#Kanato sakamaki x reader
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Ɓesti- i haven't found an Azusa simp in years i honestly adore Kanato more. He is a cutie to me even tho he would probably stab me—
BUT! I demand fluff. Fluff with Kanato, and if you wish, i wouldn't mind Azusa fluff.
Oh yesssss plz more Azusa requests~
And yesssss I totally see why you like Kanato :3 Cute ones could stab hardest lol
Azusa Mukami
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At first, tenderness with Azusa would be difficult.
Because this man believes that pain is love.
And for some reason you're not that interested in pain.
You should take the initiative.
In the beginning, all intimacy is initiated by you.
Hug him, give him kisses and tell him how much you love him.
Azusa might not learn quickly.
Change would take time.
But Azusa would learn… and he would start showing affection towards you.
Azusa hugs would be really gentle.
He would like to hug you very often.
Azusa would love you a lot.
And he would like to prove it.
Normally, Azusa would be a big spoon.
He would love to hold you in his arms.
Azusa's kisses would usually be soft.
They would be fast but there would be many of them.
In some cases all over the body.
Public PDA would usually be hands pietly.
Azusa would enjoy it.
Kanato Sakamaki
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Fluff would usually happen on his terms.
But it would happen.
And if it didn't happen Kanato would get nervous.
So forget everything you are doing and give him attention.
Kanato would like affection.
Affection that he would never have received.
Kanato would love to be on your lap.
When you stroke his hair.
And you give him ALL your attention.
Normally, Kanato would be a small spoon.
But of course there would also be those moments when he would be a big spoon.
Even if they are a bit rare.
Kanato would easily be jealous.
And this is why PDA is a matter in public.
Kanato would hold your hand the whole time.
He would keep you close all the time.
Kanato doesn't want you to go far without him.
Usually, he would be afraid that if he let go of you, you would just disappear.
Kisses would also be a thing.
Usually they would be surprising.
To begin with, they are possessive.
But they become softer as Kanato trusts you more.
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ladysmutwriter · 10 months ago
His Doll
Kanato Sakamaki x Reader
After Kanato took a special liking to you, he became your safe place as you learnt how to love him.
WARNING: Violence, blood.
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You hummed as you sliced strawberries, Kanato behind you sitting on top of the table as Teddy sat next to him.
You still remember how hard the first week was, as none of them saw you as a person, but as a hunting prey, making you fight with teeth and nail to not fall like the other bride's, who's death date was sealed as soon as they entered the Mansion- you barely got to slap whoever was trying to suck you dry (BLOOD I MEAN BLOOD) before they hit you back or worse, inflict long term injuries on you. But somehow you caught Kanato's eyes, him beggining to follow you around on a daily basis, leaving you little tests- for example leaving Teddy in your bed, you knowing how he reacted when someone touched it, decided to sleep on a chair instead- Then he began asking you to do things for him, well, not asking, demanding; like attending his tea parties, etc, demanding all of your patience specially whenever he threw tantrums, but, oddly, he never hit you like the others, sure, in his tantrums he'd break whatever was next to him, even throwing stuff at you, but always missing.
He liked how you fought against his brothers but gave him all your attention- you weren't a cheater right? He liked how soft your voice was whenever you spoke to him, and how you never fought him off.
At first it was because you were more scared of him, knowing how gruesome he was, you'd just let him feed off of you, but he turned so, so gentle doing it -most of the time- you were like a living doll, perfect for him, so he began showing you his appreciation, not minding to interrupt whenever one of his brothers was "feeding" off of you, using either force, screams or insults to make them leave. Of course, he always took his time only to see you fighting back to them, relishing how you never fought back to him.
You were taken out of your thoughts as the knife sliced down a big cut in your finger, you flinching as gasping as blood became leaking, falling all over the strawberries- before you could go to wash it, Kanato was already by your side eyes worryingly scanning the scene to see what happened, seeing the culprit -the knife- he took it in his hands and began hitting it against the counter with all his force, until the once sharp and was all twisted and missing chunks, the counter left looking like shit, all cut and hit.
After breaking the knife Kanato turned to look at you, tears leaving his eyes as he saw your pained expression -and concerned as well- and began seeing how deep was your cut, seeing it wasn't anything dangerous, he hugged your hand and looked at you with doe eyes.
"why don't you help me clean it up, Kanato-kun?" You asked him softly, knowing how happy it made him to taste your red nectar of life, and his smile told you all, as tears stopped falling from his eyes he gently took your finger to his mouth, his cold lips hugging your finger as his tongue cleaned the cut, his saliva working it's magic as you felt your injury slowly stop hurting.
After bandaging your finger you two sat down at the kitchen table as he eat his blood covered strawberries, Teddy sitting next to him as you lovingly watched him.
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failing-to-write-again · 2 years ago
The sakamaki finds their self staring at their S/O baby/kids photos or maybe vice Vera, pick you’re favourite!
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I'm picking both because I'm an indecisive lil'bitch, so this is part 1 with the Sakamakis seeing you as children. This took way longer than expected but I got bad writers block with Kanato, Laito, and Ayato in particular.
Part 2
TW: Some mildly degrading language, it comes with the DL terrotory, Laito calls reader a whore once.
Shu Sakamaki
Perhaps if you were less tired you would have heard the door creak open or felt the hallway's light hitting your eyes as he entered your room. While not requiring heat, it was a luxury Shu enjoyed indulging in it and you tended to give the best reactions to his cold fingers waking you.
This time though you looked exhausted, a long exam season having drained you more than he would have thought. Besides, it would be funniest if you had the energy to react well. So for now he was intent on joining you in dreamland. That was until his eyes strayed to your vanity where a book lay half open. A clearer look showed a small child grinning up at him, and the note "Sweet Pea's first contest" was scrawled on a slip of paper attached to the bottom left corner.
You were sat beside an older girl both in tutus your hair adorned with with a delicate tiara complimenting your light pink, glittery costume. It looked like you were matching the older girl who was dressed in the more traditional sugar plum fairy outfit. Flicking through the book it looked like you must still be a ballerina, he especially loved your first point shoe photo, you were beaming at yourself in a mirror while standing holding the bar.
The last photo was dated as being almost a year ago, you were stunning. On stage front and center leg held high being supported by your partner as you stared dainty upwards to the side, ironically you were also a sugar plum fairy. Except there was something much more ethereal compared to the first picture he saw, you must have been some prodigy to look this way. The spotlight had all of you glowing, the layers of tulle and jewels only accentuating your glow rather than causing it.
You also had a photo with a young girl after the show, a change in generations perhaps? But, you didn't look as happy. There was the arm of a man in the frame slightly, wearing some robe similar to Yui's dad. Flicking between the first and last photo there was a clear difference between your smile reaching your eyes. You looked so hollow compared to your younger self.
The noise of you stirring slightly and turning over is what brings him back to reality, looking at you now it would be a lie to say he ever saw you smile the way you do in these photos, a beaming toothy grin in an expression he could only call personified sunshine. Now, none of that was visible. What little joy was left in that photo of you and the child had been eradicated. You were paler, and more gaunt due to constant blood draining. You had bags heavy under your eyes and knots in your hair. Punctures littered your neck, painful angry marks unhealed and just left there to further your pain.
He never asked about your hobbies or life before the manor, he knew very little about your past what he had seen while at your least intruding to try minimize the harm his brother, no he was causing. He didn't like this feeling, a rolling unsettling feeling in his stomach. He couldn't look at you as he slunk away.
Reiji Sakamaki
"Seriously, must you be so rude to delay all of our journey home."
Pushing open the doors to the school library he met the sight of your head against a book out cold. Walking closer it was clear you had been studying for some time, a mixture of notes and books laid around you. Tutting, Reiji brushed some pencil shavings away noticing the golden chain wrapped around your fingers a small heart nestled in your palm.
Turning it over it fell open to reveal two halves, one empty the other revealing a young girl in the lap of two people, their heads were out of the frame. Picking up the locket to more closely examine it, the girl was holding a teddy bear with a big red bow matching the red dress she was in.
"They took that picture before they sent me off to the church"
Turning his head back to face her, she had sat up and wiped her eyes. Resting her head in her hand and looking at his hand with some far away look in her eyes.
"The church that supplies your sacrifices, cults are always going to exist but yours is less popular than you know. So they trick people or offer to buy their children flat out. Some of the girls had seen their parents trying to get them back, tricked into believing the church was a boarding school. I'm not sure what mine believed, I never saw them again. I don't have any other pictures of them."
"You don't believe in the Church? Yui seems rather devoted still, I know how you humans work and-"
"Yui was raised in the Church by a leading priest who at least pretended to love her, I was shipped off and locked in a building raised to be killed. If you want to view the world as one dimensional, I'd like to remind you that it goes both ways. So I know you vampires are so incapable of managing yourselves you lose all decorum when blood is involved and have seemingly failed to learn how to wipe your mouth." She was sneering, evidently it was harder to hold her tongue freshly woken up. All he could focus on was the swirling pain in your eyes, it was the closest he'd ever seen her get to tears, it took him aback.
The silence seemed to only further solidify your upset, shaking your head and grabbing the locket and your bag before walking out of the library. Reiji hung back for a moment, almost reflective before turning back to the table. The notes were insightful, she had interacted with the material rather than the girls in the school that begged him for help. He had to wonder if perhaps he was using a less than adequate sample population...
Walking out to return to the limo he had to begin considering appropriate response to this outburst.
Ayato Sakamaki
"Yo, you better hurry up Ore-sama waits for no-one!"
"I'm showering, you're the one that came into my room." Scowling the red head dropped down onto your bed only to feel something poking him. Lifting the mattress revealed a flat tin box you had hidden suspiciously. Nosey as he is, he immediately opened the box to be faced with a collection of different photos. Some were of you in some school uniform with some friends, you look around 13 in some of them. Other, newer, photos have you in some brick building with those other girls, as well as some of the previous brides, some wore crosses similar to Yui's but you weren't. You were sat on a window ledge a small cupcake in your lap with those other brides living here, your eyes had that same hollow look you get when he insults you. The worse one though was a picture of you as a toddler, sat on a woman's lap with a tiny paper hat on your head. You were grinning in front of a cake lit up with 3 candles.
How dare you. Being so happy and hiding these expressions from him but showing them to other people. As this is crossing his mind he hears the door creaking open as you enter still drying your hair before freezing.
"How did you get that." You were trembling, eyes fixed on the box still in his lap.
"How dare you hide things for Ore-sama! You are mine nobody else's you have to give me everything. And this," He held up the box, shaking it to punctuate his words. "This is proof you are hiding things from yours truly!"
Tossing the box into the fire in a fit of rage, watching you cry as you try to save some of the photos. He eventually pulled you away, drinking you near faint and watching as you stumble trying to run away when he let you go. Watching as the flames slowly cause the photos to curl in on your small round face while you wait to blow out your candles. As well as listening as you sobbed just outside the door.
Kanato Sakamaki
Kanato had demanded to see what was in your suitcase the moment you had passed the doors into this hellhole. Thankfully Reiji had insisted that it was improper and due to his short attention span the purple haired menace had mostly forgotten. As weeks passed it had completely slipped your mind as you were far too preoccupied trying not to die. While walking through the halls of the manor back to your room after school your mind drifted to Kanato's bizarre behavior.
Kanato, for some reason, followed you around more than the other girls here, you were unsure how to feel about him all in all. He had moments where he was incredibly sweet and nice only to change in an instance with no predictability into screaming, violent rages. He was bad news, with no motivation or willingness to try change or improve you had to live in constant tension over what mood he'd be in. No better example came to mind that what you faced upon opening your door.
Kanato sat at the foot of your bed, your suitcase open and a scattered collection of pictures of you around them. Your heart was in your throat, unable to see his face to know how to act or run. Your hands were clammy, those photos were important to you and while you wouldn't mind showing people Kanato was ultimately a risk, he could rip them up or hurt you for having them.
"Hey, you were a cute child strawberry." Kanato was half facing you now, focusing on the picture in his hand you in a princess bouncy castle at your cousin's 5th birthday. You loved that one, you had dressed up as Rapunzel, you had a lilac tea dress on and your mother had bought fake hair to braid in with yours to extend its length. Gently stepping closer you explained this to Kanato, and about her being your favorite as a child.
"You can sit closer, I want you to tell me more." He didn't sound angry, rare for when he made demands. and you want it to stay that way. Sitting closer he also shifts to have his right knee brushing your leg as he sat crossed legged. He had his arm holding himself up behind you. Sitting in that pose, if it weren't for the clothes, he looks like a normal teenager.
He kept you there for over an hour it felt good to get to talk about your life before being a sacrifice. It was the longest you had ever seen him lucid. You eventually nod off, vaguely comprehending fingers slowly running through your hair and a blanket being draped around you.
Laito Sakamaki
Laito strikes a balance between crazy and insane that while still very much not sane, he's better at hiding it. For the past few months while here you've seen him slowly tailor his behavior to somewhat better suit you. While still a complete perv, once he realized his attempts at flirting didn't work he changed tactics, a few times, until there was this uneasy understanding between you both. You weren't friends or anything but his worst behaviors were saved for when he was hungry for the most part, other than that he was mostly just an annoyance. An annoyance currently not letting you take your time with the Sunday crossword. "8 across is isthmi, strip of land connecting two large areas separated by a body of water."
