What do you think, Kirishima?" Kaminari asked, turning to his friend.
"I think he's stuck, Kaminari," Kirishima agreed, his tone exaggerated and cheery. Bakugou had frozen now, squinting at the two boys, who's tones had taken on a... suspicious note.
"Hmm... Maybe we should help him, then. What do you think?" Kaminari asked Kirishima again, who couldn't help but grin back.
"I think we should! After all, we can't just leave him like that, right? Who knows what some people might do while... he's in a position like that," Kirishima purred, now looking at the explosive hero.
"Touch me and die." Bakugou growled, expression the normal shade of angry. His cheeks were slightly pink, however, giving away his nerves. Kirishima merely smirked. A glance showed that Denki was doing the same.
Bakugou bolted.
Or, well... He tried. He didn't get very far due to the awkward upper body position and the fact that he'd worn socks on floors made for anything but. He skidded his way across the common room, running for the dorm area and the elevator- not that he knew what he'd do if he even made it- but an arm snaked around his waist and yanked him to an abrupt stop. He was caught. And then there were hands pinching up his sides, and Bakugou broke into immediate snickers.
"Stop- Kirishima, lehehet me g-go you- nahahaha!!" He tried to pull his arms to his sides to protect himself, but he was stuck fast, his elbows only managing a few inches towards the ground before being stopped by that blasted piece of wood in his sleeves.
The arm around his waist, Kirishima's arm, disappeared, but Bakugou couldn't run, legs too shaky from the ticklish attack. Kaminari had joined in now, and the two successfully tickled their victim to the floor.
Kirishima and Kaminari got the explosion boy on his back, and the redhead dutifully straddled him. Kaminari found a nice place behind him near Bakugou's kicking legs. Bakugou threw his head back against the floor, laughter overtaking him despite his obvious attempts to hold it back. This position was so vulnerable, and with Kirishima pinching along his ribs like that, and Kaminari now squeezing his thighs, oh god fuck-
"Wow, someone's looking a little ticklish," Kirishima teased, dancing his fingers in the spaces between Bakugou's ribs. This earned him a yelp and more laughter, bringing contagious giggles to the lips of the readhead as a result. Then Bakugou was snorting, his squirming picking up as Kaminari let out a giggle behind him.
"Kiri, look! I found a snort button!" Kaminari exclaimed. He gave Bakugou's upper thighs a few more firm squeezes, and Kiri was delighted when Bakugou once again delved into snorting laughter, head thrown back and nose scrutched in the most adorable way.
"Awww, how cute!" Kirishima cooed.
"IHIHIM NOT CUTE YOU LITTLE- NAAAHAHA NONONONOHO NOT THEHEHEHERE!!!" Bakugou squealed when Kirishima's devious fingers found his unprotected death spot between his ribs and his underarms, throwing him into shrieking laughter. The occasional snort broke through thanks to Kaminari's tickle work, earning fond smiles from both of his assailants each time.
This lasted for quite a few minutes, only interrupted at last after Kaminari got a flailing knee to the chin after activating his tickle shocks into the sensitive skin of Bakugou’s thighs.
"You okay, man?" Kirishima asked, looking over his shoulder with concern as Bakugou caught his breath underneath him, finally granted reprive.
"Fine, fine- ouch. Jeez, Bakugou, you pack a mean kick," Denki replied, massaging his jaw.
"Wehell, that's what you get for tickling me, dunce face!!" Bakugou snapped back, still breathless. "Get off of me shitty hair!! And get this fucking thing out of my shirt already! I've fucking got splinters from this stupid piece of wood."
"You're awfully bossy for someone in your position," Kirishima replied, raising a brow at the demands. "I don't think we've tickled him out quite yet, Kamibro."
"Apparently not! And anyways, I need a bit of revenge now that you've kicked me like that..." Kaminari said from behind, the smirk evident in his voice.
"What? You fuckers, touch me again and I'll kill yOU- NAHAHAHA WAHAIT NO NONO NOT AGAHAHAHAIN!! NOHOHOHAHAHA!!"
"Tickle tickle, Bakugou~"
Suffice to say, it was a good, long while before Bakugou was released from the two boys' tickly clutches, panting, red faced, and indeed finding splinters in his skin when the wood staff was finally removed from his shirt. The pair was both were well aware that they would be dying later on once their blond friend had regained his strength, but until then, at least they knew the trick had been a success.
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wreckingtickles · 7 months ago
"That hurt when you jumped and then when you landed on my arms!"
Bakugo was writhing on his own bed, the bedsheet all crumpled from his continuous squirming; but no matter how much he tried, he wasn't able to pull his feet out of Kirishima's iron grasp.
"Common decency would have required you to take off your shoes, like Midoriya and Todoroki!" complained the redhead as he kept furiously scrubbing Bakugo's bare soles with the grooming glvoes he'd borrowed from Koda, the myriad of plastic nubs unlike anything Bakugo had ever felt.
He shot up to a sitting position, as if trying to headbutt Kirishima, who had his back to him, but he was too far, and with his wrists tied together behind his back with his own tie, there was precious little he could do except laugh his head off; or maybe it was an attempt to get closer to appeal to him, as if reducing the distance would have inspired more pity in his tormentor.
Protests and threats had been a thing for the first 10 minutes, when Kirishima was using his fingers to scribble all over Bakugo's soles, or to pull his big toes back to get at the tender flesh under and between his toes.
The two forks had resulted in bargaining, in Bakugo promising that no retaliation would be unleashed if Kirishima stopped at that moment.
