#Ladder Type Tee
dulcibella-dreams · 7 months
How about Minato comforting a sick SO ? Mitsuru will be super strict regarding the quarantine but Minato will find a way.
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P3 protag comforting a sick S.O.!
𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔 A/N: screaming. YOU KNOW I’VE HAD THIS IDEA BEFORE? hsjdkwkakdkw I have a soft spot for this idea. This sounds to me more like a story type beat than a dot point, so that is what I have done :) also tee hee I'm sick rn so 💕Hope you enjoy anon!!
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You had it really badly. Shivering in your bed with tissue boxes running out by the minute, your body was in a state of swelter and ice.
Mitsuru had absolutely banned everyone from coming to see you. Even Aigis. Why Aigis???? Not like she was going to catch the flu. You rolled your eyes.
The buzzing of your phone followed your second sneeze in a row. You were really hoping one of your friends cared enough about you to text you. Maybe this time it wouldn't be wilduck burgers persuading you to buy their ��super mystery X exclusive alien edition triple patty burger’. You were indeed pleased when you saw Minato's number pop-up.
“How are you?” You almost rolled your eyes again. “Sick.” You stared intently at the 'typing...' icon. “I'm coming up to see you.” You blinked a couple times at your screen. You had a sudden vision of him getting brutally executed by Mitsuru. You also didn't want to pass your illness to him, or have him see you in this puffy and runny nose condition. But also, you missed your boyfriend a lot. Mitsuru had you basically locked up like jail in your room for 3 days now.
You quickly hit backspace on your DO NOT DO THAT message, and instead opted for a “how???” He responded quickly. “don't worry about that.” Why did he have to be so cryptic. It didn't make him edgy or mysterious. Okay, yes it did and it definitely added to his charm, but that was besides the point.
You looked at your window. No, he wasn't about to learn how to fly. Or get a long ladder. Or would he get a long ladder? Your laugh quickly descended to a chesty cough. The boy of your heart was truly something. He clearly missed you, despite his casual demeanour.
You suddenly hear a raised authoritative voice. Oh. Mitsuru was not pleased. “You can't go up there! You are putting at risk all of us, not to mention the student body…!” Her voice resigned after Minato very nonchalantly walked into your room and locked the door behind him. Oh yeah, that's right. You forgot he literally does not care. You notice a large open container in his hands, all contents except a water bottle obscured to you.
“She won't be coming up here.” You give him a smile. “She’ll kill you, you know.” “That's a problem for later.” He found a seat on the edge of your bed, resting the back of his palm against your forehead. “You’re feverish.” You gave him a long hard look that said, ‘no way, really?’ but kept your mouth shut, since you were honestly so pleased he was here.
Setting the container down by your bed, he pulls out a small, cold wet towel to place on your forehead. You sigh happily as your scorching skin seems to lull slowly. He grabs one of your hands, and rests it in his lap as he holds it. Minato looks in your eyes as the room fills with a moment of silence. “No-one could keep me from you.” You have to look away so you don't make a fool of yourself. It's rare for him to be so blatant about his feelings for you. He didn't seem to care about your sniffling nose, your raspy voice, or your chapped lips. You were his love, after all.
Minato gently lifted your head, resting it in his lap. He propped you up to undo the ponytail you had messily done last night. It had soothed your burning shoulders then, but now it just ached. His fingers gently threaded through your hair, completely relieving the tension. You could not fathom why he had come so prepared, but he procured a hairbrush and began working through your hair slowly. It was such a soft act of intimacy, to actively look after you in this way. To never want anything in return. His satisfaction always seemed to derive from seeing you content. You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the moment, never wanting to leave.
After some time, the silence was interrupted with a: “…Oh yeah, I brought you your favourite snack.” You watch as he reached into the container again to procure you your gift. Your sickened state almost made you barrel towards tears, but you instead settle on pulling him into a sudden hug. You couldn't even care if you got him sick anymore. You left a trail of kisses from his collarbone all the way up to his cheeks, the edge of his mouth, and finally pressing against his lips. You stay there for quite sometime, your fingers now finding his hair instead. When you pull away, he looks vaguely amused, with the slightest smirk on his face.
“I think you forgot about your snack.”
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gamblersdoll · 10 months
summary: your two teenage friends try to win your heart.. to what extent?
content contains adult themes, such as death, mature themes, angst, comfort, ect. my work is not suitable for many people. reader discretion is advised.
chapter one.
“you gonna be my wife, y/n?” gojo teased, peaking over his glasses. he had a am slinging around your shoulders bending to your height. how he was already six foot one at seventeen was astonishing. but he is satoru gojo after all.
“you think id set the bar for you that low? i value myself.” you said, peeling his arm off and looking at him with your arms folded. “youre delulu.” you said, shaking your head.
“hey– hey! dont call me that, youre delulu for not taking a chance.” he said, huffing like a child not getting his little snack from his local mart-wal or shop. “just give me one chaaance , mrs satoru..!” he said, a whine and pout. he was going to speak again until geto showed up.
“oh satoru, please stop whining over her. shes your type yes, but no need.” geto appeared, his eyes slightly hanged low towards you.
“haa?” he said, looking to him. “you know shes hot and you blame mee!?” he exclaimed, growing a little hissy fit. “isnt she your type too? you should understand, emo!” he pouted, looking away from both of you.
“not confirming nor denying, but she probably wouldnt want a delusional man whining.” geto said, taking his hair out of a bun and letting it fall. god, he should at least have a girlfriend right now , nor a situationship.
“would both of you stop calling me that?!” he yelled, causing the boys to bicker and banter against each other. you had managed to slip away from that, and into your own room.
you shouldnt had agreed to share a apartment with them, geto with hair that sheds like a damn shepherd, gojo having some randos come over, geto having icky scented candles lit, ect. especially when they argue about something, you always became the middle man and youd somehow argue too because one didnt like your response.
you understood the shedding, since you had a head full of hair anyway, and maybe they thought you had icky scented candles. like the time you had a sour apple candle going and geto side eyed you for it. but it was home, your home.
you had closed the door, slipping out of uniform and changing into a baggy shirt with some shorts. you liked being comfortable, the only problem was the shorts riding up because of your thighs and you sometimes hated it. you hadnt worn it outside your room persay, but you needed to at that moment to cook something at least.
which would be the absolute death of you.
you walked out of your room to the kitchen, having geto and gojo stop mid arguement, only to look respectfully of course.
his blue eyes on you.
his brown eyes on you.
you felt them, you shouldnt care, but you couldnt. you felt like a animal with two predators on you, drooling. you heard them both breathe heavily while you got on the step ladder to reach for the cajun seasoning. you felt them breathe on you even being a few feet away.
“told you shes hot.” gojo said, using his hands to demonstrate your curves, meanwhile looking at geto.
“thats….” geto sighed, looking away from you finally. “okay.”
“im uh … making cajun chicken and pasta.” you tried to change the topic, but it was about you.
“unt unt.” gojo sounded, shaking his finger side to side, clicking his tongue. “we arent gonna ignore this little fit you got on.” he said, practically frantic in his eyes. he wasn’t desperate for you, but, he was eager.
“gojo, its shorts and a big ass tee, i look terrible.” you said, flatly.
“you dont know what a homeless outfit on a hot bitch like you does to me.” he said— was he getting closer? you had to do a double take.
“gojo, two steps back to where you were!” geto demanded–
yeah, he was getting closer, he had those eyes that made him look crazy, acting like a tweaker. you stepped back as well, no longer looking at his direction, but looking for your cast iron skillet. you were hearing him and geto say something but you didnt pay attention until you squatted back up–
“gojo, get back here n..”
“—and if you dont, i wont hesitate to rip it off with my teeth maybe.” gojo finished, looking at where you ended up against him. he was at fault since he was in your bubble, but you brushed up against him when you squatted back up to your height. and it made him lose his cool on the inside. he didnt mind it though.
everyone was quiet, geto pinching the bridge of his nose. geto had his own thoughts about you, but he could keep it to himself, unlike gojo. he relied on actions instead of words, thats why helps cook, clean, or just help you with your hair.
“it isnt wise for you to wear shorts like that around. you can throw some pants over it or ill rip them off with my teeth.” he warned, trapping you against the fridge with a arm beside your head.
you hated when he did that, when hed talk to you all low and heafty with his eyes low and lidded. this time is like that but he had such a mean face. you only hated it because it was like one of those boyfriends that spoke to you all dark and low.
“go get me some pants then, out my drawer geto..?” you sighed, keeping an eye on gojo and keeping distance.
after that whole fiasco, you were in your room. you were just reading up until you heard them bicker again, and they called your name.
you came out to the banter, feeling like its stupid. until they asked you something about if cookies are better well done, normal, or undercooked. you sighed, finally answering.
“cookies are better soft, so somewhere between undercooked and normal cooked. i also kinda like medium rare cookies.” you said, finding peace in that answer, until gojo spoke up.
“you pretty and pretty thick and all but what the hell is a medium rare cookie???” he asked, making the confusion of questions.
“please do explain, y/n.” geto chirped in, putting his hair up.
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renkenako · 8 months
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✦ KENTO YAMAZAKI, CISMALE, HE/HIM ✦ REN KANEKO the TWENTY-SEVEN year old has been in willow’s edge for THEIR ENTIRE LIFE and was an EX-BOYFRIEND to JUNE, from the deceased family. whispers on the streets are that the MECHANIC AT ONE-STOP AUTO who lives in WILLOUGHBY COMPLEX are said to be CANDID and SELF-WILLED but i guess we’ll find out for ourselves.
tw: family issues, alcohol mention
full name: kenako ren
date of birth: january 30th
star sign: aquarius
place of birth: willow's edge south carolina
family: kaneko osamu (father), nakamura miu (mother)
sexual orientation: bisexual
religion: atheist
tattoos: dueling rabbits on either thigh, flames above his left ankle, broken glass around his left elbow, a very meta tattoo with question marks above his right elbow, skull / mechanic piece on his right calf, a fat bird above the crook of his left elbow, ladder above his right ankle, "whatever forever" on his left shin, a double-headed rat on his left bicep, and a broken bone on his left forearm.
style: linen button-ups, vans and converse, vintage beer t-shirts, light-washed dad jeans, carhartt jackets, miscellaneous trucker hats, short-sleeved button-ups or bowling shirts, grey jeans, white basic tees, well-worn nike sneakers, five inch inseam gym shorts, distressed jean jackets, a canvas messenger bag, headphones as a necklace, silver rings, dark brown cargo/utility pants, and doc martens.