"I knew that."
"Is that why you took so long to write it down?" I could only glare as he sat there one hand holding up his head on the opposite end of the sofa. Chewing my cheek to stop a sly remark I twirled my pen before filling in the answer. It's been a few days since he's drank, too many smart remarks could have bad results.
Between answering hints that I was taking too long to figure out, Laito was playing with the other pages of the newspaper, folding them into aeroplanes to send across the room. Fiddling with one of his most recent planes absentmindedly, he began to speak.
"The real question is why do you do these crosswords when you're so bad at them." He was grinning as he looked up to see my reaction. However, unlike my normal remarks my face must've fallen because he looked incredibly confused.
"Oh? Strike a nerve little whore?~" He was all but purring, reveling in getting under my skin so effectively. All I could do in response is shake my head turning back to try focus on the crossword. About a minute of silence passed of pretending to focus on the page. Suddenly feeling breath near the back of my ear I flinch turning to see him hovering above me, arm on the headrest behind me and his other on the armrest caging me in. Panicking my breathing picked up as I tried to ensure as much distance between me and him as possible.
"Pictures," he mumbled. "The answer is pictures 4 down, you're not that bad...what are you thinking." He was staring straight at me, seeing straight through me. He reached back to his pocket before placing a familiar photo in front of me, the old crease down the center where I folded it in half to fit in my old uniform. It was a photo from the dormitories, I was 5 working on a crossword page torn from the paper while the older girls in the room were reading the paper and the younger ones played.
"I found it when going through your stuff to see what could be returned to you, can't have cellphones or anything useful for escape. Only to find this, some of those other girls are in the photo and just like every Sunday you ripped out the crossword page. Why?"
I didn't like this Laito, when he was just as sharp as his older brother's and not as easy to placate as the other two triplets. This Laito, who has now left me to share things I would've much rather keep private.
"Nowadays, the Church operates as a boarding school to draw in brides. You get there and you are cut off from the outside world, they tell us the girls run away when they're sent here. They wouldn't give us any real information, too many heretics in the world." Picking at the frayed edges of my hoodie's arm, I took a deep breath before continuing on. "I told the matron I liked crosswords, she did the weekly Sudoku, so since I was young I knew she thought I wouldn't break any rules. I would tear out the crossword page to do while the older girls read the paper to collect any news on disappearances and just on the greater world in general. I would return the paper and say I tore out the crossword to keep to see how my timing improved. Now it's just a habit that paper will never say anything about us or anything that can help right."
I saw him sit back out of the corner of my eye. Readying myself to be bitten or mocked I kept looking down.
"You still stick your tongue out when you focus, its cute."
Before I could even look up he was gone.
Subaru Sakamaki
Out of all the Sakamaki brothers, Subaru was by far the safest. His anger was predictable and mostly posed a risk to furniture over you, even his bites were gentle and so long as he didn't rush off he would seal the wound with what you had dubbed 'nasty healing spit'. So when he unofficial began acting as your bodyguard you didn't complain, or even acknowledge it out of fear he would stop and leave you to the bats.
The new routine was by far the most peaceful you had experienced in some time. You ate your breakfast on your balcony watching the sunset before the white haired shadow took his place brooding nearby. This 'morning' was no different, you set eating your breakfast as you looked through a small pile of photos that the computer club had salvaged from the remnants of your phone. As the sky faded from orange, to purple, to the dark blue of summer nights and stars began to appear in the sky you sat back, eying the door waiting for his appearance.
Your door opened, his figure being somewhat visible through the sheer curtains as he yawned. Once he pulled the curtain back to step outside he scowled seeing you waiting, but when did he not? He silently placed himself leaning against the door frame while you remained seated.
"You can sit closer you know. I don't bite, promise!" Grinning up at Subaru while his scowl worsened.
"You aren't going to last long if you have that attitude stupid."
"I thought we had an agreement, most liars don't call themselves liars."
"I'm a vampire, you shouldn't be so careless if you value your life."
Sighing and turning back to your pictures, you both continued to sit in silence. It took 5 minutes for Subaru to give in and move closer. You were still going through the photos not acknowledging his movement. If there's anything you've learnt it's that if you ever point out Subaru's behavior he runs away, ironic for such a fearsome creature. After he had some time to work up the courage he pointed to one in your hand.
"Who's that?"
The photo was of you wearing some roller skates at a roller disco party, you were 7 or 8. Your wrists covered in sparkly wrist bands and plasters covering your knees and palms from how much you had slipped practicing to avoid embarrassment.
"It's me at one of my friend's birthday party, About a year after this I first got sent to this boarding school linked to the Church. After a few years I was cut off from everyone and sent here. That was the last time I saw her actually, she moved away."
The albino nodded in understanding before once again entering into a lapse of silence. He kept looking back to that photo while you organized the rest of the pile, wrapping the photos in a piece of paper to prevent any sun or dust damage. Standing back up and collecting your belongings you looked to him expectantly. However, he just continued to stare off into the distance.
Weighing up your options and how much you currently valued your life, you leaned down to tap his shoulder. Aside from a minor jolt he seemed more receptive to you. Passing over the photo you were smiling.
"I don't want to look at this it makes me sad, but it seemed to catch your attention to here."
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freakywrites · 2 months ago
Helloo! I'm the anon who asked for the ghost headcannons, I loved it! Thank you so so much♡
We love the ghost being a girls girl bcs yess and her just drifting past the sakamakis as if their nothing lmao
I was wondering if you could do headcannons of like each individual sakamaki when they find out that their significant other is from another world and is shifting to see be with and their a bit forgetful so they sometimes forget to shift
If that's okay!
OMG NO WORRIES I’m very forgetful but I do have a story for you! Anyways here is your long waited fic!
Parings- nb reader x Sakamaki brothers (separately)
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At first, he didn’t think much of you randomly showing up and then disappearing without a trace.
But soon, he would side eye the empty space you would sit at.
He didn’t miss you.. it’s just that your presence has become the norm, and with you gone, the world is a…little restless. He was restless.
But again, you will show up out of nowhere, and he would grumble a “you’re late.”
You would smile and apologize, snuggling close to him as he leaned you his headphones to listen to music. ah yes, this is much better. Again, he didn’t miss you…
he’s just used to you.
He pressed the bringe of his nose as he looked at the clock it’s been a month, and yet you haven’t shown up.
To say he was pissed was an understatement he was ENRAGED. How dare you not take account of his time with you?
He tapped his foot waiting, thinking maybe today was the day he got to see you.
He flinched a bit as he felt you hug his side, giggling. “Im back!” You yelled, and he responded with a hard pat of your head and scolding.
“We made you a schedule just for you to ignore it?” He grumbled, and you apologized. “Sorry I guess shifting time is different from regular time.” You said, thinking out loud.
What a whiny boy he is constantly sighing and grumbling.
Checking the time and marking the calendar.
He would wait at where you last appeared and whisper. “I guess not today.” When you didn’t show up.
Finally, when you did, he couldn't help himself from basically tackling you and bombarding you with questions with mixes of sulking.
“Where have you been? Didn’t I tell you to visit me daily?” He said, frowning, and you nuzzled him “I can’t EVERY day sometimes I forget.” you replied, and the vampire pouted “try then!”
He was kinda scary when you forgot to visit him.
It was a mix of being clingy and delusionally jealous.
He would mumble to his teddy bear about missing you.
Then it turned into a spiral of missing you to wanting to kill you because their might be a chance that you have another favorite person in your world. How dare you.
So it won’t be a surprise when you visited he threatened your life.
“For the last time Im not two timing you please put the fork down.” You said, and Kanato’s eyes glare. “How am I to know you're not lying?” He question.
“I forget ok! I’m sorry! Look I’ll spend extra time with you today, ok? Promise!” You yelp, and the vampire pouts, looking at a cake next to him before stabbing it aggressively and shoving it in your face with a smile. “Ok! Eat this it’s very sweet! Teddies favorite!” He cheered
Out of all of them, why did you pick this one?
Like Ayato, he is also rather clingy moaning and groaning about you but not in a whiny way but a princess waiting for her prince way.
He would pay no mind to you being gone, but if it’s too long, he tends to miss you so.
And you’re finally here appearing to him at the side of his bed. “I must be dreaming! If it isn’t my dear love” he said, hugging at your waist, and you hum.
“Sorry I took so long - promise to come back next time!” You said, and Laito pouts and puts on his whiny voice. “Just stay forever! What’s more important than me?” He demanded, hugging you tighter “I can’t do that, you know why!”
He glances up to you before pulling you close to him “then will you at least spend the night?” You nodded and agreed.
He is ANGRY very, very angry he gets extra snappy when you aren’t around
picking fights and breaking walls, he was like a hurricane passing the halls.
He would ruffle his hair in frustration when you don’t show up in your designated spot.
He reminds himself he can live without you, so if you think not showing up will make him like you you’re WRONG…
..But oh, when he sees you, he grows weak, but he can’t show you that part of him... Not till you sweet talk him.
“Aw Subaru, please don’t ignore me." You plead as you watch him turn his head to the side. “Where…have you been.” He grumbled.
“Im sorry life’s getting busy- look. I promise not to take too much time next time, ok?” You said, tilting his head to you, his eyes finally looking at you, a twitch of tenderness escape his hard gaze. “Fine…”
Ngl I had to google what shifting was 😭 it’s basically like lucid dreaming I think? Which is like really cool. It’s kinda short n sweet idk how to make headcannons I kinda write like a book more than a list- tried to keep them mostly in character? Anyways I’m sick! Winter sucks but the cold is so nice.
(P.S I thought I posted this n was scavenging my account thing I might have deleted it accidentally or it got taken down for an odd reason turns out it was stuffed in my 99+ drafts some where forgotten and dusty bc I clicked save instead of post (this happens a lot to me I need to delete some stuff) no longer sick but still am forgetful u.u
Anyways hope you enjoy !
Love y’all XOXO💋💋❤️❤️
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snake-snacc · 4 months ago
↪ Loving you, till death~
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↪ Fandom — Diabolik Lovers | Kanato Sakamaki
↪ Words — 2.1k
↪ Warnings — DARK CONTENT (Where do I begin?) This is Kanato we're talking about, weird consent (aka he pulls his "you don't move" magic) , physical abuse, impling of his childehood trauma, reader got cut, character death, necrophilia (she is alive most of the time!), choking, smut, F! Reader
↪ Notes — Currently I have a very interesting relationship with this young beautiful man, it's called "Fuck my obsession is back" and a friend of mine and I tend to give the other weird or cursed promts to write for, and this was a promt I gave her but wasn't happy with the way she used it, so I wanted to make my own version and I found the perfect character for it~
Also, I love this man and even the fact that we got canonly told from him, that the thing that gets him exited and going while sucking Yuis blood, is that he imagines her dead. In general that he has such a horny obession with dead things and the qoute "He is mentioned to be something of a necrophile - although not necessarily a necrophiliac." from the wiki is just... yeah. "Not necessarily" I think it happend.. they were probably alive at the beginning!
This is dark content, okay?
English isn't my first language-
A soft touch on nearly porcelain skin. A soft whisper in your ear which sounds like a promise for forever. Hands trailing down your body, caressing every little curve, every little detail. Caressing every little cut that was placed like he was creating a masterpiece. Your blood is still quilling out of some of the deeper wounds but you don’t mind and neither does he. He thinks your blood is the best dress you can wear, the best accessory that could be put on your skin. He would never swipe it away. The closest to swiping it away would be guiding his finger through the thick liquid to lick it off his fingers, or directly using his tongue to clean you up. Savoring the taste till his head will spin. 
He leans back, to get a full view on you. His eyes wander over your body, appreciating the view in front of him while his hands travel over your hips and your thighs until he grabs them with a little too much force. A gasp leaves your mouth, followed by a chuckle from him. With a low sigh he leans back down, coming closer to your ear before his soft voice is echoing in it. 
“I bet you are dying right now, just to touch me~”, a little chuckle leaves his lips after it and he runs his tongue over the shell of your ear.
“Come on~ Take my hands, place them wherever you want them~ Warm my skin with your heat”, he whispers and a shiver runs down your spine. You want to. You want to touch his skin, feel the coldness slowly vanish under your touch. Feeling the soft strands of his hair gliding through your fingers as you brush through it. You want to.
“I forgot, you can’t. How sad”. he leans back, locking his purple eyes with yours but you can only look at his smile. This happy, lustful smile that's placed over his lips, while he watches your face. Much softer than the creepy one he likes to show you from time to time. But still as threatening. 
“But I'm glad I didn't silence your voice. Even if it will annoy me, will make my ears bleed, without it”, he speaks leaning closer to your lips again just so you can feel the movement of his lips against yours.
“You wouldn’t be able to tell me how much you enjoy it, how much you love it”, a soft kiss is placed on your lips. A kiss you would love to return to him, but you know better.  His kisses are always soft. Even if his fingers are digging into your wounds, even when he is stabbing you with something, even when he is cutting off your breath. His kisses will always be soft. Will always be a promise to treat you just how you deserve it. 
