#Learning Espanol
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er-cryptid · 4 months ago
Astronomy (Spanish)
estrella = star
sol = sun
luna = moon
constelación = constellation
galaxia = galaxy
satélite = satellite
astrónomo = astronomer
telescopio = telescope
cometa = comet
cinturón de asteroides = asteroid belt
planeta = planet
espacio = space
globo celeste = celestial globe
Vía Láctea = Milky Way
planetario = planetarium
nebuloso = nebula
asteroide = asteroid
nova = nova
año luz = light year
supernova = supernova
agujero negro = black hole
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vivicantstudy · 6 months ago
these methods are what are helping me the most to learn spanish:
1. Label Your Household Items: Place labels with Spanish names on objects around your home. This constant exposure helps reinforce vocabulary in a practical context.
2. Create a “Spanish Only” Zone: Designate a specific area or time each day where you only use Spanish. This could be a room or a period during which you read, watch TV, or speak only in Spanish.
3. Use a Spaced Repetition System (SRS) for Vocabulary: Instead of traditional flashcards, use an SRS app to review words and phrases at increasing intervals. This method helps improve long-term retention of vocabulary.
4. Write a Diary in Spanish: Keep a daily journal in Spanish. This practice helps you think in the language and improve writing skills while reflecting on your day.
5. Sing Along with Spanish Music: Choose songs in Spanish and sing along, paying attention to the lyrics. This helps with pronunciation, rhythm, and understanding colloquial expressions.
6. Learn Through Role-Playing: Act out scenarios in Spanish, such as ordering food in a restaurant or asking for directions. This method helps you practice practical language use in a fun and interactive way.
Important: Methods can change depending on what works for you, so try everything you can. Methods can also turn out to be less effective as you gain more knowledge.
obs: Spanish is my priority right now because I’m no longer learning it as a hobby but as a necessity. You are free to correct me.
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lilacthebooklover · 1 year ago
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duolingo terrifies me actually. "safe"?? "any means necessary??" what does this mean duo??? what does this mEAN??11!1!!!1
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ryomaandgundhamkin · 2 months ago
Ryo, si algo anda mal, siempre puedes hablar conmigo o con tus otros amigos, ¿vale?Incluso si no nos conocemos desde hace tanto tiempo, todavía me preocupo por ti como una mejor amiga.
¡MUCHAS GRACIAS! estoy bien. no quería preocuparte de ninguna manera. lo siento si lo hice. gracias de todas formas. eres tan amable que no merezco tenerte como amiga. tqm
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qubitos · 2 years ago
sometimes i get emotional thinking about the all people qsmp has brought together who probably never would've known eachother otherwise. jaiden & roier, the theory bros, cellbit & roier, mariana & slime, vegetta & foolish, etc. like ill just be watching stream like normal and then the weight of how incredible it all is hits ;w; it makes me feel so sentimental
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studywithfin · 22 days ago
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こんにちは, hello, hola!
These are my first set of Japanese notes. I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's fun, and that's what matters.
Good luck to everyone on their journey to greatness <3
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ramblingsfromthytruly · 6 months ago
language acquisition goals in this lifetime~
languages i already know:
odia (my mother tongue - but i can only speak in it)
hindi (no longer study in school but i can speak, write, etc BUT i am not very good)
english (probably my best language though it's my third lol)
languages i want to learn (in order of learning):
french (it's been a few months of learning but i can't put in much time because i'm a full time student)
isl (indian sign language)
asl (american sign language)
bsl (british sign language)
hindi (i want to re-learn to expertise, it'll be easy since i already know the basics and much more)
odia (though i'm excellent at speaking i also want to learn to read & write since it is my family's language)
japanese (not sure if i actually will, if when the time comes i'll see)
old english
ancient greek (it'll be easier since i would've already learnt greek by this time)
latin (yes i'm aware that this and the two before aren't spoken anymore but i still want to learn them very much)
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recently-reanimated · 1 year ago
I'm trying to learn Spanish, and my issue with lists of shows to watch in spanish is that they are actually good shows. I don't want to come home and have to follow a plot, I want to watch whatever the spanish version of house hunters is. My ideal spanish immersion experience is one where I get net zero braincells because as the language learning part of my brain is expanding, I'm also getting reality TV brain rot.
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amberinn · 7 months ago
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Thinking about papa's susheria all the time, my favourite gamer just played it wooo!!!!
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multilingual-wannabe · 1 year ago
english - francais - espanol - patwa - deutsch 1 - 20
zero - zéro - cero - zéwo - null
one - un - uno - yonn - eins
two - deux - dos - dé - zwei
three - trois - tres - twa - drei
four - quatre - cuatro - kat - vier
five - cinq - cinco - sènk - fünf
six - six - séis - sis - sechs
seven - sept - siete - sèt - sieben
eight - huit - ocho - (y)wit - acht
nine - neuf - nueve - nèf - neun
ten - dix - diez - dis - zehn
eleven - onze - once - wonz - elf
twelve - douze - doce - douz - zwölf
thirteen - treize - trece - twèz - dreizehn
fourteen - quatorze - catorce - katòz - vierzehn
fifteen - quizne - quince - kènz - fünfzehn
sixteen - seize - dieciséis - sèz - sechzehn
seventeen - dixsept - diecisiete - disèt - siebzehn
eighteen - dixhuit - dieciocho - dizwit - achtzehn
nineteen - dixneuf - diecinueve - diznèf - neunzehn
twenty - vingt - viente - vèn - zwanzig
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elgallinerodelespanol · 1 year ago
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💬 ENG 💬
" T-shirt that solves the old plumber's problem"
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angel-r · 2 months ago
Spanish learning going strong 💁
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Si yo hablo Espanol.
Tu hables Espanol?
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thatnerdyfairy · 1 year ago
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I have this extension that changes some of the words on my computer to Spanish and it translates pan (the sexuality) and Pan (like Peter Pan) to the word for pan (the cooking utensil).
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years ago
In Spanish, ito or ita (the former is masculine, the latter is feminine) are appended onto the end of a word, either as a diminutive or as a nickname. For example, Miguel Rivera from Coco is called Miguelito by his family, which literally means “little Miguel” but is also used as an affectionate nickname.
Like, hermana is sister, so hermanita is little sister.
Gordo is fat, so gordito is chubby.
Gato is cat, so gatito is kitten (or gata and gatita).
Burro is donkey, so burrito is...
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d0lolita · 6 months ago
The current state of language learning…
🇪🇸 100% 🇬🇧 100% 🇫🇷 100% 🇷🇺 10%
🇮🇹 5% 🇵🇹 5%
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duck-plus-horse · 9 months ago
As I post this, it's the winter solstice or thereabouts in the southern hemisphere. If, by some strange chance, this is seen by someone in the southern hemisphere, I tell them: keep hope. You're halfway through.
No escribo in español, pero yo probo algo nuevo, así perdóname, por favor. Publico este en el solsticio de invierno en el hemisfero sur. Si estás en ese hemisfero, quédate la esperanza. Estás a mitad de camino. Tengo vergüenza por escribir en lengua secunda.
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