#Just incase anyone tries and fucking come at me with hurdur but it wasn't their intent
shiroselia · 1 year
Also btw since I need to empthasize this
It doesn't matter what SSE's intent with Alex is. It doesn't matter that we know for a Fact the writers were just having a silly old time writing some dumb and fun shit.
It doesn't matter.
This is what death of the author actually means btw, the author's intent doesn't matter for literary analysis, and the author's view of the story is not the absolute view. Because humans can sometimes say things they don't mean, and subconcious bias or prejudice is very real.
Just because it was not SSE's intent to write Alex as stupid, and in that have her entire character read as mocking of working class people, queer people, and depending on your own reading, neurodivergent people (see what I mean with "the author's view is not the only view") doesn't mean that that isn't how it will be read by some people and that doesn't mean that it isn't correct to critique SSE for it. Because it's actually even worse that this has happened for Years now without that intent because it means the writing is Consistently displaying these problems and they're not getting fixed, probably because the writers aren't even Aware of them.
It's not an insult to the writers itself, it's simply media critique, that's why death of the author exists, so we can critique media on its own terms without the author coming in and wagging fingers at us with a "but we didn't mean it" gotcha (sounds familiar?)
It doesn't matter, because the problem exist with or without it being put there intentionally. And it wasn't intentional which is why it's even more important to point out that it's there.
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