#Learn Spanish in Delhi
kochivamarketing · 7 months
Delhi offers several good options for those looking to learn Spanish. As interest in the language grows for business, travel or personal reasons, specialized institutes have cropped up across the capital to meet the demand.
For those wanting flexibility in online classes, Kochiva itself has emerged as a top destination for Spanish learning. Their tutors employ innovative teaching methods for beginner and advanced lessons via virtual classrooms. One can pick specialized modules too like Business Spanish for improving career prospects.
Check out this blog, it covers some of the Top 5 Spanish Language Institutes in Delhi enabling students to learn practical Spanish language skills.
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spanishmylife · 5 months
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iblclasses-blog · 1 year
Learn Spanish language Course in Delhi
Learn Spanish language Course in Delhi will help you in learning the fundamentals of the language. You will learn to use basic words to greet others, use dates and introducing yourself to others. You will learn the vocabulary through text and audio. The course also includes some basic level vocabulary development and grammar.
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Start Speaking English A New Language Today!
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Learning a new language has never been easier! English speaking course in Noida enhance your skills.  https://www.fluentfastacademy.com/english-speaking-course-noida/
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madridfangirl · 4 months
Star crossed lovers (Jude Bellingham fanfic)
Chapter 1
(Series Link)
Jude * female reader. No warnings.
Synopsis: A chance encounter in a tiny Madrid cafe with the newest superstar of her fav club. The two couldn't be more different, yet both feel the pull toward the other. Would this girl be the one he finally falls for? Would she make him change his ways? Even though she resists him every step of the way, would he fight all odds (& her) to have her in his life? Or would life come in the way of these star-crossed lovers?
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Madrid was such a beautiful city. Ananya had been here for nearly four months now, yet couldn’t stop marvelling almost daily over some or the other detail she kept discovering. She loved the hustle bustle but also the quaint historical aesthetic that the city provided. That way, it was quite similar to Delhi, the city she was from.
She was practically in a different continent now, far far away from India. To move to another country, with a completely different language and culture, while she was just 20, had been a tough choice. But she was offered a great job in her undergraduate college placements and no career-minded adult would say no to such an opportunity. So, she had managed to convince her overprotective parents to let her move to Madrid, on her own. Her parents thought she would want to return in a few months itself, but she surprised even her own self with how well she was adjusting to the city. Madrid was beautiful, after all.
As she sat in a sweet little cafe on the side of a small road, close to her office in downtown Madrid, on a Friday evening, she smiled to herself on how the last few months had transpired. So much had changed in her life, and she was loving the ride she was on. An independent girl, with a decently fancy job in one of the best European cities. Life was good right now.
This tiny cafe was one of her favourite spots in the city. It was run by an older couple who always greeted her with a smile and the best churros in the galaxy. It was never too crowded, most people just took takeouts. So it was an ideal place to relax, and it was walking distance from her office.
She pulled out her laptop while munching on her plate of churros. It was already Friday evening but she still had a few hours of work left. Investment banking was fun but the hours came with it. Mr. Iglesias (the owner) quietly placed a cup of cappuccino, her usual, next to her plate. She smiled gleefully at his hospitality, then engrossed herself in her work.
30 minutes later, a distinct baritone and accent broke her out of her reverie.
‘A Spanish omelette please?’
Ananya turned around, drawn to the voice. A tall man, wearing stylish all black attire, was standing at the counter. She could only see his back.
Mr. Iglesias drew a blank expression. The tall man tried again.
‘Umm, an omelette, Spanish omelette, por favor?’
‘Un tortilla de patatas, senor.’
Mr. Iglesias nodded happily at the man and signalled 10 mins with his hands.
The man whipped his head in her direction, and smiled gratefully at her.
She had to look away. Immediately. Not just because he had the most infectious smile in the world. But because she recognised who it was and she absolutely would die if she acted crazy at this instant. No, she willed to not make a fool of herself.
But he was walking over to her now.
‘Hey, thanks a ton for that.’
She had taken a few deep breaths by now and was back to her typical poise.
‘No problem at all. I could see you were struggling there.’
He hung his head and laughed sheepishly.
‘I did learn what it was called in Spanish, I swear. But had a long day and completely blanked out. Umm, Spanish is not my first language you see. But I am learning.’
Despite the situation, she somehow managed to smile back genuinely at how he was trying to explain himself to a complete stranger.
‘Well, I am new to the city and the language as well. But my favourite dishes are something I never forget. Can’t go without those, right?’
He smiled at her again. A smile that lit up his whole face. A smile that could light up a black hole. She was amazed at how real, how normal he came across. He was wearing his cap backwards and had glasses on to serve as some disguise she supposed, but she doubted whether those would generally be of any help to him. Not anymore at least.
He played with the back of the chair opposite hers, and looked around.
‘Umm, are you alone? May I join you?’
She channelled all her inner poise before answering.
‘Yeah sure.’
And he flashed her another joyful smile while settling on the small table, opposite her. Man could charge 1000 euros for each smile and people would line up to pay.
He removed the godforsaken glasses, unveiling his big, coffee brown eyes. The hat he just turned backwards, which somehow suited his chiseled face even more.
‘You said you are not from here. May I ask where you are from?’
‘Sure, I am from India.’
‘Wow. I have heard so much about that place. Some of my neighbors back home are also from India. Would love to visit sometime.’
‘You should. There are many flavours to India which you could only experience when you visit.’
He nodded along, agreeing with her wholeheartedly. Mr. Iglesias waved to him from the counter, signalling 5 mins more. He smiled at him as well. Was that his default setting? Not that she was complaining. Oh hell, no.
He suddenly looked back at her.
‘Hey, I didn’t catch your name. So silly of me to not ask earlier.’
She found herself smiling again.
He tried to break down the foreign sounding name in syllables. It was her turn to giggle now, and he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.
‘Not A as in Ancelloti but A as in Alvaro Morata.’
He leaned back in his chair, still rubbing the back of his head, and looked straight into her eyes.
‘So, you do know who I am?’
She tuned her laptop towards him. The screensaver was her in the trophy room at the Bernabeu, along with the 14 Champions League trophies.
He looked at the photo and her beaming smile. Her love for the club was evident.
‘Been a Madridista since 2009. 15 years. That’s 75% of my life. So yes, I do know who you are Jude.’
Somehow, just somehow she had managed to find her footing amidst all this madness and was having what would appear to be a fairly normal conversation with a global superstar. She felt it was because of him, though. Because how easygoing and grounded he seemed.
‘Wow. That’s awesome. You know, I didn’t even like football at that age? It’s strange, I know. My dad always wondered what was wrong with me. But one day, suddenly, I decided I wanted to play.’
‘I get it. Sometimes god acts in mysterious ways. You won’t even know how or when, it just happens.’
‘I know right.’
They fell into a comfortable silence. Just looking at each other. And smiling. Both couldn’t stop smiling for some reason.
