#Keiran is M/n
Dead Men x M/n - Trouble (Part 4 of Dead Men meet M/n)
WARNING!: Cursing, mention of blood and gore AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
The names are all pronounced this !: Keiran(M/n) – Keer- in or Keer-awn Laoise – Lah-weese Lorcan – Lor-ken
As Skulduggery arrived at the Hotel Midnight, he already saw the Motorcycle of Keiran outside. He parked his car, turned off the engine, got out, locked the car and then entered the Hotel. As soon as he was inside he was tackled by a small girl.
“Daddy ! Are you okay ?!”, the girl greeted worried.
She was looking like an eight year old, but she was a bit older than that. Skulduggery’s children knew from the beginning that they were Mages, which caused them to age differently than other Mages. They aged slower.
“Hello, Laoise. I’m fine, my Darling. How are you, your Mom and older Brother ? I heard Serpine was around you again and Cousin Keiran had to beat his butt.”, Skulduggery asked worried.
Then a Teenage boy entered the Father’s sight.
“We have been doing alright, Dad. Keiran really whooped his ass.”, the boy replied with a snort.
“Lorcan, Son, I’m so relieved to see you alright. Last time...”, Skulduggery interrupted himself, struck with guilt.
“It’s in the past, Dad. You tried your best and I am still here and in one piece, aren’t I ?”, Lorcan replied with a smile.
Skulduggery smiled back, still feeling bad for what almost happened to him and his wife a few years ago. If Keiran, Ghastly and Anton wouldn’t have been with him, he could have lost them both, because of his own stupidity...
A woman came into view next and she smiled a small, worried smile.
“Love.”, she greeted Skulduggery.
“Honey... I’m so sorry, I was busy with the case of Gordon and the connections it had with Serpine, that I made the same mistake again and was away for longer than I should have.”, Skulduggery explained and rushed to her side, worry clear in his eyes.
She chuckled and held his hands.
“It’s alright, my Dear. We could have called you. Keiran always keeps an eye out for us all, so you don’t have to worry so much. Nothing bad happened.”, she assured her Husband.
“It is still not right of me.”
“You have a very serious job and you love overworking, so you have everything solved faster, to spend time with us again. We are not angry.”
Skulduggery looked at his wife in guilt.
“It’s still not-mph ?!”, Skulduggery was interrupted by his wife kissing him.
It caught him off guard, but he returned the kiss. After they parted, she looked at him with a serious face.
“Now shut up. It’s fine and I will punish you, if you keep trying to argue with me.”, his wife threatened.
Skulduggery swallowed a bit harder than usual. His wife was good with punishments... He hated them.
“Noted, Honey.”, he replied.
“Are you done with your sexual tension and come to Papa’s room, already ?”, Keiran asked annoyed.
The two snapped apart and Skulduggery’s wife chuckled awkwardly, while Skulduggery himself blushed a deep shade of red. How embarrassing that Keiran caught them...
“On our way, little Nephew.”, his wife replied.
“Good. And PLEASE stop smooching near me. Eww.”
“No promises.”, Skulduggery teased.
Keiran made a sound of disgust. He didn’t like it, when he had to see people kissing. It was weird and didn’t look nice to him. He liked kisses on the hair and forehead, but on the lips ? Hell no. Ewww...
They entered Anton’s room and Skulduggery saw everyone there already. Ghastly, Saracen, Dexter, Erskine, Anton, Hopeless, Larrikin, Keiran, Lorcan, Laoise and Stephanie. They were all there. Skulduggery and his wife sat down on the last free couch.
“So what did you find out ?”, Anton asked.
Stephanie started, before Skulduggery could.
“Serpine is after the Scepter of the Ancients. For some reason he killed my Uncle, so maybe he had it last and locked it away somewhere in Grimwood. Maybe it is just a replica, but he killed my Uncle for it, so we should take it serious.”, she explained.
Everyone stared at her and Laoise looked at her Dad.
“Papa, may I speak ?”
“Sure, Darling.”, he replied.
Laoise looked at Stephanie again, stare hard and serious.
“You DO know that the Scepter is just a myth, right ?”
“I do. Skulduggery told me that at the very beginning. But if Serpine takes it for real, maybe we should too and get our hands on it, before he does. My Uncle must have it somewhere in Grimwood.”
Lorcan stared at her in worry.
“Dad, do you think the same thing as the Mortal ?”, he asked Skulduggery.
“I do, actually. I am very certain that Serpine killed Gordon and he was a collector too. China assumed the same that he had something, where you have to die, in order for the next person to own it entirely. The Scepter was ONE of these things.”
“Not this again... Listen little girl...This is not your world. You don’t know much about our cultures and how things work. Of course she would believe Skulduggery’s opinions.”, Ghastly said.
“Uncle Ghastly, kindly shut up.”, Keiran said.
“Keiran !”, Anton scolded.
“Papa, think about it. This is like many other things we faced before. Mevolent was supposed to be very evil and a psychopath, but he wasn’t. Abyssinia was supposed to be nice and helpful. But she was a Psycho, who tried to get Uncle Skulduggery to be evil and, let us be honest, he was probably not the only one she corrupted. Immortality is supposed to be impossible, but Abyssinia had that trait. NOTHING is impossible. At this point I don’t even doubt that the Scepter of the Ancients exist and the Faceless Ones are real. We’ve seen a lot of crazy shit.”, Keiran countered.
At that everyone looked at one another.
“He has a point...”, Hopeless stated.
They all agreed.
“Also, what Uncle Ghastly said was quite rude.”, Lorcan stated.
“It wasn’t. She can still go back to her normal life.”, Ghastly argued back.
Keiran glared at Ghastly.
“Uncle...you are stupid. Uncle Skul doesn’t just pull Randos into the world of Mages. Something must have happened and as we all know Serpine, he probably sent someone to Grimwood and the girl was there.”
Skulduggery nodded.
“The bridge was flooded and her Mother’s car broke down. Only one of them could go with the workers and the girl offered to stay the night at Gordon’s house. She inherited it after all. It was raining heavily, so she was stuck over there and her Mother couldn’t cross over. I was there by coincidence.”, he explained.
“Some creep called me and wanted a key from me and urged me to tell him my name, which I refused to do. Then he started to aggressively knock on the front door and after I didn’t let him inside, he smashed the window in and entered. He was about to kill me as Skulduggery came and scared him off. He was forced to use Magic and his gun, but the creep left. I was in shock and passed out, as I woke up he made me tea and we talked a bit. After he wanted to leave, I forced him to take me with himself, because he bashed the door in and it was broken, so anyone could have entered and killed me next.”, Stephanie explained.
“She even took my hat hostage and threatened to stand on it...”, Skulduggery said saddened.
Hopeless snorted and then laughed at that.
“Then he explained a few things and I wanted to help out. He tried to scare me off, but I refused to let him do that. Then I found out as we were at China’s, that my Uncle got murdered and we talked a lot about Serpine, so I started to think it was him, until we found motives, so that’s why I am still around. I will avenge my Uncle and I want to do this for myself as well. It is easy for a Mage to say ‘Go back to your usual life, you are saver there’, but you don’t know that. Normal life is BORING. And safety ? Really ? I could be kidnapped the next second from school, I could be killed on my way home, I could be raped, HECK ! I just need to fall off of a bench stupidly and can break my neck by accident ! There is no safety.”, she said with a glare at Ghastly.
“True.”, Keiran agreed.
“When was life ever safe ? The Mortal world is sometimes more dangerous than our world.”, Lorcan stated with a shiver.
Keiran shivered at that too and nodded.
“Remember Freddy’s.”, he told Lorcan.
Lorcan glared at Keiran and had goose bumps.
“Shut up ! That was the WORST place to work at with you ! Asshole !”
“Ouch. Not my fault that Meritorius wanted us to go there and investigate, because the stupid American Sanctuary didn’t do shit about it, even though they knew what was going on !”, Keiran defended himself.
“You two went on a MISSION ?! Without MY and ANTON’S PERMISSION ?!”, Skulduggery yelled at them angered.
They both flinched and looked at Anton and Skulduggery. They both stared at them angrily.
“Well...we thought it was an easy pocket money job, really. We get money from Meritorius, if we watch the place and find anything suspicious there, while we also made money for five nightshifts. We had no idea that it would be actually dangerous.”, Keiran explained.
“The pay was terrible from the estate...”, Lorcan pouted.
“VERY terrible. One hundred and twenty bucks per week... For what we have seen and had to do, we deserved like five times more than that.”
“We did.”, Lorcan confirmed.
“Trauma on a stick. I will NEVER do the graveyard shift EVER again.”
“Me neither. I will enjoy driving around with my Father at night but never EVER get out of the car at night. Hell, I wouldn’t even let my own FATHER out of the damn car.”
Skulduggery and Anton got worried at that.
“I will only go on top of Papa’s roof, to go star gazing. You will NEVER see me anywhere else at night AGAIN.”, Keiran told Lorcan.
“I still jump at night, whenever I hear the smallest of sounds, Keiran.”
“I am already scared just looking at my door and window. Bruh. This shit really gave us a good taste.”
“We should have destroyed the place.”
“Mike Schmidt did in the end, did you forget ?”
“I did in fact.”
“Oh...wait...RIGHT ! You were passed out in one of the spare suits. I forgot...”, Keiran said sheepishly.
“Ha. Ha. Not funny. Kenspeckle had a lot of work to do.”, Lorcan pouted.
“I know. I saw you.”
“I gave you a scare, didn’t I ?”
“One hell of a scare.”
“At least I achieved that.”
“What are you two talking about ?”, Larrikin asked, worried.
They stopped talking and looked at everyone.
“Oh well, I supposed you have a right to know.”, Keiran said unbothered.
“We are SOOO getting grounded.”, Lorcan groaned.
“Meh. Not like we had it coming.”
“Alright so, we went to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. There were four Animatronics. Bonnie the Bunny, Chica the Chicken, Foxy the Pirate Fox and Freddy Fazbear. We were supposed to watch the place at night in exchange for some money. And so we did.”, Keiran started.
“We had no idea what we signed ourselves up for...”, Lorcan said with slight fear in his eyes.
“Meritorius also asked us to investigate there. Rumors said that five children went missing there and never found again. They never left the building apparently, so they had to be somewhere. They were reported dead after a while, because no one ever found them. It had been like...20 to 30 years now, since they disappeared. But more and more children went missing near places that belonged to Fazbear Entertainment.”
“To this day children disappear, that were at Fazbear Entertainment’s attractions.”, Lorcan added.
“But now even adults go missing. People that work for and with Fazbear Entertainment, so this is getting serious. Adults went missing in Freddy’s too, but only the night guards. After a while...well...we were sent to investigate and you were already on three cases, Uncle Skul, so he asked Lorcan and me to take over that case.”
“We went there and at first nothing was out of place. We looked around, looked into all rooms and tried to find anything that proved murders in the building or that the kids died there.”
“That was until the clock hit 3AM. We heard metallic sounds, it was heavy and creaked. As we looked, Bonnie was off of his stage. He glared right at us and suddenly sprinted after us.”, Keiran said, with a haunted expression.
“We sprinted like Demons to the office and shut the door on his face. Then we watched the cams and Chica was gone too.”, Lorcan explained, fear evident on his face.
“Music started to be played from the carousel that was in the main dining room, without anyone touching it. The cams started to twitch and show weird texts and we heard laughter of a child from time to time.”
“The Animatronics started to make glitching noises and moaned from time to time.”
“In the cams you could see posters of missing children some times. They only seemed to be there from time to time, but not all the time.”
“For clearance, there were no missing posters in Freddy’s, but when you stared at the Cameras, there appeared some from thin air.”
“I tell you, the place was haunted.”, Keiran got out.
Everyone stared at the two boys. They seemed frightened to just talk about it.
“Each night got worse. Each night we got a phone call and the man explained how to survive these things, until...”, Lorcan continued.
“Night five... His Power ran out and they got him. We heard the screaming of the Animatronics and how the phone was slammed on the table.”, Keiran finished Lorcan’s cut off sentence.
“He asked us to check one of the suits, when we finished our shift. Because these things STUFF you inside them, if they get you. He said, it doesn’t sound bad, but imagine a pile of metal shoving you into a Springlock suit, by force. You will be crushed if they stuff you in there.”
Anton and Skulduggery, with his Family, covered their mouths in shock, while Stephanie looked at them in horror.
“They got more aggressive with each night. Foxy ran for the office, if you didn’t keep an eye on him and Freddy moved if you didn’t look at him each night through the cameras. If the Power Generator went out, that meant one of them will get you, while you can’t defend yourself anymore. In other words, you will be fucked, if the Power runs out.”
“We couldn’t use any Magic either, which was scary. At daytime they worked, but as soon as the clock hit midnight, we were powerless.”, Lorcan told everyone.
Keiran only nodded.
