bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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[Nickname: PEAK]
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itmightrain · 2 years
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While Eiw was growing and changing and evolving into this braver self, im sure he was so rightfully proud of and excited to show this new him to Cake. But he must've also been so frightened... he said he was afraid that Kung would stop being his friend when he came out, and even if he wanted to trust cake to love him enough he must've still been terrified... and then to have cake seem to reject so much of what Eiw is now, and to have him get mad and accuse Eiw of being changed when Eiw is finally being himself, it must've felt like the end of everything
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Only 12% Ep 11 Stray Thoughts
I'm so excited to see Cake jealous and how they handle that role reversal.
Beginning with an iQIYI ad, of course. I'll let them have it.
Yes, let's share headphones and watch the trailer on the iQIYI app! Let's have an indirect kiss with the donut!
New is still himself. Cake asking Kung about Eiw's life, and suddenly the backing track kicks in as Kung reacts to be asked about Tal?
Oh good, we get to see Fee again too.
Sorry, Eiw. Cake has to watch you rehearse because he can't let something happen between you and Tal.
The guy sitting behind Cake got to see two dramas. A win for him.
Tal is determined to shoot his shot with Eiw.
Of course Eiw didn't realize he was shoving Cake away, but he was also jealous of the girls fawning over Cake.
Gosh, I like this dynamic with Noey and Kung.
Eiw has grown a lot and considers himself gay. He even worried Kung might stop being his friend. Appreciating that New continues to explore the real homophobia gay boys deal with.
I hope Eiw and Cake talk this out, because, "We never fight," can cause so many problems in any relationship.
Oh no. Eiw's mom is sick.
I'm glad Cake recognizes his jealousy, and that it's a selfish desire to want Eiw to regress. Glad his friend is here to help him with these feelings.
Aww nooo. Cake forgot the tickets. He will end up missing the monologue where Eiw is clearly thinking about him.
Ah, there's the toilet humor. I appreciate the almost 30 minutes of restraint.
Oh, Cake, you can be jealous, but no manhandling.
This level of insecurity is definitely unexpected of Cake by Eiw. Eiw is right to be frustrated that Cake of all people is upset that he tried to grow up.
I like Tah, and know that something bad is about to happen because Cake is insisting on going out with his friends.
Okay, I was absolutely here with the drama, but Aut's reaction just took me out! 🤣
I want to thank New Siwaj and the entire production team of My Only 12% for not subjecting us to realistic vomit this episode.
I like how we end on a critical moment of a fight that should signify a breakup only to immediately cut to a preview about them being boyfriends next episode. Amazing.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
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Santa is absolutely amazing as Cake, I'm so impressed. He keeps making me cry. The subtleties of his reactions, his expressions as he tries to prevent himself from crying and then finally gives in, the way he looks at and touches See-eiw. I'm so curious to see how he's going to play the older version of Cake.
There was more heartbreak in this episode, especially that last scene as they cried together (so heartbreaking!), but also many lovely moments of joy. I just love how much these boys love each other.
"I don't care if no one else waits for me, but could you please wait for me?" 💔😭💙💗😍
I was heartbroken for them, but I wasn't as sad as last episode because I'm starting to get excited to see how they grow and change while they're apart, and find out who they become. (I'm operating under the assumption they're getting a happy ending, if they don't this will all be infinitely more upsetting.)
I think I kinda like Rin? In some ways she feels like a stereotype of a controlling girlfriend - the faen fatale who's an obstacle in the main characters' love story. But the script and the actor add enough interesting texture to her that I like her despite that. Her bitchiness and sarcasm are kind of delightful. It helps that she's a teenager, so immature behavior in a relationship feels appropriate. And despite her sarcasm, wanting her boyfriend to spend time with her isn't in itself an unreasonable thing to ask for. (Although where were they supposed to be? What was that circular balcony with all the interesting chandeliers? It can't pass as a space in their school, and it's a stretch to imagine it as a private home either. Maybe she lives in a fancy apartment?)
Speaking of het romances, I continue to have many mixed feelings about Hom and Peak's story - his pursuit, the age gap, how the characters are reacting to the age gap. Part of the problem is I can't really see why she's interested in him. But I also have a lot less tolerance for het romance stories these days - there are only a few varieties that I actually enjoy. (I'm a little sad about this, I'd like to be able to enjoy them again.) And I'm confused exactly how old they're supposed to be here. I was thinking maybe 17 or 18 and 19 or 20. But apparently they're in what gets translated as 9th grade, so presumably Peak is 15, possibly even 14?
I also love Cake's friends. They're all so supportive and good to each other, but in a way that feels realistically adolescent. They give good advice to each other, and the rythms of their teasing and scuffling feel wonderfully natural.
Speaking of friends, early on we got the smallest crumbs hinting that Fee had a crush on an oblivious Kung. (or the other way around, it was so long ago I can't remember.) We haven't seen any more of that, I hope the bring that back. We also got basically nothing of either of them this episode in general, but that makes sense, and presumably they will show up more once See-eiw is left on his own.
Again my feelings about Cake and Eiw's relationship are currently: "If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more."
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Only 12% Ep 6 Stray Thoughts
Alright. We had three great kisses this week from Minato's Laundromat, Love in the Air, and The Eclipse. You can do it, too, My Only 12%...but I'm sure you're just gonna break hearts this week.