[ aesthetics coming later because i am tired ]
ren grew up in winslow as an only child in an upper middle class family. his mother, miu, was a stay at home mom and an artist in her free time— though most of her paid work tended to be painting storefront windows in town. his father, osamu, now works as an office administrator but back in his heyday, he was the manager of willow suite's.
while both of ren's parents are more reserved, he broke tradition and even from a young age was the kid constantly being asked to change desks at school or earn a sideways glance. make no mistake, he's not the loudmouth demanding the spotlight but he's undoubtedly the loudest in the kenako bunch, standing out just enough to stress out his father.
his father expected ren to grow out of his tendencies and mature. but the more ren got told to quiet down or to grow up or 'stay in line', the less he wanted to. at a certain point, it wasn't so much his natural instinct but a choice made of spite.
maybe that was a factor in how things went with june. having grown up around the suites given his father's job, he'd gotten to know the willows well enough. it wasn't really until that one summer— ren was twenty and working at the hotel as a bellhop, having opted not to do the whole college thing (another decision made to spite the status quo). at some point, june and him had just gotten closer. it felt a bit forbidden. boss's daughter. father's boss's daughter. they hadn't taken it public when his father had found out in a moment of wrong place, wrong time. immediately, he didn't approve, calling it inappropriate. worrying about his job, how mr. willow would see him, what he'd think. june and ren hadn't lasted too much longer after that. even though ren refused to listen to his father's demands to end it, staying in a relationship where you're not feeling very welcomed... it made sense. ren never faulted her for that. — [ together for four months, mostly private but became more public knowledge after it ended ]
after not going to college, the initial plan (from dad) was for him to follow in osamu's footsteps and work at the suites, eventually making his way up the ladder. that dream never really took off and officially died after that summer with june. it was then that ren went to trade school to become a mechanic. he'd preferred the idea of a hands on type job and, to be honest, the grim of it seemed appealing. can't be all prim and proper with oil stains. it helped too that ren had always liked cars; hot wheels were his toy of choice as a kid. now he mostly collects speeding tickets.
owns a black 1967 chevy impala that he restored himself. it's his pride and joy.
moved into willoughby complex when he was twenty-two. he had a roommate for two years before moving into his own one bedroom.
loves a capri sun. he's a fan on most flavors but his favorite is obviously pacific cooler and he cannot and will not touch the grape. at a bar, he'll either grab a simple beer or a classic rum and coke.
loves music and doesn't go anywhere without at least some type of ear buds, though he prefers headphones. — [ greta van fleet, mother mother, the black keys, ren, rainbow kitten surprise, noah kahan, creedence clearwater revival, maneskin, k.flay, tamino, etc... ]
big fan of sitting anywhere but a chair: the hood of his car, the roof of willoughby, a tall stack of tires, counters, also the floor.
general connection ideas: best friends, friends, ex-friends, pseudo siblings, ex-roommate of two years, childhood/family friends, coworkers (now or once-upon-a-time), exes [ 1. non-serious childhood "girlfriend", 2. high school girlfriend, 3. june, 4. ex from early twenties, 5. recent ex. ], fwb, one night stand, dating app match, one-sided crush, old crush?, enemy, annoyance, drinking buddy, bad/good influence, extended fam… others that i cannot think of
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raisindave · 5 months
[Chapter 23] Seeing the World Through Ballistic-Tinted Glasses
Streaming daylight cast wandering light beams across your dark bedroom, an unwelcome intrusion to your crash landing site. Commotion in your peripheral dragged your sleeping mind into this new dimension, turning your aching neck to see your phone screen alight with an incoming call. For a brief moment, you lived in blissful ignorance of what had happened only hours ago. However, that moment had since slipped through your fingertips, shooting a twinge of spite and horror through your foggy mind. 
“Hello?” your voice came out as a husky groan. A searing headache surged through your mind like crashing waves. 
“Cricket, open the door, we’re outside.” That unforgettable Scottish accent sounded through the speaker. 
For fuck’s sake, Soap, today’s not the day. The last thing you wanted to see was any reminder of your likely forfeit role in the armed services. He’s probably here to let you down easy and hand over your files. He must have heard your hesitation and opted to pursue it, knowing you’re always the type to be easily swayed. 
“Today, y’old bat.” He added, hearing Gaz in the background bark a laugh. 
The mirror that passed your line of sight on your way down the stairs would have elicited some sense of shock or shame if you had any remaining self-respect left in you. Phantoms of dark eye makeup left heavy rings under your eyes and wild hair pulled into a presentable, though far from perfect, ponytail. How did they even find your house address? The record you were given had all geographic ties redacted. That’s a thought better muddled under less urgent circumstances. One last check over yourself to ensure you have the major clothing groups in check and the doorknob was creaking under your palm. A sudden surge of intruding sunlight made your face contort into a cringe as you gathered the faces of two of your comrades on your doorstep.
“Heeeey Cricket,” Soap cheered, pulling you into a side-faced hug as Gaz raised his hand in a polite wave. “We wanted to bring you over a birthday gift before we ship out again.”
“Ship out without me? I’m hurt.” You joked, though subtly prodding for additional information about your questionable employment. 
“Nah, it’s just tactical training,” Gaz piped up, “I think it’s water rescue this time.”
“They chuck us in a fuck-off-cold pool, and we have to drag these mannequins onto a helicopter ladder,” Soap groaned, coming entirely into view to show an armful of flowers with the exact wrapping they sold at the convenience store down the street. 
You accepted the armful of slightly withered assorted flowers, sharing a kind thank you with the group. It’s impossible to tell if those two pairs of eyes staring back at you were those of genuine companions looking to share a birthday gift or the gaze of two colleagues who saw what you did in the dark. Your mouth pressed into a thin line, awkwardly patting your fingertips on the doorframe and sucking a sigh in through your teeth.
“Well… will you come in for tea?” Your voice was stern and calm, but every muscle behind your carefully constructed smile begged them to decline. Ever the oblivious ones, they happily accepted your invitation. 
Despite having an equally inebriated night out, probably out later than you, too, they had the nerve to look absolutely peachy. No dark circles, uncouth hair or waxy skin, just neatly pressed SAS tee shirts and those same lazy grins. Catching a nosey but curious side-eyed gaze from your neighbour as you ushered these living weapons inside your home, reluctantly. 
Be it from time spent away from home for so long or a genuine indifference toward hot drinks, you were shamefully unequipped to serve tea to two Brits. What kind of tea do they drink anyway? It definitely wouldn’t be this Christmas Sugar Cookie tea mix. A more significant concern overtook you, as your typically tidy and organized living space looked like the wreckage of an airstrike. A single thong that you had no idea where it had come from was quickly whisked between a couch cushion just in time for them to lazily stroll into your open kitchen. 
“I can’t help but notice you’re down one,” you asked, probing about Ghost’s whereabouts, hopefully at the bottom of a river. 
“LT was up before both of us. He went for a jog around the area and said he’d meet us at the tarmac.” Soap responded plainly, casually strolling through your living space as if it’s a fine art museum and he’s on a field trip that had been begrudgingly dragged into the exhibits.
“We missed you last night. Plan A of your birthday gift was to buy you a drink.” Gaz spoke up eagerly, resting his hands politely in his pockets, unlike Soap, who was plucking polaroids off your fridge. 
“That’s still on the table, y’know,” Soap corrected, eliciting a theatrical winge from you that made him chuckle.  
“Ehh, I don’t tend to stay out too late on my nights out,” You sighed, shovelling armfuls of empty cans and bottles into the sink, flurrying fingers whipping the filled kettle onto its base. 
The two were exploring your space, completely unabashed by your frantic cleaning. There wasn’t a knick-knack or picture frame that wasn’t astutely studied, flipping through music records haphazardly, making you silently cringe. Soap had the nerve to flip over one of the half dozen empty chocolate boxes, presenting it to Gaz triumphantly with a bewildered grin.
“I didn’t know you had a sister,” Gaz inquired, picking up a framed photo in a lacquered frame. 
"Is she hot?" Soap interjected, half-joking, or so you hoped. 
“She’s dead.”
“Ah, apologies,” Gaz apologized awkwardly, cautiously setting the frame in its original place.
“This must be the man of the house!” Soap hollered from behind you, taking bounding steps to press his nose to the glass of your goldfish’s tank. 
“Chupacabra!” Gaz concurred, stepping beside Soap to watch the thoughtless creature meander around its tank.
Having these men running loose in your house was like herding cats. They’re obsessively curious and are too courageous, or stupid, to have any sense of self-censorship. It was the last thing you could have wished for in the morning after a night out. On the bright side, at least their asshole friend did you the courtesy of knowing he wouldn’t be welcome. Still, it is pretty entertaining to see these supersoldiers gush over a literal goldfish. Days ago, these two were dropping out of a helicopter to raid a cartel yacht off the coast of Mexico and shooting down their armed guards with pinpoint accuracy. 
“I swear to God he just winked at me,” he howled, pressing a fingertip into the glass. 
“Soap, that’s impossible. They don’t even have eyelids.” You grumbled in response, pouring the steaming water into a trilogy of mugs. 
“Sure they do, how do you think the fucker just winked at me. I saw it clear as day,” he pressed.
“Don’t call my fish a fucker,” you huffed, stifling a bubbling laugh.
It’s always been so hard to stay mad at these guys. They’re kind, moderately considerate, and damn good storytellers. They could have easily stayed for hours, tolerating your tea, and you tolerating them fumbling over one another to share gut-wrenching horror stories of missions gone haywire. They weren’t bashful about eating up all the food in your fridge, too, eating up everything in sight. Before you knew it, the two soldiers were back out the door, and you found yourself not as weary as when they first arrived. 
