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nfcomics ¡ 1 year ago
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A1 no.2 • KYRN • Pg2 • Art by Simon Bisley • Atomeka Press [1989]
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panderp123 ¡ 2 years ago
Essek Lofi
I’m obsessed with this lofi playlist of Essek Thyless.
YouTube: https://youtu.be/SNM7ZagxthQ (full animated lofi studying Essek)
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/3J8o8zFWsBJsJV9avD5Wfg?si=H24DaPKiScC3b3ye508d4A
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sldlovescartoons ¡ 4 months ago
I am seeing news that Essek is out as Seth with his brother or something and I just- I love how Essek continues to be this cool Genius Wizard who can help you seal your evil patron away in your chest while also being the dumbest man on The planet. Like what do you mean hes chilling in magic disguise in The same City as The entire Kyrn army? It’s giving Lord Lord from Around energy in the tavern tonight. What’s wrong with him lol
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pagesfromthevoid ¡ 3 months ago
Sparks Fly | r. | IV
Rolan x Sorceress!Tav
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Mild talks of death, angry Rolan, language maybe?
Author's Note: Can't stop, won't stop. Gif from @amiracleilluminated
Series Masterlist | Talk to Me!
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“That was a low blow, Miss Tav,” he complains, though he’s still smiling. “No matter how true it may be.”
She scrunches up her nose. “Oh gods, don’t call me Miss Tav –it sounds so formal. Like when my mum’s friends would call me Miss Anastasiya.”
“Is that your real name?” He asks, turning to face her better. “Anastasiya?”
“It is,” Tav nods some, mirroring his position. “I was named for my great grandmother, who was one of the daughters of the first Nimbral Lords, after the fall of the Leira Priesthood.”
"Why do they call you Tav, then?"
She thinks about it for a moment, considering how to phrase what she said next. "I had a little brother," she explains, voice soft. "He couldn't say Anastasiya when he was small, so my mother said to call my Tash. He couldn't do that either, and it ended up as Tav. I've just...used it since."
If Rolan picks up on the use of "had," he does not comment, and instead just nods. For that, Tav is thankful because she isn't necessarily ready to tell that story again.
“Is Nimbral not the nation that simply just…disappeared over a century ago?” He asks, and Tav is pleasantly surprised he knew that.
“Uh, well sort of, yes,” she admits, but then she shrugs. “It never really disappeared –it simply…couldn’t be seen, that’s all. And by the time I was fifteen, it returned to sight again.”
Rolan eyes her for several moments, clearly skeptical. Tav relents, deciding that the least he deserves is a story if he came all this way. 
“My father is a member of the Knights of the Flying Hunt —protectors of the island, a human. It’s his grandmother I’m named for. My mother was a drow —a sorceress in her own right. Her family lived on Nimbral long before the priesthood fell, and continued to live there even after. My magic came from her, though my father is a skilled fighter in his own right.”
“That’s where you learned to use a sword then, I take it?” Rolan asks, nodding towards the shortsword that lay by her bedroll. 
She nods, picking it up gingerly. The handle is worn, but the blade is sharp as ever, engraved with an elven language that her mother once spoke to her. “He always says that magic is an excellent tool, but I need to be ready when magic fails.”
“Does he not know anything about magic?”
Tav scoffs. “He knows plenty. The island is run by wizards, Rolan. But he also knows that magic can run out when overused. Better to have a back up than to be caught with your pants down, right?”
He nods in agreement, eyes scanning over the engraving on the sword momentarily. Then he looks up at her once again. “Earlier, you said your little brother, and now your mother. Did they —I mean, if you feel comfortable —,”
“My little brother drowned, and my mother a wasting illness,” she explains simply, though she doesn’t want to elaborate. While her younger brother's death is not fresh —Kyrn was only six, and it was many years ago —it still hurts to think about. Her mother’s death was too fresh in her mind, however; Bristol had died days before Tav was infected with her tadpole. Her father had used a sending stone to tell her. Tav intended to return to Nimbral when she was abducted. Now she doesn’t have the sending stone and there is no way to tell her father she was alive. 
“I’m sorry, Miss Anastasiya,” Rolan murmurs, and for some reason him saying her full name doesn’t bother her as much as it does when someone else does. She thinks it’s because it’s not as pompous coming from him. 
