lesbianrobin · 4 months
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reachingforaspark · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Okay so, thank you so much for all the tags @fiona-fififi 💕
after I wrote up my summary for Temptation Tuesday of  That’s what you get IE the Brothers in Marriage fic, I had to go work on it a little, so ❗ there you go, Temptation Tuesday proved too tempting 🤣 
That’s what you get 
The wait at the county clerk’s office is excruciatingly, even at seven thirty in the morning. Buck’s working his way steadily through a thermos full of coffee and a bagel with far too many toppings, looking like he’s still hungover. He could be, Chimney is pretty sure Albert still is, judging by the incoherent grunt that came from Buck’s couch this morning when Chim dropped by the apartment on the way to work.
“So can I see the certificate?” Buck asks.
“Keep your paws off it.” Chim draws the folder back, fending off Buck with a hand across the chest, like it will do something against Buck’s long reaching arms. The last thing this very important document needs is Buck’s garlic oil and cream cheese fingerprints before it’s even filed.
In truth, Chimney hasn’t looked over the certificate either. He’d tried, on Saturday morning, still half drunk on champagne and the joy of being Maddie Buckley’s husband. He’d gotten the paper halfway out of its neat waterproof sleeve, just far enough to see the bold typed Marriage Certificate stamped across the top, before Maddie’s- his wife!- teeth on his earlobes had been too much of distraction, and they’d rolled back into their hotel bed.
Buck pouts, slumping back in his chair, but it doesn’t last long before he’s grinning up at nothing. “Can’t believe you guys finally made it official.”
Chim can’t help but match Buck’s smile with his own, relaxing back himself. The giddy grin won’t leave, thinking about the kaleidescope of Vegas lights and Maddie’s beautiful face, flushed and lit up in pink neon in a Las Vegas midnight wedding chapel.
Nothing could dim this happiness.
“Our parents are going to be so pissed.” Buck tells the ceiling.
Chim winces, well there’s that.
“Buckley-Han!” The woman on counter Four calls.
Buck follows Chim to the counter.
“I mean,” Buck continues, “will the Lees be mad?”
“Hold that thought.” Chim tells Buck, then turns to the lady at the counter with a smile. Her name tag says Kathy. “Hi Kathy. Howard Han, filing an out of state marriage certificate.”
She look at them with disinterest. “Paperwork?”
Chim open his folder, spinning it and sliding it across the counter. It seems wild that a single piece of paper would make Chimney’s life better, forever. Kathy scans it over, holding it against some checklist for papers from Nevada, frowning all the while like she hates her job to high hell.
Chim taps his hands on the counter. Suddenly, he remembers the uproar and months of painful teasing about Bobby and Athena’s spur-of-the-moment courthouse wedding. He hopes the Lees don’t feel excluded. He and Maddie hadn’t intended to get married in Vegas, just a spontaneous Buckley and Han siblings trip, the kind none of them had ever gotten to take before, and the kind their little family unit had sorely felt like it had been needing, but one thing led to another, two tequila shots led to four, and then there they were, at the alter.
Surely the Lee’s are used to Chim’s impulsive behaviour by now. And they love Maddie and Buck. And Albert. Maybe they could have Jee break the news? No one could get mad at baby Jee. She could hold a little sign. Sorry my mummy and daddy got married without you, forgive them cos I’m cute?  
“We’ll have a reception, invite everyone, and it’ll all smooth over.” He says to Buck decisively. “No one will mind about Vegas.”
“Any name change paperwork?” Kathy interrupts.
“Oh!” Buck says. “Now’s your chance to be an official Buckley!”
Chimney tunes Buck out, shaking his head at Kathy. Yet another conversation he hasn’t had with Maddie yet. But Chim would wear any name to be with Maddie forever.
“Buckley-Han sounded pretty good just then.” Buck continues.
“Maybe.” Chimney says. “We can decide later.” He turns to Kathy. “We can decide later, right Kathy?”
Kathy sighs and asks to see his ID. Chimney pulls out his driver’s license and slides it across the counter. Kathy asks to see Buck’s ID too, which has him fishing out his license with a confused frown, but he was their official witness, so—
Buckley-Han. Wonder if it’ll fit on the back of his turnout?
Buck beams.
Chimney realises he’s asked the last part out loud.