"Oh, now you call me by my name? If this is what it takes, maybe it should be a recurring thing."
And the grooming gloves, those had finally led to pleading.
Kirishima focused his frenzied scrubbing on the upper half of Bakugo's feet, hitting the sensitive balls and the base of his toes.
A jolt ran through the crumpled body of the hysterical, defeated blond, who fell back on the covers, howling at the ceiling.
Kirishima was completely relentless. "Although now I see why you didn't take off your shoes. You might have fallen over laughing if we just brushed your feet, and cost us the battle."
He wasn't sure if the guffawing blond could hear him, but he'd made his demands clear from the start: he wanted an apology. And he wouldn't stop until he got one.
So he briefly loosened his hold so he could grab both of Bakugo's feet, his palms on the tops, and rubbed the nubs on his thumbs right into the balls.
Bakugo screeched as a new torrent of ticklish tears poured out of his eyes, staining the covers just like the other useless tears before them.
"Right in your weak spot, uh?" remarked Kirishima, finding it increasingly difficult to keep up his angry tone. He rubbed all over the trapped balls with his thumbs, not even giving Bakugo a chance to speak.
The blond had to claw through the overwhelming ticklish response to finally scream a broken "HIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIIHH!!! IHAHAHAHAHM SOOOOOHOHOHAHAHAHHAHAHAHARRYYYYY!!!!! SOHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Kirishima went on rubbing Bakugo's soles for a few more seconds before finally pulling his hands back.
"What did you say?" he asked as Bakugo breathed in for dear life.
As desperate as he was for air, the blond knew that any delay would have caused the tickling to resume. "I'm s-sohorry..."
"Sorry for what?" asked Kirishima as he let his thumb graze the hyper-ticklish ball of Bakugo's left foot again, instantly causing the blond to spasm with terror.
"F! Fohor nohot... takihing my... shoes off," he finally said, thoroughly beaten.
"Geez, was that so hard?" asked Kirishima as he began to remove the grooming gloves, without ever letting go of Bakugo's ankles.
The blond closed his eyes as he panted, blinking away the last tears, too overstimulated to feel the slightest hint of shame at having been forced to aplogize, and by tickling of all things.
He forced himself to open his eyes as he felt Kirishima shift at the foot of the bed.
His thumping heartbeat picked up again when he noticed the redhead was holding two hairbrushes.
"W-WAIT!!" he begged, his voice filled with desperation. "I-I apologized!!"
"You did." Kirishima nodded. "And now for your punishment."
He scrubbed the two hairbrushes into Bakugo's soles, filling the overwhelmed blond with a new surge of unbearable ticklishness.
The entire bed shook with the sheer energy of Bakugo's thrashing; but Kirishima wasn't going anywhere.
"Thirty minutes should make the lesson stick," added the redhead before focusing once again on the balls of Bakugo's feet.
Still on a break, but had an idea for a short story I just needed to get out.
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flames-tstuff · 4 months ago
No Excuses
Summary: Bakugou is stubborn as all hell, so he likes the excuse he gets from Shinsou using his quirk to make him listen. But Shinsou would much rather Bakugou just be honest about what he wants. (1742 Words)
“Raise your arms over your head.”
“What the fuck did you just say to me?”
Shinsou smirks as he leans against Bakugou’s doorframe. “What? Everyone else in class has had a chance to tickle the shit out of you. I may have gotten a hand in now and again, but I’d like to have a real go. And hell I think you’d like that too. That’s something I wanna test.”
Heat rising in his cheeks, Bakugou shouts, “Oh fuck you, Mind—”
“Gotcha~” teases Shinsou, shutting the door behind him as he moves fully into the room. “Now, raise your arms over your head.”
Under the influence of Shinsou’s quirk, Bakugou raises his arms, laving his fingers together behind his head. Now Shinsou didn’t tell him to do that much. So far, his theory seems sound. Smirking, Shinsou approaches with wiggling fingers, watching blood rush to Bakugou’s face and his eyes widen ever so slightly. Oh. This’ll be fun.
Keep reading
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todoroklee · 7 months ago
Just laugh dammit!
Ler!bakugo and lee!todoroki
Summary: todoroki never laughs or even smiles and bakugo what's to know why, and try to make him laugh himself.
It was a normal day in the UA dorms, izuku and iida watching TV in the common room, some of the girls were at the pool and todoroki was sat in his room doing homework.
It wasn't until later when things started to take a turn for todoroki, at around 7pm he went down to the common room to join deku and iida watching TV. They were watching some comedy show and laughing there asses off, he sat down next to them and just watched.
"How do you guys find this funny?" He questioned genuinely.
"Uhum I dohont know I juhust doho?" Deku answered, still goggling.
Todoroki shrugged and continued watching, as iida and izuku continued laughing like maniacs bakugo walked out of his room to see what all the commotion was.
"What the hell are speedy and the nerd laughing about?!"
"Just some show, find out for yourself"
"Don't gotta be so rude iceyhot!" Bakugo groaned, but he did take a look at what they were watching and if he was being honest it was hilarious. A few of the moments got him giggling and that says something, but why wasn't iceyhot laughing or even smiling?
Before he could ask, todoroki was gone. Bakugo assumed he was in his dorm so he made his way over there.
Todoroki heard a bang on the door, as he got up to grab it the door had been booted open. He sighed.
"What do you want?"
"Just a question" he said with a smirk.