With his hands he pulls your legs open, smiling over how willingly your body obeys him. Not that you had any other choice. One of his hands trails down the back of your thigh getting closer and closer to your heat. His fingertips tease around the spot where you want him so badly. Where your body is begging him to touch. And he knows. The way he avoids the spot just perfectly shows it. 
Lips trail over your neck, fangs leaving thin red lines behind. But he doesn’t bite you. That’s not what he wants right now. He wants to listen to your voice, to the little whimpers that leave your lips in anticipation. He buries his face in the crock of your neck, breaths in your scent. A slightly annoyed sigh comes from him right before he pulls his hand away. 
“I gave you the permission to use your voice and all you do with it is breath and whimper? There should be thousands of words coming from you right now. How about you start with some of them?”, he spoke and got back up.
“I’m sorry.. I was-”
“You were what? Don’t you dare say something that doesn’t belong here or is not relevant to my words. If you are really sorry, prove it” 
“I.. I didn’t wanted my voice to annoy you.. But please, I need you to touch me”, you said, trying not to annoy him furthermore. 
He just looks at you and the look makes you nervous. What was he going to do? Did you made him angry? Wasn’t begging what he wanted? 
“You would never lie to me, right?”
You nod your head, agreeing with him directly after he finished his question.
“You would never withhold your voice from me, because you disliked something, right? The only case why you don’t speak is because you are so overwhelmed, right? You would never hate something I do to you, right?” 
You answer every question with a nod and a “right”. You love him, You really do. There would be nothing he wouldn’t be allowed to do to you. You would never dare to speak back to him. 
With a smile he tilts his head a little to the side.
“I’m glad. For a moment I thought you wouldn’t cherish all my efforts. But I guess it was just a misunderstanding~” 
He places his hand back where he left off, letting his fingers get coated in your wetness. Pushing one of them inside you, curling it up a little and watching your face twitch in pleasure.
“Even if you would lie to me, your body would never do so. It will always tell me the truth~ So maybe your voice isn’t even that important in the first place” 
While starting to move his finger inside of you, his lips start kissing your shoulders, over your collarbone, down to your chest and over your ribcage. 
“I love you~”, he whispers against your skin. Repeating it over and over while silencing his voice in kisses pressed against your body. Another finger enters you, thrusting inside while he continues to shower your moveless body in kisses. His breath seems to get deeper, rougher with every body part he touches from you. Your voice, your moans are just a background music in his head, while he enjoys the feeling of your skin. The taste of your body. Despite loving the heat of your body and how it sometimes seems to warm his cold hands, he can’t put the thought aside that your skin and body would be much more lovely drained from all of your blood. Not able to move, not able to complain, not able to get away. And he would never deny the fact that this is what gets him excited. 
Your vocal cords feel like bleeding. Raspy from moaning and screaming his name, while he pleasures you with his fingers. Your breath is heavy, not able to calm down. And you know, from the smile on his lips, the way he drags his fingers out of you, wiping them clean on your chest, that he isn’t finished with you. With teary eyes you watch him, as he slowly takes off his clothes, pulling your body closer to his by grabbing your hips. Giving you a kiss on your jaw, on your cheek and near your ear. He breaths into it while pushing himself inside of you. Your already overstimulated body trying his hardest to move, your eyes trying not to water even more and all that comes out of your mouth is a whine. 
He chuckles before he places his lips against yours, kissing you ever so lovely and deeply.
“You will endure it for me, right?”, he asks with the first thrust, while one of his hands is wandering up your body.
“Because you are so good for me~”
With each thrust he pulls you against him, getting as deep as possible. His soft gasps get swallowed by your voice. By the loud, raspy begs that leave your lips. A sound he is all too familiar with. A sound he knows how much it must hurt your throat to produce it. He can almost feel his own vocal cords bleed from hearing you. And he hates it. He hates every second of it. 
Why do you sound like this? Why is your voice making that sound from just moaning a little? You don’t have the right to sound like that! Don’t have the right to remind him of those endless nights where he ended up coughing blood into his tiny hands. You sound so disgusting. 
For a short moment his movements stop and he just looks at you with dead eyes. 
“Hey… Could you shut up? You’re ruining everything”, it comes out a lot quieter than what you would have expected from what he is saying. You open your mouth to answer him, to apologize to him, but he shuts you up immediately.
“I said shut up! You can’t even listen to one fucking thing I tell you to do?!”, his breath gets labored, his shoulders rise and fall with each breath he takes. You don’t dare to take a breath yourself. Afraid the sound would bring him over the edge. So you swallow your apologies, swallow every word that wants to leave your mouth. But apparently even your swallowing is too much of an annoyance for him.
First it was a slap with the back of his hand, hitting your cheekbone directly. The impact makes you whine out in pain for a short moment, which is automatically answered with the weight of his hands around your throat. 
“How dare you, to even think you are allowed to make such disgusting noises in my presence!? How dare you treat me like that!?”
The grip around your throat gets tighter and tighter as he shakes your head around like he is trying to break your neck. Hitting it repeatedly against the bed while pushing down with all of his weight. And all you can do is look at him. You can’t move your body and your voice isn’t coming out of your mouth anymore. All you can do is watch as his expression turns from pure anger to a mix out of satisfaction and something sad. While his smile is making clear that he takes his liking to seeing you slowly losing your consciousness, his eyes seem to be somewhere else. 
“You see?! It is that easy to be quiet! No need to rub it under my nose that your throat is hurting, don’t cry about a little pain like that!”
“What is it? Got nothing more to say? Oh come on! Don’t act like you can’t act responsible for your own actions! It is your fault for ending up here, no need to give me the cold shoulder now! Hey! Answer me!”, he screams, pulling your upper body up by your throat, bringing you close to his face. He even lets the grip loosen up a little. 
“Why are you looking at me like that? You really think I will forgive you like that..? Just because you now do what I wanted? That doesn’t make up for your terrible actions!”, he looks into your eyes, which just stare back at him. With a click of his tongue he lets go, letting your body fall back into the mattress. For a few seconds, maybe minutes, he is quiet. Just looking down at your body.
“You finally shut up, huh? Your voice will never meet my ears again, right? Hey..”, slowly he puts his hands into yours, holding them for a little while before he intertwines your fingers, leaning down to your face, giving you a soft smile before he kisses you. 
“You think you can escape me with that little act of yours?” Another kiss.
“I said I love you” His fingers tighten a little.
“I really do~” Is the whisper that is dragged along your skin. 
“Even now. Even when you body will begin to turn cold. Even when your skin is going to fall off, but I will never let that happen right? You know that~ Is that why? You couldn’t wait to be put into a beautiful dress by me?~ You are so selfish.” He places another kiss on your chest, resting his head against it, before he gets up and looks at your face again.
“But I will forgive you this once. You look so beautiful~ That necklace around your throat, it fits your skin so well. In a few hours even better” One hand lets go of yours, caressing your cheek softly. 
“You are still warm. Hahaha.. You don’t want me to get cold while I am still inside of you, or maybe you’re just not satisfied yet. That’s alright, we still have some hours~” 
It’s a slow rhythm that he starts again. It could be considered romantic, intimate.
“Don’t worry~ I will love you even more. Not even death will do us part~”
“So endure it for me, like you always do my Love~”
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myliliofthevalley · 4 months ago
The Sakamakis x Reader Halloween Headcanons
Hello there! Finally, I've decided to put this account to good use and write something. Hope you enjoy!
Shuu Sakamaki
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Pretends that he doesn’t care for it but deep inside he is kinda intrigued by the idea.
Probably won’t dress up and just sleep through it.
If you beg him enough, he might indulge in some matching costumes however he will probably be on the lazier side, just wearing something he found on the bottom of the darkest pits of his closet.
I have no idea why I view him as someone who’d wear one of those sheet ghost costumes. It just feels very on brand for him. Maybe you can be two sheet ghosts just chilling for this holiday.
Reiji Sakamaki
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He seems like the type to plan his outfit months in advance.
As for matching costumes, I definitely see him as the type to be the Victor to your Emily. That would be so cute in my mind.
Imagine he hosts a Masquerade Ball (low chance but still) just for this occasion. Would probably teach you how to dance weeks if you don’t know, saying that if you don’t you’ll embarrass him.
Eventually you learn and, because he’s hosting the said ball, you just have about one dance together. T-T
Ayato Sakamaki
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Would watch spooky/horror movies and either get absolutely terrified and then deny it or make fun of the low budget. No in between.
Might make fun of you for getting scared and then just hug you and awkwardly comfort you.
The type that might be into one of those Joker and Harley Quinn couple costumes.
Definitely enjoys scaring you randomly. You could just be chilling in your room and he’d pop out of a random corner and scare your everlasting soul out of your body.
Kanato Sakamaki
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Makes the costumes from scratch, every little detail is on point. He’s putting that sick victorian child look of his to good use.
Of course Teddy also gets a costume. And of course it will match his. There’s no discussing this.
You better be prepared to make LOTS of sweets. What can I say, he loves his sweets. Especially if they are made to fit the occasion.
Laito Sakamaki
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Would wear a Ghostface costume.
You know that audio from tiktok with the “So you’ve got a boyfriend?” “Why, you wanna ask me out on a date?”? YEAH THAT’S ACTUALLY HIM. He would do that trend with you.
Also a scary movie watcher. Though I believe he’d prefer more psychological ones as opposed to gorey.
He also gives vibes of someone who is either earrily quiet when watching something or overly talkative.
Subaru Sakamaki
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Pretends that he hates it but in fact he loves it.
Loves everything about it: the movies, the music, the decoration, the costumes, EVERYTHING. 
It’s his soul holiday, you can’t deny it.
Speaking of costumes… Idk why but I feel like he’d be Jack Skellington and you’re Sally. Just imagine him in a striped suit with skeleton makeup. See the vision?
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dblk-archives · 5 months ago
Haileyyyyy!! <333 I don't know if you take requests (if you don't please ignore this!! <33) But can I ask for a Reiji and a Kanato version of that post you made recently with the diaboys comforting an s/o who's having an anxiety attack? <33
Imaginary Monsters.
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Summary: Some of the diaboys comforting you when you have an anxiety/panic attack.
Characters: Kanato Sakamaki, Reiji Sakamaki, gn! reader.
Tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, fluff, mentions of anxiety.
Author's note: Hi Bubble and first of all, thank you for your request! I really do not take requests, but I will always do so for my moots and friends, so thank you very much for giving me the chance to write this, truly! It's my first time writing for these two diaboys, I apologize if they do not seem in character. Regardless, I hope you still enjoy this 💜
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❀ Kanato Sakamaki.
“The softness of silk dresses on porcelain dolls, a sweet cup of chocolate, the melody that breaks the overwhelming silence at the eye of the storm.”
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While Kanato couldn’t deny that many a time, glistening tears looked cute on you, he never wanted it like this.
Your shaking hands, crumpling the dress he made for you; tear tracks down your cheeks, like a broken doll, forgotten in the muddy rain.
It makes him angry. Not at you, but at the dark thoughts that dare plague your mind.
It’s in moments like these, however, when you can see a softer side of Kanato, almost innocent in the way he sits beside you.
He will let you hold Teddy, while he wraps his arms around your form protectively, his head resting on top of yours.
If you feel like it, he’ll feed you his favorite cake or candy, it always makes him feel better, so he hopes it has the same effect on you.
And, amidst the cold anxiety that seeps into you, like suffocating ashes filling your lungs, it’s his voice that breathes air back into you.
“But Kanato, you don’t have to-” You begin, images of his bitter expression and bleeding vocal cords flashing through your mind momentarily.
He tilts his head to the side, that unadulterated smile he reserved just for you tugging at his lips.
“But I want to.” He says, his thumb running over your lower lip, soothing the sting from having bitten it out of sheer nerves. “Only you get to hear my singing, dollie.” Are his words as the melody from him to you alone begins again.
You rest your head on his shoulder, holding Teddy a little closer to your chest.
Kanato’s arm tightens around your waist.
The closeness of him and the aftertaste of raspberry pudding on your tongue shine a little sunlight in your cold despair.
❀ Reiji Sakamaki.
“The calming surface of a warm cup of tea; the hypnotizing tranquility of the steam that rises from it, the unpredictability of a new aroma either lulling you into peaceful rest or making sparks dance behind your eyes”
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Honestly, for all his stoic and composed manners, Reiji is exceedingly quick at noticing the microexpressions that cross your face when you try to hide your worries.
And he won’t confront you about it directly at first, he just shakes his head like ‘honestly…’
In truth, he wishes you could confide in him. 
How you’re feeling and what scares you… Even if he may not verbally express it, it’s important to him.
So to try and take your mind off things, Reiji keeps you distracted.
He asks for ingredients he needs for his research; has you sort out some of his books and makes you arrange his fine china for a tea party for two (that means he trusts you a lot, for him to let you close to his tea sets).
That was just his excuse to prepare a tea with calming properties, of his own invention of course, only for you.
Your hands tremble, and the fear of dropping the cup adds to the spiral of dark thoughts that forever goes down.