“Yeah, the station will have two Buckleys now.” Buck says, looking ecstatic at the thought of it, and Chimney doesn’t have the heart to correct him that technically Chim will be a Buckley-Han because, Christ, now Buck’s starting to blink really fast like he’s about to say something really sappy to Chimney. He can’t do that, because if Buck tries, he’ll start crying, then Chimney is definitely going to start crying—  
Kathy smashes her stamp into the table hard, making them both jump. She does it again, then slides their IDs back over.
“You’re all sorted,” She says in monotone. “Congratulations, Howard and Evan.”
Kathy shuffles up her pile of paperwork then gets up, to the back, presumably to file something or maybe she’s just done with them, Kathy seems the sort to just get up and walk away when she’s done with someone, kind of terrifying apathy, really, and—
Buck swallows loudly beside him. Chim hears it over the ringing in his ears.
“Chim.” Buck says, very quietly. “Did she just—“
They both scrabble for the certificate Kathy just stamped and double stamped. Chim’s faster, but Buck’s got those long arms, and he and Buck wrestle with the papers for a second, scuffling until Chim stomps hard on Buck’s instep and he lets go with a swear.
There, vowels and consonants sloppily looped beside the name Howard Han — instead of in the witness signatory where it’s supposed to be— is the name Evan Buckley.
“Oh. Fuck.”
Tagging @inferno-ontherocks @redbelles @sluttyhenley and anyone else with WIPs they’d like to share! 
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captain--sif · 4 years
Jar of Hearts
Word count: 1.3k Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Christopher Diaz & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & general fire fam Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Maddie Buckley, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Athena Grant, Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson Additional Tags: Halloween, 9-1-1 fire fam - Freeform, Heart, Pre-Slash, Getting Together, Supernatural Elements, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Supernatural Elements, Crack Summary:
Buck can’t find where he put his heart. It’s affecting his mood. Notes: Happy Halloween @toughpaperround !
I did my best to make this into a treat, so I hope that’s what it is. If not, I hope you still like this trick.🤗
Based on the prompt: “You’ve stolen my heart, now take responsibility!” by @fic-chi
Read this on AO3, wattpad, or under the cut:
“I can’t find it,” Buck says, his phone wedged in between his shoulder and his ear. His hands are picking up random objects from his shelves, only to put them back down again once he’s sure there’s nothing inside or behind them. He abandons the shelves and turns to his kitchen instead, opening one drawer and then the next. “I’ve searched everywhere, Maddie, and I can’t find it.”
“Breathe, Buck,” Maddie’s voice rings through the speaker. “Are you sure you’ve looked everywhere? That you didn’t just misplace it? Have you looked in your spice drawer? How about one of the pillboxes in your bathroom cupboard.”
“It’s not there, I told you!” Buck yells. Then, softer: “I’m sorry. It’s not your fault. I’m just stressed.” He slumps against his kitchen island, grabbing his phone in his left hand and swiping his right hand over his face. Finally, he unclenches the shoulder previously keeping his phone in place.
“I know,” Maddie replies. “And I don’t want to tell you I told you so, but…”
Buck sighs, exhaustion seeping into his frame. “You told me not to take it out, I know.”
“I still don’t understand why you did it,” Maddie admits. Buck is glad she doesn’t sound accusing, just worried.
“I’ve had bad experiences.”
Maddie sighs. “And I know that. Do you need me to come over?”
“Maybe?” Buck admits. “Yes. Please.”
“No worries,” Maddie says, and Buck can hear her picking up her purse by the rustling sound it makes.
“Hello to you too.” Athena’s eyebrows shoot up, before sharing a look with her husband. “What was that about?”
Bobby picks up an oven mitt, grabs the pot on the stove, and pours the content into a bowl, shrugging. “Buck’s been kind of in a bad mood lately. I’ve tried to ask, but,” he sighs. “He doesn’t want to talk about it.”
“And he’s being real cryptic about it,” Hen continues, motioning for Athena to come and sit down next to her.
Chimney grabs the bowl Bobby’s just filled and brings it to the table. “Maddie seems to know what it is about, but she doesn’t want to tell me, either.” He shrugs. “It seems Buck lost an important item, because she’s been spending a lot of time helping him search. I have no idea what it is.”