"Why weren't you laughing or even smiling at the show tenya and the nerd were watching in there?"
"It just wasn't funny," he shrugged as if it was nothing, but bakugo wasn't done.
"Why don't you laugh, or even smile- yknow I've never seen you smile!"
"Mabye you don't deserve to, also did you just interrupt yo-"
"What do you mean I don't deserve t-"
"Don't interrupt me-"
"Like hell I'll listen to you!"
"Just shut up"
"What did you say?"
"You heard me"
'Oh, he is in for it now,' bakugo thought to himself as he charged towards the half n half gentleman. Todoroki landed on the bed with bakugo straddling his thighs.
"Dude, what the hell?!"
"Oh shut up" bakugo growled back as he tried to hit todoroki but he instead managed to brush his hand against the hot and cold heros side exerting a squeak from the older.
"No fucking way"
"HA HA, This is CRAZY!"
"Don't say a wo-"
"What you gonna do? Your at my mercy"
"What are you gonna do hm ?"
"Simple, this!" With that bakugo started digging roughly into todorokis sides, causing the older to somewhat lurch forward.
He shoved a hand over his mouth as he tried to fight back bakugo but he was weaker due to the tickles.
"Bak- bakugo!"
"Yeah icyhot!?" He wiggled his fingers into todoroki's tummy hoping to mabye get him weak enough to pin his hands.
The hot n cold hero squeaked as he pushed himself backwards to try to get away from the tickly fingers of his explosive friend, this just gave bakugo the perfect opportunity to jump into action.
Bakugo grabbed one of his hands and kept it above his head whilst keeping up with the lighter tickles on his belly.
"Cmon icy-spicy show me that smile!"
Bakugo used his free hand to pull at shoto's arm but it wouldn't budge from his mouth.
"Cmon you icyhot bastard!" He wasn't doing much damage to his strength as he was clearly shown so he thought of the next logical option!
Bakugo dug three fingers into the hot n cold boys hollows, vibrating his fingers as he did so causing shoto to push his arms down to his sides showing off his smile.
Bakugo took one look and was caught, wow. He quickly was pulled out of this little moment when he heard a giggle slip from none other than shoto himself.
"No way! I didn't think such a serious guy could ever giggle! Awh that's adorable" bakugo teased relentlessly as he watched shoto try to hide his face.
"Nuh uh uh~" he fluttered his fingers against the now open side of his neck, causing todoroki to straighten his head.
"Stohop bahakugoho!-"
"Hmm I don't think so, your too adorable like this!"
"I'm nohot adohorable!"
"Oh yes you are~"
He wiggled his fingers against the hot n cold heroes tummy, "cmon icyhot, give me a laugh!"
Todoroki squealed, sucking his stomach in once again.
"Bahakuhogo! Stohop ihit"
"Oh no, I can't stop now!"
He began spidering his fingers all over the half n half heroes tummy, digging in and vibrating his fingers above his navel.
"Oh? Swearing now? Watch your language icyhot~"
"So you don't like spiders huh, well what about raspberries?"
Bakugo smirked as he saw todorokis eyes widened, he stopped the tickles for a minute.
"Wahait bahakuho- plehease"
"Please...tickle you more?"
As he said that he began rolling up shoto's t-shirt, running his fingers over the bare skin.
"Noho bahakugoho!"
"Wow, your very ticklish icyhot~ is it something to do with your quirk or are you just that cute and sensitive all by yourself?"
"Shuhut uhup!"
"What, don't you like the word tickle? Well your gonna hate this then"
As he said that he shot his face down to plant raspberries all along the icyhot heroes tummy.
"Does this tickle shoto?"
He mumbled, sending tickly vibrations more throughout his stomach.
"SHUHUT UHUP BAHAKUGOHO!" He pushed bakugos head lightly as he threw his head back with loud, squeaky cackles.
"Your laugh is adorable icyhot, mabye I should do this more often?" He said teasingly, smirking as he lifted his head. Dipping a finger into shotos belly button and wiggling a finger.
"But your so adorable~"
He put his mouth towards shoto's ear, "tktktktk~ does it tickle shoto, huh?"
After a few more seconds he stopped, getting off the half n half hero and sitting back on his bed.
Todoroki curled in on himself and was left in a pile of giggles, bakugo awwed internally as he looked towards shoto with a smile.
Shoto took a deep breathe and sat up next to bakugo.
"Thank you for that..." He said softly
"Don't get used to it icyhot," he said trying to sound angry as usual but failing, "Your welcome." He muttered under his breathe.
"But you know bakugo, I'm quite a big fan of revenge..." he turned towards bakugo with a devious smirk.
"Wait icyhot, you don't need to-" But he was cut off as shoto began clawing at his ribs.
Todoroki smiled, mabye smiling wasn't such a bad thing after all...
AU: I haven't written in ages so apologies if it's bad, :)
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lees-chaotic-brain · 9 months ago
roomate! bakugou who hates how much you get into his head so he goes out of his way to avoid you, until you come out wearing a slutty little skirt and and a bralette with strappy heels to go clubbing with your friends and he realizes he really doesn't like the idea of you going out like that. not because he has problems with the way you're dressed -you're a grown woman and can wear what you want- but because your little outfit is giving him thoughts and that mean that it's going to give other men thoughts and all men (other than him obviously) are depraved animals so what type of hero would he be if he just stood by and left you to the wolves?
so somehow, don't ask you, you have no idea, he ends up going club hopping with you and your friends. just because he needs to fulfill his duties as a hero. that's it.