“At the fifth night, we met Mike Schmidt. He sneaked inside and wanted to burn down the location. We decided to help him and we made it pretty well, Mike even had an axe with himself in case. But the power ran out ten minutes before 6AM.”
“Six AM is the time where all the spook stops and everything goes back to normal.”, Lorcan explained quickly.
“Until 6AM you won’t get out alive. They snatched Lorcan by the arm and tore him away from us. Mike and me, we hid away and played Cat and Mouse with the Animatronics, until 6AM. As soon as it hit six, we heard an ear piercing scream and we ran for the parts and service room, while the Animatronics were back on stage and Freddy had blood on his hands.”, Keiran explained, look far away.
Lorcan looked away, silent.
“We found Lorcan stuffed inside a Freddy Springlock suit. It made creaking sounds and Mike quickly acted by winding up the Springlocks, then he got Lorcan out as fast as possible. I carried him out, while Mike spread all the gasoline and then set the place on fire. We parted ways and I quickly brought Lorcan to Kenspeckle. He fixed him up and wanted information of what happened.”
“But we were too traumatized to talk about it back then. Even now it is still hard to talk about it.”, Lorcan finished.
“There was so much blood...”, Keiran got out, voice distant and filled with horror.
Skulduggery stared at his Son and Nephew, horror and worry on his face. He will have to talk with Kenspeckle to get an understanding of how bad it was.
“We would be crazy, if we would say that the Scepter of the Ancients isn’t real. Ghosts and killing Machines aren’t supposed to be real either, but here we are. Living proof.”, Lorcan got out with an empty chuckle.
Keiran still looked distant.
“This was worse than what I have ever seen in my whole life. I thought Lorcan was dead right then and there...”, he said.
“Welp, I am a survivor, Keiran. I am still alive and very healthy.”, Lorcan said happily.
“Thank fuck for that. Your Dad would have set the whole world on fire, if you wouldn’t have survived.”, Keiran said, snapping out of his distant state.
“You would have helped him.”, Lorcan deadpanned.
“Of course I would have. He’s my Uncle.”, Keiran confirmed.
Everyone stared at them and silently agreed, that they should believe that the Scepter is real, for now.
“Anyways ! Back to our actual topic ! I think we need to find the key, before Serpine does and get the Scepter before he does. Then me and Lorcan will whoop that right red handed bastard’s ass and give him over to Meritorius. No, even better ! We kill him off, so he can’t bother anyone anymore !”, Keiran suggested happily.
Ghastly, Saracen, Hopeless and Skulduggery stared at Keiran in shock.
“Did you wake up and chose violence today, Keiran ?”, Dexter asked.
“I always choose violence, when it comes to Nefarian Serpine.”, Keiran stated darkly.
Anton looked at his Son with concern.
“I don’t think violence is the answer this time.”, Saracen said carefully.
Keiran snapped his head to Saracen and faced him.
“With Serpine it is the ONLY answer. I can’t wait to bash his head in. He is one annoying, psychopathic piece of shit.”
“I agree with Keiran. Why try and jail him ? He will get out one day and go after us again. He still wants Dad dead and when he gets out again, the more he wants to kill him. We will never be safe as long as Serpine is alive.”, Lorcan told everyone.
“I agree with Bubba. He never leaves us alone. He is always there and stalks us.”, Laoise agreed with her Cousin and Brother.
“He is already a very big threat with that hand of his.”, Skulduggery’s wife agreed with the kids.
“True...”, Anton admitted.
The rest did so as well.
“He is a big issue, so let us get rid of it. Now we need to find out where the key is and what it looks like.”
“I am working on that with the girl already.”, Skulduggery said.
“Then we will keep eyes open and have sharp ears everywhere, until you have the key.”, Dexter said.
“And I will keep your Family in here.”, Anton stated.
“Thank you Anton. I owe you one.”, Skulduggery thanked the Hotelier.
“I will hold you up on that promise.”, Anton said and then left the room first.
“Good luck, Skul.”, Erskine wished him.
Ghastly held Stephanie back and gave her a bundled pile of fabrics.
“Your clothes. Be careful.”, Ghastly told her.
“I will be and thank you.”, she replied.
Ghastly nodded and then left.
“Welp then...we have a riddle to solve.”, Skulduggery said.
“We have indeed.”
With that they left the Hotel and entered Skulduggery’s car, driving back to Grimwood.
“We need to look at the door again and look what the keyhole looks like. Maybe we can make a duplicate of it and unlock the door.”, Skulduggery suggested.
“Good idea.”
“I always have only good ideas.”
“Sure you do...”, Stephanie replied with sarcasm.
“I do.”, he tried to convince her.
“Yeah, of course, Mr. ‘I leave a girl in her house defenseless with a knocked out front door’.”
Skulduggery pouted.
“Not fair.”
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theres-a-body-here · 8 months
Kieran Duffy x Male!reader
(Sequel to this post)
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Over the past few days since Kieran saved Arthur and joined the gang, you noticed how he kept his distance from you, tending to the horses and keeping mostly to himself. The incident in the stable seemed to have left quite an impact on him. During your encounters, he would quickly avert his gaze and hurry away whenever possible.
Observing Kieran from afar as he brushed The Count's mane, you couldn't help but smile at the memory of your shared intimate encounter in the stable. His obvious discomfort only made the situation more enticing for you. Gripping your pistol tightly, you imagined the helpless expression on his face when you held him the way you did.
Suddenly, Micah's voice broke through your thoughts. "That's disgusting," he sneered, having caught you in the act of fantasizing about Kieran.
Turning towards him, you observe as he sits beside you on the log and takes out his own pistols to clean.
"What do you mean 'disgusting'?" you ask curiously, knowing full well what he meant but wanting clarification nonetheless.
With a roll of his eyes, Micah responds, "The way you're lusting after that idiot horse fucker, it's plain gross."
"Perhaps," you mused aloud as you continued cleaning your weapon, occasionally stealing glances at Kieran. "But I enjoy watching him squirm."
This prompted another scoff from Micah who glared at Kieran from afar. "He's an O'Driscoll," he stated firmly, reminding everyone within earshot of his background.
"He's mine," you say calmly as you examine the barrel of your pistol.
Micah has lived with you long enough to recognize your words as a subtle warning. He understood the underlying message – hands off.
Micah grits his teeth, his jaw clenching tightly. "No wonder our father disowned you," he muttered under his breath.
"Want a treat?" Keiran whispered as the silver Arabian sniffed curiously at Kieran's pocket
Keiran set the brush down before digging into his pockets and pulling out a small horse treat. He opened his palm as he reached out. "Here you go, big guy."
The count nuzzled his palm eagerly, taking the offering between large teeth.
"I think he likes you," you comment from behind him, startling Kieran as he turns around suddenly upon hearing your voice.
"M-Mr. Bell," Kieran stammered upon realizing it was you standing behind him. His entire body language screamed uncertainty as he looked ready to bolt at any given moment.
It's clear that the incident still haunts him.
Reaching out slowly, you place a hand on his shoulder, careful not to frighten him further. "Please, call me (Y/N)," you said kindly, attempting to put him at ease.
Despite your efforts to seem friendly, Kieran remained cautious and uneasy around you, still regarding you with caution as if waiting for an attack at any second.
Remembering what John had shared earlier, you mention, "I heard you wanted to go fishing." Given his current situation within the gang, it seemed unlikely anyone else would volunteer to accompany him out of camp grounds.
Nervously playing with his fingers, Kieran hesitated before responding to your offer. "I uh…" he trailed off, clearly unsure about your intentions.
Recognizing his apprehension, you offered reassurance by saying, "I wouldn't mind going with you."
Kieran's eyes brightened for a brief moment before settling back into uncertainty once more. Clearly, he struggled with deciding if the prospect of fishing was worth risking being alone with you outside of camp.
Rubbing his shoulder, you leaned close to whisper encouragingly in his ear, "If you feel like going, just come find me, and we'll go."
As you pulled away, your lips grazed against his earlobe, sending shivers through his body.
Without giving him time to react further, you turned to walk back to the log, leaving Kieran alone with his thoughts.
Though grateful that you accompanied him outside of camp grounds, Kieran couldn't help but feel unsettled by your presence.
He held onto his fishing rod tightly, trying hard not to let his anxiety show while resisting the urge to constantly check over his shoulder where he knew you were watching intently.
Sitting on the grass nearby, you watched intently as Kieran stood at the water's edge, casting his line into the river. Memories of assisting him in the stable resurfaced – specifically, witnessing his anxious expression filled with tears aroused an unexpected response in you.
You wanted to see it again.
After several hours of patiently waiting for a bite, Kieran finally managed to catch five fish.
Along with praising his success, you decided to provoke him a bit.
"Nice job, O'Driscoll," you teased playfully, eager to gauge his reaction.
As expected, Kieran frowned deeply, reminding you sternly, "I'm not an O'Driscoll!"
Amused by his reaction, you couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable he appeared when riled up.
Once Kieran calmed down, he stood around awkwardly. He wasn't sure what to do next. Looking nervous, he asked tentatively, "So… do we head back?"
Shrugging nonchalantly, you replied, "Only if you want to," as you began walking towards a shaded area under a tree. Leaning against its trunk, you settled comfortably against its cool surface while enjoying the respite from the sun's heat.
Gesturing to the open spot beside you, Kieran reluctantly decided that he would rather be on your good side than your bad.
Cautiously, he joined you beneath the tree, sitting close enough for companionship but far enough to keep a safe distance between the two of you.
Suddenly feeling a strong grasp on his shoulder, Kieran was startled when you pulled him closer to you. "Come on, Duffy," you taunted playfully, "Don't be shy."
Reaching into your bag, you pulled out a journal and ink pen before starting to write something within its pages.
Meanwhile, Kieran remained silent beside you, struggling to think of ways to fill the awkward silence hanging between you both.
Trying to break the tension, Kieran asked curiously, "What are you writing?"
"A letter," you replied casually without taking your eyes off your paper, "to my older brother."
Kieran looked confused, asking, "Micah?"
Snorting in amusement, you clarified, "No, my other one - Amos."
The sound of your pen scratching against paper echoed softly amidst the quiet forest ambiance until finally, you finished writing and placed away your materials inside your bag.
Turning towards Kieran, you shared a mischievous grin before raising a finger to your lips, "Let's keep this a secret between us, okay? Micah would kill us if he found out."
Kieran's eyes widened with fear at the thought, nodding quickly in agreement.
Standing up abruptly, you clapped your hands once and instructed Kieran to gather the fish they had caught earlier.
"Grab the fish bucket; we're heading back now," you ordered, eager to return home after a successful day of fishing.
Nodding obediently, Kieran rose to collect the bounty before following closely behind you on the journey back to camp.
Gazing at the sky turning golden orange as the sun set, you realized nightfall wouldn't arrive until much later, leaving plenty of time to make it back to camp without worrying about navigating through darkness.
With each step taken along the trail leading home, Kieran followed closely behind, carrying the bucket of fish in his hands.
As the two of you continued walking, Kieran began to feel an increasing urge to relieve himself. His heart raced with anxiety at the thought of what might happen if you discovered he needed to pee. His bladder felt like it could burst any moment, making him squirm uncomfortably with every step closer to camp.
Unable to hold back any longer, Kieran let out a small whimper that caught your attention immediately.
Turning to face him with curiosity, you raised an eyebrow and questioned, "What was that?"
Kieran stuttered nervously, attempting to come up with a plausible excuse for his unusual behavior. "I-I'm fine! Just a sneeze," he lied poorly, hoping you wouldn't suspect anything amiss.
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously as you scanned Kieran's body language. Noticing his tightly crossed legs, you couldn't help but smirk deviously. "You gotta pee, don't you?"
Kieran's face fell, realizing his cover was blown. He stumbled through another lie, desperately trying to maintain his cover-up. "No, I-I don't have to go!"
Laughing heartily, you approached Kieran and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him closer. "Does the little O'Driscoll need help to pee again?" you teased playfully, enjoying his discomfort.
Kieran's bladder throbbed painfully, causing him to squirm uncontrollably as he tried desperately not to lose control of his bladder.
"No, I don't…and I'm not an O'Driscoll!" he insisted with a whimper, growing increasingly distressed by your closeness.
"Is that right?" you mused aloud, your hand trailing lower to press firmly against his straining bladder. Kieran's knees nearly gave out beneath him, but you steadied him against a nearby tree for support.
"S-stop that," Kieran pleaded weakly, his voice barely above a whisper as he squirmed helplessly in your grasp, attempting to escape your touch.
Helping Kieran sit down against the tree trunk, you chuckled teasingly. "You're going to burst if you keep it in," you warned playfully.
Kieran began fumbling with his belt buckle, knowing full well the consequences of holding it in any longer. Your arm squeezed his waist playfully, adding pressure to his already strained bladder.
As Kieran undid his button, revealing his flaccid penis, you let out a low whistle. "No union suit?" you teased. Kieran's face flushed with embarrassment as he turned away from your gaze.
