I’ve been tagged by @klaineharmony and @wordshakerofgallifrey in one version of this and b @radioactivepigeons in another so I combined the 2 (there was one question difference lmao).
How many works do you have on Ao3? 
146 (and like many who have done this before me, a couple are drabble collections and such)
What's your total Ao3 word count? 
530,111 words which... wow.
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? 
Oh dear GOD if I listed each individual comic series we’d be here all day. We’re gonna go with the five I know for sure off the top of my head w/ the 3 big subcategories for comics. 
> Batman comics
> Teen Titans/Titans comics
> Young Justice cartoon
Les Mis
Percy Jackson
Harry Potter
What are your top five fics by kudos?
All of these are older and Batfandom so I’m not even remotely surprised by this. 
Family Gatherings Dick wakes up to a text from Bruce asking that the whole family meet at the Manor that night, causing him to stress out all day.
No Judgement Damian crashes at Jason's apartment and has to explain to Jason why.
Nursing a Sick Bird Tim loses contact with his family when he gets sick for a week, causing Dick to come and check in on him.
Bat Kid Jam Sessions All of Bruce's kids play an instrument which gives Dick Grayson and Jason Todd an idea.
Annual Wayne Enterprises Take Your Kid to Work Day Bruce has Tim, Damian, and Dick all coming to WE for the day and he's a bit nervous over what kind of mess they might make.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? 
I do! Though I see now there’s a bunch sitting there that I haven’t yet. I’ll get to them when I’ve got more spoons. I love interacting with people and knowing what they like about my stories and writing. It makes me really really happy. 
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
I don’t really write angst? I don’t think I write angst. I write a lot of ennui. So much ennui. And bittersweet endings. Donna Troy and the Outlaws may be the closest to an angsty ending cause they only get one resurrection out of a possible two? But again, it’s more bittersweet than anything. 
Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
DO I EVER. Yes. Yes I write crossovers. Mainly modern au newsies/les mis cause it just makes sense. The craziest one has to be from my main newsies/les mis series A crooked politician? Yeah but that ain't news no more where I dropped so many references in media, networking, and other things you don't learn in a lecture to Hairspray and Hamilton characters that I wrote the “shit show” of the four musicals being combined in a modern au that I alluded to (and I think I was encouraged if I remember correctly) and it’s called Cautionary Tale.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? 
Not so much hate as someone doing what was essentially a “well, actually” on the politics in one of my Crooked Politician fics. The moral of the story is character views and emotions and blatant optimism do not directly reflect that of the author and I did study political science and know my stuff. OH! And then there’s my crowning glory of a DIFFERENT Crooked Politician fic being quoted out of context in a New York Times article. That isn’t really hate but it was certainly something. 
Do you write smut? If so what kind? 
Haha. No. 
Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I welcome translations and podfics!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! @wordshakerofgallifrey and I cowrote Costs of Civil Disobedience as part of her Piano Man au and by that I mean were LITERALLY typing in the same doc at the same time. It was wild and amazing. From Across the Bar isn’t cowritten but is my companion to her fic Play Me A Memory. @radioactivepigeons were working on a leverage!newsies au but then we both got busy. 
What's your all time favorite ship? 
I? Don’t think I have one? Uh... Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing? Parker/Hardison/Eliot from Leverage are the ultimate ot3? I care very little about ships. If I like it, I like it. If it squicks me, it squicks me. If I don’t care, I don’t care. Sorry?
What's a WIP that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? 
Oh the Batfam Ghostbusters au. The concept is still solid but I just don’t have the motivation or know where I would go with what stands. If anything I’d strip it for parts and write it new. 
What are your writing strengths?
I have been told my descriptions are really strong but personally I think that my character voices/dialogue is. Also my ability to write teenaged ennui. Any ennui. It’s a mood. 
What are your writing weaknesses? 
Grammar! I do weird shit with my sentence breaks and make run ons and just absolutely butcher punctuation. And balancing characters in ensembles. That’s hard. 
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m going to quote @radioactivepigeons here cause I agree with it wholeheartedly and she puts it better than I possibly can rn: “I think there needs to be a narrative purpose. Like, is it building dramatic irony? Is someone being purposefully excluded from the conversation? Is there a characterization where the linguistic difference matters?“ If the answer is no then just note it’s being said in the other language. 