Days slurred along, leaving you ample opportunity to spend time alone with your soul-crushing thoughts. It gave you time to digest the bile and hatred that churned in your intestines, chewing over every word that you could recall. Having those two lunatics eat up all your food was more of a blessing in disguise, as it forced you to come out of hiding and face the sunlight that didn’t come from your fenced backyard. Rattling carts and swinging fluorescent lights overhead, you found yourself oddly triumphant in buying more short-term shelflife foods like fresh fruits and vegetables. Now that you’re becoming increasingly confident in not being called into work any time soon, you can finally explore your cooking abilities again. Self-heating MREs and vacuum-sealed granola for months on end have a way of eroding your tastebuds, something you refuse to let the military strip from your soul. The exotic and flavourful dishes, for one, were still marred with a sense of dread, knowing these flavours were only the consequence of crossing an uncrossable barrier. 
Wrath translated into apathy, which dabbled into deep, agonizing sadness on your longest nights. The nagging thirst for knowledge and research is the only thing stopping you from clocking into a psych ward. Now that your first attempt to control your circumstances went so spectacularly wrong, the days just blur by. Stark white pages of case studies printed on the backs of your eyelids when you fall asleep. Coffee doesn’t taste the same since hopelessness and simmering wrath are forever lingering on your tongue.
Another afternoon spent with your legs dangling in the murky pool in your backyard, green waters a torrent of sticks and leaves, and you couldn’t help but mourn. It had been just over three months since your last notification from Laswell- from anyone. You weren’t even sure if you had a job anymore, and maybe your paperwork was lost in the mail. Being left in the dark is agonizing. Uncertainty seems to be the name of the game when it comes to the special forces. Birds had the gall to sing as sweetly as ever, mismatched to your vicious internal monologue, staring daggers through their white underbellies from the dingy poolside. 
Thoughts lingered on Chupacabra. The strange little glimmer of hope in your life. After all, he’s so happy to swim around his bowl, ecstatic to explore the same plastic leaves and ceramic cave. The fish is so excited to gulp up every food flake and carry on with gleeful optimism. If only you could find that same optimism. Ultimately, your first attempt to take control of yourself failed spectacularly, and maybe that was the universe’s way to slap your wrist. Having a pet is just no longer suited for your life. In the best-case scenario, you’re back at work, and the fish will be shipped to the next best owner for a few weeks. In the worst case, you’re looking for a new job, and the gleeful little fish will constantly remind you of the life you’re just never set to be content with. No matter how much of a rock that thoughtless little bundle of cells might be, that's no way to leave a pet.
Luckily for Chupa, the neighbour’s daughter was more than happy to take on the new fish, and the lingering frown couldn’t help but be overshadowed with triumph. If nothing else, that’s one good decision that’s come out of the last few months. Before you knew it, the weeks that passed had since dissolved your disgust in your inability to care for a literal fucking goldfish. That sweet boy deserves better than what you had to offer.
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
I feel like we need some virgin Clarke hc to complement the virgin Lexa asks 🙂 How about seven minutes in heaven where nerdy trans Clarke is stuck with her crush, popular Lexa in the closet after spin the bottle? Clarke gets the balls to actually makeout with Lexa who is impressed by Clarke's sudden confidence. After their seven minutes is up, Lexa pulls Clarke to an empty room to pop her cherry.
I ended up writing a whole thing, sorry 😅 i also don't know why I went with an HSAU since I don't really write those but here we are. I'm splitting this in two parts, and post the smut later! Because I think this is cute!
Lexa is been the most popular girl in school for as long as Clarke can remember really. She's always been a natural leader so it really comes as no shock to see her climb the social ladder early on, reaching its peak at high school, head of the student council, star of the volleyball team with a one way ticket to Harvard. Clarke's has a crush on her since Lexa put a flower in Clarke's hair back in third grade, back then still very short and a wavy blonde mess most of the time, and told Clarke how pretty she looked like that.
At eleven Lexa declares she only likes girls and Clarke realizes she'll never get a chance.
At thirteen Clarke starts transitioning and realizes she could actually have a chance.
If they didn't run in completely different groups.
Lexa lives amongst star athletes that are all far too good looking and far too smart for Clarke to even dare approach them, while Clarke is the art nerd type and runs with equally nerd minded people, the type that excell at one subject and subject only, like Raven and her out of this world talent for mechanics or "cockroach" Murphy whose love for survivalist media turned him into a bug lover like no other. They play dnd on the weekend and try not to get caught stealing parts from cars at the junk yard.
So when Lexa, the same Lexa that put a flower in Clarke's hair, the one who might have triggered Clarke's realization into the fact she was trans, the same Lexa that has nearly given Clarke a boner in the middle of gym class because of the way she bent down in her volleyball shorts, comes over to their table to invite them to a party that weekend at her house Clarke is convinced someone, somewhere is playing a prank on her.
It doesn't happen often she isn't mocked or bullied but Clarke has heard the mean spirited whispers. She doesn't give a shit about then, nerd doesn’t equate weak and she refuses to run away and cry just because a bunch of high schooler think her being different is funny.
But Lexa wouldn't. Right? She might be bitchy at times, imposing and refusing to let anyone walk over her but she wouldn't prank Clarke. They're not friends anymore, not since middle school, but Lexa still waves at her in the hall and hasn't missed a short yet thoughtful text message on Clarke's birthday.
They go. Because well, why wouldn't they? Lexa seems genuinely happy to see her and even compliments her band tee, focusing her eyes a little too hard on the way the Queen logo distorts around Clarke's chest, and offers her a drink that Clarke notes isn't particularly strong which is cute and thoughtful despite the fact Clarke has been drinking Monty's homemade moonshine for about two years now every other Sunday during their DnD nights. It's sweet that Lexa gave Clarke the least amount if alcohol possible without straight away assuming she wanted none, telling Clarke that behind the whole popular girl facade, the girl Clarke developed a major crush on is still alive and well.
Which is great. If it didn't make Clarke feel ten times more attracted to Lexa; Lexa in her cute white shorts and her laced-up red blouse that forces Clarke to bite the inside of her cheek so she won't get hard and be entirely to up front about her feelings towards Lexa.
She hangs out. Talks to a few people she only ever lent a pen to before, talks to Lexa for longer than she has in the past four years combined, laughs when Lexa recalls that time they were caught by Abby giggling at an anatomy book when they were kids and pretends she doesn't feel jealous when Lexa talks about her ex girlfriend Costia, who is now off to college somewhere.
She's a little buzzed by the time someone suggests they play seven minutes in heaven. Clarke doesn't even know where Raven and Murphy are, although shebsuspects they are no where in the circle when she sits down on the couch directly in front of Lexa. Statistically Clarke is sure the odds are against her when the bottle starts to spin.
She isn't really thinking about what will happen when the stops spinning and she has to go into the closet with someone because she just really wants that someone to be Lexa. Pretty popular Lexa who keeps smiling nervously at her and whose cheeks are a pretty shade of red and whose hair bounces when she walks, whose hand is very soft as she touches her, urging her to get up.
"Clarke, cmon were up." Lexa giggles above her, trying to pull her up from her sit.
Clarke doesn't understand quite why. Lexa seems to manage to read her mind, despite looking nearly as much or even tipster than Clarke.
"It landed on me."
Oh, look at that. It has. Pointing straight ahead where Lexa had her cute butt sitted.
Clarke's being pulled into a closed full of jackets before she knows it. It's warm and stuffy inside, barely enough people for one of her, much less the two of them... that must be why she can feel Lexa's nipple through the shirt, Clarke now noticing the girl has gone braless. And if Clarke can feel Lexa's nipples than Lexa can fot sure feel....
"Shit, I'm sorry." Clarke apologizes frantically, trying - and failing miserably- to get some space between her body and Lexa's.
She tries every quick solution in the book. She fleshes her leg and then her arm and then her buttcheek but it doesn't help. She's actually sure she must look like she's having a case of involuntary spasms. She tries to think about everything else, anyone else but it useless when Lexa is right there, so real and so within reach for Clarke's mind to even come up with anyone else's face.
Clarke's about to apologize again. She feels like a creep even if it is not her fault. What will Lexa think of her now? The weird nerd kid she decided to give a chance at friendship again only for Clarke to pop a boner so hard she might have to run home and jerk off to exhaustion.
Lexa says something that Clarke can't quite make out, "Hmm?"
"It's okay." Lexa repeats. It's slightly slurred out Clarke realizes, and at first she fears Lexa is much drunker than she thought. But then. Then Clarke sees green eyes hooded as they stare down at the party crasher between Clarke's legs, lips parted and heavy breathing hitting Clarke's face in warm puffs. A hand that is so close to her boner Clarke could moan just at the thought.
And then her gaze shifts and Lexa is staring at her, eyes nearly black with lust and Clarke decides this is now or never. No trying to keep a somewhat there friendship going, no backing out at the last second, no doubts about stupid high school social status that mean nothing in the real world.
Clarke kisses Lexa. Hard. Like she never kissed anyone before. And it's not like she kissed a lot.
Lexa doesnt seem bothered by this. Instead she wraps her arms lazily around Clarke's neck, letting Clsrke do has she pleases, pulling her by the waist and then slamming Lexa's hips on the closet door. Clarke attempts her best impersonation of someone who knows what the fuck they are doing, bitting Lexa's pouty bottom lip and pulling it slightly, hoping it was more sexy than it was borderline cannibalistic. If the moan that rumbles against her lips is any indication Clarke would say she deserves an high five for effort.
"You're so hot." Lexa manages between kisses, and Clarke swears she could conquer the entire world upon hearing those words, "and so fucking hard."
Clarke stops. Comically so she'd say. Eyes opened wide, Lexa's bottom lip still between her teeth. Lexa's eyes open after hers, softly at first and then big and wide all at once, Clarke's face clearly concerning her.
"Sorry." Clarke jumps to say, releasing Lexa's lip and composing herself. Her shirt has now traveled up her mid section and Lexa's laced up shirt is somehow loosened, ofdering just slightly less coverage than the shirt originally did. She pushes herself back from Lexa's body with great sacrifice, only for the arms that are still around her shoulder to pull her back in for a far more tamed kiss.
Lexa chuckles as she pulls away, "you say sorry a little to much."
Clarke laughs nervously, "yeah, sorry about that."
The sight of a perfect eyebrow raising and beautiful lips turned up in a smirk make her realize her mistake, "oh right yeah. Sorry. I mean no, I'm not sorry. Fuck this is hard."
