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overclockedgpt · 1 year ago
The Ultimate Trading Ai
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depressionisreal1996 · 5 months ago
This request is from Lambogo. On Ao3
Request: How about an Encanto idea where isabela & mirabel talk about the rift they had & isabela gives mirabel a heartfelt apology for everything. She then learns what osvaldo (fat guy who said mirabel was not special) said to mirabel & she goes over to him & beats the hell out of him with her gift (ex. Throws cactus🌵 at him, covers him with poison ivy that makes him itchy, makes him eat grass/leaves/flowers, etc.).
Mirabel's POV
     I was hanging and talking with my eldest sister, Isabela. It's been about a month since the fall and build of Casita. I can now for sure say, my family are back to the loving people that I know they are, including my abuela and sister. It's been so long since I've had a hug from my abuela and sister, that it brought me to tears whenever they hug me. When that happens, I can see great sorrow and guilt in their eyes. I just smile at them, saying that I understand. Abuela didn't heal after abuelo died, because she had to raise my mama, tio, and tia and didn't have time to heal, and not only that, but had to deal with them when they eventually gotten gifts. As for Isabela, she was under a lot of pressure for being perfect that she went with what abuela's lead in how she treated me in the past. But I can see how hard they are working in getting better at treating me and the rest of the family.
     "Anyway, so I wanted to say how sorry for how I treated you in the past, Mirabel," Isa said, knocking me back to the present. I looked at her, and she has this sorrowful face, that it broke my heart a little.
     "Like I said Isa, I have forgiven you," I reassured her, smiling which she returned. She just grabbed me and hugged me.
     "If I could, I would go back in time, and throw cactus at my past self," she whispered. I chuckled at that, just imaging the look of past Isa after being attacked by her future self.
     "If that is how you would react to your past self, then I would hate to see what you'll do to Senor Osvaldo, for what he said on the day of Antonio's gift ceremony," I said, then froze not meaning to say that out loud. I felt Isa tense up, before pulling away to look at me.
     "What did he say, Mirabel," she asked with a blank face. 
     "Nothing," I squeaked out, before running off.
Isabela's POV
     I watched as Mirabel ran off, though what she said made my sisterly instincts run wild. What did that fat man say to my little sister. And if Mirabel won't tell me, then I know who to ask. Dolores. I walked to my cousin's room and knocked. Dolores opened her door.
     "What did Osvaldo say to Mirabel on Antonio's gift ceramony," I bluntly asked. Dolores' eyes widen and she smiled.
     "Finally, you asked," Dolores said, "he said, 'Mirabel, delivery. I got you the special because you're the only Madrigal kid who doesn't have a gift. I call it the 'not special, special' because... you have no gift. Oh, and tell Antonio good luck. The last gift ceremony was a bummer. The last one being yours... that did not work.'"
     "HE SAID WHAT!?" I yelled in rage, but quickly apologized to Dolores when I saw her wince and hold her eyes. She waved her in dismissively. I quickly said bye to Dolores and went to search for that fat ass Osvaldo. My hands twitch in anger and anticipation. I felt like a predator hunting her prey.  As I was searching, I was also planning on what I'm gonna do to him.  I smiled slightly at all the plans I thought of doing. 
     I finally found him, and he was stuffing his face with more food. I frowned at him, as he just sat, eating with no remorse for what he said to my sister about a month ago. He should be sitting where he sat, and think about what he said, not eating. I snarled in anger.
     "Senor Osvaldo, may I have a word with you," I asked him as I approach. He looked up at me and smiled.
     "Sure Isabela," he said, while following me into the woods. Then we were far enough away, and I turned towards Osvaldo with a frown on my face.
     "I know what you said to my sister, Mirabel, on Antonio's gift ceremony, and I'm deeply unhappy," I told him, glaring. He gulped in fear and tried to apologize. I hold my hand up to get him to shut up, "you will shut up, so I can dish out your punishment. And let me tell you, no one will believe you if you tell anyone what I'm gonna do."
     He started to shake in fear as I slowly walk around him. First, I made some poison ivy and threw them onto him, knowing it usually takes four hours to four days for the symptoms start. Then, I grew some cactus and threw them anywhere I could reach on his body, especially aiming for a certain spot on his body. He cried out in pain, and I smiled. He deserves this. I grew some of my vines to lift him up so I could get the cactus needles out of his skin, so I wouldn't leave any evidence of my involvement. Then, I forgo any other plants and just started punching him. I know it generally takes up to 2-6 hours for bruises to form. Then I kneed him where the sun doesn't shine. I then let him go.
     "Let this be a lesson, if I find out you make any form of sentence that causes my sisters any form of hurt, I will continue where I left off, understand," I asked, looking at him. He nodded, crying in pain. I dismissed him, and he ran away. I just watch him leave, "Dolores, I know you are listening, keep an ear out for Osvaldo and anyone who makes any comment about my sisters."
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jojosan-id · 1 year ago
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Menu @jojosan-id
Halo warga Parepare
Jojosan kini hadir di Kota Parepare dengan menghadirkan Jajanan Gorengan Kekinian.
Berlokasi di JL. Au Bakar Lambogo No.82 (Depan Koramil) satu lokasi dengan Moko Donut.
Untuk update promo bisa follow IG kami yaa kaak
IG : @jojosan.id https://www.instagram.com/jojosan.id/
untuk pemesanan bisa ke outlet atau lewat WA yaa kaak.
WA : 085960264157
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gosulsel · 3 years ago
Bentuk Sinergi, Dinas PU Makassar Hadiri Soft Launching Longwis KWT Anggrek - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Dinas Pekerjaan Umum (PU) Makassar turut hadir dalam Soft Launching Lorong Wisata (Longwis) KWT Anggrek. Bertempat di Jalan Abubakar Lambogo, Lorong 04, RT 05-RW 03, Kelurahan Bara-baraya, Kecamatan Makassar, Selasa (29/03/2022). Muhammad selaku PPTK Jalan Lingkungan...
