fitsofgloom · 9 months
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Kriminal Tango
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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Italian poster for the 1966 film Golden Bat (aka Ogon Bat).
They got the head and shape of the costume mostly right, but then they went off the rails.
I guess, with the (translated) title The Return of Diavolik, the Italian exhibitors thought they would be able to fill theaters with people who thought this was a film based on Diabolik. Diabolik, an Italian comic book character created in 1962, was a mega-popular at the time, an anti-hero thief in an all-black costume that only showed his eyes. Diabolik made it to the big screen in the Mario Bava-directed film Danger: Diabolik (1968). American actor John Phillip Law (who would later star in 1974's The Golden Voyage of Sinbad) played the titular super-thief.
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As you can see, there isn't really any resemblance between the two characters.
However, there is another Italian comic book anti-hero, one whose comic book costume was basically copied for the Golden Bat poster: Kriminal.
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Inspired by the success of Diabolik, Kriminal debuted in Italian comics two years later. He was another anti-hero thief, and the similarities with Diabolik didn't stop there. He was, though, much more sadistic than his inspiration. His stories included a lot more sex and violence, especially against women, whom he would murder to protect his identity.
Never as successful as his forbear, Kriminal nevertheless had a ten-year run in comics, and spawned two films:
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Kriminal (1966). He really looks like Golden Bat in that second poster.
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The Mark of Kriminal (1967).
Of course, none of these characters should be confused with another fellow with a skeleton motif: Sadistik, the Diabolical Super Kriminal!
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Originally named Killing when he debuted in Italian comics (fumetti, to be more precise) in 1966, Sadistik was inspired by the excesses of Kriminal. There's just one thing: Sadistik didn't think Kriminal went far enough, so he made sure to out-do his idol (whom he had a crossover with, the first in Italian comics). This guy didn't pretend to be an anti-hero; he was an out-and out villain who occasionally wiped out other crooks who got in his way.
He was known as Satanik in France (Killing just seemed a little on-the-nose), and Sadistik in the English-speaking world. His fumetti exploits only lasted 62 issues over three years in his native Italy. In Argentina, where he was still called Killing, the publishers there created their own stories when the original ones ran out. The Argentinian series lasted into the 1980s.
Additionally, the character was called KiLiNK in Turkey, where he was the star of several unauthorized films (I sometimes wonder if that's the only kind Turkey made) in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The best known of those films is 1967's Killing In Istanbul.
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Apparently, the son of a scientist KiLiNK kills somehow gains super-powers, and calls himself Superman. His battle with KiLiNK carries over to the sequel, which was released the same year.
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Anyway, what was I talking about when I started this post?
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kekwcomics · 3 months
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GEISTER KRIMI ("Ghost Crime") #390 (Kelter Verlag, 1981)
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weirdlookindog · 7 months
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 Luigi Corteggi - Original cover art for Kriminal #123, 1967
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v-207 · 6 months
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yorgunherakles · 1 year
boşa kürek çektiğini bildiğinde insan konsantrasyonunu korumakta zorlanıyordu.
k. rowling - troubled blood
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movieposters1 · 7 months
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gameraboy2 · 2 years
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Il Marchio di Kriminal (1968)
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anggita-wijaya22 · 3 months
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Komitmen Kapolri untuk Transparansi Kasus Vina Cirebon
Dalam sebuah perkembangan terbaru, Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo menyampaikan komitmennya untuk menuntaskan dengan transparan kasus pembunuhan Vina di Cirebon. Kapolri menegaskan bahwa tim Propam (Pengawasan dan Pemeriksaan) dan Irwasum (Inspektorat Pengawasan Umum) Polri kini dilibatkan untuk memastikan penyidikan kasus Vina berjalan sesuai prosedur dan taat hukum. Kasus kematian Vina, yang terjadi di Cirebon, Jawa Barat, telah menjadi sorotan publik dalam beberapa waktu terakhir. Masyarakat menuntut adanya kejelasan dan keadilan dalam penanganan kasus ini. Sebagai respons terhadap tuntutan tersebut, Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo menegaskan komitmen Kepolisian Republik Indonesia untuk menangani kasus ini dengan transparan dan sesuai prosedur hukum yang berlaku.
Keterlibatan tim Propam dan Irwasum Polri dalam penyidikan kasus ini merupakan langkah penting untuk memastikan integritas dan akuntabilitas proses investigasi. Tim-tim tersebut akan memastikan bahwa segala tindakan yang dilakukan oleh penyidik berjalan sesuai dengan ketentuan dan nilai-nilai keadilan.
Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo menegaskan bahwa pihaknya akan terus bekerja keras untuk mengungkap kebenaran di balik kasus Vina. Upaya ini dilakukan demi memenuhi tuntutan masyarakat akan transparansi dan penegakan hukum yang adil.
Melalui komitmen ini, Kepolisian Republik Indonesia menunjukkan tekadnya untuk menghadirkan kepercayaan publik dalam penanganan kasus-kasus sensitif seperti ini. Diharapkan, langkah-langkah yang diambil dapat memenuhi rasa keadilan dan memberikan kejelasan bagi masyarakat, serta memastikan bahwa tidak ada penyimpangan atau penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam proses penyidikan.
Komitmen Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo untuk menuntaskan kasus Vina dengan transparan merupakan sebuah langkah penting dalam menegakkan supremasi hukum dan memenuhi harapan masyarakat akan penegakan keadilan di negeri ini. Selengkapnya : https://ad2stream.com/other/komitmen-kapolri-untuk-transparansi-kasus-vina-cirebon/
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dialoogid · 3 months
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Neverending... - Perfume for the Youth (1999)
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handsome-kakigori · 2 years
This came on my dash. You might have seen it before, but I'm sure you'd like to see it again xD I was never a huge fan of this ship, but I'm suddenly reminded how obsessed Aizen was with Ichigo, and suddenly, the ship makes sense
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Oh pls, he was set out on devouring him.
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This mf stalked Ichigo since his birth and planned everything abt it. Yes, obsession doesn’t even begin to describe his behaviour. That’s why he is in jail now tsk tsk, he needs to be BONKED
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fitsofgloom · 7 months
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Villains Not In Comic Books
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3baron3 · 1 year
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kekwcomics · 2 years
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Kilink İstanbul'da aka "Kilink in Istanbul" (1967) -- screen grab.
If you've never seen this movie, you're in for a treat with its pirated versions of assorted John Barry James Bond cues; 'Superhero', it's bizarre mash-up of Batman, Superman and CC Beck's Captain Marvel; and, of course, the vicious, murderous, skeleton-clad criminal mastermind, KILINK -- a Turkish bootleg of the Italian character, Killing, who is an Italian rip-off of Kriminal, another Italian character. Everything here is a xerox of a xerox. Even this copy of the film which is a dodgy, murky rip with random, bad, jump-cut edits -- which is exactly how movies like this should be watched! Settle in and ENJOY.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Luigi Corteggi - Kriminal: La camera d'ambra, 1968
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movieposters1 · 6 months
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