Reiji can see it from the corner of his eye, as his lips taste the hot beverage in his own cup.
And because Reiji Sakamaki is unpredictability incarnate, is the liquid burn of his lips by the side of your neck that pulls you out from your endless pit.
Right when you were drowning at the edge of Phlegethon, the flame of your terror almost turning your soul to ashes, he pulls you out. And even though the sensation of his fangs tugging on your lower lip is more searing than the River of Fire itself, you welcome it; in the same way you embrace him, sins and all; in the way Reiji is not afraid to delve deeper into your Fields of Asphodel.
“Honestly… What even were you trying to achieve shouldering those troubles all by yourself?” The vampire pushes up his glasses, that devious smile you’ve come to adore present on his handsome face. “Did you think I would not notice?” He whispers, softer, as his arms wrap around you in an usually warm embrace.
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mythicalmyles · 2 years ago
Hello, this is my first time requesting anything so I do apologise if it's not well thought out, but do you think you'd be willing to write a fic with the Sakamaki triplets and male reader? I do not have a good idea for a plot, but maybe all three are pining after the reader and get fed up with reader ignoring their advances? If this plot isn't up to your liking you can change it however you see fit, but I would at least like it to possibly include noncon, bondage, uh maybe a bit of violence, and dumbification? I hope this request finds you in good health and if you'd rather not do it or don't like it please feel free to ignore it. Congratulations on 500 followers. Thank you and I hope you have an amazing day
Thank you! I hope you enjoy this! its set in night college (i assume vampire scholars exist so?)
(18+, noncon, fourway, riding, blood, nipple play, dry humping, bottom reader, use of the word pussy, orgasm denial, double pen, deepthroating)
You cautiously eyed Laito, his bright green eyes seemed to glow as he stared at you. You didn't even think he had even blinked. You sat anxiously on his bed, trying your best to not fidget. “W-we should start.” You mentally cursed yourself for stuttering, reaching over for the books thrown next to you. You had been assigned to a project with him, he always had you on unease, his perverse words striking your stomach despite how much you tried to fight it.
He started walking towards you and you tried your hardest to keep your cool, he stopped right in front of you. You hesitantly looked up at him, wide eyes momentarily stopping at the cock that was right in front of you. You took a shaky breath as you looked him in the eye, gathering yourself together. "Laito?" You questioned, annoyed at the wobbliness in your voice.
He smirked down at you before grabbing the back of your head, pulling you towards his cock and sliding it against your face. You let out a muffled moan against the course fabric, scrunching your eyes closed as he rut against your face.
Your hands grasped his thighs, trying to push him away while fighting his hand. His grip was incredibly strong and he kept you planted in place for a few more minutes before ripping your head back, causing you to yelp as your slap burned.
Your watery eyes looked up at him as you moved your grip to his hand, trying to stop the ache. You tried begging but it only seemed to spur him on, his free hand grabbing your face and pulling you up to attach your lips together. It felt hot and overwhelming, he was quick to stick his tongue into your mouth and you knew better then to bite him when sharp fangs grazed your bottom lip.
His arms wrapped around your body, keeping you clutched tight against him as he licked around your mouth. One of his hands quick to make it's way down the back of your trousers, grabbing a handful of your ass and squeezing. You couldn't help but groan into his mouth when his finger found your hole, teasing you as he rubbed his finger against your hole.
You bit your lip. "Stop it." You growled through gritted teeth, glaring at him. He giggled in response which only served to anger you more. "There's no point in fighting. I'm stronger then you could ever hope to be." Before you could shoot back at him he darted forward, fangs slicing into your neck. You let out a gasp, body freezing. It felt like getting your blood drawn except with two thick needles.
You couldn't help but fall into him as dizziness hit you quick, you regretted skipping lunch to study. You whined as your brain swirled around your skull. He chuckled as he pulled away, his teeth were longer then before. Your blood dripped down the side of his lip and he was quick to lick it up.
You felt incredibly stupid right now, every word he ever spoken being redebated in your mind. He easily shoved you back onto the bed, putting your hands next to your head. You hated how powerless you felt, completely drained. "You'll be fine. I'll get you some orange juice when i'm done with you." It took all your might to not whimper at his statement. "Wh-why?" You slurred out, he smirked baring off his fangs. "Are you really that stupid?" His voice was condescending as he mockingly pouted at you.
You had really hoped he had just wanted your blood, instead his hands ran up your sides and dragged your shirt up with them. You gulped down your saliva, closing your eyes and looking away. You jumped when his hand suddenly wrapped around your neck, eyes practically bulging out.
"Keep those eyes open. Don't make me ask again." Despite the sweet tone you could feel the poison dripping right through it, one look in his eyes and you knew he'd have no problem taking more blood to control you. Possibly worse methods. You bit the inside of your lip, supressing a gasp as he began rolling your nipple between his thumb and fore finger.
It wasn't long before your lips dropped open, shakily breathing as the sensation weeded through your mind. You didn't want to enjoy it, but you couldn't deny the thought of a human like creature taking you. You felt your cock harden, he could obviously tell by the widening of his smirk.
He adored that shameful look that currently painted your face. He ground down against you, pressing you deep into the mattress. He moved down to take your nipple into his mouth, you let out a shocked gasp as your hands quickly began pushing at his shoulders as your mind finally began settling again.
He groaned before sitting up, straddling your lap and gathering your wrists into one hand. You didn't even have so much as an inch of give, he wasn't even holding you properly yet he did it effortlessly as he undid his belt with his free hand.
He quickly had the belt wrapped tight around one of your wrists, dragging you up to tie them both to the bed frame. You yelped as he manhandled you, easily dragging you without so much as blinking. He almost looked bored, as if this was something he did every day.
Once he was sure you were secure both of his hands moved to your chest, groping you like you had tits. "S-stop it." You whined out, trying to shuffle away. You tried to fight the tingles his actions sent rushing up your spine. "Just be a good bitch." He spoke before licking a stripe up the middle of your chest, you threw your head back and let out a wet gasp, spit catching on your lip as you choked momentarily.
His hands had a bruising grip on your thighs, practically bending you in half as he roughly dry humped you. He made sure you kept your eyes lock as he threw your thigh over his shoulder in favour of wrapping his fingers around your neck. He grinned as he applied pressure, listening to your moans get louder.
You stared at him with lidded eyes and open lips, Laito thought this was the prettiest you had every looked. He could make you even better.
He pulled back to roughly yank off your jeans, all but ripping your boxers in two and throwing the tattered shreds off to the side. You tried to close your legs and pull them towards you but Laito was quick to spread you apart. He leaned over and spat on your hole, smirking at the way you flinched and sucked in air through your teeth.
He was hellbent on ruining you, he wanted to hear every sound you could make. He wasted no time in dropping one of your thighs, finger pushing into your hole quite quick due to the speed he moved at. You moaned and tugged at your bounds, the foreign feeling making your cock twitch. He was quick to begin fucking you with his middle finger, biting his lip as he watched you try and escape him.
He thought it was cute that you were still fighting, even if you knew it was game over. "You look so pretty, always think about bending you over those stupid books you always have your nose stuffed in." His words made you groan and curl your toes, a surprised yelp being ripped from your throat when his finger hit your prostate.
"A-Wah-." You babbled as he targeted the area that had your eyes rolling back. "You didn't know? Guy's also have a special little spot." Your moans only increased when he slid a second finger in, feeling like you were loosing your grasp on reality. You barley noticed that you had bean holding the thigh Laito didn't already have a grip on, letting out a loud moan as you spread yourself open more and allowed him deeper.
The door suddenly swinging open had ice flowing through your veins, horrified as Ayato came into view. He was shocked for a moment before his eyes lit up, toothy grin haunting you. "Oh? Isn't this a pretty sight." His voice was full of glee. "Need help?" Ayato didn't bother waiting for his brothers answer before descending upon you both. His eye's never left you once, it felt like being hunted.
It didn't take an epiphany to know he was likely the same as his brother, the thought had you shaking in Laito's arms which only seemed to serve in delighting him. You looked up at him, desperate for him to say something. At least least you with some dignity and not share you with his brother.
Ayato wrapped his arm around your thigh, hand under your knee as he slid two digits right in besides Laito's. You arched back and let out a groan of pain through gritted teeth, unprepared for the burn. You choked out moans and sobbed as the little delusional hope you had conjured up burned right in front of you.
Pleasure quickly took over the sensation of burning, it ran up your spine and wormed its way to the front of your mind. You moaned, rolling your hips into their fingers. "Such a slut. Look at him." Ayato snorted, his words going straight to your cock. "N-noo. I'm not." You whined out, they just snickered at you, looking down at you pitifully as you writhed beneath them.
"You fuck him first. I wanna watch." Laito sang the last part, you began shaking your head as panic light up inside of you due to his words. "We could both take him, his greedy hole sucked our fingers in." You shook at Ayato's words, eyes widening as Laito sat back.
Ayato slid his trousers down, his rather large cock sprang free and you gawked at it. He pushed your cocks together, he chuckled at the size difference between you. Embarrassment flooded you, you couldn't help but wonder if he would actually fit.
You tried to glare up at him, but it was hard when you were hyper aware of the fact you were the only naked person in the room. Your shirt was tucked up your armpits but they both were still clothed, you felt shy and tried to cover yourself up only for Laito to snatch up one of your thighs as Ayato grabbed the other. You whimpered as Ayato rubbed his cock against your hole.
"You're gonna be begging for my cock soon enough, pretty boy." You scrunched your face up as you twisted to the side, trying to fight the heat those words sent scorching through you. You couldn't tell if it was the blood loss or the sheer heat being generated by the actions taking place but you stopped fighting, forcing your body to relax. There was no point. What could you do against vampires?
Ayato roughly buried himself into you at the first opportunity, surging forward and biting into your neck. The sensation of being bitten and having your prostate rammed into sent you over the edge, eyes rolling back as you came hard. You collapsed, head falling back as you choked down air, it had taken you by complete surprise.
Once you recovered you stared at Ayato with shock written across your face. He began snickering against your neck as Laito giggled. "You really came from that? You are a little whore. You like getting your pussy stuffed that much, huh?" His words shouldn't have made you moan, he had always been filthy when he spoke but this was on a different level.
Ayato pulled back from your neck and you could feel your blood drip from the wound. He didn't properly drink from you, he just wanted to leave his mark too. A loud warning to all the other classmates.
He at least had the decency to let you recover for a moment before he began thrusting into you like a jackhammer, if you didn't know they were supernatural before you sure did now. No human could fuck this fast. You could barley draw a breath, hands desperately grabbing at the bedframe to try and keep yourself tethered to this realm.
Loud moans tore through your throat, almost squealing as Ayato pounded into you. His hands had a bruising grip on your hips, keeping you pinned in place as he fucked you raw. "Ay-Aya-Ayato!" You shouted, feeling like you were about to cum again.
Laito tutted at you before grabbing your cock by the base, smirking as your begging eyes turned to him. You felt so close, it almost felt like you had smashed straight into a brick wall and you whined pathetically while wriggling your hips. Ayato suddenly pulled out of you and before you could stop it you cried out at the loss, the feeling of suddenly being empty shaking you.
Ayato leaned over you and untied your wrists, they dropped lifelessly to the pillow as they regained feeling. Ayato picked you up, wrapping your legs around him and pushing back inside of you. You moaned into his shoulder, his cold skin feeling like a blessing against your overworked body.
You squirmed on his cock as Laito made his way behind you, hands resting on your hips as his chest pressed against your back. He chuckled as he began kissing the back of your neck, tongue running over your flesh as he lightly bit the area. You wrapped yourself tighter around Ayato, mind spinning with all the attention.
"W-wait.." You whispered out, feeling Laito line himself up with Ayato. He was surprisingly gentle when pushing into you, taking his time to fink into you and bottom out. All you could do was focus on remembering how to breath, being stretched farther then you had ever thought could be possible.
All you could do was go boneless in their hold, body uncontrollably twitching. You felt beyond stuffed full, whimpering as you relied on them to stop gravity wrapping its arms around you. They were more then happy to use you like a fuck toy, Ayato had a steady grip on your hips while Laito spread your thighs, letting them have all the access they wanted to you.
You whined and withered as they fucked into you, bouncing you on their cocks. You could feel every vein, every ridge on their cocks and it drove you insane as they smashed into your prostate. All you could do was drop your jaw, staring dumbly up at Ayato as you were fucked within an inch of your life.
"Hmm.. So pretty." The familiar soft voice had your attention snapping to the intruder, all you could do was stare into violet eyes as his brothers pounded into you. Drool dripped down your chin, coating your neck and filling your collarbones.
"K-Ka-Kana?" Was all you could choke out before falling back into a moaning mess, sobbing as pleasure wreaked your body. Kanato stared at you in manic glee, the sight of his brothers fucking your brains out had him hardening in his trousers. His eyes never left you as he watched you cum for the third time, squeezing tight around Ayato and Laito who followed not long after you. There thrusts were brutal, your voice gave out as you yelled.
