#Kenichi Shikata
shikata · 2 years
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あなたがみる景色 / Your scenery
Video : 黒島地区
Video : 表参道   ///  Photo : 表参道
Nov. 2022
Material : Stainless steel, Steel, Nylon string, SUS wire, Arakawa Grip
Size:  440 x 380 x 580(cm)
黒島アートプロジェクト / Kuroshima Art Project 2022
主催 | 一般社団法人 能登半島広域観光協会
企業協力: Arakawa & Co., Ltd / 荒川技研工業株式会社
photo: Yasumitsu Takai
What is the "Scenery" that unfolds before your eyes?
The motif of this exhibition is one of the most important landscapes of the "Kuroshima area", but it is not intended to be one. What does this work look like to you? You might see it as a figurative work with a motif. You might feel a strong impression of the phenomenon of reflected light. You might see this place and its changes in the reflection on the metal surface, or the physical properties themselves.
What is the sight for you? What is this sight for you? I would like to think about the following.
The surface, which is composed of countless individual boards suspended from each other, is interlocked by the surrounding airflow and shakes, affecting each of the individuals. The light generated from this shines on the place and the boards themselves reflect the light captured by the surroundings and the other boards. It also changes in response to various environments, such as this place, external influences and people. This is exactly like the society in which we live, where each relationship is interlinked and linked to each other to create the place. The events that are deposited in you, the receiver of these events, also have a myriad of "forms".
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koholint · 5 months
todays playlist:
Michael Walthius - Stardancer
Tangerine Dream - Desert Drive
James Reynolds - Post Modern
David Van Tieghem - Future
Joe Hisaishi - I Don't Care
Akiko Shikata - Nazo?
Kuniaki Haishima - Yasashii Drill
Pyrolator - Rush Hour in Singapore
Murray Munro - The Journey
Kenichi Kimura - Yukio no Theme
RA - Visions B) Part 2 – Muttoni
John Van Eps - Automatic Man
Dave Hewson - Superstrider
Frank Zappa - While You Were Art II
Patrick Godfrey - Come Down Angels
thanks 4 listening!
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artjapan · 7 years
Art Fair Tokyo 2018 Preview Show
Art Fair Tokyo 2018 Preview Show at Seibu Shibuya Alternative Space Media: Painting - Drawing - Nihonga - Sculpture - Media Arts (2018-01-31 - 2018-02-18)
This exhibition offers a sneak peak at the “Art meets Life by Seibu Sogo” show that will be presented at Art Fair Tokyo. Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Seibu Shibuya has been promoting its store concept “Art meets Life” since 2011. The current theme “Creative in daily life” showcases cutting-edge fashion, art and design. At this year’s Art Fair Tokyo 2018 you can see works by six artists: Miya Ando, Hiroko Otake and Kenichi Shikata, who have been involved in “Art meet Life” initiative, as well as Yukimasa Ida, Houxo Que and Akie Yoshida. Venue: 8F B Building Art Gallery
from TAB Events - Most Popular http://www.tokyoartbeat.com/event/2018/23CA
Art Fair Tokyo 2018 Preview Show at Seibu Shibuya Alternative Space Media: Painting - Drawing - Nihonga - Sculpture - Media Arts (2018-01-31 - 2018-02-18)
This exhibition offers a sneak peak at the “Art meets Life by Seibu Sogo” show that will be presented at Art Fair Tokyo. Celebrating its 50th anniversary this year, Seibu Shibuya has been promoting its store concept “Art meets Life” since 2011. The current theme “Creative in daily life” showcases cutting-edge fashion, art and design. At this year’s Art Fair Tokyo 2018 you can see works by six artists: Miya Ando, Hiroko Otake and Kenichi Shikata, who have been involved in “Art meet Life” initiative, as well as Yukimasa Ida, Houxo Que and Akie Yoshida. Venue: 8F B Building Art Gallery
http://www.tokyoartbeat.com//media/event/2018/23CA-80 via Art Japan
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shikata · 2 years
あなたがみる景色 / Your scenery
Photo : 黒島地区
Video : 表参道   ///  Photo : 表参道
Material : Stainless steel, Steel, Nylon string, SUS wire, Arakawa Grip
Size:  440 x 380 x 580(cm) 
黒島アートプロジェクト / Kuroshima Art Project 2022
主催 | 一般社団法人 能登半島広域観光協会
企業協力: Arakawa & Co., Ltd / 荒川技研工業株式会社
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shikata · 2 years
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あなたとあなたがつくるかたち / Between you and you come in the different form 
(1-5 from Upside)1:  Between you and you come in the different form_ 4PL 4splits  2Block
(6-10 from Upside)2:  Between you and you come in the different form_ 5PL 5splits 2Block on wall 
Nov. 2022
Material : Stainless steel, Mortar
Size1: 155 x 35 x 35 (cm)
Size2: 112.5 x 44 x 41 (cm)
黒島アートプロジェクト / Kuroshima Art Project 2022
主催 | 一般社団法人 能登半島広域観光協会
photo : Yasumitsu Takai
The landscape you and you create.