Theyre laughing before Clarke can catch a hold of herself. Lexa pulls her closer again and Clarke wraps her arms around the girl's generous hips and they both laugh quietly in each other's shoulders.
Lexa smells like alcohol and raspberries. Her hair smells like roses.
"It's not the only thing that's hard you know."
She's going to say sorry again, but the words hang in her throat. A knock on the door makes her forget she was going to say it at all.
"Your times up!" It's Murphy's voice. She guesses he and Raven where in the circle after all.
They take a few seconds to compose themselves, the way Lexa closes up the string of her shirt and runs a hand through the soft brown curls of her hair doing nothing to soften Clarke's situation.
Lexa smiles at it and gives Clarke's cheek a peck "I'll walk in front of you."
There's the girl who put a flower in her hair.
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artsyaech · 10 months
in honor of emo day
type 1: MCR-obsessed
[PT: type 1: MCR-obsessed]
you’re all for my chemical romance. you listen to them constantly, watch interviews of them and might even own physical copies of their album. you probably have a crush on gerard way and you hate bob briar. you will not shut up about them, it’s a little annoying, but i completely understand (i’m not normal about mcr)
music taste
1. MCR
2. maybe fall out boy or early panic! at the disco, but mainly MCR
1. all-around eyeliner
2. black skinny jeans
3. studded belts and chokers
4. MCR tees
5. you NEED to look like revenge era gerard
type 2: bordering on scene
[PT: type 2: bordering on scene]
you appreciate both scene and emo equally, some might even call you scemo. you’re colorful and fun. you own invader zim and / or domokun and you have a ridiculous amount of kandi.
music taste
1. brokencyde
2. dot dot curve
3. millionaires
4. some emo / pop punk sprinkled in there
1. kandi
2. colorful t-shirts
3. tutu skirts
4. dramatic eyeliner
5. band / fandom tees
type 3: rockstar emo
[PT: type 3: rockstar emo]
you’re like rodrick heffley in a way. you play an instrument, have band posters on your wall and fancy yourself some skinny jeans. you’re either already in a band or want to be in a band. essentially, you’re a mix of midwest and 2000s emo.
music taste
1. classic rock bands (guns n roses, judas priest, ac/dc and the like)
2. pop-punk / emo bands (my chemical romance, paramore, mayday parade and the like)
3. midwest emo bands (american football, modern baseball, cap ‘n jazz and the like)
4. green day
1. band tees
2. black eyeliner, but seldom any other makeup
3. flannels
4. skinny jeans
5. converse / vans
type 4: new-emo
[PT: type 4: new-emo]
new emos are a pretty far cry from midwest emo or 2000s pop-punk emo, but still share some elements with the ladder. you are the new generation of emos, who can definitely appreciate those who came before you. you’re definitely pretty young, and you might be called a poser or “fake emo” when in reality, you’re just the next generation.
music taste
2. anxious
3. (some other new emo stuff, i’m currently stuck in the old stuff and can’t get out)
4. classic pop-punk in some cases
1. converse or demonias (haven’t seen any new-emos wearing vans…)
2. big, big eyeliner
3. those mall goth wide pants with a bunch of straps and stuff (tripp pants?)
4. fishnet gloves
type 5: midwest emo
[PT: midwest emo]
you’re the original emo. you might be a little weary of what people call ‘emo’ these days, and maybe, just maybe, it’s time to stop caring. you know that emo is all about the music and could probably get a degree in emo music history (if that was a thing)
music taste
1. american football
2. modern baseball
3. the front bottoms
4. probably some more SUPER underground bands
1. flannels
2. (non-skinny) jeans
3. band tees / plain tees
4. anything thrifted and disheveled, really
type 6: emo band variety show
[PT: type 6: emo band variety show]
you’re all about them emo bands. you’re highly dependent on music to get through your day. you know the names of band members and follow what they’re doing today, if you’re obsessed enough. you like both midwest and 2000s emo, and you watch band interviews in your spare time.
music taste
1. anything and everything emo
1. studded belts
2. converse
3. headphones (mandatory for every look)
4. you’re either obsessed with the fashion of emo, or don’t give a single shit about what you look like (it’s all about the music, y’know?)
type 7: skramz
[PT: type 7: skramz]
you’re a passionate person who’s quick to anger. you’re very misunderstood, but not afraid to be yourself. you listen to some super angry, underground skramz music (most people don’t even know that genre).
music taste
1. a lot of screaming
2. eyelet (my personal fav)
3. elephant opinions
4. stuff with under 1000 monthly listeners
type 8: fashion emo
[PT: type 8: fashion emo]
to you, the fashion is more than the music. you have a RIDICULOUSLY big t-shirt collection and love to go thrifting. you look super cool, btw. you’re definitely aware that the music is the crux of the subculture. you dabble in it, but it’s not the most important to you.
music taste
1. anything, really
1. cool stuff
2. bunch of accessories!
3. you DEFINITELY own a band tee of a band you don’t listen to (no judgement, so do i)
type 9: killjoy
[PT: type 9: killjoy]
you’re not like the other emos. you LOVE the music, but you dress colorfully. you have a killjoy name and danger days is probably your favorite MCR album. you have a fun hair color.
music taste
1. danger days era MCR
2. simple plan
3. the academy is…
4. cute is what we aim for
5. attack attack!
1. you wanna look like party poison really bad
2. bright colors
3. some more traditional emo elements (band tees, studded belts, converse)
type 10: tired emo
[PT: type 10: tired emo]
you’re emo and you don’t care. you’ve been emo for a while and just dress in whatever way is comfy. you have a lot of emo knowledge. you might even be an elder emo, maybe you were around and emo in the golden age.
music taste
1. whatever, don’t care
1. whatever, don’t care
type 11: misc emo
[PT: type 11: misc emo]
many of these emo types apply to you, you’re a true variety show. you jus love emo music, fashion and ideology. maybe you dabble in other subcultures too :)
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goodapollo · 2 years
17 questions to 17 people :)
Tagged by @icarusimmersed ! Thanks Nina :)
1. Nickname: Tbh I don't really have nicknames because technicallyyyy I go by my middle name, which is Alex. Sooo I guess my answer is boring and just Alex. Lol
2. Zodiac: Cancer
3. Height: 5’7"
4. Last thing I googled: last thing I asked Google Assistant? What's the weather. Last thing I typed into Google? "Epson 585wi bulb" for work lmaoo
5. Song stuck in my head: Rotoscope by Spiritbox
6. Number of people you follow: 1073, but to be fair, I've had this account for a decade and haven't unfollowed people, so I know a ton are dormant blogs of people who have left tumblr and never returned
7. Amount of sleep you get: 6ish hours a night
8. Lucky numbers: 8! And this is question 8! See???
9. Dream job: Idk honestly. I love working in tech, but I don't have like an ideal job. I want to do something that makes people's lives better, helps people, and/or makes me smile.
10. What are you currently wearing: A tbdm tour shirt that I cut into a tank, and boxers.
11. Movies/books that summarize me: Elf, Monty Python and The Holy Grail, Kung Pow - Enter The Fist, and The Sandlot
12. What is your favorite instrument: to play? Well I can only play Flute/Piccolo, sooo that. Other than that, electric guitar?
13. Favorite song right now: Ladders of Supremacy by Coheed and Cambria
14. Describe your aesthetic: I'd say general Metal head. Usually wearing a band tee and jeans.
15. Favorite author: current favorite is TJ Klune, overall favorite is too hard for me to pick.
16. Favorite animal noise: the little whine thing that Lemurs do 😍 Lemurs are my favorite animals!!!!
17. Random fact about myself: I'm double jointed in my elbows!
I'm tagging @roseyshades @rickythelvl20fighter @sleeppywitch @quoth-the @questionexistance @creatures-crypt @katabelle @starry-skies-hazy-eyes @daydreaming-dreamers @alimaj @belyxache @sm0kenredkitten @savannahjewel97 @iveseenworldsthatdontbelong @toastandbananas @nothinglefttolxve @m0thly
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oftatteredwings · 2 years
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⸻  FREDDIE FOX. HE + THEM / have you ever     heard of THIS IS ME by the greatest showman cast, well,     it describes JASON ‘JACE’ MONTGOMERY to a tee! the 28 year old, and SERVER AT FARMACY  was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say  HE/THEY are  more forgetful or more FREE-THINKING  instead? anyway, they remind me of vegan food but not a vegan agenda, constantly tripping over loose shoelaces, a random collection of sugar packets spread across the coffee table, scribbled out to-do lists and half used packs of bleach all over the bathroom, maybe you’ll bump into them soon! 
time in notting hill ; forever.
tw: bullying, enbyphobia
Name: Jason Montgomery Nicknames: Jace Age: Twenty-eight Date of birth: 1st February 1995 Birth place: London, UK Occupation: Server at Farmacy Romantic/sexual orientation: homoromantic/pansexual
Jace’s start in life wasn’t a great one. Very nearly born on the streets, they rather quickly found themselves put into foster care, somewhere they remained until the Montgomery’s found them. It was only then that they classed their life as beginning. Anything that came before was a disaster. When they were finally adopted they had what could only be described as the perfect childhood. A family who cared and loved all of their children unconditionally, never any money worries on the horizon. It was almost as though nothing could possibly go wrong.
But children were cruel and as they moved into their teen years and began to struggle a little with their gender identity, the bullying began. It wasn’t nice and left them confused and hurt. It didn’t matter how accepting their family were or loved they felt, the way they were treated in school had a big impact on everything they did.
He began to act out, unintentionally, and pushed people away. People in school hadn’t made much of an effort to help him, so he wasn’t really interested in knowing them anymore. He’d never really seemed like the type to become bitter when he was a child, but that was exactly what happened in the end.
The second that university rolled around he’d flown the family home and looked for somewhere to start again, for kindred spirits. It wasn’t difficult to find and he quickly embraced life away from his family and a chance to really understand himself. Studying creative writing and English literature.
Supporting themselves proved difficult and so they were forced to take on multiple jobs, becoming a dab hand when it came to mixing cocktails and speciality coffees. Nothing’s ever really changed there.
