#Khatiri ''Khenzi'' Rhuimiel
coockie8 · 11 months
whose michael???? u talk aabout ray a lot but that ones new 👀👀👀👀👀👀
Michael was created by Ǻleẋandƴr as essentially a person-shaped therapy animal. Boiled down to it's barest bones, Michael is one of Ray's slaves.
And yes, one of. He has multiple. The others are Hayden, Vincenzo, and Khatiri; Ray calls him Khenzi 'cause he thinks he "doesn't look like a Khatiri". This is a common thing Ray does; if he doesn't like your name, he will just rename you to something he likes better. These slaves are different from Michael, though, because they chose this; they sold their souls to Ray for various reasons.
Hayden's, for example, was literally just because he wants to climb Ray like a mountain, and being owned by him increases those odds lol
Michael wasn't the first attempt at someone who could help mellow Ray out, though. Kentte came before that, but Ǻleẋandƴr misunderstood Ray's relationship with his Cosmic Entity, and wound up modelling Kentte's personality after Drakaerys, so Ray doesn't like Kentte. Like at all.
With the abolishment of Ǻleẋandƴr's hierarchical system, Michael could technically leave to just be free, but he loves Ray, so he won't. Ray's never been particularly controlling where Michael is concerned, and pretty much lets him do whatever he wants anyway, Michael is just extremely loyal to Ray.
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