#Kamamoto seems pretty chill so I don't think he'd get jealous easily
ridiasfangirlings · 3 months
KamaFushi, how would the two of them act when jealous?
I imagine Fushimi getting annoyed at how generally friendly Kamamoto is with everyone, since Fushimi’s the type who wants his boyfriend to pay the most attention to him. He probably gets particularly irritated in summer, when suddenly now that Kamamoto’s all skinny and conventionally bishounen all the girls want to surround him. Fushimi already finds the whole summer/winter change bothersome (I imagine he actually prefers winter Kamamoto, who’s warmer and more comfortable to be around) but seeing Kamamoto suddenly being effortlessly charming to all these girls gets on Fushimi’s nerves, like at least tell them you’re taken idiot. I imagine him like sitting in a corner brooding at first, scowling into his PDA as he tries to ignore all these girls hitting on his man. The irritation slowly grows, Fushimi clicking his tongue pointedly and possibly making some level of fuss because he wants to get Kamamoto’s attention but doesn’t want to, like, admit that he wants Kamamoto’s attention. Eventually he either hits a breaking point or some girl goes a bit too far and then I imagine Fushimi stepping in with some acid comment about irritating shallow hangers-on who need to find something better to do. Kamamoto sighs and tells Fushimi not to be rude to girls but he also gets that this is how Fushimi is and lets himself be dragged off.
On Kamamoto’s end he strikes me as the kind of guy who doesn’t get easily jealous, he seems like he’s just rather easy-going in general and I feel like he’d be pretty secure in his relationship that just seeing someone else talking to Fushimi doesn’t trigger any jealousy in him or anything. In a way I could see that in and of itself bothering Fushimi, like he actually kinda wants Kamamoto to show that he feels jealous of other people wanting Fushimi’s attention. If someone did manage to get Kamamoto riled enough to feel jealous though I think he’d just step right in, like maybe an alphabet boy gets a little too close to Fushimi and is all laughing and being familiar and Kamamoto suddenly finds himself moving between them, using his bulk to his advantage. He apologizes for knocking the alphabet boy over, because Kamamoto’s nice like that, but he’s not entirely sincere about it and he’s already focusing his attention on Fushimi. Fushimi takes in what just happened and then smirks a bit, letting Kamamoto kinda tower over him and ‘shield’ him from anyone else who might want to talk to him.
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