mihotose · 2 months
the kumachan mirapa radio eps are so good bc they all get on super well bc theyre near the same age and they dont need to worry about kumachan being a senpai and also kumachan asks them how they got so close and they just spend like five minutes talking about how they just perfectly understand each other
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runkakerurun · 2 years
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second sparkle - liella!
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ashitomarisu · 1 year
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segacity · 10 months
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Kumachan 'Fighting Vipers' SEGA Saturn
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adachimoe · 2 months
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There's a Japanese hotpot restaurant called Kumachan Onsen that serves the broth as a colorful bear that melts down. Can you imagine... a Teddie themed broth bear... Melting in front of you...
Too bad Adachi hates lotus root. Such a good hotpot veggie to soak up flavors imo.
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imasallstars · 7 months
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Character: Hideo Akuno (SideM)
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linglinginjapan · 1 year
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Sportsfestivalen til Hikaru’s barnehage. (Fra Lørdag)
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Temperaturen har endelig begynt å synke ned til norske sommertemperaturer, og jeg foretrekker det faktisk heller slik enn å svette hele tiden. Istedenfor har håret mitt blitt et lite problem i det siste.
Vet ikke hvorfor, men håret mitt har blitt så tørt at det blir statisk og flyver til alle kanter. Har sikkert en sammenheng med permanenten jeg tok rett før skoleslutt på VG1. Får mange komplimenter om håret mitt på skolen, siden det egentlig ikke er lov til å ta perm og stripe/farge håret. Kan ikke gjøre noe med det da, så det får bare gå. Lærerne er ikke så strenge på meg som alle andre heldigvis, men kjenner en fyr som ikke fikk komme på skolen før han hadde farget håret tilbake til svart. 😂
I dag var det 祝日/rød dag for å feire «Sports Day», som er til minne om åpningen av Sommer-OL holdt i Tokyo i 1964. Dro en tur ut med TottoChan og KumaChan (fra organisasjonen, godt voksne folk) til Tokorozawa. Brukte flere timer inne på animebutikken selv om jeg ikke kjøpte mer enn en ting. De har en secondhand-animebutikk som er veldig billig! Drar nok tilbake igjen for å hamstre rett før jeg reiser hjem igjen til Norge.
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flingpoly · 2 years
shibuya sweets tour!
with fling posse! ✨
sadly i move back to the states soon, so my friend and i decided to finally go to all the places by our school in shibuya that we passed daily saying “man we should go there sometime”
first stop was i’m donut?!
this donut shop by school always had a huge line outside, and so i felt like i needed to know what the hype was about.
this one goes to ramuda for very obvious reasons:
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pictured is their signature “i’m donut?” pastry: rather than a cakey texture, it feels more like restaurant bread for a lack of a better word (think a soft sourdough loaf), which can actually be pretty hard to find in japan so i see why this shop is special! the outside is covered in either powdered sugar and cinnamon or powdered sugar and chocolate.
next stop was kumachan onsen! it’s actually a restaurant that specializes in the hokkaido trend of bear themed hot pots, but they had a café downstairs too.
this one went to gentaro for being our “snow country” boy
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(sorry gen, i got green to match your eyes but it was melon…)
the presentation was the main appeal but hokkaido ice cream is also super rich and creamy! japanese ice cream feels savory to me because it’s kinda salty like cheese.
last stop was saryo suisen for their somewhat infamous on-warabimochi; infamous because i first heard about it in an article saying “don’t have a first date here because the mochi is so hard to eat you’ll look incredibly stupid”
this one went to dice because this place was suggested to me by my friend named dice :-) but if you want a funnier reason you can imagine dice smacking his gums like a dog eating peanut butter trying to eat sticky mochi. our wonderful refined rich boy.
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it wasn’t super strong, but the sugar on top was a nice nutty flavor! we also got a matcha mont blanc which we got to see them make. it was definitely a cool experience even if i ended up Not a huge fan of the texture (i posted a couple gifs here if you’re curious)
overall a pretty successful sweets run! thank you for joining me on this episode of adventures in shibuya, i hope you enjoyed learning about the variety of treats found in the city :-)
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kariohki · 1 year
Trip report of the six lives I went to on my last trip to Japan - more condensed than I kind of want because it's approaching 5 weeks since and my memory is awful, and I also am bad with words and describing things.
