#KY┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it's no measure of your strength.❜ ✧・゚:*
leadersdontrun · 7 years
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vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ GROUP ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
AA﹠SM┇*:・゚✧﹙ DYN ﹚quote.❜ ✧・゚:*
tag drop; groups // characters // dynamics ﹙ 1/7 ﹚
mccall pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL PACK ﹚beacon hills would burn to the ground without us.❜ ✧・゚:*
mccall fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL FAM ﹚this house is full of accidents.❜ ✧・゚:*
alpha pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ALPHA PACK ﹚they're werewolves; not bond villains.❜ ✧・゚:*
argent fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ARGENT FAM ﹚i know what they are… they’re reinforcements.❜ ✧・゚:*
assassins - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ASSASSINS ﹚they get to be a name on our deadpool.❜ ✧・゚:*
calaveras - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CALAVERAS ﹚cross your border and come knocking at your door.❜ ✧・゚:*
chimera pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERA PACK ﹚had to have been made.❜ ✧・゚:*
chimeras - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERAS ﹚personally; i call it terrifying.❜ ✧・゚:*
citizens of beacon hills - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CITIZENS ﹚dude; it’s beacon hills.❜ ✧・゚:*
dread doctors- vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ DREAD DOCTORS ﹚managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural.❜ ✧・゚:*
ghost riders - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ WILD HUNT ﹚ should just really remain a nightmare.❜ ✧・゚:*
hale family - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE FAM ﹚i'm a predator; i don't have to be a killer.❜ ✧・゚:*
hale pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE PACK ﹚the bite is a gift.❜ ✧・゚:*
primal pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ PRIMAL ﹚gave up everything that makes them human.❜ ✧・゚:*
satomi pack - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SATOMI PACK ﹚the mantra helps us subdue our nature.❜ ✧・゚:*
sheriffs department - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ﹚do you know why there were openings?❜ ✧・゚:*
skinwalkers - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SKINWALKERS ﹚walk with us under the sun through the dust.❜ ✧・゚:*
stilinski fam - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ STILINKSI FAM ﹚at the center of this whole mess.❜ ✧・゚:*
tamora followers - vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MONROE ﹚it's their turn to be afraid; their turn to hide; their turn to be alone; their turn to run; their turn to be hunted.❜ ✧・゚:*
allison argent - AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚she knows.❜ ✧・゚:*
stiles stilinski - MS┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚the plan is to save you.❜ ✧・゚:*
nogitsune - N┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚they call it void.❜ ✧・゚:*
lydia martin -  LM┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚would never run and hide.❜ ✧・゚:*
kira yukimura - KY┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it's no measure of your strength.❜ ✧・゚:*
malia tate - MT┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you can talk to me.❜ ✧・゚:*
liam dunbar - LD┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’re strong because you endure.❜ ✧・゚:*
hayden romero - HR┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it’s your choice.❜ ✧・゚:*
mason hewitt - MH┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚except for you.❜ ✧・゚:*
corey bryant - CB┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’ll be alright; you’ll heal.❜ ✧・゚:*
#i.┇*:・゚✧﹙ TAG DROP ﹚drop some of the dead weight in my life.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL PACK ﹚beacon hills would burn to the ground without us.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MCCALL FAM ﹚this house is full of accidents.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ALPHA PACK ﹚they're werewolves; not bond villains.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ARGENT FAM ﹚i know what they are… they’re reinforcements.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ ASSASSINS ﹚they get to be a name on our deadpool.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CALAVERAS ﹚cross your border and come knocking at your door.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERA PACK ﹚had to have been made.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CHIMERAS ﹚personally; i call it terrifying.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ CITIZENS ﹚dude; it’s beacon hills.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ DREAD DOCTORS ﹚managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ WILD HUNT ﹚ should just really remain a nightmare.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE FAM ﹚i'm a predator; i don't have to be a killer.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ HALE PACK ﹚the bite is a gift.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ PRIMAL ﹚gave up everything that makes them human.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SATOMI PACK ﹚the mantra helps us subdue our nature.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT ﹚do you know why there were openings?❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ MONROE ﹚it's their turn to be afraid; their turn to hide; their turn to be alone; their turn to run; their turn to be hunted.❜ ✧・#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ STILINKSI FAM ﹚at the center of this whole mess.❜ ✧・゚:*#vi.┇*:・゚✧﹙ SKINWALKERS ﹚walk with us under the sun through the dust.❜ ✧・゚:*#AA┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚she knows.❜ ✧・゚:*#MS┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚the plan is to save you.❜ ✧・゚:*#N┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚they call it void.❜ ✧・゚:*#LM┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚would never run and hide.❜ ✧・゚:*#KY┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it's no measure of your strength.❜ ✧・゚:*#MT┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you can talk to me.❜ ✧・゚:*#LD┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’re strong because you endure.❜ ✧・゚:*#HR┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚it’s your choice.❜ ✧・゚:*#MH┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚except for you.❜ ✧・゚:*#CB┇*:・゚✧﹙ ID ﹚you’ll be alright; you’ll heal.❜ ✧・゚:*
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