Mr. Iglesias appeared then with the omelette and Jude nearly hugged him in delight.
He stuffed his face with a gigantic bite, moaning at the taste. Then, he ended up coughing vigorously because the bite was almost one third of his plate.
‘Easy. Here, take this.’
Ananya offered her glass of water to him, which he gulped down in three sips. Then rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand as he looked back into her eyes.
‘My mom had once gotten me an omelette from this place. Felt like little drops of heaven. Since then I have been meaning to have this. Sorry for the clumsiness, I got a little carried away.’
He was apologising to her again, which was so endearing. And that accent made everything sound twice as cute.
They went back to their food, and the comfortable silence was back. But she was learning that he couldn’t stay silent for long.
‘Since you already have a head start in knowing about me, would you tell me something about you? What brings you to Madrid?’
‘I work at an investment bank here. Kind of my dream job and my dream firm.’
He leaned forward, tapping his fingers on the table.
‘Ooooh fancy.’
‘Yeah right. Look who is talking.’
‘No, it is fancy. Seems like a smart person thing. I had a feeling you were like that.’
He spent the next 15 mins learning about her job, and by the end he accused her of showing off by using big terms he won’t understand. She neither confirmed nor denied that accusation.
He took another mouthful again, completely ignoring what happened the last time. She couldn’t help but be amused at his antics.
‘So, have you seen any match live?’
Her whole demeanour changed and she was practically bouncing off the chair now. He found that extremely amusing.
‘Oh yes. I was here for internship last year and I managed to watch one game. Vini scored two kickass goals and we won. It was amazing - easily one of the best days of my life.’
Something in his tone was off but she was too happy to care.
‘Is he…your favourite player, then?’
‘Oh he’s amazing. Us fans have seen him since he was 17 I guess? And look at the journey. Love the player he has become. But my favourite will only ever be one. I am a Ronaldo fan girl.’
Well, that seemed to cheer him up. He kind of figured that given she had mentioned 2009.
He watched her face fondly for a few seconds as she turned nostalgic and relived the memories in her head.
‘Nothing this season, then?’
‘No luck. The tickets are always sold out. Last year also it was our firm which arranged them for us.’
She hadn’t seen him play, then.
He went back to his last bite and turned it around with his fork a few times, pondering over his next words.
‘Well, there is a home game tomorrow.’
‘A HOME GAME? It’s the first Classico of the season. Ofcourse I know that. God I am so nervous. Hated them winning the league last year. Hate their guts. Jude, you guys better win tomorrow, please. ’
He watched her keenly though her rant, thoroughly amused.
‘Thanks for the order. But, what I meant was, do you want to watch the game tomorrow?
‘But, Classicos get sold out in the beginning of the season right?
She looked confused. Still not getting the point. He realised he would have to spell it out for her.
So smart in her work but not as much in this, which was cute in its own way.
‘Ananya, do you want to watch the match tomorrow from my box? Because you are welcome to do that.’
Oh. Oh.
She stayed still, and he scanned her face for a response.
A volcano erupted inside her. She had been so lost in talking about Madrid and that match that she had completely missed the way he had been looking at her. And what he had asked her just now.
He could tell from her face that something deep was holding her back.
‘Listen, bring your friends / colleagues if you want to. Many of my friends have attended. Plus the boxes are all next to each other so the media / fans can’t really tell who is in whose box, if that’s what’s concerning you. You can just attend as a friend, that’s it.’
She wasn’t buying the last line.
‘That’s it?’
She called his bluff while meeting his gaze. Which he admired. The smart girl was back.
‘Well, after the match, we could grab a bite maybe? Doesn’t have to be a public place, don’t need that drama. So maybe, your place? Or….mine?’
She shook her head sadly.
‘Jude…it’s not that you are not…but…we live in very different worlds and…’
He had an inkling of what was coming and he cut her off before she could finish the sentence. Taking no for an answer was not an acceptable option right now, not when the last 30 mins had been so pleasant and refreshing.
‘What if I score tomorrow? Against the team you detest? How about then?’
She looked at him with her mouth half open. Which made him look down to her lips. But he had the good sense to quickly revert to her eyes.
‘Won’t you want to give me some extra motivation to score against Barca? Or would you rather I be sad and distracted tomorrow?’
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. He was really doubling down on this.
‘Let me get this straight. You are seriously using my love for Real Madrid to get me to go out with you?’
He leaned back in his chair, smirked that gorgeous smirk, and shrugged casually, with an iota of arrogance, knowing he was going to win this. Even the arrogance suited him, for crying out loud.
But then, he leaned forward and covered her hand with his, expression all sincere. Her breath hitched at his touch.
‘Look. I just want to spend some time with you, and I really would love for you to see me play. I get that my lifestyle comes with a zillion challenges but that’s step 10. Can we please just spend a few hours together, just you and me, where we talk and get to know each other? I promise, that’s all I am asking. And you don’t have to say yes to that now. You can decide tomorrow after the match. How does that sound?’
The earnestness in his silky smooth voice was drawing her in. She believed him, and was on the verge of saying yes.
But he got restless and played his final card, which he always had up his sleeve.
‘Also, Zidane is going to be there. Their box is just two rows down from where you would be.’
She burst out laughing and threw the table napkin in his face, which he caught easily. Then flashed her a million dollar smile.
‘You really are something aren’t you?’
‘Well, I try.’
She had forgotten that his hand was still on top of hers and was reminded of it when he squeezed it briefly, then withdrew it.
He pulled out his phone and slid it in front of her.
‘Gonna need your number to send the passes.’
Her mind was still registering what she had agreed to but her body reacted involuntarily and typed in her number.
He saved it quickly and sent over the passes in seconds.
‘So, I will see you tomorrow then?’
‘Yes. You leave me no choice. And you better win now, after what you just pulled.’
His phone chimed with a reminder then, for an evening home fitness session prior to the match. He had to leave, she could tell.
He stood up, and she got reminded of how tall he was. His lean physique made him look even taller.
He reached out for her hand again, shaking it this time. And lingered for a few seconds.
‘I will have to go thank my mom now for recommending this place.’
He chuckled, while finally getting go of her hand. She couldn’t stop admiring how his eyes crinkled when he smiled.
‘Can I drop you home?’
‘I have some work to finish - you carry on.’
‘Ok. Looks like it’s gonna rain tonight so pls leave soon.’
Gosh, could this guy get any more charming?
‘Yeah, I will.’
Grudgingly, he went towards the door of the small cafe but looked back one final time.
‘Ananya - such a beautiful name.’
He said it perfectly this time and she gave him a hearty smile, exactly what he needed before he made his way out.
She fell back in her chair, buried her face in her hands and tried to make sense of what had just happened. Tomorrow was going to be nuts. She was going to see Zidane, who she loved to bits. She was gonna watch El Classico. And then, if Jude had his way, she was going to go out on a date with him.
Author’s note: This is set in October and pls assume the classicos were reversed :)
Lots more to come, hope you liked the setup.