“There’s nothing to apologize for,” she corrects, setting her sword back down and looking up at him. “My mother lived a wonderful life, and was loved. So did my little brother. I choose to remember them that way.”
Rolan seems like he wants to say something else, but Tav is pushing herself to her feet and holding out her hand to him. 
“No more talks of the past,” she says as Rolan takes her hand and pulls himself up. He’s warm —warmer than any human or elf she’s interacted with —and she doesn’t want to let go of his hand. But if she lingers, she knows she’ll only hurt her own feelings. “You owe me a lesson in how you made your thunder wave so much stronger than mine. I’ll need it if we want to defeat Thorm tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?” Rolan practically chokes, his eyes going wide. “You intend to —what? Storm Moonrise?”
Tav pretends to think it over for a second, making a humming noise, then nods. “Don’t know how else we’ll kill him if we don’t.”
“Does Jaheira know?”
“It was her idea.”
Rolan huffs in frustration, and Tav wonders why he’s so upset over the plan. Doesn’t he understand that it was necessary? Dangerous, perhaps. A little stupid, too. But it was necessary. To stop the curse, to get rid of the invader in her mind —Ketheric Thorm needed to die.
“Are you gonna teach me that spell or not?” Tav asks, trying to lighten the mood. 
But Rolan throws his hands in the air, as if he’s actually mad at her. “Do you ever consider your own life?”
Tav, to her credit, isn’t expecting that to be what he’s mad about. “I —what?”
“You. Do you ever think about your own life? Do you not care if you live or die? Or do you always just run blindly into danger and hope for the best?”
“Do you…,” Tav starts, and she pauses because now that she is thinking about it, she realizes that the answer is a resounding no. “Do you want the honest answer to that question, Rolan?”
“Sweet hells,” he groans, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes.
Tav is confused. Very, truly confused. “I don’t…are you mad at me? I don’t…I don’t understand why you care what I do. I didn’t think you liked me until…,” she motioned around them, as if to say until just now. Rolan’s hands drop from his face as he stares at her with fiery eyes and, what Tav thinks —hopes —is care. 
“You are…,” Rolan stops, trying to calm himself down it seems, and Tav knows better than to interrupt a wizard who's angry. “You, Miss Anastasiya, move as if you’re a full on rainstorm and I am nothing but a house of cards, bound to be blown away by your presence in my life.”
Tav blinks a few times, processing what he’s trying to say to her. “Is that…is that a good thing?”
“Only the gods know.”
Tav doesn’t know what to say to that. For someone who is usually quick witted and a bit snarky, she’s suddenly unable to think of anything to say to diffuse the tension. Rolan is staring down at her, and she’s staring up at him, and Tav thinks that what he’s saying is a good thing but she doesn’t actually know. 
“What if you die tomorrow, Miss Anastasiya?” Rolan whispers, brows knitting together as he looks down at her.
What Tav wants to say is that, if she dies, then the rest of the world may be doomed. Or that he should call her Tav. Or that her party will go on without her. Or maybe he should kiss her just in case. But she doesn’t say any of those things, because she realizes it probably won’t make him feel better. 
“I try not to think that far ahead, if I’m honest,” she finally settles on saying. “I make the plan, I execute the plan, I expect the plan to go off the rails, then I throw away the plan. That’s about how far I get into it. I don’t…well, you know. I don’t think too hard about what happens after I throw away the plan.”
“I do.”
“Then you plan for the worst,” she offers, and now she is trying to ease the tension between them. He’s standing there, just close enough to touch. She wonders if he knows what she’s thinking as her eyes drop, briefly, to his lips then back to his eyes. “I will plan for the best. And hopefully, we meet in the middle.”
Rolan hesitates, and Tav watches as his hands flex at his sides. As if he’s trying to stop himself from reaching out to her. So Tav does it for him, taking his hands in hers. He looks at their hands for a long time, and Tav is okay with the silence because she likes how his hand feels in hers and how much stronger his hands feel compared to ones she’s held before. And, if this is the last time she sees him, she wants to remember how his skin feels against hers, even if it’s just holding his hands.