#DinasPUMakassar #Longwis
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alisonfaycom · 3 years ago
via Equipment – PetaPixel
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ullasyah · 4 years ago
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INIPASTI.COM, MAKASSAR – Wakil Gubernur Sulsel, Andi Sudirman Sulaiman, menilai, pemanfaatan pekarangan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menjaga ketahanan pangan keluarga di tengah kondisi pandemi Covid-19. Hal tersebut disampaikan saat mengunjungi lahan produktif warga Jalan Abubakar Lambogo, Lorong 4 RW 3, Kelurahan Bara-Baraya, Kecamatan Makassar, Kota Makassar, Selasa, (2/6) Menyusuri lorong itu, dirinya sampai di […] http://dlvr.it/Rdqshq
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makassarfakfak-blog · 5 years ago
Jasa Ekspedisi Makassar Tolikara, WA 0852-1377-7797
Jasa Ekspedisi Makassar Tolikara salah satu jasa pengiriman barang dari Makassar ke Tolikara melalui 3 jalur yaitu jalur laut, udara dan darat. Pengiriman barang yang berjumlah besar dan berat biasanya hanya dilakukan melalui 2 jalur saja yaitu jalur laut dan darat karena untuk jalur udara sendiri yang tentunya tidak bisa dilakukan dengan menggunakan  pesawat karena muatan  barang dalam skala yang besar untuk ekspedisi tidak mungkin  diangkut dengan menggunakan alat transportasi udara tersebut apalagi jika barang yang beratnya hingga berton-ton, sehingga jika barang pada skala tersebut dikirim ke luar pulau maka hanya bisa menggunakan kapal saja untuk mendistribusikannya. Terkecuali alat berat yang termasuk urgent maka alat beratnya bisa diangkut menggunakan pesawat TNI AU Hercules tapi tentu biayanya pasti sangat mahal.
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  Jasa Ekspedisi Makassar Tolikara - Kabupaten Tolikara ini juga termasuk salah satu Kabupaten yang ada di Provinsi Papua yang dimana luasnya mencapai  6.149,67 km² dengan jumlah penduduk sebanyak 136.576 jiwa yang tercatat pada tahun 2017.  Kabupaten Tolikara terbagi menjadi 46 kecamatan dengan Karubaga sebagai ibu kota kabupaten Masing-masing wilayah kecamatan tersebut mempunyai potensi sumber daya alam yang melimpah, hasil pertanian menjadi penunjang perekonomian di daerah Tolikara selain itu hasil bumi yang lain seperti Batu Gamping juga menjadi penyokong perekonomian.
 Yang saya lihat hasil bumi dan pengembangan usaha kecil menengah yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara tentunya harus selalu disupport dengan berbagai alat atau bahan sebagai penunjang  untuk melancarkan kegiatan usaha disana sehingga dapat membangun daerah di masing masing kecamatan di Kabupaten Tolikara diperlukan barang/produk pendukung yang biasanya didapatkan dari  luar daerah contohnya barang yang berasal dari Makassar yang ingin dikirim ke Provinsi Papua termasuk Kabupaten Tolikara.
 Pengiriman barang dari Makassar ke Kabupaten Tolikara juga pastinya harus menggunakan jasa expedisi yang mampu memberikan pelayanan prima bagi para penggunanya sehingga usaha dapat berjalan dengan lancar dan mendukung berbagai pembangunan yang ada di Kabupaten Tolikara. Salah satunya Wexpedisi Cargo yang mampu menjadi jasa pengiriman kepercayaan Bapak/Ibu untuk pengiriman barang dari Kota Makassar ke Kabupaten Tolikara.
Wexpedisi merupakan Jasa Ekspedisi Makassar Tolikara atau penyedia jasa pengiriman barang yang berlokasi di Makassar.  Wexpedisi hadir untuk melayani berbagai macam pengiriman barang dari wilayah dari Makassar ke Kabupaten Tolikara , Wexpedisi berlokasi tepatnya di kompleks ruko Insignia BTP NO D9. Untuk info pengiriman barang Makassar Kabupaten Tolikara bisa langsung hubungi kontak WA 0852-1377-7797 Anda bisa menghubungi pihak Admin mengenai keterangan atau jenis barang yang Anda hendak kirim dari Kota Makassar ke Kabupaten Kabupaten Tolikara.
 Perlu saya sampaikan bahwa pengirim ke kabupaten tolikara ini tidak semuanya bisa diantarkan sampai tujuan berhubung medannya atau susah di akses dan juga termasuk yang kurang aman.
Kira-kira barang apa yang ingin Bapak/Ibu ingin kirim ke kecamatan dan kelurahan mana di Kabupaten Tolikara ?
 Berikut merupakan daftar kecamatan dan kelurahan yang ada di Kota/Kabupaten Tolikara
1. Kecamatan Airgaram Desa/Kelurahan Gombo Desa/Kelurahan Kubur Desa/Kelurahan Kuobaga Desa/Kelurahan Kupekae Desa/Kelurahan Lenggup Desa/Kelurahan Liwese Desa/Kelurahan Onelulu Desa/Kelurahan Onggokme (Onggome) Desa/Kelurahan Tabowanimbo Desa/Kelurahan Tinger Desa/Kelurahan Wenduri (Wanduri) Desa/Kelurahan Weu Desa/Kelurahan Yiwenggambur (Yiwagambur) Desa/Kelurahan Yuneri 2. Kecamatan Bewani Desa/Kelurahan Abena Desa/Kelurahan Arelam Desa/Kelurahan Bilbaga (Bilubaga) Desa/Kelurahan Bitlabur (Bitillabur/Bitilabur) Desa/Kelurahan Duma Desa/Kelurahan Gabugobak (Gambugobak/Gabunggobak) Desa/Kelurahan Gelalo Desa/Kelurahan Nogobumbu (Nokobumbu) Desa/Kelurahan Wanggulam (Wagulam) Desa/Kelurahan Wania Desa/Kelurahan Windik Desa/Kelurahan Wulurik (Ulurik) Desa/Kelurahan Yibalo Desa/Kelurahan Yinama 3. Kecamatan Bokondini Desa/Kelurahan Apiam (Abiam) Desa/Kelurahan Barbanok Desa/Kelurahan Bokondini Desa/Kelurahan Dunduma Desa/Kelurahan Gulala (Galala) Desa/Kelurahan Jawalane Desa/Kelurahan Kandimbaga Desa/Kelurahan Kinege (Kinebe) Desa/Kelurahan Kologume Desa/Kelurahan Lambogo Desa/Kelurahan Mairini (Marini) Desa/Kelurahan Mingganggo (Mengganggu) Desa/Kelurahan Minggen Desa/Kelurahan Tenggagama (Tenggame/Tenggama) Desa/Kelurahan Umaga 4. Kecamatan Bokoneri Desa/Kelurahan Abimbak Desa/Kelurahan Bokoneri Desa/Kelurahan Bolly Desa/Kelurahan