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wrvtchedhearts · 3 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Zakir Aamir Sethupathi
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 28 -- January 8th
OCCUPATION: rapper, translator, interpreter
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis-man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Biromantic
LANGUAGES:  mother tongue: Hindi, Urdu fluent: Arabic, Spanish, English, Russian, Punjabi, Gujarati conversational: Japanese, Cantonese learning: Portuguese, Mandarin, Bahasa Malay
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single ( crushing on Anchali )
FC: arpan kumar chandel aka King
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Biography --
Zakir was sixteen when he moved from New Delhi to New York City hoping to find a richer more full-filling life there. He hoped to become a famous rapper. He grew up the oldest son of a Muslim and Hindu couple, with little prospect in life other than continue his father's business. His uncle - a friend of his father rather than his actual uncle - told him stories of America, of New York City, and the American Dream.
He got into crime because he needed funds and connections to gain his fame. He's known for making songs in which he fluently meshes languages and meanings together, rapping under the alias Baagee. However, a lot of his time is spent translating for Dead Hand or using his understanding of languages to decipher coded messages.
He's been releasing songs steadily during the past five years, and has been an official associate of Dead Hand for three years.
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Headcanons --
He's a polyglot; he speaks multiple languages and easily picks up new ones. Currently he's learning Portuguese, Mandarin & Bahasa Malay. He's however always interested in learning more.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi/habibti ( ‘my dear’ or 'my love’ in Arabic ) or bhai/bhen ( 'brother’/'sister' in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
He produces his own music.
He's a romantic, friendly and charming, and a little afraid of violence. Will always portray the role of a diplomat in a conflict.
Zakir was raised in a Muslim and Hindu household, though neither him nor his siblings got much of a choice which religion they wanted to follow. As a result he still follows a lot of rules from Islam and participates in all its religious days, including Ramadan.
He doesn't drink or smoke - though he on occasion uses the drugs available at El Anhelo, and has his way to say why those aren't as bad.
He has an augmentation in his eyes, installed just before he moved to the United States by a street engineer. Because it was a prototype, he's had to get it checked out several times. It essentially works as a video camera: he can zoom in, zoom out, rewind, slow down, and speed up. As well as choose to save certain moments to his phone to view later. Because his eyes are more sensitive now, he wears sunglasses or tinted glasses almost all the time.
wanted and established connection can be found here.
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Slang --
Some slang Zakir might use and its meaning:
Yaar: friend/buddy/dude, addressing someone.
Arre yaar: addressing someone while expressing disappointment, surprise, or frustration.
Mashallah: 'God has willed it'
Inshallah: 'if God wills'
Wallah: 'I swear', said very often, presume Zakir never lies when he says this, as it's a sin.
Yallah/Chalo/Vamonos: Let's go!
Alhamdulillah: 'Praise to God'
Subhanallah: 'Glory to God'
Māśūqa: sweetheart, used for Anchali
Chai: Zakir never says tea
Jhakaas: Awesome!
Mast: excellent or fantastic
Bhai __ hai?: he uses this in restaurants mostly when he wants something quickly.
Theek hai: ok or it's okay
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pipsdelhi62 · 4 months
Improve Your Language Skills with the Best Speaking Classes in Delhi.
Language skills are crucial in today’s globalized world. Whether for personal growth, professional advancement, or social interactions, mastering a language can open numerous doors. If you're looking to improve your language skills, there's no better place than the Premier Institute for Professional Studies (PIPS) in Delhi. PIPS offers the best speaking classes designed to unlock your potential and help you achieve fluency. This comprehensive blog will explore why PIPS stands out as the top choice for language learning, the structure and benefits of their courses, and how these classes can transform your communication abilities and overall confidence.
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Why Choose PIPS for Language Speaking Classes?
1. Diverse Language Offerings
PIPS offers a wide range of language speaking classes to cater to different interests and needs. Whether you want to learn English, French, Spanish, or another language, PIPS has specialized courses to help you achieve proficiency. The institute’s diverse offerings ensure that students can select a language that aligns with their personal or professional goals.
2. Expert Instructors
The quality of instruction is a defining feature of PIPS. The institute employs experienced and qualified instructors who are native speakers or highly proficient in the languages they teach. These instructors bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom, providing students with a rich learning experience.
3. Comprehensive Curriculum
PIPS’s language courses are meticulously designed to cover all aspects of language learning, including speaking, listening, reading, and writing. The curriculum is structured to ensure that students develop a well-rounded skill set, enabling them to communicate effectively in various contexts.
4. Interactive Learning Environment
PIPS fosters an interactive learning environment that encourages active participation and engagement. The classes are designed to be dynamic and stimulating, with a focus on practical communication skills. Students engage in discussions, role-plays, and group activities that enhance their speaking abilities and build their confidence.
5. Flexible Learning Options
Understanding the diverse needs of its students, PIPS offers both online and offline language speaking classes. This flexibility allows students to choose a learning mode that fits their schedule and lifestyle. The online courses are interactive and accessible, ensuring that students can learn effectively from anywhere.
6. Placement Assistance
One of the standout features of PIPS is its commitment to student success beyond the classroom. The institute provides 100% placement assistance, helping students secure opportunities in various organizations. With connections in more than 100 companies, PIPS ensures that graduates have a smooth transition into the professional world.
7. Scholarships and Financial Aid
PIPS believes in making quality education accessible to all. The institute offers up to 100% scholarships to deserving students, easing the financial burden and allowing them to focus on their studies. This commitment to supporting students financially further solidifies PIPS as the best choice for language speaking classes in Delhi.
Course Structure and Benefits
English Speaking Classes
The English speaking classes at PIPS are designed to help students achieve fluency and confidence in English. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your skills, PIPS offers courses tailored to different proficiency levels.
Basic English Speaking Course: This course is ideal for beginners and covers fundamental aspects of English, including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Students learn to construct sentences, engage in simple conversations, and build a solid foundation in English.
Intermediate English Speaking Course: This course is designed for those who have a basic understanding of English and want to improve their speaking skills. The curriculum includes more complex grammar structures, enhanced vocabulary, and practice in speaking on various topics.
Advanced English Speaking Course: This course is for students who are proficient in English and want to achieve near-native fluency. It focuses on advanced vocabulary, idiomatic expressions, and nuanced aspects of the language. Students engage in debates, presentations, and discussions to refine their speaking abilities.
Duration: 2-3 months per level
Improved Communication Skills: Enhance your ability to communicate effectively in English.
Career Advancement: Open doors to better job opportunities and professional growth.
Confidence Building: Gain confidence in speaking English in various social and professional settings.
French Speaking Classes
French is a beautiful and widely spoken language that can open many doors internationally. PIPS offers comprehensive French speaking classes for different proficiency levels.
Beginner French Course: Learn the basics of French, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and simple sentence construction. This course focuses on everyday communication and practical language skills.