You shook and sobbed in their grasp, dazed completely from cuming your brains out. They pulled out of you and you could feel their cum drip out of you and down your thighs, you whined at the stickiness. "Kanato? Come sit." Laito patted the bed while Ayato stood you up, your legs shook so hard you had to depend on him to keep you upright.
Kanato sat down, tilting his head at you. He normally freaked the hell out of you but the dark look in his eyes excited you, despite how exhausted you felt. Ayato pushed you and you fell inbetween Kanato's legs, cheek pressing against his crotch before you quickly regained balance. You looked up at him, sweaty naked and covered in cum but you couldn't find it in you to be embarrassed. You knew what they wanted you to do and you made quick work of Kanato's jeans.
He wasn't the largest but he was thicker and bigger then you, you almost wondered how you were even going to do this. Before thinking too much you wrapped your hands around his cock, leaning down and licking a stripe over the head. Kanato gasped, hands making their home in your hair and pulling you closer. You took him into your mouth. Kanato snapped his hips up and you choked, he moaned as he felt your hot mouth around him.
He groaned as he began pushing you further down his cock, ignoring your panic. Ayato and Laito grabbed your wrists, restricting your movements and letting Kanato fuck your throat. Tears and snot dripped out of you, the salty taste filling your mouth. Kanato's balls hit against your chin and your choking only seemed to spur him on. "Come on little bitch, breath through your nose." Laito encouraged as his free hand ran up and down your spine.
You focused on breathing, trying not to gag as Kanato roughly fucked your throat. You couldn't help but squirm as they restrained you, eyes rolling back as Kanato's thrusts sped up.
The sounds your throat made were obscene, not as if the other sounds up until now hadn't been but the sound of him sliding down your throat had shivers wreaking your spine. You almost thought you could get hard again just from the feeling of his cock fucking your throat. Kanato was pretty vocal as he abused your throat, you whimpered around his cock although it came out as more of a gargled mess.
Part of you was disappointed when Kanato pulled you forward, jamming his cock as far down your throat as he could. You felt his cum drip out the corners of your lips, you tried your best to swallow it but as he pulled out you began choking. Kanato watched you for a minute, face in awe when you sneezed and cum dripped out of your nose.
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sinapple · 2 years ago
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐨𝐭…
PAIRING: Kanato Sakamaki x F!Reader
SUMMARY: You need space, Kanato will never let you have it. Until one day, after talking to Karl and venting to him, he gives you a keychain that’ll change the power balance between you and your vampire.
WC: 940w
Author’s Note: This was supposed to be a drabble ;P
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Many people would tell you that ignoring Kanato Sakamaki would either be your worst or last mistake. You knew that’d be false. Why? Because the people who said those words wouldn’t be alive, at all, if they somehow survived and lived to tell the tale.
It was just hard. Comparing you to younger girls, the same ol’ comments about how easy you are to replace, how his dolls deserved to be pampered and you weren’t as you’d never be dear enough the way they were; the only way to achieve any sort of mental peace was to just shut him out completely.
Block out the source, if you will.
And so, you did. Thanks to Karlheinz and expressing your desires for needed space between you and the purple prince, he gave you a keychain that allowed you and your presence to become invisible, making you nothing more than a wandering ghost at the press of your fingertips. It was a simple button keychain and nothing seemed out of the ordinary at first glance. For the life of you, it was hard to decipher why such a powerful device was bestowed to you, especially one that was so convenient and useful.
It just seemed too good to be true.
After some encouraging inner thoughts that were just looping chants of ‘You’re never gonna know if this works unless you try it-‘, ‘What’s the worst that could happen-‘, words failed to go out of your mouth the second that you walked past Laito and he didn’t utter a single word, much less notice that you were actually in front of him, for the first time since you’ve entered the mansion, he was completely silent.
Laito, the same Laito that’d make a comment just from the littlest bit of your skin showing, not making a single comment on your bite-ridden body? That’s how you knew for sure that the keychain worked.
It started off as just an innocent little press. Just a little press of the thumb to give yourself alone time - something you, in the past, couldn’t conceive was even possible when you chose Kanato.
Just an extra five or ten minutes to yourself wouldn’t hurt. It was doing you real good, because lately it was the thing you were looking forward to; finding a place that was secluded and giving yourself the bliss that was pressing the keychain.
And damn, it did you GOOD. As you made yourself vanish into thin air, leaving nothing but the trace of your lasting scent into the dark hallways that’ve seen through all the horrors and bloodied pain, that’s when you saw something extremely… strange.
Stranger than the usual quota.
Footsteps coming from the corner started pacing to where you stood. Well, ‘stood’ isn’t the correct grammatical tense, as you were still presently standing where you left off, albeit a few steps back.
That’s when you saw him: two beady button-eyed, and a feline, petite figure you knew too well. How long was he following you for?
“…That’s not right.” Kanato’s eyes raced from corner to corner, honing in like missles trying to find their trajectory. You had enough experience with the keychain to know that none of the other brothers’ senses could pinpoint where you were. Not even the faintest exhale coming from your lungs could give you away.
Yet, all the goosebumps, raging like bolting lighting, throughout your skin were making you have doubts on how safe-proof you truly were.
“Hey… Teddy, I’m sure she went through this hallway. Could our eyes be deceiving us?”
Thank god the keychain was.
He looked around more, his slow, blinking eyes trying to rummage through the darkness. The hallway wasn’t perfectly lit, the moon waned and the clouds obstructed her pale light. “She was here. There’s no other way she could’ve gone. But… the trail ends here. Something isn’t right,” Kanato trails off, his twitching nose mimicking that of a police dog.
He knew. Rather, he was confident in his supernatural abilities to know there was something amiss. Kanato’s knuckles turned pink the more the minutes went by. You wanted to go somewhere else and since you were practically a ghost, going through objects and walls was something you learned the hard way.
It’s just… you couldn’t tear your eyes from how he was reacting.
“WHERE IS SHE?!” Kanato screeched at the top of his vocal chords, making you question how short the distance between you two was. “Teddy, I can’t locate her scent! This doesn’t make sense! She should be here… but she’s not!”
A frustrated groan boiled itself out of him. He walked up and down the hallway, looking more akin to a broken, toy soldier. You can’t count the number of times his head turned side to side, or how long his purple eyes hadn’t blinked in the span of five minutes.
For him, each time he blinked, the more it registered that your presence had somehow vanished into the cold air of the night. Each time he closed his eyes wondering when this cruel game of hide and seek would end, it just kept continuing on like a lullaby of an erratic music box.
It just occurred to you: since Kanato is aware of your disappearance, re-appearing would not guarantee your safety. All the times you disappeared, it was during the times he was asleep or you were sure you were alone, for the most part.
Looks like this game of hide and seek, in just one night, changed into a game of life and death. And this time, you had the upper hand.
To be continued (?)
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nunezs-stuff · 4 months ago
Kianna vibes
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@vanillafalvoredcoffee @morbid-dreamzz @gloomy-glen
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pinkposies · 4 months ago
Is writing a Diabolik Lovers fanfic worth it?
I know this fandom is quite small, but I was hoping me writing a story would inspire others to write as well. The problem I run into is "Is anyone actually going to read it?" Considering there isn't many writers for the fandom on wattpad, tumble, or a03.
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diabolik lovers (I don’t mind who) with a reader who doesn’t get phased with shit, don’t get me wrong they have a personality but like you could annoy them for hours and they wouldn’t care
I do this with Kanato.
Kanato Sakamaki
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Well, this would be interesting.
God has given you patience, which you really need if you are going to be with Kanato.
Kanato would get nervous about really small things.
It would be good if you had stamina with him.
Being provoked would not be a good thing.
Kanato would love you.
But he really wouldn't be good at expressing it.
Besides that, Kanato would surely be jealous.
Stay away from his brothers.
They brothers would definitely try to annoy you.
Because your annoyance annoys Kanato.
Especially Ayato would do that.
Ayato would also be disappointed when his plans didn't work.
Your calmness would also have other benefits.
You would be able to calm Kanato down if necessary.
This would be a skill that many people don't really have.
Reiji's nerves will thank you
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kanatajelly · 2 years ago
general yandere headcanons - kanato
kanato sakamaki - diabolik lovers
warnings: general yandere themes, unhealthy relationships, physical abuse, verbal abuse/humiliation, guilt tripping, mental and emotional manipulation, biting, forced isolation, delusional behaviour, mentions of kidnapping, mentions of murder (both others and darling), brief mentions of trust/attachment issues, brief mentions of kanato’s doll collection, honestly kanato is his own warning
word count: 1742
what kind of yandere are they?
Kanato is a lot of things in one package honestly, but the most prominent of his yandere traits is his possessiveness. His darling should only be looking at him, no exceptions. If they aren’t, he will make them. He also has a tendency to be intensely jealous, which ties in with his possessiveness. 
Kanato is also a very violent yandere. His emotional volatility makes him quick to anger, and when he is angry, he doesn’t hold back at all. He also gets rather violent when he’s jealous. Another trait that ties into the violence is sadism, which shouldn’t be surprising considering that it’s Kanato we’re talking about.
Some other traits that can be used to describe Kanato are clingy and manipulative. His clinginess is self-explanatory, really, as he’s always hanging onto his darling in some way or another. On the other hand, his manipulative side can be expressed in a variety of forms. The one he uses most often is guilt tripping, but he does do a lot of other manipulation as well.
Finally, Kanato is a dependent yandere, which means that his mental stability greatly depends on the presence of his darling. He is a very damaged person and has serious issues surrounding attachment and abandonment, so once he gets close to someone, he really latches on and doesn’t react well at all if they try to pull away from him.
how do they treat their darling?
Goodness, Kanato is just a mess when it comes to his darling. He treats them horribly a lot of the time, so much so that to an outsider, it may seem like he hates them. But despite that, if his darling ever tries to leave him, he lashes out and desperately drags them back. There’s a saying that hate and love are two sides of the same coin, and I think that describes Kanato pretty well.
Kanato expects his darling to go out of their way to do things for him, and gets upset immediately if they don’t meet his expectations perfectly. His darling is eating something and didn’t make any for him? How dare they, they should cook him something right away! They didn’t offer to cuddle with him and make him feel better after one of his mood swings? Well they’d better reconsider that decision unless they want his mood to get even worse.
It’s also worth mentioning that Kanato never voices these expectations out loud, almost like he’s expecting his darling to read his mind or something like that (spoiler alert, they can’t). From his perspective, it makes perfect sense that he’s getting angry with his darling for not doing things that he wanted them to; but from his darling’s perspective, it just seems like he’s blowing up at them out of nowhere. 
Kanato is just so abusive almost all the time. Even when he seems to be in a cheerful mood, he’ll still throw some humiliating comments into his speech. Of course, when he’s in a bad mood the abuse gets physical. Kanato is a vampire, so he has strength several times that of a human’s; he knows this, yet does absolutely nothing to control himself. 
One of Kanato’s favourite things to do is leave marks on his darling, especially bite marks. It’s the perfect way to publicly declare that they belong to him, especially to his brothers and the Mukami/Tsukinami vampires. Since vampires have very keen senses, Kanato makes sure to leave any and all kinds of marks on his darling so that no other vampire gets any funny ideas.
Another thing that Kanato does very often is manipulating his darling, particularly by guilt tripping them. He has a talent at producing really believable crocodile tears, so if his darling is on the empathetic or kind side (even a little bit), he’ll often use fake tears to get them to do what he wants. In the case that his darling doesn’t fall for his fake crying, Kanato has other tricks up his sleeve. I think he’d be very skilled at using pain/fear as a medium for “educating” his darling. He’s not afraid to punish them until they understand what he wants.
Kanato has no hesitation when it comes to kidnapping and other forms of isolation. If his darling is a sacrifice like Yui, there’s no need to kidnap them… but he still needs to make sure that his brothers don’t touch them. If his darling isn’t a sacrifice, they’re getting kidnapped pretty quickly. In public situations such as school, Kanato makes an effort to socially isolate his darling too. They’re not going to be able to make any friends without him getting in the middle; and even if they somehow manage to make a friend, that friend is going to be dead soon.
Speaking of murder, that’s also something that comes naturally to Kanato. He has no patience whatsoever for interference, so he immediately gets rid of any outsiders by killing them. 
However, when it comes to his darling, it depends. If Kanato hasn’t known them for that long and isn’t as attached as he could be, he wouldn’t be shy to kill them if they overstep their boundaries. There’s also a feasible chance that he’d make them into one of his wax dolls after killing them, because of course he would.
On the other hand, if Kanato is in the deeper stages of his attachment where he becomes emotionally dependent on his darling, he would absolutely never kill them… well, not purposefully, at least. 
On a lighter note, Kanato is quite physically affectionate, especially in a relationship where he has developed a dependence on his darling. He’s incredibly touch-starved, but he’s also a bit of a cuddle bug at heart. He’ll probably never overtly ask for cuddles because he simply just expects to receive them; but he always appreciates being cuddled, and can also get frustrated if his darling doesn’t give him hugs when he wants them to.
what kind of person would they obsess over?
Kanato is a person who craves affection and comfort deep down, so I think he’d be most attracted to someone who has a naturally kind or sympathetic character. Despite how horribly he acts towards others, he does want to be loved as well. That’s why I think that an empathetic darling is the type he’d most easily fall for.