Donggen (Donggem) Desa/Kelurahan Durima Desa/Kelurahan Kanere Desa/Kelurahan Kanewunuk (Kaneunuk) Desa/Kelurahan Kurewunuk (Kureunuk) Desa/Kelurahan Lerewere Desa/Kelurahan Nunggalo Desa/Kelurahan Nunggurileme (Nanggulame) Desa/Kelurahan Nuragame (Munagame/Munanggame) Desa/Kelurahan Omuk Desa/Kelurahan Pindewi Desa/Kelurahan Tanabume Desa/Kelurahan Waringga Desa/Kelurahan Weri Desa/Kelurahan Wonaga 5. Kecamatan Dorman Desa/Kelurahan Dabra Desa/Kelurahan Frudale Desa/Kelurahan Jeni Desa/Kelurahan Petrus Desa/Kelurahan Rotia Satu Desa/Kelurahan Taria/Tiri Desa/Kelurahan Tig/Indeke 6. Kecamatan Dow Desa/Kelurahan Bijere Desa/Kelurahan Bire Desa/Kelurahan Dagari Desa/Kelurahan Dow Desa/Kelurahan Itoli Desa/Kelurahan Pakare Desa/Kelurahan Prawa Desa/Kelurahan Sigou Desa/Kelurahan Takri Desa/Kelurahan Tigu (Tigou) Desa/Kelurahan Vokuya Desa/Kelurahan Warka Desa/Kelurahan Warka II Desa/Kelurahan Yoge (Yogweme/Yokwema) 7. Kecamatan Dundu / Ndundu Desa/Kelurahan Ndundu (Dundu) Desa/Kelurahan Bimo Desa/Kelurahan Dimbara Desa/Kelurahan Dugunagep (Digunagap) Desa/Kelurahan Geka (Gika) Desa/Kelurahan Kambu (Kembu) Desa/Kelurahan Kuruku (Kurupu) Desa/Kelurahan Manuwi Desa/Kelurahan Nakwi Desa/Kelurahan Nani Desa/Kelurahan Nilogabu Desa/Kelurahan Nuguni (Nugini/Nugari) Desa/Kelurahan Wenigi Desa/Kelurahan Yiku 8. Kecamatan Egiam Desa/Kelurahan Dare Desa/Kelurahan Egiam Desa/Kelurahan Irege Desa/Kelurahan Kaliundi Desa/Kelurahan Kondala (Kondalo) Desa/Kelurahan Kurba Desa/Kelurahan Mambruk (Maburuk) Desa/Kelurahan Murni Desa/Kelurahan Pinde Desa/Kelurahan Poga II Desa/Kelurahan Rogia Desa/Kelurahan Sebey Desa/Kelurahan Seriaru Desa/Kelurahan Tabonakme Desa/Kelurahan Tubi (Tuby) Desa/Kelurahan Wanuwi Desa/Kelurahan Wayongga Desa/Kelurahan Yoka Desa/Kelurahan Yonira 9. Kecamatan Geya Desa/Kelurahan Alobaga Desa/Kelurahan Baganagapura (Baganapura) Desa/Kelurahan Beyaneri (Geyaneri) Desa/Kelurahan Dimbara Desa/Kelurahan Geya Desa/Kelurahan Jelepele Desa/Kelurahan Kibu Desa/Kelurahan Kupenawai Desa/Kelurahan Mili Desa/Kelurahan Milineri Desa/Kelurahan Nawu Desa/Kelurahan Telalome Desa/Kelurahan Timori Desa/Kelurahan Tina Desa/Kelurahan Tinagoga (Tiganoga) Desa/Kelurahan Weyambi Desa/Kelurahan Winalo Desa/Kelurahan Witipur (Watipur) Desa/Kelurahan Wunggilipur 10. Kecamatan Gilubandu / Gilumbandu Desa/Kelurahan Baguni Desa/Kelurahan Cuti/Bambuk Desa/Kelurahan Dulunggun (Dolunggu) Desa/Kelurahan Egoni Desa/Kelurahan Kulutin Desa/Kelurahan Lerewere Desa/Kelurahan Linggira Desa/Kelurahan Mortelo Desa/Kelurahan Orelukban Desa/Kelurahan Tinggom Desa/Kelurahan Wekaru Desa/Kelurahan Welesi Desa/Kelurahan Yakep Desa/Kelurahan Yamulo 11. Kecamatan Goyage Desa/Kelurahan Angkasa Desa/Kelurahan Benari Desa/Kelurahan Bini Desa/Kelurahan Bopa (Bobe) Desa/Kelurahan Didelonik Desa/Kelurahan Doge Desa/Kelurahan Dugi Desa/Kelurahan Gilok Desa/Kelurahan Goyage Desa/Kelurahan Kumbur (Kumbu) Desa/Kelurahan Mampulaga (Nampulaga) Desa/Kelurahan Peko (Peku) Desa/Kelurahan Tagikun (Tigikum) Desa/Kelurahan Tidur Mabuk Desa/Kelurahan Tigir Desa/Kelurahan Tiri Desa/Kelurahan Wijamurik Desa/Kelurahan Woji Desa/Kelurahan Yemarima (Yemarma) 12. Kecamatan Gundagi / Gudage Desa/Kelurahan Enggawogo Desa/Kelurahan Ewan Desa/Kelurahan Gingga (Giningga) Desa/Kelurahan Gubuk Desa/Kelurahan Gumbini Desa/Kelurahan Kalarin Desa/Kelurahan Kurik Desa/Kelurahan Muruneri Desa/Kelurahan Nangga Desa/Kelurahan Oker Desa/Kelurahan Punggelak Desa/Kelurahan Tenongga Desa/Kelurahan Umar Desa/Kelurahan Wamili Desa/Kelurahan Wamolo Desa/Kelurahan Wilinggis Desa/Kelurahan Winengga (Winingga) Desa/Kelurahan Wobe Desa/Kelurahan Woraga (Moraga) 13. Kecamatan Kamboneri Desa/Kelurahan Barembanak (Gerembanak) Desa/Kelurahan Binipaga Desa/Kelurahan Bogobak Desa/Kelurahan Eraga Desa/Kelurahan Gabunam Desa/Kelurahan Gobalo Desa/Kelurahan Gulak Desa/Kelurahan Habagi (Gabagi) Desa/Kelurahan Kamboniki Desa/Kelurahan Kekoli Desa/Kelurahan Kogotime Desa/Kelurahan Logi Desa/Kelurahan Milipaa Desa/Kelurahan Parome Desa/Kelurahan Peyola Desa/Kelurahan Silo Desa/Kelurahan Wania Desa/Kelurahan Wome Desa/Kelurahan Yagobur (Yagabuk) 14. Kecamatan Kanggime / Kanggima Desa/Kelurahan Agin (Abin) Desa/Kelurahan Aulani Desa/Kelurahan Dimbugu Desa/Kelurahan Dundu Desa/Kelurahan Kagimaluk Desa/Kelurahan Kanggime Desa/Kelurahan Kerena Desa/Kelurahan Kogagi Desa/Kelurahan Ligimbak (Lagimbak) Desa/Kelurahan Logani (Logoni) Desa/Kelurahan Marlo Desa/Kelurahan Posman Desa/Kelurahan Purugi Desa/Kelurahan Tiyonggi Desa/Kelurahan Tukora Desa/Kelurahan Wenggun Desa/Kelurahan Wuluk Desa/Kelurahan Yelly Desa/Kelurahan Lawor (Lawori) Desa/Kelurahan Wamigi 15. Kecamatan Karubaga Desa/Kelurahan Ampera Desa/Kelurahan Bandia Desa/Kelurahan Bangeri (Banggeri) Desa/Kelurahan Beleme Desa/Kelurahan Danggulurik Desa/Kelurahan Ebenhaiser (Ebenheaser) Desa/Kelurahan Elsadai (Elsedai) Desa/Kelurahan Gininggadonak Desa/Kelurahan Gurikagewak Desa/Kelurahan Gurikme Desa/Kelurahan Igari Desa/Kelurahan Karubaga Desa/Kelurahan Kimobur Desa/Kelurahan Kiranage Desa/Kelurahan Kogimage (Kogimagi) Desa/Kelurahan Kolilan Desa/Kelurahan Kuloname Desa/Kelurahan Kuragepura Desa/Kelurahan Lirak Desa/Kelurahan Longgoalome Desa/Kelurahan Losmen Desa/Kelurahan Luwik Desa/Kelurahan Molera (Mulera) Desa/Kelurahan Muara (Maera) Desa/Kelurahan Nalorini (Nolorini) Desa/Kelurahan Pindelo Desa/Kelurahan Pulanggun Desa/Kelurahan Wanimo Desa/Kelurahan Wokiku Desa/Kelurahan Yalikoluk (Yalikaluk) 16. Kecamatan Kembu Desa/Kelurahan Agimdek (Agim Dx) Desa/Kelurahan Alukuni (Alukini) Desa/Kelurahan