He seems a bit put off for a moment, as if he wasn’t expecting her to touch him. Tav wonders when the last time he was touched by someone who isn’t family, though she doesn’t voice the curiosity out loud. Eventually, however, Rolan relaxes into her touch and steps just barely closer. Just enough that their fronts are barely brushing and Tav is tempted beyond herself to close the distance. But she doesn’t want to scare him, or hurt him. If she does die tomorrow, she does not want him to mourn her –he deserves better than that, she decides.
With a soft squeeze, she finally lets go of his hands, missing the warmth already. Rolan’s fingers catch on hers, as if trying to keep her from getting away. 
“Goodnight, Rolan,” she says, stepping back and away from him. “I’ll see you when the battle is over.”
“I —,” Rolan pauses, but then nods. “Goodnight, Miss Anastasiya. Be safe.”
Tav watches as he takes two steps backwards, still looking at her, before he finally turns away and retreats back into the safety of the inn. 
She should have kissed him, she thinks. But she resolves to remedy that when they return from Moonrise. 
It is not a matter of if.
It is a matter of when. 
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vagarian-viscount ¡ 1 year ago
[there’s another moment of seemingly contemplative silence, then kyrn drops them on the ground and swerves in the other direction, loping away on all fours]
*begins to trifle with you*
…What on earth are you doing. Have you come simply to torment me?
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pnkcellphone ¡ 7 months ago
Kyrn!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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boy loser (,,>﹏<,,)
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mooneln0ne ¡ 2 years ago
BE MY FRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!
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OK!!! I love Vita carniss
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conservation-constellation ¡ 12 days ago
you ever just realize literally everything feels wrong?
like i just changed my pronouns and my name and found new gender labels
idk if i like it yet im still trying it out
i dont even talk to john or rose about my gender i dont wanna talk to anyone about it and figuring it out on my own is hard
so uh goodbye he/him dave strider hello ze/kyne hyde?
the ze/zae pronouns full set are ze/zae/zaer/zaers/zaeself and the kyne/kyrn pronouns full set is kyne/kyrn/kyr/kyrs/kyrself so you know what youre doing with them
maybe its a phase idk i only just accepted im gay
– hyde (dave)
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heidenstrom ¡ 3 months ago
Grisemating, hundekjøring og Lama-samtaler pü Bergvang besøksgürd i Asker
Bergvang er en familiedrevet besøksgård ved Sem, utenfor Asker. Hver lørdag og søndag mellom 10:00 og 15:00 har de åpen besøksgård, kafé og gårdsbutikk. Her kan du hilse på dyren, ri på ponni og prøve hundekjøring med vogn eller slede som annonseres på. Ta gjerne med litt gammelt brød – det er lov å mate geitene, sauene og kyrne. I gårdsbutikken/kaféen finner du sveler med syltetøy, kaffe,…
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ebordewich ¡ 6 months ago
Metanhemmere og klimaregnskap - Det klimahysteriske vanvidd
Tines konsernsjef forteller oss at i løpet av kort tid skal alle Norges kyr få metanhemmere i kosten, for at landbruket skal oppnå sine klimamål. Av: Geir Hasnes – Artikkelen er et eksternt innlegg og gir uttrykk for skribentens meninger. Da får vi regne på dette. Det er 900.000 kyr i Norge. Metanhemmeren Bovaer koster 1100 kr. i året per ku, og om alle kyrne skal få dette i kostholdet, utgjør…
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nfcomics ¡ 1 year ago
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A1 no.2 • KYRN • Pg3 • Art by Simon Bisley • Atomeka Press [1989]
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panderp123 ¡ 2 years ago
Essek Moments Part 1
These are some of my favourite moments of Hot Boi Essek. I miss him so much 🥺😩💙
So of course I’m making a fanfic for my own serotonin.
From Parasol ☂️ cuteness to having your new friends show up at your doorstep after being the last seen at a murder…fantastic stuff 🤣. Nervous Essek is so adorable and funny. “Is that cocoa done?” Voice break is a chef’s kiss 💋.
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Then we have his first battle against Frost Giants 🤣🤣 the poor baby has his nerdy fisticuffs up.
Not to mention ape Caleb, unintentionally showing their true feelings for Essek 💜.
Lastly, this part of the moments, is how the two wizards from different sides of the board have sins in common. Now hear me out, Caleb is feeling guilty for being manipulated into killing his parents as a victim of Trent. Whereas we know that Essek has a massive falling out with his father that drove his father into the Umbra Gates at Bazzoxan. Not clear-headed or caught off guard, so upon hearing the news. Essek too carries fault for being the result of a parent’s demise.