Intermediate French Course: Build on your basic knowledge and improve your ability to converse in French. The course includes more complex grammar, expanded vocabulary, and practice in speaking about various topics.
Advanced French Course: Achieve fluency in French with advanced grammar, vocabulary, and conversational skills. This course prepares you for professional and academic use of the language.
Duration: 2-3 months per level
Global Opportunities: French is spoken in many countries, providing numerous opportunities for travel and work.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insights into French culture, literature, and traditions.
Enhanced Cognitive Skills: Learning a new language can improve cognitive abilities and mental flexibility.
Spanish Speaking Classes
Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. PIPS offers Spanish speaking classes that cater to different levels of proficiency.
Beginner Spanish Course: Learn the basics of Spanish, including pronunciation, vocabulary, and simple sentence construction. The course focuses on practical communication skills for everyday use.
Intermediate Spanish Course: Build on your basic knowledge and improve your ability to converse in Spanish. The course includes more complex grammar, expanded vocabulary, and practice in speaking about various topics.
Advanced Spanish Course: Achieve fluency in Spanish with advanced grammar, vocabulary, and conversational skills. This course prepares you for professional and academic use of the language.
Duration: 2-3 months per level
Career Advancement: Spanish is in high demand in many industries, providing better job opportunities.
Travel Opportunities: Spanish is spoken in many countries, making travel more enjoyable and immersive.
Cultural Enrichment: Gain insights into the rich cultures of Spanish-speaking countries.
How PIPS Transforms Your Language Skills
Interactive Teaching Methods
PIPS employs interactive teaching methods that engage students and make learning enjoyable. These methods include:
Role-Playing: Practice real-life scenarios to improve speaking skills and build confidence.
Group Discussions: Participate in discussions on various topics to enhance conversational abilities.
Presentations: Prepare and deliver presentations to improve public speaking skills.
Listening Exercises: Improve comprehension skills with listening exercises and audio materials.
Personalized Attention
PIPS ensures that each student receives personalized attention to address their specific needs and challenges. Small class sizes allow instructors to provide individual feedback and tailor their teaching methods to suit each student's learning style.
Practical Application
The courses at PIPS are designed to be practical and relevant. Students engage in real-world activities that require them to use their language skills in meaningful ways. This practical application helps reinforce learning and makes the classes more effective.
Continuous Assessment
PIPS conducts continuous assessments to monitor students’ progress and provide feedback. These assessments include:
Regular Quizzes: Test your understanding of the material and identify areas for improvement.
Oral Exams: Evaluate your speaking skills and fluency in the language.
Written Exams: Assess your ability to write and comprehend the language.
Supportive Learning Environment
PIPS fosters a supportive learning environment where students feel encouraged and motivated. The instructors are approachable and always ready to help, and the peer support among students creates a positive and collaborative atmosphere.
Success Stories
Testimonials from PIPS Graduates
Rahul Sharma: "Joining the English speaking course at PIPS was the best decision I made. The interactive classes and personalized attention helped me improve my fluency and confidence. I now feel more comfortable speaking English in professional settings."
Priya Mehta: "The French speaking classes at PIPS were fantastic. The instructors were knowledgeable and made learning fun. I can now communicate effectively in French, which has opened up new career opportunities for me."
Ananya Singh: "The Spanish course at PIPS exceeded my expectations. The practical approach and continuous assessments kept me on track. I am now fluent in Spanish and planning to travel to Spain to immerse myself in the culture."
How to Enroll
Enrolling in PIPS language speaking classes is simple and straightforward. Here are the steps:
Visit the Website: Explore the detailed course descriptions and choose the one that best suits your needs and goals.
Book a Free Demo Class: Experience the quality of education and training at PIPS by attending a free demo class.
Apply Online: Fill out the online application form and submit the necessary documents.
Scholarship Opportunities: Check eligibility for scholarships and financial aid to support your education.
Start Your Journey: Once enrolled, begin your journey to mastering the language of your choice.
The Premier Institute for Professional Studies (PIPS) in Delhi is the best choice for anyone looking to improve their language skills. With its comprehensive curriculum, experienced instructors, state-of-the-art facilities, flexible learning options, and commitment to student success, PIPS provides everything you need to unlock your potential and achieve fluency in the language of your choice. Whether you want to learn English, French, Spanish, or another language, PIPS offers the perfect platform to hone your skills and make your mark in the globalized world. Enroll today and take the first step towards a bright and fulfilling future in language proficiency.
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nuinindia2023 · 1 year
Day 26: #roadtrip
Welcome back everyone! For those of you who read yesterday’s blog post, Snehaa and I decided to switch it up a little. Not only was she busy documenting our day for the blog, but she also was busy taking over the Northeastern Instagram page. And I’m not talking about the Northeastern GEO page. I mean the actual official Northeastern Instagram page. Like the one with 109k followers. She did an amazing job by the way- go Snehaa!
Anyway, here we are. A new day, a new blog post. Today’s itinerary was pretty simple. 4 hour bus ride to Agra, Taj Mahal, 4 hour bus ride to Delhi. #roadtrip Yes, you did the math correctly, that is approximately 8 hours on the bus (not including bus traffic!) and we made it out alive. However, I will say those 8 hours felt like an eternity. To show you what our journey looked like here is a screenshot of Apple Maps (not showing the traffic that we did unfortunately hit)
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The morning started out in high spirits. Well, as high as they could be for that early 7am departure from the Lemon Tree hotel in Jaipur. Most people took the first hour or so to sleep, and by the time we started unopening the packed breakfast, we were all awake and ready to see the Taj. (Compliments to the wonderful hotel staff who packaged up some breakfast foods for us to eat on the bus!) Please enjoy the photo of Scott dancing along to some song playing in his earbuds. Pictured below is also a photo of us enjoying some toast before the bus left.
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Olivia and I also had purchased some fun snacks for this bus ride and filmed a few fun taste test videos. Here is a fun screenshot I took from when we tried the Spanish Tomato Tango Lays chip and were cheers-ing. We even got Prof. Duane to try it with us.
While I will not be putting those on this blog post, please note that we enjoyed most of the snacks we tried and it was a good way to pass the time. We took a quick pit stop to use the restroom and quickly browse the souvenir store, and then were on our merry way to Agra.
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As soon as we stepped off the bus the hawkers sprang into action and throwing necklaces, magnets, and key chains in our faces, but no one stopped to buy. At least not right then. A short golf cart ride later and we were at the East Entrance to get a quick lesson on the Taj’s history. Fun fact: it took 22 years to build and there are 22 white domes that make up the Taj. One for each year it took to build! I'm not going to lie, pictures do not do it justice, but nonetheless, please enjoy.
We also learned that the inscription highlighted in one of those pictures is an optical illusion. The writing at the top is written bigger, but because of the longer distance from the viewer, it appears to be the same size as the text at eye-level!