Your hand reached out and encircled his member, eliciting a surprised squeak from Kieran as he snapped his head back towards you in shock.
"Well then? Pee," you encouraged, as if this was a perfectly normal request.
Kieran stuttered, "I-I can't," too embarrassed to relieve himself despite the pressure on his bladder bordering on painful.
Beginning to slowly stroke his cock, you press your cheek against his, coaxing him with a gentle whisper. "Don't be shy, come on," you cooed softly.
Kieran trembled uncontrollably, his bladder screaming for release as he fought against his instincts to get hard.
Kieran's cock gradually stiffened in your warm hand, his breathing becoming shallow as you continued stroking him with increasing pressure. Pressing your thumb against the sensitive tip, you felt him twitch in response.
The former O'Driscoll had transformed into a blubbering mess, whimpering and mumbling incoherently as he clung to you like a needy puppy. "Please… I can't… ugh," he managed to utter through his gasps and moans.
As you pressed a gentle kiss against his quivering lips, Kieran's resolve broke entirely. Letting out a loud wail, he thrust his hips forward and released a powerful stream of urine into the air, splattering the ground in front.
"Woah there!" you exclaimed playfully, redirecting his spurting cock away from both of you as he emptied his bladder with forceful streams of hot urine onto the damp earth, steaming slightly. Keiran buried his face in your shoulder, ashamed of his loss of control but unable to stop the flow of urine gushing from him.
Kieran whimpered into your shoulder, desperate to finish relieving himself as quickly as possible. He shakes as he tries to force himself to pee harder. You laughed softly and planted a tender kiss on his head while continuing to stroke his throbbing cock, encouraging him to let it all out.
As the stream of urine began to weaken, Kieran slowly pulled away from your shoulder, his face flushed with embarrassment and tears staining his cheeks as he realized what he had done in front of you. You shake his hard cock to get rid of any remaining droplets of piss.
"Good boy," you cooed softly, planting a kiss on his damp cheek. Kieran sniveled quietly, unable to meet your gaze as shame washed over him.
Continuing to stroke his cock, you pressed another kiss to his cheek and tasted the saltiness of his tears on your lips.
Picking up the pace of your strokes, Kieran let out a deep groan as his hands flew to grasp your body for support. Initially hesitant, he eventually turned his head towards yours, meeting your for a kiss.
As you and Kieran returned to camp, Lenny stood guard and greeted you both with a wave. However, upon noticing Keiran's puffy eyes, he shot you a questioning look. Ignoring his gaze, you continued walking past Lenny without offering any explanation.
Kieran cast an embarrassed glance your way before heading towards the stables, likely to tend to the horses in an attempt to regain some sense of normalcy after the intimate encounter you both shared.
You calmly walked over to the wooden table where Micah was sharpening his knife and sat down across from him.
Without even glancing up, he commented harshly, "You smell like piss."
"I know," you replied nonchalantly, staring at the stable entrance as Keiran disappeared inside.
Micah paused mid-grind on the whetstone and slowly raised his head to look at you.
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update-blog-bp9 · 9 months
*Throat clear* Hello...This might be important for you.
So you can share this post as much as you want, because it is not going to end up on my official side, after all this is an update side and this will be used as one. I might be unable to do EVERY single one, but I decided to open (Inofficially) requests again for like a week. It starts today the 14th of december and it ends on the 22nd of december. I only let christmas oneshots count. They can end SPICY, but not too smutty. (Yes I said it. writing it smutty with everything else that might be build in, it would take me weeks to finish) AND! There is a LIST of what I am writing about.
William Afton (Game/Movie Universe, which then also might include the Afton children. Game version: Michael, Evan/CC, Elizabeth Movie: Vanessa) Stu Macher (Scream) Loki (Marvel) Headless Horseman (1999 Sleepy Hollow) Skulduggery Pleasant (with Erskin Hollow, Keiran Fox, Ciar or Corrupted, I am doing the dead men there too, so it doesn't have to be the skeleton. If you want alive!Skulduggery with Erskin Hollow celebrate Christmas, write (Past) and I will know) Demon Road (Amber Lamont and Milo Sebastian) Ninjago (Morro, Garmadon, Wu and the Ninja)
The Oneshots can be:
Fluffy Angsty Spicey
The shots CAN'T be:
Smut (Because it would take me centuries to finish, I have little time on my hands and my sleeping shedule is all over the place)
The shots CAN have:
Reader input (SP already has that but I wanted to let you know that I will do Reader input of you tell me to. Erskin Hollow, Keiran Fox and Corrupted are all M/n in SP, with different taken names, because of the different AU's I am making. One is adopted by SP and sees the Dead Men as Siblings, the other got adopted by Anton and sees the others as Uncles and Skulduggery is alive with his children, just like Hopeless and Larrikin and Corrupted was adopted into the Edgley Family, so he is Valkyrie's Brother. Ciar is also M/n and that name is used for romantic Dead Men Oneshots. So no one can yell that I am doing incest or some shit, and no one gets confused, I use different names.)
The shots CAN'T have:
Fucked up shit. (Incest, underage spicey scenerios, Etc.)
Female!Reader Male!Reader Gen!Reader Genderbent!Character (You can make them a female from male, but still no smut !)
Christmas/Winter (Anything else will NOT be written. I am doing Christmas and winter related stuff, NOT smut, no summer themes and stuff. WINTER/CHRISTMAS THEME!!!)
How far can spicey go ?:
A bit of dirty talk, flirting, heated make out session and that is it. I will stop at the characters, taking off their clothes. :P
22nd of December 2023 will be the end of requests, starting from today the 14th of December 2023.
Where can you request them:
Have fun requesting. And remember the rules guys ! I mean it ! I am dead serious ! I have very little time, but I want to do something small at least for yall, for this month. So use this knowledge wisely !!!
Requests for Anon is also having green light now. On all the three blogs.
I'm tagging those who miss some Marvel, because now is your chance !!!
@innerpiratefun @gayhopefullove @natashaxmarvelmen @buffymore @lovefanfiction01
Go crazy, but not too crazy, yeah ? *Cough, cough* I hope it shows you that I tagged yall...
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groovesnjams · 2 years
gRººv333S,,,n,,,J▲M§ ▬|s|!|O|!| ❤︎|!|t|!|y|▬{{mmxxii}}  
..................number47 ....................of50
“Looking at Your Pager” by KH
What if Crazy Frog but not annoying? is not a formula I expected to be a winning one in 2022, and yet here we are. Four Tet, a name that has apparently never even appeared as a reference point on this blog, made one of the best songs of the year out of the cheap ringtone synths and what sounds like mp3 compression artifacts, a chirpy sample from 3LW (pitch shifted and chopped enough that it’s wild to realize it lifts basically an entire verse), and a squelchy synth bass. It sounds almost academic, but the result is insistently catchy and active, an effervescent delight that lingers in the air far longer than its short runtime would suggest.
What a fucking year for Keiran Hebden -- he knows it, too. From his legal victory over Domino Records to the (re) discovery of his super-massive playlist, a surreal treasure chest that feels like being able to look through someone’s notebook of thoughts (or diary, or dream journal, or whatever, but I will keep pretentiously calling it a notebook of thoughts), to his non-stop release schedule which encompassed established projects like Four Tet and relative mysteries like this one, KH, which is credited with only two songs: “Looking at Your Pager” and 2019′s “Only Human.” Perhaps because of the song’s real-life context or perhaps because it was released at the dawn of summer, it’s always sounded like pure and total joy to me. The 3LW sample hints at minor distress (an unreachable other, people as distractions) but as the complaints crest, a wobbling bass drops like a meteor or a string of synth notes clears the air and their affect renders all other emotion meaningless. Fed through the KH filter, our modern problems sound silly and happiness feels inevitable. It’s a sort of Rainbow Road of imagination but its unreality doesn’t diminish its portent.
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mournus · 2 years
kieran has no idea what haru is saying. what's a red riding hood have to do with any of this? no matter, as they seem harmless enough. "the dresses?" that is slightly concerning. were there dresses for selkies? or were the dresses...
his train of thought is abruptly interrupted by soothing pets and praise. instinctually, his tail starts wagging. it's a little mortifying, and his cheeks redden, but his tail keeps on going! "a pirate?" he's only met one or two of those. haru didn't really look like a pirate. pirates were usually... dirty. and drunk. the little stranger was odd, but not intoxicated.
"yer not lyin' to me, are you?" a pout. "if you're a pirate, then where's ye ship? or yer crew?" actually, kieran doesn't really want to know. "n-nevermind. yer name's haru? 'm kieran." he picks a leaf out of haru's hair. "what are ya doin' out here? humans think the woods are haunted, didn't ye hear?"
"Ahhh!!" The wagging tail is just too much to handle. He's going to burst! More scratches for the good doggy. Haru has completely melted. He wonders if he could take the doggy back with him...
Haru pouted, standing straight with hands on hips. "Haru isn't the captain!" Seems that's all they'll have the chance to explain. "Kieran...? That's a pretty name! Someone on the crew is called Keiran too! Oh wait no... that's Kaili..." Oopsie. Haru didn't talk with Kaili much anyway. "Haru isn't a human and they're not afraid of ghosts!" One of those things was a lie. Guess which. "Can Haru touch Kieran's cute ears?"
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sofrpc · 6 years
as requested, i have created a masterlist of 550+ unique and underused male names ! these are all listed in alphabetical order, and although i dont claim any of these as my own, please don’t copy and paste straight into another masterlist. feel free to use the names in any way you like, i hope this gives you muse for your characters (my faves are bolded) — also smash that like or reblog if you found this useful, thank you !
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abel, acacius, ace, achilles, adagio, adaiah, adalius, adley, adelio, adonis, adrian, adriel, aiden, akello, alain, alarik, alastair, alek, alfred, alfonzo, ali, alisio, alonzo, amari, amedeus, amias, amos, anakin, andre, ansel, anton, anwar, apollo, aragon, aramis, archer, aries, arlo, arrius, artemis, asher, ashton, asriel, atlas, atlantis, atticus, auden, august, auri, austin, avery, axel, aziel
bacchus, baden, bailey, baldwin, balin, balton, bandit, banks, barley, baxley, baxter, baze, bear, beau, beck, benson, bentley, berlin, bianco, bishop, blade, blaine, blaze, bode, bodhie, booker, bosley, boston, brandon, brantley, brayden, braxton, brecken, brennon, brett, briley, brinley, brock, bruno, bronx, brooks, bryce, bryson
caelan, caesar, cade, cador, cage, cain, caleb, callaway, callen, callister, callum, calvin, camden, campbell, carlisle, carlo, carrick, carter, casey, casper, castiel, cedric, cesar, channing, charles, chase, chuck, clifton, clinton, cleon, coen, coleman, colton, crew, cristiano, cooper, corbin, corey, cortez, cravin
dale, dallas, dalton, damari, damian, damon, dane, dante, dario, darius, davon, dax, dean, declan, dedrick, delius, demarcus, demetrius, dennis, denzel, deon, derek, devon, dexter, dillon, dimitri, dion, dolan, dominic, drake, drew, drystan, duke, dwayne, dwight, dyson
eaton, echo, edan, eddison, eden, edrick, eli, eliam, elias, elijah, elio, eliseo, ellis, emilio, emerson, emmett, enoch, enzo, ernest, eros, essex, evan, evian, ezra
fabian, falcon, fallon, farley, felix, fenton, finley, finnick, floyd, flynn, fonso, ford, forester, francisco, franco, freddy, frederick, frodi
gabe, gabriel, gaius, gabin, galvin, gareth, garrick, gaston, gaveel, georgie, gemini, giorgio, glade, gonzalo, gray, gregory, greyson, griffin, grover, gunner, guy
haim, hadden, hadley, hale, hammond, hanan, hanson, harden, harley, harris, hayes, helio, helix, hendrix, hermes, hiram, holden, holland, holmes, houstan, howard, hudson, hugh, hugo, hunter, hyde
iago, ian, icarius, idris, iker, ilario, indigo, isaak, isaiah, israel, ithiel, ives
jace, jadon, jago, jahziel, jairo, jakez, jakobe, jamari, janos, jaron, jasper, javier, jaxon, jayden, jaylon, jaziel, jenson, jeremiah, jermaine, jersey, jett, joaquin, jonas, jose, joss, jovani, joziah, judas, jude, julian, julius, junior, justice
kace, kaden, kael, kairo, kahlil, kai, kaleb, kamden, kanan, karson, kashton, kasper, keenan, keiran, kennedy, keon, kenton, kenzo, keyon, kez, kiah, killian, kingsley, kito, klaus, kobe, koby, kodah, kohen, kolton, kristian, knox, kyan, kynan, kyson
lamar, lamont, lance, landon, laney, larkin, lawyer, lazarus, leandro, lee, legend, lennox, leno, leon, levi, lex, liko, link, locke, loki, loman, lonzo, lorenzo, luca, lucian, lukas, lyam, lynx
mac, machi, macklin, maddox, magnus, maison, major, makeo, malaki, manning, mano, marion, marlon, mars, martez, mathias, maxton, mekhi, meyer, micah, milian, miller, milo, montey, montez, myles
nakos, nasir, nathaniel, neel, neriah, nero, nevada, nicolo, nicklaus, nickolai, nico, nike, nikos, nixon, noah, nolan, norton, nye
oakley, oberyn, obi, obsidian, octavian, oison, olimpio, olsen, omar, ontario, onyx, orion, orlando, oskar, oslo, oryn, otis, oxford, oxley
pablo, paley, palmer, parker, parson, pauly, paxton, pearce, perkin, phelix, phoenix, pierre, pike, podrick, porter, preston, prince, puck
qamar, quinten, quillon, quince
racer, radley, rafael, rafer, ralph, rambo, ramiel, ramone, randall, raven, rayan, reed, reese, rhydian, ricardo, ridley, riker, riley, river, robin, rocco, roderick, roland, roman, romeo, ronan, roni, rowan, royden, rufus, ryder, ryland
sadler, safari, salem, salix, salvador, sami, santiago, sawyer, sean, seaton, severo, shayne, shiloh, silas, silvano, simba, skander, skyler, slade, spencer, spiro, stanley, stefan, syrus
talmon, tane, tanner, tate, tatum, tavis, teddy, terence, theo, theon, tirion, titus, tobias, tommen, tonio, travis, trey, troye, trystan, turner, tyrell, tyrese, tyson
ulan, uri, uriel, urien
vadim, vale, vance, valentine, vaughn, venturo, venus, vermont, vero, victor, vidor, vince, volante, voss
wade, walker, walter, warner, warren, watson, waylan, wayne, wilder, wilson, wilton, wolfgang, wyatt, wynton
xander, xavier, xenos, xylon
yates, york, yuri, yusef
zacharias, zade, zavier, zayn, zed, zeke, zero, zeus, zion
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elysiansl · 4 years
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H I S 
S p o n s o r s - Sixx
T o p - Couples Shirts [Men & Women] - Sixx
8 Phrases
5 Colours
B o t t o m s - Angi Jeans - Sixx
6 Colours
H a i r - Maddie -  DOUX @ Level
M a s k - Mask With Cigarette - BANG 
H a i r - Keiran - Modulus @ Uber
0 notes
hello-em75 · 7 years
Em’s 2000 Followers Milestone Pt. 1: Follow Forever!