There may be more dark sins Essek has done or considers sinful but that would be the similarity between Caleb and Essek for me.
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sldlovescartoons ¡ 1 year ago
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Okay, so looking at Explorers Guide to Wildmount and- well, there’s lots of things, but most prominent in my mind right now.
One: “he is strangely excited for the war with the empire” That just reads as seller’s regrets. He wants those beacons back. He’s spent every waking moment since he handed them over trying to cover up who has them and where they are, while also convincingly doing his job. He likely went from ‘mostly magical research with a side of Spy Shit’ to ‘Spy Shit most of the time because we have to locate those beacons, Shadowhand!’ And he’s pretty sure the Assembly is either lying to him about their research or just isn’t doing as well as he hoped. Mans wanted those beacons back. Strangely eager headass-
Two: okay. So. When it says “a generation” are we talking an elf generation or a human one? Because if it’s an elf generation, then that’s just neat, and explains why the Dynasty has sort of revealed its power in the last century- because Lens. But if it’s a human generation, then there’s a slightly terrible and funny chance that Essek might have invented the Kyrn Scourgers and that might have been how he got his job. If he was offered consecution to turn down, he’d of had to have done something to prove himself exceptional. It could have been spell work, but to become the Shadowhand to the highest authority in the land you’d think it’d have to be something really impressive. Like creating a program for volunteers from their existing spy force to specially train them to be super border piercing spies and infiltrators. Probably originally to try and access more magic. It would also explain how The Assembly got in contact with him and why he stole the amount he did and who seemed to have them. They clearly only needed 1, or they wouldn’t have been willing to give the one they stole back after finding another themselves. So why have 2 stolen? Because Trent insisted, of course. A Scourger intercepts a Lens Agent, tortures a fuck ton of information out of them. Including about their Leader, their Spymaster, Shadowhand Essek Thelyss. Trent gives him this information, in exchange for a promise of a beacon if they gain access and help with contacting the Shadowhand in the first place. So Ludinus asks for two. One for him that’s he’d bring in another assembly member to help with, and one for Trent. This is now my headcannon.
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kade400words ¡ 1 year ago
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vagarian-viscount ¡ 1 year ago
What am I to put here? Evidently it is customary to tell of oneself in an introductory post of sorts. Since I am stranded in this godawful plane and the only way I can move is forth, I suppose that is my only choice.
Greetings, Wizard Island Island.
I am called Kyrn. Former viscount of the Winter Court.
You will not ask how it became “former.”
I come to this island in search of solace and seeking to settle unfinished business.
I will not be trifled with. Trifle not. Triflers shan’t be tolerated.
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quinn-of-aebradore ¡ 9 months ago
aaaaaaaa I’m so flattered that my fic has informed your own headcanons to much! Genuinely one of the biggest compliments I’ve received about my fics 💜
If you don’t mind, I’ll add a few additional details mine, in case folks are curious.
Firstly, there are certain braids assigned to certain roles and positions within Kryn society; for example, there’s a particular braid that all Taskhands are expected to wear at all times, save for exceptions like mourning and weddings.
And second, the period of time for mourning braids being worn is typically determined by how many lives a person has lived! Unconsecuted individuals and individuals who died in their first life only have braids worn for a week. And then for every additional life lived, a week is added. So for Essek and Verin’s father dying, I believe the period of time was seven weeks? I can’t quite recall how many lives I made that man have lived XD
Also! @callingvoicemail come here, see the impact Unbinding has had. Unbinding, which informed my own headcanons about Kyrn culture and braids, so look at those ripples XD and isn’t that what fandom is about, creating ideas and building on them together 💜
I'm really curious about your Kryn dynasty hair headcanons 💜💜
Okay so like, full disclosure, the vast majority of this comes from the brilliant minds of @quinn-of-aebradore and her fic What is left behind, and hanap (who I don't think is on tumblr?) and their fic Unbinding. Bullet points for simplicity's sake:
The only headcanon on this list that isn't directly inspired by a fanfic lol. Elves in fantasy media are so frequently portrayed with long, flowing hair - just take your pick of any elven character from Lord of the Rings, for example. As such, whenever elves show up in any other fictional media, I always just assume that they have the same long, elegant hair (unless described otherwise). At some indeterminate point in the past, I ended up learning how the Han Chinese had (at least for a very long time, if not in present day) traditionally stopped cutting their hair once they reached adulthood - @ziseviolet has a great post about that over here - and the two points of information neatly dovetailed into a headcanon for the Kryn Dynasty.