Aworera Desa/Kelurahan Genani Desa/Kelurahan Igiam Desa/Kelurahan Kabori Desa/Kelurahan Kagi Desa/Kelurahan Kembu Desa/Kelurahan Kimugu Desa/Kelurahan Kimunuk Desa/Kelurahan Kobon (Koban) Desa/Kelurahan Mamit Desa/Kelurahan Nugaril Desa/Kelurahan Telenggame Desa/Kelurahan Tenek Desa/Kelurahan Tioga Desa/Kelurahan Wulinaga Desa/Kelurahan Yagagobak Desa/Kelurahan Yowo 17. Kecamatan Kondaga / Konda Desa/Kelurahan Aburage Desa/Kelurahan Arikoba Desa/Kelurahan Arulo Desa/Kelurahan Arumage Desa/Kelurahan Erimbur Desa/Kelurahan Ganage Desa/Kelurahan Gimo Desa/Kelurahan Kogoyapura Desa/Kelurahan Konda (Kondaga) Desa/Kelurahan Leragawi Desa/Kelurahan Mandura Desa/Kelurahan Mowilome Desa/Kelurahan Silabul Desa/Kelurahan Silabulo Desa/Kelurahan Tagaengme Desa/Kelurahan Tingapura Desa/Kelurahan Wiyaluk Desa/Kelurahan Yaneko Desa/Kelurahan Yawiner (Yawineri) 18. Kecamatan Kuari Desa/Kelurahan Abepur Desa/Kelurahan Alopur Desa/Kelurahan Balminggi (Baliminggi) Desa/Kelurahan Gubage Desa/Kelurahan Jinulira Desa/Kelurahan Kenen (Amili) Desa/Kelurahan Kibur Desa/Kelurahan Kondengun Desa/Kelurahan Kuari Desa/Kelurahan Kurik Desa/Kelurahan Luanggi Desa/Kelurahan Marker (Markar) Desa/Kelurahan Menggeba (Menggoba) Desa/Kelurahan Menggenegame Desa/Kelurahan Purugi Desa/Kelurahan Tebenalo Desa/Kelurahan Umage Desa/Kelurahan Wanggup 19. Kecamatan Kubu Desa/Kelurahan Anawi Desa/Kelurahan Aruku Desa/Kelurahan Bieleme Desa/Kelurahan Gilome Desa/Kelurahan Gineri Desa/Kelurahan Gitar Desa/Kelurahan Kalewi Desa/Kelurahan Kotori Desa/Kelurahan Kuagembur Desa/Kelurahan Kubu Desa/Kelurahan Kubu Baru Desa/Kelurahan Kubugiwa Desa/Kelurahan Lena Desa/Kelurahan Linggira Desa/Kelurahan Loguk Desa/Kelurahan Loma Desa/Kelurahan Menggenagi Desa/Kelurahan Minagi Desa/Kelurahan Murik Desa/Kelurahan Numbugawi (Nubugawi) Desa/Kelurahan Timoneri (Timaneri) Desa/Kelurahan Tiyangupur (Tiyenggume) Desa/Kelurahan Wugi Desa/Kelurahan Wuragi Desa/Kelurahan Wuronggi (Wuringgi/Wurongi) Desa/Kelurahan Yalipura Desa/Kelurahan Yalokobak (Yalikobak) 20. Kecamatan Nabunage Desa/Kelurahan Geningga (Giningga) Desa/Kelurahan Golena Desa/Kelurahan Gulak Desa/Kelurahan Gunalo Desa/Kelurahan Jekito Desa/Kelurahan Kimilo Desa/Kelurahan Kolanggun Desa/Kelurahan Korio (Korlo) Desa/Kelurahan Kumbo Desa/Kelurahan Kumbur Desa/Kelurahan Kupara Desa/Kelurahan Kutime Desa/Kelurahan Kwarini Desa/Kelurahan Logilome Desa/Kelurahan Missa Desa/Kelurahan Nabunage Desa/Kelurahan Nowo Desa/Kelurahan Timbindelo Desa/Kelurahan Timer Desa/Kelurahan Towolome Desa/Kelurahan Wama Desa/Kelurahan Wewo Desa/Kelurahan Weyage Desa/Kelurahan Wonitu Desa/Kelurahan Yebena 21. Kecamatan Nelawi Desa/Kelurahan Bereneme Desa/Kelurahan Biuk Desa/Kelurahan Galubug Desa/Kelurahan Guburini Desa/Kelurahan Kendemaya Desa/Kelurahan Mbinime Desa/Kelurahan Megapura Desa/Kelurahan Minagame Desa/Kelurahan Mondanggul (Monagul) Desa/Kelurahan Nelawi Desa/Kelurahan Palagi Desa/Kelurahan Tabowanimbo Desa/Kelurahan Timojino (Timuyimo/Timujinu) Desa/Kelurahan Tomagi Desa/Kelurahan Tomagipura (Timagipura) Desa/Kelurahan Wabuna Desa/Kelurahan Wonabu (Wanabu) Desa/Kelurahan Woromole Desa/Kelurahan Yigigobak Desa/Kelurahan Yilogonime Desa/Kelurahan Yiluk Desa/Kelurahan Yugu Mabur 22. Kecamatan Numba Desa/Kelurahan Baliminggi Desa/Kelurahan Gubura Desa/Kelurahan Guniki Desa/Kelurahan Jinuwanu Desa/Kelurahan Keragigelok Desa/Kelurahan Kotorambur Desa/Kelurahan Kuma Desa/Kelurahan Longgoboma Desa/Kelurahan Numba Desa/Kelurahan Piraleme Desa/Kelurahan Tingwi Desa/Kelurahan Tingwineri Desa/Kelurahan Tunggunale Desa/Kelurahan Wolu Desa/Kelurahan Wundimeri Desa/Kelurahan Yalogo Desa/Kelurahan Yiragame Desa/Kelurahan Yugumena 23. Kecamatan Nunggawi / Munggawi Desa/Kelurahan Belep Desa/Kelurahan Berenggo (Berengga) Desa/Kelurahan Delelak Desa/Kelurahan Derek Desa/Kelurahan Gilo Desa/Kelurahan Kabomangen (Kubumangen) Desa/Kelurahan Kanggineri Desa/Kelurahan Kilungga Desa/Kelurahan Kipino Desa/Kelurahan Kondangwi Desa/Kelurahan Konipaga Desa/Kelurahan Kononda (Kokondao) Desa/Kelurahan Kubalo Desa/Kelurahan Kuripaga (Kuripara) Desa/Kelurahan Mololowa Desa/Kelurahan Nombori Desa/Kelurahan Numbe Desa/Kelurahan Nunggawi Desa/Kelurahan Timobur (Kimobur) Desa/Kelurahan Timopur Desa/Kelurahan Tinoweno Desa/Kelurahan Tunibur Desa/Kelurahan Undi Desa/Kelurahan Wondame Desa/Kelurahan Wonoluk Desa/Kelurahan Woyi 24. Kecamatan Panaga Desa/Kelurahan Eragani Desa/Kelurahan Gelok Desa/Kelurahan Ibunuh Desa/Kelurahan Kutiom Desa/Kelurahan Kwa Desa/Kelurahan Makido Desa/Kelurahan Panaga Desa/Kelurahan Pindanggun Desa/Kelurahan Poido Desa/Kelurahan Saksi Meler/Maler Desa/Kelurahan Siak Desa/Kelurahan Yandono Desa/Kelurahan Yibinu Desa/Kelurahan Yinuwanu 25. Kecamatan Poganeri Desa/Kelurahan Giari Desa/Kelurahan Guipura Desa/Kelurahan Kanimbune (Kanimbume) Desa/Kelurahan Nugubag Desa/Kelurahan Pogobag Desa/Kelurahan Salemo Desa/Kelurahan Bogokila Desa/Kelurahan Gagulineri (Gegulineri) Desa/Kelurahan Genage Desa/Kelurahan Kuwok Langgunik (Kuoklanggunik) Desa/Kelurahan Mabuk Desa/Kelurahan Nogari Desa/Kelurahan Pekaleme Desa/Kelurahan Tabuh Desa/Kelurahan Telekonok Desa/Kelurahan Tigir Desa/Kelurahan Yido Desa/Kelurahan Yimabnime Desa/Kelurahan Yuneri 26. Kecamatan Sbey Desa/Kelurahan Bilese Desa/Kelurahan Boare Desa/Kelurahan Fokri Desa/Kelurahan Kruku/Irege Desa/Kelurahan Pirabas Desa/Kelurahan Sbey/Luni Desa/Kelurahan Taria/Bari 27. Kecamatan Tagineri Desa/Kelurahan Gambunam (Gabunam) Desa/Kelurahan Gulak Desa/Kelurahan Kogotime Desa/Kelurahan Melak Along Desa/Kelurahan Millpaa Desa/Kelurahan Wania 