caomhnighean · 5 years
@kindredsprts. sc.
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     ‘ Pay him no mind. He likes to tease. A wee bit too much, if you ask me, but I suppose that is what brothers do, hey? ’ 
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parvulii · 5 years
@kindredsprts gets a plotted thing !!!
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HOW  LONG  HE  WAITED  WAS  impossible  to  say,  the  antics  of  a  clock  meaningless  to  a  being  independent  of  its  path.  even  so,  kel  grew  r e s t l e s s.  the  trees  too  young  ( too  pleasant )  to  do  more  than  keep  him  —  but  she  was  INTERESTING.  her  vibrant  flame  not  marked  but  BOLSTERED  by  the  grey  taint  of  despondency.  psithurism  murmurs  drew  selfish  intent  when  the  girl  at  last  appeared,  red  and  white  pines  delighting  in  her  steps  below  their  bristled  boughs.  they  like  her,  he  realized.  the  idiots.  she  was  already  HIS.  f r a y e d  though  the  creature  was,  perhaps  he  should  have  been  more  cautious  ( it  would  not  due  to  SCARE  too  promptly )  but  kel,  impatient  and  eager  and  tired  of  waiting,  merely  flicked  a  stick  to  draw  her  attention  upward.
                                               " they  are  not  worth  it,  you  know. "
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harryhooktm · 5 years
@kindredsprts sent  "Which would you rather be: utterly evil or utterly good?"
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Oh, there’s a question!! Utterly evil or utterly good? Good’s boring - evil seems too.....awful. “Neither. I prefer to think of myself as utterly chaotic.” Evil or good doesn’t matter to him - having fun, living his life as he wants - THAT’S what matters.
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filigoldenprince · 5 years
"I imagined Dwarves to be fat, green, and ugly. Never expected them to be human-like and friendly."
Fili might have taken offense on another occasion, but he could tell that— perhaps? —she hadn’t meant it as an insult. It seemed to him a result of curiosity, and he was no stranger to that. Instead, he just let out a small puff of a laugh.
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“An’ what made ya imagine us like that?” he asked. “Ya weren’t listenin’ ta any Elves, were ya?”
It was somewhat a joke, but he wouldn’t doubt it if he heard some elves had been talking negatively about his kin.
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challengeborne · 5 years
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            “  there now,  ”    she said, setting down a plate of some bread and cheese before the girl. idly, she wondered if she’d looked much the same at that age -- skinny, flame-haired, and with a lively spark in her eye that mayhap knew its share of trouble. she sat down across from her guest, a fond smile -- a look of something like camaraderie -- on her lips.    “  i know i’ll sound like an old nag for saying so, but -- surely you ought to know those old mines are no place to be roaming about on your own. certainly not those that be abandoned. a body might drown if they’re not careful...  ”    she added, the maternal instinct in her preventing her from mentioning that many already had.   //   @kindredsprts ♥︎’d
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txrosh · 5 years
❝What shall we toast to?❞
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An eyebrow rose and a corner of his lips quiver upward. “ Aren’t ya’ kinda small “ he makes a gesture with his hand pointing her stature  “ for drinking, child?” Amusement dance in his words a song of a jester, his eyes gleam deep blue like the ocean “Should I tell the innkeeper to bring some milk for ya’?”
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peregrintcck · 5 years
"Can I tell you a story?"
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               “Story? I do enjoy a good story !”
The Hobbit smiled brightly, looking on expectantly.
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biiscione-archive · 5 years
@kindredsprts  says  :  “  was  i  wrong  ??  ” A  CICERO  /  accepting
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     Though frustration creases dark brows together, he is in no way  U P S E T  with Anne or her handling of the situation she foretold, IN FACT, she handled it all in a much cleaner manner than he would have. His frustration               disappointment              was with the decorem ( or lack thereof ) of the object of her anger. As his brows relax, he conveys his understanding and reassurances with a smile.      “ NO             I believe you had acted MUCH better than I could ever have, but I don’t think that decides the validity of your reaction, ” a hand lifts, seemingly waiving his wordiness. “ You are too hard on yourself. ”
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