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Let’s just say that it’s one of the seven wonders for a reason. It’s absolutely breathtaking, and we were lucky because the crowds didn’t seem too bad. We stopped at several stops to take individual photos, as well as a group shot. The photographer that took some of our photos was very keen on getting everyone one to do one of his guided poses.
I thought about putting in some of those individual photos here, but for all you parents out there- I decided to not spoil the surprise. Ask your kids for their photos! For now, just enjoy a few of the smaller group shots we took :)
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By the time most of the Instagram-worthy photos were taken, we were starting to get pretty hot and ready to move on to see the inside. Once we got inside the mausoleum, we weren’t allowed to take any photos. There was a security guard who had a whistle at the ready to tell off any visitors for taking photos. So, in the meantime, please enjoy this photo I got online that shows that the the beautiful inside looked like (below; left)
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Once we finished walking our little circle around the tombs, we were ready to wrap this tour up. Like I said, the Taj is absolutely beautiful, but at that point, we were all ready to get out of the heat and continue along on our journey. So we made our way to the exit, stopped to purchase any desired photographs from the photographer, got swarmed by hawkers again, and then finally got on the bus.
We stopped at a McDonalds for a to-go lunch to eat as we continued to drive the 4 hours to Delhi. I’m not entirely sure if the drive was closer to 5 hours or not, but it certainly felt like it. With a full day of traveling, we were all glad to see the sign for the Eros Hotel. For dinner, some people ordered take-out, while a group went to a local food court down the street that Teddy found. (Giving credit where credit is due) We ate at a Pan-Asian restaurant and then briefly scoped out the scene for a potential spot to hang out at tomorrow night. Stay tuned to find out if we actually end up going back to there or not. Well that’s it for me. We’ll see you all tomorrow!
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ivorylaid · 1 year
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it’s a dog eat dog world, and SAMEER SIDDIQUI has to learn how to bare their teeth without letting the cameras flashes catch anything other than a smile. with a face like SHAH RUKH KHAN, the world wants nothing from HIM except all that HE has to offer. SAMEER has had FIFTEEN YEARS in town to learn the rules of living it up on top. but at just FIFTY, will they try to make peace with the golden scale that’ll try to tell them their heart is in the right place or fight for what they want? with A VINTAGE FILM CAMERA'S SHUTTER SOUND, A STACK OF SCRIPTS COPIOUSLY WRITTEN OVER AND UNDERLINED IN VIVACIOUS RED INK, AND THE LOUDEST VOICE IN A ROOM FILLED WITH PEOPLE TRYING TO BE REMEMBERED to make up their reputation, let’s hope the DIRECTOR won’t look for the saints in the city of angels to help them. there’s nothing holy about hollywood.
NAME:  sameer  siddiqui  NICKNAME:  sameer,  sam  AGE:  fifty  PLACE OF BIRTH:  mumbai,  maharashtra,  india  NATIONALITY:  indian  DATE OF BIRTH:  20  december  1973  GENDER:  cisgender man  PRONOUNS:  he/him  ORIENTATION:  bisexual  RELIGION:  islam  (  sunni  )  PARENTS:  talmiz  siddiqui  (  business  magnate,  diplomat  )  &  zarina  siddiqui  née  rehman  (  opera  singer  )  LANGUAGES:  hindi,  urdu,  english  (  fluent  )  spanish,  french  (  conversational  )  telugu,  hindko  (  half-forgotten  )  EDUCATION:  st.  stanislaus,  delhi  university  ( statistics )  OCCUPATION:  actor,  director,  business magnate  HOBBIES:  investment,  film,  sports  (  cricket,  football,  rugby  )  CAREER CLAIM:  shah  rukh  khan,  robert  downey jr.  as  iron  man  (  acting  claims  )   +    robert  eggers  (  directing  claim  )
kendall  roy  ( succession )  rhaegar  targaryen  ( hotd  /  f&b )  tyler  durden  ( fight  club )  patrick  bateman  ( american  psycho )
tw  for  maternal  mortality,  death,  grief,  drug  use/addiction,  mental  health  issues
tl;dr  local  area  failson  fails  upwards  because  all  that  money  has  formed  a  safety  net  so  high  up  that  failure  was  quite  literally  made  impossible  —  and  he  knows  this  not  for  a  lack  of  trying,  either,  so  fuck  it,  he  might  as  well  enjoy  the  show! aka  kendall  roy  but  if  logan  roy  was  a  good  father
let’s  get  one  thing  out  of  the  way:  you  never  really  wanted  this.  then  again,  you  never  really  wanted  anything:  you,  who  wanted  for  nothing  ever  since  you  were  a  child,  silver-spoon  scion  of  a  politician’s  lovelorn  grief.  you  reminded  him  of  his  loss,  and  he  treasured  you  for  it,  this  persistent  yet  foolish  hope  that  who  we  love  persists  in  some  form  long  after  they  are  gone.  you  never  knew  your  loss,  poor  child,  and  he  never  taught  it  to  you  either:  your  father,  so  loving  yet  so  unwise,  so  caring  yet  so  reckless.  in  his  desire  to  make  your  world  softer,  he  has  made  a  monster  out  of  you.
but  we’re  getting  ahead  of  ourselves,  aren’t  we?    you  were  a  child,  and  you  wanted  like  a  child,  and  you  felt  things  as  deeply  yet  as  fleetingly  as  a  child  only  ever  could.  you  made  your  father  fire  three  nannies  in  a  row,  then  didn’t  speak  to  him  for  all  of  two  days  because  the  new  nanny  couldn’t  make  chiru  dosa  in  a  way  you  like.  so  then  your  first  nanny  was  recalled,  but  you  didn’t  want  to  see  your  new  nanny  cry  —  and  so  your  father  decrees:  then  you  shall  have  two.
that  was  your  life:  your  father  bending  to  your  will,  always  ever  to  your  will.  he  was  so  attuned  to  your  state  of  being  that  he  knew  what  you  wanted  before  you  yourself  did,  buying  you  your  first  wicket  and  bat,  your  first  horse,  then  —  when  you  got  greedy,  as  children  often  are  —  a  cricket  team,  a  stable,  a  polo  franchise…  on  and  on  and  on  the  list  goes,  until  there  is  so  much  love  that  you  are  drowning  in  it,  so  much  stuff,  so  much  money,  so  much  of  everything,  everything,  every—
what  happens  to  a  child  who  is  never  taught  no?    you  never  once  learn:  there  is  a  limit  one  can  go,  and  one  day  you’ll   brush  up  against  it,  and  you  have  to  understand  that  the  safest  course  of  action  is  to  turn  back  around.
yet  here,  now,  a  list  of  fuck-ups:  a  wrecked  car,    an  accidental  overdose,  two,  another wrecked  car,    a  wrecked  room  and  a  wrecked  house,  a  party  where  everything  goes  wrong  and  the  police  gets  called  and  there’s  an  ambulance  and  you’re  in  the  middle  of  a  psychotic  episode  and  you  start  to  think  this  is  it  but then  —  no,  your  father  makes  a  few  calls  and  it’s  all  wiped  clean  and  you  realise  this  is  it.