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These people are truly some of the kindest, friendliest, sweetest, most compassionate, and most intelligent individuals that I’ve ever met in my life. I am so thankful for the relationships that I’ve been able to form with all of you thus far and I hope that throughout all of the hardships and distractions that life throws our way, we can continue to be a part of each other’s lives as something more than just Internet pals or mutual fans of the HTTYD franchise--but as real friends--no matter the distance between us.
A special thank you to all of my buddies in bold! You’ve been such great friends to me through everything from daily school stress to fun times freaking out over HTTYD! If I could walk through this computer screen and give you all hugs I would do it in a heartbeat! I really do cherish our friendships that we’ve been able to foster and I could honestly go on for hours about what I love about each and everyone of you but I’m not going to make you sit through all of that sappiness (yet). Hopefully I’ll be able to deliver all those hugs in person someday! But for now, I love you guys and I hope you have an amazing day! 
@1998ebb // @22craftgirl
@a-snail-with-no-motivation // @abbyfins // @abusedviking // @aeviking // @afriend410 // @alexasscribbles // @alldenspa // @amare-sili // @angies-team // @alldenspa // @almostdragongirl // @ananasik-gr-gr // @angst-in-space // @animalsarepeople2 // @animated-disney-gifs // @animations-daily // @another-httyd-fan // @arucarrd // @ashleybenlove // @asksassyjackfrost // @astrid-gifs // @astrid-horrendous-haddock // @astridsaxe // @astridthefearless // @astridthevalkyrie // @astrxd // @atmosphere-af // @australet789 // @avannak // @avatarlover22 @avatarsarny // @avataviking // @avelister // @awkward-httydscreencaps // @aydan12us  // @azerty-kd
@baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa // @bayepaye // @berkcastteam // @berkedits // @berks-dragon-trainer // @bgsdragons // @bivi4000 // @blackendragon // @blue-dragon-flames // @blue--o // @bobabooksandsass // @books-and-late-nights // @books-are-like-dragons // @brandsatan // @bystanderinmyowncourt
@carolinecrazyangel // @cassadrachan // @celticdragonmaster // @charlieslowartsies // @cheddar-penguin // @chiefhiccstrid // @chiefrosepetal // @cinema-corner // @clarecgreenstreet // @claucolor // @clehjett // @clingy-klingon-gronckle-rider // @consultingviking // @crazy4dragons // @crazilexa // @crazydragonady // @crazyviking // @crownflame
@dagurdewhite // @dark-knight020 // @deepfathom // @delectablicious // @demigxddess // @dillonmahoney // @dirtyfox9111 // @dragon-thing-s // @dragons-and-vikings // @drag0nwhisperer // @dragonescence // @dragonfurys // @dragonlover7860 // @dragonloverartist // @dragonlovertr // @dragonprincess68 // @dragonsedgechicken // @dragonsfromberk // @dragonsfromthewilderwest // @dragontails89 // @drchee5e // @dyannehs
@e--wills // @edge-of-bizarre // @ekayart // @ellensalama1 // @elusivist // @emmalennyeddie // @endivinity // @envisiondragons // @erikaember // @estelleybear // @everythinghttyd // @evilwriter37
@fainttwinkling // @faithiiii // @fanaticfangirl2602 // @fangirling1998 // @fankakm // @fanwriter02 // @fape-1 // @faragonart // @feelingsfromallison // @fifyloureblogs // @flaming-wolf-of-valhalla // @florencedoodles // @forte-key // @forythetilly // @frosty-viking // @frostystuffs // @funkytoes // @furyoftime // @fuckyeshttyd
@ginger1095 // @gladtobehuman
@haddocksortails // @hansuart // @hardypartyarty // @helenmarie95 // @hiccstrid-support-group // @hiccstridedits // @hiccstridfanatic // @hiccstridhaddock01 // @hiccstridscrapbook // @hiccstridsource // @hicctooth00 // @hiccup-alpha // @hiccupsessed // @hiccupsgreeneyes // @hiccupzain // @hinata-dancer // @hisladychief // @hoffersong // @hoffdock // @hoffock // @honeyandthehatchetcomic // @househofferson // @howto-train-your-starlord// @howtotrainyouradamyoung // @howtotrainyourdragon // @howtotrainyourdragonrox // @httyd-confessions // @httyd-graphics // @httydgirl1992 // @httydofdreamworks 
@icelandiceel // @ieatpockey // @illicitphobia // @iloveastry614 //  @incorrecthttyd // @incorrecthttydquotes // @indigopolarbears // @introvert-dragon // @irenesevenh792 // @itistimetodisappear // @itsaboutdragons
@jackiejack6 // @jackthevulture // @jadeandsunsets // @jaksandrow // @jayalaw // @jellyjay // @jennis41digsdragons // @jii-dragon // @just-a-talking-trash-can // @justgotawesome
@kadeart // @katergator84 // @katyjolinar // @kawaii-chebba-chan // @keiran-stayners-art-book // @kelvinwang // @kingofthewilderwest // @kitty-la-wa // @kworking // @kyaifire
@ladytrixiee // @lafeenoa // @laura-pean // @leffie-draws-fanart // @lifestooshorttobecool // @limey404 // @lissanfuryeye // @listentoyourdragon // @lostchel // @loving-life16 // @lucidiux // @lumorie // @lutavero // 
@malshearteyes // @margarethelstone // @mariliabltch // @martabm90 // @maybemilady73 // @meaguieamamiya // @midoriko-sama // @mijisi // @mikayla-firebane // @mishacolins // @missiemoose // @miti-sweets // @monoflaxart // @more-than-a-leatherhead // @mycroftqin
@nefertsukia // @next-gen-of-dragon-riders // @nicholasbloom // @night-fury-pamphlets // @nightfury326 // @nightfurygal // @nightfurylover1112 // @nightfurylover31 @nikki-is-here // @nikkihaddock // @nishiki // @nneurosis // // @noirhiccstrid // @nokki1 // @notkorras
@obsessedwithdreaming // @odair-hofferson // @officialschoolofdragons // @oh--you--pretty--things // @orhowfar // @otakusiren // @owlswing
@parislovesdragons // @patricksteelebodger // @peachdoxie // @phoenixmartinez-ride // @picanchii // @pinenuttrekkie // @pixie-dustss // @pudwack
@queenbovine // @queendom-of-avalor // @queenelinor
@racetotheedge // @racetotheedgelove // @rafxsulfuslovestory // @raide-draws-fanart // @rean-104 //  @remycks // @ri-zion // @ridersofdragons // @rikez  // @rimedown // @rizahawkeye2301 // @rough-nut // @rtteiqr // @ryllcat21
@sadthingsabouthttyd // @samiugadaete // @santathegrey // @saracorinnelikesthis // @sasstrid-and-dorkcup // @scauldingpainfuldeath-thedragon // @scauldronshocker // @scifimyke // @sdd-blogs // @seagreen-meets-grey //  @seowooh // @shirehobbit // @shockjawsquad // @silverchaska // @sjhodge //  @sketchinthoughts // @skrillqueen // @slavicviking // @smidvargandthegang // @snowprincess-artist // @spacekeet // @squidlawd // @stardust-05 // @stationdragon // @strawbsnbloobs // @stressed-dragon // @sum-to-the-infinity // @sweetweasleygirl
@talkingfishlou // @tarched // @tarffie // @thanksfornothinguselessreptile // @thatrandomz // @themoment-i-swift // @thatsnicebutimmarried // @the-chicken-is-not-amused // @the-fanaddict // @the-golden-dragoness // @the-httyd-lover // @the-way-im-feeling // @thebrookeofdragons // @thedragonmaster // @theheirofberk // @thenightfuryfan95 // @thepurplewriter333 //  @thethiefandtheairbender //  @thewarriorofthewinter // @toothful // @toothy-fury // @torrenjet // @transbeequeen // @travelerchrisedward // @triceratopsdude // @trueloveishiccstrid // @tuffnutella // @twiggy242 // @tysonrunningfox
@uchiha-umeko // @ukinea
@vala411 // @vanilladeonna // @vivi-ntvg // @vxvikingxv
@wafflerie // @watwudbuffydo // @wavesketches // @we-slow-for-no-one // @whatever-fangirl // @whaticalldoodling // @whosthatgal // @wilderwestqueen // @wolfie-dragon-rider // @wookieeleaks // @writerforthetylwythteg // @writerofberk
@yall-are-my-heart // @yairalovespandas // @yjmgirl // @yukofanworks // @yv-sketches
182 notes · View notes
pcssessivc-blog · 7 years
male names: 
a aaron, abbott, abraham, adam, adrian, aiden, alec, aleksey, alex, archer, atlas, alaric, albany, albus, alexander, alexandre, alexei, alfie, alistair, anakin, andrew, anson, apollo, ariel, arden, ash, asher, ashford, ashley, ashton, atticus, august, augustus, austin, avery. 
b bailey, baker, basil, barrett, bastien, baxter, bear, beau, beckett, behar, bellamy, ben, bennett, bentley, bijou, bishop, blaise, bowen, bowie, braham, bristol, brody, brad, braden, bradford, brandon, braxton, brendan, brennan, brentley, brett, briar, brogan, bronx. 
c cadence, cael, callan, caleb, calum/callum, calvin, cameron, camden/camdyn, carson, carter, casey, cash, caspian, casper, cassidy, cayden, chance, charlie, chase, chester, clayton, colby, colton, connor, cooper, cory, cyrus. 
d daniel, david, dakota, dallas, damian, dane, dayton, daytona, dean, declan, derek, dexter, dieter, dimitri. 
e easton, eli, elias, elijah, elliott, emerson, emery, emmett, emrys,  everett, everley, ezra. 
f fallon, felix, finley, finnick, fitz, fletcher, fox, forrest, francis. 
g gabriel, garrett, gavin, gideon, griffin, graeme, graham, greyson. 
h hamish, harbin, hadley, harper, hartley,harvey, harlow, harry, hayden, henley, henri, holden, hudson, hunter, huxley.
i ian, icarus, ichabod, ira, irwin, isa, isaac, isaiah. 
j jace, jacob, jack, jai, james, jasper, jay, jenner, jensen, jericho, jeremy, jesse, jonah, jonathan, joshua, joseph, jordan, jude, judah, julian, justin. 
k kaden, kai, kaleb, keegan, keefer, keiran, kellen, kian, kingston, knox, kota. 
l lachlan, landon, lake, lawson, lennox, leon, levi, liam, lincoln, lindley, lindsey, louis, lorcan, lucas, lucien. 
m mace, mackenzie, macon, madison, maddox, malachi, malcolm, maverick, miles, milo, marcus, marley, mason, mateo, matthew, maxwell, micah. 
n nathaniel, nevada, nicholas, nico, nixon, noah, nolan, nox, nyle. 
o oliver, oscar, owen, otto, ozias. 
p  pablo, pacey, parker, patrick, porter, presley. 
q quasim, quentin, quinn. 
r radley, rhys, riley, robbie, roman, ronan, rory, roscoe, rowan, ruben, ryan, ryder, ryker, rylan. 
s samson, samuel, saturn, sawyer, scott, sebastian, shawn, shiloh, silas, simon, skipper, skylar, soren, sorley, steven, sutton, sydney. 
t talon, tanner, taylor, tariq, teagan, teddy, theodore, timothy, tobias, travis, tristan, troy. 
u uriel, usain, utah.
v vasco, vernon, vero, vigo, vermont, vitus, vince, vito, vikram, vishnu. 
w walker, warren, wesley, west, weston, whitley, will, winter, wolf, wolfgang, wyatt. 
x xavier. 
y yousef, yanis, yancey, yakim, yakov.
z zachariah, zaden, zain/zane, zavier.