“It’s my heart!” Buck cries in frustration. “I’ve lost my heart. At least I thought so, but now Maddie made me consider that it might have been stolen.”
Chimney snorts. “You two keep saying that, but I don’t think that’s how it works. This,” he motions vaguely at Buck, “is not how heartbreak looks like.”
“Oh!” Athena perks up. “Who’s the lucky person who stole your heart, Buckaroo?”
“The last thing they are is lucky once I find them,” Buck mumbles glumly.
Athena’s eyes widen in surprise. She quips sarcastically: “I’m sorry I asked.”
“Good morning.” Eddie opens the door to a Buck with big dark rings around the eyes, his posture slumped, an apologetic expression on his face.
"Sorry that I'm dropping in this early. I've been a little on edge this morning and could use a distraction. Mind if I come in? Or do you have other plans?"
"No, sure," Eddie says, but he's not moving from the doorway. "Chris will sure be happy to spend Saturday with his Buck." He raises his voice a bit for the last part and there's a sound of something dropping heard in the background.
Buck frowns.
"Right, come in." Eddie opens the door a little further, "Do you want some coffee?"
"No, thank you," Buck shakes his head. "I'm crawling out of my skin as is already."
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to frown. Buck thinks he looks slightly… disappointed?
“Chris is in the living room,” Eddie explains, a smile on his face again. “I assume he’s currently putting away his stuff.” Again with the raising of his voice at the end.
“It feels like you’re stalling,” Buck points out. “Why are you stalling? If this is a bad time to drop in, you could’ve just said so.” He’s motioning to the door and taking a step back again.
“No!” Eddie replies in a rush, before catching himself. He adds more calmly: “Please stay.”
This puts another frown on Buck’s face, but he’s not about to question Eddie’s words.
Instead, he passes him to step into the Diazes’ living room.
As Eddie said, Chris is scrambling to gather some things lying around on the table, but as soon as Buck takes a peek at the pulsating red thing in the familiar glass jar, he knows those things aren’t Chris’.
“You’ve stolen my heart!” he accuses Eddie, causing Chris to share an alarmed look with his dad.
Eddie sputters, looking flustered, color rising into his cheeks. “For screaming a love confession, you sound pretty angry.”
“My literal heart!” Buck reiterates. “The one that Chris is holding in the glass jar!”
Chris’ eyes fall onto the jar he’s holding in his hands, his eyes widening, before he cautiously  sets it back down on the table.
“Not that, um,” Buck clears his throat, his cheeks now matching Eddie’s, “the figurative meaning isn’t true,” he swallows. “But, um, I was talking about the very literal meaning.”
Buck breathes in deeply. “Would you care to explain why you took my heart?”
Chris sends another alarmed look towards his dad. But Eddie straightens, sighs, and begins an explanation: “The last time we were at your place, we broke it.”
Chris’ shoulders relax. Buck’s tighten.
“You broke my heart?” Buck says hysterically, his voice raising about an octave.
“But we took it home to fix it!” Eddie rushes to their defense. “And we did! All the tears are closed now. You cannot see a scratch. I even bought a new jar.” He’s pointing at the coffee table for Buck to see for himself.
“I don’t care why you took it,” Buck replies, eyes closed, pinching his nose. “I love you, Eddie, but that is my heart. You can’t just take somebody’s heart without asking. I need that thing to live. Did you think about the consequences before you took it? There’s no easy way to fix a heart. I--”
Buck opens his eyes “Wait. Did you just say you fixed it?”
“We-” Eddie starts, confusion about Buck’s sudden change visible on his face. “We did.”
“Look!” Chris adds, holding up the jar again, and this time instead of hiding it from Buck he proceeds to give it to him. “It looks just like before!”
Buck takes the glass container and turns it around on his palm. Eddie and Chris hadn’t lied to him, no more cuts were visible. No more abrasions. It looks as good as new.
Buck sits down on the couch.
Eddie and Chris share a look of concern and then carefully sit down on either side of him.
Buck is still staring at his heart in his hands. He exhales softly. “How did you manage that?”
“How did we manage what?” Eddie replies in kind.
“To fix it.” Buck’s voice is tinted with a mixture of dejectedness and awe. “It hasn’t looked like this since… I guess somewhere in my teens.”
Chris’ face lights up. “Can I tell him?” he asks his father.