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gryffsposts · 2 months ago
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Give off the same energy
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wreckingtickles · 8 months ago
Say the line, Bakugo!
The League of Villains wants Bakugo to renege heroism on video, but the stubborn trainee might need a little bit of persuasion... a whole lot of it, in fact.
Words: 2,924
This picture made me do it:
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Tickle torture under the cut!
Four hours. That’s how long he had been at it. Four goddamn hours that felt like forty.
The Energizer had two massagers pressed deep into Bakugo’s underarms, the furious vibrations rippling out to affect the entirety of the hairless, slick hollows. Some ten minutes prior, he’d said that he’d figured out a method that would drive Bakugo absolutely ballistic, and that promise had been kept, much to the captive’s chagrin. Somehow, that was indeed even worse than the claws, whose gentle skating had in turn been more agonizing than the Energizer’s own wiggling fingers. He claimed he’d realize the massagers would work wonders when he saw how sensitive the blond’s ribcage and armpits were to raspberries.
“Enough? We’ve got two more hours to go!” trilled the Energizer, who’d taken his sweet time testing Bakugo’s body head to toe. He increased the speed of the massagers, relishing in the rise in the pitch of the captive’s laughter he knew would come.
Unfortunately, Bakugo wasn’t able to hear him, and not due to the defeated sounds he was forced to produce or the toll the tickling was taking on his senses: three hours in, the Energizer had opted for sensory deprivation. The headphones secured to Bakugo’s ears played an edited recording of their first three hours together, forcing the trainee to listen to the embarrassing sound of his own increasing laughter interspersed with the Energizer’s merciless teasing. He wished he could see the moment the fight would leave Bakugo’s eyes, but it was even more satisfying to see ticklish tears stain the black blindfold and pool at both sides of the blond’s head. He had gotten to see his anger turn to suspicion and then horror when he realized what was going to happen to him, and again later when his body – but seemingly not its owner – realized he wouldn’t be able to outlast this.
The Energizer had debated gagging him as well, but hearing his threats and insults turn into obstinate grunting, then resentful cackling, and finally howling laughter was too delightful to pass up. Besides, letting Bakugo try to speak, threaten, bargain might be more effective at breaking his ego than depriving him of that outlet.
“How come you keep getting more and more ticklish? Mh, your skin is so smooth, which makes tickling you so easy, and your Quirk… oh, is it because of your sweat? If I had known, I wouldn’t have bothered with the oil. You should have told me, silly! Someone really needs punishment tickles.”
He turned the two massagers to the max, ripping another screech from the spent prisoner. The only reason Bakugo was still able to thrash and laugh his explosive head off was the Energizer’s Quirk, an incense-like smell he could secrete to replenish the inhaler’s stamina – which had the apparent side effect of keeping him at peak sensitivity as well.
How had Bakugo found himself sweating bullets on that low, Y-shaped contraption, his hands still encased in those Quirk-suppressing manacles and secured to the top portion of the horizontal surface so his upperbody would be completely vulnerable, his black tee having been pulled up to his elbows, his legs spread and his toes pried back and individually tied to the ankle restraints, his bare feet currently wrapped in two plastic bags to keep them warm and ever more sensitive?
The League of Villains had planned to release a new video, one in which Bakugo himself would mouth Shigaraki’s talking points about the unfairness of the hero system and how violence was turned into a spectacle dressed up in morality - the prisoner hadn’t really paid much attention, preferring to thrash in place even though he was going nowhere.
His stubbornness was sure to prove a tremendous obstacle, but the League had already accounted for it by hiring the Energizer, an infamous torturer who couldn’t have been much older than Bakugo himself going by his voice, though his high-collared lab coat and round shades obscured most of his face. The League had been ready to offer him hundreds of thousands of yen; when he was told who he’d be working over, the Energizer agreed to do it for free. Pro bono. He kept tabs on the heroes in training that could one day be his targets, and there was something he’d wanted to try on this specific trainee since the Sports Festival. He wouldn’t leave a single mark and he’d be done before the six hours were up. He only had two conditions, the first of which was that he wanted to be alone with the captive.
He’d started at Bakugo’s stomach, claiming that it was a favorite spot of his. His gentle scribbling had caused Bakugo to freak out, out of rage rather than ticklishness, and to his credit, not even the combination of oil, claws, and an electric toothbrush in his bellybutton had fully succeeded in breaking him, though the addition of the occasional raspberry had pushed him to the brink.
His sides had been acquainted with the Energizer’s fingers as well as the dreadful massagers, both the scalp and the electric sort. Those same tools had been used on Bakugo’s waist and hips, but thankfully his pants prevented easy access to his thighs, and his knees didn’t happen to be very sensitive. However, the torturer had no compunction about removing the trainee’s shoes and socks, and he’d made a point of telling Bakugo that he’d been curious about that area’s sensitivity ever since his rude refusal to accommodate his classmates during the cavalry battle by removing his footwear.
Bakugo hated himself for how hard he’d laughed then, with toothbrushes – sonic and electric – flossers, paintbrushes, pieces of string, and the massagers were used on his toes, while combs, claws, forks, hairbrushes and, worst of all, grooming gloves had ravaged his oiled soles.
The moment he’d felt the Energizer leave his feet alone for a moment and take a stab at his ribs, he’d begged, not even for the torment to stop, just for a break. A reasonable request, the Energizer had agreed, before digging into his ribcage full-force. Fingers, soft scrub brushes, backscratchers, claws, raspberries, all used to superb effect on the trainee’s most ticklish spot – at least at that time, because at that moment, his pits were proving about as rewarding, for the Energizer, and excruciating, for Bakugo.