BUSHIROAD ROCK FESTIVAL 2023 (5/27, Fuji-Q Highland) Acts: Lyrical Lily (OA), Fantôme Iris, Morfonica, Peaky P-key, Nijigasaki High School Idol Club (three members), RONDO, Liella!, Gyroaxia, RAISE A SUILEN My seat partner lucksacked the ticket roll so I was sitting in the second row in a near-middle section. This was my first time seeing any of the groups except for RAS of course. Lyrical Lily's opening act was three of their higher energy songs (two being covers), and also the required Maihime. Nothing amazing but a good taste of the group. Fantôme Iris was fine. I have no interest in the From Argonavis franchise. Morfonica I had a perfect view of Ayasa so kept my eyes on her bow twirling most of the time. Song choices were relatively standard with both Daylight and flame of hope. They had a one song collab with Liella!'s song WE WILL!! at the end that was good. Peaky P-key was the first actually hype portion for me, even if their setlist skewed very old with their first two songs, Gonna be right, and CYBER CYBER as the one cover. OVERWHELM! from D4DJ All Mix was their only recent song performed. Felt good to do the furicopy as part of a large group. Peaky P-key rolled into the NijiGaku section with a special version of Ryouran Victory Road with extended unique lyrics for all the other main singers (and one DJ) from Bandori and D4DJ groups which was unexpected that they'd go that far with the song as the collab wasn't previewed as such. NijiGaku's three members in attendance were Tanaka Chiemi (Rina), Sagara Mayu (Kasumi), and Hayashi Coco (Setsuna). So… my least two favorite characters and my former oshi character's new seiyuu. The group songs were very standard hitting the usual Tokimeki Runners and anime songs, and they stuck to their original solo songs, which honestly was fine because I know the calls and I got to hear CHASE!. RONDO was next with a killer set leading with ARCANA into KiLLiNG ME and a short version of Calendula. BLACK LOTUS was also played hitting my top two favorite originals from them. This was also the first performance that Momo Haruna (Hiiro) attended in almost a year, having been on a semi-hiatus due to health issues. Lots of screaming "OKAERI!" to her from the crowd, myself included. Liella! performed exactly 0 songs that I recognized, which is understandable as I only listened to 5-member Liella and dropped off before 9-member Liella was a thing. It was nostalgic to do idol-style calls though. Kumachan is pretty and I kept following her around instead of my actual oshi Paychan. Gyroaxia was fine, but it was my "sit down and rest" time. RAISE A SUILEN was the final act and had a good mix of older and newer songs, all high energy to keep the crowd going as it got dark. Got to learn the Shakunetsu Bonfire! furicopy and headbang a lot. The final song was RAS's R•I•O•T but with the full cast. Yes, including the boy groups. Full cast covers are always amazing and chaotic, even if this is one of the more "basic" RAS songs to do it on. Highlights are Moepii abandoning Peaky P-key to go hang out with her NijiGaku buddies and the final spoken line being done by Mayuchi and Kumachan. Also I think it was at the end here that I greased fingerhearts from Cocochan so that was a thing.
RAISE A SUILEN LIVE 2023: EXCLAMATION HIGHLAND (5/28, Fuji-Q Highland) Guest Act: Roselia Sitting in a more middle section, five rows from the front gave good views of basically everyone but especially Raychell. Roselia was billed as the guest act but was more like an opening act really, since no collabs happened. Roselia skewed quite old for their setlist (Nesshoku Starmine, Dear Gleam, PASSIONATE ANTHEM, BLACK SHOUT, FIRE BIRD), with only one song being after the release of the Wahl album in Dear Gleam. Solid overall for a guest/opening act of course, and it was nice to see them again after three and a half years. RAS opening with Invincible Fighter gave me good memories to the other major RAS live I attended back in 2019, Heaven and Earth, where it was the Day 2 opener. The most surprising part of the setlist was a Goka! Gokai!? Phantom Thief cover out of nowhere, and I was also the only one jumping during it in my row :P The back-to-back-to-back attack of Rettou Joutou, Keep the Heat and Fire Yourself Up, and Repaint was also very strong. They debuted one previously unperformed cover with Kyouran Hey Kids!! and one brand new song, -N-E-M-E-S-I-S-, which was still a month away from CD release at the time. Overall a very good live from the group but it still didn't beat out how magical Heaven and Earth was (and at this point I don't think anything ever will…)