Eddie’s eyes don’t leave Buck’s face. “Yeah, sure.”
“We went to a DIY superstore and got the fancy colorful glue that becomes invisible when mixed! Dad did most of the gluing, but I helped him hold it together and he let me mix the glue.”
A tear rolls down Buck’s face. “Thank you.” He puts his heart back down on the table and spreads his arms to put them around the people sitting at his sides. Chris doesn’t need to be told twice to lean into the hug. Eddie is a little more careful, but once he does, he’s all in.
Then, Buck clears his throat. “But if you ever take my heart again…” he threatens.
You can also find this fic on AO3 or wattpad.
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bucks-little-hop · 4 years
newest addition (1k)
Day 3 of Chimney week - “Awww….She’s adorable” + future fluff
read on ao3 here
By the third time going through this, Chim really thought he would be a pro. He didn’t think he would still be pacing around the hospital, anxious about what would happen. They said it got easier, but really he just got more worried each time it happened. This would be the last time, he was set on that. No more kids.
Some things had been easier. The plan was already in place, the bags by the door and ready to go as soon as Maddie felt a contraction. The due date was circled on the calendar. Everything was perfectly in place, except the newest addition to the family didn’t get the memo about the plan.   
It was only two weeks early, but it was enough to cause a bit of chaos. Chim was at work when he got the call from Maddie. They had just gotten back from a call, and he pulled out his phone, seeing he had just gotten a text from Maddie. All it said was ‘it’s time.’ It took a few seconds for his brain to process exactly what that meant, before springing into action. 
“The baby is coming!” Chim shouted, somehow trying both to take his gear off and put his civilian clothing over the top. Pregnancy brain was a real thing for everyone involved in it. The rest of the crew, who normally would have laughed at Chim, were busy with the rest of the plans.  Bobby was calling the Chief to have the 118 taken offline while a new crew came in. Buck and Eddie were off to pick the other children up from school and wait to bring them to the hospital until closer to the delivery time. Hen’s job was the most crucial of all. She needed to get Chim home to Maddie, and both of them to the hospital. Everyone was rushing around to make sure the plan went off as perfectly as it could at this point. 
Chim somehow ended up in the SUV with Hen, sirens on and speeding to their house. He knew he was supposed to be here, but he honestly couldn’t say how he got here. It didn’t take long for them to arrive at the house, throw the bags in the car, and make sure Maddie was situated. 
The plan accounted for the worst. If Maddie did have to give birth in the car, she had Chim there, but also Hen as a paramedic. They all knew Chim would be too emotional to do it, and Hen had delivered the next most amount of babies. Plus they all knew Buck would blow up Eddie’s phone for updates if he was in the position. Luckily though, that part of the plan was never used. Hen pulled into the hospital, having called ahead to let them know what was happening. After dropping her passengers off, she raced back to the station to switch to a normal car and get Bobby so everyone who needed to be at the hospital could. 
Maddie got into a room just fine, and was able to get nice and comfortable before things got too serious. That was how Chim ended up with his time to pace the hallway. He made sure he was far enough down the hall to not stress Maddie out, but close enough he could come running if something was wrong. He spent the time pacing assuring himself that nothing could go wrong, but also sending a silent prayer up to whoever was listening to make sure Maddie and the baby were safe. He didn’t spend too long in the hallway, waiting to be there for his wife. It was far more stressful for her, she was the one who had to push a baby out. 
They talked about frivlious topics. Enough to keep Maddie’s mind off what was going on but not something that would require too much work. The nurses came in and out of the room, checking on her various stats. They offered reassurances that it shouldn't be much longer, but it really was a guessing game. 
It didn’t take long before it was officially time, and they took Maddie to a delivery room. Chim made sure to send a text to Buck to bring the kids before he followed in. He gave Maddie his bad hand to squeeze. This part he was ready for. With the twins Maddie had broken two of his fingers. They joked it was one for each kid. She hadn’t broken any with their third kid, but this fourth kid was being completely unpredictable. They would have a dramatic last child. 
The cry of their last child did something to Chimney, and he couldn’t hold back the tears. He promised himself he wouldn’t be a sobbing mess when he saw his daughter for the first time, but he broke that promise real fast. He cried for every one of his kids, nothing had changed and he was glad it didn’t. Every one of their kids was their own special miracle. 