The torturer had teased him and remarked on his ticklishness throughout, no matter what he was doing, both for his own entertainment and so that Bakugo would be forced to listen to him again once the headphones came on. The fact that the broken hero couldn’t hear him didn’t deter him.
“Hey, if you don’t want me to use these two massagers of mine on your ribs, you can just say so. Tell me now.”
“I’m not hearing a no. Does that mean I can? Are you sure? Because you reeeeeeally look like you’re at your limit. Well, two hours ago you did. For real, it’s your last chance!”
“Please? Alright, if you insist!”
Before Bakugo could even realize the massagers – still on their highest setting – had left his thoroughly exploited pits, he felt them press into the very top of his ribcage.
He screeched and his body spasmed as if the Energizer had electrocuted him. Maybe he would have preferred it.
Bakugo needed to say something. He couldn’t remember what, if his would even allow him to string two coherent sounds together. He was scrambling for a magic word that would make it all end.
“Tsk tsk, I told you you couldn’t take it! Why didn’t you stop me? And it’s so much worse when you can’t see or hear! That stubbornness of yours will land you in trouble one of these days, I tell you.”
“Oh, is it too much right here at the top? Maybe it tickles less at the bottom, let’s see.”
“Nope, I don’t think it does. Tell you what, I’ll just do both.”
“I can though, so you will.”
He kept Bakugo in that hysterical limbo for a few more minutes, until he noticed that one of the massagers was losing power. Some part of Bakugo must have noticed too, because his lungs were pumping out mirth only at 100% capacity.
“Oh, you think the worst is over? Not when I can do this!” said the Energizer as he drilled his knuckles into either side of the trainee’s ribcage.
Bakugo all but wailed, having believed for just the slightest second that his torment would get ever so slightly more bearable, before being plunged back into the deepest depths of despair.
“If you want me to stop, you only have to tell me.”
“Oh wow, you’re a lucky one, aren’t you? Well, you would be if I was actually going to stop, which I’m not. How about my knuckles and a massager?”
So he buried his knuckles into the right side of Bakugo’s ribcage while pressing the vibrating head into his lowest set of ribs.
Bakugo coughed, wheezed, let out a choked cry, his whole body shook, and he screeched again at the top of his lungs.
“Oh, I think we have a winner!” trilled the Energizer, repeating the deadly combo, and again, and again, switching sides, making sure not a single spot of Bakugo’s extremely sensitive ribcage went unmolested, his Quirk – Caffeine – preventing the blond’s senses from failing even for a moment.
Bakugo coughed, wheezed, and his laughter went silent. The Energizer didn’t stop. He fell perfectly still, his blindfolded face frozen in the most perfect expression of ticklish agony, but the Energizer didn’t stop. And his howling laughter exploded out of his chest once more as the Energizer pressed the massager into his top ribs.
He only relented when that massager’s battery began to flash red as well. “Oh snap. Well, that’s what powerbanks are for,” he mused out loud as he recharged both massagers. That was probably for the best, Bakugo’s voice had become unpleasantly hoarse by the end of it, so he left him to recuperate a bit. He checked the timer. About an hour and a half left. So he had thirty minutes before the grand finale.
He removed the headphones from Bakugo’s head. The blond reflexively jerked to the side to avoid his touch, and the Energizer smiled. He had him. He also took off the blindfold, watching Bakugo’s eyes flutter uncertainly under the harsh spotlight that kept the rest of the warehouse shrouded in darkness.
“F- umph, fuhuck…”
“Are you sure you want to finish that sentence?” teased the Energizer.
Bakugo thought better.
“Hey, you’ve made it!” exclaimed the Energizer, clapping a hand on Bakugo’s knee. “That was six hours. I assume you’ll say what the League wants you to say?”
Bakugo gave him the best glare he could muster. “Fuck… you.”
The Energizer smiled. “Shucks. I shot my best shot, I guess there’s nothing to be done…” he proclaimed theatrically as he turned his back on Bakugo.
He could almost feel the surge of relief and pride that filled Bakugo’s chest, pride that would eventually sour once he remembered that he’d nearly given in to a villain’s demands due to being tickled, but at that moment he could picture the exact smirk, the gloating curses forming at the back of his throat…
“Just one more thing,” he said as he pivoted and showed Bakugo his timer. - 01:32:02.
“NO!” shouted Bakugo, the exact grin that the Energizer had imagined dying on his lips. “No—Fuck! You can’t…! Fuck, fuck!”
“Look where that loud mouth of yours landed you, again.”
“You look so stupid now. And ticklish.”
“That I cannot do, but I can promise to leave your pits and oh-so-sensitive ribs alone,” cooed the Energizer, making his way toward the bottom of the contraption.
Bakugo immediately realized what was about to happen and tried to kick, thrash, twist, do anything to get away from the Energizer’s torturous touches. Oh, taking off the blindfold and headphones was so worth it.
He slowly tore off the plastic bag around Bakugo’s left foot, and watched as the blond jerked his leg as if he’d been scorched. Then, he did the same to the second bag, this time even slower.
“Mmh, I wonder what I should do next…” he teased, his fingers reaching for the bare sole.