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Dead Men x M/n - Angry kids (Part 5 of Dead Men meet M/n)
WARNING!: Blood x Gore, Violence, Serpine will die, a bit graphic, death, cursing AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
The names are all pronounced this !: Keiran(M/n) – Keer- in or Keer-awn Laoise – Lah-weese Lorcan – Lor-ken
Part 5 – Angry kids
Stephanie was at China’s, worried sick for Skulduggery. Serpine ambushed them and took out the Detective, while he tried to kill her. China knew her name and used it against her, to keep her in the library. She should have called Keiran.
China was out right now and Stephanie broke down the door to her private room, snatching back her phone...if she could...reach out to Keiran ?
She activated her phone and dialed his number quickly. He picked up instantly.
“Keiran Fox.”
“Keiran, help, please. China knows my Given name and she is keeping me hostage in her Library. I called her in a panic. Skulduggery and I got ambushed in Grimwood, by Serpine and his paper pals. He captured Skulduggery too.”, she quickly informed.
It was dead silent on the other end.
“Lorcan...Laoise...get your weapons and magic ready. We are going to beat some Serpine ass and get the Mortal girl out of China’s clutches.”, Keiran said with a dark voice.
“On it !”, Lorcan yelled and Laoise was slightly to hear too.
“Sit tight, think of a name and we will pick you up ! Lorcan will tell the rest of the adults and we will get ready. We have to inform Meritorius and then get Skul as fast as possible !”
“What if he is already dead ?”, Stephanie asked worried.
“Serpine thinks Skulduggery has the key. As long as he doesn’t have it, he won’t kill him.”, Keiran assured.
After that they hung up and Stephanie found her name, ten minutes, before Keiran broke the doors down, to collect her. China wasn’t happy and tried to force Stephanie to stay. But she didn’t listen anymore.
“So you have taken a name. May I know who you are now ?”, she asked the girl.
“Valkyrie. Valkyrie Cain.”
“Fuck you, China Sorrows. If Uncle Skulduggery is dead, because of your ugly ass, I will personally set this place on fire and kill you.”, Keiran growled out darkly.
“Now, now. Don’t be so dramatic.”, she scolded.
“That man has a FAMILY, you BITCH !”, Keiran screamed at her and charged at her with a dagger.
China tried to use her sigils on Keiran, but noticed too late, that they don’t work on him. He cut into her arm and she hissed. He charged again and cut at her right eye, giving her a nice scar, she hissed again in pain. She tried her sigils again, but nothing worked.
“WHORE ! JEALOUS BITCH ! SELFISH BIMBO ! DISGUSTING MURDERER ! TRASH ! WALKING GARBAGE CAN !”, he screamed at her as he charged and charged at her again, giving her cuts.
Keiran stabbed her into her abdomen and she fell on the floor. She was far from dead though.
“KEIRAN ! STOP !”, Lorcan yelled.
Keiran froze in place and looked at Skulduggery’s Son.
“We don’t have time, for that backstabbing Bitch ! Father is more important !”, Lorcan yelled.
He looked at China again.
“Remember well who saved your pathetic life, Bitch. Next time, I won’t be so merciful.”, Keiran spat and left, sheathing his dagger again.
Valkyrie stared at Keiran in shock.
“I hate that traitorous whore so much. Why we let her live, will be a mystery to me...”, Keiran scoffed.
With that they left and hurried to Meritorius. As soon as he heard that Serpine was accused again, he denied it, refused to believe them.
“Listen to me RIGHT now, Meritorius !”, Keiran yelled at him, angered.
Meritorius stared at him.
“You do not talk to your elders like that-“
“I don’t give a flying FUCK what you want ! Skulduggery is MISSING, most possibly DEAD already and you expect ME to be CALM ?! YOU expect someone like SERPINE to keep a TRUCE, for the rest of his LIFE ?! I think your old age made you forget what a person Serpine is ! He is a fucking PSYCHO, STALKER, MURDERER, FACELESS GODS LOVER and PURE EVIL ! He stalked Skulduggery’s Family since the TRUCE started ! He killed behind your back ! He was about to KILL Valkyrie THREE times now, which mind you, YOU wanted to go back to her NORMAL life too ! That could have KILLED her ! He took Skulduggery now and it is HIS life on the line ! Sorry that I told you from the BEGINNING that a TRUCE WON’T cut it ! But now get your old ass up and GIVE ME PERMISSION TO KILL HIM AND GET MY UNCLE BACK ! HE HAS FAMILY FOR FUCKS SAKE !”, Keiran screamed at Meritorius pissed royally off.
Everyone stared at him. No speaking mistake and there was a very dangerous fire in his eyes. Meritorius knew better than to argue with him any further. He will have to give in.
“If you drag us into a war, Keiran, so help me the Ancients.”
“The war started a long time ago, again, already. Your old ass just refused to see it. We are in the MIDDLE of it and YOU still sit here and do nothing but sit in your own Dream World.”, Keiran scoffed.
Then he stormed off and waited for the help, he knew they needed.
The Dead Men, Lorcan, Laoise, Valkyrie and Meritorius looked at him in utter shock and respect. Keiran wasn’t messing around and when he is pissed off and worried sick about his Family, he will get violent. Both, physically and verbally.
After a few minutes two Cleavers arrived. Meritorius arrived with the rest and Keiran scoffed.
“Is that all you will give us ? Damn, you WANT us to die.”, he accused the Grand Mage.
“We have no more, that we can give you.”
“Sure and I am the Easter Bunny. Whatever. Get rid of Sagacious Tome. He is a spy for Serpine. I spotted him a few times enter an alleyway and Serpine left it minutes later. Don’t trust him, no matter what he says. Serpine wants the book of Names and he is looking for something that can kill you. If you die, the book is unprotected.”, Keiran explained annoyed.
They were all in shock, but didn’t question it. They soon enough met Tanith, Valkyrie stated that she met her once already and that she was nice, and so Keiran allowed her to tag along. After everyone, besides Anton and Meritorius, jumped into Ghastly’s Van, did Meritorius talk.
“Your Son really is violent.”, he told the Gist Master.
“I know...”
“But...he is only violent, when he is worried sick about one of you. Be careful with one another. He seems...protective and territorial of you all.”
“We will try our best.”
“Good. Now go rescue Skulduggery.”
Anton nodded and jumped into the Van and Ghastly sped off. It didn’t take them long to arrive there and Keiran wasted no time into getting out and getting ready for kill or be killed mode. Lorcan did the same and Laoise copied her Cousin and Brother.
Tanith sent the Cleavers to distract the Hollow Ones and then they ran for the wall. Hopeless, Ghastly, Lorcan, Laoise, Erskine and Keiran made it over the wall easily. Ghastly helped Anton and Saracen with a small boost of his Magic, while Keiran helped Larrikin over it and Lorcan helped Dexter Vex over the wall. Tanith helped Valkyrie over the wall.
Together they ran into the castle of Serpine’s and started a wild search in a Team of two. Lorcan and Keiran found Skulduggery and he looked in bad shape. That, made Lorcan, go into rage mode.
“Oh, hello you two.”, Skulduggery greeted them weakly.
“What the fuck did that Bastard do to you ?”, Keiran growled out.
“Oh, just some torture with his red hand.”, he chuckled out weakly.
Lorcan and Keiran saw red at that. The others all came rushing in and Ghastly tried to crack open the handcuffs. After that was done, Saracen and Hopeless helped Skulduggery to get up and walk.
The rest of the Team tried to keep the way free, only to realize way too late that three members were missing, after they fled. Laoise, Lorcan and Keiran.
“Wait...where are Lorcan, Laoise and Keiran ?!”, Anton asked in panic, after they were in the Van.
“Shit !”, Ghastly cursed.
“We have to go back.”, Skulduggery said weakly.
“YOU need medical attention ! This is serious and urgent !”, Hopeless scolded.
“The kids !”, Skulduggery protested.
“They know what they are doing. We have to get you to Kenspeckle.”
“They are going after Serpine.”, Valkyrie whispered.
Everyone was silent.
“What ?”, Dexter asked in shock.
“Didn’t you see the murderous glares Keiran and Lorcan had ? They probably told Laoise, because she had the same murderous look later on. They are going after Serpine, to make him pay for what he did to Skulduggery.”, she explained.
“Fuck. We have to go back !”, Saracen yelled.
“If we go back now, Skulduggery will die.”, Larrikin argued back.
“Let’s hope these three are careful. We have to get Skul into medical care and that fast.”, Ghastly said worried.
Anton sat in the car, worried sick for his Son, Nephew and Niece. They were all worried, but Anton was the most worried with Skulduggery. Their children’s lives were on the line.
-With Keiran, Lorcan and Laoise-
They followed Serpine, ready to kill instantly. They had the perfect torture session planned out for Nefarian Serpine. One that he will beg to be over fast.
As soon as Serpine was alone inside a room, Lorcan locked it and Keiran knocked him out cold. Then they dragged Nefarian away from populated areas and into a deep forest. All they did was set up some cameras and then waited for the Bastard to wake up.
-With the Dead Men-
They reached the Cinema and rushed Skulduggery inside.
“Kenspeckle ?! Kenspeckle we need your help, urgently !”, Ghastly called as soon as they were in the soundproof hideout of the Professor’s.
Kenspeckle arrived after a few seconds, with his two assistants, Stentor and Civet. The older man’s eyes widened as he saw Skulduggery.
“What in the ever loving hell happened to him ?”, the Professor asked.
“Serpine.”, Saracen answered.
Kenspeckle’s face turned grim and he instantly led them to an operation room.
“Put him on the bed and then leave. This is urgent.”, he told the Dead Men.
Valkyrie was scared for Skulduggery. What if he won’t make it ? The left the room quickly and stayed seated in the waiting room.
“Shouldn’t we search Lorcan, Laoise and Keiran ?”, Valkyrie asked worried.
“We don’t know where they are right now. It would be like hunting a needle in hay.”, Dexter replied softly.
Anton just sat there, eyes unfocused. He was worried sick.
Ghastly put a hand on the Hotelier’s shoulder, which made him snap out of his thoughts.
“Don’t worry, Anton. I bet they are okay.”, the tailor told him with a soft smile.
“I hope so...”, Anton replied.
Hopeless, Larrikin, Saracen and Valkyrie had a grim face. They hoped so too, for Anton’s and Skulduggery’s sanity’s sake.
-With the kids-
Serpine woke up finally. The children already had sinister grins on their faces and Laoise started the cameras.
“W-what happened...?”, Serpine groaned and rubbed his head.
They agreed that Lorcan can break Serpine’s bones, Laoise can stab him anywhere she wanted and Keiran will cut off the hand.
“Well, well, well~ Awake at last, aren’t we~?”, Keiran purred darkly.
Serpine stiffened up, eyes wide in horror.
He quickly turned around, right hand stretched out to instantly kill, but Keiran saw that coming and grabbed the outstretched arm, then pressed it to the floor, making Serpine hiss in pain.
Before Nefarian could make Keiran let go of his hand, by causing him pain, he screamed in agony already. Keiran’s dagger came crashing down and made quick work of cutting through the bone of Serpine’s red hand, severing it from his body.
Keiran smirked darkly at Serpine, who looked at him with tears in his eyes.
“You disgusting piece of trash, hurt and tormented my Family for long enough. It’s time to end it, don’t you think ? I told you, you lay your hands on my Family, you will regret your existence.”, Keiran said darkly.
Then he got up and picked up the cut off red hand. Just then did Serpine see Lorcan and Laoise, Skulduggery’s children. They didn’t look very happy.
“Oh, we will have fun, won’t we, Serpine~?”, Lorcan asked darkly, a dark promising smile on his face.
Laoise giggled darkly and gave Serpine also a dark, promising look.
“N-now, now ! We can talk about this, kids !”, Serpine tried to convince.