“Awww….She’s adorable. The Buckley-Han genes have done it again.” He couldn’t help the slightly watery sound of his voice, he got to see his beautiful wife and their newest daughter together. They could have a hundred kids and he would still react this way. Not that he wanted a hundred kids, that would be too many to handle. He knew that there were still doctors and nurses making sure Maddie and their daughter were healthy, and that the rest of their family was out in the waiting area, but it felt like the three were still in their own little bubble. Eventually the bubble would have to burst, and their daughter would need to go have a full check up as she was born early, Maddie would need to get checked over to make sure that this last delivery has gone as expected, but for now they could enjoy the peace and joy that was filling their little bubble.
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name-me-regret · 4 years
If The World Was Ending 7/?
If The World Was Ending Chapter Seven: A Little Peace Of Mind
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
“I'm so tired I haven't slept a wink I'm so tired My mind is on the blink I wonder, should I get up and fix myself a drink? No, no, no
I'm so tired I don't know what to do I'm so tired My mind is set on you I wonder should I call you But I know what you would do...
You know I'd give you everything I've got for a little peace of mind...”
~I’m So Tired - The Beatles
- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~
Buck looked at his sister with pain and grief, not seeming to realize that either Tony or the rest of the members of the 118 were close by. “I... Mads... Eddie dropped Christopher off with me,” he told her, voice shaking. “He-he thought, you know, doing some actitivities with him would take would-would get me out of my apartment and out of my head.” She reached out to wipe several tears that ran down his face. “Maddie... I brought him to the pier.”
She’d grabbed his hand and now squeezed it, trying not to think of him with Christopher at the pier. It would likely give her nightmares. “And... and I had him. All right, Mads? I-I had him. I-I kept him safe.” He gave a sardonic smile and a forced laugh. “We were, uh... we were on top of a ladder truck, then the water receded... and... then he was gone. I lost Christopher,” he said, a crying mess at that point. Neither Tony or the others could move or say anything as the man poured out his heart to his sister. “I c-checked the emergency refuge camps at the Promenade, at the high school... a cupcakery on Strand,” he said with a hysterical laugh that was more of a sob.
“Oh Evan,” she wept, bringing her other hand over the one she was holding.
“I swear I don’t even remember cutting myself... I j-just... I lost him so I had to find him, no matter what. I couldn’t face Eddie until I did, because how could I tell my best friend I lost his son?” He clenched his eyes closed. “He trusted me and I failed him... failed Christopher.”
She smiled past her tears, beyond trying to keep them from falling as they ran down her face. Tony was at the head of his cot out of Evan’s line of sight, and he was content to stay there, now that he saw for himself he was alright. “Evan, look at you, baby brother. You’re a mess. You lost enough blood to need at least two transfusions.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his forehead. “And you managed to find him, even being like this. Even if you hadn’t, you did everything you could to find him. You are not a failure, Evan Buckley.”
Tony took that moment to reveal himself when he saw Evan about to protest. “You know you’ll never win an argument against her, so don’t even try it. Even I can’t win one and I’m a certified genius,” he said as he stepped into Buck’s line of sight. He laid a hand on Maddie’s shoulder as a sign of support. “And what did I say this morning about staying out of trouble?”
Evan stared up at Tony with wide blue eyes. “Tony? W-what are you doing here?” He frowned. “And you didn’t say anything about keeping out of trouble,” he argued, because of course he would.
Tony stared at him and then looked at Maddie. “Is he kidding?” She shook her head, but there was a bit of a smile on her face. “I’m here to see you. In case you forgot, you were hit with a tsunami, Ev. You were supposed to be safe at home, but I should have known you’d put yourself in the middle of this.” His voice was teasing, but his whiskey brown eyes gave away how worried he’d been. There was a reason he always wore sunglasses, since his eyes were the most expressive part of his face.
Evan licked his dry and cracked lips. “You know, when I said come visit me, I didn’t expect it to be this soon,” he joked, never mind that he was laid up in a field hospital, beat up to hell from a natural disaster.
“Well, how can I not come running when its an invitation from someone as pretty as you,” Tony said with a more relaxed grin, the panic induced worry having subsided a bit. Also, his exhaustion was quickly catching up to him and he felt a bit light headed.
