#Laymedowntorest's OCs
icedmetaltea · 1 year
@laymedowntorest now that I know I have the power to draw shippy stuff with ur OCs I knew I had to use it for evil (Also I'm using a new drawing tablet + clip paint studio for the first time so sorry if everything looks wonky, I'm just beginning to figure everything out)
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here-2suffer · 1 year
It's all over, glass eater! Your spree is at an end. I'll take any glass you have, the next move...is yours. Pay your fine, or I'll haul you away
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Not me remembering this just before I go to sleep and doodling so fast-
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phoenixdaneko · 7 months
ok hiii everyone hi
If you read my fics or keep up with them, you should know I'm writing a fic called Wire For A Life
And I need to fill out some cast and crew.
I'd like to do OC cameos! That's right! I'm giving you the chance to have your lil guy (gender neutral) appear in my fic!
Here's the thing! I'm looking for human OCS (mostly) but if you have a DCAOC or someone of the sort, they can still be a cameo as I plan to mention the idea of Fazco having some other big locations opened. Fair warning, your OC may be fired or greviously injured during the plot of the story. 😅
So, here's the cast and crew I need! This post will be updated as people reblog and such, of course!
Chica's Handler:
Monty's Handler: Franklin (Frankie) O'Connor (from @birdy-boogaloo)
Freddy's Handler:
DJs Handler (1): Julia (from @ihearnocomplaints)
DJs Handler (2):
Daycare Assistant/Security Officer (1): Ronnie (from @laymedowntorest)
Daycare Assistant/Security Officer (2): Cadence (from @kinshenewa)
P&S Worker (1): Jack Parker (from @certified-handler)
P&S Worker (2): Savi Norris (from @cavefairy)
P&S Worker (3): Marcus Antonius (from @darthsuki)
Miscellaneous Security (1): Sergio Hernandez (from @oddogoblino)
Miscellaneous Security (2):
Miscellaneous Staff Member (1): Fred Carwell (from @fnafmybeloved)
Miscellaneous Staff Member (2): Roston (from @catboy-pentheus)
Miscellaneous Staff Member (3): Rose (@iron-rosie)
More may be added! Ty ty and I look forward to seeing the blorbos from your minds :3
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bashfulfennec · 1 year
Damnit Tumblr. Hopefully the link will show this time. The profile is here
Oh I always wanna know about other people's ocs. I share mine all over the place but then forget where hah. I have too many and blame all the cool games
I'm also free to be questioned about mine. One of these days I'll remember to make pages here and edit the one present cause that's a little outdated now..
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icedmetaltea · 6 months
1, 6, 7, 9, 11, 14, 21, 28, 37 B, F, G For Allie (since you dont seem to have a DCA OC...yet) I COMMAND THEE (pls)
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? - Gods maybe like 3 mins (UNLESS he's at home, in which case he kinda dissociates for hours and time "goes faster" (he needs therapy so bad)) 6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? - Flexible 7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? - He doesn't remember much of his childhood cause it was a not so good childhood. Aside from a warehouse him and his friends would hang out at and turned into a sort of playhouse, there isn't much memorable about the city he grew up in. It's nothing but a mess of city lights and numbed-out minds
9. Do they swear? Do they remember their first swear word? - YES constantly, and probably not
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? - The latter lol
14, What animal do they fear most? - He's pretty spooked by pretty much any animal save for maybe cats and dogs since the city he's from doesn't have much if any and he's never been able to go outside of it (long story that even I haven't figured out yet)
21. Why do they get up in the morning? - Spite
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth? - Yes
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? - Nope, he saves everything in his phone more or less
Thank you! This was fun :>
B - What inspired you to create them? - My edgey teen phase ofc (/hj, most ocs were made after getting inspiration from dreams)
F - What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)? - Pity
G - What trait of theirs bothers you the most? - Their tendency to bottle things up till they explode
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
You've ruined me. I was debating what to do today drawing wise and my immediate thought was "what if I draw Sun with an oc and said oc is tied-"
You've ruined me. I'm going to bite your ankles. Beaming rays into your mind. Fighting you in my mind-
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
"how dare you indulge me talking about ocs" WELL I WANT TO KNOW I like talking about and learning about ocs NOW GIVE ME 10 FACTS ON ALLIE AND MOLLY OR I WILL do nothing
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FINE you've FORCED me u meanie
(5 for molly 5 for allie)
Molly and Allie first meet on some beach Molly always walks down on her way to the college she teaches at. Everybody in the area knows to avoid it cause reasons so she's trying to explain to Allie, this apparent tourist (which they haven't had in like 50 years what the hell is going oN) that they should maybe definitely not be here while trying to not be late bc she'd already been like 5 other times that week cause she easily gets sidetracked and doesn't wanna lose her job lol
She has a huge family (also plot reasons) and since she has so many younger siblings/nephews/nieces she's much more willing to put up with Allie's constant cold shoulders
As she's trying to get to know Allie she eventually starts wearing hoodies and stuff he might wear to sorta fit in better so to speak (it doesn't work sadge)
She needs so much therapy, so much fucking therapy oh my gods
I'd never make a comic about it cause that'd be wayyy too much work and I can't draw but I like to think if I did there'd be a little counter above her, always somewhere on the page, counting down till the flood (it's its whole thing and even I don't know how it works)
Allie almost exclusively wears sneakers just cause
He has that atrocious haircut (at least at the beginning of the timeline) cause back a couple years he tried cutting his own hair since he wanted it to be short but his mom found out and um. There was a certain incident with scissors.