“Fuck you, I’ll never say it, you guys can choOOOOOHOHOHOOHHOHHOOO!!! NAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!!!” guffawed Bakugo as his tormentor slipped a finger between each of the toes of the blond’s left foot, the digits effortlessly sliding into place thanks to Bakugo’s Quirk.
“Listen to the little hardass,” taunted the Energizer without even moving his fingers, letting the micro-twitches of Bakugo’s toes do all the work for him.
“I’m not even doing anything, look,” observed the Energizer as the fingers of his left hand subjected Bakugo’s remaining toes to the same treatment.
“I’m literally not doing anything, just resting my fingers! Damn, and I thought your feet were ticklish before. Your toes aren’t even the most sensitive part, I hope you remember that.”
“What’s the magic word?” asked the Energizer, moving his fingers almost imperceptibly…. unless you’re Bakugo of course.
Entertaining though the spectacle was, the Energizer withdrew his hands… and reached for an object Bakugo couldn’t see.
“Wrong. The magic word is ‘abracadabra,’” he said before vigorously scrubbing the detailing brush on the bare sole.
“There it is!” chuckled the Energizer. “The ball is the most ticklish part, right? Right around here,” he narrated as the brushed honed in on that spot, inching agonizingly closer with each pass, until it hit it, and Bakugo screeched again.
“Am I good at my job or what?” gloated the Energizer, though Bakugo was obviously in no condition to answer.
“Wouldn’t it be awful if I also had a comb to use on the base of your toes?”
“Oh, wouldn’t you know!”
“This is some real anime shit,” commented the Energizer as the brush devastated most of Bakugo’s sole while the comb in his other hand did all the precision work.
The closest thing Bakugo got to a reprieve in the following 30 minutes were the momentary switches between one foot and the other.
The Executioner checked the timer. Minus one hour, give or take. Just in time.
For the first time that night, he actually stopped in tandem with (though not as a consequence of) his target’s plea. He moved the comb and brush less than an inch away from Bakugo’s foot, just as a reminder.
“So?” he asked, impatiently waiting for Bakugo to speak between heaving breaths.
“I… I will… say… it…”
“Will you really? How do I know you’re not saying it just to make me stop?”
“N-! No I’ll, I’ll sahay the thing…”
“And what will you say after you’re released? That the mean villains tick-tick-tickled you so so hard that you just had to say those awful things? Is the big stwong hewo so weak that a widdle bit of tickwing will take him down?”
It was a testament to his skill that Bakugo was too thoroughly broken to take umbrage at the baby talk. Even his voice had embraced defeat. “I’ll say… I’ll do anything, just… stop.”
From the crinkles at the corner of his eyes, Bakugo could tell even through the mist of ticklish tears that the Energizer was smiling.
“I’ll let you in on a secret,” he murmured. “I know you will. But I have… a little over an hour with you still, and we don’t want that ugly temper of yours to flare again, do we? So I’ll use every single second of our remaining time together to make sure that stubborn little brain remembers exactly how bad things will get if you don’t give the performance of a lifetime.”
Oh, the abject terror in Bakugo’s eyes. “NO!!! YOU-- YOU CAN’T!!!”
“Watch me. Oh, Oooooohmuuuuuu!” he called, and the trainee when from confusion to dismay when he saw the monstrous figures shamble out of the dark. Was he going to be torn limb from limb?
“Don’t worry, they aren’t going to hurt you. See, Ohmus are rally dumb, they only understand simple commands,” explained the Energizer as he removed the two massagers from their chargers and turned them on. “Like… stick these things into his pits and don’t move, like I did before.”
He handed the two vibrating menaces to the massive horror near Bakugo’s arms.
“You, remember the thing I did with the knuckles? This right here? Yeah, do that. You, with the many hands? Ok, curl and uncurl your fingers like this. Do that on his belly, his sides, and the bottom of his ribs – here. That’s exactly it! You, take that hairbrush, you wanna scrub that right here, see how red it is already? There you go. Can I get someone to floss his toes-- great. And, well, I’m already holding this brush and this comb, so…”
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giggly-agenda · 7 months ago
If katsuki's laugh is cute enough as it is imagine him as a kid giggling his little head off
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lunarfleur · 8 months ago
katsuki and bf!reader where bf is trying to help him bandage his burnt hands after using his quirk too much?
Fixing Katsuki Up
Warning: Slight cursing, not proofread.
A/N: requested male reader but honestly came out GN so
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Katsuki hissed under his breath. You took your sweet time rubbing out the muscles in his wrists, firmly pushing and pulling at the tension.
There was no denying how powerful your boyfriend’s quirk was. But, there was also no denying that it did, indeed, give him trouble whenever he decides to be careless.
His eyes, deep red and shining, stared down at your hands. It pissed him off, really, when you wasted your time on him. But, nonetheless, he was glad you were there.
Sighing, Katsuki shoved his head into the crook of your neck. His head was pounding, his wrists were aching and, frankly, he wasn’t sure he had the energy to finish getting himself ready for bed. The stinging of his palms kept nagging and nagging at him, at his stupidity.
Reaching your hand up, you scratched at the back of his head. He’d never ask you to do such a thing, but he could never hide the way you managed to take away all the tension in his body in two seconds. He could fall asleep like this.
“Are you tired?” You whispered to him.
“Mhm.” His hum was muffled against your—his—shirt, and you laughed in response. His body slumped against you further. You almost struggled to hold yourself up.
“You can go to sleep.”
Katsuki grunted, but he didn’t move. You kissed his head and listened to the pure relief that was in his next breath. His hands—bandaged uncomfortably—fiddled with the hem of your shirt and brushed up against the skin of your bare back.
