#Keith Lemon
hollywforever · 5 months
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Holly Willoughby attends the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival at the International Conference Centre on August 23, 2012 in Edinburgh, Scotland.
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panelshowsource · 10 months
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margielamoonrock · 1 year
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gaykarstaagforever · 2 years
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Hey people from the UK, please explain...all of this.
Ooosh bang tidy, indeed.
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boyprinzessin · 5 months
Keith's outfit analysis
I support all the fanon Keith fashion but I feel like his canon casual clothes say a lot more about him than people realize and I wanted to bring attention to that for a sec.
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Also it's kind of funny nobody seems to comment on how he's wearing athleisure. These are not jeans or trousers. The belt isn't attached to his pants. He's wearing leggings. And a fitted top and cropped light weight jacket. He's dressed like he's ready to do cardio at any moment
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The above screenshots are from Lulu Lemon. Fingerless gloves arent even a fashion statement for him, he drives a hoverbike. Boots are practical too.
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If you look at Shiro (who’s wearing Keith’s dad’s clothes) and Keith next to the other humans you can see their clothes are really focused on practicality compared to the others. They’re pretty simple and mostly black, easy to put on quickly and perfect for hiding dirt or blood. They're made for movement.
I think people focus a bit too much on how edgy he looks and miss that at it's core his outfit prioritizes comfort, simplicity, and practicality. Which isn't to say that I dislike when people lean into punk and emo aesthetics with him, I'm just interested in what's already there.
Also I think the "I'm Keith and I'm so emo" line did irreversible damage to Keith character analysis if I'm being honest.
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littlebagoflemons · 2 months
dalien watched the episode of voltron where its revealed that keith is half galran and bawled his eyes out because god fucking damn he’s just like him fr
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greenbirdgreen · 1 month
the terrible pain of wanting animatics and not having any. so many ideas. Please
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niqosblog · 7 months
Why Do People Distrust Reboots of Cartoons?
An Analysis
Root of The Trust Issues
I feel like ever since Teen Titans Go, people have lost faith in reboots of classic shows. Especially since their only basis is "this is a show for little kids", and they expect it to be immature and plotless.
You can't just announce that you're making a TV show reboot of a classic with a more simplistic art style without expecting backlash.
Just saying "I like the [insert media] reboot!" Everyone is gonna be on your back and say that it's a bad lifeless reboot. But I believe that some are actually good. They have kept up similar themes and still progress with the modern world.
The Exception
If we're really getting into this topic, may I say that Voltron: Legendary Defender is a reboot that people loved to pieces. Even with its awful ending, people still loved it. Yet no one asked for it.
No one looked at the old Voltron and said "I wish there was a reboot".
Was the show good? YES!
It performed amazing during its run. It had a strong fan following to it as well.
Was it bar for bar, character for character accurate? NO!
Keith was supposed to end up with Allura, going so far as to marry her. Pidge was actually a clumsy dwarf boy that had a crush on Allura. Hunk was some buff white guy rather than a chubby Samoan dude.
Yet, did people complain? ALSO NO. And the only reason why, was the art style.
Simplistic Art Style
Then we get to things like the My Little Pony and Strawberry Shortcake Reboot. These are objectively good reboots as a stand alone, without a nostalgia bias.
They have representation, life lessons, friendship themes, basically everything that the original was. But the fact it's a 'reboot' is what throws people into hysteria.
Strawberry Shortcake was always a spunky girl who would always problem solve in a kind and caring way. Always true to her friends, loved making friends.
She is such a stereotypical good girl that the show even pokes fun at it. Making jokes that she's too trustworthy and friendly. And they keep this trend in the reboot. Yet people didn't watch it.
And you want to know why?
"it looks lifeless" "it lost its spark" "the designs are ugly"
Why This Argument Sucks
This isn't a real argument. Exhibit A would be Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT).
We can agree that TMNT has kept a consistent art style. Mostly consisting of the big eyes, similar body shapes, wide mouths... The only two thing differentiating them being the eye covers and weapons.
Now in the reboot, there are several differences.
Raphael - Stocky, beefy, wider, taller, snaggle tooth
Leonardo - skinner waist, broad shoulders, long head, slightly muscular arms, eye markings
Donatello - basically the same as Leo but he has skinner arms, and goggles
Michaelangelo - rounder, shorter, bigger eyes, more colors
Unlike the other adaptations, where they look like the same copy and paste character with a slight hue shift, they actually look different. But before it came out, there was a lot of backlash of the characters looking ugly.
That soon changed when clips started circling around that people gave it a shot. And guess what. They liked it! They called the characters charming and unique, and even got a huge fandom from shares on Tiktok and advertisements from the program airing the show.
Sure, people did complain about the simplicity. But they eventually came to enjoy it. So why can't people keep the same energy for other reboots?