Moreover, Kanato would probably like someone who’s physically affectionate or who is accepting of physical affection from others. As I mentioned earlier, he’s very clingy and often expects hugs without asking for them, so it’s easier for him if his darling doesn’t have a problem with skinship; even more so if they are the type of person to initiate physical contact out of nowhere. 
Despite his sadism and more dominant tendencies, I don’t think Kanato would like someone who’s extremely pliant, because then they’re just boring. He appreciates a little fight, but not so much that they become disobedient.
I can also see Kanato falling for someone who’s a little on the eccentric side. He has his odd interests, like his obsession with Teddy and his wax dolls, and he’d be ecstatic if his darling isn’t the type of person to be disgusted or weirded out by that kind of thing. It’s even better if his darling actually shares his interests, or at the very least responds positively whenever he talks about them.
are they aware of their actions? how dangerous are they?
Kanato is a bit odd in terms of awareness. At times he can be lucid, and at times he gets completely lost in his delusions. It really depends.
His lucid side is more likely to come out in the earlier stages of his obsession, where he’s still getting to know his darling, and when he’s in a particularly negative mental state or a bad mood. In this state, he has some sort of awareness that his behaviour is unhealthy, but he doesn’t really care that much.
However, I think Kanato is more often delusional than lucid, especially when he becomes dependent on his darling. He really wants his darling to love him back, so much so that he’d take any gestures of kindness from them - no matter how small - and add it to a mental list of evidence that “proves” they return his feelings. Something worth mentioning is that it’s not a very good idea to try and snap him out of his delusions. That’s like inviting him to explode in anger.
Kanato is undoubtedly very dangerous. Pretty much all the Diabolik Lovers boys are (except Azusa), but Kanato stands out as one of the worst. His uncontrollable emotions and paper-thin patience make him almost impossible to deal with, and it’s incredibly difficult to get away from him without dying. He’s also extremely dangerous towards others, of course, mostly due to the lack of hesitation he has when choosing to kill anyone who interferes with him.
what is their most dangerous trait? how far would they have to be pushed to bring it out?
It may seem like Kanato is at his most dangerous when he’s still distant enough from his darling to entertain the thought of murdering them, but I actually think he’s at his worst when he’s emotionally dependent on his darling.
Getting away from Kanato without throwing your life away is already an ordeal, but it’s basically impossible if he’s developed a dependence. He would never let his darling out of his sight, and he would never fully trust them even if they claimed to love him back and did everything the way he wanted them to. Any attempts at escape would absolutely set him off, but it wouldn’t be much worse than his regular bouts of violence. There is something that his darling could do that would be even worse than simply trying to leave him.
There is a certain boundary that one should never cross with Kanato, and that boundary is betraying his trust. He doesn’t have much of it in the first place, but that doesn’t mean it’s nonexistent. For example, if his darling was taking advantage of his dependence on them to control him, and he found out about this somehow… He would just break. No, Kanato wouldn’t kill them, lest his mental state fall apart completely. But he would make their life a living hell, so much so that they wished they were dead.
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failing-to-write-again · 2 years ago
Baby Photos Part 2!
Part 1
Since the lovely asker @lilithram did say to pick between Sakamaki baby photos or reader baby photos, I chose both. While the previous part was less overall fluff and more early relationship I decided to make this one closer to an established relationship. I’m a bit nervous about making the boys ooc so any feedback on parts that are good and in character or those less in character would help me work to tailor my writing.
I worked under the ages proposed by @diabolik-shu-lover from this post.
Shu Sakamaki
Visiting le château de Heinz wasn’t your ideal vacation spot if you were to be completely honest. Unfortunately a major downside to dating a crown prince is how business minded people are going to be about your relationship. Shu had delayed taking you here, sharing his wish to live a more ordinary life until his accession, and even then he still wanted to have a more “normal” relationship. So far your little trip had consisted of a dinner with Shu and his father where he quizzed you on your life, followed by two days of loneliness where Shu was kept away by business of some kind with his father. 
Waking up to day 3 of being alone you elected to at least try to find some evidence of Shu’s childhood you could tease him on. There had to be some silly sailor uniform or ruffled collar from when he was a small Victorian lad. Wandering the halls the castle was a thousand times creepier than the Sakamaki manor had ever been, especially when you were left without a lazy vampire keeping an eye on you. Karl Heinz had requested that his sons not kill you but that was before you began dating the son most likely to be forced into some arranged marriage. It didn’t help that the staff weren’t hidden familiars, they were standing in every room just looking… creepy.
Eventually your exploration landed you in a gallery, paintings decorated the hall with spotlights above each painting. Many seemed very old and depicted pretty women in the castle gardens at night. One of these paintings had a woman you were convinced was Shu and Reiji’s mother. She was under a gazebo in a red dress staring lovingly at someone standing somewhere behind the painting. 
“This must’ve been back when they were all in love before Cordelia.” You mumbled to yourself, turning away and continuing down the hall. You found some more imposing portraits of men, a few being Karl Heinz himself, and some more general landscape paintings. 
After nearly 2 hours of this you found a new hall of all six Sakamaki sons in a series of paintings, VICTORY. It’s always a bit weird when you get obvious reminders of your boyfriend being 387 years old even though he looks like a 19 year old. Seeing paintings of him in severely dated clothes and poses was just bizarre, snapping a picture of him in a wig from the Georgian period was a good form of pay back for his abandonment of you these past few days. There was one painting of him unlike all the others, he looked roughly 3 or 4 and was sat in his mother’s lap with a silver rattled as he peered down at a bundle in Karl Heinz’s lap, the raven coloured hair giving it away as Reiji. He looked so curious and his father looked so happy. He was cute, with blonde curlier locks and a big round face, he looked like any modern day child meeting their younger sibling. Seeing him with eyes so awake and full of life, and no animosity between the two oldest sons of Karl Heinz.
“She kept scolding me for not sitting still.”
Shouting in shock as you turn to see your MIA boyfriend with a shit eating grin on his face at your reaction.
“What’s with that face woman, girlfriend’s are meant to be happy when they see their boyfriend’s not scream like a banshee.” Teasing you as he stepped closer, moving his hands to sit comfortably at your waist. In response you let your head fall with a thud into his chest, wrapping your arm around his back.
“Well boyfriend’s aren’t meant to tell their girlfriend’s they’re going on vacation to then vanish off for days. We never get time together in the manor without your brothers hanging around and now your dad is keeping you busier than you’ve ever been.”
Sighing, Shu buried his nose in your hair  wrapping one arm around your shoulder and another around your lower back huddling you close. “I’m sorry. That guy wouldn’t stop talking about all this protocol and other crap about properly introducing you as my chosen queen. He wanted to rush everything.”
Pulling back just enough to look up eyes wide at what he was saying. Queen, you a queen? Not to mention having to meet more creepy vampires. Sensing some of your unease, Shu smiled.
“Relax, I managed to get him to agree to a much slower schedule, you won’t be rushed off to a ball anytime soon. For now the worst of it will be seeing some property we own and meeting his close advisory staff and my other’s old staff. After I have you to myself for another few months we’re going to graduate first.”
Letting out a sigh of relief you lay your head against his shoulder, staring back up at the painting. “As a kid you were pretty cute Shu.”
“Not as cute as you as a mini ballerina,” he shot back, absentmindedly rubbing little circles against your back as he also stared at the portrait.
“If I do end up as Queen you’re not allowed to marry anyone else, I refuse to deal with the whole situation with your mothers. And you can’t ever let our kids have such a poor relationship like you and Reiji.”
“Not if, when, princess and don’t work yourself up over stupid things. You’re mine, I'm not letting some woman try to take me away ever. Seriously such bothersome thinking.”
Leaning down he gently kissed you, as if you were so delicate and precious. Looking up at blue eyes finally looking awake and closer to that childhood Shu then he had in centuries.
Reiji Sakamaki
“The box I’m looking for is about as big as an envelope, and has a leather strap holding it shut. Let me know if you spot it.”
“Alright, anywhere you’d prefer I don’t look. I don’t want to run into some secret Laito porn stash up here.”
You hear Reiji chuckle at that. “Laito doesn’t come up here, too many spiders. I do not care where you go, we are partners, we agreed no secrets right.”
That made you smile, your relationship with Reiji was the fruit of a long journey of trying to reach an understanding. For a while you were both not fully able to understand each other, and while no relationship is perfect, especially yours, hiccups that would’ve caused serious arguments before were now easier to settle over tea. It felt good to feel like a respected partner.
Looking through the attic for this mystery box was a good time to find mementos to learn more about Reiji. Looking through older books and boxes of clothes or unused houseware most of the items in this portion of the attic seemed unimportant. Reiji focused his search on the opposite side of the room where the ceiling was higher, you were shorter than the 6ft man so were less uncomfortable searching where the roof sloped down. A small dusty window allowed some of the early morning light to stream in. Reiji had begun waking later during holidays to allow you both to have a day that had more sunlight for you. He claimed it was to reduce risk of seasonal depression or vitamin D deficiency, with the added benefit of allowing you both to go to museums and other date locations. Waking at 12am gave you the opportunity to see sunrises daily, and if you were honest the view of your boyfriend in the hazy early morning glow was always a welcome sight. 
“You’re staring.” 
“I see nothing wrong with admiring my boyfriend”
He let a smile sigh pass his lips as he smiled, shaking his head. Looking back down at the stack of cardboard boxes he was rifling through. You pull your eyes away and back to the room around you, you spot something sticking out behind a shelf. Pulling it out you find a handful of photos and a small box. The photos were black and white, Daguerreotypes, on metal sheets. The images showed a younger Reiji taking what looked like test photos. Some were of him, slightly blurred from incorrect technique, others of items. The last photo was much clearer and was of Reiji sitting in a chair with a book in his lap. He must’ve gotten a familiar to take the photo. 
“Hey Reiji can I take these down? I don’t know how to store such photos though.”
Looking up Reiji walked over, taking the photos from you to look through. He picked up a box placing them inside before handing them to you,
“I will have the familiars store them properly and make scans so you can have more stable prints of them. If you wish to have images of me to display however, I would prefer you take more modern photos with both of us.”
Smiling down at the box of photos, Reiji spoke again.
“Smiling over such trivial things as a few photos, you should be harder to please.”
“You’re probably the first man to ever say that Reiji, besides it’s nice to have childhood photos of each other. I only have my locket but what happens when your children ask to see what you looked like as a child?”
“Our children will have plenty of paintings of me to see at my father’s castle, and if we are so lucky your only response will be that they look exactly as you did as a child.” Adjusting his glasses Reiji knelt down and picked up the box you had also pulled out with the photos. Meanwhile as his words set in your face flushed slightly.
“Our children…Reiji you shouldn’t say that stuff so casually. Besides, why would you want them to look like me? I'm human.”
That was not a response he liked, gently lifting your chin with his thumb and pointer finger Reiji looked you in the eye as he spoke. “Our children should be as pretty or handsome as their mother. I’m insulted you think, after all we’ve been through, I have not grown out of the belief that blood is a final decider in terms of superiority. You are superior, you are who I want, you alone are my partner and equal so strong as to be able to hold my heart in your hands. Am I clear?”
Your blush darkens as Reiji flusters you further, you can only nod your head in response to such strong compliments said so earnestly. Smiling Reiji’s thumb gently swiped over your bottom lip before leaning in to kiss you. Reiji always kisses you with the aim to convey all of his feelings for you, as if you will never be able to kiss him again. Moving in tandem you ended up leaning against a shelf with Reiji’s arm pinning you there, your arms holding onto his collar to prevent him pulling away too soon. 
Unfortunately, Reiji has to ensure you take in air so moves back. Opening the box, he removes a key, turning it over in his hands.
“This key is to my father’s laboratory here, he used it when he was visiting us as children. I sealed it off years ago and elected to use my room for my experiments. However, due to the chemicals it is not safe for you to sleep there so they must be moved.” 
“What’s wrong with my room?”
“It is a guest room, I’m not going to sleep every night in a guest bedroom in my own home. No, my room must be altered to fit its needs and to do so I shall reclaim the laboratory as my own to allow you to rest safely.”
All you could do is follow along as Reiji began to return back downstairs, gazing down at the box of pictures. Looking at the sad younger Reiji you couldn’t help but compare him to the cool, confident man he had become.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had demanded you meet him in the garden of the castle that evening, something about having something special to show you. You weren’t sure what to expect really, surprises with Ayato were often either very nice or sweet but messy failures. Breakfast in bed when you’ve never cooked before was a bad idea in hindsight, even he had to admit. Still as the night started to fade into dawn you made your way to the gardens, examining the sights around you as you went. 
The father of the Sakamaki’s had summoned them to return for some festival of sorts. Ayato had been vague in describing it, rather unhappy to be returning. It seemed like some carnival was being set up, you hoped it was a carnival anyway. As you ponder the pros of encouraging Ayato’s competitiveness to win you stuffed toys you eventually reach the garden. Opening the glass doors you see Ayato sitting on a blanket, under the stone gazebo and some candles lit around. He had a few plates of your favourite deserts around as well as takoyaki. He grinned as you approached, arms crossed and pride beaming from his face.