28. Kecamatan Timori Desa/Kelurahan Bawi Desa/Kelurahan Bereno (Beremo) Desa/Kelurahan Bogone (Bogoni) Desa/Kelurahan Bolobur (Bolubur/Bulobur) Desa/Kelurahan Eragani Desa/Kelurahan Geneluk Desa/Kelurahan Koinggambu (Kolenggambu) Desa/Kelurahan Liwina Desa/Kelurahan Logulo Desa/Kelurahan Lubuk Desa/Kelurahan Luki Desa/Kelurahan Pirage Desa/Kelurahan Tioner (Tioneri) Desa/Kelurahan Tirib (Tirip) 29. Kecamatan Umagi Desa/Kelurahan Gatini Desa/Kelurahan Gurin Desa/Kelurahan Mino Desa/Kelurahan Nambu Desa/Kelurahan Nolopur Desa/Kelurahan Pagongga (Paido) Desa/Kelurahan Piniluk (Piriluk) Desa/Kelurahan Pome Desa/Kelurahan Popaga (Gelok) Desa/Kelurahan Tioluk Desa/Kelurahan Umagi Desa/Kelurahan Wama Desa/Kelurahan Wanggi (Wunggwi) Desa/Kelurahan Yali Desa/Kelurahan Yalume (Yaleme) 30. Kecamatan Wari / Taiyeve Desa/Kelurahan Arebe Desa/Kelurahan Beleise Desa/Kelurahan Dorera (Korera) Desa/Kelurahan Dotori Desa/Kelurahan Dustra Desa/Kelurahan Friji Desa/Kelurahan Kabupaga Desa/Kelurahan Kalibu Desa/Kelurahan Kalimati Desa/Kelurahan Kowari Desa/Kelurahan Kuruku Desa/Kelurahan Laniloma Desa/Kelurahan Memberamonggen Desa/Kelurahan Muna Desa/Kelurahan Papedari Desa/Kelurahan Taiyeve (Taiyeye/Tariyeve) Desa/Kelurahan Wakumendek Desa/Kelurahan Wari Desa/Kelurahan Wiki 31. Kecamatan Wina Desa/Kelurahan Akima Desa/Kelurahan Dibugul (Dibogul/Gibubu) Desa/Kelurahan Finai Desa/Kelurahan Gualo Desa/Kelurahan Holandia Desa/Kelurahan Imurik Desa/Kelurahan Malela Desa/Kelurahan Nakwil (Nakwi) Desa/Kelurahan Nunggume (Nugune) Desa/Kelurahan Tawi Desa/Kelurahan Togweme Desa/Kelurahan Wariru Desa/Kelurahan Wina Desa/Kelurahan Yugubuk Desa/Kelurahan Yugumengga 32. Kecamatan Wonoki / Woniki Desa/Kelurahan Aliduda Desa/Kelurahan Andomak Desa/Kelurahan Bogonuk Desa/Kelurahan Buangluda Desa/Kelurahan Bugum Desa/Kelurahan Durangga Desa/Kelurahan Ewame Desa/Kelurahan Laura Desa/Kelurahan Lugwi Desa/Kelurahan Mome Desa/Kelurahan Pabando (Paba) Desa/Kelurahan Pagona Desa/Kelurahan Talinamber (Tolinamber) Desa/Kelurahan Terokme (Teropme) Desa/Kelurahan Umelap Desa/Kelurahan Walelo Desa/Kelurahan Wilileme Desa/Kelurahan Wisman Desa/Kelurahan Woname Desa/Kelurahan Wumelak Desa/Kelurahan Wunabu Desa/Kelurahan Yaliwak Desa/Kelurahan Yangguni Desa/Kelurahan Yigonime (Jigonime/Yigonikme) 33. Kecamatan Wunin / Wumin Desa/Kelurahan Arombok Desa/Kelurahan Bawi Desa/Kelurahan Enanagi Desa/Kelurahan Genelup (Genelub) Desa/Kelurahan Gilopaga (Gilo) Desa/Kelurahan Jigaluk Desa/Kelurahan Kaega (Kaiga) Desa/Kelurahan Keribaga Desa/Kelurahan Kiga Desa/Kelurahan Kurbaya Desa/Kelurahan Numboboton Desa/Kelurahan Pindak Desa/Kelurahan Pokegi Desa/Kelurahan Tina (Tinai) Desa/Kelurahan Tiriga Desa/Kelurahan Wiyangger Desa/Kelurahan Wona Desa/Kelurahan Wurineri Desa/Kelurahan Yikwa Mili 34. Kecamatan Yuneri Desa/Kelurahan Gembilome Desa/Kelurahan Mopi (Yuniki) Desa/Kelurahan Omimbur Desa/Kelurahan Tenabaga Desa/Kelurahan Wenome Desa/Kelurahan Wonabunggame Desa/Kelurahan Yido
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wahdahmakassar-blog · 5 years ago
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📜📣📜📣📜📣 INFO TAKLIM HARI INI (Rabu, 22 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H/18 Desember 2019 M) . TERBUKA UNTUK MUSLIM DAN MUSLIMAH . . 1. Masjid Al Ikhlas | Jalan Tidung VII No. 525 Mappala | Ustadz Asri Muhammad Sholeh, Lc., M.A. | Pembahasan Ilmu Fiqih Islam | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 2. Masjid Istiqamah | Jl. Gotong Royong Raya No. 19 | Ustadz K.H. Sudirman, S.Ag. | Pembahasan Fiqih Shalat | Bada Maghrib s.d. Isya 3. Masjid Babul Jihad | Jl. Abubakar Lambogo No. 62 | Ustadz H. Ayyub Subandi, Lc. | Pembahasan Kitab Bulughul Maram | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 4. Masjid Nurul Ikhlas | Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Blok M No. 118 | Ustadz Syaifullah Anshar, Lc., M.H.I. | Pembahasan Kitab Umdhatul Ahkam | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 5. Masjid Nur Ibrahim | Jl. Poros Paccerakkang (Depan SD IT Al Insyirah) | Ustadz Ronny Mahmuddin, Lc., M.Pd.I. | Pembahasan Kitab Bulughul Maram | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya . Ayo! Dukung Kegiatan Dakwah, Sosial, dan Pendidikan di Wahdah Islamiyah Kota Makassar dengan Donasi TERBAIK ANDA melalui rekening Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) 7087007493 a.n. DPD WAHDAH ISLAMIYAH MAKASSAR (Kode BSM 451). Konfirmasi Transfer ke nomor 0821-9090-6880 . . #wahdahislamiyah #wahdahislamiyahmakassar #wahdahmakassar #infomakassar #posternasehat #istiqomah #quoteoftheday #ayotarbiyah #ayongaji #ayohijrah #ayopuasa #laziswahdah #nasehatislami #islamic #dakwahmakassar #serambimadinah #pray #religious #dirosa #tarbiyah . 🌷 Silahkan Like & Share (di Wahdah Islamiyah Makassar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6M6xRgBtab/?igshid=t7p9affyaous
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123designsrq · 3 years ago
8TB SSD can travel to remote internet-free locations where your cloud drive can’t