somewhere  in  the  fucked-up  breaking-down  grey  matter  of  your  brain,  something  rewires.  this  is  it.  gets  shifted:  this  is  it.  when  you  check  out  of  the  hospital,  your  father  doesn’t  even  berate  you,  only  says  everything  is  taken  care  of.  which  makes  your  brain  break  again  because  you  realise  that  this  is  it.  this  is  you.  nothing  changes;  nothing  passes:  everything  lies  still  in  perfect  equilibrium,  where  you  will  never  want  for  anything,  not  even  success,  not  even  failure,  not  even  evolution,  nothing  but  perfect  voidness  of  conditions.
you  had  ambitions,  when  you  were  a  child:  cricket,  mainly,  then  polo  —  but  anything  sports-related  is  too  much  work  to  juggle  with  your  continued  drug  dependence,  so  you  take  the  path  of  least  resistance.  you  remember,  once,  the  way  people  clapped  at  your  so-so  performance  in  the  school  play.  you  don’t  delude  yourself,  of  course.  people  clapped  and  cheered  when  you  presented  yourself  in  the  roll  call  because  they  knew  your  dad  was  there  but  —  that  didn’t  matter.  you  liked  the  attention.  you  liked  the  clapping  and  the  cheers  and  all  eyes  on  you  like  you’re  a  man  just  like  you’re  father.  so:  bollywood  it  is.
your  father  pays  for  it,  obviously.  if  you  had  any  scruples,  you  might  have  been  ashamed,  but  there  are  no  scruples  because  there  are  no  limits.  because  this  is  it  we’re talking  about  here.  and  so  you  get  one  role  you  did  shit  in,  another  where  you’re  kind  of  so-so,  then  another  where  you’re  passable  and  —  wonder  of  wonders  —  some  roles  where  you  discover  that  you’re  actually  good.
and  so  this  is  what  life  is,  and  so  this  is  what  life  has  become:  an  accident  of  meaninglessness  where  you  planned  for  none  of  it,  and  yet  you’ve  made  a  miracle  out  of  it.  an  interviewer  once  asks  you  what  do  you  credit  for  your  success?  and  you  laughed  at  their  faces.  credit?    you  asked.  what  the  fuck  are  you  talking  about?    this  is  all  me,  baby.    i’m  it.
if  you  see  this,  i’m  still  in  the  process  of  cooking  em  up  so  let  us  simply  go  w  vibes  for  now
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delhiinstitute123 · 5 days
Top Italian Language Institute in Delhi: Best Courses & Institutes
Learning a new language opens doors to numerous opportunities, both professionally and personally. Among the many languages you can choose to study, Italian stands out for its rich cultural heritage, global relevance, and the beautiful country it represents. If you’re in Delhi and considering learning Italian, this comprehensive guide will help you find the best Italian language institutes in the city. We’ll cover the benefits of learning Italian, why it’s worth studying, what to expect, and provide a detailed list of top institutes.
Italian is not just a beautiful language; it is also one of the most useful languages in the European Union and is spoken by over 85 million people worldwide. It is a Romance language, closely related to French, Spanish, and Portuguese, making it easier to learn if you have experience with other Romance languages. Additionally, Italy’s rich history, culture, and influence in the art world make Italian a valuable language to learn for personal enrichment and professional growth.
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tourporlaindiaseo · 2 months
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Tour Packages to Agra by Tour Por La India Company
trip Por la India Company offers trip packages to Agra, home to the Taj Mahal, one of the world's Seven Wonders. These packages are designed to deliver a comprehensive cultural experience while appealing to a variety of preferences and budgets. Let's look at the different tour alternatives offered.
1. One-day Agra Tour
H2: Overview of the One-Day Agra Tour. This package is ideal for those with limited time who want to discover the essence of Agra. The tour includes stops at major attractions and provides a detailed introduction of the city's history and culture.
H3: Visit Taj Mahal. The tour's climax is a visit to the Taj Mahal, where visitors may admire its grandeur while learning about its history and architectural significance.
H3: Exploration of the Agra Fort The journey also includes a stop at Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site that provides a look into the grandeur of the Mughal era.
2. Two-day Agra Tour
H2: Detailed Two-Day Itinerary For those with more time, the two-day tour delves deeper into Agra's highlights, including lesser-known landmarks.
H3: Day 1's Major Attractions Day one includes visits to the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, as well as opportunity for more in-depth exploration.
H3: Day 2 - Off The Beaten Path Day two includes trips to Fatehpur Sikri, Itmad-ud-Daulah's Tomb (also known as the "Baby Taj"), and Mehtab Bagh for a spectacular sunset view of the Taj Mahal.
3. The Golden Triangle Tour
H2: Golden Triangle Overview The Golden Triangle Tour incorporates Agra, Delhi, and Jaipur, providing a more comprehensive understanding of Northern India's rich legacy.
H3: Highlights from the Agra segment The Taj Mahal, Agra Fort, and Fatehpur Sikri remain the principal attractions in Agra, with easy access to Delhi and Jaipur.
4. Agra's Heritage Walk
H2: Immersive Heritage Experience. This package includes a walking tour of Agra's ancient city, focusing on lesser-known historical landmarks and busy markets.
Key stops on the Heritage Walk include Jama Masjid, Chini Ka Rauza, and local markets for an authentic Agra experience.
5. Personalized Private Tours
H2: Personalized Experiences Tour Por La India Company provides customized private trips, allowing guests to design their own schedule.
H3: Versatile Itinerary Options Guests can select their preferred attractions and the length of their trips, delivering a personalized and unforgettable experience.
6. Tours that are suitable for families
H2: Tours for all ages. These packages are built with families in mind, including activities and attractions ideal for all age groups.
H3: Interesting Activities for Kids The tour includes participatory activities such as storytelling sessions about the Taj Mahal and visits to nearby parks.
7. Luxurious Agra Tours
H2: Premium experiences For those looking for a more deluxe experience, the luxury Agra tour package includes five-star hotel accommodations, private transportation, and special guided excursions.
H3: Unique Access and Amenities Enjoy VIP access to specific parts of the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort, as well as gourmet dining experiences.
Tour Por la India Company provides a range of tour packages to Agra, tailored to individual interests and time constraints. There is a package for everyone, whether you are visiting for a short time or searching for a more in-depth tour.
1. What is included in the One-Day Agra Tour? The one-day tour includes stops at the Taj Mahal, the Agra Fort, and a local market, as well as transportation and a guide.
2. Is it possible to tailor my Agra tour? Customized private trips are offered, allowing you to plan your own schedule.
3. Are these tours suitable for families? Yes, there are family-friendly tour packages with activities for all ages.
4. What languages are the trips offered in? Tours are available in several languages, including English and Spanish.
5. Will the tours include meals? Meals are included in some packages, notably for luxury vacations. It is advisable to review the specifics of each program.