What kind of "form" is there between two things? For example, between buildings around you, between nature such as mountains and the sea, between nature and towns, or even more microscopically between trees, walls, people, etc. If something exists there, there is a "place" between them. This does not only mean the shape of the space as it is, but also that it appears as the shape of the scene between these "spaces". In the same way, let's think about the spaces between these masses. Depending on how they relate to each other and what kind of external interference there is, different "forms" can be seen.
In this three-dimensional object, two or more blocks of concrete are placed. The stainless steel plates connected through the individual cracks are deformed by these arrangements and reflect the ambient light. Several choices are made as to the supports and the way in which the plates are to be supported, such as the distance between the supports, the direction of support and the number of plates to be placed. The ambient light information received by the deformed plate also varies depending on how it relates to the other plates. The information contained between the two, while linked to the surrounding environment, influences each other in this 'in-between' and creates a look. This complex interplay of information appears as these two "forms".
This is not limited to the "between" of the two mass, as they also relate to each other in the "between" of another, so that the "forms" are linked and change one after the other. In this way, the "between" between you and another you, and another you, and so on, will reveal various ways of being "shaped" in the way they relate to each other. The form that you see between these three dimensions is only one of the countless forms that you and someone else can create.
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shikata · 2 days
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“Growing in the ground / この地に生える” 2024
Video :
- Material : Stainless steel, Concret Size:≠8 x 8 x 2(m)  *可変サイズ / Variable size 越後妻有2024 大地の芸術祭 冬 / Echigo-Tsumari Art Field 2024 Winter 会場: まつだい『農舞台』フィールドミュージアム (十日町 ) / Matsudai “NOHBUTAi” Field Museum / iTokamachi
それは、自然だけでなく、もっと些細な周りの人の営みという人為的な場所の状況の変化にも影響を受け、二つに別れて捉えた景色を互いに追いかけ合いながら、情景を映し出します。風、雪、それらを含めた自然という大地の摂理と、この場所にいる人との関わりが、この立体そのものをつくるのです。 それは、この地がこの立体を育んでいくことでもあり、この地と相互に関係しながらこの風景の一部をになっていくことでもあります。その相互が関わり合う連鎖こそが、この場所となるのです。この作品が、これからこの場所と向き合い適応しながら、どのように風景の一部として、この大地を生きていくかを見つめていきたいと思います。
‘Made by the earth’ This work is about growing out of the ground. A single mirrored board, torn in two, is placed vertically from the ground, as if growing out of the earth. The three-dimensional object shimmers with the movement of the wind, sometimes pulled by gravity or by various natural stimuli such as snow and rain, changing the landscape that emerges. This ground creates the ‘shape’ of this three-dimensional object and this place. It is affected not only by nature, but also by the more trivial changes in the human condition of the place, such as the activities of the people around it, and the two separate landscapes are projected onto the scene, following each other. The wind, the snow, the providence of nature including them, and the relationship between the people in this place create this three-dimensional object itself. This means that the land nurtures the three-dimensionality and becomes a part of the landscape through mutual relations with the land. The chain of mutual relations is what makes this place what it is. I would like to look at how this work will face and adapt to this place and how it will live on this land as part of the landscape.