After getting some money behind them they spent a couple of years travelling around Europe, wanting to try and do something other than work, work, work with their life. It worked out well, they had a chance to visit multiple places on their bucket list, created new friendships that would last a lifetime, gained life experience they definitely wouldn’t have picked up if they’d simply stayed put.
Upon his return, he found a new place with a couple of friends in Notting Hill and that’s where he’s been ever since, working at one of the local vegan places Farmacy. ( Somewhere he is very much working his way up the ladder at. )
Over the last year, Jace made the decision to start getting back in touch with his old school friends. He was never particularly proud of how he’d acted in school, knowing things that happened back then were never exactly anyone's fault, so he’s looking to make amends.
Jace is vegan, something that began during university and shows absolutely no signs of going away. They’re not pushy with it, though, couldn’t really care less what others believe.
In his spare time he’s working on a notebook full of short stories. He has no intention of ever doing anything with it, but enjoys the creative outlet.
They are hella bossy sometimes, something that definitely comes out if ever they’re put into a more supervisory position at work.
Jace is a bit of a control freak. Neat not so much though.
- siblings; other montgomery’s. - flat mates; two of them please. - close friends; made since 18. - old school friends; could be pretty awkward. - exes; male only. - hook ups/fwb; any gender.
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guttters-fairfax · 2 years
Gutter System Cleaning Tips
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There are a number of factors to think about when it concerns gutter system clean-up. This includes the charge, safety precautions, as well as when to do the task on your own. There are additionally numerous kinds of tools readily available, which will certainly make the procedure much easier. You need to additionally have an idea of the actions to take and also the time it will take to finish the task. Hire Clean Pro Fairfax
Cost The charge of gutter cleaning deviates depending upon the dimensions of your residence and the sort of rain gutter. For one-story residences, the rate will certainly be lower than for a two-story residence. Multi-story homes can double the cost of gutter system cleaning. For an ordinary house, gutter clean-up can be priced at in between $75 and also $160.
The area of your house also has a primary affect the fee. Gutter system clean-up in cities as well as suburban areas will be much more expensive than in smaller, rural regions since the labor rate is greater. This results from the increased need for the service and also the little supply. Whether your gutter system is very old or inadequately maintained might additionally influence the price. If you're bothered concerning the expense of gutter cleaning, consider additional services that are used by the company.
While it can be more economical to clean up your gutter systems yourself, you have to have particular tools as well as experience to stay clear of injuries. Furthermore, you might be revealed to harmful weather. Bear in mind not to try out to clean up your gutters when it's raining or icy. And ensure to wear safety gloves, which protect you from cuts and also water.
Safety and security preventative measures
Utilizing the ideal safety and security gear is essential when cleaning your rain gutters. This type of work exposes your hands to microorganisms, mold, and also other unsafe pollutants. Make certain to secure them with handwear covers and also eyewear. Wearing handwear covers will certainly also prevent your hands from ending up being inadvertently cut. Natural leather or suede gloves are usually the best choice, though rubber or plastic handwear covers may not safeguard your hands properly.
Correct clothes is additionally important. You must use long-sleeved tee shirts and pants and also use rubber-soled shoes. Putting on handwear covers is necessary despite the climate, specifically if you are cleaning up the gutter systems on a chilly, gusty, or wet day. Thick natural leather or suede handwear covers will certainly secure your hands from cuts as well as from unclean water that can have germs. Likewise, put on eye defense, especially if you plan to clean your rain gutters from a ladder.
Safety preventative measures when gutter clean-up need to consist of a durable ladder, a notice from an entrusted next-door neighbor, as well as putting on handwear covers. If you are utilizing a ladder, make certain you have proper grip and also wear rubber-soled shoes. Ultimately, make certain to wear protective eyeglasses, as debris and other sharp items can create major eye injuries if you are not thorough.
Price of maintenance
Gutter cleaning is an important part of preserving the situation of your home. Without correct gutter system treatment, your residential property can experience significant harm, including foundation problems. Along with costly water damages, unrepaired structure issues can make promoting your home hard. Cleaning your gutters likewise protects against mold and mildew buildup, which can result in respiratory system problems and other health issues. This type of mold can be extremely pricey to get rid of, and the repair work can set you back approximately $40000.
The expense of gutter system cleaning depends upon numerous factors, featuring the size of your residence and also the seriousness of the blockage. It may additionally depend on the added safety and security precautions needed to have by the rain gutter cleaning business. As an example, scaffolds and particular ladders might be required for residences with numerous stories. In addition, a rain gutter cleaning professional may suggest extra services, consisting of eliminating screens and also dealing with repairs. These added services can include one more $100 to $200 to the overall cost.
In addition to cleaning up gutters, rain gutter cleaning services likewise tidy downspouts. While the last is optional, it will increase the sum price of gutter system clean-up. If your rain gutters are seriously obstructed, you may need a downspout installation too, which will add to the price. Also, some gutter cleaning companies charge for travel expenses. The type of devices used by the rain gutter cleaning company will also affect the price of the solution. Some service providers may additionally raise their prices throughout peak times of the year.
When to accomplish it
It is important to clean up your gutters on a regular basis to prevent blockages as well as maintain them in great form. You need to additionally examine the downspouts to make sure that the water is moving away from your residence and far from your structure. If your rain gutters are obstructed, the water will certainly not have the ability to flow appropriately as well as can cause foundation issue.
You should do gutter system cleaning twice a year, if your gutters are loaded with a lot of leaves. The first cleaning must be done throughout the very early autumn so that the leaves and twigs have not collected in your gutters yet. The second cleaning must occur right prior to the temperature levels drop below freezing.
The most effective times to do gutter system clean-up are spring as well as fall. Both periods bring the risk of autumn leaves, which can obstruct rain gutters as well as prevent water from draining. Fall clearance is essential to make sure that your gutter systems stay clear and protected throughout winter season. Or else, standing water might damage the joints of your rain gutters and also trigger your gutter systems to split up.
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sweetclouds11 · 2 years
Gutter Cleaning Tips - Clean Pro Fort Collins
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There are numerous aspects to consider when it comes to rain gutter cleaning. This includes the charge, safety and security precautions, and also when to perform the job yourself. There are likewise several types of equipment available, which will make the process much easier. You should additionally have a suggestion of the steps to take and the amount of time it will need to complete the job.
The fee of gutter system clean-up varies depending upon the size of your home and also the type of guttering. For one-story residences, the rate will be less than for a two-story residence. Multi-story homes can double the cost of rain gutter clean-up. For an average property, gutter clean-up can set you back between $75 as well as $160.
The location of your property also has a primary affect the cost. Gutter system cleaning in cities and suburban areas will be much more expensive than in smaller sized, rural locations due to the fact that the labor fee is more costly. This is because of the raised necessity for the service as well as the little supply. Whether your gutter is older or improperly maintained may also affect the cost. If you're worried regarding the price of gutter cleaning, think about additional solutions that are used by the service provider.
Even though it can be cheaper to clean your gutter systems yourself, you need to have certain devices as well as experience to stay away from injuries. Furthermore, you might be subjected to harmful weather conditions. Bear in mind not to try to clean your gutter systems when it's storming or icy. As well as see to it to put on safety gloves, which safeguard you from incisions as well as water.
Using the appropriate security gear is essential when cleaning your rain gutters. This sort of job reveals your hands to microorganisms, mold, as well as various other harmful pollutants. See to it to protect them with handwear covers and eyewear. Putting on handwear covers will likewise stop your hands from coming to be accidentally reduced. Leather or suede handwear covers are commonly the very best option, though rubber or plastic handwear covers might not safeguard your hands appropriately.
Appropriate clothes is likewise important. You ought to put on long-sleeved tee shirts and also pants and wear rubber-soled shoes. Putting on gloves is vital no matter the weather condition, particularly if you are cleaning the gutters on a cool, gusty, or damp day. Thick natural leather or suede handwear covers will certainly protect your hands from cuts and from dirty water that can include microorganisms. Also, wear eye security, specifically if you plan to clean up your gutters from a ladder.
Safety and security preventative measures when gutter system cleaning ought to consist of a durable ladder, a notice from a relied on neighbor, and using handwear covers. If you are using a ladder, see to it you have proper grip and use rubber-soled shoes. Lastly, ensure to put on safety glasses, as dirt and also various other pointy materials can cause major eye injuries if you are not careful.
Clean Pro Fort Collins is a vital part of maintaining the state of your house. Without proper gutter system treatment, your residence can experience major harm, consisting of structure issues. Along with costly water damage, unrepaired structure problems can make selling your house tough. Cleaning your gutters also protects against mold and mildew buildup, which can lead to breathing problems and also some other health problems. This sort of mold and mildew can be extremely expensive to remove, and also the repair work can cost approximately $40000.
The price of gutter system clean-up relies on a number of factors, including the size of your residence and the seriousness of the clog. It might additionally rely on the added safety preventative measures needed by the gutter clean-up service provider. For instance, scaffolds and also unique ladders may be required for homes with various stories. Additionally, a gutter system cleaning professional might recommend additional services, consisting of getting rid of screens and dealing with repair services. These extra services can include an additional $100 to $200 to the overall price.
In addition to cleaning gutters, gutter cleaning services additionally clean downspouts. While the last is optional, it will certainly raise the complete expense of gutter cleaning. If your rain gutters are significantly blocked, you may require a downspout installation also, which will add to the price. Also, some gutter system cleaning service companies cost for travel expenditures. The type of equipment utilized by the gutter system clean-up business will additionally influence the cost of the solution. Some business might also increase their prices during peak times of the year.
It is important to clean your gutter systems on a regular basis to prevent clogs as well as keep them in great condition. You need to additionally examine the downspouts to ensure that the water is moving away from your home and away from your foundation. If your gutters are clogged, the water will certainly not be able to move properly and can bring about foundation damage.
You need to do rain gutter clean-up double a year, if your gutter systems are filled with a lot of leaves. The initial cleaning should be done throughout the early autumn to make sure that the leaves and twigs have actually not accumulated in your gutter systems yet. The second cleaning should take place right prior to the temperatures drop below freezing.
