#KWKO Karin
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Meet the Schuyler Kozaki sisters! Yuuka, Karin and Yoriko Kozaki (click for quality)
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shiraishi--kanade · 14 days
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An unfinished midnight kozaki karin for your consideration. Not midnight for her, but definitely for me. Thank God for the weekend.(If the colors look weird it's probably cause of my blue light filter..)
Oooh oooh thank you so much,,, no words but I'm emitting heart particles
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kawaakari-orchestra · 2 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY KOZAKI KARIN… the fox girl of all time :)
Here she is! The first violins of all time.
Thank you for the fanart!
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the-one-that-weeps · 6 days
One day someone'll have to perform CPR on me for thinking about Kozaki Karin too hard
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kerizaret · 8 days
I'm actually really in love with you Karin specifically
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I'm still so upset that it's no longer the first thing to appear in the kwko tag when I look anymore. I'm pretty sure I'll print it out because I want to have a Karin kozaki folder and damn girl you're going right in the middle
AND AHDHAH THANK YOU THO??? Tbh I should just take a good photo of her and send u and Jay for you to print it out. As a treat
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Not sure if I'm allowed to post this one but this is basically what it's like to be the owner of this blog
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Tumblr murdered the quality<333 sorry
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Karin kozaki if she was part of the Australian subcouch-pillow ecosystem
Backgroundless version below:
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kawaakari-orchestra · 2 months
Kawaakari Orchestra: Happy birthday, Kozaki Karin! 2024 Menu lines 🎉
🦋: Happy birthday, Kozaki-san! I'll be working extra hard at practice today!~ Consider that my gift!
🦊: Your birthday is supposed to be a day to reflect on your achievements and shortcomings, not throw parties and mess around. Why does everyone think I'd make a huge deal out of it?..
🐚: (Not a big deal, huh?.. Every time I think I have her figured out, she keeps throwing something new in... Well, whatever.)
🪁: So she's a Leo, huh? Yeah, that makes perfect sense. Huh? No, I don't believe in those sort of things, not really... But, I mean, can you argue with that?
🍁: Kozaki-san's birthday, huh?.. I've never been to a birthday party before, so I have no idea what I'm supposed to bring... Um, can I just not go to practice?..
🌸: It's a fairly common tradition for an orchestra to play an arrangement of "Happy Birthday" tune for their conductor. For a lack of one, Karin could technically be considered out ensemble leader... However, I'm withholding that privilege until she learns how to cue properly.
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kawaakari-orchestra · 3 months
Today's update: Kozaki Karin's room! 🦊
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🌻: A rather simplistic and gloomy interior, isn't it? How unexpected from our virtuoso~
Total build time: 3 hours
New things I've learnt: stacking boxes on top of each other!
What to consider next time: desperately need more cc for books and study things, so maybe look into that!
[ cc used:
Sonata Sheet music by Soloriya
Violin Case by iyaS
Music sheet stand by Sandy/Around the Sims 4 ]
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kawaakari-orchestra · 5 months
Pinned post ✨
Hello! This is Jay, and I've decided to make a separate blog for my fan proseka unit, Kawaakari Orchestra of KWKO for short. The reason for this is mostly my brain demanding for organisation, but also the reaction to them was incredible and I definitely want to talk about them more.
KWKO introductory post is here! More info under the cut.
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What this blog will post:
- Area Conversations
- Self-introsuctions
- Welcome lines [probably]
- Memes
- Other curious tidbits of information
What this blog will post sometime in the future:
- Birthday/Anniversary Menu lines
- Seasonal/Holiday Menu lines
- Event summaries
- Card story summaries
- KWKO Kizunas
What this blog will not post:
- Full events [link only]
- Full card side stories [link only]
- Any song associations/headcanons (unless I suddenly learn to produce songs)
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Please note that this blog will sometimes post content touching on or discussing several potentially upsetting or triggering topics, including the following:
- Child Abuse;
- Bullying;
- Mild violence and injuries, including discussions of eye injury;
- Suicidal ideation, including suicidal behaviour and past suicide attempts;
- Self-harm;
- Eating disorders;
- Substance abuse;
- Near death experiences;
- Chronic Illness, Medical Trauma and internalised, as well as external, ableism.