How attached to you, he was.
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lees-chaotic-brain · 24 days ago
Hello! I was wondering if I could make a request for the song fic event if you're still doing that? I was wondering if you could do Too Sweet by Hozier for either Gojo or Bakugou? Any trope/theme is welcome, I want you to do whatever you think is best! Thanks so much, in advance!
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summary: maybe you're just the little bit of sweetness bakugou needs in his life
wc: 1.5k
cw: swearing, light angst, reader is referred to as "woman" once, bakugou calls reader "babe",
note: i'm so so sorry this took so long, but anon, just know that i am kissing your big beautiful brain bc i freaking loved writing this. i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it <3
listen to this while reading
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Bakugou loves waking up next to you every morning but he’s especially content waking up to your warm, soft body pressed up against his this morning. Shifting you gently, he readjusts so he’s laying on his side, staring at your sleeping form with his head propped on his hand. 
It’s a miracle, he thinks, that someone as perfect as you chose him of all people. He has plenty of confidence in knowing he’s the best when it comes to defeating villains, but he also has the self-awareness to know that he’s far from the ideal boyfriend. He’s brash, loud, and not good at expressing himself. 
Yet someone like you -kind, funny, intelligent- chose someone like him time and time again until you reached today; your one year anniversary. Suddenly overcome with love and appreciation, he buries his face in your sleep-mussed hair, planting a kiss on the top of your head.
Your hair smells like the bonfire you roasted marshmallows last night as you stargazed. To celebrate what he hoped was the first of many anniversaries, he had rented out a little lake cabin for the two of you to escape the public eye and enjoy each other’s company.
Feeling you stir in his arms, he looks down at you as you blink at him sleepily, a soft smile tugging at your lips as you look up at him. He swears his heart skips a beat (or two, or three) as he falls even further for you.
“What are you doing to me, woman?” He nuzzles into your neck affectionately. “You must have paid for some voodoo shit or something, because every time I think I can’t fall for you any more somehow you make me.”
Your laugh is soft, smudged at the edges with sleep, and you wrap your arms around him, kissing his chest.
“Someone’s feeling sappy this morning.”
And yeah, maybe he’s feeling a little sappy this morning, but as long as he’s with you he doesn’t mind showing his soft side.
Don't you just wanna wake up, dark as a lake? Smelling like a bonfire, lost in a haze?
Bakugou loves his job almost as much as he loves you, but on the days that his line of work keeps him away from you, he can’t help but hate it.
It had only been a few weeks since he had taken you to the little cabin by the lake for your anniversary, but in the weeks since then he’s been swamped by mission after mission, the most recent one requiring him to go off grid for a couple of weeks. 
Sitting on the plane, waiting impatiently for it to carry him across the miles spanning between him and you, he can’t help but resent his job. He loves what he does, but he loves you more. Unable to help himself, he checks his phone every thirty seconds, eagerly awaiting a response from you.
What were you doing? Two hours later he was driving home from the airport, rough fingers tapping against the steering wheel aggressively. Normally you responded to his messages right away, and your lack of reply was stressing him out. Did something happen to you? The thought makes him nauseous, and he presses harder on the gas.
When he finally arrives at your apartment complex he’s out of the car in seconds and taking the stairs three at a time. The front door slams against the wall as he bursts through your front door, full of anxiety.  
“Babe! Babe! Where are you?”
Your head pops out from the room you had claimed as your office, and a grin stretches across your face.
“Kats! You’re home-mmph” You’re cut off by him tugging you harshly into his arms. “Dumbass.”
“Huh?” You try to pull away to get a look at his face, but he won’t let you. “Why am I a dumbass? I didn’t even do anything! I couldn’t have. I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
“Don’t remind me.” He grumbles, happy to be back at home with you in his arms again. “You scared me. I was worried something happened when you didn’t respond to my text.”
“Aww.” You somehow sound both apologetic and amused at the same time. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I was just trying to get some work done so I put my phone to the side. I’m okay though.”
“Good.” The huff of his breath against the curve of your neck sends a shiver down your spine. Giving him a couple more seconds, you enjoy the feeling of his warm arms wrapped around you before trying to squirm away. “Now that you know I’m okay do you want to clean up while I finish up this email? After that we can make dinner together.”
“No.” He doesn’t budge, practically draping himself over you like an oversized coat. “Just wanna stay like this.”
“Did someone miss me?” There’s a singsong quality to your voice that he doesn’t necessarily appreciate, but he can’t deny it.
He really fucking missed you; he always does when he has to be away from you. And he’s not embarrassed to admit it (to you at least). After all, isn’t it just a sign of how much he loves you?
I work late, where I'm free from the phone And the job gets done, but you worry some, I know
Watching you do your makeup, Bakugou is stricken by your beauty, admiring the sloping planes of your face, the curve of your cheek, the shape of your lips. He knows you’re gorgeous, but he still takes advantage of every opportunity he gets to admire you.
So he sits, content to watch you as you get ready. Wait. You’re getting ready to meet his friends. A chill runs down his spine.
“Hey babe?” “Yeah?” You don’t even glance at him, too focused on applying a perfect layer of mascara to your curled lashes. “What’s up?”
“Do you think you can take all of that off?” You close the tube of mascara, and look at him incredulously. “No? Why on earth would I do that when I spent so much time getting it to look good.”
“Because you look too good.” He scowled. “I don’t want Dunce Face getting any ideas.”