The most effective times to do gutter system clean-up are spring as well as fall. Both seasons bring the threat of autumn leaves, which can obstruct gutter systems as well as prevent water from draining. Fall clearance is very important to ensure that your gutters stay clear as well as protected throughout wintertime. Or else, standing water can destroy the joints of your gutters and also cause your gutters to split.
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cpbrooklyn · 2 years
Gutter Cleaning Up Tips - Clean Pro Brooklyn
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There are several aspects to think about when it pertains to rain gutter cleaning. This includes the fee, safety cautions, and when to conduct the job by yourself. There are likewise numerous types of gear offered, which will make the method a lot easier. You should likewise have a concept of the measures to take and also the time it will certainly take to finish the work.
The price of gutter cleaning varies relying on the dimension of your home as well as the type of rain gutter. For one-story residences, the fee will certainly be less than for a two-story residence. Multi-story houses can increase the expense of gutter clean-up. For an ordinary home, gutter system cleaning can set you back between $75 as well as $160.
The spot of your home also has a significant impact on the expense. Gutter system cleaning in cities and suburban areas will certainly be extra costly than in smaller sized, rural locations due to the fact that the labor fee is greater. This results from the raised need for the solution and the little supply. Whether your rain gutter is older or poorly maintained may likewise impact the expense. If you're bothered regarding the cost of gutter system cleaning, think about extra services that are offered by the service provider.
Whilst it can be more economical to clean your gutter systems by yourself, you need to have certain equipments and experience to prevent injuries. Furthermore, you might be revealed to dangerous climate condition. Bear in mind not to attempt to clean your rain gutters when it's storming or icy. As well as make sure to wear protective gloves, which safeguard you from wounds as well as water.
Making use of the proper security equipment is vital when cleaning your rain gutters. This sort of job subjects your hands to germs, mold and mildew, as well as other hazardous impurities. Make sure to protect them with handwear covers and also glasses. Wearing gloves will certainly also avoid your hands from ending up being unintentionally cut. Natural leather or suede gloves are usually the most effective option, though rubber or plastic gloves might not secure your hands sufficiently.
Appropriate clothes is likewise important. You should wear long-sleeved tee shirts as well as pants as well as put on rubber-soled shoes. Using handwear covers is essential no matter the weather condition, especially if you are cleaning up the gutter systems on a cold, windy, or damp day. Thick leather or suede handwear covers will secure your hands from cuts as well as from dirty water that can have bacteria. Likewise, use eye defense, particularly if you prepare to clean your gutter systems from a ladder.
Safety preventative measures when rain gutter cleaning need to include a tough ladder, an alert from a relied on neighbor, and also using gloves. If you are using a ladder, see to it you have proper grip as well as put on rubber-soled shoes. Ultimately, make sure to wear protective eyewear, as trash and various other pointy objects can cause severe eye injuries if you are not thorough.
Clean Pro Brooklyn  is an important part of keeping the situation of your residence. Without correct gutter system care, your residential property can experience major damages, including foundation troubles. In addition to expensive water damage, unrepaired foundation issues can make selling your home challenging. Cleaning up your gutters likewise avoids mold buildup, which can cause breathing troubles and also other wellness concerns. This sort of mold can be extremely costly to get rid of, as well as the repair can cost approximately $40000.
The cost of rain gutter clean-up relies on numerous factors, featuring the size of your residence and the extent of the blockage. It may likewise depend upon the extra safety and security precautions required by the rain gutter clean-up service provider. As an example, scaffolds and also special ladders may be required for houses with multiple stories. In addition, a gutter system cleaning professional may recommend extra services, consisting of removing screens and servicing repair services. These additional services can add another $100 to $200 to the general expense.
In addition to cleaning up gutters, gutter system cleaning company additionally tidy downspouts. While the latter is optional, it will certainly increase the overall cost of gutter system clean-up. If your rain gutters are severely obstructed, you may require a downspout installment as well, which will add to the price. Additionally, some gutter clean-up service companies bill for travel expenditures. The kind of equipment used by the gutter system cleaning company will also impact the price of the solution. Some service providers may additionally raise their rates throughout peak times of the year.
It is vital to clean up your rain gutters regularly to avoid clogs as well as keep them in excellent form. You need to additionally inspect the downspouts to guarantee that the water is moving away from your home and far from your structure. If your gutter systems are obstructed, the water will not have the ability to flow correctly and can result in foundation damages.
You need to do rain gutter cleaning twice a year, if your gutter systems are full of a lot of leaves. The first cleaning must be done during the very early autumn so that the fallen leaves have not built up in your rain gutters yet. The second clean-up should occur right before the temperatures go down below freezing.
The best times to do gutter system clean-up are spring and also fall. Both seasons bring the risk of fall leaves, which can block gutter systems as well as prevent water from draining. Fall clearance is important to make sure that your rain gutters stay clear and safeguarded throughout winter months. Typically, standing water might damage the joints of your gutter systems and result in your gutter systems to divide.
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cptulsa · 2 years
Gutter Cleaning Up Tips - Clean Pro Tulsa
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There are several aspects to think about when it pertains to rain gutter cleaning. This includes the fee, safety cautions, and when to conduct the job by yourself. There are likewise numerous types of gear offered, which will make the method a lot easier. You should likewise have a concept of the measures to take and also the time it will certainly take to finish the work.
The price of gutter cleaning varies relying on the dimension of your home as well as the type of rain gutter. For one-story residences, the fee will certainly be less than for a two-story residence. Multi-story houses can increase the expense of gutter clean-up. For an ordinary home, gutter system cleaning can set you back between $75 as well as $160.
The spot of your home also has a significant impact on the expense. Gutter system cleaning in cities and suburban areas will certainly be extra costly than in smaller sized, rural locations due to the fact that the labor fee is greater. This results from the raised need for the solution and the little supply. Whether your rain gutter is older or poorly maintained may likewise impact the expense. If you're bothered regarding the cost of gutter system cleaning, think about extra services that are offered by the service provider.
Whilst it can be more economical to clean your gutter systems by yourself, you need to have certain equipments and experience to prevent injuries. Furthermore, you might be revealed to dangerous climate condition. Bear in mind not to attempt to clean your rain gutters when it's storming or icy. As well as make sure to wear protective gloves, which safeguard you from wounds as well as water.
Making use of the proper security equipment is vital when cleaning your rain gutters. This sort of job subjects your hands to germs, mold and mildew, as well as other hazardous impurities. Make sure to protect them with handwear covers and also glasses. Wearing gloves will certainly also avoid your hands from ending up being unintentionally cut. Natural leather or suede gloves are usually the most effective option, though rubber or plastic gloves might not secure your hands sufficiently.
Appropriate clothes is likewise important. You should wear long-sleeved tee shirts as well as pants as well as put on rubber-soled shoes. Using handwear covers is essential no matter the weather condition, especially if you are cleaning up the gutter systems on a cold, windy, or damp day. Thick leather or suede handwear covers will secure your hands from cuts as well as from dirty water that can have bacteria. Likewise, use eye defense, particularly if you prepare to clean your gutter systems from a ladder.
Safety preventative measures when rain gutter cleaning need to include a tough ladder, an alert from a relied on neighbor, and also using gloves. If you are using a ladder, see to it you have proper grip as well as put on rubber-soled shoes. Ultimately, make sure to wear protective eyewear, as trash and various other pointy objects can cause severe eye injuries if you are not thorough.
Clean Pro Tulsa  is an important part of keeping the situation of your residence. Without correct gutter system care, your residential property can experience major damages, including foundation troubles. In addition to expensive water damage, unrepaired foundation issues can make selling your home challenging. Cleaning up your gutters likewise avoids mold buildup, which can cause breathing troubles and also other wellness concerns. This sort of mold can be extremely costly to get rid of, as well as the repair can cost approximately $40000.
The cost of rain gutter clean-up relies on numerous factors, featuring the size of your residence and the extent of the blockage. It may likewise depend upon the extra safety and security precautions required by the rain gutter clean-up service provider. As an example, scaffolds and also special ladders may be required for houses with multiple stories. In addition, a gutter system cleaning professional may recommend extra services, consisting of removing screens and servicing repair services. These additional services can add another $100 to $200 to the general expense.
In addition to cleaning up gutters, gutter system cleaning company additionally tidy downspouts. While the latter is optional, it will certainly increase the overall cost of gutter system clean-up. If your rain gutters are severely obstructed, you may require a downspout installment as well, which will add to the price. Additionally, some gutter clean-up service companies bill for travel expenditures. The kind of equipment used by the gutter system cleaning company will also impact the price of the solution. Some service providers may additionally raise their rates throughout peak times of the year.
It is vital to clean up your rain gutters regularly to avoid clogs as well as keep them in excellent form. You need to additionally inspect the downspouts to guarantee that the water is moving away from your home and far from your structure. If your gutter systems are obstructed, the water will not have the ability to flow correctly and can result in foundation damages.
You need to do rain gutter cleaning twice a year, if your gutter systems are full of a lot of leaves. The first cleaning must be done during the very early autumn so that the fallen leaves have not built up in your rain gutters yet. The second clean-up should occur right before the temperatures go down below freezing.
The best times to do gutter system clean-up are spring and also fall. Both seasons bring the risk of fall leaves, which can block gutter systems as well as prevent water from draining. Fall clearance is important to make sure that your rain gutters stay clear and safeguarded throughout winter months. Typically, standing water might damage the joints of your gutter systems and result in your gutter systems to divide..
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gutters-greensboro · 2 years
Gutter System Cleaning Tips
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There are a number of factors to think about when it concerns gutter system clean-up. This includes the charge, safety precautions, as well as when to do the task on your own. There are additionally numerous kinds of tools readily available, which will certainly make the procedure much easier. You need to additionally have an idea of the actions to take and also the time it will take to finish the task.
Cost The charge of gutter cleaning deviates depending upon the dimensions of your residence and the sort of rain gutter. For one-story residences, the rate will certainly be lower than for a two-story residence. Multi-story homes can double the cost of gutter system cleaning. For an ordinary house, Gutter Cleaners in Greensboro can be priced at in between $75 and also $160.
The area of your house also has a primary affect the fee. Gutter system clean-up in cities as well as suburban areas will be much more expensive than in smaller, rural regions since the labor rate is greater. This results from the increased need for the service and also the little supply. Whether your gutter system is very old or inadequately maintained might additionally influence the price. If you're bothered concerning the expense of gutter cleaning, consider additional services that are used by the company.