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shikata · 2 days
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“Your scenery / あなたがみる景色”
Video : 表参道
Photo : 黒島地区 /// Video : 黒島地区
- Material : Stainless steel, steel, Nylon string, SUS wire, Arakawa Grip Size: ≠4.2 x 2.1x 3(m) *可変サイズ / Variable size
個展「Situated Situation」 / Solo Exhibition “Situated Situation" 会場:TIERS GALLERY (荒川技研工業株式会社・東京 / Arakawa & Co., Ltd. ・ Tokyo)
主催 : 荒川技研工業株式会社 / Organizer : Arakawa & Co., Ltd. 照明協力 : アイティーエル株式会社 / In cooperation with “ITL CO., LTD”
2023年の表参道での個展で再度、本作を展示しました。最初の設置場所は、日本海が目の前に広がる能登半島でも有数の文化と自然を有する地区でした。それとは真逆の東京の、それも表参道にある個性的な建築が会場でした。前回の展示場所と、この場所での展示では観覧者が持つイメージは異なりました。前者では地域にとって、住民にとっての重要な具象的なイメージを連想させられことが多かったようで、後者での展示における作品は、役割のようなものや、装置的な意味合いとして機能しているように感じられる方が多くいらっしゃいました。 どちらが正解というわけではありませんが、会場の建築から地域に潜む背景、来場者の年代やどこに住んでいるか、住んでいたか、生活スタイルなども設置場所に応じ様々で、感じ方も様々だったのはとても印象的でした。このように、環境と作品の関係、また観覧者との関係が一変する状況は、作品の在り方を変える。さらには、その変化が場所自体を更新していく。このような「周囲の状況が作品をつくり、その状況がこの場をつくっていく」状況の連鎖による、変化の連続に「場」がつくられていく、その「導」となる関係性を考えた個展でした。
The work was exhibited again at a solo exhibition in Omotesando in 2023. The first installation was in the Noto Peninsula, one of the most cultured and natural areas of the Noto Peninsula, with the Sea of Japan stretching out in front of it. The opposite was Tokyo, where the venue was a unique building in Omotesando. The image visitors had of the previous exhibition was different from the one they had at this location. While the former was often associated with figurative images that were important to the area and its inhabitants, many felt that the works in the latter exhibition functioned as a kind of role, or as a device. Neither of these is necessarily the correct answer, but it was very impressive to see that the background behind the architecture of the venue and the local area, the age of the visitors, where they live or have lived, their lifestyles, etc., varied depending on the location of the installation, and the way they felt about it. In this way, a situation in which the relationship between the environment and the artwork, as well as the relationship with the visitors, changes the way in which the artwork is presented. Moreover, the changes renew the place itself. This was a solo exhibition that considered the relationship that serves as a ‘guide’ to the creation of a ‘place’ in a series of changes through a chain of situations in which ‘the surrounding situation creates the artwork and the situation creates the place’.
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shikata · 2 days
“交わる点 / Crossing”
Photo :
Material : ステンレス
Size: 約2.2 x 2.2 x 2(m) *可変サイズ / Variable size
個展「Situated Situation」 / Solo Exhibition “Situated Situation" 会場:TIERS GALLERY (荒川技研工業株式会社・東京 / Arakawa & Co., Ltd. ・ Tokyo)
主催 : 荒川技研工業株式会社 / Organizer : Arakawa & Co., Ltd. 照明協力 : アイティーエル株式会社 / In cooperation with “ITL CO., LTD”
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shikata · 2 days
“Growing scenery / 成長する景色”
Photo :
Material: Stainless steel, Aluminum, Concret
Size: 1.9 x 6.6 x 2.05 (m) *可変サイズ / variable size 黒島・福浦アートプロジェクト(2023) / Kuroshima Fukura Art Project2023
会場 : 福浦港 (志賀町) / Fukura Port (Shika-machi)
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shikata · 2 days
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“Growing scenery / 成長する景色” 2023
Video :
Material: Stainless steel, Aluminum, Concret
Size: 1.9 x 6.6 x 2.05 (m) *可変サイズ / variable size 黒島・福浦アートプロジェクト(2023) / Kuroshima Fukura Art Project2023
会場 : 福浦港 (志賀町) / Fukura Port (Shika-machi)
写真 / Photo : 木村 悟之 / KIMURA Noriyuki
Like a plant growing from even the smallest crack, the landscape grows and becomes this place at any moment. The work is shaped by the artificial ground, a structure currently looming over the harbour in the area. The shape is fixed, containing a number of structures, slightly higher than the interior of this structure, pressed into it, and containing only enough movement to vibrate in the wind. We see the sea and the town in front of us reflected on the surface of a long, thin metal plate that has been deformed in agreement with the site, and the changes in light and wind at different times of the day, in the present and in the future, superimposed on the structure that will soon end its role. The works also reflect each other, so depending on where you look, you may see things you didn't see or didn't care about. To be aware of this place, this view, is to be aware of the presence of each of the others.