“Ugh, can you two please not flirt over my head?” Maddie said as she threw up her hands. “Honestly, its always the same with you two.”
The other members had heard the whole thing and had been utterly shocked into quiet, and it was finally Chimney that broke the silence. “Buck, you know Tony Stark? And flirt with him?” the man asked incredulously.
The blonde haired man, whose hair was so filthy it looked dark brown at the moment, snorted. He didn’t even seem shocked to see them there, or worrying that they might have heard him and what he’d said to Maddie. “Tony flirts with everyone,” he told the others, seemingly unfazed about them knowing he knew Iron Man. “He once flirted with our 80-year-old grandmother.”
Tony looked offended. “I’ll have you know-” The rest of his sentence was cut off as he suddenly crumpled as his eyes rolled into the back of his head. If it wasn’t for Bobby’s quick reflexes, the billionaire would have hit the floor.
Evan sat up in alarm, blue eyes wide in shock and one arm around his mid-section where he had a contusion from being knocked around when he’d been hit with the first wave. “Is he okay?! Did he get hurt?” His face was screwed up in pain and Maddie forced him to lay back down, but only did when Bobby, with the help of Hen and Chim, had laid Tony onto the empty cot next to his.
“Check him for any injuries,” Bobby said to Hen and Chim.
However, before either could move to comply, the sound of heavy footsteps interrupted them, and moments later the Iron Man armor clanked into view. ‘I’m sorry, Captain Nash, but I’m going to have to ask you to step away from Mr. Stark,’ a mechanized British voice came from the suit.
Bobby and the rest of them held out their hands in a universal sign of surrender, but took it as a good sign that the armor hadn’t lifted it’s hands. They’d seen enough footage of the Iron Man in action (whether from YouTube videos or news footage) to know that’s where the blasts he fired came from.
Bobby remembered hearing Tony talking to someone by the name Jarvis, and wondered if this was that person. Perhaps they were operating the armor from another location. “Jarvis was it?” The other didn’t answer but the armor had come to stop beside the cot they’d put Tony in. Now people were starting to take notice of Tony. “We just want to help him, make sure he isn’t hurt,” Bobby told him.
‘There is no need. Mr. Stark has sustained no injury. His collapse was caused by extreme fatigue. I will take him now and proceed back to the tower.’
Bobby made a face at that, since they all knew what tower he was talking about; Stark Tower, which was in New York. That was a long trip, even in a suit that could go at high speeds. “Or,” Maddie said as she stood up slowly, “you could take him to my house. I have an air mattress from when Evan was staying with me.”
The Iron Man armor turned to look at her, and it was a bit unsettling knowing it wasn’t Tony in there moving it around. ‘Madeline Buckley, you are a trusted person. This is acceptable. Although, I will inform his medical proxy of his location in case he needs any medical assistance.’
Maddie nodded. “Of course, now is it alright to have my boyfriend Howie Han and his partner Henrietta Wilson get him out to my car?” She wouldn’t be able to get him out of here without some kind of help.
‘That is acceptable,’ Jarvis informed her.
Her eyes snapped to Buck as he tried to sit up again. “And what do you think you’re doing?”
Evan groaned as he swung his legs over the side of the cot. “I’m going with you, of course,” he said. As he straightened, his gaze caught with Eddie’s and saw Christopher in his arms. The boy seemed to be fast asleep and Buck felt relief fill him. It was one thing to be told he was safe and another to actually see if for himself. “Chris...”
Eddie stepped closer, the man trying to squash the... annoyance he was feeling ever since he’d heard Tony freaking Stark say Buck’s name (and flirting with him, but he wouldn’t delve too much into that right now). Who, apparently, called him by his first name, as well as a nickname that wasn’t the one they were all used to; Ev he’d called him. Eddie couldn’t describe exactly why this bothered him. “He’s fine... Buck,” he said, hoping he didn’t notice his hesitation.
The man didn’t seem to notice, but he saw Bobby eye him in his peripheral but decided to ignore it for now. “I’m glad,” Buck gasped, his eyes red as if it was taking everything in him to keep from crying. He’d seen how vulnerable Buck had been with Maddie and Eddie had never seen him lose so much control. It burned a bitterness in his throat, especially wondering if Stark had ever seen Buck this vulnerable.