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for? 
Actually physically wrote a story out? Batman. I wrote a “patrol report” as Batgirl to my friend as though she were Robin in middle school as part of a christmas present. 
What's your favourite fic you've ever written? 
Oh this is hard. Uh glitter and gold is like my love of DC characters made manifest and is absurdly long but like there’s certainly scenes I like more than others. Three Card Draw might be my favorite? I love the vibes and the little world I made and using it to work out my own thoughts about gods and magic as a stepping stone for my original stuff. 
Since I think literally everyone I know in the newsies fandom has been tagged in this at some point I’m going to kick it towards the dc folks. Absolutely no pressure to do this. @audreycritter @oh-mother-of-darkness @sohotthateveryonedied @preciousthingsareprecious @whore4batfam
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i know that i go on about it literally at the same time EVERY month….. but like….. i am SO SICK OF my internet just deciding to randomly drop out for literally like a week or two every fucking month while the bill period rolls over.
like imagine if i was working from home???? how the FUCK am i meant to do that when for a week or 2 every month when my internet/wifi connection drops out completely and i can’t work from my laptops bc they don’t connect to the 4G network???? like what am i supposed to do for that span of time??? just y’know take time off for that week/two weeks while my internet just refuses to rectify itself and run on normal speeds and not literally (i’m using this joke all the time now) like early to mid 2000s dial up speeds???? like obvs yeah i could make my phone a hotspot….. but for two weeks that takes up a lot of data????
and it’s even worse rn bc im job searching and since literally EVERYTHING makes you apply online, the job app websites like seek/jora etc literally take like 5 minutes to load just one page of jobs or a job description….. but it won’t even load the ACTUAL application????
and then social media barely loads at all (although i’m so used to this happening on here tbh lmao)….. like imagine if i had a job in social media where i’d be monitoring the 20+ social media platforms that businesses need to run and obtain customers etc these days???? what the FUCK am i supposed to do??? or imagine if i was bothered to run my own online business???? and for a week/2 weeks i just can’t reach customers because my internet/wifi just won’t load their complaints/issues/questions/sales data etc etc etc???? like what the ACTUAL FUCK telstra???
it’s also the main reason why i dropped out of my online uni library course too…. bc i got so sick of my internet dropping out halfway through 3hr lectures and forum boards and all the other stuff i had to do for it. or dropping out exactly when i had assignments due???? and that’s not even considered a good excuse not to turn assignments in late, even when you’re doing a course that’s 100% online??? like what an absolute fucking joke????
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hoodharlow · 3 years
us always favoring the poc in bands bc we aint ever see that representation in media so we latched on to them when it did happen🥰 also i realized all my crushes have been bipoc because of these 3 men good bye😚
You're right lmao even competitions like the baking shows on food network I always support BIPOC
SAMEEEE. Zayn and Carlos made me appreciate brown guys more. And when I got into 5sos in 2019, Cal became my fave instantly. 
 But if I did like a white person they always ended up being super problematic. The last white guy I liked took me out to bagels bc our profe cancelled lecture, but he told us to show up for lab. Anyways on the drive to the bagels place we were bopping and Bodak Yellow came on and he rapped along and iw as like "yesss" until he rapped the n-word too and I was like "uh why would you say the n-word" he literally excused it bc his parents adopted two Black kids and since then I avoided him unless it was for school lmao
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faunusrights · 4 years
hey!! sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this-- but you seem to submit fiction writing pieces to magazines a lot and i was interested in doing it too, but i'm not sure how it works. if youre up to answer- do you get paid if you get accepted? do you have to pay to submit? what magazines are good choices to submit to? (thank you i love your stuff lots!!)
HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (ilu!!!!!!!!!!!!)
okay so. i must confess that i never went in totally blind ‘cause the magazine i’ve submitted to most is one a friend from my university course founded after we graduated! because at least one of us had to have our life together. so i knew about it well in advance, and also have the benefit, i guess, of knowing OTHER ppl from my uni years (including my lecturer) who run magazines/websites and thus are like wink wink nudge nudge please submit a thing. so These People Know Me And I Know Them and theres that. THAT SAID you can technically get the same effect just chatting to Writing Twitter/Tumblr/w/e because from one writer to another, we love 2 talk abt writing, and ppl, love 2 listen, and if you Network(tm) [ugh i hate that term] enough then you’ll know people who’re making things and know what they want and know how to best write that they wanna publish!
on that note, tho, the ones im submitting to are also free!!!!!! and therefore i am not paid. but i do it mostly because it has a TON of benefits, such as getting used to the publishing process: what are the editing timeframes like? what’s it like to get back edits and return them in a timely manner? can you work with an editor to clarify stuff? can you write to a prompt? can you fit the style of the magazine yr submitting to? also, you get a nice portfolio of polished work to show off, which is neat!
that said, there are. a BILLION MAGAZINES. my GOD. theres magazines for THE MOST NICHE STUFF UNDER THE SUN. i cannot even begin to describe how many exist out there. there are ones that want the MOST particular content, and others that go ‘fuck it, send whatever’. so i can’t really recc any particular ones because what you like writing might be a completely different set of magazines than the ones i might submit to! but there’s sci-fi ones and queer ones and ones entirely about body image and body positivity and ones about travelling and others about FOOD and some about WITCHY STUFF and others about WOMEN’S STUFF and honest to god if you write a niche theres a magazine for it. and if there isnt? you can MAKE a magazine about it.
(that said, if you buy the Artist’s and Writer’s Yearbook, it’s a huge compendium of all the publishing houses, magazines, websites, weird places, niche corners and magical wizard shops that WANT YOUR CONTENT!!! i highly recc picking one up -- there’s a new one every year, but the one i have for 2016 still slaps. also, they have online listings for £25/year, so u can pop in any time and see what catches yr eye.)
anyway. back on track. so yeah, i’ve not been paid for my content, nor have i paid to get published: most magazines ive considered submitting to have NOT asked for a fee, but have offered money in exchange for publication, but that might be in my corner of things? again, magazines can vary. i probably wouldn’t go for one that wants a fee for nothing in return, though, because there’s plenty of other places that will either pay you or let u have 8000 words published for the heck of it (also i feel like. a lot of places that do that. r skeevy. i dont trust like that). in the end, it’s up to you: i know people who submit to magazines that pay them literally every month, some of which work their way into helping edit the dang things, and ppl like me who do it every now and again because its nice to rly flex those Creative Juices and get yr name published somewhere!
so my advice is: go on twitter and find a magazine that appeals to you! find out their submission dates and their guidelines - any magazine worth its salt will make their guidelines ABUNDANTLY clear - and just go for it! even if its not perfect, plenty will happily run over edits to clean it up. i also highly recommend finding some anthologies to join: i’ve been published in those, too! and again, anthologies have subjects and genres in every niche under the Sun. follow the guidelines, draft yr work, send it off, and stick to the prompt! it’s super fun and rewarding, and even if you don’t maybe fit what they want, it’s great to have a body of work you can bounce from. it’s all abt having fun, baybee.
(also sorry this answer is long i have a lot 2 say lmao)
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zephyrine-gale · 5 years
Can you give us some details on your ocs? They seem interesting and cute too...❤
of course!!!!! I have sosososo many alignment charts and dumb character notes on my ocs (and zero plot!! lmao) 
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xii noitome | ralts | 18 | 5′0″ | baby sword lesbian !!she’s the protag of my nuzlocke!! has achromatopsia and can’t see colors, but her trace ability senses emotions in colors! and that’s how she sees, people look very colorful to her (her name is literally “see” and “emotion” spelled backwards wink wonk :3c ) she’s from hoenn, lived in kalos, and came to sinnoh to do research on the lake guardians (specifically mesprit, pkmn of emotion!!) tries to act based on logic but very emotionally driven; she’s a people pleaser too, wants to get on people’s good side. big bookworm, loves planting berries, loves baking sweets, zones out a bit too much, favorite color is bright yellow (bc it’s associated w happiness for her!) also really likes swords; she manipulates her psychic powers to resemble blades. 
the rest are under the cut bc I have a bit to say abt them + lots of pictures :> !!!!