One day this structure, which is now part of the landscape, will have served its purpose and there may be no structure there, but a new part of the landscape will be created again. Just as the accumulation of history that began with the state of nature has created the landscape of today, this place will become the ground for the next landscape of this town. This work overlaps the original nature of this place and the landscape that has been created by it from various angles. I want people to look at this landscape, which has gradually changed over the years. Seeing is not just seeing, it is recognising. It is also not just knowing it, but consciously reading it, and I think it is the most important act for the next landscape, for looking at and discovering the possibilities of this land and its future, and for renewing this place.
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shikata · 2 days
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その間に在る / be in between
Video :
Material : Stainless steel, Concret
Size:  ≠ 25 x 25 x 50〜35(cm) *可変サイズ / Variable size
東京ビエンナーレ2023 / Tokyo Biennale 2023
会場 : セントラルイーストトーキョー / Central East Tokyo 2023 ・大原第5ビル (東京) / Ohara NO'5 Bilding (East Tokyo)
協力企業 : 株式会社かねよし
それぞれの間に在るかたちはどんなだろうか? この作品の2つのコンクリートの塊の間に在るかたちは、この建物の階段に居場所を探しながらこの場所と関わり、様々な姿を見せる。 この建物に入ると、街から建物に意識が移るが、階段を上りながら、窓を介して外を見ると街へと意識は傾く。街と繋がるようにも、一瞬途切れるようにも、上階が近づくに連れて、交互に現れるその2つの意識が徐々に強く交差していくように感じた。その後、外に出ると最初は意識していなかった窓の内側が気になりだした。上階へ進む行為とその体験、物理的なの変化が、建物の内外の関係、さらには私と街と大原第5ビルの間にもいくつものかたちを生じさせたのだった。 この建物においての階段は上下階や各戸を接続させるのはもちろん、建物と街との曖昧な境界という間(はざま)でもある。だが階段に置かれていく作品たちが、屋外から見えてきたり、建築が時代を重ねた様子を色濃く残す階段と手摺りの標になることでこの場所に介入した立体は、そもそもの階段の機能としての在り方とは別に、この場所の互いの関係に異なる様相をもたらしていく。作品と建物との間のかたちは、確実に他の在り方にも影響を与えながらこの場所の状況は変化し、連鎖していく。 この街の中でも、誰かと誰か、何かと何か、のようなミクロな関係からみえてくる無数の“かたち”は互いの間に在る“かたち”と影響し合いながら、この場所をかたちつくっていく。 街にある建物や人、それぞれの状況の移り変わり中で、互いに関わりそして繋がりながら様々なかたちは生まれ、それは今のこの街となるのだ。
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shikata · 2 days
Under Constraction...Video of the work
“Experimental composition of light and objects / 光とオブジェクトの実験的構成”
Photo :
個展「Situated Situation」 / Solo Exhibition “Situated Situation" 会場:TIERS GALLERY (荒川技研工業株式会社・東京 / Arakawa & Co., Ltd. ・ Tokyo)
主催 : 荒川技研工業株式会社 / Organizer : Arakawa & Co., Ltd. 照明協力 : アイティーエル株式会社 / In cooperation with “ITL CO., LTD”
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shikata · 2 days
Under Constraction...
Video of the work
“Your crossings / あなたたちの出会うとき”
Photo :
Material : Stainless steel
Size: ≠4.2 x 2.1x 3(m)**可変サイズ / Variable size
個展「Situated Situation」 / Solo Exhibition “Situated Situation"
会場:TIERS GALLERY (荒川技研工業株式会社・東京 / Arakawa & Co., Ltd. ・ Tokyo)
主催 : 荒川技研工業株式会社 / Organizer : Arakawa & Co., Ltd.