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SSDs are a lot like smartphones. You can’t just build a solid-state drive with storage and expect it to satisfy everyone. Just like each smartphone has its standout features (some are waterproof, some have better cameras, some have more storage, some are flexible), SSDs have their own features too – some provide faster read/write speeds, some have biometric locks, some are pocket-sized – allowing them to serve different audiences. An SSD that’s waterproof doesn’t really cater to someone who uses it in an office, and an 8TB SSD that has a fingerprint scanner may not matter to someone who uses it to dump videos from a DSLR or a drone. By that yardstick, LAMBOGO knows exactly who its audience is. Designed for the great outdoors, this rugged, waterproof, wireless 8TB SSD comes with up to 8TB of storage, has an internal fan to keep the drive and circuitry cool when you’re not in the cushy environment of an air-conditioned office, and lets you wirelessly preview and share files between your devices. LAMBOGO the 8TB SSD comes with a card slot and a single button interface for quickly dumping data from your DSLR and Drone, and lets you easily preview your files on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even desktop and edit them on third-party apps… without connecting wires. If you’re a shutterbug who travels to the wilderness, or someone who needs to quickly backup their heavy RAW footage without any wires, cables, or cloud subscriptions, the LAMBOGO couldn’t be more of a perfect fit in your tech arsenal. The clarity with which the LAMBOGO was designed really reflects in its feature list. It’s practically waterproof and shock-proof, which makes it great for carrying on treks or outdoor trips. The rugged design is still pretty pocket-friendly, sliding comfortably into laptop bags or even your baggy cargo pants without a fuss. The gadget comes with up to 8TB of storage, letting you easily dump 4K or even 8K footage onto it, and an internal fan keeps the hardware running cool even when you’re working with really large files in the outdoor heat. The internal cooling system even goes a long way in protecting your data and increasing the lifespan of your SSD by preventing heating. By far the most intriguing thing about the LAMBOGO is its ability to transfer across various mediums. Sure, like any SSD, the LAMBOGO comes with a USB-C cable. Boasting read-write speeds of up to 2,400 MB/s. However, it works wirelessly too. Using a Wi-Fi connection to wirelessly transfer files to nearby devices at speeds of 900 MB/s. If you’re using the 8TB SSD to dump media. A nifty SD card slot on the side lets you easily plug your card in and start backing it up with the push of a button. You don’t need to drag/drop/copy/paste files. Just plug the SD card in and hit the Copy button and the SSD backs up all your data at 320 MB/s from the SD card (a speed that even your laptop card reader might not match). All the transferred files can be viewed, managed. And copied through the LAMBOGO app on your Android or iOS device. The integrated app has support for RAW image, and even allows for direct 4K streaming without a cable. Which makes perfect sense for videographers, photographers, content creators, and filmmakers. But at the same time, if you want to go full-on cord-cutter and view 4K movies and TV series directly off the SSD instead of paying for a Netflix subscription. That’s pretty much ideal too! For those hungry for technical details. The LAMBOGO’s internal storage capacity ranges from 1TB to 8TB. The drive sits within a rugged, shockproof, dustproof. And water-resistant case that can easily deal with anything the wilderness throws at you. The SSD interfaces using USB4, USB3.1 (Gen 2). And an SD card slot, along with wireless transfers using the WiFi spectrum. This feature’s supported by the LAMBOGO’s internal 5000mAh battery. That gives it up to 8 hours of continuous use. While the LAMBOGO is clearly purpose-built to work in the outdoors. Where you can’t really connect to the internet to back data up to a cloud. Or fumble with wires and data cables, and where you’re at the mercy of hot temperatures, rough terrains, and stormy weathers. The SSD works equally well indoors too. Compatible with all devices from your phone, tablet, and laptop, to your DSLR, drone, action camera. And even your gaming consoles, the LAMBOGO’s 8TB storage serves multiple purposes. You can use LAMBOGO to backup your devices, store almost a million songs. Or 800+ 4K movies, 200+ PlayStation or Xbox games, or virtually every image in your phone’s camera roll. The LAMBOGO currently ships in 4 sizes – 1TB, 2TH, 4TB, and 8TB, across three color schemes. Black, blue, and orange, and comes with a 2-year warranty. As add-ons, you can even grab your hands on a rugged cover case. A carabiner paracord keychain for easy carrying, a thunderbolt cable for fast transfers. Or a 60W 4-in-1 cable that’ll let you connect the LAMBOGO to practically any device you own. Becoming the one universal storage device for all your tech needs! Read the full article
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mmutfernando · 6 years ago
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Stop thinking too much and just DO IT.. Your all caught up analyzing stuff and you never take action... - - I catch myself doing this sometime it’s a bad habit 🤦‍♂️ - - - Dm for photo credit: n/a - - What color would you say this @lamborghini is hot pink or red ? - - #Business #Entrepreneur #Luxury #Millionaire #Motivation #Ferrari #Lamborghini #Travel #Bitcoin #Viral #RealEstate #cribs #mansiongoals #cryptoworld #workhard💪 #playharder #furnitures #lifechanging #lambolifestyle #ferrarilifestyle #fastlife #speediskey #billionairetoys #lambogoals #haterswillhateregardless https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw40LHgn0Qh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ita95jti1j8
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gosulsel · 5 years ago