“I set this all up, yours truly is the best boyfriend ever, and I have a present for you.” Pulling out a box with a bow stuck on the lid, he gestured for you to open it. You sat down cross legged, opening the box to reveal a collection of photos. 
Lifting some out you realise these were the photos Ayato had burnt after he had first met you, before you had started dating. They looked untouched. Ayato, not trusting your silence, began to speak again.
“Ore-sama got the familiars to find copies and I had those losers in the tech club at school print them. They couldn't say no to yours truly. Do you like it?”
“Why did you do all this, you threw them into the fire.” Ayato blushed before looking away, a hand on his neck.
“I…felt…bad about making you cry like that. It’s only fun when you cry from my bites, not over that stuff.” 
Your sniffling brought his attention back to you, panic spreading across his face. Pulling you into his lap and holding you close as his brain froze trying to find the best course of action. Your hands rising up to hold his cheeks as you attempted to calm down, a smile on your face.
“It’s ok, they’re happy tears. I’m happy Ayato.”
“Are you sure, don’t lie to yours truly.”
“I’m not, I swear! Thank you Ayato, these photos are important to me.”
Sighing in relief, Ayato leant back letting his head thunk against one of the gazebo pillars. 
“Damn it, you’re not meant to cry when Ore-sama gives you gifts.”
Running his fingers along your back. You began rifling through some of the photos noticing some new additions to the collection. There, between the photos of a younger you were pictures of you and Ayato on various dates. You, completely unaware of the camera while Ayato was looking and seemingly taking each photo. There was also one picture of a painting, it was of three boys with the child on the left resembling a much younger version of your boyfriend. 
“I didn’t know you had any childhood photos of Ayato.”
“It’s the only one, you can’t have a collection of photos without one of yours truly to admire.”
Giggling you sit back leaning against his chest while you both began to enjoy your picnic and company. 
Laito Sakamaki
You were currently facing a big problem, for some reason the 2nd year history department had decided to assign a project discussing your family history…in detail. So you were currently stressed out of your mind trying to figure out how to worm your way out of this one. Laito was covered, his family history well laid out as a royal and all of his ancestors having false human lives, it basically wrote itself. Yet here you were unable to write anything. It’s not that you were necessarily ashamed of your orphan status, and your close companions now also ‘brides’ of the Sakamaki’s were virtually sisters and you could maybe write about them. But people always got weird about orphans, and while you weren’t ashamed to be one by any means, being Laito’s girlfriend let alone a Sakamaki girlfriend involved gossip, it came with the territory. Extra rich boys in a school full of rich kids would always mean they were an aim for many girls and their parents alike, let alone Laito’s colourful past meaning he’d slept with basically any 2nd year heiress he could say a word to. All of them convinced they’d be the one to make him want to stay, and all of them feeling the same disappointment or satisfaction when one failed. Then in comes a girl under a sponsorship by said extra rich kid’s father who then ends up dating each of them effectively removing them from the market, and meaning every single girl, generally all conventionally very attractive and whom most men would gladly keep as girlfriend, being ‘beaten’ as they saw it by someone with no assets. 
So to put a long story short, while you weren't super torn up about not having an easy to explain family tree, you weren’t ready to deal with everyone’s response to that little tidbit. All of this led you to now, sitting with Laito as he brushed your hair listening to your predicament.
“Like whatever about the teacher getting weird, I’ll gladly take the free pass to ask for extra stuff. But you really made everything difficult. I can handle snide remarks from Hana, Aoi, and Emiko; they're mostly harmless. Yet, if they get it in their heads that I don’t have parents to cause any issues they might get worse.” You stopped to pick up some popcorn, holding your arm backwards to give Laito some. He took the opportunity to lick your fingers, snickering as you pulled your hand back, wiping it on your jeans. 
“Don’t be nasty, I'm having a serious talk. I just… some of the 1st year girls were horrid to Subaru’s girlfriend just for finding out she had been at a boarding school. They cornered her in the bathroom and stuck gum in her hair. Gum! Like yeah me and the girls tore them a new one but…gum!”
Humming thoughtfully, Laito placed down the brush switching to running his fingers through your hair. He moved to rest his head on your shoulder, letting a comfortable silence sit over you while he thought of what to say.
“If you want, I can get you a family tree in full detail”
“How would you even do that, if you just make people up and anyone finds out then it's worse.”
“We could always make one~”
A pillow to the face shut that idea down, laughing as he fell backwards against the cushions while you were glaring at him.
“Be serious! What am I meant to do?”
Sitting back up, Laito took your hand pulling you up.
“Follow me.”
Walking through the manor, Laito took you to a less well maintained wing. Cobwebs littered the hallway and the wallpaper was peeling slightly in patches, there weren't any electrical lights either, only wall sconces with candles Laito lit as you walked by. Laito was silent for most of the journey, only giving a hand squeeze of reassurance whenever you caught his eye. You weren’t sure if the squeeze he gave passing a portrait of Cordelia was to reassure you or him, whenever you even heard of that woman it sent shivers down your spine.
Paintings became more common the further you walked, most were of adults with a vague similarity to Laito and his brothers, others were portraits of women in beautiful dresses with a characteristic pale visage. Finally stopping in front of a picture of three young boys with a signature red and purple haired look.
“This is the only painting or picture of me and any of my brothers together. Me and the other triplets don't argue as much as Shu and Reiji but we aren’t close,” he turned, taking your hands in his. “You have sisters, actual sisters who you have stories and pictures with. Anyone who disagrees, I will handle.” 
“Gum in my hair Laito. It’s not a good look.” Laito sighs, pulling you close before you hear him mutter.
“Theirs will look worse when I cut it all off.”
Kanato Sakamaki
“Dolly, why are you in here?”
Turning to greet Kanato from where you sat in the quiet wing of the Sakamaki manor, placing your sketchbook back down beside you and making room for your boyfriend to sit nearby.
“I come here to sketch the portraits since I can’t get a good wifi connection to look up references. I really like this painting, it’s of you right?” 
Kanato sat down looking up at the painting then to your sketch. It was different to the painting in many ways, the main difference being that it was a younger him alone with teddy. You had changed his posing too slightly to make him look less nervous. He was pinching his fingertips though, a sign he was uncomfortable that he picked up from the exercises he had copied you doing to help regulation. You could see he was struggling to find his wording. Scooting closer you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to reassure him you cared and were listening. 
“It’s pretty, but dolly I don’t like you being here.”
“Why Kanato? It’s nice here, nobody comes here to interrupt or be loud and there's all these pretty paintings. What’s wrong?” Continuing to play with his fingers, he moves closer to you turning to face you straight on.
“This is where…her room used to be. We have to leave me and Teddy hate it here.” Immediately you were filled with questions. While you knew Kanato, Ayato, and Laito killed their mother and have mixed feelings towards her, you had never seen Kanato spooked. It did explain why this area was not well maintained. You had to bring a brush with you during your first visits to the wing to remove some of the largest cobwebs and first from your seat. However, you had to admit that with the newfound knowledge that these halls were where your boyfriend had been tormented by his own mother for centuries it changed the atmosphere. Suddenly the quiet was now tense, the weathered appearance of the halls becoming creepy signs of lifetimes long since passed. 
So you went along with Kanato’s instruction, returning to the more familiar manor where Reiji had familiars ensuring everything was organised and dustless. Following behind while mulling over the best way to approach this particular conversation. He led you to his room, sitting on his bed with your sketchbook and flipping through it. Pacing the path from his bedside locker to his balcony doors slowly, Kanato watched you. Around your fifth lap he gently grabbed your forearm guiding you to sit next to him, playing with the pages of your sketchbook. He turned to one of your favourites, you had drawn Kanato sitting in front of a backdrop of rose bushes. A small smile on his lips and a glint of childish glee in his eyes.
“I’m hanging this one up.”
“That one isn’t fully vanished, it's only a sketch.”
“But I like it, so it’s finished and I want it on my wall. And I want a matching one of you to go beside it.”
Sighing in acceptance you took his hand winding your fingers with his. It was probably better to shelf some questions anyway, while you were well past the stage of Kanato stabbing you with a fork for too many questions it was still not always easy to bring up sensitive topics. 
Subaru Sakamaki
“Oi, idiot the car is outside. Are you ready to go or what?”
Grabbing your earrings and standing, you began walking over to your boyfriend in a new sundress and short heels for a lunch meeting with Christa at some new vampire restaurant she had taken a liking to. In the years following yours and Subaru’s relationship, both of you had begun to put work into  helping both Subaru and his mother move forwards in their lives and reducing the impact their past traumas had on them. It was a slow and difficult progress with what felt like 100 steps back after every step forward but Christa had reached the point where her good days outnumbered her bad ones with the help of a team of specialists and patience. 
Within the last half a year Christa had begun to travel short distances from her home, a fairly new cottage Subaru had built her close to the manor after we graduated from Ryoutei Academy. Today’s trip was to a cafe she had been to numerous times with her trusted hand maids, so it was an obvious choice for the first excursion you and Subaru were joining in on. On Subaru’s part you had nothing but admiration and pride for the strides he had taken, he still had periods of self doubt often linked to birthdays and when his father was involved. However, such episodes were short and he had grown into more healthy responses to these thoughts, that still didn’t reduce his worries when interacting with his mother in environments that could trigger an episode. It took reassurances from Christa and her therapist to show that there was a set of precautions to ensure her safety before he agreed to this lunch. 
That brought you to today, where your boyfriend adjusted the collar of his pale grey shirt and looked at you with eyes that clearly showed his trepidation about this trip. Looping your arm around his as you made your way to the car you offered reassurance.
“She’s been looking forward to this lunch, she goes there every week at this point it's basically the same as when we have dinner with her.”
“The first time we had dinner with her she started screaming at your halfway through thinking you were a thief, before she tried to cut your hair off.”
“That’s not a fair comparison and you know it. Christa has found medicines that work and worked with Dr. Estelle for years now.”
“You know she  wants you to call her mum.”
“She’ll be mum when you get on the ring choosing we both agreed last time at dinner remember. She even offered to help you plan everything.”
Grunting, he looked away squeezing your arm while opening the passenger side door of his porsche. The ride was mostly quiet with you running your shared spotify playlist with Subaru mentioning concerns for you to counter with considerations made to address them. Once you arrived at the cafe Subaru relaxed quickly seeing Christa behaving normally. 
As always, you were greeted with hugs and excited interrogations as to the going ons of your life since your last visit. Christa had been so kind as to give recommendations based on your individual tastes, having an excellent grasp on the menu. She was also so kind as to bring an album of photos her staff had made of Subaru growing up to allow her to feel more included in his life while locked in that tower. 
“Oh my goodness! He looks so cute here, when was this one?”
You pointed to a photo of a roughly 8 year old Subaru sitting on a wooden table licking a spoon covered in some batter. Smudges of the batter were on his cheeks and shirt as a fire was lit in the background. It was a cosy image and something you had seen Subaru do before. Anytime you baked anything he insisted on spoon cleaning duty to ‘make it easier to clean’.
“Ah, one of my ladies in waiting had that painted after she heard me talking about how happy I was during that visit.”
“I love it, Subaru was such a cute kid!”
“I don’t see what's so cute, I’m just stuffing my face there.”
“Oh shish Subaru. She’s right, you were an adorable kid with cute little cheeks.” To emphasise her point she pinched his cheeks while cooing at him. Subaru only scowled in response, but it held no actual malice behind his glare.
While leaving the cafe, after nearly 5 hours of catching up, Christa pulled you aside to give you the picture claiming she had hundreds more. During the drive home Subaru kept looking at you admiring the photo. 
“You can always take pictures of me ya now. You don’t need to use a kid photo of me for that.”
“I have photos of you, I just like this one, it's special.”
“You’re such a weird woman.”
“Would you have me any other way?”
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freakywrites · 10 months ago
hello there, I’m unsure if you’re taking requests, but if you are might I request a Kanato Sakamaki x reader?
Maybe like headcannons of him in a relationship with a very caring, nurturing reader, or you could do the complete opposite, and make reader judgmental and cruel (kind of like Kanato). If reader was cruel, I feel like that would be a great way to get revenge against all the trauma Kanato’s caused. (Either one is good and you don’t even have to do this, I just really like Kanato (because he’s so deceptively adorable, even if he absolutely despises me/yui/reader) He and Azusa are my favorite Diabolik characters.)
Of course, you don’t have to do that and if you don’t want to do Kanato you could replace with one of the other Diabolik Lover’s characters. (Like the Mukami family or one of the other family names I can’t remember).
—just another anon 🌟
Also those two are my favs too! Anyways here ya go.
Hot and cold
Kanato Sakamaki x reader head canons
Warning: unedited
As warm as fresh blood
He likes it when you play with his hair as he lays on your lap.
He loves when you praise him and beg for him.
You calm him with soft whispers and tender kisses to his cheeks and head.
When you let him play with you, dancing you around to no music but just his hums.
He loves it when he thinks he’s in control.
Loves when you love him and only him.
He loves that you only have eyes for him to only look at him and nobody else.