照明協力 : アイティーエル株式会社 / In cooperation with “ITL CO., LTD”
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shikata · 2 days
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“Your crossings / あなたたちの出会うとき” 2021-23
Video :
- Material : Stainless steel Size: ≠4.2 x 2.1x 3(m)**可変サイズ / Variable size 個展「Situated Situation」 / Solo Exhibition “Situated Situation" 会場:TIERS GALLERY (荒川技研工業株式会社・東京 / Arakawa & Co., Ltd. ・ Tokyo)
主催 : 荒川技研工業株式会社 / Organizer : Arakawa & Co., Ltd. 照明協力 : アイティーエル株式会社 / In cooperation with “ITL CO., LTD”
重力によって変化し「地球にまかせる」をテーマにかたちをつくるGravityという作品シリーズの一つです。この作品は吊り位置や切り込みの状態はもちろん、形状や素材の厚みによって、微細な変化でかたちは大きく異なってきます。 これら“個”の集合が、場所とどのように関わりながら、建物と、もしくは状況と適応し、互いに場をつくっていくかについて考えました。 ほんの少しのきっかけからかたちつくられる様々な個性を、近接した位置に配置しています。これらは、ほんの小さなきっかけの違いでできた、それぞれの形が異なる"個”で、近くにあることで空気の流れや、周囲の景色の変化を互いに捉えあったり、それぞれに光の影響を及ぼし、さらに個性は際立ってきます。これらは良い関係に影響し合うこともあれば、互いにとって邪魔になっていたり、それぞれの“個”が、互いに“個”の一部となるだけでなく、この場所の一部としてこの景色をつくっていくのです。 これらの立体群と同じく、この世界で生きていくということは、他者という、それぞれの“個”の存在が互いを担っているのです。“個”それぞれがつくる状況は小さなことかもしれないが、それらは互いが出会うことによって大きな集合をなし、この世界の景色をみせてくれているのだと思います。
This is one of a series of works called Gravity, which changes with gravity and creates forms on the theme of ‘letting the earth do the work’. The work varies greatly in form through minute changes in the position of the suspension, the state of the incision, as well as the shape and thickness of the material. I thought about how a set of these ‘individuals’ could interact with a place, adapt to the building or situation, and create a place for each other. The various individualities, which are formed from the smallest of triggers, are placed in close proximity to each other. These are ‘individuals’, each with a different shape, created by the smallest of triggers, and when they are close together they can catch the flow of air and changes in the surrounding landscape, and they can also influence each other with light, making their individuality stand out even more. They can influence each other in a positive way, or they can be an obstacle to each other, and each ‘individual’ is not only a part of the other ‘individual’, but also a part of this place, creating this landscape. They are not only part of each other's ‘individuality’, but also part of this place, creating this landscape. As with these three-dimensional groups, living in this world means that each ‘individual’ - the other - is a part of the other. The situation created by each ‘individual’ may be small, but when they meet each other, they form a large set and show us the landscape of this world.
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hikalutanabe · 2 months
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N building project
年 / Year : 2018
場所 / Site : 東京都中央区 / Chuo-Ku, Tokyo 
用途 / Program : 物販店舗 / Shop
構造 / Structure : RC造 / RC
敷地面積  / Site Area:–㎡
建築面積 / Building Area : –㎡
延床面積 / Floor Area:–㎡
設計 / Architect : 田邊曜建築設計事務所 / hkl studio
デザイン協力 / Design collaboration : 四方謙一 / Kenichi Shikata
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hikalutanabe · 2 months
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MIYASHITA PARK ポップアップストア / Pop-up Store
場所 / Site : 東京都渋谷区 / Shibuya, Tokyo  
竣工年 / Year : 2020
用途 / Program : 物販店舗 / Shop
面積 / Area : 108㎡
設計・監理 / Architect : 田邊曜建築設計事務所 / hkl studio
照明計画 / Lighting design : 岡安泉照明設計事務所 / Izumi Okayasu Lighting Design Office
美術作品 / Art work : 四方謙一 / Kenichi Shikata 
Flowing time reflecting on the river
※施設共有部の常設作品 / For permanent art works in common areas of the facility.
写真 / Photo : 加藤 甫 /  Hajime Kato
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