Turun Membantu Warga Korban Kebakaran di Abu Bakar Lambogo, Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel Buka Pos Hangat - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM -- Musibah kebakaran melanda kawasan pemukiman padat penduduk di Jl. Abu Bakar Lambogo, Makassar, Minggu (1/9/2019) lalu. Sejak hari itu hingga Rabu (4/9) ini, tim relawan Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel hadir di lokasi kejadian untuk membantu para warga terdampak kebakaran dengan...
#DompetDhuafaSulsel #KebakaranDiAbuBakarLambogo
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kamilarina-blog1 · 7 years ago
Paskibraka Enrekang Sukses Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Lapanfan Abubakar Lambogo
Kamila Rina Paskibraka Enrekang Sukses Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Lapanfan Abubakar Lambogo Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Paskibraka Enrekang Sukses Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Lapanfan Abubakar Lambogo Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Paskibraka Enrekang Sukses Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Lapanfan Abubakar Lambogo Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Paskibraka Enrekang Sukses Kibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di Lapanfan Abubakar Lambogo "Ini buah kerja keras mereka, tapi tugas masih belum usai karena masih ada tugas penurunan bendera nanti sore," ujar Hamsir. http://www.unikbaca.com
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beritanews · 4 years ago
Dua Pelaku Curat Diringkus, Resmob Polda Sulsel
Dua Pelaku Curat Diringkus, Resmob Polda Sulsel
MAKASSAR– Sekali mendayung dua pulau terlampaui, pepatah ini mungkin pantas untuk Anggota Jajaran Resmob Polda Sulsel kembali lagi telah mengamankan dua pelaku Curat (Pencurian Serta Pemberatan) yakni, Hidayat Maruf alias Yaya, umur 19 tahun, alamat Jalan Abu Bakar Lambogo. Kemudian Sabri Saleh, umur 28 tahun, alamat Jalan Tarakan, Kompleks PU Kota Makassar.
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majalahforbes-blog · 6 years ago
Gerebek Pesta Sabu di 2 Lokasi, Polisi Bekuk Ketua RT dan Waria
Forbes - Rusli Daeng Bonto (43), ketua RT 05, RW 02 di Jalan Kumala Selatan, Kelurahan Jongayya, Kecamatan Tamalate, Makassar ditangkap polisi, Kamis (10/1) malam saat baru saja selesai nyabu bersama seorang rekannya yang pengangguran, Hidayat Halim (32). Keduanya ditangkap tim khusus Polrestabes Makassar. Barang bukti yang disita berupa pirex, alat isap dan saset plastik bekas yang diduga bekas narkoba. "Sudah ada laporan sebelumnya kalau Pak RT ini terindikasi terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan dan peredaran gelap narkoba. Hasil dari pendalaman bahwa yang bersangkutan harus disentuh, dan benar saat digrebek dan digeledah ditemukan barang bukti yang berhubungan dengan narkoba," kata Kepala Satuan Narkoba Polrestabes Makassar Kompol Diari Astetika kepada wartawan di Mapolrestabes, Sabtu (12/1). Keduanya dikenakan pasal 114 ayat 1 atau pasal 112 ayat 1 atau pasal 127 ayat 1 huruf a UU RI No 35 tahun 2009 tentang Narkotika, dengan ancaman hukuman pidana penjara paling singkat 4 tahun, paling lama 20 tahun. Rusli mengaku mulai kenal narkoba sejak tahun 2016 dari teman yang mengajaknya konsumsi narkoba. Kata dia, meski sudah lama akrab dengan narkoba, tapi keluarganya tidak tahu. "Saya pakai narkoba biasanya di malam hari kalau istri dan anak-anak sudah tidur," tutur Pak RT ini. Di malam yang sama, polisi juga menangkap empat pelaku narkoba di Salon Abel, Jalan Abu Bakar Lambogo, Makassar. Keempatnya Syamsul Mujur (39), Abubakar Sumadi alias Abel (39), seorang waria pemilik salon Akbar (27) dan Reski Lestari Maria (27) seorang pemandu lagu. Mereka tertangkap saat tengah menikmati sabu. Kata Diari Astetika, barang bukti yang ditemukan berupa 1 saset sabu dan 1 set alat isap. "Pasal yang dikenakan didukung barang bukti yang ada adalah pasal 114 ayat 1, pasal 112 ayat 1 UU RI No 35 tahun 2009 dengan ancaman pidana penjara paling singkat 5 tahun, paling lama 12 tahun, denda paling sedikit Rp 800 juta, paling banyak Rp 8 miliar," ujarnya. Read the full article
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wahdahmakassar-blog · 5 years ago
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📜📣📜📣📜📣 INFO TAKLIM HARI INI (Rabu, 15 Rabiul Akhir 1441 H/11 Desember 2019 M) . TERBUKA UNTUK MUSLIM DAN MUSLIMAH . . 1. Masjid Al Ikhlas | Jalan Tidung VII No. 525 Mappala | Ustadz Asri Muhammad Sholeh, Lc., M.A. | Pembahasan Ilmu Fiqih Islam | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 2. Masjid Istiqamah | Jl. Gotong Royong Raya No. 19 | Ustadz H. Fadlan Akbar, Lc., M.H.I. | Pembahasan Aqidah Tauhid | Bada Maghrib s.d. Isya 3. Masjid Babul Jihad | Jl. Abubakar Lambogo No. 62 | Ustadz H. Ayyub Subandi, Lc. | Pembahasan Kitab Bulughul Maram | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya 4. Masjid Nurul Ikhlas | Jl. Tamalanrea Raya, BTP Blok M No. 118 | Ustadz Syaifullah Anshar, Lc., M.H.I. | Pembahasan Kitab Umdhatul Ahkam | Ba'da Magrib s.d. Isya . Ayo! Dukung Kegiatan Dakwah, Sosial, dan Pendidikan di Wahdah Islamiyah Kota Makassar dengan Donasi TERBAIK ANDA melalui rekening Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) 7087007493 a.n. DPD WAHDAH ISLAMIYAH MAKASSAR (Kode BSM 451). Konfirmasi Transfer ke nomor 0821-9090-6880 . . #wahdahislamiyah #wahdahislamiyahmakassar #wahdahmakassar #infomakassar #posternasehat #istiqomah #quoteoftheday #ayotarbiyah #ayongaji #ayohijrah #ayopuasa #laziswahdah #nasehatislami #islamic #dakwahmakassar #serambimadinah #pray #religious #dirosa #tarbiyah . 🌷 Silahkan Like & Share (di Makassar) https://www.instagram.com/p/B56506IBuCx/?igshid=5mfuufrxdcif