He was friends with a ghost as a (younger) kid, pretty sure I mentioned this cause it's plot-relevant but said ghost lived under the stairs at his apartment
He was friends with some other teens in universe A (or is it B?? I have them mixed up at this point) who essentially abandoned them the moment they disappeared. He rlly needs to get better at choosing friends 😭
He is (or was, again depending on where he is on the timeline) the son or rather "daughter" (hate misgendering him but he doesn't figure out all that till later) of a top government official who may or may not be incredibly corrupt
Bonus fact: Molly makes incredibly good homemade sea salt ice cream
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
I done the YN quiz for Teu and they got feral cat YN. I'm so proud 🥺🤌
Why am I not surprised 😂😂😂 (literally I was thinking about them the entire time I wrote that ghfodskijhgdfjcnskx)
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
I've come to your ask box to bother you with more bad Teu habits, they don't eat well. In fact they barely eat at all. They just don't bother half the time 😂
(Actually I'm here to bother you with a have a good day message! ❤️)
I feel like if Sun foulind out about Teu's eating habits he'd short circuit and then proceed to throw a grand feast... only to get turned down bc of course he would, it's Teu we're talking about. Then he'd realize he needs to increment things cause silly little human bodies are finicky like that and he starts packing cute lil lunch boxes for them with small portions so they feel encouraged to at least start having a bite here and there
Also have a good day yourself!! ❤️❤️
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Judging by your reblog and tags yesterday Imma assume you like Mers so here
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Pirate Y/N and working a lil bit on Teu's design
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
Here's yo context
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They're a Lynx Phoenix hybrid and require redesigning
Woaaaaaaaaaaaa they so pretty ❤️❤️❤️
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icedmetaltea · 11 months
So I've been thinking of doing something with this oc and one of mine but beyond that A QUESTION has arisen
How would Allie be with Sun/Moon
How would he act
How would you think they'd act
I gotta know
giuhjyoiepgrfhuijweokdpiuh OOF this is a tough one...
As ocs go, they're pretty similar to Teu personality wise. Allie is standoffish, can seem outwardly rude when around strangers, and since even first getting to know Molly he was rlly cold and mean, I'd say similar in how Teu might respond BUT actually more aggressive and immature.
Think edgy teen (well depending on which age he's depicted) who thinks the world's out to get them and doesn't rlly think through things too much. Teu on the other hand would simply bash someone with a baseball bat or close up (at least from what I know).
As for Sun/Moon, Sun would prolly have an easier time just cause he reminds Allie of Molly (cheerful and upbeat personality) and while he really doesn't appreciate all the attention, he'd be willing to put up with it after some prodding. But Moon? Nah, Allie would downright ignore him. Or just tell him to piss off. If there's one thing Allie hates it's rules, and Moon is the resident rule enforcer
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
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Teu would like to ask for a relationship divorce xD
I just made a new divorce lawyer oc and he's on my side 😈
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icedmetaltea · 1 year
GIMME THE L O R E (ON A N Y) 🚗 🎮 🎄 🤍 😖 😞 🤒
Aight I'll choose one of my unnamed ones cause he needs to be developed more beyond a vague concept😭
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars? - Technically; he got one back in the day, but doesn't need a driver's license anymore since only a select few people still have/are allowed to drive cars- and even then there isn't much a need for one since society has portals they can use for fast travelling lol.
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies? - This is a unique one because he doesn't have any, and that's integral to his character. He's been routinely having his memory wiped for years, so he never has a chance to explore anything (well till oc 2 comes in anyway... even then he's too busy to do much).
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday? - Holidays no longer exist in this universe
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? -
1. Unquestioning of authority, at least till much later
2. Has "killed" many people (which... is very hard to explain since ppl in this universe can't die)
3. They kinda just "go offline" when not needed for one of their missions (they're a human so its not like they physically go offline, they just sit somewhere and wait to be useful again... then again, in this universe, people are hardly people anymore.)
😖 CONFOUNDED FACE — is your oc an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert? do they let people in easily, or are they more reserved? - Introvert; very reserved
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone? - Left alone
🤒 FACE WITH THERMOMETER — does your oc get sick easily? - Nope, that's the one good thing about a highly advanced futuristic civilization, the meds are really really good; also at this point humans probably aren't capable of getting sick anymore tbh
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phoenixdaneko · 1 year
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First of all, over 200 hits? Almost 50 kudos-! Ty everyone on Tumblr here that's read it and reblogged my posts about it, I really, really appreciate it. Y'all are so fuckin sweet.
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Some amazing fanart done by @laymedowntorest of their OC, Ronnie in Abyssal Lights!!! I never really expected to get fanart for my fic, and I am in love!!! Ty ty ty!!!
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icedmetaltea · 2 years
One Job but Teu helps and they go off the grid
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Idk I just wanted to do PFT
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