These two are so codependent that I don't even know how their friends cope with them.
I tell ya. I am 100% with Eiw on being annoyed about Cake flirting with a girl in Eiw's bed.
NOW KISS??? Of course not. Just these two growing apart and not knowing what to do.
Boy Sompob has been with us since the beginning (The Shake song on the Lovesick OST still slaps), so it's a huge relief to hear him on the soundtrack for this show. He's been very sick, but has been optimistic on socials and recently celebrated the anniversary of his fan club.
Eiw's friends being named Fee and Kung makes me think of fecund. I'm so sorry
Sometimes it's just nostalgic to watch these boys and see them dealing with growing pains. Cake has done nothing wrong with Rin, but his friends and Eiw aren't necessarily keen on sharing him
Damn, everyone is going at Cake about Rin. I feel bad for Rin now.
Ah, and here Sand goes. I was worried about the mention of the piggybank earlier. Not keen on this!
Oh no, here we go with this Peak pursuing Eiw's sister plotline. 😒
I do like how the Thai boys portrayed in BL don't seem as afraid of touching each other. Maybe I was too closeted growing up, but it felt like American boys just cannot have casual affection.
Auntie Proud is correct. Cake will weep when Eiw stops waking him up.
Now I'm gonna be wondering what Auntie Proud said to Cake forever.
And now Sand is nowhere to be found. He took the money and ran.
Slaps Peak on the head. You can fit so much BL in this boy.
Note to self: do not order sausages in Thailand.
Sand really is a shit. How cruel.
I'm glad I didn't have to watch Santa and Oreo fight, but I hope Cake whooped Sand's ass. I'd be there like:
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Spill the tea? Were we saying that in 2007, or is that just an enthusiastic translation?
I really like the way both of their moms engage with them. It's loving, but not overly indulgent. Cake did get into a fight, and should face consequences for that.
I like Prem as a big brother a lot.
I'm really liking this door metaphor for building trust. American tv and filmmakers come from smaller families, but Thailand still has a culture where lots of people have siblings. The energy feels right.
I'm not pro-spanking, but I do know what others went through. Cake's family feels normal. The mom administering discipline. The dad offering tacit support, but approving of the victory. The sister teasing.
We still didn't learn what was bothering Cake.
The hets are in the preview... Ah, Cake is leaving next episode. Time for the drama.
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bl-bam-beyond · 2 years
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Cake (PONGSAPAK OUDOMPOCH aka SANTA) is not liking all the attention Eiw has been getting in university.
He isn't the same Eiw he remembers. The shy reserved boy has become a self reliant young man with more interests and more friends. More people approaching him. Noticing him.
So Cake needs to make a move...so to get some intel Cake talks with Kung (PEEMAPOL PANICHTAMRONG aka PEAK) Eiw's other friend.
Jealousy has entered his soul... Time To Make A Move Cake (and next week he will) cause he can't lose his sweet See-iw.
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bengiyo · 2 years
My Only 12% Ep 9 Stray Thoughts
My saddest period piece boys are back this week. Genuinely looking forward to seeing how Eiw adapts to a world without Cake.
Oh, I do love Prem as a brother. I kinda wish he'd assured Eiw that even if he and Cake changed, they would still be important to each other.
Oh my god did Eiw's mom just call him a crybaby??
I will never get over how everyone involved here knows that Eiw and Cake are inseparable, and that this move hurts them the most. I love that they all give them space for a private goodbye.
I should go back and count how many times we've watched Earth cry in the last 5 years.
Mmmm, he kissed Cake. I'm glad Cake at least gets that much before they part.
I wish this scene didn't involve so many cuts. Earth and Santa are good enough.
Does Earth get paid more for all the crying they ask of him?
I'm glad Kung and Fee aren't passive about Eiw's suffering.
Man, they've been bringing up this lack of food thing with Eiw since the first episode. I really don't want this to take a dark turn, but I do hope we do something with it.
I survived H. Katrina. Eiw sitting in front of a computer hoping that friends will sign on so you can talk again is almost too real.
Oh good. The brother introduced them to the concept of email. Unsurprisingly, Cake seems to be adapting to life in America.
Fee is a good friend. I like that he's being honest with Eiw about how meeting new people is awkward and hard, but you have to suffer the mortifying ordeal of being known to receive the rewards of being loved. He even gives pragmatic advice about how to make new friends. I love this.
The changing tone and content of Eiw's emails is a nice way to set up a montage to show growth. Good job, BL.
Running to your older brother with your toilet water phone is peak baby brother behavior.
I loved student plays when I was in high school. It's cool how many kids came out to support them.
I like that Cake's friends are making a genuine effort to build stronger connections with Eiw. Those are some good guys.
Okay, I let it go in the montage, but I think Tal has a crush on Eiw.
Oh, Earth is good. The changes to Eiw's mannerisms and physicality supports the time shift really well.
What does it mean when your letters to your best friend also become a journal of your life?
Earth Cry Counter: 6
Next week looks interesting! I like thst we only spent an episode with Eiw growing without Cake.
This was a solid episode. I feel like I almost cried over how much I enjoyed the friendships this week.
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