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123designsrq · 3 years ago
8TB SSD can travel to remote internet-free locations where your cloud drive can’t
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SSDs are a lot like smartphones. You can’t just build a solid-state drive with storage and expect it to satisfy everyone. Just like each smartphone has its standout features (some are waterproof, some have better cameras, some have more storage, some are flexible), SSDs have their own features too – some provide faster read/write speeds, some have biometric locks, some are pocket-sized – allowing them to serve different audiences. An SSD that’s waterproof doesn’t really cater to someone who uses it in an office, and an 8TB SSD that has a fingerprint scanner may not matter to someone who uses it to dump videos from a DSLR or a drone. By that yardstick, LAMBOGO knows exactly who its audience is. Designed for the great outdoors, this rugged, waterproof, wireless 8TB SSD comes with up to 8TB of storage, has an internal fan to keep the drive and circuitry cool when you’re not in the cushy environment of an air-conditioned office, and lets you wirelessly preview and share files between your devices. LAMBOGO the 8TB SSD comes with a card slot and a single button interface for quickly dumping data from your DSLR and Drone, and lets you easily preview your files on your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or even desktop and edit them on third-party apps… without connecting wires. If you’re a shutterbug who travels to the wilderness, or someone who needs to quickly backup their heavy RAW footage without any wires, cables, or cloud subscriptions, the LAMBOGO couldn’t be more of a perfect fit in your tech arsenal. The clarity with which the LAMBOGO was designed really reflects in its feature list. It’s practically waterproof and shock-proof, which makes it great for carrying on treks or outdoor trips. The rugged design is still pretty pocket-friendly, sliding comfortably into laptop bags or even your baggy cargo pants without a fuss. The gadget comes with up to 8TB of storage, letting you easily dump 4K or even 8K footage onto it, and an internal fan keeps the hardware running cool even when you’re working with really large files in the outdoor heat. The internal cooling system even goes a long way in protecting your data and increasing the lifespan of your SSD by preventing heating. By far the most intriguing thing about the LAMBOGO is its ability to transfer across various mediums. Sure, like any SSD, the LAMBOGO comes with a USB-C cable. Boasting read-write speeds of up to 2,400 MB/s. However, it works wirelessly too. Using a Wi-Fi connection to wirelessly transfer files to nearby devices at speeds of 900 MB/s. If you’re using the 8TB SSD to dump media. A nifty SD card slot on the side lets you easily plug your card in and start backing it up with the push of a button. You don’t need to drag/drop/copy/paste files. Just plug the SD card in and hit the Copy button and the SSD backs up all your data at 320 MB/s from the SD card (a speed that even your laptop card reader might not match). All the transferred files can be viewed, managed. And copied through the LAMBOGO app on your Android or iOS device. The integrated app has support for RAW image, and even allows for direct 4K streaming without a cable. Which makes perfect sense for videographers, photographers, content creators, and filmmakers. But at the same time, if you want to go full-on cord-cutter and view 4K movies and TV series directly off the SSD instead of paying for a Netflix subscription. That’s pretty much ideal too! For those hungry for technical details. The LAMBOGO’s internal storage capacity ranges from 1TB to 8TB. The drive sits within a rugged, shockproof, dustproof. And water-resistant case that can easily deal with anything the wilderness throws at you. The SSD interfaces using USB4, USB3.1 (Gen 2). And an SD card slot, along with wireless transfers using the WiFi spectrum. This feature’s supported by the LAMBOGO’s internal 5000mAh battery. That gives it up to 8 hours of continuous use. While the LAMBOGO is clearly purpose-built to work in the outdoors. Where you can’t really connect to the internet to back data up to a cloud. Or fumble with wires and data cables, and where you’re at the mercy of hot temperatures, rough terrains, and stormy weathers. The SSD works equally well indoors too. Compatible with all devices from your phone, tablet, and laptop, to your DSLR, drone, action camera. And even your gaming consoles, the LAMBOGO’s 8TB storage serves multiple purposes. You can use LAMBOGO to backup your devices, store almost a million songs. Or 800+ 4K movies, 200+ PlayStation or Xbox games, or virtually every image in your phone’s camera roll. The LAMBOGO currently ships in 4 sizes – 1TB, 2TH, 4TB, and 8TB, across three color schemes. Black, blue, and orange, and comes with a 2-year warranty. As add-ons, you can even grab your hands on a rugged cover case. A carabiner paracord keychain for easy carrying, a thunderbolt cable for fast transfers. Or a 60W 4-in-1 cable that’ll let you connect the LAMBOGO to practically any device you own. Becoming the one universal storage device for all your tech needs! Read the full article
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