“I know you’re upset, Kanato, but you’re doing so well. Just hold it in a little longer, and we’ll go, ok?” You said holding the man’s shaking hand. “but they’re so loud can’t we just go home? I’m tired!” He whines, and you lay your head on him before speaking. “you can’t keep getting absences, you know~ I’m here with you anyways” you said, rubbing circles on his arm and giving him a quick kiss on the back of his palm. “Fine but only because Teddy agrees with you” he pouts, and you giggle “thank you, Teddy, sounding considerate of Kanato.” You said cheerfully.
As cold as a corpse
He can’t help but worry when you ignore him.
He begs for you just to look at him to give him his attention.
But all he gets is a violent shove or kick.
He lays his head on your lap just for you to swat him away in disgust.
He would rather you hit or cut at him than you ignore him.
His angerly yells, turning to begs when he gets tired, then soon to sobs of desperate pleading just for you to acknowledge him.
He offers you his teddy just to get any reaction, but nothing seems to work.
“Look at me, look at me damn it!” Kanato yelled at you, and you still don’t budge “are you deaf why are you ignoring me?!” He said, stomping closer to you “hey hey!” He said sitting on the floor putting his hands on you knees and you glare down at him grabbing his hand and pushing them away from you “ugh get off your like a pathetic dog get away from me” you said turning away from him and his eyes began to water. “I-I I’m not pathetic! What did I do? Was it because I yelled at you? It was an accident” he began to spiral “please just hold me again. I don’t know what I did I’m…. I’m sorry” he mumbled, and you shuffled to look at him “say that again…” You spat, and his eyes lit up “Im sorry!” He said quickly, and you smiled and sighed “well if you are… that’ll be it” you said, rubbing his head.
You are back to warm, back to giving him kisses on his eyelids and cupping his face, apologizing for your actions, giving him the illusion of affection.
Because while you do love him, you love him more when he is desperate you love when he is wrapped around your fingers.
I didn’t know what to choose to I chose both a x reader where reader is toxic loves to bring him up high only to crash him down then repeat! Isn’t that fun!
Anyways don do that to ppl cuz it’s like crazy
Also I feel the only way to be cruel to Kanato is not violence but to give and take from him he seems like the person who gets used to affection so if u keep giving and taking he will soon adapt and become desperate for it probably like when you ignorea child or something. Sense to me, he is very childish.
Ok bye bye love yall XOXO 💋💋💕💕
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snake-snacc · 4 months ago
↪ Late night talks
[comforting him]
Tumblr media
↪ Fandom — Diabolik Lovers | Kanato Sakamaki
↪ Words — 2.4k
↪ Warnings — Childhood Trauma, Selfharm, we take care of sad little baby, Hurt but Comfort
↪ Notes — I think it is time, were we don't take comfort from them, but give them comfort! Also this is kind of an apology for the last thing I wrote- Sorry not sorry?
English isn't my first language-
Sleeping besides Kanato was always calming for you. In comparison to his tantrums, hysterical outbreaks or fake tears he puts on to make you feel guilty, the days were calm. As soon as you two go to bed, where he sometimes acts like you let him wait hours to join him, he pulls your body close, resting his head against your chest and listens to your heartbeat. His arms wrapped around your body tightly so you can't just leave him and the blanket pulled as high as possible. 
Kanato was most of the time a really calm sleeper, falling asleep, not moving much and waking up when the sun goes down again. Just in some rare cases did he wake up in the middle of day. Such as, someone standing in front of his door, feeling the weight on the bed is lighter than it should be, you moving too much in his arms or nightmares consuming his sleep. 
It took a lot of time until he told you about the nightmares and the things that haunt him for years. He told you why rain is turning his mood down, why he sometimes wakes up crying and holding on to you even tighter, why he looks in the mirror so often or sometimes not for weeks. And even when you saw it the first time he undressed in front of you and also asked about the fine white lines on his arm, he only told you years later. 
Sometimes you wonder why the lines never seemed to vanish, only seemed to get worse from time to time, even when his regeneration is inhuman. There weren't new ones, no. The white lines just turned red, crusty. Sometimes you swore you had seen blood seeping out of them. But you never asked. Feeling like this would be too much.  
You know he had a lot of packages to carry, but you always gave him the time to unpack it himself. If he told you off or came up with a lie, it was okay. Then he wasn't ready to tell you. That's why you would never dare to forget any of the things he told you. You would never forget the moments he holds your hand a little tighter and just speaks into the night sky about something that bothers him. About something that he can't forget. 
It often makes you sad, seeing how he tries to put on a soft smile, while his words speak about the terror he was put through. Sometimes you need to hold back your tears, while he speaks about something so wrong and terrible, voicing it like it was the best day of his life. 
But maybe that was also a part why you loved him so much. He opens up to you, tells you about the depths his life and heart has to offer. He lets you in and doesn't shut the door. Something you know, not even his brothers achieved. 
So when you opened your eyes in the middle of the day, not feeling or seeing the vampire beside you, you got a little nervous. You sat up, letting your eyes wander around the room, looking if he was sitting on the ground or in his chair. Maybe he just needed to use the bathroom? 
Teddy was laying beside you, facing the ceiling, not being moved from his place. 
You grew more and more nervous, not sure where Kanato went. You waited a few minutes, hoping he would come back but as the time passed and the door didn't open, you got out of bed. Carefully taking Teddy with you.
With slow and quiet steps you go to the door, open it and look behind it. Peaking into the corridor, but it was empty. Carefully you walk through the halls, looking behind every corner and door, hoping to find your boyfriend there. 
But neither was he in the bathroom, the kitchen, the livingroom or even at the pool. Your nervousness slowly turns into fright. Where did he go? Did he leave you? Did something happen?! Your feet dragged you through the mansion, walking every hall twice just to make sure. 
As your eyes began to fill with tears your feet stopped at a big door on the lowest floor. For a moment you asked yourself why you didn't run here in the first second, but on the other hand you really disliked the room behind that door. The smell in there made you want to vomit, even if it wasn't that bad and even hard to recognise. But you knew. 
With shaky hands you open the door, holding tight onto Teddy after as if he would save you. You swallow before taking a step inside, trying to avoid the lifeless eyes that surround you. 
You would never dare to not appreciate the handwork Kanato put into all of these dolls and their clothes, but the truth behind them, the fact you had to witness how one of these were made, always makes your stomach turn. The smell of formaldehyde had haunted you for weeks. It had stuck to your clothes and even as you felt it had vanished, he still smelled like it. Sometimes he still does 
Your steps are tiny, trying to avoid getting noticed by the dolls. Even when he confirms to you multiple times that they are as lifeless and soulless as they could be, you still swear you saw them moving! Carefully you look around the big room until a relieved call escapes your mouth. 
“Kanato!”, you quickly go up to him, but as you notice that he isn't reacting to your call or your approach, you get slower. Coming to a stand beside his kneeling figure. 
His eyes stare into the ground long mirror in front of him, not moving or blinking. One of his hands is in his face, slowly letting his fingers caress his cheek while the other hand is around his underarm, moving forth and back. His sleeves are pulled up and as you look closer, you take a step back. His hand isn't only moving over his arm but his fingers are scratching open the skin. The skin you know is already covered in fine white lines. Blood is spilled over his fingertips, the pushed up sleeve also seems to have gotten dirty already. The red is rolling down his arm, dripping on the ground beneath him as you just look at it in horror.  
A soft smile appears on his lips for a second before his lips part.
“Why do you look at me like that..?”, are the words that fill the silent room, but he still doesn't look at you. Not even through the mirror. He still stares into his own eyes. 
“I.. I was worried and searched for you..”, you answered him, hoping your voice isn't shaking too much. Unsure how to correctly handle the situation you kneel down beside him, look into his face from the side, hoping to get a reaction. 
“You always do that.. when I am in front of you..”
“That's not true..- I was just worri-” 
He takes his bloody hand away from his arm, approaching the mirror with it, before he backs away. As if he wasn't allowed to touch the mirror, or his hand was slapped away. 
“.. I'm sorry.. I would make your dress dirty, right..? Stain your beauty..”, his voice is nothing more than a whisper. He leans his head a little to the side, letting the hand from his face fall to the ground. 
It takes you a moment to realize that he isn't talking to you. He told you about such moments, but apparently he didn't tell you all about them. 
“Say.. You are proud of me, right?.. My face.. it resembles you so much.. I had the luck to get your colors.. Tell me… why are you still looking at me like that..?”, his voice cracks. Letting in the desperation his heart is feeling. 
“Tell me..!” The mirror cracks. Breaking where he crashed his hand into it. Some of the pieces already fall out, others stick onto the mirror. A quiet whimper crawls out of his throat, while he lets his hand slide down the broken glass. 
“Tell me..” he gasps for air, making his shoulders shake. 
“I.. I did what you wanted.. everything you wanted..!” 
You watch in horror, your body not able to move as he grabs the mirror by the frame, shaking it forth and back as if he is holding on to the person he sees in there. He shakes and shakes, holding onto it until his fingers seem like they are breaking. Before is head is falling over, his body going still again.
“Wasn't it enough…? Wasn't I.. enough..? Tell me…” 
Pulling everything in yourself together you want to place a hand on his shoulder trying to get his attention, to bring him out of this nightmare. But you hesitate as his shoulders begin to tremble again, letting your hand hover over it. 
“I love you… I.. I love you..!.. Why can't you.-!? Why don't you belong-!? Tell me!!” His hands fall down beside the mirror. 
“You.. didn't look.. he.. he was more important than my falling body.. they all.. were..” 
He slowly lifts his head up again, looking into the broken mirror with tears rolling down his face. Shakingly he puts his bloody hand on his reflection, smearing it over the cracks. 
“Just once.. love me.. for one second..” 
“Kanato..”, you whisper, placing your hand on his shoulder and turning him towards you. His eyes look at you, getting wide as they realize the change of view. He shrugs his shoulder away under your hand, looking around for a moment to get a hold of his situation. 
“Love..”, you whisper again, taking his hands in yours. Looking into his face and when he looks back at you, you give him a soft smile. Still a little in shock, still afraid of what happened, but also more than happy that you could pull him out.
“What are you doing..?”, he asks you, his voice cold. But you knew better. You knew him for a few years now and could tell when he was trying to avoid a situation. He often did it after he woke up crying from a nightmare, acting like nothing happened. 
With a soft motion you let your fingers run over his hands, caressing them.
“You weren't in bed, so I searched for you.. You know that I can't sleep without you”, is the answer you decide on. 
“You really are helpless without me”, he murmurs under a sigh and looks at your hands. For a second he wants to shake them off, tell you they will get dirty if you keep touching him, but you touch him with so much care. You touch him even though you know that you will get dirty. 
“I truly am”, you say with a smile.
“And Teddy too, you see? He was searching with me”, you add and let the bear, that was sitting on your lap, wiggle with your legs.
Kanato is quiet for a moment, looking at Teddy and then back into your face.
“You cried”, he states and takes one of his hands out of yours, swiping away the remains of your tears that you didn't even notice through everything. Left is a red stain on your skin where the tear was. A short flash of regret goes over his face. You smile, leaning into the bloody hand of his, staining your face even more. Showing him that it's okay to put dirt on you. 
“Thank you” 
Carefully you place your free hand on his cheek too, wiping away his remaining tears, but not mentioning it. You feel the light shift as he leans into your hand a little. It didn't last long. 
He opens his lips to speak again, but before he can, you lean in, giving him a soft kiss. Whispering your love and the promise to stay by his side against his lips. 
For a moment he just looks at you, not sure if he should call you out on interrupting him or not. He sigh. 
“Let's get back to bed”, he stands up from the ground, waiting until you do the same. He lets Teddy in your hands. 
Back into his room you place Teddy on the bed, putting the little blanket over him. In the meantime Kanato takes off his blood stained shirt, throwing it on the ground and getting ready to put on a new one. But before he can do that, you wrap your arms around him, resting your head on his shoulder. 
“Can I clean you up first?”, you ask in a soft voice. His eyes wander to his arm. The blood is already dry. 
“Before I dirty the bed or-” 
“No No. I know you don't like the feeling of dried blood on your skin. You told me once when you talked about your dolls..” 
“Oh.. You're right. Sometimes I forget that you can use your brain” The words sound harsh, but you know that's his way of overplaying what he really thought at first. 
Together you go to the bathroom, where you carefully clean his arm and hand. Trying your best to keep your mind at ease and forget about the horrible sight you had to witness. As you finished he gives you a short kiss on the cheek, waiting for you to finish cleaning yourself. But you don't seem to do that.
“You have blood on your skin”, he mentions, pointing to your face and hand. 
“And? It's yours, nothing I would get rid off”, you say so casually. Yes, normally you would have washed it off, but you think that maybe this time it would be better to keep it. To let the information sink into his brain until the next night. 
You two go back to his room, cuddling up into the big blanket and the multiple pillows after he dressed himself again. Pulling him close against you, letting your fingers stroke through his hair. You close your eyes, listening to the little movements he makes to adjust his position. 
“Thank you..”, is whispered against your chest, muffled into the clothing, but you hear it. 
“Not for that my Love”
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