“Yeah, no. You bothered us for way too long. You broke the truce. You HURT my Father. You tried to kill us. You tried to kill Keiran and now you want to TALK ABOUT EVERYTHING ?! Fuck you, Nefarian Serpine.”, Lorcan snarled.
With that Lorcan lifted the sledge hammer and let it slam onto Serpine’s right leg, making a satisfying loud cracking sound. Serpine screamed in pain, while Lorcan continued to break his bones to pieces.
“When we are done with you, you wish you were never born.”, Keiran promised Nefarian darkly.
Serpine was scared. He never saw them this pissed off, nor did he ever had to feel this threatened before. He didn’t want to die...
-With the Dead Men-
Kenspeckle came out of the room and everyone looked at him. The older man sighed.
“He will be fine soon. Give him a few hours and he can leave. He had a few cracked bones and open wounds on his torso.”, Kenspeckle informed.
“Oh thank the Ancients ! He will be fine.”, Larrikin said in relief.
“If you would have came two seconds later, one of his ribs could have broken apart and stabbed him in the heart, so good instincts to bring him to me.”
Everyone grew pale at that information.
“Holy shit...”, Ghastly muttered.
Kenspeckle looked around and then was confused.
“Where are the kids ? Usually they are always with you.”, the Professor asked.
“They went after Serpine without our knowledge. But we had to choose. Either Skulduggery or them. They can handle themselves and we would have searched for them, if we knew where they are.”, Dexter explained.
Kenspeckle stared at them then sighed and muttered under his breath.
“I hope for you all, that you won’t regret your choice.”
With that he left them alone.
-With the trio-
Serpine just took his last breath and the three kids pouted.
“Oh, our toy is already broken...”, Lorcan pouted.
“Such a shame.”, Keiran said as he looked at the bleeding messy pile, that used to be Serpine.
“What do we do with the body ?”, Laoise asked.
“Burn it. We give Uncle Skulduggery the hand as present. I bet he wants to burn it himself.”, Keiran answered.
Lorcan turned off the cameras and brought them to Keiran.
“What about the recordings ?”, he asked his Cousin.
“I am making a quick Movie out of it. A great memory for life. We killed a bastard that hurt Family. A warning for future foes too.”
“I like your idea.”
“You always do.”
With that Keiran took the Cameras and started to make a small movie out of it, while Lorcan and Laoise collected wood, to burn the body.
-Time skip with the Dead Men-
Ghastly was pacing around, just like Anton. Anton paced because his worries got to him, about his Son. Ghastly paced because of Skulduggery’s kids, Keiran and impatience. He wanted to see his friend.
Soon enough Kenspeckle came out of Skulduggery’s room and looked at them.
“You can go in now. He is responsive and well rested.”
Instantly they all rushed inside and saw Skulduggery sitting up in his bed, slightly hunched over, but he was sitting. He looked at his friends and Valkyrie and waved, with a smile. It looked stronger and more healthy, than the last one he gave them.
“Hello you all.”, he joked.
Ghastly shook his head and hugged Skulduggery.
“Idiot. How are you feeling ?”, the tailor asked.
Skulduggery hugged him back and huffed out a small laugh.
“I am doing just fine. A bit healing still, but I am feeling ready to beat some ass again.”
“The kids are still not back yet, Skulduggery.”, Anton informed the man, worried sick.
Skulduggery looked at Anton and frowned, worried too.
“Let’s hope they are fine. As much as I would love to chase them down now, I can’t. I am still recovering. Serpine did more damage, than I thought.”, the Detective replied.
Suddenly the doors swung open and everyone looked in the direction of the swung open doors. Their eyes widened as they spotted Lorcan, Laoise and Keiran, covered in blood, but they looked smug and satisfied with themselves.
“Kids ! Are you alright ?!”, Dexter asked in worry.
“We are just fine, Uncle Dex !”, Lorcan replied, energetic and smug.
Keiran and Laoise nodded, big grins on their faces. The Dead Men, Tanith and Valkyrie grew concerned.
“What did you do ?! Why are you covered in blood ?!”, Anton yelled in worry.
“It isn’t ours, Papa.”, Keiran replied still smug.
“Then...whose is it ?”, Ghastly asked.
“Serpine’s.”, the three replied happily.
The Dead Men and two girls stared at the trio in shock.
“WHAT ?!”, they all screamed in shock at the kids, who were still smug.
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update-blog-bp9 · 1 year
Alrighty then !
This was made the same day, where I notified yall that my internet is garbage for a while, so I put the informations and short notes into the waiting queue so it will publish some stuff, same with the next chapters of the book 6 SP x M/n AU. I sheduled everything I could.
So...I planned a Oneshot of an alternate Universe with Keiran Fox (M/n). You know the name for M/n from the "The Dead Men meet M/n" Oneshot. I thought it was a nice idea. It is sheduled to come out next week.
Then...As you know from the one Video, I uploaded 2 weeks ago, I already leaked Erskin Hollow's Darkside. I was thinking...would any of you want to give me your theories as to what his Darkside did to him ?
(Who saw the Video, will know what I mean. We know it possessed him, but what did it do to him ?)
When did it take place, why did Erskin give in, how did he come back from that, what is a Darkside supposed to do, who might have helped Erskin to get back to his senses, who was the person he was so terrified of seeing and all that stuff. The most important question...did his Darkside help him or manipulate him ?
You can answer as anonymous. I will give that free for that question. It already should be when this is published. ^^ And yes, I like making quizzes with yall. TBH it is fun to ask your audience stuff and to get some theories. It is interesting what many of you think, so why not ? And no, I am not shaming anyone. I'll just say if they were close or not, I will not do humiliation, that is below my standarts. If you think I bully you, even though I don't mean to, then please inform me. My humor can be taken serious sometimes....
I recently uploaded ANOTHER video of M/n and the SP universe. Will you find a small leak, or am I lying and there is no leak ?
If I find ANY hate when I am back, I will NEVER give you the option of anonymously talking AGAIN, you read me ?
Good. Can't wait to read your questions and theories when I'm back !
Stay tuned ! ^^
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Tag Game!
rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you’re done tag 10 people plus the person who tagged you, and most importantly, HAVE FUN
tagged by: @draigg-goch​
(It has been sooooo long since I’ve done one of these!! For old times sake tho lmao)
A- age: 17 B- Biggest fear: Spiders  C- Current time: 8:16 pm D- drink you last had: Green tea  E- everyday starts with: Getting out of bed too late and only just making it to college/ work on time F- favourite song: Sex, Death & Landscapes - Tom Rosenthal  G- ghosts, are they real?: No H- hometown:   J- jealous of: So much these days K- killed someone? No L- last time you cried: Probably today M- middle name: Victoria N- number of siblings: 2  O- one wish: To catch a break P- person you last called/texted: Keiran Q- questions you’re always asked: “How much for this?” or other variants fml R- reasons to smile: My dog? Lol idk  S- song last sang: Quicksand - TSSF T- time you woke up: 7:00am ish U- underwear color: Black V- vacation destination: Anywhere literally get me tf out of here W- worst habit: Wasting time X- X-rays you’ve had: Elbow Y- your favourite food: Costa slted caramel muffins   Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer
0 notes
30 Under 30 – Retail & Ecommerce – Kylie Jenner. (2017, January 6). Forbes. Retrieved from http://www.forbes.com/profile/kylie-jenner-1/
Butler, P. (2016). A Marketing Analysis of the Kylie Jenner Lip Kip Phenomenon. Retrieved from https://tophat-imc.com/marketing-analysis-kylie-jenner-lip-kit-phenomenon/
Duan, N. (2015, December 16). Millennials Run the Beauty Industry, Says Study. Yahoo! News. Retrieved from https://www.yahoo.com/beauty/millennials-run-the-beauty-industry-says study-174633458.html
Edmonds, A. (2010) Pretty Modern: Beauty, Sex, and Plastic Surgery in Brazil. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
Greenberg, J. (2015, September 22). Like it or Not, Kylie Jenner is the Celebrity of the Future. Wired. Retrieved from https://www.wired.com/2015/09/kylie-jenneris-the-celebrity-ofthe-future/
Keirans, M. (2016, August 18). Kylie Jenner is the Confirmed Queen of Snapchat, Duh. MTV  news. Retrieved from http://www.mtv.com/news/2920721/kylie-jennersnapchatmost followed/
Maddeaux, S. (2015, July 31). The rise of richface: Why so many young women are getting    cosmetic surgery. The Global and Mail. Retrieved from            http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/fashion-and-beauty/beauty/the-rise-of-richfacewhy-more-and-more-young-women-are-getting-cosmetic-surgery/article25756128/
Marshall, D. (2010). The Promotion and Presentation of Self: Celebrity as Marker of Presentational Media. Retrieved from       http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/19392390903519057
Neimark, J. (1995, May 1). The Culture of Celebrity. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/199505/the-culture-celebrity
Sanchez, K. (2016, November). Kylie Jenner in Plain Sight. Complex Magazine. Retrieved from http://www.complex.com/pop-culture/kylie-jenner-interview-2016-cover-story
Sprunk, C. (2016, January 25). 16 College Women Get Real About Kylie Jenner. Her Campus. Retrieved from http://www.hercampus.com/entertainment/16-college-women-get-real   about-kylie-jenner
0 notes
cloudmonstachopper · 8 years
biiig chiimquisitor update!
With a few cameos about my warden, Cloudy (and maybe about my champion Mishka too)
Leliana says something about Briala having had a past with Celenne and Chiim is basically like DIRTY COURT GOSSIP???? TELL ME MORE shameless
When asked who to bring along, it basically went like this: I can’t NOT take Vivienne to a BALL please!! And Dorian? Oh, he’ll love it! He deserves a treat anyways, I’ve dragged him through such “dreadful” areas. And Varric! He’ll be sure to wind some fun tales from the evening.
Chiim in formal clothes was amazing. But like. Vivienne trying to wrestle them into it. Dorian dying of laughter on the couch in the background. Chiim: WHY IS THIS JUST A SEVEN FOOT LENGTH OF BLUE FABRIC. WHAT DO I DO WITH IT. IS IT TO TIE UP MY ENEMIES? Vivienne: nO INQUISITOR THAT IS YOUR SASH AND CUMBERBUND M A K E R PLS They manage to finally get Chiim into the tunic. But they weren’t having it with the pants, Chiim won the battle and got to wear thigh-high travel-worn boots with like. Kneepads. Amazing. Truly a LookTM. Chiim fashion at its finest.
Josie: Before you enter the ballroom... you EVERY WORD AND ACTION WILL BE JUDGED SO YOU’D BEST BE ON YOUR BEST BEHAVIOR Chiim: sooo no jumping on the furniture like a goat then, I take it? Josie: *nearly has a stroke* please don’t
Empress: We look forward to watching you dance Chiim: *internally* “we look forward to watching you dance” yeah they just wanna be assholes and see how in the wooooorld someone dances with such ‘heavy monstrosities’ on their head hAVE THEY EVEN SEEN THEIR OWN HATS y’all just racist assholes what a pile of pricks Chiim: A pleasure. If you’ll excuse me *bows gracefully and scuttles away*
Chiim: So, Yvette, any FUN STORIES ABOUT JOSIE???? *nearly bouncing up and down in excitement* Yvette: oh, there was that time when we were ten- Josie: NO Yvette: or how about that time you accidentally melted- Josie: STOP Yvette: or that time you spilt sauce all over- Josie: YveTTE Yvette: she still plays with her dolls when no one’s looking!! Josie: *covering yvette’s mouth and laughing* I DON’T KNOW WHAT SHE’S TALKING ABOUT
Apparently full white masks were used in orlesian theater for roles with no clear gender. I mean I know they’re talking about spirits. But. I’m just saying. If Chiim had an orlesian mask, it would be a full white one.
Chiim: oh look, cullen is surrounded by ladies. Ladies: would you like a drink? a dance? Cullen: No thank you, I’m not thirsty. Chiim: and he has no idea they’re flirting with him in the SLIGHTEST. I’d best go save him.