With one slight alteration, that is - in addition to new souls and unconsecuted souls no longer cutting their hair upon reaching adulthood, consecuted souls would stop cutting their hair once the returning soul becomes apparent and anamnesis is completed, as a signifier of the once-adult soul returning to the world. The long, uncut hair represents the long life they've lived, and the even longer succession of experiences of the soul.
Building off of the idea that not cutting your hair would leave it fairly unwieldy in the day-to-day, and the incredibly detailed elven-inspired braid hairstyles you can find all over social media (especially Pinterest), the idea of braids being the main traditional hairstyle(s) of the Kryn Dynasty sprung up. This would predominantly apply to the Drow of the Dynasty, along with any other consecuted souls who ended up in non-Drow bodies, with more freedom of hairstyle choice being afforded to non-consecuted citizens.
Inspired by What is left behind: the idea of different styles of braids being worn for different occasions. Like, there's a difference between their everyday braids, their standard ceremonial braids, braids for weddings, braids for funerals, etc. I am also totally in love with the idea of having ribbons or other similar materials woven into the braids, and especially with the Den colours that @quinn-of-aebradore came up with (Den Thelyss teal and silver, my beloved 💙🤍) Wearing the wrong style of braid to the wrong occasion would be a major social faux pas, and the correct colours and the right amounts of each colour are also important, though perhaps slightly less so than the braids style itself.
Also inspired by What is left behind: the idea of a mourning braid, which must be worn for a certain amount of time. Quinn made the period of mourning be a week in their fic, but I could easily see some people choosing to wear theirs longer, especially if the deceased was someone they were particularly close to, or if they were an unconsecuted soul, and as such the mourner would not be able to reunite with them.
Last one from What is left behind: building off of the Den colours woven into the braid, ceremonial braids will also use specific combinations of the Den's colours to mark the relationship the wearer has with the person the ceremony is for. For example, in the fic, Verin wears a mourning braid with "one silver, two teal, marking the deceased as his sibling." Deirta wears one silver and one teal, for her child. Further extrapolation should be pretty simple from there.
Inspired by Unbinding: the number of braids. I adore the idea of an additional braid being added for each major accomplishment and milestone of a person's life, because it already merges so well with the spiritual ideas of the unbroken strand of hair representing the long life and rebirth of the soul, and the cultural/societal significance to the style of braids and the colours woven into them. Now, the hair becomes a status symbol - the more braids, the more intricate the patterns and more impressive the person looks, as a direct reflection of what they've accomplished in their lives. The Umavi's , for example, would have incredibly complicated patterns of braids, while lower-ranked members of the Dens would probably one have one to three braids.
Inspired by Unbinding - and by inspired, I mean that's straight up what happens in the fic: Essek cutting his hair off. That's a big deal, and by that I mean an enormous social taboo to the point of scandal. Hair signifies the Den, the soul's accomplishments, the journey of the soul through many lives as guided by the Luxon. Cutting that off could easily represent cutting the life short (which isn't totally inaccurate in this case, given that Essek isn't consecuted), could represent spurning the Den (again, not necessarily inaccurate in Essek's case), so on and so forth.
That being said, I think it's quite thematically appropriate for the Shadowhand (which according to Matt Mercer, is "those who focus on the dark mysteries of Exandria for the Bright Queen") to keep his hair cut short - it prevents people from learning too much about him at a glance, without Den colours or length or number of braids to tell them what he's done or who he's associated with. That being said, I don't imagine Essek cut his hair with any of that in mind - instead, it was one of the few, small ways that he could quietly rebel against a culture that he never fully believed in.
With all of that, I genuinely cannot picture Essek with longer hair. That's not a knock to Matt's depiction of him - he's his character, after all. And that's not a knock to the fanartists, either. My brain just refuses to make the mental connection of "Drow with shoulder length hair = Essek Thelyss". But, of course, none of this is canon anyways and I just like playing in this sandbox.
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