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The aforementioned topics are unlikely to be portrayed in detailed or particularly descriptive manner. Nevertheless, reader discretion is advised.
All of the aforementioned topics will be tagged. The standard format for tagging will be [tw: "insert trigger"], as well as other formats to insure maximum coverage. The topics listed above will also be tagged at the beginning of each card story/event episode/etc when that time comes around.
Please contact me either on this blog or @shiraishi-kanade if you need additional trigger warnings.
Character symbols!
Saitsu Maki - 🦋
Kozaki Karin - 🦊
Shimizu Kairi - 🐚
Ekuro Suzuka - 🪁
Kaedehara Akari - 🍁
Fujisaki Reishi - 🌸
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How can I interact with this blog?
- I will answer any asks to the best of my ability, unless the question is an explicit spoiler that will be answered later in the story!
- You can also submit an ask directed to a character (using their assigned emoji), and they will also answer to the best of their ability; however, you have to keep in mind that they would perceive you as a fan/viewer and can avoid your question or answer dishonestly.
- You can also send me your assumptions/theories/otherwise thoughts on plot development or future events; however, those will not be answered. You can specify if you want them posted or not and if yes I will answer with ✨ to say that I see and appreciate your thoughts but am unable to answer in a meaningful way due to inherently spoiler-y nature of the interaction.
- Feel free to send just about any questions, artwork (oh my god??), headcanons, memes, what have you. I greatly appreciate literally everything. Keep in mind that all KWKO characters are minors.
Main story/events when?
- Somewhere after I've done with my finals this year! I don't have the brain capacity to juggle this many things at once.
[ post dividers by @/cafekitsune! ]
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kawaakari-orchestra · 2 months
Bastard girl living in my head rent free
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Thank you for the fanart! (once again)
I'm sure Karin would be very delighted to hear that >:D
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kawaakari-orchestra · 3 months
Scramble Crossing: Maki, Karin, Suzuka [2]
🦋: Uugh...
🪁: *sigh*... What is it?
🦋: Is it bad that my back kinda hurts?~
🪁: What? What kind of hurt?
🦋: I don't really know! It just does- it's like, really sore, all the time!
🪁: Do you think it may be because you're still not used to carrying your violin case on your back?
🦋: ...You know what, it's probably that!
🦋: My dad used to drive me to lessons and stuff before, so I didn't really need to carry it a lot!
🦊: You used to live like that? Wimp.
🦋: Hey!..
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kawaakari-orchestra · 3 months
Scramble Crossing: Maki, Karin, Suzuka [1]
🦋: Kawaakari Orchestra string quartet rehearsal, here we go!
🦊: Nobody's going anywhere until we get a hold of Kaedehara.
🦊: I appreciate the enthusiasm, though.
🪁: You think she overslept again?
🦊: She'd better not. This is the third time this week. Some people really like testing my patience...
🪁: If she doesn't show up in ten minutes, I suggest we just move on without her. I'm not wasting my practice room with good acoustics time on someone who can't even set up an alarm.
🦋: (Oops, they're really pissed off today! Hurry up, Akari-chan!!..)
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kawaakari-orchestra · 4 months
Music Shop: Maki, Karin [1]
🦊: That's certainly a lot of CDs you're carrying.
🦋: Hehe, I know right! I only wanted to spend a little, but when I see all of those cool musicians, I just can't stop myself!
🦋: Ah, but you aren't really buying anything... Is it because you don't like the kind of music they sell here?
🦊: Well, that's part of it, I guess.
🦋: Not even the classical recordings?!
🦊: No, that's... Nevermind. I guess I just prefer to buy my music online.
🦋: Eeh?! But doesn't it feel so much nicer to have something you can hold in your hands?
🦊: It does. It's just not the right kind of thing for me, that's all.
🦋: (She doesn't look happy saying that...)
🦋: (And that's not the first time I've seen her refuse to buy something material, too.)
🦋: (I remember being like that when we travelled a lot... What are you really thinking, Kozaki-san?..)
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