The biggest factor of all is nostalgia. I loved Strawberry Shortcake: Berry Bitty Adventures. And I dabbled in watching the 2003 version because I loved it when I was a kid. Yet, I still love the reboot.
Berry in the Big City isn't a bad reboot, people just don't want to give it a chance because of the nostalgia factor. They grew up with the 2003-2009 version and expect no changes, and when things did change they threw a fit.
I don't know how to tell you this, but this show was made for KIDS. Not teenagers looking for a fun watch, not adults looking for a taste of classic TV, but children.
Sure, there are some teens and adults who love this show because they might be a babysitter or an older sibling. Or maybe just someone who heard it was good and wanted to give it a watch.
But if your only reason for disliking a show is that "it's not my [insert character]" is showing that you're just scared of change. If I'm really being honest, BITBC shows more personality in their characters.
Back in Berry Bitty Adventures, they all felt like the same girl just with a different goal. Here, Strawberry is more hyperactive and passionate, Blueberry is going with the flow and airhead-ish, Orange is a competitive athlete, Lemon is an emotionally closed off inventor, Lime is a nerdy fashionista.
And they all look different.
I have confused Raspberry Torte and Strawberry in 2009 more times than I can count. Even characters like Cherry Jam and Blueberry who have a different color scheme, look similar when desaturated.
And if you feel hurt by the fact that I'm saying cons about a series you loved as a kid, then you're part of the problem.
I don't expect you to say that "oh, yeah, I can see that." but instead, admit that not everything you grew up with was perfect.
And if Strawberry Shortcake isn't enough proof that people glorify the original too much, may I remind you people continuously hate the Monster High reboot.
The original had racial stereotypes, outdated jokes, sexist characters, toxic relationships (that for some reason stayed together), misrepresentation of disorders, and way more.
The reboot actually tries to be sensitive to who might be watching their show. They made Asian coded characters not yellow, they properly represent disabilities, they don't make Abbey's foreign accent a joke, they have body diversity. And g1 is apparently still superior.
Another reminder is that when g1 tried to make progress with their first gay character, they back tracked it and made it subtext. There will always be a problem with g1 Monster High, the only people who ignore it are people who are scared of change.
Are you supposed to watch all reboots from now and forever into eternity. No. This is just a thing I noticed when goons glaze on a cartoon that they (probably) didn't even watch getting a reboot.
There are bad reboots out there, (I'm looking at you Velma..), but I feel like if you just watched a couple episodes you'd find them more enjoyable. The original doesn't disappear when you watch a reboot. In fact, most of the examples I've mentioned are free on YouTube.
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timmurleyart · 1 month
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Iced lemonade and sleepy time bat. 🍋💤🦇
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ladystrallan · 2 years
18th century Heathers
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hollywforever · 6 months
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Holly Willoughby attends the BGC Partners Charity Day on September 29, 2022 in London, England. 
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freudyou · 2 years
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AU where Dean survives his barn impalement and when he wakes up from his coma or whatever in the hospital, he immediately grabs Sam by the lapels and is like “I KNOW WHAT I NEED TO DO WITH MY LIFE I SAW IT IN MY COMA DREAM.” So he opens a bar with a name that he thinks is hilarious
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thoulizziers · 9 months
I did say It was gonna be cursed in the discord...
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Do you still write Voltron fanfiction, it's been a while, but I was hoping for some Kacxa smut?
Keith was nominally the quiet one. People had different names for it. Stoic was one people liked. Strong and silent was flattering but didn't quite cover all the bases. Lance sometimes liked to use the phrase "snooty."
But, Acxa thought as her lover slammed her against the wall, drawing a hiss from her throat, those didn't really cover all the little sounds that Keith could make.
She'd heard him whimper, sob, laugh, cough, make any number of noises, sometimes because of her.
But today it seemed she was the one to be making noises.
With a growl, Keith leaned in and roughly kissed her, his hand holding her in place while Acxa threaded her hands through his hair. They'd been training outside, in the molten heat of a New Mexico summer and they needed to work off some steam.
The dusty ground swallowed the sound of their weapons being dropped, but she could imagine the clatter of them on the metal floor of a ships training deck.
The rip of the top she wore, though, that seemed to put a fire in her belly, enough to begin shucking off Keith's armor to let her get at the tightly corded shoulders and arms.
Now both naked to the waist, Keith laid her down on the ground and began kissing his way to the waistband of her pants and Acxa gasped when his lips met the space between it and her navel.
Yes, she was the one making the sounds right now. But just wait until it was her turn and she got her hands on Keith.
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shadesofnavy · 1 year
So I don't know if that lemon demon man whore guy is in your FNF verse but if he is then I hope that your Keith would be sensible enough to NOT try to fight him like shslpunkartist99's Keith lmao
Oooo, eheh. I don't really have a take on him as of now, but I do think Keith would, erm be provoked to fight by Lemon Demon if they met
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