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relos solux | shinx | 19 | 5′5″ | hopeless romantic disaster biprecious ray of sunshine!!!! his name is literally solar sunlight,,,,, sun sun,,,, the moon moon of my nuzlocke, my favorite boy……from jubilife city, just wants to get money so he can move out with his sister bc his family is,, very pushy with academics and not really emotionally supportive. they want him to take over their business in the city but he just really wants to move to floaroma town and sell flowers or smth sdjgjkknows asl and sometimes signs when he’s in a verbal conversation and gets really flustered, loves listening to lofi (idk how his ears fit under headphones btw, we dont talk about that lmao), very easy to get along with, a bit of a pushover but very sweet. When he refocuses his eyes, they look like a calibrating camera apeture lens. he can make his eyes glow too :>
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zel saelis | floatzel | 27 | 6′2″ | genderfluid big dick energy gay lesbian (currently goes by she/her in the story!)powerful dance babe hobo in-story. lost her wallet while surfing down a river during a trip like a dumbass but plays it off as intentional and conveniently joins the team. main motivation for fighting is that she misses her gf and wants to see her gf, absolutely sappy and horny on main for gf. will text “hey baby gorilla” “I MEANT BABY GIRL” to her gf, still somehow comes off as smooth“take it easy, but take it”, very chill, networking skills are on point (knows a looot of big name gym leaders in the region), she carried my team in-game so I love her very much mvp !!!
Team Vince!!! aka rival team (’v’ )!!
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vince ginisci | piplup | 19 | 5′4″ | distinguished gay, a suave graceful penguin boyone of professor rowan’s kids, top of his class, absolute nerd (very big on planning strategies for gym battles, team synergy, etc), resting bitch face he’s basically this meme, but replaced w “professor lecturing about something they care about” and “me, taking notes”
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mom friend but doesn’t say it, calm but will absolutely throw down for his siblings and friends. 
I ship him with relos, they’re both in pining hell except vince is more chill and casual about it while relos just. ajdclkgfdflkjhgdfkjhglhkjl !!!!!! every time he sees vince :’> (relos can be smooth when he wants to be though!! after practicing a lot of times in front of a mirror sajdkgj)
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i love them they’re basically all I draw aside from these two (who I’ll probably make another post for bc I designed them very recently and yet they have so much more art than my other more important characters asdjffjkg. they’re dumb emotional environmental science nerds)
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eli rosado | budew | 17 | 5′2″ | distinguished bi gre up in the trophy garden/mansion. his father is a fashion designer, rich af, never let him do anything bc other people can do it for him, so he’s in high key teenage rebellion and wants out, tiny ball of anger, will leave you on read/seen at 2:30am, embodiment of  >:3c (vince gets him out of the place and on his team !!)will woo the delivery boys that send stuff to the mansion romeo & juliet balcony stylesleep???? who is she???????? will stay up for extremely long periods of time, drinks poison, takes a bunch of stun spores, poison powders, all of those status inducing moves, just to test the limits of his natural cure ability (not a good life decision, he’s working on it asdjfgjk)
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alex mune | munchlax | between 19-21 idk yet (i lost my age refs for all of them and theirs is one I definitely don’t remember,,,) | 6′2″ | panromantic acebiggest moods are: sleep is godly, lets get this bread, and the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cellthey’d rather be asleep than do anything, will wake up at 5pm and sleep for more than half the day. if they can avoid doing things then heck yeah that’s what they’re gonna do; used to people not talking to them and not having an opinion on anything, but they’re also an introvert that loves to talk ;v;loves puns, hypotheticals, asking random questions. they’re basically a shitpost generator asdjgkj
I have a whole bunch of other characters for this nuzlocke (and a few I haven’t chibi faced yet) so if you want to know about them !!!! let me know I’m v happy to talk about my dumb children :3cthey’re all I’ve been drawing for the past few months (along w my friend’s ocs bc I love them too)
Main team:
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gym leaders/e4/team galactic:
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dusteebowl · 7 years
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. I was tagged by @voltronpals
1. Drink: apple juice from juice box
2. Phone call: my mom
3. Text message: to a friend who didn’t know Voltron had a comic lmao
4. Song you listen to: I don’t quite know? Either Beautiful from Heathers or Symphony by Clean Bandit
5. Time you cried: Like three weeks ago.
6. Dated someone twice: Never dated anyone ever so?
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: Yes and No? like it fluctuates
8. Been cheated on: no
9. Lost someone special: nope
10. Been depressed: I’ve been really really sad before, but I don’t think I’ve ever been depressed? I wouldn’t know tbh
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: I only drink enough to get tipsy. My biggest fear is throwing up
12. purple!