Chiim: *wandering the balconies* an awful lot of drinks and bottles scattered around on this table for an empty balcony... hrm... I SUSPECT A MEETING HAS OCCURRED HERE it later turned out that’s where gaspard hangs out so he probs met with florianne there
Chiim: these elvhen servants are literally leaving blood tracks behind I mean seriously????? even I can tell???? I thought the game was supposed to be subtle
Dorian: *reminiscing about tevinter balls* It’s lacking only a few sacrificial slaves and some blood magic! But the night IS young Chiim: *just raises eyebrow* Dorian: ooh, but you ought to dance with me before we go Chiim: *is SO OVER IT bc still reeling from WOW ORLESIAN ASSHOLES* hm Dorian: *cajoles* Chiim: okay, m a y b e Dorian: you sure you don’t want to dance with the evil magister? it’d certainly be s h o c k i n g~ Chiim: mmm tempting Dorian: if you could find me ten silk scarves I’ve got a dance that would REALLY shock them *wink wonk* Chiim: good thing I’m a rogue and every lady is wearing twenty-seven then, I’ll be back in a jiffy ;D
Chiim: psssst dorian, distract everybody in this courtyard while I climb this terrace! Dorian: that’ll need to be quite a big distraction then, to pry everyone away from the qunari inquisitor, IN dress clothes, climbing a terrace during the great ball NOT TO MENTION providing everyone with a great view of dat ass Chiim: so? Dorian: already on it dear
Leliana’s obsession with shoes is very intelligent and I love her. In other news: !!!!!! M O R R I G A N AHHHHHH
Chiim: *is impatient and jumps on a couch to reach some incriminating papers on the table* Courtiers: ooh that inquisitor, he must have some sort of... strength to make up for his BOORISH manners *loses a point of approval* Chiim: Josie’s gonna kill me
Chiim plays the politics game, does really nice. Back at the keep everyone is like !!! wow, I was really impressed!! I didn’t know you could pull that off???? Chiim: heh, yeah, Dorian and Vivienne and Leliana coached me in niceties and playacting (and Leliana in some added ShenanigansTM) Josie: AND YOU STILL JUMPED ON THE FURNITURE Chiim: *deadpan* you can take the ox outta the qunari, but you can’t take the gOAT OUTTA THE CHIIMQUISITOR *runs* Josie: *proceeds to ream chiimquisitor out for approx. 2hr*
Florianne: do you know who can be trusted? Chiim, a person who naturally trusts almost everyone and is weak to growing attached to people: *lies through their teeth* if there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s to trust no one
At the ball, and Josie’s all “ohooo! You’ll be the talk of the court for months! We should take you dancing more often!” Chiim: clearly she hasn’t heard about my furniture jumping escapades yet
“Are we going to sneak around the empress’ unmentionables NOW? haha, just how drunk are you, boss?” Varric has officially adopted the Chiimquisitor #CONFIRMED
Chiim: *hears screams for help in the next room* Chiim: *busts into next room, finds harlequin assassin about to take out an elf* Chiim: *just straight up KICKS THE HARLEQUIN OUT THE WINDOW NBD* Chiim: Are you okay? Sorry bout that, my protection instincts kicked in and I just... well. I did say they *kicked* in. Heh. Heheheheh. Varric: Andraste’s bloomers but that was a bad one
Chiim: *fucks things up and talks to morrigan and feels SLIGHTLY better bc liason but also fucked up things for the elves* Dorian: *side-eyes morrigan SO HARD as he walks in WHO IS FLIRTING WITH HIS CHIIMQUISITOR N O W GDI* Dorian: so you charmed the dowager and she wants to marry you to one of her daughters. Told her you’d already left Chiim: (oh thank god) Dorian: You can thank me later. Or now. But you look lost in thought. Something on your mind? Chiim: I fucked up, Dorian. I fucked up bad and now I’m sad but I’ve made the best of a shitty situation. *hunches in on themselves, sighs* Dorian: clearly you need to be distracted. Let’s dance? Chiim: *isn’t a dancer, is so OVER dancing, and the game, and all this shit, but... maybe it’s what they need, and they’ll give it a shot... for Dorian* Chiim: *looks up and tries a smile* I thought you’d never ask.
Chiim gets back to skyhold and IMMEDIATELY mother giselle is all up in everybody’s business and like INQUISITOR CAN I HAVE A MOMENT Chiim, internally: LET ME MOURN MY FUCKUP. LET ME MOURN IT IN PEACE. Chiim: *sighs and puts on a placating smile and tone* How can I help you, revered mother? ... Josie: yes, and we’ll take care of it LATER right now give the Chiimquisitor a BREAK Chiim: bless u, josie. b l e s s y o u
Chiim immediately bonds greatly with Morrigan, mostly over talking about her son. Chiim likes her son. Morrigan is a bit cagey about him, but also likes to talk about him. She’s a proud mother.
(Fun fact: Keiran is probs also trans because Cloudy is dfab and had babbu with Morrigan which means SHENANIGANS were at play and what I’m saying here is that Keiran takes after his trans father) (Speaking of Cloudy shenanigans, he and Zevran have a daughter. She is very cute. During the pregnancy Cloudy refused to see anyone and they disappeared off the map for about 9 months. But afterwards Cloudy comes back and is like !!!!! LOOK AT THIS SMOL!!! I MADE HER!! Zevran helped I guess WOW SHE’S SO CUTE AND GREAT AND SMART) (she grows up to be an absolute terror. Daughter of the warden commander and the leader of the antivan crows, daughter of TWO rogues, one of whom doubles as an assassin? oh pranks and things going missing FOR D A Y S ON END shenanigans never stop) (I have a lot more hcs and things about Cloudy & Zevran’s child - who has a ~mysterious~ older half-brother in keiran - but this is a chiimquisitor post so we continue with the chiimquisition) (sidebar mishka and anders don’t have any kids of their own but they totally adopt like every single child, dog, and cat that comes anywhere near them, their house is super big and always crazy and it’s fantastic; there’s also a chicken. The kids named the chicken cupcake. Main suspects for the chicken’s origin is Aunt Merrill but there have been no confirmations.)
Chiim: Will his... father, be joining us as well? Morrigan: *thinks about cloudy gallivanting off with zevran for a cure to the calling* tis... most unlikely (At that point in time, Cloudy was also experiencing the feeling of the fake calling, but was pregnant with daughter, and just blamed it on the hormones. And Zevran, of course, being neither a warden nor someone who experiences the monthly upheaval that is periods let ALONE pregnancy, just takes his word for it. Sigrun acts as their cover story, telling everyone’ they’re off investigating the calling. Totally works.) (There’s a reason Cloudy’s letter to the inquisition basically read “sounds cool but not my fight have fun I’ll vaguely support from a distance”)
Josie: so. Uh. After the events at the grand ball, apparently Florianne’s trade routes got all tied up, so they sent her over for... judgement. Chiim: Are you SERIOUS??? She’s dead! Box: *flies buzz* Josie: ...and that was the time allotted for a rebuttal. There is- forgive me. *coughs* there is... an odor. Chiim: *clears throat* WHAT FRESH LEVEL OF BULLSHITTERY Chiim: anyways I guess there’s a precedence for this so let’s just send the routes back to them aND GET RID OF THAT BOX (Chiim has clearly been spending Way Too Much time in the library with Dorian if they know about this rANDOMASS PRECEDENCE)
Chiim: I’m worried about my gardening buddy, Blackwall. Josie: Oh? Why’s that? Chiim: he took me out for drinks and then told me about how a dog was killed in his childhood and he didn’t do anything about it???? and then he got weirdly quiet and just left???? like Blackwall. What. The fuck????? Josie: that is strange Chiim: he left a letter on his rockinggriffon. I’m gonna track him down. Josie: please do. I worry about him sometimes.
(side note: if blackwall ever finishes that rockinggriffon it can be a baby shower gift for Cloudy & Zevran and their new bundle of joy heh)
Cassandra: blah blah divine I don’t know what to do but I know what i SHOULD do Chiim: hold up, if neither of you are priestesses and you can be divine, why can’t I be the divine? Cassandra: Well, you’re a man, for one. Plus I think they’re afraid of you. Chiim: Cassandra. My dear. It was a joke. I’m an atheist, tal-vashoth qunari. You couldn’t PAY me enough to be the divine.
(In all honesty though Chiim would have made for a fantastic scout, like WHO decided Chiim ought to be in charge of Politics and all these Important Things???? Cassandra why are we letting u make these decisions)
Sera: Ugh, that place. Should have thrown in some bees and slammed the door. Chiim: I dunno, seems more like a job for earwigs to me. Sera: Y E S
Chiim: *hanging out on the roof* Hey, Sera, what do you think of Dorian? Sera: You’re having it off with him, you don’t need me talking. (But I do anyway ;D) Chiim: *laughs* more than one thing is having off when I’m with him, harr harr Sera: Ew, gross! *laughs and happily bumps shoulders with Chiim*
So you know how elfroot has been lore/meta confirmed for being a recreational drug? And you know how it’s confirmed that the inquisitor has a strange obsession with it? Yeah, well only those in the inner circle know how laughable it is that Chiim indulges in the stuff: the only indulging happening here is haPPY GARDENING. heh.
Chiim: *talks to solas, mentions how much they’re torn up about briala* Solas: ... what? why do I care? oooh the elf thing, yeah, I don’t think of myself as an elf so... Chiim: I try to have a moment, why do i even try, it’s SOLAS, he’s a shitbag...
Chiim: What’s your thoughts on elvhen culture? Solas: ... ask Sera, she’s got... opinions. Chiim: I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS SERA BASHING YOU RUDEASS SHITHOLE Solas: sorry. I’m just... jealous. Sorry. Chiim: damn right.
ps when Chiim was first learning to be an assassin 100% they would stealth, sneak up behind unsuspecting companions, stab them in the ankle with a butter knife and yell “I STAB U IN THE LEG AND ABSCOND” and laugh hysterically as they run away Dorian is just standing there like “did u just poke me with your fingernail??”
Vivienne wants the heart of this wyvern, and won’t tell Chiim what for... Chiim is slightly suspicious, but is gonna do it anyways. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here like THIS BETTER NOT BE AN ANDERS BETRAYAL AGAIN DOn’T YOU DO THAT TO ME VIVIENNE
Dorian: and now you’ve got an empress eating out of your hand, makes for a perfect mental image Chiim: (dorian what are you thinking??? is this a kink thing????) Dorian: all this dancing, murder, politics, almost makes me a bit homesick Chiim: so we should do that kind of thing again? Dorian: watch as you twist an entire empire around your little finger? *bedroom voice* ABSOLUTELY. Chiim: so it.... IS a kink thing??? I don’t get it, but ok. ... Chiim: wanna makeout against this dragon statue over here? Dorian: sure, I’m down Chiim: nice
0 notes
Jealousy made a Monster – Father!Anton x Son!Reader
WARNING!: Attempted Murder, Violent thoughts, Cursing, Violence, Blood x Injury, Blood x Gore AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!
Anton Shudder, Ghastly Bespoke and Erskine Ravel went back to the Irish Sanctuary. Keiran followed them, without them noticing, right behind Keiran were the rest of the Dead Men, because Fox begged them to trust him, desperately.
Something was off about all of this, since they went together into the war against the other Sanctuaries, and Keiran was worried sick for his Dad. Keiran Fox might be a grown up, but he didn’t want to lose his Papa yet. Because of this, the Dead Men agreed to follow them, without them noticing, to help.
Soon enough they got back to the Sanctuary and Keiran sneaked inside first, the others stationed themselves outside, to make sure no one got in.
As Keiran was inside, he saw almost immediately Erskine sneaking up on Ghastly, with a dagger in hand, Keiran whipped his head around and soon spotted the black Cleaver, who was formerly the white Cleaver, too, who had his eyes trained on Anton.
He had to act fast ! They didn’t know !
“Ghast ! WATCH OUT !”, Keiran yelled loudly.
Ghastly instantly whipped around and saw Erskine attacking him with the dagger, he caught Ravel’s wrist, with the dagger in hand, quickly. Ravel cursed.
More Cleavers came inside.
Anton summoned his Gist, which was a bad idea. The black Cleaver went to attack him, knowing Anton will be unable to move and is unprotected. Keiran ran for his Father, in blind panic.
‘INSIDE ! HELP ! TRAITOR ! DANGER ! WHITE CLEAVER !’, Keiran yelled in his mind, reaching out to Skulduggery.
“PAPA !”, he screamed.
Ghastly looked at Anton and saw the black Cleaver, running at him, scythe unsheathed.
“Anton, GET DOWN !”, the tailor yelled.
But Anton couldn’t move, like always. He can’t move while his Gist is out, it takes too much effort, that he could pass out. Keiran sprinted faster and ran, with a slight jump, full force, into his Dad, protecting him from the scythe, taking the hit and making his Father fall to the floor. Keiran stayed protectively over his Father, back vulnerable.
The Gist looked at its Host and Kin, seeing the damage Keiran had gotten instantly. His back was cut by the black Cleaver’s blade. It would have beheaded Anton, if Keiran wouldn’t have interfered. The Gist got more angered at that, than it was before already, and attacked the black Cleaver.
Anton used a lot of effort to turn around to lie on his back, then he stared at his Son in concern. His face was screwed up in pain. Anton wanted to ask, what was wrong, but froze when he saw blood running down Keiran’s arms. He was HURT.
“Keiran ?! Are you alright ?! How bad is it ?!”, he yelled worried sick.
“M-my head is still on my sh-shoulders, P-Papa.”, his Son managed to mumble out.
Anton’s eyes widened at that information. They went for his head and his Son saved him from his early death, taking the hit himself. He looked at his Gist, that just managed to tear the black Cleaver to shreds and then came to aid them. It whined softly at Keiran, concerned. A very rare, close to impossible, development for a Gist to care for its own Host’s Kin, but Anton’s Gist was always different.