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wagnistrip1 · 2 months
Explore the Eternal City: Your Guide to Delhi to Rome Flights
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Rome, often called the "Eternal City," is a place where history, culture, and modernity blend seamlessly. If you're planning a trip from Delhi to Rome, you're in for an unforgettable experience. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about Delhi to Rome flights, making your journey smooth and enjoyable. Let's dive into the details!
Why Visit Rome?
Rome is a city like no other. It's a treasure trove of ancient history, art, and architecture. From the Colosseum to the Vatican, and the Pantheon to the charming streets of Trastevere, Rome offers something for every traveler. Whether you're interested in exploring historic sites, indulging in delicious Italian cuisine, or simply soaking in the vibrant atmosphere, Rome is a destination that promises a rich and memorable experience.
Choosing Your Flight
When planning your trip, one of the first steps is to book your flight. Here are some key points to consider for your Delhi to Rome flights:
Flight Duration: The flight from Delhi to Rome typically takes around 8 to 10 hours. This includes a direct flight time of approximately 8 hours, with some additional time for check-in and security procedures.
Airlines: Several airlines operate flights from Delhi to Rome, including major international carriers. Look for airlines that offer direct flights for the most convenient journey. Some popular airlines on this route are Air India, Alitalia, and Lufthansa.
Flight Frequency: Delhi to Rome flights are available daily, giving you flexibility in choosing your departure date. To find the best flight for your schedule, check for different options and times.
Booking Tips: To get the best deals, book your flight in advance. Prices can fluctuate based on demand, so booking early often results in better rates. Additionally, consider using flight comparison websites to find the best options.
What to Expect on Your Flight
Comfort: Long-haul flights can be tiring, so make sure to dress comfortably and stay hydrated. Airlines usually provide meals and refreshments, but you might want to bring some snacks for extra comfort.
Entertainment: Most international flights offer in-flight entertainment. You can expect a selection of movies, TV shows, and music to help pass the time.
Arrival: Once you land in Rome, you'll arrive at Leonardo da Vinci International Airport (Fiumicino). This is Rome's main airport and is well-connected to the city center by trains, buses, and taxis.
What to Do After You Arrive
Transport from the Airport: To get from Fiumicino Airport to the city center, you have several options. The Leonardo Express train provides a direct and efficient link to Rome's central station, Termini. Alternatively, you can take a bus or taxi, or use ride-sharing services.
Accommodation: Rome offers a wide range of accommodation options, from luxury hotels to budget-friendly hostels. Popular areas to stay include Trastevere, the Spanish Steps, and the Vatican area. Booking your accommodation in advance ensures you get the best options and rates.
Exploring Rome: Once settled, start exploring the city. Don’t miss iconic landmarks like the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Pantheon. Visit Vatican City to see St. Peter's Basilica and the Sistine Chapel. For a taste of local life, stroll through neighborhoods like Trastevere and Campo de' Fiori.
Tips for a Smooth Trip
Travel Insurance: Consider purchasing travel insurance for peace of mind during your trip. It can cover unexpected events such as flight cancellations, lost luggage, and medical emergencies.
Local Currency: The currency used in Italy is the Euro (€). Make sure to have some local currency on hand, though credit and debit cards are widely accepted.
Language: While Italian is the official language, English is commonly spoken in tourist areas. Learning a few basic Italian phrases can enhance your travel experience.
Local Customs: Rome has its own set of local customs and etiquette. For instance, it's customary to greet people with a friendly "Buongiorno" (Good morning) or "Buonasera" (Good evening). Additionally, tipping is not mandatory but appreciated.
Why Choose Wagnistrip for Your Delhi to Rome Flights?
Wagnistrip is your trusted partner for booking flights from Delhi to Rome. We offer a seamless booking experience with competitive prices and excellent customer service. Here’s why Wagnistrip stands out:
User-Friendly Platform: Our website is easy to navigate, making it simple to search for flights, compare options, and book your tickets.
Best Prices: We strive to offer the best prices on Delhi to Rome flights, ensuring you get great value for your money.
Customer Support: Our dedicated customer support team is available to assist you with any queries or concerns before, during, and after your booking.
Convenience: Wagnistrip provides a range of flight options, including direct and connecting flights, to suit your preferences and schedule.
Embarking on a journey from Delhi to Rome opens the door to an extraordinary adventure in the Eternal City. With a variety of flight options, helpful tips for a smooth travel experience, and the support of Wagnistrip, your trip is bound to be a memorable one. So pack your bags, book your flight, and get ready to explore the wonders of Rome. Buon viaggio.
For more information and to book your Delhi to Rome flights, visit Wagnistrip today. Your Roman adventure awaits.
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iblclasses-blog · 1 year
Learn Spanish language Course in Delhi
Learn Spanish language Course in Delhi at IBL Classes. It is one of the best institutes that provide Spanish Classes in Delhi. We have expert trainers who are dedicated and have years of teaching experience.
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linguisticqurocity · 3 months
Introducing Curiotory : Your Ultimate Language Learning App
Bharat’s first and most efficient edutech startup which is transforming language learning
What is Curiotory?
Founded by Mrs Sheetal Ramkumar in the year 2020, Curiotory is Bharat’s first language learning platform transforming the traditional edutech space for enabling the people to learn languages online from anywhere in the world with utmost proficiency.In the process, Curiotory enables people of all ages to set and achieve breakthrough personal or professional goals. 
Curiotory currently has over 30+ years of combined language training experience, Network of 5K+ language specialists & growing and Students from 15+ countries on 3 continents thereby becoming India’s fastest-growing language learning partner for individuals, educational institutions, and corporate companies.
What are the languages available in the Curiotory curriculum?
The language learning courses in curiotory are available for -  
What are the benefits of learning a new language with Curiotory?
Live and interactive sessions for hundreds of students from 15 + countries across 3 continents on-board
World-class preparation for globally-recognized language certifications
A wide and ever growing network of Indian and native private tutors with a proven expertise
Real-time analytics and custom reports to analyze learning outcomes
The Vision of Curiotory - What Impact Does Curiotory Depict?
To empower individuals and institutions to tap into the power of learning foreign languages to transform simple curiosities into career-making and life-changing experiences.
The Curiotory Mission - What Curiotory Strives To Achieve
To create transformative multilingual journeys that contribute to a more inclusive and empathetic society where language is neither a barrier nor a threat – but a bridge that brings people together.
Curiotory has also gotten featured in The Economic Times For The “Most Trusted Brands to watch in 2024” for revolutionizing language education with personalized courses catering to learners of all levels.
Meet The CEO & Founder Mrs Sheetal Ramkumar 
Sheetal, CEO of Curiotory, brings two decades of education experience and is celebrated among India's influential women and business leaders. With an MBA from Symbiosis, a PG in PR & Advertising from MICA, and a diploma in International Telecom System Management from IIT Delhi. She's a powerhouse in both business and technical domains. Recognized among the 21 Most Influential Women Leaders in India and the 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders, Sheetal is shaping the future of Curiotory with her leadership and expertise.