13. yellow!
14. black!
15. Made new friends: yes!
16. Fallen out of love: I’d have to be in love in the first place
17. Laughed until you cried: Yes!
18. Found out someone was talking about you: Nope
20. Found out who your friends are: Yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t do facebook??
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: When I last used FB like 95%?
23. Do you have any pets: nope
24. Do you want to change your name: Nah. Like, unless it was shortening my name to JUST Tanya because literally the  only people that call me by my full name are my mom and my one lecturer?
25. What did you do for your last birthday: I ate cake
26. What time do you wake up: If I have morning classes then like 5:30 but normally at like 9/10
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping for once
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Incredibles 2!!!!
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: Thirty minutes ago
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: Lemme just stay motivated enough to do literally ANYTHING. I hate giving up on things midway but I always do it.
31. What are you listening to right now: I was listening to TAZ just now
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Nope
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: Oh my God so many things but I don’t want to open that can of worms
34. Most visited website: tumblr, youtube and ao3
35. Mole/s: None
36. Mark/s: I have a beauty mark on my face where those stereotypically glamorous femme fatales have theirs in those Film Noire flicks
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be an astronomer
38. Hair color: really dark brown, almost black
39. Long or short hair: Short, definitely. I cut my hair last year and I LOVE it
40. Do you have a crush on someone: God, like irl? Not atm. But the amount of FICTIONAL crushes I have is obscene
41. What do you like about yourself: ……………………………is…this a joke?
42. Piercings: generic ear piercings
43. Blood type: I don’t know…
44. Nicknames: Teeny Tiny Tanya…I’ve been wanting other nicknames but nobody’s ever given me any? Like which demon do I need to sell my soul to have a nickname?
45. Relationship status: single af
46. Zodiac: libra
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: contrary to popular belief, it’s actually Steven Universe. How’s that for mind blowing?
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: nope
52. Hair dyed in different color: One day….
53. Sport: …..this…this is another joke right?
55. Vacation: I wanna go backpacking around the world at some point.
56. Pair of trainers: like the shoes? I have sneakers…don’t wear them much anymore
57. Eating: Like right now? No? Favourite food is chocolate though
58. Drinking: I love me some of that lemonade
59. I’m about to: Finish working on my assignments
62. Want: For the school year to be over. To have tons of money. 
63. Get married: Ew
64. Career: Animating somewhere, preferably at Disney or Cartoon Network on the TV show side of things
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs!
66. Lips or eyes: eyes!
67. Shorter or taller: everyone’s taller than me? Lmao? But yeah, I like really tol people. Like REALLY tol (hence my love for Shiro, Lotor and Allura. Those legs…)
68. Older or younger: Older I guess?
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Thighs, lmao. But in all seriousness I like arms
71. Sensitive or loud: What’re you asking me here exactly?
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship.
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: I don’t really care?
74. Kissed a Stranger: is it a stranger if you’ve known them for three hours?
75. Drank hard liquor: Does a shot of tequila count? Two swigs of vodka? (This led up to the kissing the ‘stranger’)
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: YES
77. Turned someone down: Yep…
78. Sex on the first date: I’m a virgin?
79. Broken someone’s heart: I mean, when you turn someone down that tends to happen I think?
80. Had your heart broken: yeah…multiple times this year in fact
81. Been arrested: nope
82. Cried when someone died: no
83. Fallen for a friend: I crush on people VERY easily. So yeah. Yes.
84: Yourself: ………………………………….you love jokes don’t you?
85. Miracles: I mean maybe?
86. Love at first sight: Perhaps, I don’t know I’m a hopeless romantic
87. Santa Claus: Santa Claus is in our hearts!
88. Kiss on the first date: Yeah, if it went really well
90. Current best friend name: I have like four? Kayla, Bailey, Aaron and Jonluc
91. Eye color: Brown (like chocolate!)
92. Favorite movie: Too many to mention.  
I’m not gonna tag 20 people so @ravenssama @pomilomi @zhe-lazy-fox @jamthedingus @narwhalsarefalling and anyone else who wants to do it I guess ^^
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