Then the man was grunting as he forced himself to his feet. “Wait, Buck,” Eddie said as Bobby jerked forward as Buck swayed. The man’s parental instincts always kicked into overhear whenever Buck was involved. Eddie at times wondered if Buck reminded him of the son he’d lost, but had never had to balls to ask. There were some things you didn’t ask Bobby Nash, and one of those things was about the children he’d lost. “You should stay. You’re still hurt.”
The blonde man shook his head, Eddie’s lips thinning with a frown that he seemed so intent on accompanying Tony that he was disregarding his own health. “I’m fine, and besides, there are other more seriously injured people that need this bed.”
“Man, why you gotta be so stubborn?” Eddie snapped, quieting down when Chris gave a sleepy moan and shifted in his arms. “I’m sure... Iron Man’s friend can take care of him.” He indicated the suit. “He doesn’t need an escort.”
Buck was looking at him with a confused frown, and Eddie knew he was being unreasonable, but he was irritated. Eddie had almost lost Chris, and then realized that he had also almost lost his best friend as well. It was a combination of everything that was fueling his annoyance; from the dismissive nurse even if he knew he shouldn’t, and realizing he’d left Buck alone while injured. Also, having been yelled at by Maddie after she’d relayed Buck’s condition to her over the phone.
That hadn’t been a fun conversation, but he’d felt a bit vindicated that he’d managed to calm her down. Maddie was never easily calmed when it came to Buck’s safety, and that was especially true after the bombing incident. And she was a force to be reckoned with. So, he’d been a bit irritated with how easily the woman had spoken with Tony, how even Buck had easily bantered with Tony Stark; flirted with him even.
“I know JARVIS can protect him,” he told Eddie even as he stood despite everyone telling him to lay back down. “I’d just feel better knowing someone with a physical body was there to watch over Tony.” He glanced at the suit with a stiff smile, likely because he was in pain; stubborn bastard. “No offense, J.”
‘No offense taken, Mr. Buckley,’ the British voice told him. ‘It would be reassuring to have both of you watching over sir.’
“Are you sure you’ll have enough room at your place?” Bobby asked. “You could all come over to my house. I have plenty of room. Michael has May and Harry over at his place and Athena is on shift.”
Buck didn’t say anything to oppose the idea, since he’d been over plenty of times, especially during his recovery following the two surgeries on his leg. It almost felt like a second home, well third, since Eddie’s house was practically his second home. As for Maddie, she wasn’t too sure. “I don’t know... I mean, as long as J doesn’t have a problem with it.”
‘I’ll just need the address to make sure it’s safe and secure,’ he told Bobby.
The man and JARVIS conversed on the ‘security measures’ that had to be taken. Meanwhile, Maddie helped her brother into a wheelchair despite his protests, while Hen and Chim maneuvered Tony onto a second wheelchair, since it’d be easier to get him into Maddie’s car that way. As for Buck, his Jeep was likely completely totaled since it’d been in the parking lot of the pier when the tsunami hit. So, he would have to ride with his sister.
Eddie asked to come along since he wanted to get Chris home but he didn’t have his vehicle. So, it was a tight fit in the car with Buck, Tony and Chris in the back and Eddie riding shot gun.
“Guess we’re having a big sleepover,” Buck giggled, groaning as it caused him some discomfort. Eddie glanced back at him and almost wished he hadn’t, since Tony was slumped against the taller man, head resting on his shoulder and he hated to admit that they made for a good-looking couple. Buck hadn’t dated since Eddie had known him, since the thing with Abby was finished by the time he came along (despite Buck’s denials), and the thing with that reporter hadn’t been an actual relationship.
Now, he was seeing the man being cozy with another, a man even, and Eddie wasn’t liking it one bit. He just couldn’t (or wouldn’t admit) as to why that was. After all, they were friends, and he convinced himself —not too successfully— that it was because he was used to having all of Buck’s attention, that he didn’t know what to do now that Tony was in the picture.
Apparently, he’d been in the picture longer than Eddie had known Buck.
“I’m not letting you two out of my sight,” Maddie grumbled, looking at her brother through the rear view mirror.
Buck snorted and Eddie bit his lip to keep from saying anything stupid, and that sounded jealous.
Because, nope, he wasn’t jealous at all.-
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