Sheetal Ramkumar was also featured in the Times of India for "The Most Inspiring Entrepreneurs to watch in 2024" for her exceptional leadership skills & management leading to the success of Curiotory.
Explore The Curiotory App : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=stage.curiotory.com&pcampaignid=web_share
Build Your Career with Curiotory
Apply Here : https://curiotory.com/careers
Join India’s fastest-growing Edu-Tech platform for language learning
Build your career in one of India’s fastest-growing Edu-Tech networks
Achieve your financial goals by tutoring students at your pace.
Customize the curriculum with your personal touch to emphasize precision
Inspire kids to upgrade their language skills and elevate their career graphs.
Find Curiotory 
E-mail Address [email protected]
LinkedIn : https://in.linkedin.com/company/chalkboard-academy Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/curiotory_/
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wrvtchedhearts · 9 months
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Stats --
FULL NAME: Zakir Aamir Sethupathi
AGE & DATE OF BIRTH: 27 -- January 8th
OCCUPATION: rapper, translator, interpreter
GENDER & PRONOUNS: cis-man, he/him
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, Biromantic
LANGUAGES: Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, English, Russian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Japanese, Cantonese
FC: arpan kumar chandel
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Biography / Headcanons --
Zakir was sixteen when he moved from New Delhi to New York City hoping to find a richer more full-filling life there. He hoped to become a famous rapper. He grew up the oldest son of a Muslim and Hindu couple, with little prospect in life other than continue his father's business. His uncle - a friend from his father rather than his actual uncle - told him stories of America, of New York City, and the American Dream.
He got into crime because he needed funds and connections to gain his fame. He's known for making songs in which he fluently meshes languages and meanings together, rapping under the alias Baagee. However, a lot of his time is spent translating for Dead Hand or using his understanding of languages to decipher coded messages.
He's a polyglot; he speaks multiple languages and easily picks up new ones. Currently he's learning Portuguese & Mandarin.
He addresses anyone his age with either habibi ( ‘my dear’ or 'my love’ in Arabic ) or bhai ( 'brother’ in Hindi / Indic language ), and anyone older than him as auntie or uncle. Does this consistently and with respect.
Despite his mastery of languages, Zakir still has a distinct accent when speaking in Russian, English or Spanish.
He produces his own music.
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vspk123 · 3 months
Top - Rated International schools In Delhi
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Looking for the best International school for your child in Delhi For your child ? VSPK International School is a great example. This school is not just a place of study but an environment where the child develops in all aspects. It offers good education, development in all aspects and an international environment.
Let us know the special things that attract parents and children of Delhi to VSPK International School-
Academic Excellence
Rigorous Curriculum
Curriculum — The school curriculum is both difficult and interesting. It is affiliated to the CBSE board, which is recognized all over India and is known for good education. This curriculum also helps children for further studies and examinations.
Critical Thinking and Creativity — The school curriculum enhances children’s ability to think and understand and the power to learn new things. This improves the future of children.
Qualified and Experienced Faculty
Expert Teachers — All the teachers teaching in the school are experts in their subject and have a lot of experience in teaching.
Student-Centric Approach — The school pays attention to every child so that they can be taught according to their different needs.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Modern Classrooms- The school’s classrooms are equipped with modern equipment and smart boards which make studying fun and easy.
Advanced Labs — The school has modern computer and science laboratories where students get a chance to learn new technology and experiment on their own. This satisfies their curiosity and helps them understand things better.
Holistic Development
Extracurricular Activities
Sports Programmes- Many types of sports are played in school including basketball, cricket, swimming and athletics. This helps in the physical development of children and they learn the spirit of teamwork.
Arts and Culture- Artistic talent is brought out in children in school. They get a chance to learn painting, dance, music etc. Along with this, they can also show their talent in the programs organized in the school.
Personal Development
Leadership Development- The ability to lead is developed in children through the activities and programs organized in the school.
Public Speaking and Effective Communication- Workshops and programs organized in the school increase confidence in children and they are able to put their point in front of others well.
Social Responsibility
Volunteering Opportunities- The school inspires children to do social service by visiting nearby NGOs, old age homes and orphanages.
Environmental Awareness- In school, children are made aware about the environment through activities like planting trees, recycling waste, etc.
Global Exposure
International Collaborations and Exchange Programs
Global Partnerships- The school works in collaboration with other schools around the world. This gives children the opportunity to learn different things and work together with others.
Student Exchange Programmes- Through the exchange program, the students of the school can go abroad for some time and experience the education and culture there themselves.
Foreign Language Program
Learning different languages — Children get a chance to learn many languages ​​​​like French, German and Spanish in school. This increases their brain capacity and they are able to communicate easily with people of the world.
Special camps for learning languages — Special camps are organized in the school where native speakers (whose language is the first language) help children learn their language. Along with this, children also learn about the culture there.
Global Internships and Career Guidance
International Internships- The school gives the older students a chance to do internships abroad so that they can experience the way of working there.
VSPK provides a path to study abroad and career. They help in choosing a university for studying abroad and finding a job abroad.
Parental Involvement
Regular Communication
Parent and teacher meetings: VSPK School holds regular parent-teacher meetings to discuss children’s studies, habits and overall development. This helps to quickly resolve any issues.
Digital information: The school uses email, school apps and websites to keep parents informed about children’s work, studies and school announcements. This ensures that parents are always informed about their child’s studies.
Workshops and Seminars
Child development workshops- The school organizes workshops on different stages of child development, psychology and parenting practices. This gives parents the knowledge and skills to help their children develop.
Career guidance workshops — These workshops provide information to parents about their children’s studies and career prospects. This helps them to provide appropriate advice and support to their children.
Academic Support
Homework help — The school provides workshops and materials to help parents help their children with homework and studies.
Reading habits — Parents are encouraged to participate in book clubs and reading programs to inculcate a reading habit in their children. This helps in increasing their knowledge and also helps them focus on their studies.
Special Events and Celebration
Parent-Children Programs- Activities like science fairs, cultural programs and parent-child sports days provide opportunities for parents and children to work together. This helps in developing a sense of belonging to the school.
Award Ceremonies — Parents are invited to award ceremonies to celebrate the achievements and progress of their children. This ceremony cheers children and makes parents feel proud.
Alumni Success
Alumni Success
The quality of education provided at VSPK School is evident in the fact that its alumni have achieved success in a number of fields, including jobs, sports, arts and academics.
Strong Alumni Network
The school has a strong and active alumni network. The school regularly organizes alumni meet-ups, mentoring and collaboration events.
VSPK International School in Delhi is a place where children’s minds are developed, they are encouraged to learn new things and they are inspired to move forward. It is not just a place to study but the best international school in Delhi with a focus on global outlook, all-round development, academic success and a supportive community.
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