“R-return to Papa. I-I’ll be fine...”
The Gist listened to Keiran and returned to Shudder. Ghastly wrestled with Erskine, on the floor, in the meantime. Erskine seemed to be winning. Keiran got up and saw that Ravel was about to push the dagger into Ghastly’s neck.
“N-no.”, he tried to stand straighter and then ran at Erskine.
No one hurts his Family.
Before Ravel could stab Ghastly to his death, he was thrown off of him. Ghastly quickly got up.
“KEIRAN !”, Anton yelled in panic.
He was badly wounded on his back and he still went to fight, he could make it worse ! At this, his Gist went wild in worry, demanding to be let out again for help.
They wrestled and Ravel managed to stab Keiran’s right shoulder, deeply, making the male yell in pain. It made Anton’s Gist just wilder, wanting to rip Ravel to shreds. Ghastly speed – walked over to them and kicked Erskine, with all his might, in the head.
Erskine fell off of Keiran and was passed out. Then the doors flew open and inside came the rest of the Dead Men, running, with weapons drawn out. Madame Mist cursed.
Keiran may be in pain, but he was pissed.
Mist’s eyes widened in fear and she tried to run away.
Her eyes went even wider and she fell to the floor, coughing out blood and trying desperately to catch her breath, only to notice that she will die. Dexter’s gun still smoked, his glare deadly and his face was darkened, his mouth making a disgusted and outraged expression.
Valkyrie never saw him this mad before...
Then they ran to Anton, Keiran and Ghastly. Saracen was with Anton.
“Are you alright ?!”, he asked worried.
He nodded.
“But Keiran is not.”, Anton replied worried sick.
Dexter and Skulduggery were with Ghastly, checking on him, while Valkyrie was with Keiran and gasped at the damage she saw on his back.
They all turned to her and Skulduggery rushed over, instantly. He got out his phone and called Doctor Synecdoche, telling her that he needed her help immediately in the council room of the Irish Sanctuary. Then he quickly hung up and mumbled as he tore off his suit jacket and used it to slow down the bleeding.
“I need more help, the cut is big and deep, his right shoulder seems to be injured too.”, Skulduggery informed the rest quickly.
Anton rushed over next and Dexter followed. They pulled off their coats and pressed them on the wound of Keiran’s back, trying to slow down the bleeding there too. Ghastly took off his coat and tied it tightly onto Keiran’s right shoulder, which made the male hiss in pain.
“Synecdoche will be here anytime soon, she is hurrying.”, Skulduggery informed.
Saracen glared at the passed out Erskine, in hatred.
“What about him ?”, he asked coldly.
“Put him in handcuffs and leave him there.”, Skulduggery replied with an ice cold tone.
Saracen nodded and did as told. Then Synecdoche came rushing in with a few more helpers. She stopped and gently pushed Dexter aside, then looked at the damage.
“Oh wow, this is serious. Get him to the medical wing ! We need to fix him as fast as possible !”, she yelled.
The helpers got quickly to work and the Dead Men backed away to let them do their job.
“How did that happen ?”, Valkyrie asked Anton and Ghastly.
“He yelled a warning at me first and with that I survived, then he yelled for Anton, but he couldn’t move. He had the Gist out. Keiran ran into Anton and shielded him from the black Cleaver’s scythe with his back. I fought with Ravel, but it seemed fruitless as the dagger came closer to my neck, in last second, Keiran threw himself at him and tore him off of me, he stabbed his right shoulder and I kicked him in the head.”, Ghastly explained shortly.
She stared at Erskine in horror, which soon turned into disgust.
Anton quickly followed the Doctor, wanting to be there for Keiran. He HATED Doctors. He needed Anton to stay calm and not fight. The others followed too.
When they reached the room, they already could hear Keiran yell and scream at Doctor Synecdoche, trashing the place as it seemed. A lot of things crashed and clashed around.
“Keiran calm down.”, she said.
“NO ! DON’T YOU DARE TOUCH ME !”, he screamed.
Anton quickly entered and Keiran’s head snapped to him. Keiran’s face showed rage and fear at first, but as he saw his Dad, he seemed to calm down and feel ashamed. Anton approached him and patted his uninjured shoulder.
“Calm down and let them help you, Keiran. I’m here. No one can hurt you.”, he soothed.
The male nodded his head softly. Anton knew why he hated and feared Doctors. There was one Doctor, he was at. He was a psychopath and traumatized Keiran, since then he needed Anton by his side, to not freak out and kill a Doctor that meant well.
When Nye was working at the Sanctuary, Keiran refused to go. He rather went to Anton and Skulduggery to get his wounds at least stitched and bandaged, than to risk his own sanity with Nye. Not even Anton could keep him calm near that thing.
Synecdoche went to work quickly and explained every step she was about to do, to soothe Keiran. It did help him. Anton was thankful that she knew what to do, without him asking it of her.
-Two hours later-
“I am finished.”, she announced.
“Th-thank you.”, Keiran said softly.
“It’s my job to help. Now do not move any heavy objects, don’t get into such a fight again, don’t get your back injured in the next four days and everything should be fine. Okay ?”
Keiran nodded softly.
“Good. Here is the medication you will need for at least today. It will help to heal it faster.”, she explained and gave him the recipe and a small package.
“Thanks again.”, Keiran said.
With that they left the room and were in the hall, where the other Dead Men waited.
“How are you ?”, Ghastly asked Keiran.
“Better.”, he answered.
He looked at Ravel, who was awake and gagged, legs bound together too.
“He tried to escape ?”, Keiran asked.
“He did.”, Saracen answered.
The male nodded softly and then went in front of Erskine. He helped him stand up, which shocked the rest of the Dead Men. They were about to accuse him, but suddenly...
Erskine’s head snapped to his left and he fell onto his left side and onto the left side of his face. The other Dead Men stared at Keiran, who slapped Erskine. The handprint was already forming on Ravel’s right cheek.
Ravel looked at Keiran in shock. The boy, he helped to raise, with the others... He glared at him with so much rage and hatred.
“I hate you, Ravel. You led them into a trap, you worked with the enemy, you betrayed us, you tried to kill my Father and Ghastly. My Uncle. I really have the urge to beat you up until you are close to death. They were there for you all the time and you stab them in the back, like a dirty, slimy slug !”, Keiran yelled with rage at Ravel.
He stared at the young male in shock and shame.
“You DISGUST me, Ravel. I wish I NEVER met you. I wish you were NEVER born. And I will kill you, when I get the chance.”, he spat outraged at him.
Ravel never saw Keiran’s hatred like this and he didn’t like that it was directed at him. Keiran turned around with an outraged and betrayed look on his face.
“I’m ashamed that I wanted to be like you. One, of the eight Role Models, I had looked up to and he is a traitor. Do us all a favor and fucking die.”, Keiran said and then left.
Ravel stared at Keiran’s retreating form in shock. He saw him as a Role Model, he wanted to be like him too and he let Keiran down. The Torment lied to him ! He said that Keiran would be happy if Erskine did what Torment told him to do ! He said that Keiran never saw him as a Role Model ! He...he ruined everything.
He looked at his former friends, they all glared in hatred at him, besides Skulduggery, he didn’t have a face, but he was definitely outraged.
“Can I kill him ?”, Anton asked darkly.
Erskine knew he had no right to plead, but he wanted to explain himself. He pleaded at them with his eyes and looked down at his gag, to make them understand that he only asks them to let him speak.
Valkyrie glared at him, but sighed and took the gag off.
“Thank you.”, Ravel said softly.
“Don’t even start. Whatever you have to say, do it quick, before I gag you again. I really don’t like you anymore, Erskine.”, she growled.
He looked down.
“Of course. I...wanted to explain and apologize for what I just tried and did behind your backs, I know it won’t safe my life, nor am I asking for forgiveness or mercy. I beg you to do your worst after I explained myself.”
They still glared, but Val, Skulduggery and Ghastly were confused slightly. What’s the point in explaining himself, if he doesn’t expect to be forgiven or get mercy ?
“I was missing a few times in the war, if you remember, besides Valkyrie, she wasn’t there when we fought Mevolent’s forces. I was...jealous of you. Keiran always said he wanted to be just like you all when he grew up. He said it to everyone of you, but me. So I thought he didn’t like me or I was not interesting. He looked up to you all and...not me. I felt excluded and I liked Keiran. I was even more jealous when Anton was chosen, by Keiran himself, to be his adoptive Father. At some point, I met the Torment and he knew all of this. He said if I would do what I was doing today, then Keiran would see me as his Role Model. Blind as I was, I believed him. He fed lies to me and made my jealousy grow into distaste and blood thirst. I knew it was wrong, you were my friends and I fought against this jealousy, cherished every moment that I had spent with Keiran instead, but after the war, I barely saw and heard from him, with that my jealousy returned. I got worse. I never knew that I already was his Role Model, that he looked up to me already.”
They stared at Erskine in shock.
“If I would have known, I wouldn’t have fallen for the Torment’s lies and tricks. But I do not expect forgiveness or any mercy. Do your worst. I deserve it. Kill me if you have to.”
“He never told you then ?”, Anton asked.
Erskine looked at Anton.
“What do you mean ?”, he asked confused.
“It was hard for him to pick between you and me. He saw you like a big Brother and me like a fatherly figure. He always feared that he bothered or annoyed you, if he would come to you or write you the first letter, so he waited for you to write. But you never did. You struck him as a person that can be nice, but can easily mask their annoyance with a fake smile, so he never wanted to bother you all that much.”, Anton explained.
“He was supposed to tell you.”, Saracen said.
“He never did...wait...what date was that ?”, Ravel asked.
“It was the 24th of October 1875.”, Ghastly answered.
“Oh... Well then I scared him off, I think. I was very stressed that day, had too little sleep and was easily annoyed. He must have seen me and then backed away.”
There was silence for a long while.
“I always looked up to you. I thought you would think it’s childish. So I never said that you counted in too. It looked like you didn’t like me all that much, so I didn’t bother you. You should have told me.”, Keiran’s voice came from the darkness.
“And you should have told me some things too.”, Erskine countered.
“Miscommunication is a pain in the ass. And it led to this too.”, Dexter sighed out.
Erskine shrugged his shoulders.
“At least none of you died and I will be punished accordingly. My jealousy doesn’t justify what I tried to do and did. I doubt you could ever trust me again.”
Keiran stepped out of the shadows and looked at Erskine.
“I will need a LOT of time to forgive you. And even MORE time to trust you again, BUT I am willing to give you a second chance. Everyone deserves one. Yes, your jealousy doesn’t justify anything, but you were partly brainwashed too, which makes you partly innocent too. I am at fault too, I should have had the bravery and told you that I was also looking up to you.”
“So...my sentence ?”, Ravel asked Ghastly, who was now technically Great Mage.
“Because of the truth you told us and what Keiran said I would put you to jail, with locked away magic, for ten years. You will get therapy to get rid of whatever remained of your jealousy and you will be released when you are considered ‘healthy’ again. Then you can work on getting our trust and friendship back. Don’t fuck it up, otherwise I won’t hesitate to give you over to Keiran and he will make you cry, when he is done with you.”, Ghastly threatened.
Ravel nodded, but didn’t smile. He had no right to smile. He was still a disgusting man. He tried to kill two of his best friends, that always stayed by his side, for something as stupid as jealousy...
Masterlist HERE !
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update-blog-bp9 · 1 year
Short info
So as you know...I gave the Male!Reader two different TAKEN names. (M/n will stay the same Given name) I think you all know WHY I did that. So we don't confuse the Categories and Alternate Universes I make.
Erskin Hollow sees the Dead Men as Brothers and would NEVER start a relationship with any of them. It would feel like incest to him. That is THAT AU. Keiran Fox is used in Oneshots where he sees the Dead Men as Uncles and Parents. I also use him for "What if" Oneshots. Like I asked, and some of you wished of me (^^), I will continue that AU too. So I add small "what if" Oneshots into it. Like the Oneshot "Jealousy made a Monster". It was a "what if" Oneshot. If the war wouldn't have stopped and Erskine would have went through manipulation and everything. Which in that AU didn't happen, BECAUSE the war stopped BEFORE that could have happened. You catch my dirft ? Cool.
Now, MANY of you want me to do Smutshots and relationship shots with the Reader and the Dead Men/or Dead Man x Dead Man. I CAN'T promise that there will be many, because I am more to the fluff and angst with these characters, but I can promise SOME. Mostly the fluffy and angsty relationship Oneshots. ^^ But I think you all know what THAT means, right ?
Because I have the names Erskin Hollow and Keiran Fox for Dead Men FAMILY Oneshots, I will not be using ANY of these two. A new name will be in order for the relationship and Smut Oneshots. Otherwise some might confuse everything and yell at me that I am doing Incest, even though I don't.
I thought I might be warning you about THAT, so there is no confusion. Now have a nice Day/Evening !
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