xsister-serpent · 7 years
Strange Galaxies
Summary: Peter wants to make a name for himself in a new galaxy. Kylo needs an accomplice to help find Kyber Crystals. But there’s something else Kylo senses..another powerful energy hidden in this all too familiar smuggler.  
A/N: So i’ve been having this crossover story stuck in my head for a while and I finally got the nerve to write something for it. Tagging: @floral-and-fine !  
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 The ravagers entered in the dingy bar filling up two booths in the corner of the bar. Peter couldn’t help but feel the excitement of the place, the music, the dancing, the women of all species looking for a good time. This was the first time he entered this part of the galaxy. A place where he could finally cause fame to his name.  An android waiter came by their table and began taking their orders.
“And for you sir?” The droid ask Peter.
“I’ll have whatever they’re having,” he replied as he spied on a beautiful red skinned Twi’lek.
“Of course sir,” the android nodded.
The beautiful alien bashfully smiled at Peter as she began whispering excitedly to her other girlfriends. Peter smirked to himself in confidence, that was until he felt a stinging slap to the upside of his head.
“Quit drawing attention to yourself!” Said his centaurian boss Yondu.
“Damn it man! Im just trying to have a little fun.”
“Yea well that,” Yondu motioned to the alien “That ain’t little fun. She’s a spy.”
“How am I suppose to know that?!” Peter began rubbing his head.
“You don’t ya idiot, we are in an entirely different system now. These folk don’t know us and we don’t know them. This isn’t like back home understand?”
“Then why did we come here if everyone is so dirt poor?”
“Not everyone in this joint is dirt poor, people come here to get favors done. Word has it politicians come snooping about to get their favors done too. Politicians ain’t never short on money.”
Peter sighed as he saw the twi’lek disappear in the crowd. He’d have to kept his own personal agenda on hold for now. Once more Peter blue eyes scanned the room. Yondu was right, these were lifeforms and people he never seen in their part of the galaxy. And the very few he did were war refugees. The waiter came back with their drinks, placing them on the table.
“Alright boys drink up!” Yondu cheered.
The ravagers cheered and began to drink heavily. Peter took a sip of his drink and winced as the sweet burn ran down his throat. Might as well make the most of it, Peter said taking another drink.
Suddenly a shorter bug like alien came barging in the door way slipping on the stairs.
“THEY’RE HERE!!” The alien screamed.
Immediately the bar began shake violently causing the bottles and drinks to come crashing down. All the patrons began scrambling around the bar. Everyone began yelling in different languages and shoving past each other to the nearest exit.
“What the hell!?” Peter spoke as a person spilled his drink on him.
The centaurian grabbed an the unsuspecting stranger from the other side of him and yanked him onto the table.
“You wanna tell me what’s going on??!” Yondu growled at the frighten stranger.
“The first order!,” The stranger rasped, “If you’re smart you’ll leave and never look back!”
The stranger broke free and tried to make his way out but it was too late. Peter eyes widen as he saw storm troopers marching into the bar. Soon more began blocking the exits and herding everyone together. Yondu noticed that they were surrounded and cursed under his breath.
“What should we do boss??” Asks a ravager as more stormtroopers gathered the group.
“We wait,” Yondu replied sitting back down and looking around at the troopers.
Peter placed his hand on his gun lightly touching the trigger. The gang settled back down into their booth watching the troopers silently. Peter saw a tall black hooded figure enter the door way.
“Who is he??” Asked one of the ravagers.
“That’s kylo ren,” whispered a man a few meters away from him.
“Hm,” Yondu paused.
The stormtroopers made a pathway for Kylo as he reached the bar area. The remaining patrons stood in an eerie silence. Peter glanced at him. With his darken mask and robes he looked liked someone very important.
“Is some kind of general or something?,” asked Peter.
“He’s a knight for the Supreme leader Snoke,” the stranger whispered, “What he wants here I can’t say.”
 Peter watched Kylo looked around the room. Even with his dark mask Peter could feel the steel gaze radiating from him. The masked man saw the gang.
“Ravagers aren’t known to be in this side of the galaxy,” his metallic baritone voice spoke.
Yondu stepped beside Peter and the group, “We’re just visiting folk.”
“Visiting?” Kylo repeated, “I find that very hard to believe.”
“Believe what you want,” Yondu shrugged.
Kylo tilted his head, “You look smart. Smart enough to stay alive. What if I told you I could make you the richest smugglers this side of the galaxy?”
Yondu rose an eyebrow, “How so??”
Peter glanced at Kylo’s lightsaber.  What a nasty piece of work, Peter thought.
“200,000 units will be handed to you to complete this task and the fame that comes with it,” Kylo spoke as a small hologram projected the numbers, “No questions asked.”
The crowd began to whisper in hush voices, but none of them had spoken up. Peter eyes widen at the prize money and went to Yondu.
“Let me take the job,” Peter urgently whispered.
Yondu seemed a unfazed by money as he stroked his chin carefully.
“Boss that’s a lot of money” said another ravenger breaking Yondu from his thought.
The gang leader carefully examined Kylo, looking at his saber then at the storm troopers.
Yondu answered, “No.”
“Are you serious?” Peter gasped, “You’re gonna turn down that money??”
Yondu shot a look at Peter and whispered harshly at him, “If you know what’s good for you , you’d keep that mouth of yours shut.”
Peter glanced back at Kylo who was staring at the crowd.  The masked man tilted his head at Peter, meeting his gaze. Kylo sensed a sudden shift in the air, a force almost like his own but not. Kylo felt a presence coming from the man. Something not entirely his own.
_Peter…Peter Quill, _kylo thought as he scanned the ravenger.
His reminded him of someone, someone he knew all to well. A small fire of anger sparked in his chest but he quickly snuffed it out.  Kylo pointed to Peter.
“You,” Kylo commanded.
 Before Peter could respond two storm troopers yanked him away from the group throwing him down. Peter fell to his knees wincing at the dull pain in his knees. Yondu blew a high whistle causing his red floating arrow to stop inches away from Kylo’s mask.
Kylo stood there unwavering, “Child’s play.”
With a flick of his wrist the arrow suddenly shot back at Yondu now a few inches away from his neck. The ravagers quickly pulled out their guns as did the storm troopers. The gang was outmatched and out numbered.
Yondu snarled at the knight, “I don’t know what game you’re playing at. But it ain’t gonna work.”
“I’d mind your business centaurian. Or do I have to call your blue skinned cousin to come and get you. It’s hard to believe to you two are related.”
Yondu glared at Kylo.
“Yondu just let me take this job,” peter urgently spoke, “200,000 that’ll set us up for a while.”
Yondu looked at Peter and then at Kylo.
“Alright!,” Yondu replied, “But you keep your word.”
Peter smirked with pride and stood on his feet. Now everyone in the galaxies will know the name star lord.
“Good,” Kylo spoke dropping the arrow to the feet of Yondu.
“So w-,” Peter was suddenly shoved away to the rest of the storm troopers.
“Bring the smuggler to my ship,” Kylo commanded, “You will go back to Supreme leaders ship and give my coordinations only to Lieutenant Mitaka, is that understood?”
The storm troopers nodded as kylo began waking to his ship.
Peter looked back at the group as he walked outside. The city was now silent as a grave. He felt that same ominous feeling that wash over him as he followed the mask man into the ship.
He’s just a man in a mask, right? Peter thought.
The knight slightly glanced over his shoulder as though he physically heard Peter.
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