While it can be more economical to clean up your gutter systems yourself, you have to have particular tools as well as experience to stay clear of injuries. Furthermore, you might be revealed to harmful weather. Bear in mind not to try out to clean up your gutters when it's raining or icy. And ensure to wear safety gloves, which protect you from cuts and also water.
Safety and security preventative measures Utilizing the ideal safety and security gear is essential when cleaning your rain gutters. This type of work exposes your hands to microorganisms, mold, and also other unsafe pollutants. Make certain to secure them with handwear covers and also eyewear. Wearing handwear covers will certainly also prevent your hands from ending up being inadvertently cut. Natural leather or suede gloves are usually the best choice, though rubber or plastic handwear covers may not safeguard your hands properly.
Correct clothes is additionally important. You must use long-sleeved tee shirts and pants and also use rubber-soled shoes. Putting on handwear covers is necessary despite the climate, specifically if you are cleaning up the gutter systems on a chilly, gusty, or wet day. Thick natural leather or suede handwear covers will certainly secure your hands from cuts as well as from unclean water that can have germs. Likewise, put on eye defense, especially if you plan to clean your rain gutters from a ladder.
Safety preventative measures when gutter clean-up need to consist of a durable ladder, a notice from an entrusted next-door neighbor, as well as putting on handwear covers. If you are utilizing a ladder, make certain you have proper grip and also wear rubber-soled shoes. Ultimately, make certain to wear protective eyeglasses, as debris and other sharp items can create major eye injuries if you are not thorough.
Price of maintenance Gutter cleaning is an important part of preserving the situation of your home. Without correct gutter system treatment, your residential property can experience significant harm, including foundation problems. Along with costly water damages, unrepaired structure issues can make promoting your home hard. Cleaning your gutters likewise protects against mold and mildew buildup, which can result in respiratory system problems and other health issues. This type of mold can be extremely pricey to get rid of, and the repair work can set you back approximately $40000.
The expense of gutter system cleaning depends upon numerous factors, featuring the size of your residence and also the seriousness of the blockage. It may additionally depend on the added safety and security precautions needed to have by the rain gutter cleaning business. As an example, scaffolds and particular ladders might be required for residences with numerous stories. In addition, a rain gutter cleaning professional may suggest extra services, consisting of eliminating screens and also dealing with repairs. These added services can include one more $100 to $200 to the overall cost.
In addition to cleaning up gutters, rain gutter cleaning services likewise tidy downspouts. While the last is optional, it will increase the sum price of gutter system clean-up. If your rain gutters are seriously obstructed, you may need a downspout installation too, which will add to the price. Also, some gutter cleaning companies charge for travel expenses. The type of devices used by the rain gutter cleaning company will also affect the price of the solution. Some service providers may additionally raise their prices throughout peak times of the year.
When to accomplish it It is important to clean up your gutters on a regular basis to prevent blockages as well as maintain them in great form. You need to additionally examine the downspouts to make sure that the water is moving away from your residence and far from your structure. If your rain gutters are obstructed, the water will certainly not have the ability to flow appropriately as well as can cause foundation issue.
You should do gutter system cleaning twice a year, if your gutters are loaded with a lot of leaves. The first cleaning must be done throughout the very early autumn so that the leaves and twigs have not collected in your gutters yet. The second cleaning must occur right prior to the temperature levels drop below freezing.
The most effective times to do gutter system clean-up are spring as well as fall. Both periods bring the risk of autumn leaves, which can obstruct rain gutters as well as prevent water from draining. Fall clearance is essential to make sure that your gutter systems stay clear and protected throughout winter season. Or else, standing water might damage the joints of your rain gutters and also trigger your gutter systems to split up.
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kvhaani · 2 years
Date written: early 2022
Short summary of plot: This was part of a plot where Arseni lost out on his promotion to a coworker he despises. Little does he know, the coworker is about to be assassinated. 
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Arseni isn’t a stereotypical wallflower type but he’s not feeling particularly chatty tonight. When you’ve been tirelessly working hard each day to reach a certain goal, putting in all the overtime you can, ignoring your social (and possibly romantic) life for the greater good— only for some idiot who can’t tell his left from right to snatch the opportunity that *should* have been yours away from you? Let’s just say it doesn’t leave a pleasant taste in his mouth. 
Failure is bitter, after all. 
He’s dealt with setbacks before, but something about *Jeremy* of all people getting that promotion feels like a crushing defeat. Arseni isn’t sure if he’s willing or capable to treat that imbecile as his new boss— what was Upper Management thinking? Despite all his vehemence for capitalism, Arseni would have thought it would be a straightforward and logical route to the top; keep your head down and don’t cause a fuss, blend in with the co-workers and engage in polite conversation at the water cooler, never bring fish to the office, and always treat Management like royalty. 
See, this is why he hates this system. Arseni had followed each unspoken rule to a tee but the system had failed him. It’s ironic that it both proves his point, and makes him want to rip his hair out at the same time. 
The Russian has been fixing Jeremy with death glares whenever he catches sight of him for most of the night but now that he has some time to himself, he starts thinking about the missed promotion and he’s mad all over again. Where’s Jeremy? The last he’d seen of him had been about fifteen minutes ago, when he’d quietly slunk away with a woman. Maybe he should find him and give him a piece of his mind. Then again, perhaps not; Arseni has worked too hard to reach this point. Like it or not, Jeremy is now the new boss that he has to butter up with compliments so he can progress to the next rung of the fucking corporate ladder. 
He’s in the middle of his brooding session, debating if he should have another burger (despite Pavel ruining the sauce, Arseni still can’t get enough of beef) and that’s when some incredibly rude woman runs into him. Then she has the nerve to shove him? 
All Arseni can do is watch with a dumbfounded expression as she swiftly walks away into one of the bedrooms. Can this night get any worse? He doesn’t know why but that woman’s behaviour is enough to set him off, and as she adds the final nail into the coffin, Arseni decides he doesn’t have to take this. Someone is going to be on the receiving end of his anger and frustration, and this uncivil woman makes an excellent candidate. 
When he opens the door to tell her off, he’s met with a scene he hadn’t been expecting— a terrified obese cat and its even more terrified looking owner trying to fend off a knife attack from the woman he’d left with earlier. Lover’s quarrel, perhaps? The newly promoted dumbass is bleeding profusely from his shoulder and looks like he’s about to pass out from sheer panic. Being stabbed will do that to you. 
When the initial five second shock passes and his brain sends signals to his limbs, Arseni finds his legs moving automatically, carrying him to poor Jeremy’s side, where he attempts to wrangle the knife away from his new boss. 
“Already creating a hostile work environment on your first day, Jeremy, *well done*” he strains against the stranger’s surprising strength. If he weren’t so focused on getting the knife away from his bleeding coworker, Arseni would be trying to unpack why his first reaction to a serious situation like this is *humour and sarcasm.* 
He doesn’t realise that there are other unfriendly people in the room with them— truth be told, Arseni’s mind has gone completely blank, his earlier hatred for Jeremy evaporating away as if it were the furthest thing from his thoughts. No matter how cheated he feels, he’s still not okay with the idea of this Сволочь being murdered. 
Arseni chances a glance at the attacker. The woman looks like she’s been crying— what has Jeremy *said* to her for her to resort to tears and homicide. 
“Stop!” he says, lamely. What else is he supposed to do? Talk about the weather? “No serious harm has been done,” he lies, thinking about Jeremy’s shoulder, “you can still stop this and save everyone a trip to the police station tonight.” 
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eddie · 2 years
ANSWERED ASK for : @prettybrawler ❝ [ EMBRACE ] sender hugs receiver from behind ❞
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⛧˖ ─── THERE WAS A POINT IN TIME WHERE Eddie Munson might have been able to pin the blame of his self-destructive romantic choices on a lapse of judgement, or maybe on foolhardy teenage desire, but it seemed now as though the well of excuses that he’d once fished for justification in had effectively dried up. Nearly five years of hard wear and utter exhaustion would do that. But even still, with rationale and a record of unlearned lessons staring him dead in the eye, he chose to keep his head down and pick through the cracks in the dehydrated soil, desperate for a reason to cling to whatever half-baked shreds of hope he could convince himself that his tired hands had unearthed.
            The air that night was warm but the breeze kept it cool, the gentle current sweeping through the framework of the metal structures that decorated the playground. It was another one of those nights, where Eddie’s resolve had been so WEAK that it wavered on the cusp of non-existence. All it had taken was one glance at that goofy grin and the metalhead’s caution was being tossed into the wind as though it were featherlight; as though it hadn’t weighed him down like an anchor in the aftermath of his repeated oversights in the past.
            There was something about the HIGH of being around the blond, of feeling wanted by him, that made him forget about the steep DROP that would inevitably come afterwards. It bordered on being addicting, as there was a particular type of desperate thirst that Caed Byrone always left in his absence that made the return of his touches feel akin to the sweet relief of a heavy rainfall. It was almost too easy for Eddie to get swept up in the rose-tinted rapture of his drizzle, only to find himself in the desolate wake of his FLOOD.
            The embrace from behind came like a gentle mist on a withering bud; warm and alleviating. Eddie easily leaned into the hold, his own arms returning the gesture with a squeeze against the taller male’s forearms as he balanced his cigarette between his grinning lips. Black-polished fingers removed it momentarily afterwards, allowing for a grey cloud of smoke to exhale from his lungs, carried out on the soft notes of rolling laughter. He’d been on an obvious pathway towards the monkey bars before this, but he wasn’t about to let Caed’s sudden proximity get in his way—nor was he about to let go of him. He would compromise on NEITHER.
            ❝ Alright, you’re coming with me then. ❞            
            Awkward footsteps tugged the blond along behind him, the metalhead’s hold on his muscular arms never loosening until he’d arrived at his destination. Even then, he’d paused for a moment’s hesitation, relishing in the warmth of his hold for just a little longer before he’d wiggled loose to step up onto the first rung of the ladder. ❝ I, uh— ❞ He took a final drag from his cigarette before he’d pivoted to place it in Caed’s care, and then his ascent continued. The cloud of smoke billowed out from between his lips with a soft breath. ❝—I got some new ink. ❞ It probably came as no surprise, as Eddie was always collecting tattoos, but it had been a while since the two of them had hooked up. ❝ It hurt like a bitch but, uh… yeah, it looks pretty sweet, I think. ❞ The grin on his face widened as he’d glanced over his shoulder.