“Dunce face?” You arch a singular eyebrow and he feels his eye twitch. “Don’t do that either! He’ll like it too much.”
“Baby.” You stand up and wrap your arms around his neck. “So what? Let them look. You’re the only one for me. Besides, I’m pretty sure you’re the only one that would consider me raising an eyebrow attractive.”
“I changed my mind. We’re not going.” 
“Katsuki.” You’re not impressed, levelling him with a look that reminds him of that one emoji. “We’ve been dating for over a year and I still haven’t met your friends. This dinner is long overdue.”
He knows that. He does, so he presses a kiss to the side of your head and allows you to finish getting ready, your bright smile soothing the jagged edge of jealousy. Fine. He’ll take you to meet the idiots, but that doesn’t mean he has to be thrilled about it.
Because deep down, he doesn’t give a fuck what Kaminari thinks about you. He just wants to keep you, with your beauty and bright smiles, all to himself.
You know you're bright as the morning, as soft as the rain Pretty as a vine, as sweet as a grape
Bakugou doesn’t like sweets. He likes his alcohol strong, his coffee black, and his food spicy. He (and everyone else) used to believe he didn’t need, or want, sweetness in his life. Until he met you.
All his friends were surprised when he took you to meet them for the first time. You were his girlfriend? But you were so soft, and kind, and…sweet. All of the things he wasn’t. How did the two of you even get along?
Then they notice the way he is around you. The harshness in his eyes fades when they land upon you, sharpness dulling into pure, unadulterated adoration. When he touches you with palms designed to explode and break things, there’s a gentleness in his movements, an awareness of his own strength and how precious you are. 
When he speaks to you, his words may be harsh, but all of the bite in them is gone, his voice soft and affectionate. 
So maybe, just maybe, his friends whisper amongst themselves as they watch him join you on the dance floor. Maybe the infamous Bakugou finally found the little bit of sweetness he needed in his life.
I'd rather take my whiskey neat My coffee black and my bed at three You're too sweet for me
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thanks for reading, as always, likes, comments, and reblogs are so so appreciated!
everything taglist: @ponderingmoonlight @hotvinimon @evemooniepeach
bhna taglist: n/a
bakugou taglist: n/a
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allnightstay · 5 months ago
Day 5 - Boo! 👻
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Summary: Deku managed to piss off Bakugo and is now running for his life trying to hide
Lee - Deku
Ler - Bakugo
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Deku had been training with Bakugo for a little while and discovered a hidden weakness, Bakugo is ticklish. For a moment Deku had been laughing his ass off at Bakugo's over reaction and eventually realized he was in trouble. He made a run for it and, well, that leads us to now.
"BAKUGO I'M SORRY!!!" The green haired boy was just ahead enough that he could take a turn and potentially lose the hot headed Bakugo. He went down an alley and chose to hide behind a building not far from the main campus.
After what felt like 10 minutes passing, Deku decided he lost him and started walking back towards the school.
"Man he really lost it there. But who would've known the big bad Bakugo had such a silly weakness." Deku giggled to himself.
It was Bakugo. He had been tailing Deku this whole time knowing he had let his guard down.
"AH! Ba-Bakugo.. look don't hurt me I was just- AH!" The blonde tackled Deku to the ground, sitting on top of him with a menacing grin.
"What are you laughing to yourself about huh!? I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO LAUGH ABOUT!!"
Bakugo launched a full on tickle attack on the now giggling boy. He began tickling his stomach and vibrating his ribs like it was his only mission. With Bakugo overpowering him, Deku had no way of getting out. All he could do is lay there and take his torment.
"HAHAHHAA BAKUGOOOHOHOHO!! Plehehehehease stop!! I said I was sorreheheheheee!!!
"Sorry won't cut it Deku. You owe me for exploiting my ONLY WEAKNESS!! I have to make sure you'll NEVER tell anyone!! Or else it'll be THIS for endless hours!"
Bakugo shoved his hands under Deku's arms and tickled with expert precision.
"Yeah no, I don't believe you."
Deku tried everything he could to get Bakugo's hands out of his underarms. He couldn't take how bad it tickled. He was trying to bend left and right, roll over, anything he could to get out of there. But all he was doing was exposing more areas.
Bakugo switched from under his arms to squeezing his sides everytime he tried to roll over, and squeezed his hips every time he went back to laying on his back.
Deku was visibly beginning to weaken, tears of mirth already falling from his eyes. He really learned his lesson and in all honesty, he wasn't even going to tell anyone. He enjoyed the thought of playing with this secret on his own without anyone finding out. The occasional poke here and there would be absolutely hilarious. Seeing Bakugo try his hardest not to laugh or jerk would just be 🤌🏻 such a payback in his own control.
Deku went silent, and that was Bakugo's cue to stop. He let up and stood up from sitting on Deku's waist.
"Yeah you little punk. Don't you dare tell anyone or else it'll be that times three. You hear me?"
Even though Deku knew it wasn't a serious life threatening threat, he still didn't want to tell anyone anyway.
"I already told you I won't tell. Jeez Bakugo are you some of expert in this stuff? You nearly killed me."
"That's the point idiot. I will kill you if you tell. Now get up already, you look like a fool on the floor."
Bakugo walks away feeling quite proud of how well he got Deku to listen. He knew he'd be able to overpower him whenever he wanted, so his secret felt safe to him.
But he had another secret. He secretly enjoyed every moment of that, on both ends.
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Happy TickleTober!
Hope you enjoyed!
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