tipToe. 3rd ONEMAN "My Long Prologue" (5/29, Ebisu LIQUIDROOM) I was shilled into this by someone I know who is a big fan of the group, so I decided to pull a "sure I'll go to lives three days in a row, I won't be that dead I swear". This is the first time I'd attended a live for an actual idol group and not a group of seiyuu playing idols. This was also the smallest venue I'd ever been in, until later in this same trip. tipToe. is billed a "concept idol group", where the members are required to graduate after three years of activity. It's hard for me to describe their music. There's some very emotional songs, there's some more standard pop-like fun idol songs, there's some in the middle. There's apparently a story that weaves everything together as well, if you understand the lyrics. Also, since these are actual idols, penlight waving and calls are different - raise your penlight for your oshi and no one else, and mixing is fair game. Well, I liked the group enough to get a twoshot cheki (my first one ever) with one member, Yuzuki Rin, who was very happy to talk to a new overseas fan. I recommend reading this more indepth trip report: https://ramen.events/tiptoe-3rd-oneman/
エクストロメ!! (6/1, Shinjuku Loft) Acts: airattic, われらがプワプワプーワプワ, Finger Runs, tipToe. This was the unplanned event I ended up at because I got enabled into going after enjoying tipToe.'s oneman live earlier in the week. Loft is the smallest venue I've ever been in. This was also the cheapest live out of all I attended at only 2100 yen for the ticket + drink fee. All four groups were good, though the most I remember about Finger Runs and われらがプワプワプーワプワ were their outfits. airattic is a "sister group" to tipToe. but I didn't like their music as much. I did another twoshot cheki afterwards with Rinchan. She remembered me, noticed I'd followed her on Twitter, and talked to me about going to Shibuya and seeing Hachiko. That's how real idols get you…
Raychell Live Tour "Sing Alone" Aichi Performance (6/2, Nagoya ell.FITS ALL) Another first for me, seeing a seiyuu artist's solo performance. I don't heavily follow Raychell's solo career so didn't recognize most of the songs until Are You Ready To FIGHT near the end. If you haven't listened to it and are a RAS fan, I highly recommend checking her songs out as they're a much more varied style. She gave a lot of fanservice to the people standing up front, including fist bumps and a few jokes with people she recognized as regulars. I do not recommend attending a live in wet shoes and socks, though.
Ave Mujica 0th LIVE "Primo die in scaena" (6/4, Nakano Sunplaza) The final live of the trip and, because something has to be at the bottom, my least favorite one. Ave Mujica is the newest band in the Bandori franchise, and this was their debut live. I'd been following their music releases and teaser videos since they started and was already a fan of the general style being a harder rock. Of course they played all of their existing originals, plus debuted a new self-titled one. The surprises were the covers, consisting of songs originally by angela, Creepy Nuts, Ali Project, and…Roselia! Determination Symphony was an odd choice I think since that song is so heavily tied to Sayo, but PASSIONATE ANTHEM was good and also meant I heard the song twice in the span of a week The live length was very short at only 70 minutes, sort of expected due to the lack of content but would've thought they'd pad it out to at least 90. Also they only revealed character names (stage names probably since they're Latin words) and not the seiyuu - hopefully it's not a MyGO situation where it takes a full year for an official reveal (though after seeing the first bits of the MyGO anime, I don't think they'll be going that long before official reveal…)
Next trip is in November for a stupid YOLO weekender for Bandori 12th!
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mihotose · 5 months
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not liella pretending to be cats while waiting for the post live stream to start except its already started
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kraniumet · 1 year
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let's make palepoli kumachan columbo the next big thing
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ashitomarisu · 9 months
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skajador · 2 years
I wanna see a movie directed by Momo, starring Kamechan, "special effects" by Kumachan and pyrotechnics by Ryuuta, fundraising by Deneb
Den-O episode like the OOO movie episode
Ryuuta gets in time out for blowing up something important
Sieg shows up and tries to convince everyone he should be the lead role
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dallasgrant · 1 month
熊仔 Kumachan -【88BARS】Official Music Video February 26, 2021 at 06:00AM via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1tArM5XYuc
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takanotrip · 3 months
Ordering shaved ice at "Kumachan Onsen".
Address: 1st floor, 1-8-10 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo.
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imasallstars · 2 years
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Character: Hideo Akuno (SideM)
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