            Within moments, the metalhead was hanging upside down from the monkey bars, his shaggy mane swaying freely beneath him. The grin on his face was just as playful as ever, albeit a little IMPISH. ❝ Search me. You win if you can find it before I pass out. Tick tock. ❞ The blood was already rushing to his head, but he was just idiotic enough to ignore it for the sake of a silly game ( aka having Caed’s hands on his body. ) Besides, the only thing keeping the new bats on his left hip concealed was the zipped-up leather jacket that was prohibiting the distressed band tee underneath from riding up his lanky torso.
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whosjunglejim4322 · 4 years
Warnings: SMUT, husbandau!, aged up Johnny (by a little, he's around 32), sex without a condom, he fucks you back to sleep
You're usually not one to wake so easily. Well, truthfully, it's just your willpower in allowing yourself to be released from the peace of slumber that's weak. However, your body seems to know exactly what it wants before your mind does.
You're a little vexed to be pulled from your dream by the throbbing between your legs, the content in said dream being the cause for it. You can feel the slight slickness of arousal as you rub your thighs together underneath the comforter.
Instinctually, you reach over your husbands side, only to find an empty space where he'd usually be lying. Mouth agape, hair a messy halo around his peaceful, enchanting face, and all yours to rub up against and hopefully rouse.
You're a little upset, admittedly. Not at him, it's quite the normal occurrence for him to get up in the middle of the night to do some reading when he can't sleep; you just wish that you weren't so needy and desperate to feel the warmth of his palms against your skin. You wish your dream would have let him continue touching you, if waking up to his absence was the ladder.
Even so, not even your dreams can do him justice.
You begrudgingly pull yourself from the warmth of the bed, the floor cold against your bare feet as you walk to the door, and out the room. It's not hard to scout him from the top of the staircase, sat in his usual spot on the far right corner of the couch, a book perched between his long fingers.
He doesn't notice you at first as you descend towards him, too engrossed in his novel, black rimmed glasses perched on the elegant bridge of his nose. 
You really are sort of sad for the people who might not ever get to see him like this, bare faced and still heartwrenchingy beautiful in a loose tee shirt and sweats fit for bed. He makes your chest unbearably warm.
"I'm coming to sit on your lap." Your voice is quiet enough to not startle him completely, being any louder would be unnecessary anyways since it's just the two of you.
A warm smile tugs at the corner of his heart shaped lips, his adoring eyes finding yours in the dim light of the livingroom. He corners his page and leans over to place it on the coffee table, before opening his wide arms in a welcoming manner.
"What woke you, sweetheart?" He presses a kiss to the crown of your head as you settle against his sturdy frame, knees locked on either side of his hips, hands warm between the broad plane of his back and the cushions that he's reclined against.
"Mm, a dream." He feels you smile against his neck, and suddenly realizes exactly what type of dream it was, as your lips place a deliberate kiss to the soft skin just under his ear. He'd be able to guess your advances under any circumstances.
Still, he decides to feign obliviousness, the timbre of his voice sending vibrations through your chest as he speaks.
"Oh really? What kind of dream was it," His hands, wide and fever inducing, rub your back, up and down. "was it a nightmare?"
You shake your head, the tip of your nose gliding against the sharp edge of his jaw, absentmindedly admiring his familiar, redolent scent.
"It was a good dream, too good." His resolve to be teasingly indifferent begins to crumble when you wiggle your hips against his crotch like that, your underwear leaving such a thin layer between your pussy, and his dick that sits freely underneath his pajama bottoms; half hard and twitching.
His hands venture lower so he can cup the softness of your bum, a shiver of excitement slithering up your spine and raising the hairs on the back of your neck. Your body and senses alike will never not respond to him.
"Well, tell me what happened baby," You let out a gasp against his throat as he guides your hips to rut against him, spurring you on with a voice that is almost akin to a purr. "I bet it had something to do with us, hmm?"
All you can do is hum, too easily enthralled by the feel of his length and the friction the cloth covering it provides for your clit. It's still an overwhelming thing, knowing he's yours, completely. It's been two years since getting married, and you're almost positive it'll always be this all consuming.
He knows you so well too, content with taking influence over the situation. After all, it's one of his favorite things; to have you in such an intimate way, to love you in all the ways he knows will have you putty in his hands.
"Let's see..." He begins, pushing his hips up against you in a manner that is too slow, and too light for your liking. "did I have my mouth on you? Was I making you feel good with my tongue?"
Heat fills your belly, thighs trembling slightly. Your soft whimper is melodic in his ear, your face nuzzled against his neck. He shivers.
"Or maybe, hmm...maybe I was fucking you," He doesn't give you time to asnwer his questions nor does he speak as if he is demanding one. He's taking his time, working you up.
"I'll bet I was holding you just like this, huh baby? Bet I was making you cry over my cock."
Your body lurches from the surge of arousal that shoots through you like a lighting bolt, piercing all other senses and forcing you to whine out into the quiet room. The rise and fall of his chest accelerates.
"Please, will you fuck me?" Your fingers are grasping the front of his shirt, head moving from the juncture of his neck to his face, the puffs of air from his plush mouth, warm against your lips.
He cups your face, not needing to strain his eyes in the dark room to already know your eyes are pleading. He feels it in the way you quiver against him, too.
"Of course, whatever you want." He smiles into the kiss, expecting it, awaiting it eagerly.
Your arms settle around his neck, fingers carding through the soft hairs at his nape that are a little bit longer than usual since he hasn't been able to get a haircut. You say it makes him look pretty, so he's okay with it.
He senses your urgency when your tongue slips into his mouth. He responds quickly by skimming past it with his own, skillful fingers moving between your bodies to pull his length from his sweats.
He's properly hard now, twitching. It's no surprise, he's always been weak for you. Too weak, he finds it embarrassing, but he wouldn't change a thing. There's no one he'd rather be a fool for.
You suck in a breath when you feel him pulling your panties to the side, your mouths parting for just a moment as your foreheads rest against eachother. He feels your jaw go a little slack in the way it always does when he first slides it in, and he bites down on his lip.
When you sink all the way down, backs of your thighs pressed to the top of his, he lets out a satisfied sigh, clinging onto you tighter with arms that encapsulate you like a boa.
You're thankful he takes care of you, his long legs give him leverage and allowing him to thrust into you from the bottom as you grind down onto him with a shared rythym. Your soft whines in his ear have him groaning.
"O-oh John." Your cheek rests against his shoulder, hands slipping underneath his shirt and settling on his trim waist. His skin is so warm underneath your fingers, muscles bulging from underneath the smooth surface as he works.
"Feels good baby?" His voice falters just for a second, your use of his formal name still sending throbs of warmth through his veins even after several years. Such a simple notion, so powerful when it's passing your lips.
And of course you've taken note of this, expecting the sudden and momentary fervour of his hips as they buck up into you, jolting you both as you cling to him.
You cry out, practically buried in his chest. You can smell the soap from his earlier shower clinging to his skin, the scent of the dryer sheets you used in the laundry on his soft tee shirt. Little things.
"Feels s-so good, your dick is so good." You might be slightly incoherent to anyone else, voice hiccupy through his thrusts as he hits such a sweet spot inside of you, you squeeze around him.
"I know sweetheart, you take it so well, so so well," his tone is a bit rougher now, you can tell by the sloppiness of his thrusts that he's close. But he'd never allow himself to finish first when he knows you need him so badly, woke up just to come find him.
"My sweet sweet girl, want you to cum all over me." He can feel you flutter around him, the sound of your wetness leaving an ache in his belly.
You kiss him, hard, and for a moment all you know is him. The slip of his tongue in your mouth, his nose pressed against yours, eyelashes tickling your cheek. For a moment it is as if your body never got used to being in the arms of someone so incredible.
You rock your hips against him, suckling his kiss bitten bottom lip as his cock throbs inside of you. At this point you'd never be able to wear a condom with him unless absolutely necessary, too used the feeling every vein and ridge of his thick length, the way it pulses when you say his name.
He's perfect for you, hits every spot like he's got you mapped out. His hands, big and warm come to grip your hips to help you fuck him, feeling your fatigue from the pleasure and lack of sleep alike.
"Cum for me baby, come on." He coos, kissing your neck so sweetly, in a way that makes your belly swarm with butterflies. Your clit rubbing against the area just below his navel as you grind on him combined with the warm plushness of his lips against your throat, has you meeting your end.
He holds you tightly, tighter than he has the whole night as you writhe in his inescapable arms, gasping out whines against the crook of his shoulder as you leak onto his cock. He feels the stickiness smeared on his thighs, and knows it's only gonna get messier.
He doesn't mind, not one bit, not when he can picture your expression so vividly in his head; eyebrows pulled together, eyes glossy and lips swollen. You're so beautiful, too beautiful, too overwhelming.
"O-Oh baby, you're so fucking-fuck, I'm close I'm so close." He's lost now, lost in the bliss just like you are. He's pumping into your sopping entrance, the glide effortless with the abundance of your release.
"M'gonna- oh shit I'm cumming I'm cumming."
His voice is cut off by a sound so sweet you feel your lower belly swirling with a fresh wave of arousal despite your fucked out state, panting against him while he throws his head back and groans your name.
You pepper kisses along his smooth skin as he twitches, the base of his throat, over his adams apple and just under his chin. He jerks lightly as he stills inside of you, cum surely to be coating his entire length by the time he pulls out.
You're spent, still you search for his lips, missing and accidentally kissing his soft cheek before he turns his head to meet you halfway.
Your heart soars in your chest, he smiles against you and rubs your thighs soothingly, as you find your rightful place under his chin and tucked against him, your safe place.
He smiles to himself, stroking your skin.
"I love you." He states is earnestly, steadily despite his heart beat that still thunders. You're vaguely aware of the rumble in his chest as he speaks, but you're not sure if you're dreaming or not.
He looks down, and you're already asleep.
"Alright, let's get you to bed."
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